(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

forgot to add...thks for the disc! must have taken you alot of time. so pai say
really appreciate it

y do you call her miss k ? anyway, miss k is very cute ! i love all her expressions and 'pattern' hee hee.... hope to see her again soon !

hehe... feels funny now that we have graduated to this new 'class'!

bbrooster, you're an incredible host! Thank you for opening your home and sharing with us your place!

So sorry, we had to leave early. But we had a great great great time. it was fun to put faces to your names, and definitely a joy to see all the babies or rather toddlers! hehe!

Miss K (ya, why you call her that?)
She's really so friendly and smiley!

Joelle (the hostess!)
Did as great a job as her mummy! Nicole (or rather I) learnt how to use walker now!

JJ (natural curls cutie)
hehe... he really likes the yellow duckie! His curls make him gorgeous looking!

Esher (old fren!)
She's so cute as usual with lovely pinchable cheeks. Today, she shown forth her athlete's powress!

Megan (petite one)
So pretty, so petite! Even my maid feels she looks like mummy!

Jay (?- sorry I forgot his name-the only other prince today tt I saw)
hehe.. he's so shy when he came, wah! but when warmed up, super fast man! esp during the crawling competition!

Ashley (mei nu)
so so pretty now, so fair too! grown up looking!

I hope i didn't forget anyone! I;m sorry if i did! bottom line, I had a great time, and looking forward to next PG!
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster,</font>
Thanks for opening your hse for the PG. We had a great time. It's really fun to have the games and thoughtful of you to prepare the presents.
Sorry for being late. We tried to hire a cab at Serangoon MRT station but there was none in sight, probably because of the rain. We decided to walk in the end. We were quite lost half-way but I managed to find the way eventually.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
Thanks for the CD. I enjoy watching it.
I think cay played more at the first PG. She was more interested in kpo-ing around bbrooster's hse yesterday. JJ was very well-behaved yesterday.

<font color="119911">Mckee,</font>
So the mummy coming down with maid is you! Bbrooster told me you just left when I arrived. I told her I met a mummy coming down on my way up but I'm not sure whether it's you.

<font color="0077aa">Jennise,</font>
Nice meeting you, your hb and little Meagan. She is so adorable.

<font color="aa00aa">Jaymom,</font>
Never expect Jay to crawl up to me. He is such a warm and friendly bb, my cay is very shy and clingy to me.
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Mother's Day:
No ley, nothing also from my hb. I told him Dont tell me the one sitting in the highchair is my present. It doesnt count.. Hehe

CD of video clips:
No problem at all, my pleasure! Since nobody else brought videocam, it would be fun to share the special moments. When I was testing the discs on TV, JJ would be glued to the TV - we are joking that he remembers and recognises his frens! Hehe...
I hope the mummies could view the video clips on VCD player - if not, please try the ones in the folder "For computer". There is a clip starting with a close-up of Esher. So cute!

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Could you see quite a lot of Cay in the video? Most of the time just walking towards my hb holding the videocam. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Adora,</font>
Missed Raph and you at the PG. Your disc is with me and would pass to you the next time I see you.
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup at bbroosters</font>
It was really fun! The games were exciting though JJ lost every time.

The size of the PG is increasing and thats good! Hope the new mummies had fun too though it does take a while to match the names and faces. But hor, I have problem trying to remember all the nicknames + real names. Confused if we should address by nick or name?

<font color="0077aa">Host:</font> Thank you to our very gracious host for opening up her place and all the prep (games, food etc). You were such a good host, but sorry you have to eat the leftover pastries for the next few days. Hehe Not that the food was not nice, but no time to eat leh. Time flew by SO QUICKLY when having fun and everyone forgot about eating.

<font color="0077aa">Hubby at PG:</font> It was really NICE to see so many daddies at the PG! Hope they enjoyed themselves as much. My hb got to carry some bbs too I asked him if he was selecting potential gf for JJ. Hehe

<font color="0077aa">Babies enjoying themselves:</font> Noticed that some bbs were especially happy yday KY, Adelle, Esher. All couldnt stop smiling. So cute! KY especially at the clapping contest so happy! Jasmine, you must have prepared her beforehand for the contest. Hehe
<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot,</font>
Yah, really not easy being a Mummy, and this is only the beginning. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
No problem - my pleasure. Glad you liked the video clips. Try watching on computer for better resolution.

