(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

<font color="119911">ixorarred,</font>
So I'm not the only silly mummy.
I think cay is just too pampered and she doesn't get the chance to exercise. Whenever I put her on tummy, she whines and my mom will come to her rescue and even tell her,"mommy is so bad". Sigh. Sometimes, she will tell me, daytime cay exercises a lot already. At home, I will give her plenty of exercises and I'm so happy that I'm the one to witness her first flip!

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
I also spend time playing with cay more. After work already so tired, how to do edu stuff? There are also loads of hsework to do. At least I attempted to bring her to trials.

Cay's development is quite weird. She can sit without support at 5mths old but show no attempt to flip. The moment she knows how to flip, she starts rolling about but no attempt to crawl. Instead, she started standing and walking. When I tried to make her crawl, my mom again intervene and kept insisting that cay has exercises in the day. Eventually, she even told me just let cay walk, no need to crawl because some bbs never crawl also.

But one day, cay surprises us by crawling. Hahaha... I still remember she was looking at her hands and legs while crawling, trying hard to coordinate her movement.
She started walking few steps without support soon after.

My mom claims that my gal is very stubborn, the more we force her the more she refused to learn, so we must be patient with her. Huh, cannot imagine my mom saying that, who is the one holding a cane and making us study??
<font color="ff6000">bbrooster,</font>
So glad that Joelle is better now. You take care of yourself too ok, mommies suffer when bbs get sick too.

<font color="0000ff">Anns,</font>
Yah, this week she can walk a long distance without support. My mom also let her wear shoes and walk outside. Practice makes perfect.

<font color="aa00aa">LV,</font>
My mom ever mention that it is not good for bb to learn walking early. She also said it is a taboo for bbs to wear shoes before one year old. She actually scolded me when she found out my fil bought a pair of shoes for my gal. But eventually she gave in because her friend told her nowadays people not so pang tang already.
didn't really stop her from learning to walk early. just that haven't give her 'walking' practice. But she took 2 steps herself yest, so i guess maybe when she turns 1 next month, she should be able to walk.
<font color="0000ff">Reverse Crawling</font>
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font> yah, gostan, that is, crawling backwards.
<font color="ff6000">Bbrooster,</font> JJ can reverse crawl, but has not learnt how to turn 180 deg when he gets to the edge of the bed.
So, when he gets to the edge of the bed, he still dives his head down to see if he could touch the floor. *faint* But if I turn him 180 deg, he can reverse crawl down the edge, and gets excited when he 'touch down'. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Yah, agree with you. Our mummies who were holding the canes to us are the same ones keeping the canes now. Uhh??? Double standards. Hehe...
Hi everyone...i'm back!
Just tender my resignation this week, no...not so fortunate to be SAHM, just switching job.

Wow! me MIA 1 week and we are organising for another playgroup!!

Ok, this round, i can come...yipee!
Bbrooster, thanks for organising..

Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake)
2) Shane (bringing agar agar - this time i try harder to get it okie )
3) Jennise (TBC)
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies?)


Wah, Cay so clever, can do signing!!
Few weeks back, Jay can do bye-bye, wanted to teach him to do flying kiss but now he refuses.
However, he has been mumbling "pa-pa, ma-ma, mum-mum" this week...so happy!!

I'm keen to teach him on signing..do share your tips if u are coming on 13/5. If not, can Tang Ling be our guru?

Lately, i also very lazy with flashcards or Baby Einstein VCD...Jay is just busy crawling around, opening drawers,cabinet, tearing papers and stuffing into his mouth

Previous playgroup
I miss quite a bit of action, lovely pictures from the previous playground, i have to "self-introduce" myself for the next round since most of you know each other better liao.
Its very funny when BB learning to do the 180degree turn. Occasionally Ian will keeps going round and round until his legs hit the edge of sofa, then he slowly reverse down. My hse is carpet floor, so its still ok to dive down, cannot imagine your side is solid flooring.
<font color="ff6000">Jaymom,</font>
Welcome back! Was thinking about when u would be back to see the next PG list. Hehe... Glad that you could come to the next one. At the PG, we actually didn't self-intro, coz the mummies know at one look who are the bbs and of course could guess who is the mummy carrying him/her. That was how we introduced ourselves. Hehe...

<font color="0000ff">Baby Signing</font>
Oh no no no, I am no guru at baby signing - just reading up. But we can exchange notes - quite a number of mummies here are already trying it out. We can share what we know.

