(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

aiya... it's ok! We can meet up again in next PG!

Let me try to share some of ur concerns:

- how much porridge ur babies take each time
Two meals a day.

- type of meat given
Fish: Salmon, Cod, Threadfin
Beef: One slab of tenderloin thrown into the porridge for flavor & nutrients. the adults eat the meat

- type of vegetables
Brocolli, spinach, tomato, sweet potato, potato, onion, pumpkin, carrot

- fruits
Mango, grape, apple, banana, papaya, pear,

- what kind of FM bbs taking
Mamil Gold Step 2 (going to step 3 next month)
[Heard we're supposed to mix with some brain development kind?]
[Also heard at 1yo, can give normal powdered milk, no need FM, cos milk no longer Main supplement]

- diapers?
Carrefour (don't buy! leaks!!!)
Drypers (also leaks for nicole)
NTUC, Huggies (not bad)
Pampers (ex, but good for the entire night)
Petpet (just bought with NTUC coupons, yet to try)
Mamypoko pull up( very good, but very ex!)

Hope that helps!

When would we have the next one? Was thinking June may be busy month for all of us cos of bday? Should we have in June? or wait till July?
If you like, I can open my home-at Balestier. hehe... got to pick up my own offer when PG first started. Any takers? Or if Serrich is doing this round, I can open my home for 4th one!

YES YES YES YES YES!!!! my mum and mil are like that too! despite their no no no to lots of things, I noticed when they take care of nicole, they lapse into that themselves! You mil gave ice cream? hehe, mine Yeo's chrysanthemum, Mc fries!!!! They said, don't need be over protective!!!!! *roll eyes*!!!!
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot,</font>
It takes a while for bbs to pick up signs. My gal used to show no interest in the signing DVD and ignore us when we sign to her. Just when I gave up, she just signs on her own. Dun be surprised if Ryan starts signing to you.
My gal is now at the stage of imitating people so whatever we do, she follow suit. During the election week, I think she watched too much of PAP people raising hands on TV, she actually waves her hands up and down as she walks around.

<font color="ff0000">Ixorarred,</font>
I tried to pump but still cannot rid of the blockage. Whenever I get blocked ducts, it will go off on its own but I will have to bear with the pain before that.
*sigh* i always say to my fren, wanna start bf difficult, wannat stop also difficult!

red dots
this is supposed to teach bb maths but i still haven't found out how to use them yet....
<font color="ff0000">Ixorarred, Caymom</font>
You mums are still bfg ???!!! way to go ! admirable commitment !

<font color="ff0000">Ixorarred</font>
The cards were in the bag for sometime till i thot to myself i better get started before i waste the $ buying it.

I managed to stick 1-50 already. I got abit groggy of the dots when i was approaching 50 !

But you know wat's the sad thing after so much effort of sticking the dots ? Esher is NOT interested AT ALL !!!!
She'll look for the 1st 2 cards then look away already. sigh.
So i've not been flashing them very frequently. GD method states must flash when baby in gd mood. So i try to follow that. Not v successful

Hmm...from the very little that i read fm the GD book. It seems like we must flash the cards 3x a day and intro a new set on the 2nd day onwards. That means, every day intro a new set. then retire the 1st set after the 5th day. So if you count, 1 set or rather each card must show 15x. I find it VERY hard to follow. NO TIME at all ! so i just try to follow the 15x rule but i think i nvr accomplish it, i just use agaration cos i find it hard to keep track of the no. of times that i have flashed. sigh. so much for my enthusiasm ! Now i feel like selling the cards away already

She's definitely more interested in picture cards but even then i'm not sure if she's absorbing anything. I'm hesitant to start on the words cards, scared will be the same as the dots cards

oh ya forgot to add, the dots cards quite big, quite hard to flash. i feel v clumsy with it. don't know how come the BJG teacher can make it look so effortless !

<font color="ff0000">cherry</font>
ya the dots are the same as those in popular. if you buying, you'll need 4pkts. we bot 4 pkts from the BP.

<font color="ff0000">caymom</font>
the red dots cards are for teaching baby maths. the rational is that baby should be taught the true value of numbers instead of the usual 1,2,3 etc. after teaching the value of 1- 100 then can move on to equations of addition, substraction, mulitplication, division, etc.

it takes ALOT of effort, determination and commitment. Not ez for FTWM but there're mums who managed to do it. really admire them.
<font color="0077aa">Ixorarred,</font>
Totally agree with what you say. I dunno whether I should pump later during lunch to try getting rid of the block duct, the pain is getting disturbing.