JJ was well behaved? He was so clingy that my hb asked me to stay out of his sight. Hehe... He was grouchy because he just had a short nap before going and was tired.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom, Jennise &amp; Mckee,</font>
Really good to finally meet you.

<font color="ff6000">bbrooster,</font>
Joelle crawled back onto my lap after I placed her on the playmat. Looks like she likes sitting on my lap. Would be easy to kidnap her. Hehe...
<font color="ff6000">Tang Ling,</font>
Yup, saw a lot of cay in the clips. Hope the others dun get too bored by it.
I saw the clip on Esher, she is so chubby. I wanted to secretly pinch her yesterday but no chance.

I was hinting to my hb this morning abt mother's day celebration and he started saying what he will be giving his mom.... then I said wat abt the other mom. Then he said,"what other mom, you mean your mom ah?" *faint* He bursted out laughing when he finally realise wat I'm hinting.
He told me I should ask cay, not him.

Not only JJ, cay also never win any contest. Being the oldest bb doesn't have advantage at all.
<font color="0077aa">Jasmine,</font>
KY looks so sweet in the little dress. I also think she has this intelligent look. Now that Tang Ling mentioned, I noticed KY is really very happy yesterday. She won so many presents. Thanks for giving one to cay.
You really prepared her in advance hah? Cannot play cheat one leh.
Joking lah. My hb told me we must train cay up so that she will be more zhen qi next time.

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
Esher is still as chubby. Yesterday she looked very happy, missed her cute roar.

<font color="ff0000">Cherry,</font>
I'm impressed with Ashley in the "independent bb contest". I also had a good laugh when you sing the song with Ashley. So cute.

thanks for opening up your house
you are a great host. hope that we did not mess up your house.

Tang Ling
hee hee, yah think Kai Yun enjoyed herself yesterday. but hor she now very naughty leh. dun know is it we pamper her too much. btw, thanks for the CD. so professionally done. must have take up a lot of your time.

Jaymom &amp; Jennise
Nice meeting you for the first time.

Megan so pretty and sweet like mummy

Jay crawl very fast leh. must be very tiring chasing after him

Esher can walk a few steps already?

i reached quite late so no chance to meet up with you. maybe at the next playgroup.

Congrats. take care of yourself too..

how is little sherilyn now? Kai Yun 'pat pat' to sherilyn mei mei.
<font color="0000ff">Jasmine</font>
KY was happy and sociable. The 1st playgroup she was quiet.

<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
Joelle also needs more training. Get her ready for the next playgroup. Maybe the next playgroup we will have walking competition instead of crawling liao.

<font color="0000ff">Ixorarred</font>
My MIL say Adelle will grow up very sociable cos she's active and not shy.

<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling</font>
MIL also say JJ is a goody boy.

<font color="0000ff">Shane</font>
Esher seems like will be the next baby to walk same like Nicole.

<font color="0000ff">Mckee</font>
Nicole can stand so steadily for a long time. How did you train her? Joelle just refuse to stand. She always need to hold on to something. Everytime I put her to stand she will bend her knees and crawl away.

<font color="0000ff">Cherry</font>
Ashley is so pretty with very beautiful skin. Did you eat a lot of bird nest when you are expecting? I eat also leh. Seems like Joelle gonna inherit his daddy's problem skin. sigh...oh no!

<font color="0000ff">Jennise</font>
Little Meagan is petite and cute. Meagan mummy is pretty.

<font color="0000ff">Jaymom</font>
Your boy is a little charming prince. He is so fast in crawling and the olive oil you put on his hair looks like he styled his hair with gel.
Very nice.

<font color="0000ff">erlisa, dunnoleh, adora, serrich</font>
We miss you yesterday. Hope to see you at the next playgroup.
My husband and I enjoyed having all of you around yesterday. And we don't mind opening our house again next time.
But we'll give others a chance. Sometimes it can be quite boring only the 3 of us at home. We always enjoy having
friends around for coffee, wine and chit-chat after Joelle is asleep.

We are glad to hear that all of you had fun.

Maybe when the babies are older the mummies can sit down and chit-chat and also the daddies. The children can play with
one another.
<font color="0077aa">Jasmine,</font>
My gal claps and waves goodbye anytime she feels like it and not when we ask her to do so. She is quite stubborn.

<font color="aa00aa">bbrooster,</font>
I only hope she will be less shy as she attends more playgroups. Sometimes she is just anti-social and stay in one corner but there were times she will push/hit the hands of people playing with her, rather hostile and unfriendly.
<font color="0000ff">HAPPY MOTHERS" DAY !</font>

Congrats on your 2nd bb! Poor Ryan, glad that he is recovering!
You must Take care too!

