(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

My son still very little hair, u all can c on Sat. Please pardon my son if he is too notti. I hoped he shy so that he wont b so notti.
Yesterday my maid told me my mil dun let her comb hair for my son said my son "bo ta mo comb si mi sai" hahahaha dunno my son hurt or not. I think he dunno lah but I find he may b hurt after meeting the baby on Saturday :D
Pls dun post my son pic just send my son pic 2 me. If he c himself so "BOTAK" he will b hurt esp when so many cute bb with hair.
Dun say until like that leh. My gal used to be botak also, my family used to poke fun of her hair.... giving her nicknames.
Luckily her hair started to grow faster after we shave her and apply olive oil on her scalp.

I also hope my gal will not be notti tomorrow. She can be quite shy too but once she warmed up, she can be quite a terror.
there you go again, swan your baby.. mel is so cute and has hair yet you say such things.. very bad leh.. if he can read your posting, i think he would be vv hurt.

Tomorrow PlayGroup
Roughly what time are you gals planning to be there?
Cherry, I didnt suan him. U c lah my mil dun even allow my maid 2 comb hair for him. I heard what my maid told me abt my mil say I dunno wan laff or feel sad that he botak OK.

I will feed my son and go...depends on what time he eat most prob ard 1pm. Very near my plc 10minutes journey the most
<font color="ff6000">dunnoleh,</font>
No need to be so sensitive about Mel's hair.
My sister as a bb had so little hair, that even my mum said "can count the number of strands of hair - 3 only". And now her hair is thick and A LOT. They will start to grow eventually.

ok, would not post Mel's pictures (if I took any), but hor, I noticed that Mummy is more sensitive about the hair then Mel could possibly be.
He wouldn't be hurt by 'hairy' bbs on Sat, but Mummy has to be more positive. If Mummy is not upset, then Mel would feel confident. ok?
the last time someone asked about the peach i used for peach custard. I used fresh fruit. not the canned one. but i think it's a bit sour cos i taste it. I would consider the canned one next time so i can eat cocktail after that

delrosa is the pink rose syrup type. i add it with water and give her. this is only way to make her drink plain water.

pig liver:
i started giving K pig liver in her porridge with pork. not a lot, maybe a few slices. i bought it at wet market. it's $1 and quite a big piece already. it add more taste to the porridge.
i'm the one who ask u abt the peaches..thanks alot..
btw,the liver u oni add it to the porridge when porridge is almost ready right?does tt means tt u chop the liver into small small pieces?

i oso bot delrosa for my boy...besides gripe water..this is another alternative to make him drink water..i read the instruction tt we cant give more than teeaspoon or 2 teaspoon right?
was wondering if can give ribena instead or not??think there is no restriction as too how much one drink right?
u got BJG class rite ? don't worry, we'll wait for you!

K doesn't drink plain water ?

do u feed her the pig liver as well ? or just for taste to the porridge ?
i add all ingredients for porridge in from the beginning and just let it cook. Cause i dont add artificial flavouring, so i usually cook 3 times with my rice cooker congee function to make it soft and sweet. usually for meat and liver, i soak it hot water before putting in to cook to get rid of those smell.

i think the teaspoon measurement is very little. i'm using those small measuring caps and add 10ml of delrosa to about 80ml of water. the isntructions is not more than 15ml per day.
i havent try ribena with K. But me drinking myself hehe

she drinks only 10 to 20ml if give plain only. but add gripe or delrosa she can finish whole bottle.

i think she ate the pig liver. Cos by the time i give her the porridge, everything is soft liao. these days i restrict myself to not more than 4 ingredients in the porridge. If not really very rojak. so tmrw's menu is pork liver porridge with sweet potato and carrot for lunch. biscuits with milk for hi-tea. (tentatively) marcaroni for dinner. But must read up recipe first. haha
playgroup on sat
it was great to meet up with all the mummies. sorry didn't had the chance to really chat with everyone. we should definately do it more often.
Yeah....it was great meeting all mummies n bbs. Raph was so tired, slept till 7pm after we went home.

Hope to see the pics soon as I din bring my camera that day!
<font color="ff0000">Playgroup</font>

It was really nice meeting all the mommies yesterday, finally can match the faces to the nicks.