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
Thanks for sharing.
Wow, teaching bbs equations??!!

Very challenging leh...

Yup, still bfg cay but I'm waving white flag already, would want to stop bfg soon, too tiring already.

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
I dun think it is too late to teach Nicole signs. In fact, you may find it easier and more encouraging to teach her now when she is more responsive and motor skills more developed.

Yup, my mom gave my gal ice-cream. My mil follow suit and gave my gal chocolate. My gal also took Yeo's chrysanthemum.
She sucked from the straw when she's around 5mths old. But I'm not very approving of her drinking that so she will go crazy whenever she gets to see the packet drinks. She was so excited during the last PG when she saw the packet drinks lying around.

So nice of you to offer your hse for PG.
Me and hb also want to open our hse for PG. The only problem is our living room not air-conditioned and my flat is very stuffy so it would be rather hot for everyone to be in there. It was rather hot when we held my gal's bdae celebration, luckily it rained in the afternoon and the air became rather cool.
I have the GD ebook. will email to you all.

the dots from popular very very bright, more like shocking pink, so i find a bit hard on the eyes.
<font color="ff6000">cherry</font>
I got the ebook as well. don't need to email me..thks..

oh then wrong colour. the one we had is redish orange. so quite similar. they should have that colour. maybe out of stock. u look ard other popular when u're out shopping.
<font color="ff6000">next PG</font>
Cool! so we have a few location lined up already - serrich, mckee, caymom then can rotate back to bbrooster and myself or anyone else who offers their place

Just got to decide when is next PG. i guess Jun will be hard as every weekend there'll be some baby's birthday party going on

Maybe we can target first week of July ... looking forward !

Also, i can bring my dot cards and picture cards along then we can flash to the babies.
<font color="ff0000">how much porridge ur babies take each time </font>
Half a bowl to max 3/4 bowl

<font color="0077aa">type of meat given </font>
Pork, fish, chicken

<font color="ff6000">type of vegetables </font>

<font color="aa00aa">fruits </font>
apple, pear, grape, banana, mango, orange

<font color="0000ff">what kind of FM bbs taking </font>
intend to start on Gain IQ

<font color="119911">diapers</font>
petpet, EQ Dry, Nepia, NTUC
<font color="0000ff">CD of First PG</font>
Thank you for your compliments of the "professionally" made CD. No lah, just a printout to help you find your way easier.
Glad that you enjoy it. It's worth the effort.

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Wah, you are brave to bring Cay to library - I won't even dare think of bringing JJ into the library, knowing that he would just scream with no prior warning. But imagining you getting Cay out of the library - Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Cherry,</font>
JJ darker? Think because I bring him out for walks more often. His daddy scared that he is fair-fair like a gal and say that he should go out to sun more often. Hehe...

Yah yah, also agree with you about chatting with other mummies about issues. But there are only 2 scenarios that we would be able to chit-chat: if daddies take care of bb during PG or mummies have a gathering without the bbs. Really difficult to talk with bbs around - have to watch out for them, hor?

<font color="119911"><blink>Any mummies keen on a gathering without bbs?</blink></font>

<font color="0000ff">Next PG in June</font>
Serrich, you are opening your hse for next PG? What date is convenient for you?
Mckee, thanks for offering! See how it goes with Serrich, coz promised West mummies that next one in West. Hehe...
<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
I took her to the library at Compass Point. She has so much fun walking on the carpet floor and I do not have to worry about her falling down and hurting herself, unless she goes near the book shelves. She also enjoys pushing the books on the shelves. I let her play with the books until I got a killer stare from a librarian.
She only started screaming when she saw me buying a drink from the cafe and I refused to let her have it.
ok, you can bring the dots flash card and we can play a game with them - the last baby to stay and watch the flashing of the cards wins! Haha...
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Wah, so fast you put my name on the rotation list already. But I'm still having 2nd thots whether I will end up "bbq-ing" everyone at my stuffy home wor.

Ok, next PG we will have Teacher Shane doing the flash cards. Hahaha... like BJG.
Good afternoon ladies!!! Was kinda busy so didnt have time to write my testimonials on all the babies attended the PG. Ok, so let me get started with...

