(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

Adora, don't give up! the soup should help!

normal barber can do it? wow! and eyebrow too! my gal still no eyebrow yet! pls let us know abt new hair growth when it comes out!

ya must make special effort. But sometimes also nothing much to say

Esher's poo has been yellow so far, watery also. On average she poos abt 3x a day. sometimes just change her diaper than she poos again. waste my diaper. sigh.

my seems to be tapering off. cos some days nothing, but some days got abit. like wat u described. so i hope it means ending soon. getting quite sick of wearing pads

since our bb same age, u'll be holding Nicole's full mth next weekend as well ?

no i'm not gg to shave my bb's hair and eyebrows, esp the eyebrows, can't imagine shaving off the eyebrows. I bu she de to shave bb hair also. so i'll just leave it. Anyway i read that bb will drop hair during the 3rd - 4th mth for new hair growth. If there's a need than i'll shave her then.
BTW girls, anyone experienced the Mummy's wrist yet? The part below your thumb, just near the wrist? Heard from friend that it's common ailment for us mummies--on BOTH hands. Cos we use that part to pat bb, hold a bottle, open door, take diaper, take phone, etcetc.. while carrying the baby.

I realised I got it when I tried filling up a form today. writing became a problem!
Shane, yup. bb's full month will be on 17th. Just wondering, are u giving out cakes to the same pple u are inviting to the buffet? My mum said not necessary. I also think not necessary. buy granny said MUST?!?

ur bb poos 3x! that would make Nicole Queen Poo! She does it every 2 hours! uh..oh.. I better check with PD if she's doing it a bit too often!
You are right abt wasting diaper. But u can try this that my CL taught me.

Everytime she poos, look at her. Try to see the symthom, pattern, facial expression or any mannerism she has b4 she poos. That way, whenever u want to change diaper, u can pre-empt if she's going to do it soon. I learnt it hard way. I was changing her when her poo did a super soaker stunt. haha.. you can imagine!

btw, are u going to do hair before next wkend? I'm trying to think of excuse to get out! think my CL would think I'm rebellious & vain!
mckee & shane,
i dun remember any lumpy discharge.. if have, is during the hospital, some blood clots lookalike. maybe bcos i delivered via c-section?

btw, tuti massage my bb today and she was crying at te top of her lungs the whole while! after that, I think she got frightened, and keep on crying... so poor thing, i so heart pain see her cry until so chiam.. sigh, tonite mayb no need to sleep liao.
Rene, she'll cry like that, cos not used to the water and massage. Mine crying like that since day 1 of massage. will cut down towards end of week 1. But she should be sleeping like a log after massage right? remember feed her b4 the session.
not really.. tuti didnt bathe her, just massage her onli.. and then she was crying n crying for 1 hr after that. hopefully like you say, it's jus a one time reaction cos she never cried like that before this.. ;(

anyway i dun think i wan tuti to massage her again. mayb my bb gal was more fussy and she seems to be veri inscure recently.. always cry and dun wan to sleep even though she veri sleepy.. even carry her also dun work anymore.. sigh, i am thinking whether i shd be bringing her to see doc or wat...
My bb was delivered on 27th June.

Yeah.. there's too many visitors over the entire week last week. Couldn't get much rest coz have to entertain them a bit. At least this week, there's more peace...

Regarding shaving of head, u can ask ur massage lady for an ointment to help baby's hair grow faster. Dunno wat's it's called, but it did help my niece's hair to grow last time. It's a traditional oil to be applied on the part for hair growth.
My bb poos everytime he's being breastfed. While breastfeeding, he will pause for a moment and he will poo. Quite funny oso, coz he makes a lot of sounds when he does that. Dunno if it's normal.

Do you gals experience difficulty in weaning ur bb? Mine does. And my bb often have hiccups. So 'kelian' see him hiccup for quite a while... Dunno how to help him...
Riz managed to open his eyes wide hor. My gal cant seem to open up her eyes and there is quite a lot of discharge in her right eye.

yah, jaundice is actually quite common among newborn for the first week.. That was y i was nt realli keen to admit my gal cos i find that 15.9 is an acceptable level thou its considered high.

Hopefully the papaya fish soup will help increase ur ss. Jia you!!

I think u forgot to attach Ashely's photo..

So far my gal has been quite good during her 2 days' stay at home cos she onli cries when she is hungry. Other than that she has been in her dreamland most of the time, even when she soiled her nappies.

