(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Shane please dun let esher on diet. I have not pinch her yet keke

June Bday Bash
sug dates: tentative 3rd/4th June (sat/sun)
shall we set the date to be 4th June?, Pls indicate if you can make it or not. Then i can go ahead n book the place
venue: hougang
1. caymom
2. jasmine (3rd or 4th June)
3. shane (ok with 3/4 june)
4. Tang Ling (ok with 4th June)
5. cherry
6. bbrooster (TBC)
7. serrich
8. jaymom (TBC)
9. adora (TBC, coz 3 Jun is Raph Bday)
10. ixorarred (TBC)
11. erlisa (TBC)
12. Dunnoleh (TBC)

venue : hougang - confirmed. details will be sent via email, nearer to the date.
time: 12.30pm-330pm -ok with all?)
date:22 Apr, sat
1. shane
2. bbrooster
3. Jasmine
4. tang ling
5. caymom
6. serrich(Y nt make it a monthly affair?? ;-))
7. jaymom ( TBC)
8. mckee
9. adora
10. ixorarred
11. erlisa (TBC) - not gg, we'll miss you !
12. cherry
13. Dunnoleh (TBC)
tang ling,
if remove the 6+plus nap..he will be cranky n keeps crying lor...
hehe..thanks for ur pumpkin receipe..i was just abt to search for the receipe n saw tt u hve posted one...

Ryan will step on the cot bumper but he still has not figure out how to climb out using tt..but hor..is impossible not to be the bumper..cos he will turn everywhere n knock everywhere when he sleeps...can u imagine,if dun hve the bumper..how many bruises he will hve...in fact,i find tt the cot bumper not high enough...hehe..

Re:changing diaper
anyone has prob changing diaper??nowadays is realli very hard to change diaper for Ryan,he refuses to lie down..the moment he lie down,he will cry till not sound n cry till the whole hse gng to collapse..alamak...headache ah..give him things to play with,oso no use liao...

n btw,anyone hving prob putting bb to sleep at night?i oso find tt nowadays it is hard to pat him to sleep though he is tired...haiz..or i hve a difficult bb??
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup </font>
venue : hougang - confirmed. details will be sent via email, nearer to the date.
<font color="0000ff">time: 12.30pm-330pm -ok with all?)
date:22 Apr, sat </font>
<font color="ff0000">logistics: do you all want lunch ???</font>
1. shane
2. bbrooster
3. Jasmine
4. tang ling
5. caymom
6. serrich(Y nt make it a monthly affair?? ;-))
7. jaymom ( TBC)
8. mckee
9. adora
10. ixorarred
11. erlisa (TBC) - not gg, we'll miss you !
12. cherry
13. Dunnoleh (TBC)

<font color="0000ff">June Bday Bash </font>
<font color="0000ff">sug dates: tentative 3rd/4th June (sat/sun)
shall we set the date to be 4th June?, Pls indicate if you can make it or not. Then i can go ahead n book the place </font>
venue: hougang
1. caymom (ok with 4th june)
2. jasmine (3rd or 4th June)
3. shane (ok with 3/4 june)
4. Tang Ling (ok with 4th June)
5. cherry
6. bbrooster (TBC)
7. serrich
8. jaymom (TBC)
9. adora (TBC, coz 3 Jun is Raph Bday)
10. ixorarred (TBC)
11. erlisa (TBC)
12. Dunnoleh (TBC)
actually nothing ley. just normal porridge with fish, pork, veg, carrot - tt's abt it. then she have milk feeds inbtn (sometimes don't even hv milk in the pm cos my mil scared she too full fm the bowl of porridge) and some baby biscuits inbtn as well. not a v gd thing but i think she snacks alot! cos my mil will feed her biscuits on and off. jia lat, maybe she got the fat genes...opps !

u're not alone. changing diaper IS difficult now. i always got to fight with her and distract her with toys, sometimes don't wk also.

putting her to sleep at nite IS also difficult
she is VERY interested in playing. sigh. nowadays she's been waking up nite somemore. sigh. but i guess my body used to it already. don't feel as tired.
changing diapers,
It used to be a daily battle with me and Riz some weeks back. It got so bad sometimes that 2 people have to hold him down to change his diapers. Coz he keeps wanting to turn and crawl away. Even toys don't work on him.. But now, I know the very secret to keep him still for at least 5 minutes.. which is, to entertain him by wanting to kiss his tummy .. that'll amuse me a lot... he keep on laughing when i do that... so i keep doing that every few seconds while i quickly clean him up and change his diapers... mabbe u gals can improvise and try that out..
shane and erlisa,
but will Esher and Riz cry when you put them down to change diaper??
for Ryan,he will cry leh...but sometimes bobian..my hubby will hve to hold him down while i quickly change..of cos by doing this,he crys even harder lor..so sian....

