(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Aiyoh, I think my mom and your mil must be twins separated at birth, they are so similar. My mom also boast to me how well she takes care of my gal. She will scold me when I told her I never follow the feeding schedule (eg. my gal doesn't want to drink milk so I waited for another hour to feed her).

Last weekend my gal had a fall and when I bring my gal back to my mom's place, I told her about it. She told me no wonder my gal face green green, must have a bad scare from the fall. Then she went on and on to say that she never let my gal fall, go home will fall down, so ke lian blah blah blah...
There was once she even told my mil that I very useless, never take good care of my gal. *sob sob*

Actually, my gal all along also never drink water. She only drinks when at my mom's place which I seldom see. My mom even said that she has the magical touch in taking care of bbs. *faint*

RE: Disclipine

Last weekend, I brought my gal out for dinner and she was looking very bored in her stroller. Hb decided to carry her and entertain her. Bad move! She spring into action and demanded to move around the restaurant. She refused to sit in her stroller when our food came, she slide down the stroller. Me and hb had to take turns to eat. When I walked past a kiddy ride, she wanted to sit. Another bad move! She refused to get up and when I forcefully peeled her off the ride, she started screaming and struggling. People started looking at us.

It was that moment that I realized in the past whenever I saw children yelling in public, I would wonder why the children are so spoilt and why the parents never discipline them. Sigh, the people probably think the same about me. Have I spoiled my gal?

Few days ago my gal was struggling during meal time and her hands and feet swept my spoon away causing a mess. I was overcome by anger than I smacked her real hard on her hands and legs. My hb heard the smacking and ran out, giving me a killer stare. Sigh. I know hitting my gal doesnt help but I was so angry with her.

As my gal gets more mobile and rebellious, I foresee I will have more problems coming. I can imagine her screaming and rolling on the floor if she doesnt get what she wants. Arghhh... Can anyone share with me how should we discipline our kids?

My mom told me she will bluff my gal that there is a better kiddy ride at another place so that she will get off the ride. But I dun think this can be done too often and when the kids get older and smarter. I also heard kids telling their mom in public,"You always bluff me one." That got me pondering. Kids do remember your promises.
when i first saw cay at BJG, she seems like a very very quiet girl. In fact, i had to tell ashley not to disturb cay when i placed both of them on the same bench while you were paying.

i am not a perfect example. but i think you need two persons (you and your hubby) to agree and work together. If one is bend on not disciplining the child, i don't think it will work. We have this agreement at home (me, hubby and mil), if anyone of us is do the disciplining, the rest cannot come and sayang the bb, else bb will not learn. I do see that if i raise my voice loudly, ashley will stop whatever she is not suppose to do for at least a moment to ponder. However, i think our babies are at a age where they are still too young to remember what is right or wrong. Hence must rein-force all the time to drill it into their head.

try talking to hubby and agreeing to a method first before you do anything.

Distracting the bbies may be the way to go for now as they are still too young to appreciate alot of things.

For example, when Ashley start her scream streak for fun, there is no stopping her as she cannot comprehen what is the wrong action she is doing. But when she tries to play with the fan and i yell, she will stop immediately.

hope this helps.
Last time I always afraid that Mel will be kena bully by his cousin until weeks ago, I saw Mel screaming at his cousin. His cousin has snatch his toy and he crawled after him and bite his cousin's backside...kekeke. Really very funny just 2 small teeth wanna bite pp backside

Caymom I kn wat u mean... I always tin y those parents dun teach the kids. Now I aso dunno hw 2 teach my Mel. He also make noise if pp take away his toys and pull him from where he likes. Dunno hw 2 discipline him. I think I wont dare to bring him take MRT. He will disturb pp sleeping...
<font color="0000ff">Supernanny Book</font>
It is $25+ from MPH. But heard that it is out of stock at some shops. Need to check.

<font color="0000ff">Discipline</font>
Hey, Supernanny book is about discipline. Any mummies seen the Supernanny series on Thu 10pm Arts Central? I think showed 4 episodes already. I like it - finds that it is very sensible and easy to understand. It's just that when it comes to practice, the parents have to have a LOT of discipline also.
She was quiet because she was busy and contented playing with my wallet. She was screaming when I took it away from her. I think you were in the classroom when she was misbehaving. My gal is usually quite naughty in front of people she is familiar with. I wonder how she will behave in the coming playgroup.

