(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Throwing head back??? What does that means?

same lor, I also piak his face everytime he ignore my "no". He will full of tears after being piak a few times. I did try to ignore him, he will seek other ppl's attention if I ignore him, so doesn't help too. So, my last resort is always put him back to his crib and let him blow and cry till his content.

Frankly gals, i'm quite sick of hearing myself keep saying "NO", then quite sick of my MIl saying tat too.

that's a gd pt. thks for sharing. I must try to follow that rule. Forsee will be very hard !

means that they just fling themselves backwards. So they'll knock their head on the floor. it's very dangerous. don't know y they not scared.

i read abt that method also. it's in my consideration but it takes alot of disclipine and commitment to tear myself away from the shopping and go home straight !
hehe... you can say HELP!!!


Also read from babycentre website that it's normal for bb to be like that. So we just have to distract them. Their attention span so short, so I have this box of things for Nicole.
When she wants her way with something that's a NO, we'll take out one item from the box for her.
Some Items in the box:
lots of rough paper
small cornflakes box
vitamin bottle (for sound effect)
old hp
baby wipes wrapper
<font color="0000ff">NO, NO</font> has definitely lose effectiveness on my gal. Sometimes when she is cruising she will keeps mumbling no no, no no, no no as if she's singing. Sounds very cute and funny though.

Throwing head back is like suddenly pushing his own body and head backwards. My gal does that occasionally too.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
I think my hb is also very sick of me saying "no" to cay. He actually bought a tee shirt with the wordings "my name is not no-no" for cay.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
My mom did that when I'm young too. Also, if one child misbehaves, she will beat all of us too.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
My hb also has face of nice man look. Sometimes he even laugh when JJ does something wrong (which is cute). Hehe... But we agreed that we BOTH have to discipline JJ - cannot one scold the other sayang.

<font color="0000ff">Weight</font>
Looks like JJ is one of the heavy-weight bbs here at 9.8kg. Perhaps also because mummy also big. Hehe...
<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Yah yah, my mom did that too. When one is naughty, the other gets beaten too.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Hehe... oh well, then you have to try other methods besides stop shopping.

<font color="ff6000">bbrooster,</font>
Joelle does that? Singing no no no? So cute!

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
I have those items also, but scattered - some beside the diaper changing area, some at the feeding area. They love plastic which makes noise. Oh, I also have a shredded magazine for JJ. This morning, my hb tear a piece out, roll into a ball and JJ was playing with it for 5 mins. Hehe...
<font color="0000ff">Here are some pictures from the 2nd PG. Specially for mummies who wanted to go, but couldn't make it.</font>

Crawling Game: Esher already leading the game. Left: Adelle, Nicole &amp; Esher.

Crawling Game: Esher reached the finish line, but decided to go straight for the toy that caught her attention. Adelle was wondering what is happening???

Crawling Game: Jay is the winner, while the other 3 contestants are stuck at the start line. JJ &amp; Meagan kpo-ing why Joelle is crying.

Staying Game: Ashley is the winner! Joelle &amp; JJ decided to check out the chair at the side. Hehe...
PG Photos..
would someone be so kind as to email me the photos.. i loan my camera to SIL on sat hence didn't take any photos at all.. thanks in advance
<font color="ff6000">Tang Ling,</font>
Thanks for sharing the pics. Seems like the kids are enjoying the crawling competition.
PG photos
yes, cna email me too? i didn't bring camera that day...

Tang ling
now I can see so clearly nicole didn't move at all during competition! haha.
Tang Ling
Thanx for the dotcard template. But you seems to send me too many.. total 16. Hehehehehe....

My gal is the "slimmest" of all. Guez she weighs around 7kg still.

Throwing Head Back
Oh... Most bbs do that too? I thot my gal was the only one who had this bad habit. Hmm....