Joelle looked adorable the first time I saw her and she still is now. I kinda pinched her "baba" thigh coz my gal has nothing for me to pinch.

Esher very ke ai and very chubby lor... I love the cheeks..

Adelle has a lovely smile of all. Can still remember she likes to roar and she's very socialable.

Tang Ling
Aiyo... Finally get to see JJ's curly hair. He's quite tall too and think he's one head taller than Meagan. Poor gal, short-short like the parents.

Cay is an expert in walking liao. I remembered when we had the crawling competition, she ended up walking. For her, crawling was way back.

Jay is a very fast crawler and I think he's fast anything man. He's also very fair like you. Gonna grow up to be a charming guy.

I must agree with all that Ashley has a very nice fair skin. Very pretty. I really think she looks like mixed blood.

Nicole is also another sweet gal there. Didnt really get to know you better coz I was late and you left early. But nice getting to know you.

Didnt really get to interact with you rite. Paiseh.. Maybe the next PG we will get to know better. KY was such a smiley gal and she's "no-scared" of stranger hor. That's a good point.
Saw that 2 mummies have answered to your questions of concern and compiled them into an excel file for comparison. Included mine too.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
VariousIssues.xls (16.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>
<font color="0077aa">Jennise,</font>
The crawling competition is so funny. Other bbs started already but cay still gong-gong on all fours staring at me. I think she doesn't know what is going on at all. Sigh.
<font color="ff6000">caymom</font>
it's alrite. when the time comes then u decide 1 2 bbq us or not ha ha ...
next one should be at serrich, if not mckee's.
<font color="ff6000">Hi mommies,</font>
Thanks for ur well-wishes.. Sherilyn is recovering from her runny nose. Looks like my aunts' maid is quite rite abt the lack of Vitamin C in her tats y she very prone to runny nose. After taking PolyVisol(multivitamins for infants) for 3 consecutive days, I can see that she is recovering..

<font color="0000ff">Re PG:</font>
Yah, I can open up my house for PG in early July.. My house still in a mess, store for the LeapPads and I Can Read books.. I am also in the midst of clearing some furnitures.. Kekeke..

<font color="aa00aa">Caymom,</font>
U wanna try GainIQ?? I will let Sherilyn try Pediasure first since she is still on the small frame..
i bought the normal (not organic) ones from Gaints (very cheap about less than $2). I soaked about 1/2 a teaspoon overnight together with one tablespoon of normal white rice. Thereafter double boil with veg and fish for around 45mins to 1hr.

i read that millets are suppose to be easy on stomach and contain lots minerals.
samples for similac and gain iq
mummies that wanna try gain IQ or similac follow on formula can complete a form on pg 3 of last sat's newspaper, life section. Abbott giving out some mother's day samples
<font color="0000ff">signing</font>
everyone is into signing now and I don't think so I have the time to teach my gal.
i will skip signing and hope she will start talking soon.

<font color="0000ff">Playgroup</font>
a lot of you are offering to open your place for the next playgroup and I'm certainly looking forward to it.

<font color="0000ff">ixorarred</font>
thanks for the information. I thought of trying Gain IQ.

<font color="0000ff">adora</font>
i will post the pictures in the yahoo album. too many faces to edit if post in forum.
my hb took more of video shots than pictures. didn't have the competition pictures. Maybe some mummies can post.

<font color="0000ff">caymom</font>
don't worry about the air-conditioning. My aircon was also not powerful the other day.
<font color="ff6000">Cherry,</font>
Thanks for sharing on cooking of millet. Yah, read that millet is good. Would try your method.

This is what I found:
Millet is tasty, with a mildly sweet, nut-like flavor and contains a myriad of beneficial nutrients. It is nearly 15% protein, contains high amounts of fiber, B-complex vitamins including niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin, the essential amino acid methionine, lecithin, and some vitamin E. It is particularly high in the minerals iron, magnesium, phosphorous, and potassium.
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling</font>
i have also started on Millet. but i did not soak the millet before cooking. is it necessary? i just mix it together with brown and white rice and cook for around two hours using slow cooker.

<font color="0000ff">Playgroup</font>
KY in a good mood on saturday. wait until you see her true colours!!! she will scream if she does not get what she want.

