(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Thanx for the info. Will check it out. The clips you bought are soft ones rite? FOr bbs?

Danger stunts
Bbrooster- Pretty scarry when I think of her chewing the beetle. Hehe.. Meagan hasn't got any prob yet in simply putting things in her mouth. That's the pros but the cons is she doesn't know how to put bb biscuits into her mouth yet too. She will ended crushing the biscuits.

Oohhh.. I've a friend who still BF her 2+ years old son as well. Hmmm... I hope to wean her off the breast by one year if possible.

Gals, do enjoy yr weekend with yr precious bb. Happy Easter. Chat u nx week and hope will c some easter related pic post nx week
You are right kim ku. this kim ku somehow flew in at night and fell dead on the floor the next morning. actually, my husband and me both saw the kim ku on the floor but did not pick it up because my part-time helper was coming in to clean the house. this is a lesson i learnt now. whatever i see on the floor have to pick it up even a lizard shit.
bottle rejection
ya, this is a common problem with breastfed babies. juz 1 week before my maternity leave ends, adelle suddenly decided not to drink from the bottle. my in-laws had a lot of trouble initially trying to feed her.
step 1: teat touches lips, cue for adelle to start screaming
step 2: rock baby, sing song, etc
step: 45min - 1 hr later start to drink and whine @ the same time
hehe... your daugther got to drink beetle juice!

Adelle is so cute! and ur house looks spotless! The floor like kena magic clean! it's shining!!!

I can bring some cakes/kueh

Toys: Should we list out what we can bring over, so no duplicate? I can start:

1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
I can bring some otah over too.

Toys: Should we list out what we can bring over, so no duplicate? I can start:

1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
not lah, that's the old type of tiles the previous owner had... i've cropped off my jackets hanging on the chairs, my bags on the chairs and the messy table.
adelle is so cute. she can do so many expressions. looking at the second picture her thigh so fleshy feel like biting the meaty thigh.
Toys: Should we list out what we can bring over, so no duplicate? I can start:

1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
4. Vtech - Spin and Teach (bbrooster)
Raph also loves to pick up 'items' on the floor n chew...i caught him a few times...got to dig it out...sometimes i was too late dun even know wat he ate...mayb some insects..yucks!

How are u? Long time nver see u post liao...join us in the gathering leh!

Wow...can't wait to let raph play with all his friends....sorry I might be only able to bring a toy as hb might b overseas so me going alone, cannot carry too many things.

<font color="0000ff">bday Bash</font>
Shane I dun mind sharing the cake...we can have a normal cake...no need 3D. Are we able to write all the babies name on it??? That will be fun.
<font color="0000ff">Toys for Playgroup</font>

1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
4. Vtech - Spin and Teach (bbrooster)
5. Fisherprice Peek-a-Blocks Tumbling Sounds Goldfish (adora)
I'm now starting her on a sleeping routine of sleeping around 8 pm latest 9pm. I watched that supernanny shows. It really makes me want to do something to train them into a routine which helps them and us defintely to get personal time.

weaning bottle:
i also dunno if i could do it. I still have pacifier to wean too! That seems to be so many things i want to restrict on K before she turns 2 and start to make all this changes even more difficult.

it's proven by dentist that bottle feeding is not good for baby teeth. (Even BF) I guess if we r still bottle feeding, we need to train then to brush their teeth and also avoid giving bottles to sleep.

K also a stuntwoman doing dangerous act. She climb onto the tv console and stand next to the TV dancing away! Too excited haha! She'll also reach for bulbs, poke fingers into power point, pull wires, put fingers into VCR and scream when got stuck! While we are hoping all these will stop, we'll be facing next with typical toddlers behavioural problems. How challenging can it be!
sleep routine
update on the sleep routine. today it only took abt 10 mins or so, including 4 pages of gingerbread man good nite story! and she slept from 9.30 to 6 am this morn!! finally got my uninterrupted sleep for 6 hours.... keeping my fingers crossed for a peaceful nite...
same sentiments, this mummy always bite her thighs and arms!

going to wean her off soon. my mom keep telling me not to push this too late otherwise the child will become addicted to latching on..
yes yes yes..i agreed....we can hug each other n cry liao..
at least for u,ur hubby is able to pat her to sleep when u sneak out successfully...for Ryan is a definitely no-no...
i tried sneaking out method,but it does not work,he just keep crying n crying...