But nite feeding can be a tremendous torture. I was worn out for the first nite cos every 2 hrs will have to wake up.. So most likely i will let her feed on EBM during nite time. Will onli latch her on during the day.. Thou its realli tough, i enjoy bf cos i can connect and communicate wf my gal. I also love the way she wriggles her head in search of my nipples when she's hungry.

Good to hear that ur lochia tapering off.. Do u experience pain at ur pelvis area? Sometimes i experience a sharp pain when i urinate and i could see lumps of lochia.. is that normal??
hiccups are normal for babies, and they are really harmless. My PD says it's actually more uncomfortable for adults than the babies themselves when we see them having hiccups...

but if you really wan, feed yr bb some water or let her latch on when she hiccups and it will be ok soon.
My PD charging $115 for 6 in 1 jab. Forgot to ask abt the 5 in 1 so not sure how much..


yr bb v cute...so chubby...

ya lor i think either way we also will complain...my hb also say i v grouchy nowadays....i think we also prone to mood swings nowadays due to all the stress of BF & taking care of bb..

so qiao mine also westbury..she sleeping with me..after her near accident of peeing on my bed now hve to lay a piece of towel on my bed for her to sleep..

I am still combating with my gal's rashes...seems to get better 2 days ago her forehead cleared already but dunno y yesterday her cheeks start to flare up with red bumpy pimple-like rashes again.."sigh" see alrdy v "xin tong"..i now used boiled water to clean her face hopefully will subside...my gal always like to put her hands in her month then rub agst her cheeks dunno if its due to her saliva???

re:weight loss

I still hve abt 5kg to go..still cannot fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes v sad
tummy did go down but still v flabby..think massage can only help to get rid of wind & strink uterus..to get rid of flabbiness still need exercise...
yah, i also tot that 15.9 nt realli high wat so dunno y need to be admitted. Haiz.. maybe the PD just wants to earn our $$.

Re shaving of head:
My gal has thick black hair. I intend to shave her bald on full month and use her hair to make taimaobi. I got to know from poshies that it onli cost $60+ and the person will come personally to ur house and give bb free shaving service. The taimaobi comes with a casing as well.

Dun worry abt bb's hiccups. I read from books that babies will nt feel uncomfortable when havin hiccups.

what is this tuti massage? Is it baby massage?
congrats! It must be very taxing with you taking care of bb & having visitors at the same time. actually, like what mckee says, you do not need to entertain vistors, read some tips which says 'make them work! you trying to have rest from the birth and taking care of the newborn!' (tips from new parents - babycenter)

yah, i agree, don't understand why don't they believe... until it is a bit late. anyway, since you are pumping, if possible try to lower the air pressure of the pump.
Thanks all for your re-assurance that hiccups ain't as painful as i tot...

Yah, my bb open his eyes very wide after he was cleaned up right after the delivery. He was busy looking at his new environment all the while until he was brought into the nursery.

Thanks for the link. Really useful.

$115 for 6-in-1 jab? which PD is that? the PD my hospital refer to, is charging me a whopping $400+ for 5-in-1 jab. She said it's a package which includes consultation fees. And she claims that it will be about the same price as Polyclinic (which i don't quite think so, Poly can be so expensive one meh?)
Dun believe ur PD.. They always claim that their fees abt the same as other hospitals/clinic/polyclinic. My PD also said the same when he insisted that my gal be admitted for jaundice. Haiz.. Anyway, I read from other thread that polyclinic charges abt $250-$300 for the 6-in-1. You might want to call and find out before u decide.
Congratulation those who just giving birth!!!

guess I will be the LAST in the list to give birth... still waiting but hopeful!
Congrats to all new mummies.

can i check something wif u?
i jus bought my dd to polyclinic for her BCG/hep1. Nurse thr told me tat they do not jab BCG on bb butock. Even at KK hosp, babies born there were given BCG on left arm. I understand fm the list tat u gave birth at KKH, so is it true tat yr bb's BCG was given on left arm?

For info, nurse quoted 5-in-1 jab at $295.