<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
<font color="0000ff">180 deg turn:</font> Is it? Can't imagine Ian during that, must be amusing to watch. Hehe...
Yah, when head down, it can be really serious when the bed &amp; sofa are high. Have to keep close watch, especially when he is getting fast at crawling now.
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
Actually my mom always tell me to beat cay if she is naughty. Maybe she felt that discipline is my responsibilty. But whenever I scold cay, she will say I'm too fierce, will scare cay and she's too young to understand. I really dunno what I should do sometimes. Now when I scold cay, she will run to my mom and my mom will hug her and say "sayang". I think my mom enjoys being the good guy while I'm the bad guy.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom,</font>
Welcome back! Wow, you changing job ah. Seems like a lot of mommies changing job once they have a kid. I have a few friends doing so too.

We can share tips on baby signing. It takes a lot of patience, I almost gave up on cay.

Wow, Jay can mumble already. cay doesn't mumbles but she will shout out words suddenly. Few weeks back, she started shouting "neh" at me. Sigh, dunno whether to be happy or not, on one hand I hope she is calling me but on the other, I dun want to be known as "neh".
There was once she called my mom,"mah mah". I quickly corrected her, "it's ah mah, not mah mah". Anyway, she never does it again, maybe she was just plain shouting and not calling.
<font color="ff0000">Playgroup </font>
Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake)
2) Shane (bringing agar agar - this time i try harder to get it okie )
3) Jennise (TBC)
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies?)
11) caymom (TBC)

Should we have a list of the toys we are bringing like the last round, to ensure no duplicates?
Yah, we should list the toys too.

<font color="ff0000">Playgroup</font>
Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake) (Vtech Rhyme &amp; Discovery Book)
2) Shane (bringing agar agar - this time i try harder to get it okie )
3) Jennise (TBC)
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies?)
11) caymom (TBC)
1st Birthday

Noted from the May thread on the contact for Agar-Agar, me,tempted to order too. Are u?
Any idea where Baby Val's animal farm birthday cake is from, i quite like it...Ecreative birthday cakes are way too big....

I'm joining ur current BP for Leapfrog
can't recall, the previous order was at a better price?

Toy R Us Sale

Anyone been there?

Yah, we should list the toys too.

Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake) (Vtech Rhyme &amp; Discovery Book)
2) Shane (bringing agar agar - this time i try harder to get it okie )
3) Jennise (TBC)
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies? Toy: FisherPrice Stacking Action Blocks)
11) caymom (TBC)
Hi caymom,
Yes the previous one was at $55. Hmmmm.. I have explained in the BP thread leow. Its def not possible to get it at $55 now due to the logistics &amp; tpt costs which were nt factor in by the supplier as it was their fist x handling BP too. Furthermore, the previous order was 110 sets! Tat was the best px they could offer then. Hope this clarifies..
I'm also finding which bakery to order from. Any idea any bakery doing barney's design? Bengawan solo has some princessy design also quite nice.
Gee, lucky u come to "kpo"..thanks for the info!

no worries, $65 is good enough, thanks for arranging! I didn read the earlier exchanges.i was at Toy's R Us store at JP today and at discount, they are selling $80! Lucky, i didn buy.

For Barney design, try Prima Deli, if i recall correctly
<font color="ff0000">Playgroup</font>
Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake) (Vtech Rhyme &amp; Discovery Book)
2) Shane (ok dropping my agar agar since no need to bring food hee hee.. Toy: winnie pooh on car)
3) Jennise (TBC)
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies? Toy: FisherPrice Stacking Action Blocks)
11) caymom (TBC)

the agar agar is $35 if i'm not wrong.

i just took the brochure from Polar. They hv sanrio characters as well. the hello kitty and my melody very sweet n cute.
I roughly give u the prices here. Cos different type of cake (choclate butter, strawberry, etc) different cost. Also got std and cut out cake (outline of the character)

std cake - most ex price for:
reg - $18
Large - $37
2kg - $75

cut out cake:
2kg $78
3kg $117
4kg $156

seems very resonable the pricing.

i love Ecreative 3D cakes but ex n huge. if i hv a small family do, sure can't finish

My sil ordered a barney design cake for her son bday. it's e shape barney face/head wearing party hat. the cake filling is fruit cake. will check w her n let u know.
Thanks for the info...I was wondering where val got her cake from too! But the website dun have prices hor?

Agar Agar
I have designs of the agar agar, is u gals want i can email to u...coz the file is too big to attach here.

marfan u, can email me ...i was just about to ask from Mrs Chan...thanks

Wow, we all seems to have the same taste!
Ecreation is pretty but mainly cream, i believed?
Only the base is cake?
I prefer something smaller and barnyard design look like one happy cake
Have been MIA for a while. My parents were in town. Hehe..

