(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

hi mummies
I have sent out an email to those who are attending the playgroup on 13 May 2006. If you have not receive please let me know.

I don't have your email address.

Hey!! Congrats to you... N Do take care of yourself and Ryan. Wish you and bb speedy recovery.

Meagan can only cruise in her cot. Far from walking independantly too...

That's close. Juz 3 stops by MRT. hehe.. My lau kung will be joining.
Hi gals,
thanks for the well wishes..
i do hope Ryan recover soon..realli heartpain to see him cry so hard n struggle when he is on nubliser...
this boy realli has alot of strength..2 persons hve to hold him while the other person hold the mask...
no choice ah..we just let him cry n struggle..
hehe..my mil's neighbour,even wonder wat's wrong,y Ryan cry so hard..they nearly wanted to come over n take a look..
so now,my mil paisay liao,will close the wooden door when we nublised Ryan..

dunno y nowadays alot of pple falling sick...my mil,niece and my sil,one by one fall sick...so realli hve to take care...
got your email! You are unbelievably thoughtful!!

Really hope I can come down next sat!
Hi gals

Here are some prices I got from Room for dessert, ca use as a reference. You can also email to them directly for prices for the cake designs u like.

2D Novelty "Cut-Out Shape" cakes:
Number 1 Teddy (3kg) - $50 per kg
Cute Dog (3kg) - $50 per kg

2D Novelty Designs on a Square or Round cake :
Ladybug (3kg) - $45 per kg
Barnyard with Musical Instrument (3kg) - $48 per kg + $5 for 3D bird & bee
just to share, a lot of those no name cake shops are making cartoon cakes at prices 30+ /kg. They are also not so particular with infringement of copyright issue.
Room for dessert cakes also not cheap. I also got consider ordering their cake. But they are close on Sunday therefore no delivery on that day.

Now I have to change the b'day party to Saturday or order from another cake shop.

ya... i've same problem... party on Sun, but room for dessert don't open on sundays!!
Gals, pls try to avail yourself on Jun 18 (sun), all of u are invited to nicole's party!
In process of doing the invitation cards now! will send you the soft copy when ready!

Now i've got to look for a nice cake place that does sunday, and doesn't charge lots!
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup</font>
Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake) (Vtech Rhyme &amp; Discovery Book)
2) Shane (ok dropping my agar agar since no need to bring food hee hee.. Toy: winnie pooh on car)
3) Jennise (TBC) Toy: Lego Pull Along Duck N Duckling
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies? Toy: FisherPrice Stacking Action Blocks)
11) caymom (Playskool hit the bed bugs)
12) serrich (TBC)
If you are bringing the dianxin-mini chicken pies don't bring too many otherwise cannot finish.

I hope all of you receive my email regarding the gathering on 13/5 Sat.
wow, u all are so geared up for babies' birthday! I haven't started any prep yet!

Hey mummies,
so wat's gg to happen to our own bday bash ? hee hee ... still on?

<font color="0000ff">June Bday Bash</font>
<font color="0077aa">sug dates: tentative 3rd/4th June (sat/sun)
shall we set the date to be 4th June?, Pls indicate if you can make it or not. Then i can go ahead n book the place - subject to availability.
for consideration: shall we order a cake to share and cater food ? mummies, whose baby's bday has passed can opt out of the cake sharing.
venue: hougang </font>
1. caymom (ok with 4th june)
2. jasmine (3rd or 4th June)
3. shane (ok with 4 june) > food &amp; cake
4. Tang Ling (ok with 4th June) > ok with cake &amp; food, pls include me.
5. cherry
6. bbrooster (TBC)
7. serrich
8. jaymom (TBC)
9. adora (TBC, coz 3 Jun is Raph Bday) > ok with cake (&amp; food as well?)
10. ixorarred (TBC)
11. erlisa (TBC)
12. Dunnoleh (TBC)

<font color="119911">for food we'll cater? or shall we just potluck ?</font>
I think you can't be as last-minute as me. My gal's celebration is this friday and I only ordered the buffet and cake last weekend. I was so stressed up when I had problems ordering the buffet because this weekend has vesak day and mother's day.