ya lor..my mil oso like tt..she always think tt the method i used is wrong..today hor,my mil was complaining to mi tt Ryan keeps wanting her to carry n she has to carry him to cook..

i told her to put him in the playpen n let him cry...n she say dun wan...
so in the evening when i'm there,i just leave him in the playpen,of cos he will keep whining...then aft a while,he will go n play with his balls....then aft tt,he will whine again...n this time it leads to crying...my mil wanted to go n pick him up..i told her...no..n guess wat she replied mi??not gd to let him cry so often n too long..alamak,i nearly fainted ah..there she is complaining abt carrying him whole day......he cry so long,i oso heartpain mah..but wat to do...n if dun do something abt it,he will always wan to be carry mah.

guess grandparents are realli there to spoil grandchild..

i read the supernanny bk,makes mi wanted to do something abt his sleeping pattern...
so today,i keep lying him on the bed whenever he turn n sits up...n when this goes on for too long,he will cry,then i will hug n put him back to the bed again...this goes on for abt 45 mins,n in the end he climb into my arms n sleep..alamak,failure ah...i shd try again tomolo night...

danger stunts,
yes..now our bbs tend to put everything in sight into their mouth...just the other day,my boy put a pc of small plastic into his mouth...i didn't noe abt it,n i was sitting beside him all thise time..then i suddenly turn n see him,chewing something n abit choking..then i realised he has something in his mouth...
i quickly dig it out,n to my horror,is a small plastic sheet..can imagine if he has successfully swallow...i oso wonder how the small plastic sheet is on the sofa..must be my hb's fren open something,n miss this out when he threw other things away...
oh my goodness!!! Jo chewed the beetle! thks for the reminder, i must really keep my floor clean. but from the looks of it, i don't know how much fur has she eaten

i tried again to let her go to sleep on her own, but she kept playing and i don't have the patience to sit there
sometimes very stressful cos i'll be wanting her to quickly sleep then i can go and do some chores. then i get quite frustrated when she wants to play while i want her to sleep. *sigh*

looks like it does take quite sometime for them to go to sleep on their own. i'll try to put her in the cot at 8pm, so even if she takes an hr also not too late ...hmm....

ixo (hope u ok with the short form, i always forget how to spell ur nick
wow, looks like ur gal is getting the hang of gg to sleep on her own ! tt's really gd.

I love the pic with her pouty kiss! so cute! can't wait to see her in person !

u hv the nanny bk? is it a very thick read ? i miss the show ley. wonder if can rent or not?

I can just imagine K climbing onto the console ! and she dance there ?! wah, this girl has bar top dancing genes !
must be very careful hor, so dangerous cos quite high ley....

u not joining us for the playgp? we're quite near each other ley....

don't sad, u can join us when you're back. you'll be missed !

the cake will hv to be quite big i think to have all the babies name. hee hee.. we'll def do that since it's every babies' birthday/birth month

actually if alot of pple sharing, then 3D one also can, cos it'll be cheaper ! But i heard the 3D cake is nice to look at but not super tasty kind. maybe we'll order something delicious with nice decor. afterall, we're eating the cake and the babies too !

<font color="0000ff">Toys for Playgroup</font>

1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
4. Vtech - Spin and Teach (bbrooster)
5. Fisherprice Peek-a-Blocks Tumbling Sounds Goldfish (adora)
6. Fisherprice walker - the one that u can push and walk (shane)
<font color="0000ff">playgroup</font>
venue : hougang - confirmed. details will be sent via email, nearer to the date.
time: 12.30pm-330pm -confirmed
date: 22 Apr, sat
<font color="119911">logistics: -
mat will be laid so that babies can crawl ard the area. will include playyard if i can get my hands on it.
- pls settle your own lunch.
- drink and snacks will be provided (bbrooster will be getting curry puffs and I'll provide the drinks and watever i can get my hands on</font>
1. shane (drinks &amp; agar agar)
2. bbrooster (curry puffs)
3. Jasmine
4. tang ling
5. caymom
6. serrich(Y nt make it a monthly affair?? ;-))
7. jaymom (TBC)
8. mckee (cakes/kuey)
9. adora
10. ixorarred (otah)
11. cherry
12. Dunnoleh (TBC)
<font color="119911">those bringing food, pls bring abit can already cos we got quite a variety, wait cannot finish then wasted</font>