so wat time does Esher normally sleep??Ryan though tired,still not willing to sleep..dunno wat he wans oso..haiz...
Riz won't cry when we put him down to change diapers.. But he cries when we force him down to stay still... He kept on wanting to 'run away' from us ... And when we hold his legs, he'll try to turn and wriggle away... But now no more.. coz we know the trick to make him stay still for a few minutes.. hee hee
haiz,think i hve a difficult bb leh..sometimes i wonder how to discipline...but on the other hand,he is still too young..dun think he understand too...

btw hor..he even cry when i carry him out fr the bathtub...cos he wans to continue to play with water...
caymon, tks for your compliment! *u made me fly..hee hee*
I'm just an average looking mum with ugly body. How to get rid of stretchmarks? I had been applying since when i know i was preggie yet it still appear. And until now still can see the sagged tummy hanging there. Thought it will be better when our child reach 1 year old.

As for me, so far my girl like to eat solid foods and will show her disgust look if she don't like. I let her try everything including ice cream. For example, i let her try MANGO ice cream and she will show me the "disgust" look cos it is sour. But if i let her taste choc, wow she kept asking for more cos it is sweet.

Do your gal like cereal? My PD had said before that if she don't like solid meals, can let her have more cereal if she like.
It's also true that it's hard to give instruction to your mum as she think that she had seen more than us. Anyway, try to think this way that your gal is in good hands under your mum instead of outsider. If outsider, sure heck care and don't bother to feed your gal.

forgetmenot, my gal also behave like this when change her diapers. Give her some toys to hold for a while while changing their diapers. It helps a lot!

For bathing, my gal also do that! I will tell her to say "bye bye, see u tomorrow" to the bathtub and throw away the water in front of her. But at least she feel more better, thinking tomorrow will play again. Hahaha me funny mummy hor!
Yah, the licking can be real disgusting. My gal can lick anything. The mattress is also full of saliva wet spots from her licking. She knows I dun approve of her licking and she will lick secretly. My hb always joked that my gal is 'marking' her territory.

Ryan and my gal can become great pals. It is also very hard to change her diaper. The moment I put her on the changing mat, she starts crying. If I try to hold her down, her cries become higher pitch. Giving her toys used to work well but not there is nothing that can work. I really feel very sian when changing diapers. My hb has to help me hold and distract her.

It is also very hard to make her sleep. No amount of patting is enough even though she is very tired. There are times when I can latch her to sleep but the moment I put her down, she flips over and become very alert. Sometimes, I will just carry her and walk round and round the hse until she sleeps. It can be very tiring. I have to give credit to my hb for being very patient and helpful in making my gal sleep.

At least Esher wants porridge. All my ai-xin chou went into my hb's stomach and he is complaining that he cannot fit into his pants already. Talking abt snacks, my ils like to give my gal bb bites but we noticed that it takes away my gal's appetite for normal meals (milk and porridge) so we always told them not to feed her. However, we realised they always do it when we are not around.

Aiyah, I also have my fair share of stretch marks and saggy tummy... now even my breasts are sagging from the breastfeeding. I looked so auntie.
At first I thought the stretchmarks will fade into white lines but mine is still brownish-black lines.

My mil let my gal try mango last weekend. She will give the face as though it's very sour but she still asked for more. But she will stop after a few spoons, good also as we will not end up over-feeding her. My gal is ok with cereal but depends on her mood, sometimes she takes, sometimes doesn't.
my gal also will wriggle away when I change her. Using her usual toys to distract her will not work anymore. so i throw her things she rarely touch e.g. alarm clock, bunch of keys. But i'll try erlisa's method when i run of things to throw to her.

I've never patted joelle to sleep since birth. Initially, I sing and rock her to sleep. But when she got heavier I just leave her in the cot to sleep on her own. She will stand and move along the cot to play for a while and when she's tired she will lie down suck her thumb and go to sleep. However, when she's playing I stay in the room with her. If i just walk out of the room she will cry but occasionally I will just sneak out and she's alright.

