(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

bengawan solo got disney design ? will go and take a look as well. looks like it's cake hunting season for us now ... hee hee..

gd buy ! Mine was $30. where did you buy from ?

<font color="ff6000">BBrooster,</font>
Joelle has teeth already!
Then you would start to see teeth marks on things she chew on liao. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Ixorrared,</font>
Adelle so smart, can 'talk' already.

<font color="0000ff">Bday Bash</font>
How? Response no good har?

<font color="0000ff">BB bday</font>
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font> also thinking about what you are thinking, and decided to go for small. Hehe... Not going to have it at home (and mess up the place) - would have buffet outside with just family members. Still working on the cake thing - maybe at my home, still can manage. Big bday thing and bb can't appreciate either.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
Ummm... ok then. Lao Char Bo? No lah, she is so cute, how to be Lao Char Bo? Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Jennise,</font>
Thanks for the link. So, you have been bz coz of parents in town. But how come seldom see you post nowadays?
Hi mommies,

Any of u bought the Young Parents May issue?? There is a free trial coupon at Playworkz. Any of u interested to attend the trial together, preferably on a weekend late afternoon?? It's valid till 30 May 2006.
BB bday
so excited from the pictures at Apr/May?June thread
mine will also be a small celebration.

so blur. did not put down the location.. got mine from baby hypermart..

bought KY for her first swim yesterday. some pictures to share



BB bday
so excited from the pictures at Apr/May?June thread
mine will also be a small celebration.

so blur. did not put down the location.. got mine from baby hypermart..

bought KY for her first swim yesterday. some pictures to share



tang ling,
i'm likely to go for small as well. more cosy. but hv to forgo the big huge nice cake.

u mentioned abt the cake thing. u mean wat ? letting JJ mess up the cake ? cos u mentioned can manage at home.

KY is so cool abt swimming. i hvn't had chance to bring Esher for her 2nd swim. 1st swim she cried ! We hv the same float only that ours uglier, it's all yellow in colour
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
You can still have the big cake, just have to eat it for the next few days. Hehe...
Oh, I mean that if I have guests over for just the cake, the time is shorter and little mess - I can still manage. My place is not big, thus not much of sitting room, thus if I have the guests over for buffet, have to put the chairs outside, along the corridor.
As for the cake, NO NO NO, would not let JJ mess with it. Hehe...

Next time you bring Esher swimming, carry her and just sit on the steps - let her get used to the pool. Let her soak in the pool at the steps. When she is ok and doesn't cry, carry her into the pool with her body front to your body - for security. When ok, then put her in the float.
May have to do the above in separate trips - see how comfortable she is. Some bbs take a while.

<font color="0000ff">Swimming</font>
Finally brought JJ for his first swim last Sunday. Has anyone seen a bb crawling in the pool? Yes, he did just that. There is a part of the bb pool that is so shallow that when JJ crawls with tummy up, he can keep his head above the water. When at sitting position, he was splashing away. Hehe...
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
You very funny leh.
So cay is the lao zha bor in the group until Ashley joins one day.

<font color="0077aa">Jasmine,</font>
KY looks so happy swimming.

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
Like what Tang Ling said, let Esher get used to the water before putting her into her float. The first time I brought cay, she struggled like mad when I tried to put her in the float, luckily she never cry when I finally push her in.

<font color="aa00aa">Tang Ling,</font>
JJ is so cute to crawl in the pool. Maybe we can have let the bbs swim together. I went to Aquaducks trial before and cay seems to enjoy swimming with other bbs.
Tang Ling
Didnt post for a while coz I didn't turn on my PC. Had been accompanying my parents to here and there..
JJ crawls in the pool? Did you take a shot?

KY looks calm in the pool and happy in the pool. So far only brought Meagan once to the pool. Mine is yellow in color, guez must be similar to shane's.
Date : 13th May 2006 (Sat)
Time : 1.30pm till evening
Venue: Serangoon Ave 2

Each of you will bring a toy again. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. No need to bring food ladies. Just come with your family - hbs are welcome!