<font color="0000ff">June Bday Bash</font>
<font color="119911">sug dates: tentative 3rd/4th June (sat/sun)
shall we set the date to be 4th June?, Pls indicate if you can make it or not. Then i can go ahead n book the place</font>
<font color="0077aa">for consideration: shall we order a cake to share and cater food ? mummies, whose baby's bday has passed can opt out of the cake sharing.</font>
venue: hougang
1. caymom (ok with 4th june)
2. jasmine (3rd or 4th June)
3. shane (ok with 4 june) > food &amp; cake
4. Tang Ling (ok with 4th June) > ok with cake &amp; food, pls include me.
5. cherry
6. bbrooster (TBC)
7. serrich
8. jaymom (TBC)
9. adora (TBC, coz 3 Jun is Raph Bday) > ok with cake (&amp; food as well?)
10. ixorarred (TBC)
11. erlisa (TBC)
12. Dunnoleh (TBC)

<font color="119911">for food we'll cater. will try to keep to $8-$10 per head kind of price. not sure if available since we have only abt 20+ pax (including hubbies). if not we'll order pizza, kfc, macs, etc.) </font>
<font color="0000ff">Screaming</font>
Any bbs scream or yell? Like if they want something or is bored? What do you do?
JJ on some days loves to scream and it is REALLY high-pitched and loud. So malu when we bring him to public places.

<font color="ff6000">Ixorrared,</font>
Adelle is sooo cheeky and cute in the kiss kiss photo!
Love her harley. Hehe Does she know how to drive the harley? I put JJ on a rider like that and he can only gostan leh.

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Do you switch off all the lights in the room and close the curtains at night when you put Esher in bed? I noticed that with JJ, he sleeps better with ALL the lights off, maybe there is nothing else to do but to sleep. Hehe
I do get frustrated when trying to get JJ to sleep sometimes the same as what you mentioned. But realized that the more frustrated you are, the longer it would take. Try taking a deep breath and calm down.

<font color="0000ff">Toys for Playgroup</font>
1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
4. Vtech - Spin and Teach (bbrooster)
5. Fisherprice Peek-a-Blocks Tumbling Sounds Goldfish (adora)
6. Fisherprice walker - the one that u can push and walk (shane)
7. Fisherprice 5-keys piano (Tang Ling)
so sorry for being MIA...
this week is like a roller-coaster. Helping my folks to shift house, making plans on changing job etc...

I'll be out-stationed from 21 Apr...Big Disappointment!! Jay and i can't attend the playground. I really look forward to meeting the mommies and let Jay play with his pals...
I will definitely try to make it the next round. All of you do have fun!

Bug Episode:

Eeeee...I can imaging cute little Joelle chewing the bettle bug! The only consolation is bugs do have lots of proteins

I'm really scared of bugs that flies around...i really can't imagine what i'll do if i caught Jay chewing one.
There was once when we came home and i put Jay in the cot. Then i saw a cockroach flying in the room, i let off a big scream and ran out of the room.Jay got scared by my scream instead of the cockoach and started crying very loudly when he saw the expression on my face. I felt so guilty!

Jay is also chewing things in the house ( the legs of the dinning table, the corner of the sofa),sometimes i feel like i'm having a pet cat/dog then a baby..He almost chew off the tail of his Tigger softtoy.sigh!

So many cuteeeeeeeee..... photos.....Adelle look really cheeky! hehe...sigh my digicam giving problems, cannot download recent photos of Jay..
Hmm... I realise that my gal behaves better in front of guys. I think she really likes to flirt with guys, really buay tahun her sometimes. This afternoon we took her out for lunch and she was sobbing so bitterly throughout lunch, I looked around and noticed only ah peh sitting nearby, no shuai4 ge1, no wonder she is so sad.

Here is some pics of my gal. She looks quite boyish.

<font color="119911">I like my football best!</font>

<font color="0077aa">I was only trying to help mummy fold her clothes.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">This orange ball is like my football.</font>

Meagan's weight does sound rather low. Hopefully she will catch up soon. My gal also had bottle rejection at the end of my maternity leave. The moment the teat touches her mouth, she screams. I felt so helpless then, luckily my mom helped me to train her. It's hard for me to do it, each time Cay screams, my heart softens and will offer her the breast.
OMG, hard to imagine Joelle munching the beetle. You better make sure you dun leave such creatures lying around. I noticed there are a lot of ants in my place, now I will kill whenever I see them.