Riz is so cute in the shower. The teeth he has makes him look like a toddler now. wat a pity cannot meet up with you on sat.

Tang Ling
I am still using the bumper. I think they can't step and climb out of the cot just yet. Anyway, my bumper is kind of flatten already cos joelle is always stepping on it.

My gal also love to lick and put things in her mouth. Lately, she loves to go near the wine fridge and start licking because it is NICE and COLD there.
Stretch Marks
One thing that cant be getting rid of after birth. Sigh... No stretch marks creams can help no matter how expensive it can be. I've given up on this matter. My tummy worst still, still bulging out.

I'm facing similar prob as you but think mine worst. Sagging too and now one big, one small. It seems like one side not functioning anymore. FYI, I'm still breastfeeding.
Anyone has cure or remedies for this??

Have viewed Ritz's blog. Realli see him growing from day 1. He's also small built like you yeah..
Hi Shane,

Can update for Gabriel....only got the weight 8.5kg

His feeding schedule
7am - milk 120ml
9am - milk 180ml
11am - nap
12pm - lunch (porridge)
2pm - milk 180ml
3pm - nap
5pm - milk 180ml
7pm - dinner (cereal)
9.30pm - milk 180ml &amp; sleep

He will just roll around in bed and i will pretend to be sleeping. Usually he will doze off within 15 min

Nowadays he is v sociable. Will smile at strangers after awhile. Wont even mind if they carry him (scared next time he will kena kidnapped). But cannot have people talk loudly near him....he will cry.

He loves it. Every weekend he will be waiting to go out. Once we open the door he will quickly crawl towards it

He used to cry a lot in the carseat at night. Recently he doesnt do that anymore and will usually doze off in the carseat. But if the ride is v long he will get cranky, i will usually give him biscuit to distract him or carry him for awhile and then put him back to the carseat again. He is still sitting in a rear facing position as he has not reach 20 pounds yet
yea, pls do link me up ya!

he has 7 teeth now.. and one more still coming out... now salivating like a leaking pipe! yea, it's difficult to meet you gals on weekends.. coz i work on alternate weekends... and the day that you gals planned, happens to fall on my working day....

yea, i think he follow my built... sigh, it reminds me that i have to put back some on coz lost quite a bit during my trip.
Actually, I happen to look thru my blog some weeks back... it's really amazing how fast babies grew... before you know it, they are already turning one soon... wish i could slow down the time to enjoy each and every moment better....

stretch marks,
i still have them.. but they have become white/silver linings.. because of my built, my tummy bulges out only when i have a heavy meal.. still flabby though.. i don't think it can ever get any tauter...
weaning bottle:
anyone planning to wean baby off bottle after they turn one? Heard that it could prevent them from having problems with their baby teeth later on. But it just seems so impossible. I'm worried if she'll stop taking milk cos til now she still doesnt know how to drink from those spout cups.

she'll just lie down beside me and play with fingers to fall asleep. If she still moves around, that means she dont want to sleep yet. When she wants to sleep, she'll rub her head on my body. very funny habit
Changing diapers
Haha..think all babies dun wanna waste time changing diapers! They wan to play all day. My girl also likes to wiggle and turn away. Similar to erlisa, I trick her to stay still by singing funny songs like old macdonald had a farm..eeeiyaa eeeiyaa oooo... Then shell be too busy laughing to wiggle away

Had been trying out something different for the past 3 nites, will go thru her bedtime routine, then Ill give her a hug and say good nite, switch off the light and put her down to sleep. But as usual shell be busy climbing all over her cot, but I would juz sit beside her, if she stands up, Ill put her down again w/o eye contact or talking to her. After some time (mon: 45min, today 20min), shell settle and fall asleep herself. I hope that by doing this she can fall asleep herself next time and maybe soothe herself back to sleep when she wakes up @ nite. *hopeful eyes*

Caymom, mines like yours!! Still reddish brown too. And the breasts is super saggy too!! Urrgh.
The saggy breasts can be really scary hor. I'm also still breastfeeding, only intends to stop after my gal reaches one year old which is the end of next month. I heard there is no cure for saggy breasts.

So sad to see the stretchmarks hor. I tried to ignore them, out of sight, out of mind.
My Riz can go on playing the whole night if possible without sleeping. Even taking naps is oso a pain for me. He can go on playing, until he's super duper tired until he cannot take it then start to fuss.. only then he will sleep. The more I'm with him, the more he'll get hyperactive and continue to get my attention...