I did not proceed with BCG at polyclinic so had to bring dd to pd instead.
you are past yr EDD.. so what's the plan? Going for induction? all the best yah.. very soon you wil be like all of us....having sleepless nights! ;p

How come there's so much disparity? Hai.. making us so confused. I just called up my GP. He is charging $80 for each 5-in-1, $95 for each 6-in-1, which works out to be between $400-$600. I think this is excluding consultation.
Those who have done further research on the vaccination.. is it cheaper to get individual shots?
my bb drinks about 90ml every 3hrly if it is breast milk. if fm, can last for 4hrs.
i need interval of at least 3hrs, otherwise will only be able to bumb 30ml or 40ml.

shaving of hair.
my mil has been saying that it is a custom to shave bb's hair but i just pretend never hear and insist that my bb gal got so much hair hence ugly to shave. :p

wow all these 5in1 and 6in1 japs so confusing. when are these japs suppose to be taken? is it at 1mth together with the second hep b jap?
Rene, I just finished last session w tuti. Be prepared w ur own girdle, or buy $10 wrap from her--the one she uses. I bought fr her, cos /i intend to wrap myself as regularly as I can w it... (haha..that's my intention, whether I'll be disciplined enough is another thing)

How r u feeling so far w massage? I'm back to my old tummy size, except it's not toned. soft like jello. Hips still very big cos I cant fit in my old jeans yet! Sigh... looks like exercise cant be avoided!

Rene, so sorry didnt know she quoted u diff rate wout bb bath. The bb bath was soething i was really impressed with!

Serrich, I got tuti's contact from an indo fren. Tuti does java massage...supposed to be diff fr malay one. though I'm not sure of diff.
thanks for the info.. wow, u back to old tummy size? that's greAT! i m still at 37-38 inch waist, dunno can go down so fast or not? :<

anyway, my indonesian fren gave me a bungkung (the long strip of cloth for binding) so i have been using my own... so no problem...

think mayb i will ask her abt the bb bath today, dun mind paying a bit more if it's good for bb.. lucky bb hysteric crying didnt contd yday but she was wide awake last nite after sleeping for a long while during the late afternoon till evening so now i look abit like panda too.... ;p

as for slimming, i think mayb still gotto reply on diet and slimming ctr liao...sigh
hi ladies,

jus called PD again the $115 is 6 in 1 per jab. Sorry for causing the confusion i tot total cost becos when i ask she jus tell me $115...

5 in 1 cost $90 per jab incl consultation. Total 4 jabs so total costs is $360
yap, heard from hosp doc if admitted too late will affect bb's brain. because we delayed admitting for half a day (due to mil nagging to delay), her sb level went up by 10. when we were waiting for the procedures, we were in a room where another crying bb having treatment (double blue), both of us cried because we usually don't let our bb cry so long like the other. Is not easy to deal with esp after getting home and to see the empty bb mattress beside me.

as for fruits... sigh... even my mum had put red tape (except for the green papaya she cooked)
how does mummy's wrist feels like ? ache on the wrist ?

It's normal for BF bbs to poo more. I noticed whenever i change diaper for Esher, there'll be abit of poo. I guess it happens when she farts :p Does this happen to Nicole as well?
For major poo it's abt 3x. So far hv not manage to monitor her pattern for pooing. Will try to do so. Sometimes see her straining but not everytime it's poo time :p

Same thing, my mum also say no need. will only give to relatives n also friends whom gave bb pressie but i did not invite them to the full mth.

yes def doing my hair. i intend to do on the sat before e celebration so will look decent infront of guest :p so my confinement will officially end on sat since i'll b gg out already hee can't wait !!!
although my bb don't demand for so much milk at such a young age, but she's starting to demand for milk every 15 to 30 minutes when she's awake. latching on for me becomes so tiring and no time to do pumping for hubby at all. so for now, i have to express (using the dreaded manual pump) and feed her from bottle.
you are right, both hb &amp; myself feel that there's nothing wrong with milk ss. instead it could be bb just simply restless and always looking for something to play (like the whole afternoon after coming back from doc &amp; feeding, she had been playing &amp; chewing with the blanket that wrapped her and enjoying herself, but have to watch over her in case she 'choke' or 'scoffocate' herself.)

adriana's poo is yellow &amp; watery too, probably because of the liquid diet. sometimes i feel that she's pratically spraying the poo out.
yes, will be shaving off entire head for bb (if i'm not wrong even for eyebrows) @ full mth, kind of family tradition for us.

yah, heard from another mother on the next bed who had c-sect, that the gynae will 'clean up' after bb born, so compared to those whose natural birth like myself, less discharge.

same here! bb is looking around at the warmer while waiting to be brought to me for nursing (after stiching me up). but interesting thing is once she's up in nursary, she kept sleeping.
yes, as far as my hubby remember (because i was still lying down seeing the back of the nurse injecting, the injection is given on the arm.

