(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

hi ladies
juz thot tt i drop over n say hi me from e jul mummy but gave birth to my bb boi on 28 jun.... now my boi is ten days old.... he juz got discharge from hospital due to jaundice on mon....hope his jaundice will clear up by his review on sat

the website address is http://www.kyo.com.sg. I am looking at the pandan cake set with 2 kueh & 2 red eggs at $6.50...

btw, fyi, you can call and book appt for your bb's vaccine jabs at polyclinic - i jus did to book my gal for her 2nd Hep B jab, so mayb dun need to wait so long... try the website http://www.nhgp.com.sg to find the nearest polyclinic to you and call them soon...
erlisa, I face the same problem as u. Also think my supply is more than baby's demand. I'm pumping at 3hr interval, whenever baby is bottlefed EBM. I dunno how much or how long to pump. After expressing, abt an hour or so, milk comes in again. Breasts will b drippy and engorged, v uncomfortable. However, baby still not wanting food. There was once I tried latching baby the whole day. He took in like 15min on some feed, 30 min for other feeds, still not able to empty my breasts. I wonder if my pumping every 3hrly is overstimulating my supply.

Babyluv, baby is able to empty breasts better than a pump. So I dun think u need worry since yr breasts feel soft after a feed. For me, baby not efficient enough to do so, so my breasts remain hard. If u wish to pump, can try massaging before and during expressing. Should also do this in a comfortable and relaxing place.

Shane, I wish to do baby's jabs at a polyclinic too, but hate to Q too. If u r able to latch baby, why dun just latch her instead of pumping out. By latching her on as and when she wants can increase yr supply to a level that matches her need.
Yah, I do latch my bb regularly even tho i express milk. My bb will suckle for 10-15min and he would be in dreamland. I hardly bottlefeed on EBM unless i'm taking a nap. Even with this, my breasts will still be leaking and engorged. So as much as possible, I will latch him, that's why the milk ends up being thrown away after the "expiry date" in the fridge.

Yah, the clinic is at north-east.. hee Think it's the same one that you went to.. Where do you stay anyway? No special tips lah for the milk supply. In fact, it din come in much during the hospital stay. Even when I got back home for the first 2 days, bb was still on FM coz my milk supply isn't much. It's only after that the milk came in at abundance.. hee
But my mom did say, to increase milk supply should eat more fish. But I haven't eaten fish yet during that time yet the milk supply is a lot. Mabbe the chicken essence and half-boiled egg I took every morning helps?! You can try that tho...

Same as me. The engorgement got so bad that I couldn't sleep at night sometimes. And I could feel the lumps on the sides of my breasts. And the leaking, is like a water pipe. I usually have to change my breast pads 2x a day.. My breasts remain hard even most of the time even after latching or expressing milk.. sigh
wow.. my friend told me that to reduce milk ss, she pump out less and less frequently; meaning extend from 3hrly to 4hrly and than subsequently lesser and lesser until no milk.

my cl suppose to leave next week; but becos last min her july engagemt cancelled so i ask her to stay for another 2 weeks. :p at least help take care of my meals and night feed for another 2 weeks.

hve you tried the kyo's cakes before? i am also thinking of ordering from them.

how are you copying now that you shifted back to you own house?
alsa, i tried many times to upload bb photo but always got message that the picture size is too big. i use windows to reduce the size to vv small already but still cannot!

on bf..
my target is to try and give as much breastmilk as possible (alth ss still much lesser than dd) and until at least 6th weeks. i read in one of the bb books that giving at least 6 weeks would be best if one is thinking of short term bf.
my ss doesn't increase at all. everyday also pump out about the same amount of milk.
hi cherry,

yes can see yr girl's photo alrdy...u manage to snap the photo while she yawning... my daughter loves to tilt her head to one side & keep on staring at dunno wat...

yr girl like the bouncer?? mine loves it its so much easier for her to fall asleep in bouncer then in bed...