To help him to sleep better, I always bring him to his cot, put a cloth over his face and play peek-a-boo with him a few times... then the next time i put the cloth over his face, i'll run away so that he don't see me going away from him... At times, he would cry after i left him for few minutes... but i would repeat what i did again to him.. and he sure fall asleep by then....
your riz really sound like Ian's characters. The more we around, the more he wants our attention. If we talking to friends, he will try to crawl or climb over us to make sure we look at him and let him join in too.

Weaning off bottle
I introduce Ian slip cup once a while now(he don't like it thou), hopefully will wean him off from milk treats by 1-1.5yr old. But I have seen 3 yrs old kid using milk bottle and his teeth is ok leh.

changing diaper
Ian behave good only when cleaning his poopoo. Other than that, he will behave same like most of your bbs. So I normally change diaper on the floor, put one leg across him to restrict his movement and change quickly. Of course he will try to struggle but he cannot fight against me! Another one is I change it while he drinking milk coz' now he can hold his own milk bottle.
My gal is hyperactive when I'm around so I usually have to get hb to make her sleep. *good excuse*

Wow, Ian can hold bottle already. How did you train him? Ian never fails to impress me.
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup </font>
venue : hougang - confirmed. details will be sent via email, nearer to the date.
<font color="0000ff">time: 12.30pm-330pm -confirmed</font>
date: 22 Apr, sat
<font color="ff0000">logistics: -
mat will be laid so that babies can crawl ard the area. will include playyard if i can get my hands on it.
- pls settle your own lunch.
- drink and snacks will be provided (bbrooster will be getting curry puffs and I'll provide the drinks and watever i can get my hands on </font>
1. shane
2. bbrooster
3. Jasmine
4. tang ling
5. caymom
6. serrich(Y nt make it a monthly affair?? ;-))
7. jaymom ( TBC)
8. mckee
9. adora
10. ixorarred
11. erlisa (TBC) - not gg, we'll miss you !
12. cherry
13. Dunnoleh (TBC)

<font color="0000ff">June Bday Bash</font>
<font color="ff0000">sug dates: tentative 3rd/4th June (sat/sun)
shall we set the date to be 4th June?, Pls indicate if you can make it or not. Then i can go ahead n book the place </font>
<font color="119911">for consideration: shall we order a cake to share and cater food ? mummies, whose baby's bday has passed can opt out of the cake sharing.</font>
venue: hougang
1. caymom (ok with 4th june)
2. jasmine (3rd or 4th June)
3. shane (ok with 3/4 june)
4. Tang Ling (ok with 4th June)
5. cherry
6. bbrooster (TBC)
7. serrich
8. jaymom (TBC)
9. adora (TBC, coz 3 Jun is Raph Bday)
10. ixorarred (TBC)
11. erlisa (TBC)
12. Dunnoleh (TBC)
i also let my gal taste ice-cream! i thot i was the only 'bad' parent around
I always let her eat the white milky part, 'healthier' cos got milk mah ha ha ... my hubby worse, he let her lick everything, the choc and milk part together. i'll always scold him but i let her lick mine too !

noted. will update.

<font color="0000ff">sleeping</font>
will try out ur sleeping method. I foresee will take as long as your 1st nite. my gal will just keep going ard the cot.

so gd ley K can just go to sleep like that.

E will rub her eyes when she's sleepy but she'll also be cranky. so i got to pat her to sleep.

jo also v gd can go to sleep like that. does she take long to lie down and sleep ? i tried ur method one nite but E just played and hv no intention to go to sleep

<font color="119911">stretchmarks, loose tummy n saggy breasts</font>
i have the whole works. stretchmarks are faint and slivery but it's there
self esteem v low when i c myself. seems to have lost my whole body to child bearing. cannot imagine if hv another. i just hope by losing weight can improve thing. i also think all the above got no cure one

in mktplc got a bulk purchase (BP) gg on for this biotherm choc slimming cream for tummy. so tempted to get but not sure if it really works. i think need to apply 2x everyday. wonder if i got the commitment to do that

<font color="0000ff">weaning off bottle</font>
oh, i didn't know must wean off. E can drink water from her avent sprout cup but i'm not sure how will it be with milk. will try. i forsee will be tough without bottle cos she normally drink her milk before gg to sleep. the best part is if sometimes she's tired, she'll drink till she fall asleep then save me the trouble of putting her to sleep ! hee hee...