Next PG
I might not be able to make it on the 1st coz might be goin to KL though. But if everyone is keen on the 1st that's fine, i join u guys the next round then.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
I also kena biten by cay when I latches her but I lun all the way. I realise that the more I dun want her to do it, the more she wants to do it. So I pretend it's not painful at all. She sees no reaction from me, she will stop. Same thing if she attacks me with her fingernails, I will KO and dun move at all, she will go away. If I show pain or any reaction, she will feel encouraged and continue doing it. She likes to pull my hb's leg hair because he will shout in pain. That he cannot lun so bo-bian.
You can really see that she wants reaction because she will pull and look at him, if he shout, she will pull again and laugh happily.
<font color="ff6000">Jennise,</font>
So sorry for the repeated sending. I sent out 1 copy only, but somehow the email server keep sending it because it thinks that it was not sent out. Pai sey. Sori Sori.
After the PG that day, had trouble getting a cab back? Wanted to give you a lift then, but car boot has stroller and float (was bringing JJ swimming), thus unable to put in another stroller.
Hope you, Meagan and your hb enjoyed the PG - it was a little difficult to recognise everyone at the beginning hor? Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
You would probably be getting 16 copies in your email box also. Please check. ;)

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
Is it? Nicole didn't move at all? Hehe...
You could see also that JJ did not even get into crawling pose - so kpo.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry/Mckee,</font>
My photos are no good - blur. Didn't take many anyway. The photos above are snapshots from video and thus resolution not good. But I would try to get more shots and email to you. I would need sometime to get organised though.
<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
Thanks for sending the file. Yup, I also receive 16 copies.

<font color="0077aa">Mckee,</font>
My gal also never move during the crawling competition. By the time she stood up, the others reached the finishing line already.
some pics to share

our little host joelle

Nicole standing tall

Future accountant Jay

Pretty Meagan

JJ's fav yoga pose

Adelle's fascination with buttons

can i look @ your clip?
<font color="0000ff">Caymom,</font>
The sales lady keep recommending Pediasure to me ley. She asked me to try Pediasure.

<font color="aa00aa">Mckee/Shane,</font>
I used to be very hardworking, keeping to the programme.. But have stopped for a more than a mth since Sherilyn lost interest in it.
<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred,</font>
Thanks for sharing the photos.
You have managed to get a pix of JJ chewing on the yellow duck &amp; his favourite sitting pose. Hehe... Dunno where did he learn it from.
Also like your captions for the last 2 photos. So cute.
Hi gals,
hve u heard of this pneumococcal vaccine?my PD was recommending this to us today...n so coincidental,the news mentioned abt this at night...
apparently is better to take cos this disease is very dangerous,n our bb is at high risk..
but it is not cheap..my PD charges $170 per jab..n Ryan has to take 2 doses...
ya..i noe..tt's y i did not say much...oni "complain" here n to my hubby...keke...

the no-no method does not work leh..whenever Ryan moves to the tv console,i will say no n go over n bring him back...but he still keeps doing it...
until to a point,i'm so angry,tt i will piak both his hands..n he will cry n wans my mil to carry...but i forbid her to carry him..
imagine,i piak him,she came n say "ah ma sayang u.." alamak..like tt,how will he ever learn....

Re:disciplining bb...
i oso at wits end..my hb says Ryan is still young,will not understand if i scold or beat him..but sometimes realli very angry..

n i realised these few days tt Ryan is quite fang jian one...he is obviously sleepy liao,but just refused to go to sleep..must wait till i raise my voice or scold him..then he will guai guai go to sleep...
the pictures very cute hor

I read somewhere that it's best not to frequently use the word 'NO' to infants. They'll grow up using the fav word 'NO' during the toddlers years to drive us mad. So instead of saying no, prob we can say things like 'it's wrong' or 'Come over here, that's a good girl/boy' more of positive reinforcement. Guess they'll keep repeating the mistakes but i gathered from supernanny that we just keep on bringing them away eventually they'll know it's a 'restricted area'. just be persistent i guess
Hmm..very active thread these 2 days, where should i start?

I kiasu, bot a tin of Gain IQ on standby olreadi.
Tang Ling, what i plan to do is by mixing 2 MF into a bottle before giving Jay. Slowly i will reduce his Nan 2 HA quantity until he gets acquired to the taste of Gain IQ.

"throwing head backwards":
Aiyoh, Jay also very fond of doing this when he throws a tantrum

He also "screeched" liked a car nowadays like he is testing his vocals, very often too.