Sorry that I didn't mix around because my gal was crying a lot and I was busy trying to pacify her. Maybe she was not used to seeing so many bbs, she could also be cranky because she missed her nap.
The moment we got into the car, she felt asleep.

I realise my gal really seems to be petite compared to the rest although she is the oldest bb.... I better buck up and learn to cook more nutritious food for her.

<font color="0077aa">Tang Ling</font>,
Thanks for helping me train my gal self-feeding. She can do it quite well now, but.... she seems so happy about her new found skill that she couldn't stop asking for her fruit puff!
The next thing that I really hope she will learn is to hold her bottle, kinda hard because it is always difficult getting her to drink milk/water.

<font color="119911">Shane</font>,
Thanks for organising the gathering. It's a really nice and pleasant place to gather. Esher seems very happy, her "roar" is really cute.
sorry! lost track of time cos I was so busy at work, didn't check yahoo email and worked till 4am on Friday.
How did it go? aiya.... really wanted to see all of you!!!! i'm sorry, no kueh too!
Pls post pictures . . .

kicking myself now... nicole missed a chance to meet new friends!
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup</font>
It was a very successful gathering and we have to really thank Shane for booking the function room and all the trouble to bring the play-yard, mat, drinks etc etc. Thank you!

Everyone there seemed to be at ease and as for me, I was just really relaxed, coz no need to bother if the people around me is staring because JJ was making too much noise. Basically, every bb there are creating the same noise volume (more or less) and after a while, everyone is just used to it. Hehehe...

Oh yes, we should definitely have the monthly playgroup - good for Mums to meet up and bbs to interact &amp; learn (monkey see monkey do - hehe...).

My little monkey was so tired that day he was kicking a fuss from 6-8pm before he finally dozed off. Think he was over-stimulated, which is hard to understand coz all he did was to bite some toys, crawl a bit, yelled a lot, tried new toys and exhausted? Hehe... poor thing. He is back to normal the next morning.

<font color="ff6000">Mckee,</font>
Too bad you had to miss it - next time, you must come, ok?

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
You are very welcome.
No need to mention - I was just kaypo. Actually, I didn't know that Cay does not know that yet, otherwise, I would have charged. Hehe... Happy to know that she can self-feed puff now. I have also started self-feed on JJ using fork - banana. No self-poking just yet. ;)

Self-feed bottle... ummm... when you feed her, try just putting her hands on the bottle, and place your palm over her hands to hold the little hands in place. If her hands go away, put them back under your palms again. Keep doing that until her hands stay on the bottle without you holding her. I did that - works on JJ.
<font color="0000ff">Here are some shots taken at the playgroup</font>
Picture below of an attempted line-up to take a shot of the 8 bbs present, but... didn't work. This is about the best possible shot. Hehe...
Left to right: Ashley, Adelle, Raph (Joelle behind him), Esher &amp; JJ.

Another attempt at bb group photo, but too bad, some mummies have already left.
Clockwise starting from back left: JJ, Esher, KY, Adelle (asleep), Raph &amp; Ashley.

Have to post this very sweet pix of Adelle - she is so pretty and cute!

These are the only 2 guys at the playgroup - the other 6 are gals, and somehow they have decided to fight over a toy dog???
<font color="ff0000">Playgroup</font>
<font color="119911">Thanks mummies for coming!
It was fun to have so many babies playing together.
Do excuse me if I wasn't a good host

Here's some pic. Sorry for the bad editing. Not gd at editing pics !

u beat me to the pics! great pics. I hv a few more but too lazy to edit, lotsa of faces inside heehee...
shall talk more tomorrow. Now sleepy already.
Good nitey!
<font color="0000ff">Tang Ling,</font>
Hahaha... then I better dun tell you what Cay doesn't know how to do. Actually, although she is the oldest bb here, there are really a lot of things she still doesn't know how to do. Blame it on the lazy mummy....

Then again... I think what you said could be right, I give in too easily when she fusses. Maybe I just want to keep her quiet. This could be the reason why she is more cranky when I am around and more well-behaved in front of my hb.... mummy easier to bully

Dunno whether you have seen my posting on Cay's sleeping... she will guai guai sleep when my hb pats her but when I go into a room, she will break into hysterical cry and chase after me.

Nice pics that you have taken but no Cay leh.... kekeke... I know lah, she was busy crying... sigh.
sorry for the noise pollution.
screaming is her new found 'skill'. i think becos she's kinda excited also, so many babies around !