1) Tang Ling (bringing cake) (Vtech Rhyme &amp; Discovery Book)
2) Shane (ok dropping my agar agar since no need to bring food hee hee.. Toy: winnie pooh on car)
3) Jennise (TBC) Toy: Lego Pull Along Duck N Duckling
4) Jasmine
5) Adora
6) Ixora
7) Faith_77
8) Cherry123
9) Erlisa (I'll make Konyaku jellies)
10)Jaymom ( mommies keen on dianxin-mini chicken pies? Toy: FisherPrice Stacking Action Blocks)
11) caymom (TBC)
12) serrich (TBC)

Tang Ling
Think you are the only one who knows how to get to BBrooster's place.. Hehe..
ky seems to enjoy v.much in water! She won't pull off her swimming cap? Does she kick on water? I saw some bbs are nature kicker when they in water.

you let Esher to mess up her cake? Is is messy coz' I intend to let Ian do so coz' we won't having any party so I want him to have some special fun on that day. I planning him to wear diaper only when playing with cake.

Some pics of Ian, he always climb up and down. Guess soon we have to change our writing table.
OMG!! I cant believe what i've seen. He's so cuuuttteee!!! He's not stepping on anything rite?? He must has a lot of strength to do so.. Amazing!!
the 1st one is he pull himself up and legs swing in the air. The 2nd pic he is stepping on the the table legs. Yes, he has strong arms, dunno why.
Flash card
Mummies, how many words and how many times do you flash the same words to your BB per day? My friend recommend only 3-5 words per set for 3 times daily for 3 days then change another set.
Ian is so so cute!! you've an acrobat there!!

Yes, I intend to let Nicole mess up her cake (a small one, definitely cheaper version-probably fr neighborhood bakery). Hehe... me too, she'll be in just diapers.
I'll get large plastic sheet, put her in the grass (lesser cleaning) and let her have her own party.

I just went to a friend's one yr old party for her son. Poor boy, petrified with all the happy birthday singing. it was worse, when the enthusiastic grandma decided to do a Chinese version, and then broke into the Cantonese version! aiyo... you should see his face... not exactly a nice picture! haha...
So I figured, like I posted before, we do dress rehearsal at home. Get mummy and daddy and maid singing at top of our voices, clapping our hands surrounding Nicole. hehe.. hopefully she won't be terrified! Then, as we adults have our cake, she can have hers too!
heeehee. lucky nicole. pls remember to show us photos of Nicole and the cake!

omh... Ian is so super funny.. and cute.

aiyo, you must bring Esher for swims more often, she will learn to love it. But take time and patience to get her over her phopia first.

Ashley loves to swim and Daddy loves bringing her swimming. I have tried to dung her into the water and she doesn't cry at all, just choke and cough. Daddy was the one that was terrified, :p
yes, when they are older we can organise swimming parties.. now bathing is a headache
<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
Ian is so cute! And what have you been feeding him for the strong little arms? So little and can do chin up liao. Hehe...
<font color="0000ff">Flash cards:</font> Not sure - just know to flash 3x a day, but I think 10-20 words per set. Come to think of it, dunno if that is too much for bb?

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine,</font>
KY looks really calm and happy in the water - can see her clapping her hands in the last pic!
<font color="119911">To delete double postings:</font> you need to delete within 20mins. Just click on the 'edit post' icon on the top right corner of the posting. Then delete the text and select 'save message'.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry,</font>
Dunk Ashley in the water! Wah, can imagine your hb's terrified look and you laughing away. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Jennise,</font>
oic, so you would be logging in more often now? Hehe... Me know how to get to BBrooster's place? Not sure - the last time I went took taxi. ;p Not hard to find lah.
<font color="ff6000">Jennise,</font>
shots of JJ at his first swim - just let him wore T-shirt and shorts coz just intended to let him play in the pool for a few mins. Hehe...
JJ crawling in water, like as a matter-of-fact.
JJ happily splashing water.
Tang Ling
JJ so cute crawling in water. which pool did you go looks so shallow..
double posting. thanks for your explaination. think i did the same way but do not know why double posting.