Hope Sheriyn recovers from her runny nose soon!

Wow...seems like all of u had great fun...what games did u all play?? Post some pics here leh!

Tang Ling
Oh sorry..forgot to tell u earlier I won't b going PG. Ok will get the CD from u next time!
oh!!! it was you! now i recall seeing a mummy and a daddy downstairs. was rushing off and busy on phone... we'll meet properly next PG!

never train her lah. It started when she's holding on to the sofa, we just got her to clap her hands, then she not realising she's not holding on anymore, starting clapping. So we started leaving her to stand on her own everytime we put her down.
but nicole a bit scardy cat. won't dare to move, just wriggle toes then sit down and start crawling. so joelle may start walking sooner, cos she walks really well with the walker!

what are the other games you played? so interesting! post some pictures too!

Mother's Day
today, in church, they got all the mothers to stand, so got gift and flowers. It was a funny feeling. like so happy, yet like feel so old! hehe..
Happy 1st Mother's Day to alllllll......

Wishing Ryan speedy recovery and you do take care and rest well too.

Thanx again for opening your house for the PG. You were a great host and we all did enjoy ourselves. And hor... thanx for the gift eventhough meagan didn't manage to win one.

Tang LIng
Finally get to meet you and JJ in person....

Shane, Caymom, Jasmine
Nice meeting you all for the 1st time...
yup yup...very fun. looking forward to meeting the mummies again @ the next PG. sorry got to leave early for adelle to sleep ( i call her miss k sometimes coz her chinese name is kailing)

tang ling,
ya, forgot to say thank you for the vcd. juz watched the vcd, very professionally done! lurve JJ's curls!

hehe...joelle's learning from mummy to be a great host too. very friendly bb, and so obedient, knows how to makan quietly in the high chair!
hehe.. adelle is super noisy and naughty too. i think i can sign up for Supernanny Asian Edition liao.

sorry din get to interact with you and KY much today coz got to leave. KY is very sociable and smiley

wow, cay is walking really very well now. the last PG, she was still using some support from the playyard.

Esher soo cute!! always feel like pinching her cheeks! liked the way u 'convert' her pants to shorts!

Nicole will prob start walking independantly very soon since she's standing so well. adelle will only stand in the high chair! otherwise refuse to stand in other places

ya, ashley has beautiful skin, i think she inherited the good skin genes from you. i ate quite a lot of birds nest also no use.

Meagan has beautiful lashes...envious envious. she looks like mummy!

wah, jay's hair is very stylo...very handsome boy next time. and he crawls so fast! must be tiring to chase after him...heheh
Agree, PG was fun. Hopefully, we'll be able to con't the PG for as long as possible.

hmmm, most comments on Esher is that she's chubby! alamak!

Mummy n daddy quite worried ley...wait till next big already still chubby then jia lat liow ...

she can take a few steps but very unstable and she does it more confidently in the playyard. Anywhere else she abit kan cheong spider like
well, hopefully she can walk by her 1st birthday, will let nature takes it's course ...

wat kind of olive oil do u use on Jay ? I think i need to style Esher's hair too ! ha ha ....

thanks to you and your hubby for being such wonderful hosts.We felt really comfortable. Was just telling hubby if all our BBs can "knock out" (hehe..i meant sleep) at the same time and all parents can get to socialise more on an "adult" level.

Hoped you didn get too busy picking up the bits of biscuit crumbs that the little naughty ones left behind..

Didn' expect the games and presents some more..very totful of you.

Joelle has grown bigger and sweeter..my hubby says she's real pretty ( just like her mommy!)

Tang Ling,Caymom,Shane
Its was really nice meeting all of you for the first time!

Tang Ling
JJ is such a well-behaved boy with cute curls. I think you being a SAHM has some influences. Unlike my boy, who is almost everywhere with his itchy hands(faint!)

Cay looked so prominent standing so straight and firm among all the BBs, WOW!

Yeah, Esher got such pinchable cheeks that you can't resist. For a moment, i really couldn't recongise her from the photos you post on the thread.

Agreed with Bbrooster that Meagan is a little petite lady, reminds me of a little English Rose.

Nicole looks really trendy in her outfit, so nice to have a little girl to do dress up.hee..

KY is such a smiley and happy little gal..such a joy just to look at her.

Oh mind, your little Adelle is one of my favourite. She has this cheeky but friendly nature.One look at her makes you wanna laugh.