Yah lor. This morning, my hb complained to me that my gal doesn't want to drink milk/water, eat porridge/cereal and doesn't want to sleep also.... how come our bb like that one??? we are going crazy...

My mom also the same as your mil. She forever complained to me that she has to carry my gal all the time and also to cook. She said my gal was spoilt rotten by me. But when I leave my gal crying, she will rush to carry her and scold me for not doing so. Sigh, when I was pregnant, she was the one who told me that carrying bb too often will spoil her... so now who is spoiling my gal???
Toys for Playgroup
1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
4. Vtech - Spin and Teach (bbrooster)
5. Fisherprice Peek-a-Blocks Tumbling Sounds Goldfish (adora)
6. Fisherprice walker - the one that u can push and walk (shane)
7. Fisherprice 5-keys piano (Tang Ling)
8. Vtech - Land &amp; Sea Jamboree (Cherry123)

when i told my hubby we need to bring at least one toy to the play group, he turned to look at the exersaucer. i nearly fainted!
the thickness of the bk is ok lah...i borrowed it fr the library....
but some of the things,we still cant use it..cos is for older children

hi-5 to u ah....jus the other day,i was wondering,am i the only mum who has such a bb...then aft tt,u mentioned tt ur girl oso sama sama like my boy....

this morning,my boy dun wan to drink milk..i oso dunno y...n hor,he oso dun like to drink water..ya..n i'm gng siao soon liao...cos my boy vv sticky to mi..n i hve to carry or play with him most of the time...i go toilet oso he will cry...

keke...ya lor ya lor..they are the ones who told us not to carry often.n yet,they are the one doing it..double standard right?
mabbe ur boy is teething tt's why not drinking milk?

wah, sounds like it's gonna be fun leh... too bad i cannot join in next week.. sigh...

today my boy's appetite very big.. super duper hungry.. dunno why.. quite overwhelming..
5am milk 150ml
9am milk 150ml
11am porridge + carrot + potato
1pm milk 150ml
2-4pm nap
5pm milk porridge + carrot + potato
6pm milk 150ml
8pm milk 160ml
and now sleep...
wah exersaucer ah ... hee hee... nvm when it's ur turn at ur plc, the babies can play that hee hee...

so nice to see Ryan after such a long time! he's really a big boy already. so diff from the baby i have seen like 8 mths back ?

hai yo, he so sticky ah...hmmm better put in some measures, if not next time how ?

wow, Riz really has a big appetite today !!!! maybe growth spurt ?
Toys for Playgroup
1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
4. Vtech - Spin and Teach (bbrooster)
5. Fisherprice Peek-a-Blocks Tumbling Sounds Goldfish (adora)
6. Fisherprice walker - the one that u can push and walk (shane)
7. Fisherprice 5-keys piano (Tang Ling)
8. Vtech - Land &amp; Sea Jamboree (Cherry123)
9. Fisherprice - Touch &amp; Crawl Friend (Jasmine)
Sharing some of Jay's recent photos.
1) At Breakfast
2) "Activity Time"
3) "Sulking" cos mummy lock him to the chair to
catch her breath


you bought the supernanny bk? Sg bookstores sold it? I was still thinking of purchasing online. Seems like her ways work to pretty good extend because she does enforce strict discipline.

dont think so because my hubby drives to work that day and it's quite diff for me to take stroller, diaper bag and own bag. that's y didnt commit to the gathering.

baby food:
just to share, last week I baked peach custard for K. She finished it. So I'll go on to try different fruit custard. The recipe is dice the peach, add to 150ml of FM/BM and 2 egg yolks. Baked in oven for 45min and voila!

Another one is put cheese on top of bread and baked in oven for 10 min. (cheese will stick to bread that is like toast) After that i cut it into sticks and gave K as finger food. She's quite happy too.

sale update:
mothercare has 15% sale until 17th apr
<font color="0000ff">Supernanny Book</font>
I also have that book. Easy to read. My fren reserved it at MPH and collected it for me.

<font color="ff6000">Erlisa,</font>
You will be missed - too bad you can't come for the playgroup. Next time. We hope to have it as a monthly event.

<font color="ff6000">Jaymom,</font>
Wah, Jay big boy liao! We have the same rubber ducky &amp; TV. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Cay look so different now - has grown quite a bit.
Guess all our bbs are big now - almost 1 yr old! Time flies.
jay looks like a charming prince in the 1st picture. he don't look like a chinese too with his brown hair and really fair complexion.

both your recipe taste yummy. Toasted bread with cheese is my favourite. hmmm.....yummy! For babies do we also use those gardenia plain square bread and u spread the laughing cow cheese on top n toast?