Lan actually know how to do pull up.. so amazing.

surprising KY did not pull off her swimming cap. she dun know how to kick in water. just very happy keep clapping her hand.
Ian is so strong. He can grip so firm and tight. Is it the ang mo diet there that make him so strong?

You not coming to the gathering? We gonna practise singing Happy Birthday to the babies leh.

You coming from the west side. Can take MRT and transfer to NEL line. Alight at Serangoon Station. From there if you walk is about 10 mins. I will send an email out soon to give the address.
Wow, Ian is such a strong boy, has so much strength to hang himself there..

U sure u wanna let Nicole mess ard wf the cake? If so, u better avoid getting those very creamy ones. Otherwise u might have a difficult time cleaning up Nicole.. LOL.

Tang Ling,
JJ must be enjoying himself in the pool huh.. The water is really shallow, will be quite safe for babies to play ard. I almost tot you placed him in a water feature in ur home.
<font color="0000ff">swimming</font>
Yes I'll definitely bring her swimming again. Just need to find time and when mummy n daddy is not too lazy

<font color="0000ff">cake mess</font>
It's a cute and fun idea but still hesitant cos so scared of the oily clean up. I have my own share of cake fun during my younger days, and it's so messy and oily !

If i do let her do it, i think i'll let her wear clothes, less area to clean up. ha ha ... and maybe i'll just give her A SLICE of her cake to mess up...ha ha ....
Hi, anyone looking for accounting job in the west? I'm helping my lecturer to look for this position. Please PM me if you're interested...I'm not earning from this :p just doing a favor
<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
Wah, Ian can walk! So happy for you and him!

<font color="0000ff">Cake Mess</font>
Umm... like the idea, and must have it video taped to be worth it. Messy &amp; oily... but would be interesting to see how he would self-feed himself his bday cake. Grab with hand and smash into mouth. Hehehe...
Tang Ling
JJ looks big liao hor... He's the tallest among all the bbs here rite? Can see that he had fun that day...The second shot was nice where it captured the "Oh" look. hehe.. Let me share a pix of Meagan as well.

Yippie for Ian's first step. We all knew that he's gg to be the 1st to do the 1st step. ***Happy****

Ok, sure. Thanx!!
congrats! Ian is so fast ! He'll be walking v soon !

Esher attempted her 1st 2 steps few days back in the playyard. Not sure if she was just trying her luck
oh mind, all the cutsy pics

Jennise: where is Meagan? she seems overwhelmed with all the balls, her hair has grown, can put cute, cute hairclip!

Which west side are you at? U coming alone with Meagan? Me also coming from th west

Anns:Haha! i think its the spinach that is giving Ian strong arms ( popeye, the sailor man!)
Jay ever did the monkey swing on his high chair before but lately,he's not doing it liao...

Serrich:Wow, convenient way to bring Sherilyn out for shopping

rehearsal for birthday:
Mckee, good idea, must do a trial first!
<font color="ff6000">Jennise,</font>
Meagan big gal already! So cute! She has this innocent look and her eyes are as big as the balls surrounding her. Hehe... Yah, more hair now for pretty pretty hairclip.

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine,</font>
We went to a private swimming club and was surprised to find that nice swallow area for JJ to crawl, actually quite a big area. Hehe... But the next time with the float, have to bring him a couple of steps down to the deeper area. Will see if he would paddle like a duck or like KY just stay still. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Serrich,</font>
Water feature? Hehe... You overestimated my house - if it is a water feature at my hse, it is only big enough for JJ to sit and cannot move. And there would be gold fishes around him.

Yah, JJ loved the pool even though it is the first time he went into it. He was crawling towards the other kids with colourful floats and toys. Looking until eyes big-big. Hehe...