Looking forward to the next PG too

<font color="0000ff">FM</font>
Kaiyun now taking Enfapro. now considering Gain IQ or Enfarow. think that Gain IQ is more popular

<font color="0000ff">Serrich</font>
you not continuing with Enfa after Sherilyn reach one year?
glad to hear tt sherilyn is recovering....where did u get the multi-vitamins?

cay can walk liao??wow...tt's fast..so envy...so now u no need to carry her so often liao?

ryan likes to watch bb signing times..but he is not signing lor....anyway,i sort of like give up liao..just let him watch for entertainment...
Hi gals,
i oso need to complain abit..need to let out some anger..
my mil put carrot in the porridge very often for Ryan..n she can say not very gd to cook so often..so double standard,right?

then i told her tt i will bring over some pumpkin for her to cook the porridge,then she said tt this relative told her tt certain pumpkin cannot eat,but dunno which kind...
then i just told her,he dun eat it often,so is ok...

n this is the relative who told her tt cannot eat spinach cos it is poisonous cos bbs are taking formula,so cannot eat it...

wau lau..if everything she say not gd...then Ryan everything oso cannot eat lor..i cant help feeling angry leh..

n my mil oso one kind lah..she dun give pork n chicken at all cos she said nowadays the pork n chicken got a smell,not gd...
so she everytime oni cook carrot,potato,fish n heng cai with porridge..n if she boil soup,she will use the soup to cook porridge instead of water...

i dun wan to say too much cos sometimes,my mil is taking care of Ryan,n usu she will cook dinner for him...but i think if continue like this..he will be a picky eater like her n my nieces..

so now,whenever we are home..i will cook those food tt my mil dun cook...

haiz...she always listen to wat pple say..but dun wan to listen to wat we say...

n do u noe wat happen today??she put fish bone in the porridge to make it sweet,then aft tt throw the bone away...
i told her,it is dangerous,cos there will definitely be bone in it cos we cook the porridge for a few hrs..n by then,the bone will definitely be very soft n come off fr the flesh..n we may not noe...she keeps insisting it will not drop into the porridge n she has took it out liao..

n said fish bone is very gd...n this relative always cook fish bone for her son to eat...

then when i go n scoop the porridge,guess wat i found?? a fish BONE!!! oh my god..i nearly fainted...n wanted to throw away the whole bowl...i cant imagine wat will happen if i did not found it n Ryan has eaten it...n i'm so glad tt i'm the one who scoop the porridge instead of my mil..cos she will definitely miss it...

so in the end..i scoop the porridge spoon by spoon n use my finger to touch the porridge to see if got any bone or not..
i noe is not very hygiene..but i dun wan to take the risk lor..n my mil saw wat i'm doing,keep saying no more bone liao lah...wat if i found another bone??

i noe fish bone is gd...but is dangerous lor..

haiz...sometimes..this type of good will,is not gd at all....

sorry hor...for my long winded post...
Phew, finally had time to read thru all the long postings.. Wow, u all sure did have an enjoyable PG! I am so envious.. Have missed bth PG leow..

<font color="ff6000">shane/ixorarred,</font>
U all working on the Maths dots? Actually i feel that its more encouraging to start pasting the dots from 100 to 1! Also u have to come up with a few sets of equations for 1-100 so that u can start flashing them equations once u have completed flashing the dots 1-100.

It's not necessary to follow exactly the schedule recommended by GD. For myself, i have been flashing Maths/BITs/English/Chinese/Photographic Memory cards to Sherilyn. Every session i limit to 3-4 categories of 5 cards each at least once a day, and at most 2x a day (morning and evening) and repeat it for 10x. Afterwhich I started replacing a new word/picture everyday. Anyway I think i might have overdo it as Sherilyn now totally nt interested in flashcards anymore! Do only start the programme wf them at the right time, ie. when they are happy at the right place, ie. no other distractions from TV/radio, etc..

<font color="0077aa">Cherry,</font>
Got GD ebook one arh? Think i very suaku ley..

<font color="119911">Re Playgroup:</font>
Wah my house living room also no aircon ley.. Hope u all can bear wf it. I will bring out my fans to ensure that the living room is well-ventilated hor?! Kekeke..

So u all prefer to have our next PG on 1 Jul or 7 Jul? I am ok wf both dates. But we will have to start at 2.30pm cos Sherilyn's BJG class ends at abt 2-2.10pm. Hope u are ok wf the timing?
<font color="aa00aa">Jasmine,</font>
I am thinking of letting Sherilyn try this Pediasure ley. Wonder if its really tat good as claimed lah. She has been falling sick very often and she's only 8.5kg at 10.5mths ley. Quite worrying.. Didnt put on wt for the past 1 mth prob due to her cough and running nose. Wanna switch to see if Pediasure suits her better lor..