I also dun have much choice in birthday cake because some cake shops require the order to be made at least a week in advance. I also dun have time to think much about the deco, luckily we saw some cute birthday deco from NTUC. Hahaha.. we really very chin-chai.

At first I thought dun need to do so much since the celebration only involves immediate family members and my gal probably wouldn't remember anything. But each time me and hb discussed, we will end up deciding to do more and more...

I'm also rushing to tidy up my home over the weekend but not enough time, so these few nights have to buck up, at least clear the mess in the living room.
I also never expect to find birthday deco at NTUC, we were shopping for grocery actually. There are balloons, party packs, birthday flags. I did not intend to do any deco at first because we did not invite any children. But we saw this very cute Blueclues birthday flag and decided to buy it. Me and hb are fans of Blueclues.
We also bought a pack of Disney character balloons.
Birthday Cake
I was browsing thru a few websites and didn't know which to choose..... I was looking at this cake from 3creative that looks nice but a bit hard to cut, i think.. http://www.ecreative.com.sg/cakes_details.asp?PSID=230

I've also tried the cakes from The Royal and i love it... Yummy... Check this out! Thinking of this as well.... I think it's more value for money. Presenting Dark Choco Truffle Cake.. http://royalcakes.com/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=27

Bengawan solo's Disney character cakes also not bad.... http://www.bengawansolo.com.sg/mickey/baby_mickey_&amp;_minnie.jpg

Hmm... Undecided! Tentatively might choose the second one coz the cakes are really worth paying. Hehe..
<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot,</font>
Congratulations! Not easy to manage #1 with #2 in the tummy. Take good care of yourself.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
About the <font color="0000ff">bday bash</font>, when is the latest you need to book the venue?
Could you include a date for reference, like a dateline for confirmation?

<font color="0000ff">Birthday Cakes</font>
Wah, The Royal looks GOOD! Actually, I am thinking of getting my own bday cake from there too! Hehe...

<font color="0000ff">Playgroup on 13 May Sat</font>
Looks like so far only Jennise and Serrich is TBC. Are you coming?
Come lah - this PG is special - Mother's Day version!
Come celebrate together?
JJ's first time in the float:

When he is excited, his legs would paddle like a duck, otherwise, he would be just biting the handle on the float and does nothing else. Lazy boy.
<font color="0077aa">Jennise</font>
thks for sharing. I nvr come across The royal before. Their cake looks very delicious. you have tried them yourself before ? Wld be great if they had more fanciful design for kids.

<font color="0077aa">tang ling</font>
actually to secure the room, it will be ideal to book 1 mth in advance - which was last week. I'll try to make a call tomorrow to check if the room is still available. If yes, then we can decide if we want to go ahead and quickly book the room.

But...i got my reservation cos alot on the list is TBC and that leaves only a handful of us who's onz so not sure if we should go ahead....
<font color="0077aa">tangling</font>
JJ looks very cool and relaxed in the float. I didn't get that with Esher. she was quite frightened.

<font color="0077aa">mckee</font>
My close friend wedding is on the 18th ! Hubby might be helping out in the wedding. Will try to make!
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
<font color="0000ff">Bday bash:</font> Yap, I have the same thoughts - most mummies are not too keen and each is buzy with own bday prep (can understand). Perhaps we should just call it off and make it another PG in mid June?

<font color="0000ff">Swimming:</font> Hehe... Actually, JJ was not comfortable at the beginning that day, keep wanting us to carry him. Maybe water a bit cold.
Did you bring Esher swimming in the evening? At that time, water is warmer. Better bring Esher into water again soon, otherwise if she gets scared of water, difficult liao.
That day at the pool, met a 1.5 yr old little gal who is too afraid to even put her foot into the pool. The mum said that she is ok at 6 mths, but now... I read that best time to introduce swimming is 6-12 mths.
<font color="0077aa">tangling</font>
Ok i agree with you. June is also a busy month for us. Every family celebrating baby's birthday
Let's just make it another PG then. We can just play by ear when the PG happens. Maybe can just get a cake for a simple celebration.
Just like this May PG, we celebrate Mothers' Day. Our first Mothers' Day

<font color="ff6000">Mummies, pls note:</font>
<font color="119911">Jun Birthday Bash is OFF. We'll meet for PG instead.</font>