Paiseh, don't know why, noticed my boy likes to crawl to your hubby

Apart from my son, i think Ashley is the fairest,little beauty!

Definitely look forward to our next gathering in the West,we really should go on a rotation basis.

Serrich, hoped that Sherilyn is on her road to recovery. Hoped to meet you soon too!

BB chubby ok wat...cute, cute. as long as you feed her nutriously should be fine.

You wanna "style" Esher's hair?
Girl,girl use clip sweeter, i "hiao" lor, my boy can't use clip so gotto resort to olive oil..keke...
Actually, its becos his hair is kinda golden since birth, old folks says olive oil can help to make the hair darker.

My aunt bot it for me..its Mayflower brand.

Milk Powder:
I just bot a tin of Gain IQ at $23.80, planning to mix it with my boy's Nan 2 HA once he hits 11.5 mths. Hoped he likes it.
hehe.. looks like everyone got similar comments abt each other's baby! It really means our little ones are developing own look and identity!

i hope nicole will walk soon too. BUT, she doesn't want to, i think. I did what you taught me, to tighten the wheels of walker. Guess what? She stood there, and used it as a support to walk over to the front, so that she could play w the plaything in front!
When I bent down to walk with her (&amp; subsequently got a bad back!) she decided to sit! sigh... so much for walking!

don't worry abt chubby lah! Chubby bb are cute bb!

nicole's 'trendy' clothes were sale items! hehe... this mummy very kiam ka na. Not willing to spend on her clothes... so when you say she's trendy, feeling's very shiok!

How was the bday rehearsal? Were the bbs excited?
<font color="ff6000">Adora,</font>
No problem at all, just disappointed that didn't see the cute Raph at the PG and his electrifying looks. Hehe...
Trying to post some pixs but realised that the pixs I have taken no good - blur!

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom,</font>
JJ is hardly well-behaved leh - he has recently started screaming at very very high pitch and very loud too.
Next time, we should have the screaming contest - JJ sure to win. Hehe...

FM: So you have decided on Gain IQ. Are you going to mix the 2 FM in 1 bottle or mixed feed within a day?

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Esher is chubby cute - ok for baby lah. At the PG, she was at the walker and smiling at me so sweetly - tried to take pix, but turned out blur. Her smile is really cute!

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
The way you described Nicole on the walker is so funny. I think eventually, she would learn to use the walker. When I think of Nicole, I remember the way she stand - really CUTE!

<font color="ff6000">Jennise,</font>
Meagan is really a petite little lady. Though not bar-bar, don't feel that she is underweight leh.
<font color="0077aa">Ixorarred,</font>
Yup, during the last PG, she still needs support. Dunno why these two weeks she suddenly have enough confidence to walk on her own but she still prefers to hold my finger while she walks. She is a timid cat.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
Thanks. How did you know today is cay's lunar birthday? Can't imagine she is one year old already. The strange thing is there are people coming asking whether she is 5mths old. Sigh, I think the next time people ask, I will just say,"Yah yah, this is my 5mths old son." Esher chubby good mah, at least it shows she is eating well.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom,</font>
Seems like all the comments about cay is her walking. Now she looks prominent like da jie da, very soon when all the other bbs start walking, she will be so ordinary.
<font color="0077aa">tangling</font>
she was very good mood during PG. don't know y also. i hope it's becos the PG is doing her gd. she warmed up quite fast and was gg everywhere!
I also noticed her smiling and laughing
Mummy's happy that she's happy ! hee hee

<font color="0077aa">caymom</font>
I didn't know it's her lunar birthday but i rem you mentioned that you were gg to celebrate her birthday last weekend. So I took the chance to wish her happy birthday !

<font color="ff6000">chubby E</font>
ok..ok..will let her be chubby for now ! keke..
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
Hahaha... scully JJ knows there is the screaming competition and decides to be gentleman again.
cay can scream very loud also. She did it once in the library, I was so embarrassed, quickly run out.

<font color="119911">Mckee,</font>
The way you describe Nicole learning to walk reminds me of cay learning to crawl. I tried very hard to make her crawl but the moment I put her on fours, she will turn to sit. She doesn't show interest in crawling but she loves walking. That is probably why she can walk so early. My mom told me (when I was forcing cay to crawl) even adults also have preference and will learn faster when they are interested. When I gave up on forcing cay to crawl, she surprised me by crawling one day.
Good morning gals,

I really enjoyed myself at the PG but wished that I had more time to talk to the mummies. I wanted to find out things like:
- how much porridge ur babies take each time
- type of meat given
- type of vegetables
- fruits
- what kind of FM bbs taking
- diapers?
- etc etc..

hopefully next time we will have more time to chat and I can be there earlier.