Baby Einstein during mealtimes:
These 2 weeks my boy develops this funny habit. He will fuss and not eat unless we put on Baby Einstein VCD. Once the programme is on, he is most attentive, eyes glued to the TV.
He can watched the same VCD for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!( my gosh)

I think i have to get a few more pcs for variety.
Any mommies facing the same situation?

Weight vs Food:
I haven't weight him but should be around 9.5kg(?) He has suddenly grown taller too. Not surprised since he is always stretching to take things from the table, cupboard pulling the drawers, etc..

Food exposed to:
Veg: Spinach,brocoli, chye sim,cauliflower, dou miao,celery,corn, carrot,tomatoes, pumpkin, potatoes
Meat: fish,pork, beef, chicken, silver fish

Lately, i bot small quantity of yellow beans, black beans and red beans. I mix all 3 types of beans and separate them into small bags.
I boiled them as soup-base and used it to cook porridge for Jay sometimes.

"treasure box"
mckee, i liked your idea of a box of assorted things to distract our BBs when they are up to nonsense. Things they liked:e.g calculator, vitamin bottle, comb, biscuits etc...
I'll try it out.

Me very lazy too, i bot the Shicida Cards ( instead of dots, its animals replacing the dots (e.g frogs, chickens etc..)
I have since stopped but occassionally i still flash the picture cards. I'm also reading up on baby signs and trying to practise it on Jay too.

Tang Ling
Can trouble you to email me the dotcard template, many thanks!

Next PG:
I'm all for the suggestion of a discussion topic for each PG. There should be a mothers' interaction/bonding session while our HBs mind the kids..hehe!
<font color="0077aa">Serrich,</font>
I see. I think I will consult my PD first before I introduce the formula.

<font color="ff6000">Ixorrared,</font>
Thanks for sharing the pics. Adelle really loves buttons? She is so bubbly and sociable, a great joy to look at.

<font color="119911">LV,</font>
Thanks for sharing. I have cut down on using "No" on my gal partly because she is too used to the word and also because I want to speak to her in sentences rather than a simple "No".
<font color="ff6000">Jaymom,</font>
ok, will email the dot template to you, but I noticed that your name is not in the contact list. Can you PM me your email address? Don't display your email address here to avoid spam.
Maths Dots..
aiya.. silly me, last night on my way home from work then i realised that i have not send the GD write up on how to use Maths Dots! So sorry.. will send the whole write up including those on words and BITS intelligence.

I don't have everyone's email address. those who want add into the list below pls:
<font color="0077aa">Tang Ling,</font>
Spam mail can be scary. My old email address always flooded with spam mails so I created a new one recently but I dun noe leaving email address here will kena spam.
In fact, I'm clueless how my old email address can kena spam.

<font color="ff0000">Cherry,</font>
I will drop you an email then you will know what is my email address.
can fwd a copy to me too! many thanks! I'll pm separately with this request

yes, adelle really loves buttons. that's why she was chasing meagan ard coz meagan's dress has a row of 4 buttons behind! hahaha
I find myself going straight to look at baby and household items in the Isetan website.
I think I am getting so auntie, can't remember when was the last time I bought anything for myself.
Anyway, I can't find anything interesting so dun think I will be going to the sale. Are you going?
You are not working? Actually I dun really like Isetan sales although I heard can get really good bargains. The crowds are scary. My friends always take leave and go super early to queue. I'm very sian to see crowds lor. You pregnant still want to squeeze with people ah?
bday presents
need to ask you girls, cos I'm a bit stuck. With nicole's bday next month, we've friends starting to ask, what she wants. Can you believe it, I was stuck... dunno how to answer them! so I thought we start a wishlist here for our bb! So when pple ask, we also have an idea of what to reply

Please put in gifts that are wide ranging in price...

1st Bday Wish List:
1. Kitchen Set
2. Zoo Passes (not sure if that's too 'old')
3. Clothes
Throwing head back
I never seen baby doing that, include ian.

Can I have a copy of the dottemplate too? thanks.