Ya we missed you! i reckon you must hv been bz.
nvm, there'll be a next time!

no prob. just hope everyone got a gd time. i was eating fruit cocktail, otah and curry puffs for the last 2 days !
didn't want to waste the food. ha ha ...

<font color="119911"> Thanks to all mummies who contributed in one way or another... the food, the plates, napkins.....</font>

I look at all the photos, all baby all very nice hair ley except for my little gal.
Hope hers will grow longer soon!

Ashley is growing prettier by the day. My hubby is smitten with her, he kept saying she's very pretty and eyes very big !!!

"monkey see monkey do"
Esher's been clapping her hands ! she knew how to do it on Friday but not very accurate. After the playgp she seem to get the idea better! haha ...
don't worry. i am sure we will have another one quite soon; in May maybe? yes mummies??

"Monkey see Monkey do"
heehee... so bad we call our babies monkeys. But it is really truth that they pick up skills very fast when they watch other babies.

Tang Ling,
very nice picts. thanks for sharing. My hubby thot JJ was an "angmoh" bb when he first saw him during the gathering then realised cannot be when he couldn't find the "angmoh" parents. so funny.

The SuperBabies..
JJ - so well behave if you ask me.
Raph - so handsome.. i am sure will grow up to be a super duper hunk!
KY - the smartest bb around, know how to cover her ears when its too noisy for her!
Adelle - very pretty and still roaring!
Cay - has very long legs leh and one of the first babies her to learn how to walk already.
Esher - (oh my Esher... heheee) so adorable and know how to ask permission for wanting another bb puff
Joelle - alth only saw her briefly becos she was sleeping, such a pretty gal (like mummy!)
hopefully next time ashley will have more time to play with this pretty jie jie.
now that u mention, i do see you giving in to cay hee hee... maybe it's time to learn to say NO to her. I say NO to Esher all the time. sometimes i wonder if I over do it

but i feel disclipine starts from young. worse thing is E's not scared at all !
I can smack her hand and she just pretend to cry. sometimes she doesn't even cry, she just divert her attn elsewhere. looks like i got a tough one to handle as well
Hi mommies,
Sorry to have missed the PG. The timing is realli kindof out for me cos sherilyn is having her class at CDANs BJG from 1-2pm. Last Sat we started abt 10mins late so end later as well.. Still need to meet another mom to pass her the LP and pick up some items.. Anyway, can tell from the pictures that the PG must have been really enjoyable!! Can change the next PG timing from 1.30-4.30pm or nt?? Otherwise veri slim chances for me to join u all ley..

I just got the discs from Dewdrops on Sat.. I will pass it to u at our next PG, if possible.

Baby Food,
Just to check wf u mommies if u have given ur little darlings "mee sua" before?? Sherilyn has been taking mee sua since she was 7 mths old.. Last Sat, I tried the mee sua out of curiousity cos I was wondering it's so plain how come Sherilyn wants to eat it.. Then I realised that it's quite saltish. I think it's not good to introduce too much saltish food before 1 year old right?
i not sure if she really asking my permission or not ley. hopefully it is lah ! hee hee....

nvm got next time.

Mee Sua
I gave Esher Mee Sua abt 2 weeks back when we were hvg it for dinner. hmm...my not say very saltish ley. ya it's not gd to give them too saltish stuff.

our next PG should be in May but not sure if you all want to meet during the bday bash instead ? if PG in May, will be mid May. Bday bash in is beg June. Is it too close for all? we can explore and discuss.
<font color="119911">Shane</font>,
Hey, that's my Cay beside Esher!
Esher looks so well-fed compared to Cay. In fact, I think all bbs are very well-fed. It feels really nice that after seeing the bb pics for so long, finally can see them in action.

Cay also made a lot of noise leh, crying so much. Oui Cay and Eshers hair sama sama lah. I also agree that Ashley is very pretty.

Ok, I will be fiercer to Cay actually, I am considered to be very fierce already, wait till you see how her grandparents pamper her.

<font color="ff0000">Bbrooster,</font>
Joelle is so sweet and pretty in her little hair clip! Her hair is so nice. Actually, I find that you look a little mixed too. Maybe that explains why Joelle looks mixed. Joelle is so active! Im impressed that you can put her to sleep. I can never make Cay sleep outside no matter how tired/sleepy she is, she would be too distracted. Actually, that day she was also very sleepy, thats why she got super-clingy to me, but she still refused to sleep.
cannot compare...Babies will lose their weight once they get mobile and cay is walking ley!