<font color="119911">changing diaper</font>
it's a battle! but it works with toys - toys or stuff that she has nvr played with before. If i give her the usual stuff, sometimes she's ok, sometimes she's not.
we can shake hands together liao ah...i sometimes i hve to carry him in my arms n walk ard,then he will sleep..n whenever i put him down on the bed,he will turn over n sit up...sometimes he quite cunning leh..he will close his eyes n sleep..so i thot he has fallen asleep but the moment i put him down on the bed,he will turn over n sit....alamak...

ur hb gd leh..can pat ur girl to sleep...for mi abit difficult cos my boy sticks to mi like superglue...he dun wan my hb to pat him one...

even at times if i wan him to finish his milk,i hve to carry him n feed..n he is getting heavier to be carry ard...

toking abt sagging breasts..i hve give up long ago liao...my breasts already sagged until dunno wat liao..now i realli look like a old auntie..so sad....

giving him alarm clock etc no longer works liao...the moment i put him down n ask my hubby to hold him,he will cry n cry..

then last nite,we vv bad,count how many seconds before he break into those cry with sound one...keke...

i oso try doing tt to my boy..but then the moment i put him in his cot,he will stand up n cry n cry...
i think is abit hard..cos i usu let him sleep on the bed 1st before moving him to his cot..

i was telling my mil the other day abt weaning off my boy when he is 1 yr old...then she objected...i told her tt it is recommended cos gd for teeth..
n she quoted a relative,n said tt the relative everything oso control,n her son's teeth turn out vv ugly though he has been weaned off bottle when he is one..

n my nieces for example,hve been taking bottle till now,their teeth nice nice..by the way hor,my niece,one is 5yrs old,another one is 9yrs old..both still using bottle...
haiz,how to argue??sometimes feel tt this is my son,n at times i cant do things tt i wan...
seems like everyone of us gets it now. I too have my fair share from Ashley. I am a very fierce mummy whom will not hestiate to smack Ashley. Hence when i get really angry, she will get a smack either on the bottom or hands and Ashley will know mummy means business and cannot play play liao else so kenna another smack.

Ashley loves food! i brought her for tim sum with friends and throughtout she kept yelling at me to give her some food (pao, beancurb etc..) Everynight during dinner she will sit with us and i will feed her first, then eat. She will grap my chopsticks and start sucking on it! yucks.. I long concluded she is a greedy baby as she will stare at the food and start licking her lips.. yo.
E loves food too... same like you. E sits with me when i have my dinner. So i'll be feeding her off my plate if the food is situable, if not will give her biscuits.
she's been labelled a greedy baby since the day she was borned. the nurses in the hospital said she was !
Not only can we shake hands, we can hug and cry together. My mom always have something to say whenever I tell her what I want to do. She will also tell me about other people's bbs and argue that my way is wrong. I also feel that although the bb is mine, I do not have the liberty to bring her up the way I want it to be.

My gal also sticks to me like superglue. I have to sneak away but there were times she caught me sneaking away and will cry hysterically. Then I have to quickly rush back to carry her. Nowadays she is smarter and can sense I am going out and will make sure I am within close distance. She may even make me carry her just to ensure I dun run away. There was a period of time I have to carry her in infant carrier and must be facing inside somemore, cannot face out. Actually, the bb carrier is getting small for her but she rather squeeze in there.
She will look at me and smile non-stop. Sigh.

I really buay tahun her koala-bearing demands so I told hb that he has to help. He used to call me once my gal cries. I told him that we both attended antenatal class but because he always leave me to do all the work, I have progressed and become more experienced while he is still stuck at the theory level. If he never puts what he learnt into practice, bb will never be close to him.

I think this got him worried he has always been complaining that my gal is closer to my family. Now he will try to pacify my gal whenever she cries. He will also carry her out for walks and play with her alone. I think all this pte time has build a closer relationship between them. My gal is very peaceful with him and will sleep when my hb strokes her and sings songs <u>as long as Im not around</u>. She is very cranky when I'm around. During sleeping time, I have to sneak away successfully, hb will distract her while I sneaked out. However, sometimes my gal will discover and break into a hysterical cry and my hb will give me a killer stare.
clingy bb
Thank God, Nicole is not clingy. She's ok with pple. *easy to kidnap*
But when hb or I am around, she'll prefer to be with us. So I'm really thankful for that.
Caymom, it's ok. Your daughter is just at the separation anxiety stage. According to books, they get over this when we keep showing them that they are still loved when you're not around. May take a while, but will work!

