(2005/06) Due in June 2005, Any 1

my bb have rashes too, everybody blaming my mother who bath the baby too 'kan jiong' (panicky) while bathing bb.
but, so far we have no idea what causes those rashes, see how it goes. bb admitted in hospital yesterday due to jaundice so, if rashes went off this afternoon when we visit her later, that means it could be the bath.

but i never heard of using guiness stout with water... but i do hear of beer shampoo but is not for babies.

i understand your husband's and your feelings, my fil passed away last month, and i'm involved in the funeral because feel that my hubby cannot handle everything alone (only child).

Don't worry about the labour, once you are in hospital, you will be in good hands, i waited till contractions are less than 5 minutes apart before i decide to admit myself (but that's because i live near). And moreover, you have antenatal classes, everything you learnt will come into use. I didn't attend any classes, learn thru reading, when time comes, everything just fall into place.
based on the description, looks like hunny & i more of 'attachment parents' now until yesterday when i really have to leave her in that hospital 'cot' naked for the jaundice treatment.

although bb does not wake up at night except for feeding (and passing bowel) at intervals of 2 - 4 hours depending on her activeness during daytime, still feel it is better for babywise method. but not easy to train :p

i already feeding bb with water too since day 3 when i found out that she just wants to play with my nipple sometimes (ouch?!?) instead of suckling milk; i.e. not hungry. but usually i let my hubby or mil do honour of water feeding or rather mouth wetting... (and that's when we see her giving her daddy that puzzled look) but i keep the water feeding to less than 10 ml a day. but i guess that could be the cause of very watery bowel, sigh, i think i better stop it.

our hearts softened everytime baby cried for too long (esp when changing diapers outdoors, with those hard changing tables). but like yesterday, heard the nurses (in the nursery where babies are crying non stop for more than 15 minutes) say "Good, they can train their lungs". This is really one level of hardened hearts :p
oh yes, the nurses at the nursery are immuned to the crying. I can see them chatting happily among themselves while the babies are making symphonies in the background. But I guess there is nothing very much they can do to pacify the babies.

rashes: yes my bb as rashes as well as the pimples I mentioned earlier. I dunno, am at my wits end too. The weather is too hot for him... Rashes are mostly at the neck area. He doesnt seem itchy but I get heartaches when he cries and the rashes and pimples start flaring up. Gynae says the pimples is due to bf and milk rash, must clean with water after bf. I have done that, dun see it improving leh. Am tempted to see a pd for this, but so far most drs say it's normal.
it'll be good to have EBM. I let my hubby feed her EBM while i take a breather. He also enjoys this private time with her. MY EBM is stored by 50 to 60ml each bottle after that i'll my girl suckle my nipple for comfort to go to sleep. I stored before 80ml but she can't finish at one go so very wasteful. Now i started to store up one bottle a day (in freezer) so that when I'm not around or sick, my girl can be given BM still.

one strange thing i find is after letting my girl suckle, i try to express but very little maybe 20ml or less. But if I express first (one side 60ml) then let her suckle, she can still suckle for the next 15mins. Which way boost supply? i don't know...

just clean with clean water. creams and lotions will clog pores.
oh yes, i agree so... esp those babies under the UV light. but, at least they have to see if they need to change/being fed/something...

yah. i find it interesting though... after feeding EBM to baby last night when i went visit, bb still seeking for my breast for more... which i feed her for another 15 - 30 minutes before bb decides to sleep :/

episiotomy care:
Having problems myself now... actually thot i was recovering well until today (which is 4 days), having bad sharp pains...
anyone have any tips how to take care of episiotomy??
i think its difficult to ignore bb when she is crying at least at this stage when they r so young...maybe we can try to train them when they older abit...

Re: pacifier
I tried giving her recently hoping to pacify her but she will suck awhile & throw it out...is it becos i introduce it too late so now she rejecting it...she still prefers the breast everytime she cries if i give her my breast she will happily suck at it...afraid will tat become a habit???