<font color="0077aa">forgetmenot,</font>
U can buy the PolyVisol multivitamins from Unity Pharmacy. Maybe Guardian Pharmacy also carry this pdt? U can check it out..
the cod fish you bought does it have a lot of bones? I bought a slice of cod fish for joelle in the end we ate it cos there're a lot of bones and some in between the flesh.

How much do you gals buy your threadfin and cod fish? My wet market here is selling $45/kg very expensive. Seems like overprice.

what you said above was indeed dangerous. Sometimes when we slow cook the porridge for few hours the bones may come out from the skeleton.
I have heard of people putting the ingredients in a net. But not too sure what sort of net is that.
serrich, jasmine
joelle also the same. At 11 mths now she weigh only 8.5kg. Managed to feed her till 9kg but because of her false measles
last month she slip back to 8.5kg.
bbrooster,serrich n jasmine,
could it be tt girls are more small size..tt's y weight is lighter??

one pc of threadfin can cost mi $3.50..as for cod..one small piece ard $4..n if big n thick piece..then $7 or $8
<font color="0077aa">Re: Millet</font>
I soak and cook the millet together with rice. Maybe I will try the double-boil method too.

<font color="aa00aa">Serrich,</font>
Is pediasure better than Gain IQ? I want to try Gain IQ because I heard it is very good. My gal is quite small frame too, reaching one year old but only 8.5kg.

<font color="ff6000">forgetmenot,</font>
Yup, cay can walk without support. I seldom carry her since a few mths back. I dun want to pamper her. My mom and hb carry her more often than I do. Usually I just sit on the floor while she walks around to kpo. As long as she sees me, she will not fuss a lot. The moment she sense that I am attempting to move away, she will cling on to me.
<font color="ff0000">cherry/forgetmenot,</font>
Cool down... Don't be so angry wf ur mil leow lah.. Old folks are like tat one lah.. Always have lots of theories and myths to share/educate us but always end up contradicting their very much old wise sayings.. Best is to close 1 eye and ear. Filter out those tat u dont like to see/hear lor.. Voicing out our displeasure will only make them feel that we are over-reacting and being overly sensitive.

My mil don't like to give Sherilyn fish cos she said her skin quite sensitive and everytime her head will have fishy smell after taking fish.. So her advise is to introduce fish only after she turns 1. My mil usually use lean pork/ba kut, carrots/tomatoes, wolfberries to cook porridge. The only food which i discouraged her from giving Sherilyn is mee-sua! No nutritional value and yet saltish. Other than tat, I seldom bug her on what to cook and what not to cook cos she should have experience since she has been taking care of my 23 mths old niece.. So nt much of a complaint on this. But I do give Sherilyn fish over the weekends when I cook porridge for her. Its either codfish or threadfin. Haven intro salmon to her yet. Will prob do so when she turns one.
bb weight
Nicole is very light too! under 9kg... but she's got chubby thighs!
so a little strange.

Cod fish I got is abt same price as yours. Generally, cod is one of the most ex fishes around. that's why it's served in Chinese Restaurants alongside the abalone, sharkfin, peking duck!

you can get a muslin cloth. (that's a bit like silk, or like the little sachets of potpurri?) you put ingredients inside, and cook porridge. then throw the sachet away. A bit like when you cook your own bak kut teh soup. All the flavor in the porridge + nutrients too.
But not advisable, cos bb need to learn how to chew, even if it's very soft carrots/potatos etc.

calm down... at least you saw the bone! maybe you can ask her put the fish bones in the sachet bag like I mention. That would put your heart at ease also!

Sherilyn very blessed to have such a hardworking mummy, giving her various lessons!
I think she want recess time, that's why distracted! hehe...

i don't mind no air-con house!

my place has air-con living room. Just that space wise... hmmm... let's put it this way, the daddies also have to join in the PG, no space for them to sit from afar to take pictures. Cos my living room got no afar place to sit!

had belated mother's day dinner with MIL. She gave a piece of Chocolate fondue to Nicole!!!!!!!! sigh... thank God the choco smell too strong for her, she rejected it in time, before I saw it!
dunno why for my mum and mil, the food tt they feed her, besides the usual good food, they like to INTRODUCE the "sins" in the food pyramid! like fries, chocolate, soft drinks, you tiao, etc... theory: such rubbish will make her stomach stronger!! HAHAHAHA.... why didn't they feed us that when we were younger?
How come I dun see any lovely pics tis time?