Ya agree. Joelle is sweet and pretty. Just like her mummy! She looked so cute sleeping and sucking her thumb

I c all mummies so slim ley !!!! so envious ...
<font color="119911">Cherry,</font>
Long legs? I never noticed Cay has long legs leh, I look at the picture, she and Eshers legs about same length although Eshers legs so fleshy I want to pinch.. kekeke
True that she is fast in walking. She practically can walk without support already but her judgement still not very good, so she gets quite a lot of falls these days.

<font color="aa00aa">My impression of the bbs:</font>
<font color="ff0000">Esher</font> chubby cutie pie
<font color="ff0000">Joelle</font> sweet and pretty super active too
<font color="0000ff">JJ</font> quite and well-behaved, cute curls!
<font color="0000ff">Raph</font> handsome boy
<font color="ff0000">Ashley</font> pretty gal with big round eyes
<font color="ff0000">KY</font> very smart and observant she got jealous when her daddy carries Cay made me so paiseh

<font color="ff0000">Adelle</font> sweet and pretty, cute smile!

<font color="0077aa">Shane,</font>
I am not slim ok... that's why I wore something loose to cover up. Agree that the mummies all so slim. Sigh, I look so auntie. I better doll up the next time...

Perhaps you are right... not only does she walks all the time, she also started climbing stairs at my ils' place... her hair always soaking wet after so much exercise... but I still feel worried when I see her weight dropped to 50 percentile during the last assessment. The nurse asked me whether she started solids... I told her Cay doesn't like solids... then she told me must give more.
don't be modest, u stll can wear spagetti strap ley ! I was all covered up. cannot show my fats
ha ha ....

ya, she's using alot of energy. maybe just work on getting her used to eating solids. i think that will help. do u give her baby biscuits ? this is not a healhty advice but ... Esher does snack alot. I think my mil give her biscuits on n off during the day

KY - I love her " i don't want to hear anymore" action. so cute!
Sorry that you have to finish the leftovers over the weekend. Actually I can eat one...in fact, I only ate Cay's leftover porridge for lunch before I rushed to the gathering. But my silly gal got obessed with the drinks bottle and I have to watch her so cannot concentrate on eating.

Talking about the drinks bottle, Cay simply loves bottles or packet drinks. When she sees the big bottle, she let out a loud exclaim,"Ohhhh! Wahhhh!" I really can't peel her off the bottle without causing her cry. She is too used to playing non-toy items at my mom's place. Now even my ils are doing the same.

I give Cay biscuits occassionally. My mom gave her sometimes to pacify her. My ils love to give her but I'll ask hb to stop them when necessarily.

Wear spaghetti strap means slim meh? I'm just very scared of heat, that's why I wear until like that. My appetite is very big lately, really must cut down since I want to stop breastfeeding soon.
ya i saw u ate one spring roll only ! i was gluttoning away
guess tt's y i can't lose weight

hee hee ya i saw cay playing with e bottle. she loved the bottle!

i think breastfeeding really helps to lose weight ley. I wished i BF longer!
<font color="0000ff">Playgroup</font>
Frankly speaking, I didnt notice any particular noise pollution caused by roaring should watch the video again and try to catch that. Hehe
What aunties didnt notice any aunties at the playgroup. The only one who is going down that track is me coz I am a SAHM and getting lazy at trying to look nice. ;p

Esher Soo chubby and cute! But se bu de pinch her cheeks.
Joelle still so cute, especially with her thumb in her mouth and hand holding the little towel.
Cay very active, and definitely likes men more she goes to the video camera (my hb holding it) but wont let me carry her. Hehe
Raph independent and very handsome boy. He would look so intently when I talk to him so cute! His eyes can talk.
Ashley very pretty gal and very active too. Her smile is soo. sweet!
KY quietly plays her toy didnt see her fuss leh. So guai.
Adelle such a sweet pretty girl! Even when asleep! Her hair curls a little at the ends too.