my hb still send me to my mum pl in the morning & fetch me back at nite...only couple of times i stay home & take care of Brenda myself...i am ok taking care of her by myself but cannot rest at all lor ..still waking up abt 3times at nite so at mum's pl w her care i can take a nap during daytime otherwise its v siong....

yr confinment ending?? u going to take care bb by yrself??
I am getting really tired already. As i am taking care of bb myself most of the time, I find my energy level draining. Dun really have the time to pump my milk. Sometimes I question myself do I really need to when my bb seems to be perpetually stuck to my breast. He demands milk every 2 hrs plus he wants comfort suckiling in between. Nowadays he will cry when left alone, one of the ways to pacify him is to let him suckle..so sometimes I dunno if he is really drinking when he is suckling. My bb is really heavy, having to walk around the house with him stuck to my breast is no easy task.
Feeling kinda sick today already. Back is aching, epi stitch also still very sore, head is spinning and breaking out into cold sweat now and then.

Today, am quite determined to pump out some milk and get my mum to feed later in the afternoon. I just wan some rest, if not will go mad.

My bb dun like the bouncer.. he gets intrigued for a while and starts crying when he finds that there is no human touch.
my confinement actually ends next week but i have asked my cl to extend her stay for another 2 weeks to help out. i was still struggling if i should ask her to stay one week or 2 weeks. my mom is occupy with 3 kids (all vv young) already and my mil is working so once cl goes home, i will be alone at home with bb.

i was like you during the 1st 2 weeks; was so stress up that i kept wanting to cry. my hubby gathered that i was begining to suffer from depression and told me to stop latching bb on so frequently; instead pump whatever i can and get cl to feed. i felt much more relieve thereafter. tell you girls a secret. i was so stress bf'g as my bb struggle and scream each time i try to latch her on that on her 7th day home, i actually drop her. she rolled from my bed to the floor. that really caused my to fall deeper into depression. i was crying all the way from home to the pd. hence, it was from that day that i stop latching her on so often. now only once a day.

now i feel more engery having been able to catch rest here and there without latching her on so often.
all babies look so cute

Milly, Cherry,
u let ur bb lie in bouncer already ah. I also got one but hvn't tried. they sleep better in the bouncer ?

Hi Sheris,
don't worry. it's common for bbs to have jaunice. he'll be fine soon. just cut down on ur ginger intake since confinement food is full of ginger stuff.

thks for the links. the cakes look not bad, shall consider.

so fast u book already. wonder if still have to wait even tho' it's by appt. i'll call up and enquire. thks!

maybe can do as rene advised. book appt inadvance and hopefully no need to Q so long.

I can latch bb on. I normally latch her the whole day till midnite when i'm tired then i'll give her a FM feed. I'm trying to do away with FM feeds so hoping i can pump out some BM to replace the FM feed as well as backup when i'm not ard. But so far, can only pump out abt 40ml, too little already.

i so envy lisa and you who got so much supply. Since got such high ss, must try ur best to BF bb as long as possible.

Ya it's the same clinic. I'm in Hougang. The counter staff really attitude rite ? Didn't do anything wrong, the face also like owe them $ kind of face. sigh. so don't really hv gd impression of them tho' the pd herself is not too bad.

During hospital stay, my milk ss also nil. Then 1st wk at home also the same, bb always crying. Only till 2nd week, it's better. FM feed reduced and bb not crying so much. But now 3rd week already, still no improvement. I got a feeling my ss gg to remain as it is. You're so fortunate, got abundance ss.

I hv been eating fish from day 1 of my confinement. didn't help. I didn't take chicken essence tho' maybe should try. But i hate the taste of it. my mum warm up 1 for me before. I hated it

same here, will try to BF for as long as i can. but sometimes really feel like giving up. my original target was 6 mths, now i wonder i can hang on for so long or not. Maybe 6 weeks is a more attainable target.