<font color="0077aa">swimming</font>
I brought her in the afternoon. I guess water is colder then. Yes will have to try again soon. Don't want her to grow up and be afraid of the pool !
caymom, yrs is may bb? 4gotten yr bb dob liao :D

Jennise Dark Choco Truffle Cake from Royal nice yum yum... make me feel like gg buy later

Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake) (Vtech Rhyme &amp; Discovery Book)
2) Shane (ok dropping my agar agar since no need to bring food hee hee.. Toy: winnie pooh on car)
3) Jennise (TBC) Toy: Lego Pull Along Duck N Duckling
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies? Toy: FisherPrice Stacking Action Blocks)
11) caymom (Playskool hit the bed bugs)
12) serrich (TBC)
13) Dunnoleh

June Bday Bash ...tin dun nd order food lah all of us r bz w our bao bei...oops while I type then I c the post from Shane... PG is good enuff lah
hi mummies,

its been a really long time since i last logged in...been very busy lately....busy with work mostly and will be busier in the nx few months

I am also starting to think about how to plan for Cayden's first birthday....which is approaching soon!!! got to plan fast...

saw the pics of the PG, the bbs seemed to have a good time. the nx one is on 13 may rite? really wanted to join u guys but we've got plans made already...hopefully, i can make it for the nx one. enjoy urselves!!!
<font color="ff6000">Dunnoleh,</font>
Glad that you are coming for the PG!
Looking forward to seeing you.
If we get the chance, we can also play the video of last PG so that the new mummies who were not there could have a look what happened then. Actually, just chaos. Hehehe...
Not sure if BBrooster would be logging in these few days - I would fwd her email to you about her address for the PG.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
okie. We just concentrate on preparing for our bb's bday, and yes, perhaps have a small celebration at the next PG.
Hopefully we could have the next PG at somewhere else besides North-East, otherwise other mummies may find it a hassle to always travel so far.

<font color="ff6000">Babyjun,</font>
Wah, really long time no hear from you. Yap, the last PG was really fun, and the next one is coming up this Sat. Special one because this is our FIRST Mother's Day!
Too bad you can't join us. Have a Happy Mother's Day in advance!
<font color="0077aa">tangling</font>
Maybe ask Serrich to open her hse ... if not she always say it's at north east ha ha ...
But her plc is all the way in JURONG !!!
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
JURONG... oh well, having Serrich to come all the way to Serangoon for PG is the same, hor?
We have to be fair - if Serrich is willing to open her hse, than perhaps Western mummies would go. Hehe...
We don't have a lot of Eastern mummies hor? Looks like only Cherry.
hello gals!
been very busy at work but really look forward to catching up with you all again this Sat.
We will be late as there are alot of activities on that day:
- Ashley's BJG
- one of the nephew's birthday celebrating at Macs
- PG!
i just hope Ashley will not turn into a monster at night given that there is so many activities in one day.
Royal Cakes
It's as yummy as it looks.. My hubby loves the mango cake BEST. Anyway, he's not a chocolatey person. hehe..

Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake) (Vtech Rhyme &amp; Discovery Book)
2) Shane (ok dropping my agar agar since no need to bring food hee hee.. Toy: winnie pooh on car)
3) Jennise:Lego Pull Along Duck N Duckling:mini puffs
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies? Toy: FisherPrice Stacking Action Blocks)
11) caymom (Playskool hit the bed bugs)
12) serrich (TBC)
13) Dunnoleh


You dont mind i bring mini puffs? I know, I wont bring too much. Later cannot finish.

Tang Ling
JJ looks very cute in the float. We also bought a float for her but haven't got a chance to use it.

Come lah! Hehe
Hi Hi Hi! Yah, quiet day. On somedays when I can't login, there would be so MANY postings I couldn't keep up.
You are coming for PG! Really looking forward to seeing you &amp; Meagan.