I agree that there must be consistency in discipline but my hb is very protective towards my gal and feels that discipline can wait. However, I'm worried that my gal may be too pampered by the time he feels we need to enforce discipline. I also realise that my gal will stop doing certain things when I speak in a stern and disapproving tone. I think I can start disciplining her now.

The way you describe Mel is so funny.
Maybe we can exchange tips when it comes to discipline.

Tang Ling, no time to catch the Supernanny series. Let's hope the book covers all the relevant topics..

All major bookstores will carry?

Agree our BBs are still too young to understand but it's never too early to start slowly first.
As a couple, me and my husband already strike off an understanding.
I have told my parents and will get my hubby to tell "his" parents. When we discipline Jay, they are not too interfere or pass negative comments in the child's presence.

If they are "unhappy" with our method, clarify when the child is away. Kids are very smart, they know who to turn to for "sayang"..we must be consistent in our teachings..

Easy to say but difficult to put into practice but got to try our best..
<font color="0000ff">Supernanny</font>
Dunno, but should be available at major bookstores.

Raph is soo... handsome and his funny face pix is so cute! Reminded me of one that I took of JJ:
He has done it several times when we held up the camera. Dunno where did he learn it from.
When I discipline Ian, my hubby will also do the same. We try not to have double standard. :p
Ian also scream or fuss when in restaurant, quite common for bb around his age. If he scream, normally we try to give him some BB bites or small toys which can keep him occupied for a while.

All babies soon to be toddlers!!! They starts to lose those babies look.. how I miss it.

Ian pictures to share!

Bobux shoes
there's a BP and the shoes cost $25 per pair. Quite worth it... hehe... cos I got 2 pairs for nicole! I think they need more pairs to complete the BP. you can click on the link for more details.


Ian is a berkeley boy! So handsome and so cute!!!! standing steadily on his own!

JJ is a model with that cute grin! Nicole is the opposite. With the camera, she'll always straighten her face and give a long stare. when camera's gone, she'll smile, as if she achieve her purpose! sigh...

we talked abt this and we both share same thinking, spare the rod, spoil the child. Of course she's too young for rod now, but I've spoken to a few parents, and the agreed age when Mr Rod can come out is about 18mths.
Thank God both hb and I agree on this. I've a friend who insist that she just needs to reason with the child, but her hb insist on using the rod or at least a spank. Well, needless to say, the kid is spoilt rotten by the mum, doesn't eaxactly respect the dad, cos mum always intervenes and scolds dad infront of kid! he's 3 now! can't imagine when he's a teen!

Me really excited abt this. It's like our first official meeting!
I'm more excited than nicole! haha!
Tang Ling

KY also make the same funny face as JJ.. dun know where they learn it. ha ha.

anyone has playyard at home? do you find it useful? thought of purchasing one but dun know is it useful.
Actually, photo taking for JJ depends on his mood. Good leh, he would keep smiling. If no good, like Nicole, would put on a serious face and STARE at the camera. When camera removed, back to normal play. ummm...

Is it? Haha. Must be part of development. hor? My mum would always burst into laugher when she sees JJ doing that.
Playyard - do you mean playpen?
Useful when you alone to take care of BB and needs to be away for a while. Also can consider a napping area. But depends on BBs. Some BBs don't really like to stay inside. Must train from young.
Ian is soo... cute in the first pix. Photo taken within the 10sec that he could stand? Hehe...
I like the third pix the best - very tian zen and focussed.
<font color="0000ff">Playpen</font>
I had a playpen since JJ was 3mths. Used to sleep &amp; play in there, then he decided he doesn't like to sleep in there. Can be confusing for BBs - for play or sleep?
At the moment, sometimes he doesn't mind staying in there, but other times, he would yell his (and my) head off.
But yes, agree with Anns, it is good when you have to leave bb for a while.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Same same. Last weekend brought JJ to dim sum and he was so excited he was yelling in delight. The table next to us has 2 toddlers, and one of them even imitated JJ! Hehe... But I was surprised that the mummy turned and looked at us. I thot she would have known that at this age, it is not possible to tell bbs not to yell. Can only try to distract them.

Your mum is like my mum in the sense that she would not praise her children in front of others. I realised that they are just brought up that way and they are used to it.
Don't feel bad about Cay's fall. I was telling my hb last night that if JJ doesn't fall, he would not know what works and what doesn't. He has to learn that he CANNOT use 2 hands to hold the toy when he is standing. Hehe...

As first time mums, we are all learning and doing the best we can. I am sure when it comes to #2, we would be more daring and confident in handling them.