Anyway let's all just jia you on BF!
i can totally understand. tho' my mum is helping me with confinement, i still do most things myself and we look after bb ourselves too. it's really tiring.

our bbs are quite similar. I heard from the nurses at my hospital that BF bbs like to be carried cos they're sorta of used to it since they are BF. so no choice. My bb is the same-like to comfort suckle to sleep and also like to be carried. Last few days, i gave in and took out the pacifier but she doesn't really like it. sigh.

I think u're reaching ur limit already. Better rest and let ur mum do the feeding. Try ur best to pump. If not enuf, sup with abit of FM. My nips are getting sore from bb's suckling and pumping. Tho's i have only pumped like 3x, but everytime i put the pump on my breast, i got a fear cos of the pain. sigh.

Just do ur best and take a break from bb if you have to. It'll be better for you and bb. When we're grouchy, bb will not be happy with us also.
oh dear, that must have caused you a big fright! I'll be as depressed if i'm you. Gd that bb is alrite and you're feeling better now.

I must say BF is really very tough. I nvr expected it to be so tough before i delivered. During my 1st 2 weeks, i didn't even enjoyed BF. But i just tell myself to keep gg. Jus want to provide with bb the best. So let's just perserve together.
Lisa, what u can do to relieve engorgement is to put slice of cold cabbage leaf on ur breast. but only for few minutes. Doc said if u put any longer it would stop milk ss.
during the first month, i pump 3 hourly and when she demands for feed i latch her on. when no milk my girl will cry then i just feed her FM. so it went on like that for 1st month. i don't really stress myself on BF. have then give, don't have then supplement with FM. i think the 3hourly pump establish the milk supply demand. that's y nowadys after 3 hours, my breast will feel full automatically. i'm on total BF (EBM and latch) now. it just happen one day when i realise i got more bottles of milk in the fridge to meet her demand and i started to feed EBM at night as well.
i think both funnels are about the same size. i remember reading someone saying that medela can buy bigger funnels. but i'm not sure where.

ya,it's like that. i pump after BF also very little. so that's y i pump first then latch her. sometimes like u say, the interval is too near (2 hours) . that's y i alternate my feed with FM initially. with EBM i know how much i give my girl. When she's latch, i don't know she drink how much. i remember when the CL carry her in for BF, sometimes in my mind i will say 'again..' hehe.

my supply decreases from day to night last time. it's normal i think because morning breast fullest then with pumps and latch it decreases when it's the night time for me. i think got nothing to do with the pump. with medela i get lesser than now maybe because i can't take the pain at the nipple so i pump shorter time and also it was during my first month so cannot compare with now. now with ameda, every pumping can pump around 2 feeds for my girl. my girl now coming to 6 weeks. drinking 80ml.
gals, i just came back from PD. My bb has false measles! (didn't know got false and real one!)

Symptoms: on-off fever, red & flat spots from head to toe

Diagnosis: False measles (doc said will last 2-3 days)

Medication: Nil-except paracetemol to control fever

Precautions: Nil-but must bathe, to ease itch in baby.

Sigh... so now it's back to monitoring her fever! She's like little red riding hood (LITERALLY!) covered with red spots!

Anyone knows info abt false measles? Tried to look up on google... but was confronted with latin jargon!
I'm a SAHM. rushing every minute in the house. first few days after CL left i was really crazy and upset. pump milk baby also cry. nowadays i just let her be. when i pump milk she happens to wake up and cry then i just let her cry . coz that's once i was so panicky that i spilt a bottle of milk after pumping! i know what u mean about suckle for comfort. sometimes also dunno what she wants, just latch her to stop her crying. i think we must be mentally sane to handle all these or else will break down easily.
Really ah, if put too long can stop milk ss? There's 2x that i put cold cabbage coz my breasts got too engorged that accidentally left it overnight. But i think I end up having more milk than ever, but the engorgement isn't as bad lah.. Manage to feel slightly relieved when I pump... Otherwise, before putting the cold cabbage, it remains very hard and look like as if I went for a boob job even tho I express quite an amt of BM... Now not as bad.. But I could feel like some stinging pain at my nipples/breasts, indicating, milk supply just came in...