oh, thot you already given birth! all the best
yup like Jane said, for Csection, gynae normally will clean up the inside, so most of your lochia will be gone. gd rite !

so far my nite feeds are quite managable tho' still not enuf sleep. i'll give her 1 FM feed at abt midnite and she will wake up abt 3 or 4am then i'll latch. then she goes back to sleep till abt 6am and this con't for abt every 2 hrs. quite tiring but at least i get 3-4 hrs of sleep after midnite. anyway hv lack of sleep eversince she arrive. the strange thing now is i'll wake up automatically ard the time she wakes up and wonder y she is not up yet.

glad to hear u enjoy BF. honestly, i don't quite enjoy it. I find bb wants to nurse all the time very frustrating. I don't have time to do my own things sigh. But i'm still perservering.

it's gd to have lumps in ur lochia. means that ur system is clearing away the 'leftovers' in ur uterus. slowly it'll taper off like our menses once everything is cleared up.
i also thot u went to give birth already since didn't hear from u for a long time.
Good luck ! and let us know once u popped !
My pd is charging $98 per jab for 6in1 and $78 for 5in1. $400 for the whole package of 6in1 incl consultation. the whole package seems ex but the per jab cost seems lower as compared to what other have encountered. Anyway i have not decided to go bk to this pd or not cos i don't really like the clinic assistant there tho' the PD herself quite nice.

I might go for 6in1 since it's lesser jabs for bb.
my gal bcg was on her butt. they even left a chopped circle on her butt to indicate where the bcg was.
check with you something. when u all pump, do u get the desired amt for each pumping session or u required a few session to get the amt u want ?

i tried out the electric pump last nite. very sad. only got abt 30ml in abt 20mins. def faster and more effective but i do feel abit of pain tho' the suction was set to the lowest already.

starting to qn my ss again. strange thing is my breast keep leaking and bb seems satisfied from each feed. but don't understand how come i can only pump out so little. which means to say i got to pump at least 2x to get 60ml. if tt's the way, i'll nvr been able to keep up with bb's dd. so low morale, feel like giving up.
jane, shane
tks for reply. my ds bcg was done on arm and had left a long scar. so upset! should hv done it on butt. This time make sure my dd bcg is on butt. hope it will nt be tat bad.

don b sad abt the low milk output. fyi, i only managed to pump 10ml in abt 20mins. despite pumping 3 hrly (even in the mid of nite) the whole confinement, i still could not keep up wif my dd's demand. so had to rely on formula instead. i hv given up liao. don give up yet, it seems u r better than me. so jia you...

baby suckle is more powerful than pumping, my supply cannot keep up with bb's demand, but i still press on. so dun get so discourage, if the whole bf is pulling you down, maybe you should re-consider - dun get too caught up over this.Just give your best.
dreamydove, juneten,
I'll still con't to perserve. I only hope to pump out BM so that bb can have BM if i'm not ard. Will try to pump more often and see if i'm able to stock up on BM or not. If not, will rely on FM.
ya, i think so, maybe during the sitching up the doc oredi remove majority of the "stuff".. hahha, no wonder took him so long.. ;p

btw think oredi gave up on BF.. didnt really pump for 2 days, and the last time i did onli manage a miserable 50ml a day... now still will let bb latch on sometimes for comfort sucking but dun think she got enuf from mummy's breasts..

re full month cakes
anyone tried melrose? heard their cakes' prices went up? are they any good? cos' if their prices are on par with others now then no point... i am looking at another one called Kyo cakes - anyone tried before?
Shane, don't give urself undue stress over BF. We all have breasts with varying capacities. Doesn't make u a lousy momma if ss is low, or a great momma if ss if abundant.
I would still say jia you! but not at your expense of feeling lousy abt yourself!

On a happier note, how do u count confinement period? I'm not sure when CL is leaving. THought of asking u girls 1st before asking her!

Shane, yours end on Sat? so it starts 30 days from delivery date?
Shane, mummy's wrist is like a strain on your wrist area. Reminds me of how my hands were after doing the 3 hours Econs paper for A levels.