Kayla's mouth is it full of teeth now. Joelle only got one at the bottom don't know if she can eat the toasted bread with cheese.

Supernanny book
I also want to get the book. So must reserve first.

cay is so cute and pretty with big round, bright eyes.
Charming Prince?..hehe..not at all, naughty little rascal more like it..
If that's the case, Joelle is defintely disney princess..haha!

Caymom, yeah, Cay's eye like "go-li"..so big and round! If got long tresses, also another disney princess!

Aiyah, i'm still feeling "sore" for not being able to come for the gathering..

Was wondering, will toasted bread be a little too "heaty" for BB? But i must admit, it sure taste yummy, got kaya, "lagi" better!

Silver fish:
Any mommies tried silver fish porridge with wolfberries?
Bot some really big fresh ones from Giant, mum says it is very sweet, i'm trying it for lunch.
i used bonjour milk bread. guess any bread will do. As for cheese, i just use kraft single.
No, K's not full of teeth. only 2 at the bottom. can see the top growing at the gum but still not out yet. But I'm a lazy mummy, so all her food i dice/ or chop. I dont grind or blend.
i did not buy the bk..but planning to get one..hehe...
i borrow it fr library one..

wow.......peach custard ah??seems yummy leh..u use fresh peach or canned ones?
My gal these 2 days also doesn't want to drink water. Sigh, sure kena scolded by my mom again. She always scold me for not giving my gal water, especially when my gal has constipation sometimes. But she doesn't want to drink, I really dun want to force it down her throat lor. Strangely, my mom said my gal drinks water at her place. She said I spoilt Cay rotten so she will behave badly in front of me. Hmm, makes me wonder...

Yesterday we visited ils and Cay actually takes the porridge that my mil prepares! I'm happy that she is eating but I will be happier if the porridge is prepared by me.
Maybe my cooking is really bad.

I agree the double standard part. Sigh, I never confront my mom lah, whatever she says I just take it lah... although sometimes not very happy when she told me not to do certain things but yet she also does it.

Jay looks so cute and adorable. Your place is so tidy. I am trying hard to tidy up my place but my gal takes up so my time, when she sleeps, I'm too drained out to do hsework.
Cay's eyes look big but she still looks so boyish.. bahaves boyish too. Even my hb also shakes head when he sees Cay's boyish acts. Sigh, who ask him to buy some many balls for her, almost all her pics have balls.

Tang Ling,
Yah, I also realise Cay has changed quite a lot. She will be turning one soon, so fast leh. After she is born, I have been super busy each day. Time passes so fast when we are busy.
<font color="0000ff">Supernanny Book</font>: How much does the book costs?

Thanks for your compliments. Joelle's eyes are very pretty too. Cay is too boyish.
Wow your recipes really sounds so yummy...I tried the egg custard u taught the last time but i put too much FM..it turns out too watery, like 'tau huey'. Raph doesn't like it. Actually me wanted to buy peach this weekend but those sold at NTUC not so fresh.

Cay is so cute leh...hee me too has the same TV. I agree with u ever since Raph is born...my life has changed tremendously...all my time devoted to him liao. My free time is only when he sleeps..hee hee!
Some pics taken this week :

Now he will give this type of 'funny' face in front of camera!

Raph n his 'zhao pai' smile!

Raph eating apple!
tang ling &amp; adora have the same TV as you. I have the same industrial fan as you. heehee...

the 1st pic he's so cute and he look nice in sleeveless top. looks like a macho boy.
tang ling,
how much is the book ? ex or not ? want to decide to buy or borrow fm library...

oh so sad...nvm, next time then.

ur recipe sounds nice. but i hv pbm baking with my microwave, don't know how to use !

but will try. thks for sharing

oh! handsome handsome Raph !!!!
ixorarred wow yr gal can kiss already, my son also like to make funny faces but not kiss

<font color="aa00aa">Adora, I should be going. I think I am not going to bring toy also. This is 1st time my son c so many babies dunno his reaction may b 10min got 2 go liao haha. Your son so cute can "nick" eyes :p</font>

<font color="119911">erlisa, is gd news leh bb gd appetite must keep pump food keke...</font>
If Mel is in Top Form, here is his menu:
8:15 Milk 150ml
9:15 Cereal
11:15 Milk 180ml
12:30 fish pork spinach Porridge
2:15 Milk 150ml
3:15 carrot pork Porridge
5:15 Milk 150ml
7:00 Fruit
9:30 Milk 210ml
so you're coming ? tt's gd !

wow, Mel also can eat alot ley !