Sherilyn so cute - let you put those piggy ears headband on her, and so guai-guai stay in the bag. JJ would have fallen face down trying to get out of the bag.
Hi gals,
my Ryan is down with bronchitis..so sian...n everytime hve to "fight" with him when we put him on nubliser...cos he hated it..he will cry n struggle...
now even feeding him medi oso vv difficult,he will cry..but no choice leh..hve to force him..i feel so bad,cos i hve to do all these to him..

n worst...i'm oso down with bronchitis too..n hve to be on inhaler..haiz..so sianz...

seems tt at this age,bb tends to fall sick easily...
must really take good care of yourself and Ryan.
constant recurrence of bronchitis expose a child to higher chance of developing asthma

Hugs &amp; Kisses to Ryan, i'm sure he will get well real soon

i'm at jurong west, very near hor..

Most mommies coming with BB only or accompanied by "Lao Gong"?
<font color="0000ff">Anns,</font>
Wow, Ian has amazingly strong arms! Congrats that he has taken his first steps. I always feel that his development is very fast. Probably because of your tender care.

<font color="0077aa">Tang Ling,</font>
JJ looks so adorable. It must be a fun experience for him crawling in the water and watching other children. The way you imagined JJ in the water feature is so funny.
I have a water feature at home and cay always want to dive into it.

<font color="ff0000">Jennise,</font>
That is a very nice pic of Meagan. She looks so adorable with the balls. Such a sweetie!

<font color="119911">Shane,</font>
Wow, Esher also started to walk. Great!

<font color="ff6000">forgetmenot,</font>
Oh dear, please take care of yourself especially when you are preganant with 2nd bb.
you preg!!! Congratulation!
Hope Ryan and you will be feel better soon!

Cool!!! Next time if we happen to meetup, they will be running about liao.

Love your girl big round eyes, so innocent look!!! Sweet and adorable!

how long do your BB swim/in floats?

Hmm.. I dunno I treat Ian with tender care or not, more like I like him explore himself. But there cons, he got a small cut in his tongue last week.
CONGRATS!!!!! I think you're the 1st one on our thread to have #2! HOw are you feeling? Is it the same as when you were w Ryan?
Please take care... not fun at all when bb is sick.

First Steps
Anns, wow... looks like not only do you have an acrobat, you have an athelete in the making!
Shane, esher too? hehe... told you before, no need to worry when she started crawling a bit later... she catch up already!!

i realised tt their skins are so much softer, so very quick to have prune like features on their fingers and toes. haha... anyhow, Nicole goes swimming for abt 15-20 min.

anyone knows where to buy those bags of plastic balls?
I bought the inflatable something (can't even remember was it a ship, or house) that can be a playball pen. (in our 1st outing months ago...hehe remember?) Wanna take it out of storage now, but i recall, balls are not included.
I'm thinking if I can get balls, pump up the thing, then can have open ceremony with it at the playgroup next week...
Car seat
anyone bought Maxi Cosi Priori SPS car seat?
JL having member's sale, selling at $249. I'm thinking of getting. Anyone knows if it's a good buy?
The ad says usual $399. sigh... must really budget now, so can't afford to make uninformed buys!
Hey u take care too man!!

wow Ian is SO CUTE in both pics.
He really has strong arms! Agreed w/ Jaymom.. u must be feeding alot of Spinach hah?

Your gal is so sweet w/ her hairclip. She guai guai let u clip? Wont take out?

U mean the colorful balls? U can get from Toysrus.
I have Maxi Cosi carseat. Cant rem is SPS or XP.
All i can say is Ash luv this carseat! haha ..
It is even more comfy than our carseat lor.
Its cushion is nice, dun give u tat kinda hard feeling. I'm satisfied w/ this purchase!

hee hee... cat out of the bag already !
u take care hor not ez to be preggie and looking after Ryan

<font color="0000ff">walking</font>
She's not walking yet. She just attempted.
only 2-3 steps. have tried encouraging her but sometimes she does, sometimes doesn't. so i think far from walking independently still.

Nicole got teeth already ? Let's see who will sprout teeth first hee hee ...