All the babies were so adorable.

Sorry if I frighten little Cay, so her signing the scare scare sign after I tried to play the flying kiss game with her. I dont think Ashley is independent, she was just pre-occupied with the bb bites in her hand!

: ) dont worry, most babies (esp bb boys) love to go to my hubby. He is quite used to it already.

Aiya.. I mistaken that you are going to be there at 3pm (instead you were leaving at 3pm). Missed the chance to catch up with you and Nicole. Nicole has grown quite a fair bit and so smart now!

Tang Ling
Thanks vv vv much for the VCD. Have not had the chance to watch yet. JJ seems a little more tan than the last PG. Did you sunbath him??

I also agree that Meagan looks very much like a little English lady! I think she takes after your petite frame.

Didnt had much chance to play with Miss K as I was late and you left early.

My hubby is quite enchanted by KYs lady-like mannerism. The way she smile and behave; I think you have a little lady in the making.

Thanks for being such a wonderful host and planning all the presents and games! BB Joelle looks grown up too and I think she has your hubbys long legs..

I love Esher! She is so cute especially the way she eat the bb bites!

I am totally exhausted by the long weekend looking after Ashley!
<font color="0077aa">Tang Ling,</font>
Remember you ever share with me that you pretend not to see JJ fell down so that he will learn to climb up on his own. My mom also advocates that and my dad actually told my ils not to hold cay and pamper her. Phew, save me the effort. Maybe because of this, cay does not cry unless she has a really bad fall. She has also learnt to break her own fall.

The other night she was sitting on my bed and she began to crawl towards the edge. I was shocked and was about to rush over to hold her but she actually made a turn and come down the bed using reverse crawling. I was stunned, I would expect her to dive right down. Seems like my little gal knows more than I thought.

When I told my mom, she said, bbs will develop on their own lah, this is a natural progression mah. This was the same view she held when I was forcing cay to crawl. She insisted that cay will crawl on her own, if she doesn't want, force also no use. But I still think that if they never practise/exercise, they will never learnt. Seems like my thinking doesnt apply to cays reverse crawling.

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
I see, its the thought that counts.
. Cays bdae is next thu, she is supposed to be a june bb but I gave birth 2 weeks early.
<font color="aa00aa">Cherry,</font>
Oh, I really dun think you scared her. She has been doing that sign (patting her chest) these few days and both me and hb dun think she meant scared. We observed and suspect she could mean a few things:
(1) mine/I want - she points to her bear and pats her chest with neutral expression.
(2) scared - something dropped with a loud crash and she pats her chest with a frown.
(3) happy/excited - she sees familiar people and started patting her chest happily.
I cant remember what made her pats her chest at you. Maybe she is happy?

We are rather confused by her signs lately because we discover that she may be picking up more signs from the DVD than we thought. The problem is she doesnt do the signs correctly (probably because her fine motor skills not that well-developed yet) so we also dun know what she is signing. Plus the fact that she is also picking up signs from my mom. My mom said cay will pat her tummy to show that she is full, pat her ear and tilt her head to show she wants to sleep. So confusing but cant stop my mom from teaching the non-standard signs. She is kinda over-enthusiastic in teaching cay how to sign ever since cay can respond.
<font color="119911">cherry,</font>
same here. I was hoping for some chat among mummies ... i wanted to ask everyone wat cereal they were giving. Esher been eating the same few cereal and i feel it's so boring. I only managed to asked Mckee

Maybe next PG, we should sit down and have a topic of the day and have a discusion !

<font color="ff6000">porridge and meat</font>
Esher has a bowl for each meal. Sunday i just let her tried minced pork. She's ok with it. So far she only tried fish and pork. Chicken i just started, think she ate 2 times only. i put the drumstick in but nvr give her the meat.

Is beef gd to try ? Thot since she's ok with minced, maybe i can try to give minced beef and chicken ?

Ok to start them on meat before 1 or not ?