<font color="ff6000">Dunnoleh,</font>
I have only recently brought JJ to the MRT for the first time. And only towards the end of the ride that he starts to fuss. Lucky going to alight - just quickly get off. Hehe...
Mel is so cute! 2 teeth and he is off practising chomping. Hehe... Imagine how invincible he would be with 4 teeth. Ouch!
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup</font>
I noticed that 3 mummies <font color="ff0000">(Caymom, Jaymom &amp; Dunnoleh)</font> who are coming are not in the contact list, which means that you may not have the HP contact nos. of some of the mummies going? Or do you have?

Caymom, you still have my HP no.?
Tang Ling,
Yup, I still have your hp no. You are maintaining the contact list? Is it the one with mommies + babies pics? What kind of details do you need? Pls PM me.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
The contact list is separate from the mommies + babies pic. Shane is the one updating the list. I have just PM you the details required.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom,</font>
Sori, but I just remembered that you are not joining us at the playgroup. You mentioned that you are sore about it - oops! sorry for rubbing it in. Hehe...
ya i got no time to watch it to. infact i don't have time for TV anymore !

I guess the ground rules are sorta set btn me and my hubby from the day we had dogs. :p He'll not interfer when I'm disciplining them. I think this will go for Esher as well. The only thing is my hubby tend to be the softer one, alot of things he'll close one eye. Then another problem will be MIL, I think with her around, v hard. She'll tend to 'spoil market'. sometime back, i beat Esher's hand cos she pulled my specs down. Then Mil say to Esher " ai ya, mummy come back only beat you liow." I was quite upset to hear that but i didn't want to say anything cos i know she meant no harm and she do take care of Esher very well. *sigh*

Bobux shoes
oh mckee, you're evil !!! hee hee... BP are so draining on the pocket ! ha ha ...

I just rented one! It's useful in the sense that baby has a wide area of play space. I can even sit inside with her. But it takes up ALOT of space, so i'm quite glad i rented it cos i can't wait to rtn it soon. My plc is so cluttered with so many things! Highchair, walker, playpen, playyard ... etc...

I'll bring the playyard along for the gathering so that we can keep the babies inside. Jasmine, you coming ? If yes, u can access for yourself if it's useful.

that pic of Ian in that huge shirt is so cute! and he can start so well now. he can stand up wo support ?

Tang Ling,
that pic of JJ is priceless ! He does that grin everytime he sees the camera ?! very cheeky ! ha ha ...
i rented from one of the mums in the marketplc. Ya i saw the BP on the playyard but decided to rent to try instead cos i heard from one of the mummy from the other thread that her son actually managed to climb out of it. so i reckon as they grow older, the yard might not keep them in anymore.
Toys for Playgroup
1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
4. Vtech - Spin and Teach (bbrooster)
5. Fisherprice Peek-a-Blocks Tumbling Sounds Goldfish (adora)
6. Fisherprice walker - the one that u can push and walk (shane)
7. Fisherprice 5-keys piano (Tang Ling)
8. Vtech - Land &amp; Sea Jamboree (Cherry123)
9. Fisherprice - Touch &amp; Crawl Friend (Jasmine)
10. Fisherprice - Bobble and giggle pals (caymom)

I think you missed my previous posting. I was asking whether there is any power socket in the playgroup venue because I am thinking of bring CD player to play music for the bbs.
He can stand w/o support but only last 10 secs(the most). He can claps hands while standing too. But most of the time he gets too excited and fall but the good thing, he can stand on most surface (bed, carpet floor, grass..etc). Nowsdays he loves to do monkey swings on our table.
My eyes must be on him everytime.

oh, ya, I heard when toddlers turn 2, they able to climb up especially the yard height is not tall enough. It the same for crib. Guess that's why toddler switch to bed once they abt 2 yrs old.
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
JJ doesn't always do that smile on camera - it was really by chance that I caught it on photo. Hehe... I think he can practically get himself off the hook for anything with that smile. Haha...