<font color="0000ff">Video of Playgroup</font>
Any mummies interested in getting a copy of the video since I noticed that I was the only one with the video who captured the din at the playgroup. The photos were good, but not live with the sound effect. Hehe I could get the video on avi format (like video clip on a CD) so that you can play on the computer. Let me know if you want a copy this is priceless and limited edition! Hahaha
<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
Thank you for being a fantastic host! You have already done so much to make this possible after all the suggestions and up-and-down enthusiasm. Hehe THANK YOU!

I like the group photo the best but cant post with all the mummies faces.
Leftover food: Sorry about that, our dear host. Hehe Too bz with the bbs to have much time to eat. Umm.. what would it be for the bday bash (if any) I think we just get the cake for food and drinks. Hehe

<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Oops! No Cay in pictures? Sorry, too many pictures with mummies faces in them such a nuisance to do the editing. Hehe Ok, would go look for one of cutie Cay and post.

<font color="0000ff">Fussing:</font> Hope you didnt mind me being such a kaypo and made that comment, coz I cant help noticing that you were very worried about having Cay kicking fuss when the 7 other bbs are doing the same thing creating a din 7 times more. Hehe Such a mess that I didnt even notice JJ kicking a fuss. ;P
Yap, I remember your earlier posting about sleeping I think this little Cay knows that she can get away by bullying Mummy. Hehe
Try being more firm with Cay I remember a very experience aunty of mine (7 grandchildren under her care) told me that bbs would know if you are scared so dont show it.

When Cay plays with non-toy things that are potentially hazards, you have to tell her NO! and take it away from her. Let her fuss look her in the eyes and she would eventually understand the meaning of NO. JJ fussed when he wants something I dont give him I do that to him and then distract him with something else.

<font color="ff6000">Cherry,</font>
Is it? JJ looks like angmo coz of curly hair? Hehe
Well behaved? Know what? When I showed my mum the video of the playgroup, her comment was Wah, JJ so guai doing the playgroup!. See, he is only acting because he was too preoccupied with the new toys. Hehe
<font color="ff0000">Shane,</font>
Wah, you notice I eat springroll.
Actually, I was eyeing the currypuff as well but I was worried Cay will throw the bottle and dive for it. She always do these to her toys. She never fall from chair yet so she still doesn't know the danger of falling from high places. Kekeke... actually I saw you and Esher happily eating, wanted to take a pic but too occupied with Cay.

Oh, forgot to tell you that Cay really love Esher's tricycle. That kept her quiet and happy for a long time. When I brought her back to my mom's place, she saw her first bday pressie, a tricycle, she jumped in joy!

<font color="aa00aa">Tang Ling</font>,
Cay dun anyhow go to men leh. Ah peh she doesn't want hor. So that means your hb is dashing enough to catch her attention.
She also went after Raph and pulled his pants. Sigh, her behaviour so chor lor, how I wish she can be sweet and pretty like the other bb gals.

Oh, I would like to have a copy of the video. Hb was grumbling why I never take pics of her gal but she cling on to me, how to take pic?? Actually, I was wondering whether we can load the pics to online album and share privately or else all the pics will be like Shane's pics with the blocked faces.
More playgroup photos:
JJ let the gals (Cay &amp; Joelle) play the piano? Dunno what is he staring at - so blur.

Cutie Joelle - got to love her chubby cheeks hairclip! Hehe...

The ever so handsome Raph.
<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Hehe... ok, noted that Cay do not go to Ah Peh - so smart!

You should see Cay smiling and walking towards the camera. Hehe...

<font color="0000ff">Sharing photos:</font> Yap, thinking about that too. One way to do it is yahoo photos - we can upload the photos and send emails to other mummies so that they could get the link and see the photos. Only heard about it, but have not tried it myself. Other mummies have other suggestions?
i want the video clip too ! hope it's not too troublesome. is it possible to email us the file ? but might be too huge hor ....

Photos at playgroup
Give me sometime and i'll email all the original photos that i have taken. the photos uploaded here have been resized so the resolutions not that great.
lucky u din take a pic of me being a glutton !

oh cay loved the tricycle ? gd, real glad that all the babies tried it. at least i feel my money well spent

Esher likes 'riding' in it too. I try my best to bring her down in it as often as i can but so far, i only managed like 3-4times. nowadays time passes so fast.