Jane, where would u be shaving off bb's hair?
you get to use electric pump already? medela is quite strong that's y i got sore and crack nipples after one month of using. initially the supply is like that, quite low but gradually will increase. but morning pump sure a lot one. but as the day goes, the supply decrease for me.
and i always pump 3 hourly regardless have or not to stimulate the breast. nowadays i don't have time to go 3 hourly. got time then pump.
but don't be despair..perservere
Yah, all these 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 jabs thingie is really confusing. Anyway, me and my hubby have decided not to go back to the PD. My hubby hated the service at the counter, even tho the PD herself is a very nice lady. We have decided to go Poly, definitely cheaper than private...

For me, my milk supply is higher than demand. I can pump as much as 120ml at one go.. and still able to pump out more just within hours later. The expressed milk, sometimes end up being thrown away... My breasts super engorged and painful everytime i wake up, even tho i express milk or feed just before i sleep... sigh... Any idea how to "lower" the supply?
you are one lucky gal with so much milk. Do you latch your bb on regularly? why not just let bb suckle more then express out if you feel engorged?

I have the same problem as you, and I hope someone out there can answer us. I latch my bb on very regularly at 2 hrly. His drinking seems satisfactory enuff (cos he pukes milk and poos and pees regularly). However when I pump my milk (once a day), I only manage 30 ml. I feel that something is not right... is my milk supply decreasing or just that my bb suck alot of milk till i have nothing much to pump. He doesnt drink expressed milk either (cos I havent started on that). Now, am trying to express some for storage, but only manage 30 ml. So pathetic. My breasts feels soft after every feed too. It has never been engorged yet. If anyone has gone thru this experience pl advise cos I would really like to try to feed EBM soo.
since you pump regularly at 3hr intervals, do you experience not enuff milk for your bb when she demands for it? (am assuming she will latch on for milk during her regular feeds).
u really 1 2 give up ah... but at least u did give bb BM. do wat u feel most comfortable with. no pt con't if BF doesn't make you feel happy.

nvr tried melrose. price went up by a dollar from wat the rest say. so it's $5 per cake. still quite cheap compared to the rest.
does kyo have a website? i saw choz on a mag. not very cheap, but they have a small box (2 eggs, 2 ang ku kuey, 2 tarlets and 2 glutinous rice) for $5.50. can consider also.

thks... i'll still jia you on BF. really trying my best but sometimes really feel like throwing in the towel and give FM.

For CL, i think it's one mth. For me, i just end my confinement earlier since celebrating bb full mth on the sunday and i need to do my hair on sat. My mum quite flexible. *phew* so i'm just counting down. I heard confinement can range from 28 to 40 days. It all depends on how strict u want to be. From all the differing views i hear, i feel that confinement practices are very diverse from person to person, which makes me wonder, so what is exactly the real thing and if there's really a need for confinement at all !
Ya medela is quite painful. I feel the funnel is not big enuf so the suction is concentrated on the nipple which i guess tt y will have sore nipples. Is the ameda funnel the same ?

actually i don't hv time to pump also. i latch bb on for at least an hr. then i rest abit, if i want to pump i must quickly pump already if not she'll be demanding to be fed again in another hr or less. sigh. And i feel the output is really low if i pump AFTER a BF session. and that really gets me down and i wouldn't have motivation to pump. sigh.

Btw, is ur output also decreasing with the Ameda pump ? or only for the medela pump ?
i guess we went to the same PD from ur description. Don't want to mention the clinic name here. But it's in the north east also rite?

I also thot of gg to polyclinic, hate to Q tho'

i'm so envious ! u got no prob with supply. y u throw away the EBM ? such a waste. can stock up then feed bb EBM when u go out or not ard or when u feel tired to latch. wat did u eat ? any tips ? hee hee ....

To lower supply, u can try to apply cold cabbage to ease the engorgement. Or u can let it gorge for a few days, then body will be 'signaled' to produce less since there's no dd. But i think i rather u remain as it is, incase bb's demand picks up later. It's so much better to have milk then low ss, like me, it's a tough struggle.
i'm so glad someone understands wat i'm gg thru'! I also don't understand the problem. I'm wondering if i'm doing the wrong thing like pumping after latching baby. Maybe should pump before latch bb but i'm afraid bb wouldn't have milk to suckle. I'm at a lost too. I hv not experienced engorgement as well. tt y keep wondering if my ss is really low. I read that ss will established by 4-6 weeks. Now i already 3rd week, just hope things will improve.

You're on TBF rite ? do u need to sup ? i still need to sup cos sometimes after abt 1.5-2hrs of latching she still cries and i'm so tired already... sigh.