My bb oso now after 1wk, enjoys comfort suckling. Even his feeding time, when i try to latch him, he will simply "play" around for at least 5-10 minutes before he actually starts his feeding.

Anyone of you experiencing difficulty in weaning ur bb? Nowadays I'm almost givng up on weaning him.. I can wean him for 15-20 mins but nothing comes out... And sometimes, when I put him down after so long trying to wean him, he will puke his milk... wat a waste!
i started placing baby in the bouncer at 3rd week becasue she developed alot of heat rashes around the head and face. now she sleeps in the bouncer in the afternoon which is much cooler and rashes are getting better. cl told me to train her to sleep in bouncer as next time when she has gone home, i would be more mobile with bb. at the begining, ashley wasn't used to the bouncer.

good grief! hope you bb gets better soon. could it be also due to the heat. it has been vv warmer this week.
Lisa, that's what gynae & lactation woman said. Too much cabbage causes drop in ss. But both said will provide source of comfort!

Sorry, dont understand ur question on weaning. I thought weaning means to stop feeding BM to baby?

Cherry, I hope it's not due to heat. CL doesn't allow fan to be switched on now that she had this! sigh.. so warm!
PD said cause of false measles may just be bad air!? So trying to keep bb away from visitors. Maybe should invest in air purifier... but I feel unnecessary leh. My flat not under going any construction. maybe mummy's body odour is contributing! haha...
Yah, cold cabbage is definitely comforting.. but to me, it doesn't help much..

Hee.. Dunno what i was thinking.. anyway, my qn is, is anybody experiencing difficulty in BURPING the baby? paiseh... And thanks for pointing it out...
Thanks gals for the encouragement..

I did have a power nap this afternoon when my mum popped over to help. The EBM did work..for a while. My mum fed him about 50 ml. He went to sleep for half an hour and then started crying again. This time mum couldn't pacify him anymore. His cries work me up and I latched him on. Dunno whether he was drinking or comfort suckling, within minutes, he fell asleep... good grief.

Just pumped out another 70 ml..will get hb to try feeding tonight.

Cold cabbage:
erlisa, maybe you wanna try wearing the cabbage leaves in the bra. The nurses once told me that if you wanna decrease ss, u can fit the leaves in the bra and wear it till it's not cold anymore. (BTW, my hb burst out laughing upon hearing that)...sounds silly but it makes sense right?

hope your bb gets well soon. Hmm, havent heard of false measles... I guess the horrible weather does contribute to all those rash, itch and bumps. My bb rash and pimples still not subsiding. Really, nowadays, our bbs cant withstand the heat.

yup, I split some milk after pumping today...I was like ARGH!!! Already not much coming out, now I clumsily split it. Hai. You are right, sanity is very impt. How I wish my hb can stay at home everyday to help me. But too bad, he gotta work.

aiyoh, poor bb..hope your bb is fine after the bump. Nowadays, I got this fear that I will drop the bb while carrying him. All kinds of scary thots keep bombarding my mind, like I will drop him and he will smash into the glass table...(haiyoh, choi, horrible thots!!). You see lah, sanity is impt!!!