<font color="ff6000">cereal</font>
What kind of cereal are you all giving huh ? So far Esher has tried, nestle, heinz, dumex cereals. I find nestle and dumex v sweet so i stick to heinz most of the time. like so boring

I see my mil eating those oats thingy for bf. The one with the old man as logo. do you all think our babies can eat that now ?
hehe... my mummy is different from your mom. she says can teach bbs certain things. e.g. she taught my girl how to come down the bed, how to clap etc. i think i'm like your mom
<font color="ff6000">caymom,</font>
I read last time when i was researching on signing that we should only teach one sign at a time till baby is familiar with that sigh before introducing another sign. Cld it be that she's confused cos there are so many signs exposed to her now. so she just does it w/o really understanding wat some signs mean esp when the signing dvd shows many signs during the show is it ?
<font color="0000ff">Shane,</font>
Yes, supposed to teach one sign at a time. That's what I did when cay shows no interest in the DVD but I continued to play the DVD to her every weekend. Maybe that's how she got confused. The strange thing is the "patting chest" sign is not in the DVD, my mom also never teach her that, so dunno where she learnt from.
ya, realised that their motor skills not so developed yet, so some signs are similar. adelle signs 'light', 'milk' and 'duck' in almost the same manner. but she points to wat she wants to emphasise e.g. she'll point to my chest and sign milk!

have u started with the flash cards (red dots). mine's is still in the paper bag! can share how to teach the bb? flash how many cards @ a time and how fast?
wow, your mom sounds like a really good caretaker.

I don't know if you gals suffered what i called "the curse of the MIL and DIL".. hope you all don't mind will i let off some steam.......

i was so annoyed with my MIL over the long weekend. she made so many comments that got on my nerves! for eg:
- i shouldn't be feeding ashley any chicken as she cannot digest.. i have minced the chicken meat!
- shouldn't give millets; again cannot disgest as poo shows millets remain! how can it be when millets are so wonderfully good &amp; small!
- shouldn't kiss ashley's on her cheeks as will cause her to have pimples!
- shouldn't play with ashley too much as she will puke!
- should give water after every 3 spoons of porride so she will not choke!
- should mash everything until very very mashy as she doesn't have enough teeth to chew!
------ ARGH!!!! -----------
shane, ixorarred..
did you gals DIY the red dots cards?
I bought the cards but don't know where to get the red dots. The ones recommended by one mummy from Popular seems to glarring.
<font color="0000ff">Ixorarred,</font>
Are you still breastfeeding Adelle? cay doesn't seem to associate milk with my breast, she will point to her milk bottle in the warmer instead. I'm going to wean her off breastmilk soon. I'm cutting down the no. of times I express milk but I'm getting blocked ducts now, very painful. I also find myself panting, maybe the milk is congested near my lungs.
<font color="ff0000">RE: Red dots maths cards</font>
I saw such cards during the BJG trial. May I know what is it about?
i bf her @ nite and in the morning. weaned her off bm for the afternoon feed when she was 10 mths.

and yeah...i got fever quite a few times from the blocked ducts when i first started work. now much better. if it gets uncomfortable, just express a little to avoid blocked ducts. after a while, your body will naturally reduce the production.
uh oh! nicole is far far behind the signing thing. is it too late now?

Flash cards
uh oh! I've not flashed anything to her since the days of BF-ing ... haha my breasts!

oh dear, your mil is the traditional kind? for me, it's double power, the overpowering love of the grandmothers!!!!
hehe... both mum and mil, are quite modern. which makes it worse! They will give me their ang moh theories of what can what cannot, and at the same time, being Chinese, they will add their "selected" chinese beliefs to the list. Then, they will speak to their colleagues at work, and add the various other races' theories too!
Thank God, we meet only once a week. So in these meeting, hb &amp; I "Behave" ourselves. We let them have a hand at Nicole. We take a step back on these meetingS!

<font color="119911">Cherry,</font>
I understand how you feel about your mil. My mil doesnt comment much about how to take care of bbs but she likes to look at everything in my house and ask a lot of questions. As I answer her, I will move further and further away, trying to sneak off at any chance but she will still follow me and ask.
I ever saw her opening up my cabinets. My fil is the one who likes to make comments on whatever I do.
I also find him opening up the cabinets in my home, as if checking things. I was quite upset at first, now I cant be bothered.

Whatever your mil said your shouldnt do, Im doing it! In fact, my mom is doing it too.
My mom is quite bochap. What she does scares me at first she feeds my gal ice-cream when shes 4mths old, I nearly faint. Her porridge is very lumpy but she insists that must let cay get used to it. I guess such training will help to toughen cay.

I also realize there is millets remains in cays poo recently. I was kinda worried but I still continue to let her take it.