How come haven't got chance to use float? Not swimming lately?
Have not seen you post lately about baby food. Hehe... What are you feeding Meagan now?
Cherry u so brave keke. I dun dare let Mel try so many activities. Ytd I let him crawl ard the room he so excited and happy --- result he cough cough sleep kept wake at 9
Tang Ling
Hehe.. Looking forward to see you and JJ as well and of coz not forgetting other mummies too. Ya... Haven't been to the pool for a while liao. Lazy.....
Talking on baby food, I'm giving salmon to Meagan now. Guez that's the only new food that I've intro to her. Hmm. .. Wat else har? Wat do you feed JJ huh? Any new concoction?
<font color="0077aa">tangling</font>
Yes agreed. only fair to rotate around. so let's see if she wants to host the next PG hee hee...

ya not much western and eastern mummies, mostly Nth east hee hee....
<font color="ff6000">Jennise,</font>
Baby food: does Meagan like salmon? Have not tried that, but would like to.
I tried dried apricot &amp; raisins for JJ. High in iron and easy standby food to prepare. Usually for his breakfast.
Started on mince pork, but find that the pieces are large, so I blend it to smaller pcs before feeding.
Trying millet now, but still experimenting how to cook it - very mashy leh.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Yah, just realised that mostly NE mummies. So if we have a PG in West, the NE mummies can charter a bus to go together! Hehehe...

<font color="0000ff">Playgroup</font>
Just out of blue remembered seeing a posting that someone asked if <font color="ff0000">any hbs going?</font> If your hb wants to come, by all means, please do come! Don't be paisey.
For the last PG, a couple of dads were actively mixing around with the... bbs. Hehe... If your hb would enjoy it, do come along - it is not restricted Mum-BB gathering. Hehe...
My hb enjoyed it and he is coming along again this time. He also doubled up as video man the last time.
aiya... I want to go! must really try to get car and get there! want to see all the little cuties!

I just did some budgeting! my goodness, if the scale of her party is going to be like that every year, by the time she turns 16, I could have paid downpayment for a new HDB flat!

now I'm reconsidering making her 1st party such a BIG one. spoke to some experienced mummies, and found out when the child turns 3-4, more worth it to spend the $$ on nice cake and agar. They said after party, got plenty toys for baby, but they also got plenty holes in the pocket!

hehe.. I told my hb, can u imagine when she grows up, of all her bday photos, the grandest one is her First party, of which she has no memory!

how? feel so bad... tt this mummy is having 2nd thoughts of making it a nice party.
new food
I just gave nicole barley to drink. Cos she's constipating.
Also tried Meiji yoghurt. haha... she likes it! finished the entire cup! But got major scolding from my mum for that. Said it's too cold for her!
I gave meiji yoghurt once to my baby last month, dare not give whole cup. I think we cant give whole cup lah mckee.... u wan her LS ah. I try 2 use those plain yoghurt and I tell u I puke out so SOUR keke. so I mix w banana and my baby like it.
oh ya ytd got a china salesman cm sell "rainbow" vaccum. Quite tempted to buy. any of u bought? But he said only buy on the spot got free 10 yrs waranty + 200 trade in. It is 3K+. While I considering I offered him a drink he drink and throw the packet of drink infront of my house and I immed tell him "No thanks"
hehe.. she never LS, instead she constipate! haha... I bought the Meiji mango... nice and sweet.

Rainbow Vacuum
I grew up with it. Very good lei. but super ex!!!! this salesguy you got too much lah!
Actually, no need to buy on the spot for free 10 yrs. The company offers the 10 yrs warranty with purchase. Also, they should offer you interest free installment for 3 years.
Me didn't buy lah...although my parents had it, but I didn't think it was great enough to buy, cos you got to be really disciplined to lug the thing out to use each time!
<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
Come to the PG leh - must try to get the car or just catch a cab? Would be even more fun this time because its our first Mother's Day! Must try to come, okie?

Don't feel bad about down-scaling the bday party - it is entirely up to your personal decision. Like you said, they can't remember anyway. Hehe...
We have decided to just make it a small family event for this 1st bday. Not planning on having this every year though - not necessary. And to the kid, it is probably just about getting a lot of new toys. Don't want to spoilt the kid this way too. The occasional elaborate bday party when he is older would be ok though - would be more fun &amp; memorable to have the party with little frens. Hehe...

<font color="0077aa">1st Birthday party</font>
I have the same thots that's y so much hesitation. 1st Birthday party mainly for adults so I think i want to enjoy it too. Big parties are hard to manage and you'll be kept so bz instead of enjoying the food and company.