Really, thank God that there is this forum that I can chat with you ladies. It does keep my stress level down somehow. And knowing that we are all in this together!! Let's all JIA You!

erlisa, I also have the diff burping bb. Sometimes, it's my laziness. In the middle of the night, I just wanna feed him and get over and done with it. I try lah.. but sometimes, he gets sleepy and doesnt cooperate by sitting still for me to burp. My bb is rather heavy, carrying him up on my shoulders is impossible for me to burp. Hai, end up, he pukes quite alot. So I was get my Hb to do the burping. Like I always joke, I am the milk dispenser and he is the burping machine. But anyways, bb doesnt necessary need to belch after patting his back upwards... I guess just as long as he doesnt keep the milk in his mouth and the milk goes down the system.
I also had the thot of sup with FM to establish a routine for pumping. But i always get discourage when i have to give her FM it's like telling me my supply not enuf. will see how.
Now i'll try to pump on and off and see if i can 'create' a 'reserviour' of backup EBM. Hopefully I'm able to do that. gg to be tough tho'

sometimes my gal doesn't burp also when i try to burp her. i just let it be. but there are instances she reguritate her milk out cos of that. so i try to burp her to the best i can but if after awhile, don't have then i just give up. sometimes she burps on her own and me n hubby will just laugh cos her burps are so loud !

my bb also got rashes ard her face ! is there anything we can apply to help it subside beside cleaning with boiled water ? was taught to clean with boiled water at hospital.
I'm suspecting the rubbing of her face with my breast and milk during the latch session since sometimes she turns here and there. sigh.

gd to hear that u had a gd rest. tt's gd. I think ur bb cried cos the milk not enuf. must feed them full full already then they'll go to sleep soundly for a long time. If i feed my gal FM, she can take up to 90-100ml so i try give the same amt of EBM.

I managed to pump out close to that today. So happy. so tonight her FM feed can be replaced with EBM. But hope it last her as long as the FM feed tho' if not i'll have to wake up earlier in the nite
sorry to hear abt ur gal. lucky it's false one. real measles would be more serious. must have caused all of you a fright. Ya i think must be due to the hot weather. Try to wipe her more often to keep her clean from her perspiration. Hope Nicole gets well soon.
Believe it or not, that's exactly what I did!! First, I was just toying with the cabbage leaves over my breasts and I looked myself in the mirror, laughing at myself for looking like a mermaid-wannabe... Coz I dun want to end up holding the cabbage, I use my bra over them and that's how I end up having cabbage leaves overnight 2x...

I do hope your bb is allright.. Do take care yea...

On burping, I really sian when I have to burp him. Coz my bb puke 3x so far I brought him home, and I always fear that when I don't burp him, he will puke and the milk he fed on will go wasted... Like babyluv, I also leave the job of burping him to my hb, I'm just the cow

Actually, I quite scared to burp my baby on my shoulders.. He's like so fragile like dat.. So, normally, I make him sit down and make him burp. I also tried putting his body forward and burp him but the scary thing is that he loves to lift up his head everytime I do that to him.. Does burping on shoulders help them better?
i usually pump desired amt (which is 1 - 2 oz). I usually use pump one breast and latch the other, and interchange for next round.

personally i feel that there's nothing wrong with your ss, with all those leaking and the most important, bb satisfied. So, don't give up!

As for me, i'm starting to worry because bb seems to prefer bottle (of expressed milk) than latching on as sometimes have to force her to latch on. but, it is irritating to hear mil keeping saying 'bb wants more milk', so i gave her (milk) the bottle of expressed milk. because i still have my own things to do!!! instead of sitting up 24-7 to feed every 30 minutes based on her view!
didn't know the bcg scar look so bad for your bb. mine is only a small red dot on the arm.

frankly speaking, i dunno how to count these days as confinement period; every 2 days i'm practically outdoors for padae's appointments.
Anyway, some people count 40 days as confinement, some 30 days.

bb's hair: 99% sure that shaving off bb's hair at home or mil's home! sigh, i have a processive mil here just in case you do not know... i have a hatch that bb will not 'recognise' me anymore once i go back to work.
welcome! your bb's same bd as mine!

my bb's also had jaundice, but admitted into hosp on day 3 for 2.5 days. now still close observation by polyclinic's doc every 2 days.