Hope u guys can still have PG by August. Cos I think by then Ash will finish her BJG, then I can bring her to mingle wif her lil' frens!

Had Mother's Day Dinner with MIL at Hotstones. Wanted to give Ash the chicken, but she rejected. hee think she find it too dry liao.
Then the next day celebrating with my Mum at Kopitiam. Wow she really in luv with the food there. I only let her eat the bocai,Hotstone Beancurd,Pai Gu Wang &amp; Frog Legs.

Those food all eaten before except the Frog legs. Think she really enjoy eating these food.
But anw once a blue moon eat i think shd be ok.
As for the fried food, i think hor quite taxing to the liver (or Kidney?? cant remember which organ liao!)

Nowadays I'll steam her fish w/ brocholli + tomatoes + wolfberries, add abit of pepper. Hee like adult food liao lor. Then i'm giving her soft rice instead of porridge, to encourage her chewing. Luckily her chewing gong fu is pretty good.

Throwing Temper
Yesterday MIL helped us to bbsit Ash while we went to Dentist. MIL told us she told Ash not to lick the spoon, she said "NO". Then notti Ash started to Poo back to my MIL, for very very long period. Then start to find things to throw. MIL said she was protesting. Haha duno issit true or not. Anw this gal when tell her not to do this &amp; tat, she'll poo saliva out. Sighs, really need disclipinary action liao.
Ash blow saliva when throwing temper too! What type of action have you taken to solve? I tried a few but doesn't help, he cries whenever I raise my voice. Timeout also doesn't help.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
I think the pics for the 2nd PG have a lot of daddies' and mummies' faces in them so no one is sharing them here.
I only have a few pics... I thought bringing hb along will help to take more pics but in the end he was busy running after cay.

Wah, you very garang in giving Ashley food wor. I only dare to give bread and pastry at the moment. But cay finally finishes my porridge.
She will wave her arms in excitement when she sees me approaching with a bowl, make me so touched.

I think the way Ashley throws temper is more like mischief. cay also blows saliva out of mischief. When she throws tantrum, she will use her thunder milk strength to squeeze her fingernails into my flesh. I kena her fingernail kungfu on my neck, face, thighs, arms. She will also push me and pull my hair. I have to pretend to KO then she will stop.

I am also very concerned over her violent behaviour but my parents and hb felt that cay is still too young.
U mean Ian blow saliva hah? hehe
Aiyoh.. I piak her mouth wif my fingers.. quite hard.. in the end she cried v jia lak..
I kept saying NO, she kept doing even more happily.
Think I'll ignore her next time. Mayb she likes to see our angry face.

How abt u???
Err she after 1 yr old liao, so I more garang in giving her the food. But those are the food tat she eaten before, only in a more bland way last time. As for the frog leg, Daddy is the 1 tat suggest, so I Ok lor.. Anw he said frog leg can make Ash jump lor.

Btw I brot her porridge to feed her, she only eat half, so bobian i fed her those stuffs. I think also for exposure. Then hor, she'll chase us to give her more. Very stressed 1.

So nice to hear Cay finally luv ur porridge!!!
U must be real happy hor? hehe

Ya she's v mischievious lor. Once my MIL told her not to touch the fan, she smack her hand i think. THen Ash smack her back afew times. Wow piang, v bad rite?? I cant imagine when she reach the monster 2 age.. i think i'll faint of fatigue ah..

Cay really v bull strength leh!! She's a chili padi. hehe
<font color="0000ff">Throwing Tantrum</font>
JJ's tantrum varies. If he is in a good mood and I say "No", he stops and wanders to something else. If he is in a very persistent mood, he would throw his head back very hard. Dangerous and I have no idea where he learn that from. Sigh...

From what I read, bbs at this age (till 18mths) do not understand what is discipline, but we have to keep saying "NO" in a firm, low voice and explain why (even if they do not understand).

I would also use distraction to diffuse his tantrum - a toy and something else interesting.