I've checked out the roomfrdessert's website. They have impressive designs. But how's the quality and pricing? Any ideas?? Bbs birthdays coming up, have to really start planning liao.

I'm keen on Neo's Garden buffet coz it's an old time fave for us. Thot of goin for a change.. Anyone have any comments on ohsfarm? Heard that it's quite good as well but haven't tried.
can u email me too? abt agar agar designs?

bday cakes
it seems room for dessert, ecreative, patissier, polar quite popular!
Anyone buying a tiny cake just for bb to smash their hands into and dirty their new outfit you got them? hehe...
sounds dirty, but i think if I do that, nicole will have a whale of time! and looks good on pictures too! just got to put her on groundsheet!
uh oh.... nicole is not signing, cos mummy stopped signing after week 2! Looks like must start now!
Do you realise bb can now understand instructions? like when you say clap hands, or hello, wave etc, they can do as instructed!
I feel very bad sometimes, cos nicole is like a musuem showpiece. everyone goes to her and gives instructions, then she *performs*!
Jaymon, Wei Lin
I emailed the pics to you liao...

I had emailed to all the june mummies...let me know if u din receive the pics.

BB Bday
Initially I wanted to get a 3D cake from ecreative but it is too expensive...almost double the price of a normal cake. I like the one the Caden (from apr/may/jun thread) has.
Think I will get a Winnie the Pooh cake + agar agar.

Now, I am looking for location...if hold at my house later got to clean up v troublesome...anyone has good recomendations?
thanks for email! can you advise on price?
Yup, you can use chalet too! Went to a couple of 1st yr parties in chalets. If you have contacts, can go for various ones... but usually all in the East.
Alternatively, can try function rooms of condos or apartments.. got aircon, pool and can bbq!
(I'll be hosting nicole's one in function room)
OR, there was once, this really rich couple celebrated their son's 1st year in Muthu's curry. WAH! they took up 3/4 restaurant.. We were in restaurant as normal customers, and saw the party. Very grand, lots of balloons etc. you would think it's for a 16 yr old or 21st! definitely not 1 yr old!

but like shane said, normal restaurants with VIP rooms also can. jsut a bit more pricey! definitely not $10 pax! hehe...

sigh... me at work.... last minute recall!
hehe.. agree with jaymom that we seem to have the same taste! i've actually pm angel previously to find out where to get val's cake too.

many thanks for the pics too!
ya...realised that the babies are really learning very fast these few weeks! adelle is starting to learn words...she points to the SBS buses and say 'ba!'..then ba ba ba ba ba! then 'thar!' for star, nana nana nana for banana. only correct pronounciation is bear...getting super noisy siah....
Yah the website has no prices. But few mummies ordered their cakes from there, can check out from them.

Me kpo again. Good idea about babies smashing their own cakes. It'll be fun watching them enjoy.

We had ecreative cake for my boy. It was a 3D doraemon. A friend dipped the blue cream on his nose, hubby didn't wipe off until few mins later... and... his nose turned blue! Yah.. the coloring... after distributing the cakes, my fingers turned blue too. But the cake tasted yummy. hee
<font color="ff0000">Playgroup</font>
Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake) (Vtech Rhyme &amp; Discovery Book)
2) Shane (ok dropping my agar agar since no need to bring food hee hee.. Toy: winnie pooh on car)
3) Jennise (TBC)
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies? Toy: FisherPrice Stacking Action Blocks)
11) caymom (TBC)
12) serrich (TBC)
ur idea of letting Esher messing herself up is growing on me...heehee...i only sien the clean up part, sticky and oily !

the agar agar is $35 inclu delivery i think ... must double confirm with mrs chan.
i think ecreative, mrs chan, patisser, room for desert is making alot of money from our forum

we should decide if we're ordering from them and ask for bulk discount !

BB bday
i hvn't decide how i want to do it. Big or small. Big will come with feeling 'empty' at the end of the party, cos will be so bz, going from one person to another and now with baby, i think even worse.
small, will be cosy and nice with quality time spent ... sigh... can't make up my mind ! and if small then no big nice cake ! sure cannot finish

don't say kpo, u're welcome to chat here too ! now june mummies need to ask you apr,may mummies for tips on bb bday ! hee hee...

wow Adelle so fast ! learning to talk. Esher still blabbering, nothing makes much sense yet except for 'neng neng', 'mum mum' (milk and food)

Also, she still bo gay!
<font color="ff6000">Serrich,</font>
I think your post is addressed to Jaymom is it? I was quite confused when I read it.
I think me and Jaymom's nicks too close.