Diaper war
I use the new diaper to distract her. She'll play with it, while i clean her mess. Then when I need the new diaper, WAR starts!! tried the tickle the tummy method, but she's too wriggly i end up tickling the backside! So I gave her a clean baby wipe for her to play. This worked until she started to put the entire piece in her mouth and sucking it DRY!!!! aiyo... scary.
So till now, war still goes on everyday!

Putting bb to sleep
Nicole drinks herself to sleep. I know it's bad.. causes some teeth deformation. so usually, once she's asleep, which takes abt 5min, I'll take bottle out. difficult part is when we forget and fall asleep ourselves!

Nicole hates fish, chicken, pork and all meat other than grinded ikan bilis! how?!?!?! not too keen on having a vegetarian daughter at this age! Will be trying out all the saliva inducing recipes that u gals posted. hope it works!

Weaning bottle
i think wasted $$ on the mag mag cup. My maid has been feeding nicole water using the bottle cover. (so it's like a mini cup). She says in Philippines, that's how they train the bb to drink from cup. And surprisingly, she can drink of the cup, with little dripping. lesson learnt: the primitive methods of the past may be more effective than the expensive modern method.

DANGER alert
Anyone's bb did danger stunts?

nicole put a pen in her mouth, slammed the door in her face (thank God fingers not there!), sucked the handphone charger (!!) and the usual picked up dust, scraps of paper etc
<font color="ff6000">Cherry,</font>
Hehe me another fierce mummy. JJ sometimes would scream until Im driven nuts. He would not stop and I would smack him. After the first smack, he screams softer, after the second smack his scream is shorter and after third smack, he stops and finds something else to annoy mummy.

<font color="0000ff">Sleeping thru night</font>
Talk about that, same here as Shane, just as I mentioned that JJ sleeps thru the night, he has to prove me wrong. Last night, he woke up at 1am, 2am, 4am, 6am. Refused to sleep until 11am. Had to carry him and walk around until he knock out. Uhh

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Cay is so cute still want to go into the infant carrier and smile at you some more. Hehe

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
Same here, before changing diaper for JJ, I would just hand him a new diaper and he would be engrossed in looking at the pictures. Hehehe But have to find other new things for him to finger with while I change the diapers. He loves things that makes noise when it plays with it - like plastic bag.

<font color="0000ff">Drinking to sleep</font>: Better take note it is not deformed teeth but tooth decay that would be the major concern. If bb has to fall asleep on the bottle, you would need to clean her teeth after taking out the bottle.
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup</font>
venue : hougang - confirmed. details will be sent via email, nearer to the date.
time: 12.30pm-330pm -confirmed
date: 22 Apr, sat
logistics: -
mat will be laid so that babies can crawl ard the area. will include playyard if i can get my hands on it.
- pls settle your own lunch.
- drink and snacks will be provided (bbrooster will be getting curry puffs and I'll provide the drinks and watever i can get my hands on
1. shane
2. bbrooster
3. Jasmine
4. tang ling > ok, thank you v much.

5. caymom
6. serrich(Y nt make it a monthly affair?? ;-))
7. jaymom (TBC)
8. mckee
9. adora
10. ixorarred
11. erlisa (TBC) - not gg, we'll miss you !
12. cherry
13. Dunnoleh (TBC)

<font color="0000ff">June Bday Bash</font>
sug dates: tentative 3rd/4th June (sat/sun)
shall we set the date to be 4th June?, Pls indicate if you can make it or not. Then i can go ahead n book the place
for consideration: shall we order a cake to share and cater food ? mummies, whose baby's bday has passed can opt out of the cake sharing.
venue: hougang
1. caymom (ok with 4th june)
2. jasmine (3rd or 4th June)
3. shane (ok with 3/4 june)
4. Tang Ling (ok with 4th June) > ok with cake &amp; food, pls include me.
5. cherry
6. bbrooster (TBC)
7. serrich
8. jaymom (TBC)
9. adora (TBC, coz 3 Jun is Raph Bday)
10. ixorarred (TBC)
11. erlisa (TBC)
12. Dunnoleh (TBC)
do you grind up the meat or it's broken into small pcs ? I think grinding up the food, quite yucky :p maybe u'll like to try to not grind if you're doing it. But if you're aleady not doing it... then don't know how liow... keep trying, no choice. if not her diet will be very limited.

weaning bottle
the bottle cover is a gd idea! i've been using cup on E to drink water but all my mugs very big!