<font color="0000ff">Biting</font>
JJ is very vicious now with his 6 teeth - starts biting people liao. When he digs his teeth into my arms, I keep saying "NO!" and he would stop.
Just a reminder to mummies to take note, coz I have a fren whose son bites her and she couldn't do anything (coz she wasn't firm enough and son not scared of mummy).
<font color="0077aa">serrich</font>
U v hardworking ley. I just flash whenever I can. sometimes a few days also nvr flash.

<font color="0077aa">weight</font>
see you all talking about weight. I hv not weighed Esher for a long time. no idea how much is she now

<font color="0077aa">temper</font>
<font color="0000ff">tangling</font> Esher is like that too! She likes to throw herself back to show her displeasure!

I don't like that at all, always tell her no but she still does it. she also will like mess things up to vent her frustration. Got once she was in the tub and i told her not to do something, she got fed up and splashed water everywhere !

Anyway i have sorta started disclipining her. I'll tell her NO NO NO .. then smack her hand. BUT she's not scared !!!!
she'll either divert her attention somewhere else or continue doing the bad deed !

sigh, looks like i'm in for a hard time in the future already.

<font color="ff0000">Next PG</font>
I'm ok for 1 or 7 July. But prefer 1st so that we can meet sooner !
Tang Ling,
My face not fierce leh..

My hb face lucky worst.. simply nice man look.
Think i've to be the devil when come to disclipine next time.

Ya i'll use tat distraction way too!
Sometimes can work, sometimes dun.

So far Ash din go &amp; bite pple.
Ya U have to be firm on the biting part since young. Partly I stop my bf cos she started to bite my nipples.
Pain Ahh..
God our kids not scare at all!
I think i can age very fast leh like tat..

I think they like more happy when see us being provoked. I smack her hand, she laff back at me.
Maybe must smack harder?? But good way or not? She so young. sighs. Wait she hates me how??
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling/Shane,</font>
I guess our kids are the same, cay also throw her head back too. She does it more often at my mom's place. She will also kick her legs in displeasure. Her behaviour really resembles the kids that I ever saw in departmental stores, throwing tantrums when their parents refused to buy them toys. I really pity the parents now.
I dunno what tactic should I adopt if cay really does this. I saw parents just walk away and leave the kid there, some will drag the kids away, some will scold the kids on the spot. Sigh, really hope cay will not be so notty.

There was once my mom imitate cay's behaviour when she threw tantrum. She actually stopped and laughed at my mom. But I can't possibly do it outside right??

I agree that we should tell them "no" firmly, or least do something to let them know what they are doing is wrong and they must stop.
Weight of babies: i think 8.5kg still not too bad.. Lisa is 11.5 mths, but only weigh 7.5kg

Serrich, does Polyvisol really help? Can I give her when she is on medication? Unfortunately Lisa is having running nose and cough now, right after she recovered from her sore throat and high fever.

Discipline: It's really difficult to discipline babies of this age hor. Sometimes I also dunno whether to use distraction or ignore or say NOOO!!
<font color="ff6000">Caymom/Shane,</font>
<font color="0000ff">Throwing head back:</font> Is it? Oh, sama sama. Also keep saying "NO", but still does it. I just hope that JJ won't do that when he is standing - would hit his head HARD.
How to discipline outside har... My mum used to handle tantrum (yap, including mine...) by going home straight. If we insist on buying something or misbehave, she brings us straight home and stay home. No more gai-gai till we learn to behave. Hehe...

Read one child upbringing book that says we should avoid using the word NO, unless we mean it.
e.g., when bb goes near the VCR machine. very often, we say NO from where we are seated. Then they obviously go on to touch it. Then we say NO again. and again. until we finally move towards them to carry them off or distract them.
The book says, that way, the bb doesn't really understand what is NO. Cos, the effects of NO comes out only after fourth or fifth time.
They say, save NO for things which is really NO. Like going near fire, falling off bed etc. When we parents are prepared to move at the instant we say NO.
My hb and I tried. but tough lah. NO seems so easy to say. But it's true. Losing effectiveness. Last time, she'll stop, look at us before continuing her journey to VCR. Now, she'll just SMILE and venture forward!
so we're now trying "that's not for you", "don't do that". We save NO when she puts fingers near the door hinge.
Hope this helps!

Nicole has not shown any tantrum yet. BUT she's shown her cheeky side, when she knows she's not suppose to do something, e.g., take out all the cards/$$ in a wallet, she'll look at us, and raise eyebrow and smile! Amazing... no one taught her! and honestly, it's really quite funny! haha...