<font color="0077aa">IT'S THIS SATURDAY !</font>
<font color="0000ff">playgroup </font>
<font color="ff0000">venue : hougang - confirmed. details will be sent via email, nearer to the date.
time: 12.30pm-330pm -confirmed
date: 22 Apr, sat </font>
<font color="119911">logistics: -
mat will be laid so that babies can crawl ard the area. will include playyard if i can get my hands on it.
- pls settle your own lunch.
- drink and snacks will be provided (bbrooster will be getting curry puffs and I'll provide the drinks and watever i can get my hands on</font>
1. shane (drinks &amp; agar agar)
2. bbrooster (curry puffs)
3. Jasmine
4. tang ling
5. caymom
6. serrich(Y nt make it a monthly affair?? ;-))
7. jaymom (TBC)
8. mckee (cakes/kuey)
9. adora
10. ixorarred (otah)
11. cherry
12. Dunnoleh
<font color="119911">those bringing food, pls bring abit can already cos we got quite a variety, wait cannot finish then wasted </font>

<font color="0000ff">Toys for Playgroup </font>
1. Fisherprice playcubes (mckee)
2. Fisherprice bus (mckee-TBC if i can get the car)
3. Musical toy (ixorarred - can't remember the brand :p)
4. Vtech - Spin and Teach (bbrooster)
5. Fisherprice Peek-a-Blocks Tumbling Sounds Goldfish (adora)
6. Fisherprice walker - the one that u can push and walk (shane)
7. Fisherprice 5-keys piano (Tang Ling)
8. Vtech - Land &amp; Sea Jamboree (Cherry123)
9. Fisherprice - Touch &amp; Crawl Friend (Jasmine)
Ha-ha, all of us have similar taste over T.V, toys and even fans..
I've got problem getting a fan cover of that size. the standard one doesn't fit. Was afraid of Jay putting his tiny fingers in as he is always up to something. My brother has "measured" and claimed that BB's fingers can't "reach" the propeller. Don't want to take the risk lah...

My Jay opposite, he's a water-tank, he drinks water/milk before he can fall asleep.You scared your boy constipation but i worry my boy poo too much, 2-3 times a day sometimes!

Raph is so cute in 1st photo!!hehe!
Jay recently got a new trick too, blink his eyes constantly. The more we ask him to stop, the more he will do so...alamak!
RE: Toys for playgroup
Wah, all of you bring "branded" toys wor. My gal only has a lot of balls. I will try to look her limited collection tonight.

Is there power socket in the place? I thought of bringing some music CDs, I can bring the CD player.
wow.. mel really eats alot on good days. glad that you can come on sat, will finally get to see mel. Don't worry, he will blend in well.

don't worry about the brand lah, bring one of the balls then the babies can play pass/throwing ball.

maybe we should also bring so food for babies. See if i can get bananas, easy to feed.
I like the first pix of Raph as well. Agree with jaymom and bbrooster. He looks gorgeous leh..

Jay shows a very cheeky look on the first pix. Meagan has similar duckie as well. Hehe

Anyone tried offering salmon to bbs yet? Mine had tried canned tuna as well... Juz a bit with bread.
Sorri har... Btw, isit gonna be held at Shane's place or a hall or something? Didnt realli log-in all the time so blur-blur... Hehe...

can you please help mi to update Ryan's height and weight?thanks..

at 9mths,

aiya..no choice leh..we tried diff ways liao...but it does not work..n he will cry n cry until i carry him...he realli very sticky esp when he is not feelin well..wat to do...next time i sit down there n cry lor..

for mine..i let him tried mac fillet o'fish...keke...

at least ur girl is oni these 2 days dun drink much water..mine is all along dun like water one hor..
ya lor..sometimes oso cant say much cos they are the ones helping us to take care of our little one...

actually one thing which i realli dun like is tt...my mil will always say tt how well she takes care of my boy...then hor..if anythin wrong with him..like sudden change in behaviour or he suddenly not feelin well..sure is our fault one...cos we bring him home everyday..n sometimes we bring him go out during the wkend mah..or we anyhow give him things to eat...