<font color="0077aa">Adora,</font>
Thanks for sending me the designs. After considering for a long time, I think I won't be getting it. My party will be a small one, with the mini buffet and bday cake, already a lot of food. If I add on a agar agar, sure a lot of leftovers.
hi mummies
I am so glad to see the overwhelming response of the 2nd Playgroup.

Lastest topic is Baby's 1st Birthday Party. How about decorations? Anyone here already check out concourse. I thought of going this week to see what I can get there.

adelle so fast learning to talk. joelle also took a long time (at abt 9 1/2 mths) for her 'gay' to cut through. One of her top one just came out. Very strange, one on top and one at the bottom. Somemore diagonally opposite of each other.
hi mummies,
heard tat there's a crawling contest at downtown east this sunday. hope the info is correct. those staying near might want to pop by or find out more. cheers!
ya lor... the thing that keeps me back from giving her her own cake is the cleaning up.. hehe... it's times like this, a maid helps!

i saw your boy's cake! very nice! hehe.. .and very blue!

anyone tried it? is it nice? my hb very reluctant to get it leh...
i tried a small slice of it. it's nice

i'm tempted to get it because agar agar is one of my fave hee hee ... see how i try to bring agar agar all the time for PG...hvn't succeeded tho' ha ha ... the only thing that is holding me back is the size of party. if too small, sure can't finish. then i'll be eating agar agar for days n days

bbrooster ?
really ? is it a contest ? i didn't buy ley. u hv it ? will see when i go over for PG hee hee...
saw your email. many thanks for your offer to help me pick up the cards from hsee. went to collect from her yesterday. they are really heavy!

my girl also bo gay for the longest time. she's still 'yi4 zi1 ya' now.
Hi gals!

My gal is finally 1 year old on last Saturday.
Was v busy with the party &amp; uploading pics. hehe.

Time really flies &amp; suddenly i realize my lil' bb gal is really turning to a toddler lil' gal. Unbelievable! =P

U gals better cherish this moment now when they still so baby-ish. hehehe Hug &amp; kiss &amp; carry them more, cos once they turn to toddlers, U may be chasing them panting liao.

Ok enuff of my emotional crap. I look forward to see more you guys Playgroup Pic at BBrooster hse.

<font color="0000ff">TangLing</font>
Sighs, we still cant go, cos Ash will concuss in class if I go to the playgroup in the early afternoon.
Btw, if Ash go one fine day, think she's the Lao Cha Bor there hor?

<font color="ff0000">bbrooster</font>
Scan Jamci gal &amp; show us here leh
Jay also had 2 teeth at the bottom row for a long while. suddenly, 2 weeks ago, "ping-ping, pong-pong" 3 pearlies crack out from the upper gums at one go!
Lucky my boy didn't drool or have fever!

I'm not very much into agar-agar either but it sure looks cute and fun to have one for the party!
Any chance, Mrs Chan can make a more mini version?
Can try and ask her?

Any mommy check out the price for the barnyard design cake..do let us know

Party Decos
Any good buys at Concourse also keep us posted.
I know there is this shop at opp Bugis Junction and around Temple Street ( Chinatown) too but probably designs not as many compared to Concourse

Signing with Baby:
I went to the library to borrow Joseph Garcia -Sign With Your Baby over the weekend.
It's quite a thin book and easy to read.

Wow, your gal is very good, can say so many words!
getting emotional huh ... time really flies. that time we were still discussing abt BFG issues. Now Ash is ONE already !

ya ya, i've been hugging n kissing Esher these days. I just love it when she comes towards me and rub her faced all over me ... hee hee...

i think the barnyard is in the region of 100+ as well.
Twinklets, ordered the 1 figurine and it's $130 including delivery. So my guess is barnyard is ard there as well.
Pricey for a cake huh... but this is the price range for room for desert, patisser n ecreative.

Actually Polar designs are cute too just that their cakes don't have that much fancy flavors.

party decor, u can visit those party shops. i visited one in raffles city, plenty of decor but not cheap. i think centrepoint has one as well.

Party Decos
i probably will be going down concouse to see see look look. will keep your gals posted.

thanks for your polar price comparsion. went to collect brouchers today.. maybe will consider bengawan solo also cos quite like their disney design

thanks for the agar agar design..

saw your pictures at the other thread. where did you get your kitchen set ah?? from kiddy palace? saw something similar there.

I bought a tricycle for KY yesterday. same as Esher's tricycle
bought it for $29.90.. anyone interested can go there and browse around