dunno about other polyclinics, the one i went (outram), says babies below a month have priorty in Q. so relatively, i usually do not need to wait very long.
Bought my girl to see PD today as her cheek rashes does'nt seems to subside despite constant cleaning w boiled water..PD say could be fungus infection due to hands w saliva/milk rubbing against her face....was prescribe cream & bathing solution..

how's r bb's rashes like??? mine is red & very bumpy pimple like..also feel v dry when i touch her face...i only use water to clean her face even during bath i never use any soap but PD say shd use some soap as her face could be oily due to her hands (w milk/ saliva) rubbing agst her face..was prescribed a wash for sensitive skin "SebaMed Baby bubble bath" which can be found at pharmacy...

my girl loves bouncer i started putting her since she is 2wks old tat time she keep crying once we place her in cot so we tried bounce & surprising she sleeps v well in it...maybe becos it sort of wraps her up & she feels more secure then in cot...also we can rock her & she will fall asleep more easily..

wow tat must caused u quite a scare...BF is really a stressful event...nowadays i also try not to stress myself so much...hb also understand now & say if need to jus supplement w FM....i think we shd all take it easy if can then BF if not there is always FM...

taking care of bb alone is not easy unless yr bb can sleep at a stetch of 3hrs or so...mine doesnt hve gd sleeping pattern sometimes wake up every 1/2 hr or 1 hr...when i alone taking care of her i virtually cannot do anything else so decide to go Mum's pl....also meals is another prob..

tats sounds scary.....did the rash develop overnite or overtime...understd how u feel mine girl also got rashes initially few spots then gets spread over entire cheeks...i see also "xin tong" also jus bot her to PD...hope yr bb gets well soon..

Me also hve same prob..my girl likes to latch but find tat i dunno how much she drank & sometimes after awhile she cries again & i dunno if is it she didnt drink enough..tats y nowadays i feed her EBM during day & latch only for nite feeds.With EBM she finish her feed faster & i also know how much she drink...hey my girl also 6wks drinking 80ML...will u be increasing her feed??? wat is yr interval?? mine quite erratic sometimes 1.5hrs she will cry alrdy...seems alot of other bbs drinking abt 100ML already but my girl seems v contented w her 80ML currently...
Melrose cakes are average but I like their packaging, they will put bb & parents'name on the box. Cakes cost $5+, they have discount for orders abv $100.

I also realised that when I pump I get only 60-80ml (bb is drinking 140ml). When I latched him he seems to get enuf milk woh...nvr cry after feeding. So I conclude that when bb suckle he is able to get more milk then what we pumped.

Hopes your bb gets better soon!

You may try to give her 90-100ml, see if she can finish. If she can, then u monitor her interval.

Can we use normal bb bath to wash bb's face? My bb's face can be quite oily at times but I dun dare to use soap to wash, only use boiled water to clean twice a day.

Agree that taking care of bb alone it not easy. For the last few days, my bb will only sleep in my arms when I put him dwn he will cry after 5-10mins. I almost gone crazy...even cried with him coz I can't figure out what he wants!!!

For meals, I intend to get those tingkat lunch/dinner. To go to my mum's pl is a hastle...got to bring so much bb's barang!

Din know there is false measles...hope your bb get well soon!

Milk Supply
For those who wish to increase ss, i recomend papaya fish soup. I drank for 2 days n found that my ss has increased but dunno how long can this be sustained. Maybe I need to drink everyday....then can keep the ss.
Shane: bravo for hanging on there! I always feel that baby is able to extract 2 times of the milk we pumped out. If ur baby is satisfied, then no need to worry. You may want to pump the other side after baby has finish feeding if you are not too tired. Else rest together with the baby.
at 4th week the CL was giving my girl as much as 100ml per feed. When i gave her that much after CL left, she can't seem to finish. so i lower it to 80ml and she's can finish it but very slow. her intervals now is about 2.5hr to 3 hours. initally when i latch her on, it's 1 hour interval. almost crazy and nerve wrecking for me. so now i gave EBM and let her latch on. anyway it's better becoz i express first then latch her so she'll get the so called 'hindmilk' which is rich in nutrients. I'll increase her feed if i find her waking up in shorter intervals. but i read some books this amount is ok. sometimes i wonder us asians over feeding. everytime they cry we feed, it seems a routine. i heard my CL say she used to do for one ang mo family, they let the baby cry if the time is not up for feed. but again, how can we bear to see them crying right.
same here. my mum always say bb wants milk when she's crying even after she just had her feed. sometimes really feel very tired. sigh. how i wish i got storage of EBM then i can just feed her that. feel so tired.