Danger stunt
E puts EVERYTHING in her mouth. Whatever she gets, she'll look at it, pass it ard her hands, knock it, press it and finally into the mouth it goes !
I noticed that you are quite firm with Ashley during the BJG trial. I am not as firm with Cay. When I smack her, she just laughs. Maybe she is amused by my angry look.

Tang Ling,
Keke.. you still think she is cute ah, you will not think that way when you see her in action. You ask Shane and Cherry, during the BJG trial, she was so clingy and cranky. She will turn around and look at me instead of the teacher. The teacher kept signalling me to turn Cay around.
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup </font>
venue : hougang - confirmed. details will be sent via email, nearer to the date.
time: 12.30pm-330pm -confirmed
date: 22 Apr, sat
<font color="ff0000">logistics: -
mat will be laid so that babies can crawl ard the area. will include playyard if i can get my hands on it.
- pls settle your own lunch.
- drink and snacks will be provided (bbrooster will be getting curry puffs and I'll provide the drinks and watever i can get my hands on </font>
1. shane
2. bbrooster
3. Jasmine
4. tang ling > ok, thank you v much.
5. caymom
6. serrich(Y nt make it a monthly affair?? ;-))
7. jaymom (TBC)
8. mckee
9. adora
10. ixorarred
11. erlisa (TBC) - not gg, we'll miss you !
12. cherry
13. Dunnoleh (TBC)

<font color="0000ff">June Bday Bash </font>
<font color="ff0000">sug dates: tentative 3rd/4th June (sat/sun)
shall we set the date to be 4th June?, Pls indicate if you can make it or not. Then i can go ahead n book the place </font>
<font color="119911">for consideration: shall we order a cake to share and cater food ? mummies, whose baby's bday has passed can opt out of the cake sharing. </font>
venue: hougang
1. caymom (ok with 4th june)
2. jasmine (3rd or 4th June)
3. shane (ok with 3/4 june)
4. Tang Ling (ok with 4th June) > ok with cake &amp; food, pls include me.
5. cherry
6. bbrooster (TBC)
7. serrich
8. jaymom (TBC)
9. adora (TBC, coz 3 Jun is Raph Bday)
10. ixorarred (TBC)
11. erlisa (TBC)
12. Dunnoleh (TBC)
danger stunt - Now my gal is so mobile until she almost climb out from her walker and want to dive forward. Luckily i grabbed her before it happen. Phew! Think really cannot leave her alone in her walker...too dangerous. She also want to grab the fan, the wire, the switch, remote control......everything must touch touch touch.

So far i never leave dangerous items on the floor so no chance to grab those scrap of paper or pens. We hide it away

Luckily my gal also like nicole, not clingy too, she do not mind other people to carry her but it depend on her mood too. If she is hungry or sleepy, no one can carry her except me and my hubby.

I thought put your gal under infantcare?? Read that you got a domestic helper?
My gal also like to drink from the bottle cup. Whenever she saw us drinking, she also want and kept chasing after us. So sometimes i feed her directly from my big cup
Luckily i am drinking water most of the time.
I felt that now they are learning how to be an adult

shane, wow we are same bad mum...hee hee Cannot let my mum know, wait she nag nag nag...opps she also anyhow feed my gal choc.

caymon, my marks are brown color leh....*FAINTED*
Sigh.. Like that ar? Bo pien loh, I guez. I also intend to stop when she knows how to drink from a cup fluently. That will be........... in few more months time. THe thing is my gal has stopped drinking milk from bottles whn she's 2 n half months. Had changed a few teats but she still refused.

btw, is your milk supply running low or not? I have to take fenugreek to increase the supply coz I think Meagan's not having enuf milk thus resulting in her low body weight.

Btw, do you have any ideas where to get nice baby hair clips? hehe..
erlisa your son very handsome leh eyes so big

Looks like most of yr bb hv gd nap. Til now my son dun nag much dunno hw. Very energetic no tired 1. Every 9 I tell him papa mama very tired can u sleep keke. Hw u all make yr bb hv long nap. My son whole day nap only 1.5 hrs the most. 9 times can as late as 11+ then sleep. can c he tired but he stil wan 2 climb
Meagan is not drinking from bottle? So you have been latching her all the while? I only latch my gal during weekends. My supply is still good but the flow is very slow. I take longer time to pump than before. How heavy is Meagan now?
I hv problem changing diaphers after my son's evening bathing 2 months ago so decided 2 use pull up...my son dun cry when force him change diapher he jsu make noise.