<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
Ian is really very fast where development is concerned, considering that he is born in July.
I feel that he still has this cute baby look, though very different from months ago.
Wah, monkey swings! His little arms are really strong. Mummy is taking very very good care of him.
<font color="0000ff">playgroup </font>
<font color="ff0000">venue : hougang - confirmed. details will be sent via email, within these 2 days, sorry for delay cos bz at wk and home

time: 12.30pm-330pm -confirmed
date: 22 Apr, sat </font>
<font color="119911">logistics: -
there will be playard and mat(those plastic sheets) will be laid so that babies can crawl
- pls settle your own lunch or u can come n munch on the snacks that mums will be bringing.
- drink and snacks will be provided </font>
1. shane (drinks &amp; agar agar)
2. bbrooster (curry puffs)
3. Jasmine
4. tang ling
5. caymom
6. serrich
7. mckee (cakes/kuey)
8. adora
9. ixorarred (otah)
10. cherry
11. Dunnoleh
<font color="119911">those bringing food, pls bring abit can already cos we got quite a variety, wait cannot finish then wasted </font>

<font color="0000ff">Toys for Playgroup </font>
1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
4. Vtech - Spin and Teach (bbrooster)
5. Fisherprice Peek-a-Blocks Tumbling Sounds Goldfish (adora)
6. <strike>Fisherprice walker</strike> Tricycle (shane) V afraid too many things to carry so will contribute Es tricycle since Ill be pushing her ther e in it
7. Fisherprice 5-keys piano (Tang Ling)
8. Vtech - Land &amp; Sea Jamboree (Cherry123)
9. Fisherprice - Touch &amp; Crawl Friend (Jasmine)
10. Fisherprice - Bobble and giggle pals (caymom)
not sure if there'll be or not. let me check and get back to you.

very gd liow ley. E still can't and Ian is younger ! he's really fast in his development. is he able to stand from sitting or crawling position ?

sometimes E will try to stand by pushing her butt up but her hands will still be holding onto the toy on the floor, think she not confident to release her hands and stand up straight yet.
ya..i agreed with u...my mil follow schedule one..she keeps saying tt my boy schedule very fixed one..then when he is at home with him..she will "blamed" mi..say i anyhow disrupt his schedule...
aiya..but sometimes how can follow everything exactly to schedule..sure will bend here n there one mah..

i hve playyard at home...i find it useful..cos i will not be worried tt my boy will anyhow crawl to other places when i need to do something...
but he cant stay alone in it for long..need someone to be with him..anyway,is gd lah..cos usu my hb or myself will sleep in it..while he plays by himself..then when he is bored,he will come n disturb us...

Ian can stand liao??tt's fast...Ryan is learning to stand hands free now..but usu his backside will lean against the playyard or the sofa when he is standing hands free...

Tang Ling,
JJ realli noes how to pose for camera leh..not like my boy...always blur blur look one...keke.
First Tooth!!!
Ian finally has his first tooth today!!!

Most of the time he stand from sitting and bend his knees from stand to sit, like squating. But sometimes he will do a free fall and land on his hands and crawl.
Ian also takes toys/napkin on 1 hand regardless. He always crawl half way and leave it in the middle of pathway.
To build up their confidence, you can keep encourage and praise them when they able to stand for few sec. They will improve everyday.
<font color="ff6000">Forgetmenot,</font>
hehe... caught that shot of JJ really by pure chance. Maybe he was feeling in a mood for being cheeky that day. hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
Yeah! Finally the first tooth.

JJ's 1st &amp; 2nd cut through one after the other. And the 3rd &amp; 4th came together.
Is Ian fussing recently because of the teething?
Anyone is giving our babies vitamins? I recently started K on delrosa (Vit C source) and slowly replacing gripe water. Thinking of giving her fish oil when she turns one also. Anyone good vits to recom?
LV I do not think I am giving any vitamin to my son. The milk already have many nutrients 2 much nutrients aso cannot absorb :p
can give vitamins ? fish oil seems v popular to give to kids. I might give that as well.

the Delrose is the blue bottle liquid form kind ?

can't share cos i got no idea on vits. i myself also not on vitamins.

anyone giving marmite ?
I started my gal on delrosa a few mths back when she had serious phlegm. It also encourages my gal to take more water since it added some taste to it.
has anyone feed bb with pig liver? i HATE liver and will vomit big time even if i accidentially ate it. However, liver has very very high iron content hence, i don't know if i should give some chopped liver to Ashley. Nobody at home eats liver so i also don't know how to buy from market.. i think the butcher will "pangsai" if i ask for a small small piece that is enuff for bb.
Cherry u can ask if yr nanny wanna eat then pass the liver to her lor. I aso didnt buy liver coz I dunno wat to do with the liver as I only nd a little bit
liver really that gd. i like liver ley... if it is then maybe i can give to Esher. maybe we can buy and share ? then distribute on saturday ?
Our bb can take liver leow?? Sherilyn went down by 0.5kg ley.. So poor thing hor.. How i wish can feed her chubby chubby like Esher!