Pneumococcal Vaccine.
Hmm, I saw this vaccine will be taken in Ian's schedule after he turn 1.
The heptavalent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) is recommended for all children aged 2-23 months and for certain children aged 24-59 months. The final dose in the series should be given at age > 12 months. Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is recommended in addition to PCV for certain high-risk groups.

1st Bday Wish list
1st Bday Wish List:
1. Kitchen Set
2. Zoo Passes (not sure if that's too 'old')
3. Clothes
4. Lego
5. stacking rings (my friend babies all love this)
6. soft-sole shoes (good ones, example: stride rite)
7. Wooden toys
oh no! I hope you don't think I'm being bu yao lian to come up with bday wish list. It's NOT a wish list for you to buy things for nicole. It's a accumulated wish list for all of us, so we have an idea of what to ask for when outside friends, family, grandparents ask for.
uh oh... hope i didn't create any bad vibes here!
Pneumococcal jab
Nicole took hers in Mar-Apr. Her next jab in June. Didn't have very good experience with this jab though. Cos she was big enough to understand what's happening. She wailed when jab went in, subsequently created fear of Doc!

And unlike the HepB jabs, this time, she had fever.
But heard lots of good stuff abt this jab, and how important it is. Also heard tt by next year, it'll probably be a compulsory jab for all bb.

What's stride rite?
<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
Aiyo, why u like that?
Kekekeke.. actually, this morning I was thinking of asking u to come up with a wishlist so that we know what to get for Nicole when we attend her bdae party.
No need paisey one lah, my guests also asked me directly what to get. Better this way mah, at least you wun end up getting duplicate toys or things that u dun need.

I dun have anything to add to the list though.
I simply told my guests "clothes or ang pow".
Pneumococcal jab
How did you mummies know that baby need to take this jab ? Esher has not seen the doc for awhile. The last was when she had fever. And the last jab she had was for the Hep B.

Do I need to bring her for a check up soon ?
wah! shoes very nice! but they don't have in Spore! It'll certainly make bb look very sporty!

Wooden toys ... they like them? I was afraid it may be too painful when they bang it on themselves. Are such toys hot in US? I think in Spore, the weather doesn't allow such toys to be well kept.

don't like that lah... me pai sei mah! suddenly, no one post in forum... looked like everyone kena shocked by my last post! hehe...
I came up w wish list more for a feel of what other bb want and then realise what nicole lacks! haha.. but for your benefit and many of us, I'll add in your wish:

1st Bday Wish List:
1. Kitchen Set
2. Zoo Passes (not sure if that's too 'old')
3. Clothes
4. Lego
5. stacking rings (my friend babies all love this)
6. soft-sole shoes (good ones, example: stride rite)
7. Wooden toys
Birthday wishlist
Actually I hope not to get alot of toys
cos i find they'll take up lotsa of space.

Clothes, shoes, books I like. Best of all, contribution to her education fund is the best! ha ha ....

I intend to communicate this to my guests if they ask. Might also weave it into the invitation.
so not shy hor ha ha ...

anyway, so sad, i couldn't get the date i wanted for the function room so i might have to celebrate her birthday much earlier
nope..i'm not working......actually hor..last yr when i'm preg with Ryan..i oso go to sale with my big tummy..i even go to the warehse sale in expo...hehe..i siao one lah..

i oso get to noe abt this vaccine when i ask the pd wat vaccine is required when Ryan turns one yr old..then she recommend mi this lor..

1st Bday Wish List:
1. Kitchen Set
2. Zoo Passes (not sure if that's too 'old')
3. Clothes
4. Lego
5. stacking rings (my friend babies all love this)
6. soft-sole shoes (good ones, example: stride rite)
7. Wooden toys
9. tricycle
10. books??
Does singapore famous on giftcard? Its very common in US to give birthday presents as gift card, just like angpow. Its also common for them to put in what the birthday kid's wishlist too.

Books is another good gifts for kids, its time to build their library collection! I ever watch a baby talk show, they actually don't recommend too much battery operated toys. The top lists are those wooden puzzle and books.
Wah, you really good leh. When I big tummy, I rather stay at home. I scared kena bump by people or I go and bump people.
Oh, so you are a SAHM.