my bb's rashes are small little dots on her face. today noticed some are pimple like, got white dot on them. i strongly believe it's due to the heat and always carrying her n BF her, since her face always rub against the breast with saliva and milk. sigh. hope it gets better soon. wonder if there's any cream that we can use to help clear it up...

i've been drinking papaya soup ley, but ss still the same. sigh.

thks for the encouragement. hope i can hang on long enuf. now i got problem btn trying to feed her (latch on) and expressing milk. the intervals are so close, hardly got time to express and i feel so tired and sien of expressing. it's always not enuf. sigh.
my bb is ok even after the fall. it was really scary for me but pd said that bb vv sturdy but should not let it happen often. :p

the rashes on ashley's face will subside when she is kept cool. once the temp gets too hot rashes re-appear again, hence concluded that it must be heat rash.

ashley is drinking about 90ml every 3hrly. cl said that i can try 100ml after her one month especially at night so as to see if she can just have one feed at night.

her pattern nowadays is sleeping thru the afternoon after each feed and more awake at night between 6-9pm or even up to 12am. thereafter will be drink sleep again.
Green Papaya is known to increase milk ss leh..how come?? Could it b you are too stress? Must remember to drink lots of fluid as well. Anyway, your ss is yet to be established, dun worry!

My bb face always has milk when I BF too...I will clean with boiled water after each feed to prevent rashes.

I normally latch bb on each breast for abt 20-25mins than I will switch. Total feeding time is ard 45mins. How do we know if bb is getting the hind milk??

My bb is 5weeks old. When I latch on, dun really know how much he is drinking, as long as he dun cry I will stop, usually is ard 45mins (interval is 2hr). If I feed him EBM or FM, I give him 140ml (interval 3hr).

actually i'm not too sure until when it's consider hindmilk. but foremilk is much more dilute. The book says if breast is too full, it's better to express a little out first then latch the baby. that way, baby will not 'choke' on the fast flow of milk and also get to drink hindmilk. i suppose it's when the breast is empty means they get to drink hindmilk? or when u see the milk is thicker...
hi mummies...

tks for your replies... my bb is 9 days old today.. she drinks abt 70-90ml of FM every 3 hrs... sometimes when i let her latch on, after that i still need to supplement her with FM... i wonder if my bb ger drinking too much... If she doesn't drink enough, she'll start crying and won't sleep... wonder if any of u face the same problem as me...

Re: Milk Supply
How do u know if your milk supply is in?? when i latch bb on one breast, the other one will start to leak.. and sometimes it even shoots out.. a few times when i latch bb on.. kana her face..
normally i won't pump b4 feeding coz i scare not enuf. Hope bb is getting the hindmilk...

if your gal demand for more milk just give her, that's my PD says. Let bb decide how much to drink n the interval...i think every bb is diff.
if your milk can shoot out definitely milk ss is in & u must have quite a lot coz mine will at the most leak, won't shoot leh!
i also don't know but i don't drink the soup everyday. Maybe every 2-3 days my mum will cook. anyway my confinement ending next week, wouldn't have the soup to drink already. I don't see any significant increase in my ss even tho' i drink the soup.