Funny face no matter wat food I give him. PD told me give cereals can assure enuff nutrients so I try to give cereal once a day. I give him fruits, not enuff he will SCREAM until face red red. Any of u hv this prob? Hubby tried durian ice cream muffins and watever food he ate...

Now I always ask my hubby pat and take 9 shift, very tired already really drained. Very envy pp that has grandparent 2 lok after at 9. Heavy to carry him - back pain neck pain.

My strectch mark still very obvious, no change leh. Lucky no wear bikini. same as caymom out of sight, out of mind

LV I dun intend to wearn off bottles. Coz I tin my son tired after sucking milk. And tats the only way I can make him tired and sleep a while. My son suddenly increased his appetite so horrid

Esher can drink water from her avent sprout cup .. wow very envy. My son everytin aso dunno. Lazy mum no try .. keke

caymon my son opp from yr bb. he very cranky when my hubby around coz my hubby always played w him. When my hubby OT only me and baby he is very angel. Haha
Yap, she has been latching on all this while. Still don't understand why she didn't want to take bottles. My gal is only 6.6kg.
Wah, I have never laid my hands on Riz .. Coz so far got no reason to.. Dunno if in future if he will understand the meaning of 'smacking'..

Riz is very clingy to me whenever I bring him back home on some days. The moment I'm away from him for about 3 metres, he starts to cry... He oso 'smarter' now.. he knows at times I would go away from him, he'll crawl over me larh to get something and then his limbs will always be on my leg or body so that he'll be aware when i leave.. even if his limbs is not at me, when I move my legs away from him, he'll turn and check up on me if I'm moving away from him... Sometimes I like to 'disturb' him by moving myslef away from him and see his reaction.. haha

And there's one time he got too clingy that i cannot take it... that i put him in the baby carrier on my back and bring him around as i do housework at home... I know it's bad larh, but no pian leh.. i need to do housework... Somemore I've been home alone for the past few weeks since my hubby on business trip so no one at home can help... Then when he's on my back, he's super curious to know what i'm doing... that he try to pull himself up or sideways to look at what i'm doing... and plus his hands so busy to grab whatever he can see and touch... he really make me luff sometimes....
u must keep trying one. so that he'll get used to eating food. if not next time when he older, hard time to get him to eat.

hee hee u lazy mum then cannot complain that mel don't know ley. not his fault mah heehee... actually no need to buy the sprout cup. just let him try cup, he might be able to drink from it. but always put cloth under the cup cos normally will drip abit.

that's a common prob with BF babies. they prefer the breast to bottles. My sil had the same pbm cos she tbf. baby totally reject bottle. got to feed using spoon. now 2yrs+ liow, still nursing and he'll demand for it.

tt's wat i did last time, sling her and do hsewk. even went to the toilet with her in sling !
i saw Tangs 4th level got nice hair clips. I also bought some from Chamelon.

<font color="ff0000">Danger Stunts</font>
my gal pick up a brown beetle from the floor and chew on it a few weeks back. yucks...! it was my helper who saw joelle crawling n chewing at the same time. by the time i dig it out of her mouth the beetle already crushed.

another time she pick up a bunch of fury dust look at it and pop into her mouth. <font color="ff6000">faint</font>!

and another time i was using the computer and she was crawling in the study. suddenly, i heard how come the fan which i turn on sounded different. turn around and look she was putting her hands into the fan. luckily, her fingers were not long enough otherwise her fingers would have broken.

these are the 3 scary incidents i encountered.
the time when i put joelle into the cot she will play for about 15-20 mins then koon. it depends sometimes almost immediately she will fall asleep but at times also have to stay with her for about 45 mins in the room. her sleeping time is between 9 to 9.30pm and wake up the next morning 8pm. so far so good, no waking up in the middle of the night (touchwood)

bbrooster what scary incidents u encountered. brown beetle kim ku har? I dunno want to say poor kim ku or poor gal.
I kn hse must b very very clean coz now they wat aso eat.

My friend son 1 month older than Mel. When I ask him apple, he will find apple pic and show me. May b I lazy nv teach Mel. He dunno leh keke my friend son really smart, I must say