So tang ling, i kinda envy u ley, can be SAHM, got lotsa of time with JJ !
<font color="119911">Tang Ling,</font>
Hee, can't wait to see the video.
I cherish video clips of Cay because I no money to buy video cam lah Thanks for posting Cay's pics!!! Hard to capture those candid expression of hers!
I always find Cay very cute when she makes the "oh" sound... the 2nd pic she looks like demure Japanese gal bowing this mummy boei paiseh.

JJ's expression so cute, maybe he was sad that the piano kena snatched to the two gals.... but Joelle was the tough one. Before JJ came, Cay stayed away from Joelle and Esher and when Joelle crawled over, Cay quickly ran towards me.
I have emailed to your yahoo.com.sg email address the link for playgroup photos. Check mail.
Just a test - if works, we could use this way to share photos.
<font color="0000ff">Videoclip</font>
<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Hehe... Ok, next playgroup, would also bring the video cam and tape more of Cay so that you could keep memories of the little princess.

Oh yes, 2nd pic does look like she is bowing. Hehe...

<font color="ff6000">Shane,</font>
ok, would convert it and make copy for you also. Not troublesome at all - it is well worth the effort for the priceless recording of our precious ones.

Too huge to email - 4 mins clip already 37MB or compressed to 1MB. Can't email all. My hb took quite long - total would take more than 1 CD.
You are staying so near anyway - I am staying at the other end of Sengkang and used to passby your place everyday for work.
thks tangling. will get it from u when we meet up again.

U know, i have a video cam but since Esher was born we nvr took any clips at all ! i find it troublesome to use it. i took mainly photos. maybe i should start using it ? tape her when she claps her hands ? hmmm.....
yah shane, I told my hubby to tell my mil not to give Sherilyn mee sua anymore since she is taking porridge well now.

esher is so chubby.. how many kilos is she now?!
Hello mummies
I was really happy that our 1st playgroup was a real <font color="ff0000">success</font>! I really enjoyed myself mingling with all the mummies. Joelle also enjoyed herself exploring to new toys except in the middle of the gathering she was over-tired and fuss a lot.

And yesterday, she's down with a high fever of 39.1.

My impression of the babies :-
<font color="ff6000">Esher</font> - Very cute and chubby. In fact, I carried her away and secretly pinch her cheeks. heehee...! oops sorry shane she's just so irresistable

<font color="ff6000">ashley</font> - she's very pretty with big round eyes. very good complexion. got mistaken she's a May baby in actual fact it's twinklets Ashley who's more senior.

<font color="ff6000">adelle</font> - she's sweet &amp; pretty. jiao1 di1 di1 de4 xiao nu hai2.

<font color="ff6000">KY</font> - she's quiet like mummy. din get to talk to jasmine much. next PG must chat a little with you.

<font color="ff6000">cay</font> - our first bb to walk and i realise Ralph &amp; cay head shape a bit similar

<font color="ff6000">Ralp</font> - handsome and bright boy. i also realise he's very independent. also know how to pose for the camera. potential model next time.

<font color="ff6000">JJ</font> - kew more so cute. he's a bit quiet &amp; shy shy that day hor. Our tallest baby in the group.
Thank you so much for organising and getting everything ready. So sorry you have to eat the leftover food. Actually, I wanted to eat more of the otah.

Tang Ling
the 1st group of pictures very cute especially the 2nd pic esher and JJ both sucking fingers. Ashley and Raph posing for the shot.

Tang Ling thanks to your hb he got quite a lot of good clear shots leh. I also want the Video clips.

and shane's group of pictures the 2nd pic again esher N JJ sucking fingers. KY happily clapping her hands and look like she's standing without support.

ya, i saw your daughter running away from joelle when she was crawling towards her. so funny!

Talking about putting joelle to sleep it's also not easy when we are out unless she's real tired. I guess she's tired cos she din nap since she woke up that sat morning.
<font color="0000ff">Are u keen? Are u interested?</font>
I would like to organise the next Playgroup at my house. Dates will be <font color="ff0000">6 May, Sat</font> or <font color="ff0000">14 May, Sun</font>. Time : <font color="ff0000">1.30pm till evening</font>
Each of you will bring a toy. Tea snacks and drinks will be provided. Let's see the response.


Isnt 6 May polling day?? Anyway I am ok wf 6 May since Sherilyn has no class that saturday.

I cant make it on 14 May cos having Mothers' Day Lunch wf my hubby's family.