I also not sure i under stress or not. maybe lor. sometimes i feel my confinement not like confinement cos i still need to do so many other things. only thing is i eat confinement food, get confined at home and drink the red dates drink. i don't get to laze ard and feed bb only like wat's confinement supposed to be. could be a cause of my low milk ss lor.

actually i already 3rd week, can't imagine my milk ss still not established ley. anyway i just keep hoping it will increase abit lor but abit resigned to fate. just now after feeding bb, went to pump, nothing came out. sigh. then bb cry and had to give FM. feel so tired.

ur milk ss definitely in. can leak and shoot somemore, def got milk ! i only experience leakage, hvn't encountered any shooting experience hee hee....
as long as u used bb cleanser during her bath to clean her face shd be ok....i only used normal water so her face not clean...now i add the cleanser prescribe by PD into her bath water and clean her w cotton wool...very glad to see today her face got improvement liao...

so u taking care of bb alone now??? can be very tiring...ya agree tat sometimes my girl also jus keep crying dunno wat she wants but one thing tat can definitely pacify her is to offer her my breast she will stop immediately...dun think she hungry becos i jus fed her & she cannot finish her milk & yet she still likes to suck at my breast...nxt time go to work dunno how my mum going to cope ....

actually i tried to stick to interval feeding but v tough becos when she cries can feel v distressing so no choice will feed her lor...me too find latching v time consuming...my girl likes my breast so much can be sucking for 1hr also refuse to let go...most of the time i had to see she asleep then pull out my nipple if not, she will cry....me still latch during night time as too tired to wake up to warm milk & express but daytime she is on total EBM...

i try to incr to 100ML but most of the time she cannot finish & hve to throw away my EBM feel so wasted...maybe our bb appetite not big think as long she growing well then shd be ok lor...during her 1mth checkup PD say 80ML is good enough for her current weight....

think yrs is milk rashes...u try to jus keep her face clean after feed...dun think there is any off the counter lotion...if u dun see improvement or it gets worse dun hesitate to see PD...initially i also thought will go away by itself so only bring my girl to see PD after 5days when her condition worsen...been feeling down last few days when see her face so "disfigured"....really glad after applying the cream PD prescribe her face is getting better today...

dun get too stress up over yr milk ss maybe u can try to pump more frequently....the other time my ss also low i pump 2hrly & find after 1 wk ss had increase & now i can pump 3hrly still manage to meet my girl demand....try to take hot drink or massage b4 u pump it helps in ss...
agree with you. hubby always says i'm always so stressed so bb kept crying. i didn't dare to tell him, she's always crying when mil nagging around with me. don't see bb crying when she's alone with me or with both of us.

papaya soup will take some time. but it could be stress and not drinking enough water (not just red date drink). had been drinking milo for breakfast until i had nose bleed and plain water when thirsty because red date drink & breastfeeding make me more thirsty.

rashes on face & neck: bb's rashes getting better esp after 'airing' her and powdering her without wrapping her up in layers of blankets (i.e. only her own clothes and diapers) (heh heh, since she like to do strenching exercises while sleeping).
i have the same problem too! when latch bb on one breast and when suckling starts, the other leaks as well, same when i try to pump from one breast. at times, i have both breast leaking at the same time esp when i try to get baby to wake up to drink (which she usually doesn't). but for shooting out milk, nope, have not encounter yet; only sees such when i use the pump.
oh. noticed that bb's lips is getting milky white (on the inside), wondering if anyone observed similar... was thinking is it because of the milk intake? or something is wrong?
it's normal. my bb lips also like that after BF. after awhile it goes back to normal.

ok. i'm trying to keep her face clean after each feeding session.

ya i guess i should take a step back and relax. actually so far BF is ok for me. it's the expressing that i'm stressed cos can't pump out milk. maybe it's really because i've been latching bb on tt y can't get much milk pumped out. Now i'm trying to find a schedule to pump milk but hvg difficulty cos need to latch bb on for feedings.

how do u managed ur pump before and after pumping ? necessary to sterilise before and after every use ? so far i don't, just wash with soap then rinse with hot water before i use. wonder if tt's ok.