When my relatives saw Sherilyn, all ask how come she so skinny now.. Like those "kum chek" babies.. My nephew and niece younger than her but looked bigger than her.. Her baby fats are half gone.. Sob sob..
Serrich dun worry lah our bb now learning 2 stand and climb alot sure lose weight. My family and my neighbour aso commented that Mel lose weight. Is part of growing, as long healthy can liao lah. Now if Mel can eat I will keep feed him coz when he sick he slim down again :p
I add pig's liver to the porridge as well juz for the flavor. I don't chop it but juz slit it. Bought mine from NTUC, the Aust air-flown pork.

BB losing weight??
That's one of my concern as well. My close relatives all say that she's very skinny and mummy's not feeding her well. Face so small, hands so tiny lah, and the list goes on..... I've weighed meagan recently and she's still under 7, to be precised 6.8kg.

I felt so bad yesterday coz my aunts fed her prata with EGG for bfast. Suddenly, I was juz speechlez. Don't they know egg white not to be given to bbs under 1? My aunt used to tell me she fed her dd fried egg at Meagan's age. **faint**
don't worrry, just slowly pump her up again. focus ur energy on pumping her up !

actually my gal have eaten bits of egg white also. sometimes i separate not too careful then got egg white also but i just close one eye. tho' i do agree with the new school of thot of being strict with baby's diet cos now the world has progressed and the research is more advanced but i also feel that the old way is not totally taboo and wrong since we were all brought up in the old way of 'bad diet'. i guess the main ting is just to balance it and exercise due caution can already
haven't logged in for a while and wah!! so many cute pictures! Tan Ling, JJ is soooo cute!! feel like pinchin his cheeks...will tahan until sat

Ian looks quite grown up already! i like to see kids in oversized adult wear..reminds me of the scott's cod liver oil add....

juz rec'd my 6 pieces half an hour ago.... askin my lao gong to set it up. bought it during the BP. hopefully it's gonna be useful! otherwise will kena scolding for wasting $$$ :p
Organic Cereal

read from the newspaper that NTUC now sell healthy times organic cereal. but not sure which outlet. do not have to travel all the way down to orchard already!

still undecided to buy it or not cos my house not very big
<font color="0000ff">playgroup </font>
venue : hougang - confirmed. <font color="ff0000"> have emailed the details to all. pls check your email</font>
time: 12.30pm-330pm -confirmed
date: 22 Apr, sat
<font color="119911">logistics: -
there will be playard and mat(those plastic sheets) will be laid so that babies can crawl
- pls settle your own lunch or u can come n munch on the snacks that mums will be bringing.
- drink and snacks will be provided </font>
1. shane (drinks &amp; agar agar)
2. bbrooster (curry puffs)
3. Jasmine
4. tang ling
5. caymom
6. serrich
7. mckee (cakes/kuey)
8. adora
9. ixorarred (otah)
10. cherry
11. Dunnoleh
<font color="119911">those bringing food, pls bring abit can already cos we got quite a variety, wait cannot finish then wasted </font>
Enjoy and please post pictures of it!!! Thou' cannot join, but wld like to feel the happiness!!!

Liver is delicious!!! Anyone knows when can BB eat food that cook with ginger or garlic? I going to start fish for Ian soon! Is red snapper or cod fish is good?

<font color="0000ff">Pig Liver</font>
Like Cherry, I hate liver. Hehe But did not think about giving JJ. Yap, it has high iron content because of the blood cells stored in the liver, but I am giving JJ other vegetables/fruits for iron (pumpkin, broccoli, peas, banana etc), which I feel more comfortable.

<font color="0000ff">Losing weight</font>
Also noticed that JJs arm is not so ba-ba now yap, most likely from all the crawling and cruising. He even has small little muscle at the upper arm. Hahaha You can see on Sat.

<font color="ff6000">Ixorarred,</font>
Thanks for your compliment.
Ok, you have to tahan till Sat to pinch JJ. Hehe

<font color="0000ff">Egg before 1 year old</font>
Jennise, yah, my aunty and mum has not heard before of No eye white before 1 year old. But they did not insist. Phew But last time also not so many cases of asthma, eczema etc times are different now. Better be careful. Well, if the older generation refuses to understand, you can never make them understand. But a little is ok just watch Meagans reaction (if any). Should be ok.

<font color="ff6000">Anns,</font>
Ok, will definitely post the pictures for you.
You and Ian would be missed he is so big already.
<font color="0000ff">Fish</font>: I was told that fish with omega oil is better: cod, tuna, salmon.