PD usually will not give medicine i ask my PD also & she say its normal & will go away...

i wanted to ignore also but this wk she develop quite alot...no choice so i tried the stout method yesterday & it really seems to help abit...the forehead rashes had gone down abit will continue & monitor her progress...

hi ladies,
do u hve equal amt of EBM from both breasts...my left breast always only produce half of my right one is tat normal? or is it becos i didnt stimulate it enough???
I've same problem. But mine's left breast more milk than right. Massage lady told me, when massaging breasts that my left breast has more milk ducts than right.
I think she's right. Cos when expressing, you can see the no. of jets of milk that's sprayed out. left one got more!

When expressing, don't keep pumping. Occasionally stop, massage, then pump. Some pple says they think of their baby, relax, and milk comes. For me, reading helps. One hand holding the book, the other pumping.

Epis. care
have u seen gynae again? I saw my gynae at Day 5. That's when he checked stitches and prescribe some pain killers for uterus contractions as well.

Loose stools
checked on website and with pedae. Normal for loose stools when BF. That's cos our milk is at its purest for the bb. No unnecessary minerals that can't be digested. So stools are loose.
Doc said can cut down on ginger.
Babycenter website said mummy can cut down on fruit juice--cos of frutose. And definitely on sweetened drinks.
for me, is my right breast more than the left, i massage for both breast; but i guessed the right is more probably it started early (bb suck on the right breast only @ birth before they moved her to the nursary leaving me @ the delivery ward.)

nope, not yet; the appointment is actually made for on 6th week (which is after confinement).

cutting down on ginger:
oh yes, i totally cut out ginger now, after 2 days of intensive ginger intake; pedae @ UV nursary is ruling me eating too much ginger (& chinese herbs) as cause of hi-level of neo-jaundice to bb

anyone eating fruits? i'm begging to eat one... which is always rejected (even papayas!). The world around me is getting crazier by each day passes, like i don't remember having dinner for last night!
my CL allows me to eat apples and persimmons. NOTHING else. (except papaya--cooked)

ur appt so much later? If it still hurts, maybe should bring forward appt? When I went, he removed one stitch cos it was hurting. so monitor ur wound.

btw, my hb now a smuggler. he has brought to the room coke, rootbeer, instant noodles(!)... I think if he's caught, we will BOTH be shot!!
sigh, tried pumping again yday. only got 20ml in 20 mins. i gave up after that.

u so fast got milk already, still can pump. very gd! envy envy ...

ya i also wish i can store up on BM but i pump out so little. very low morale.

want 2 check w u. when u switch fm manual pump 2 electric pump, were u able 2 pump out more ? i'm considering 2 try out e electric one to c if i'll b able 2 pump out more.

i don't know which way is e correct way 2 boost supply. but if u can pump out already n bb still can suckle then y noy try this way ? kill 2 birds w 1 stone, got ebm n still can latch bb on.

episiotomy care
mine almost recovered. i just kp it clean, wash regularly n i was given a spray 2 spray on e wound. i saw my gynae 1 week later. will b seeing again in 6 wks.

wat kind of sharp pain ? fm wound ? or internal ? cramp like feeling ? if it's cramp like feeling, it's ur uterus contracting. i got alot of that in e first week esp when i'm BF. if fm wound, better get it checked.

sigh this was also 1 argument i had w my mum in e first week. she say i can't eat fruits. i see no logic in that. i need e vitamins n fibre mah. then i reson out with her n also told her u gals r eating fruits selectively then she relented. now i eat apples n pears (green ones) but not fm fridge. we but n just leave it at rm temperature.

u hv been drinking coke n rootbeer ???!!! hee hee .. yummy ! hee...
u intro pacifier already ah ... i'm so tempted. my gal like 2 comfort suckle alot. sigh. but i'm worried abt introducing 2 early. my bb only 2 weeks old.

for your bb, maybe it's still new 2 her ? need some time for her 2 get used to it. maybe u cab try 2 hold it for her ?
ya no choice she had very strong sucking instinct & dun want to keep jus offering her my breast if next time go to work how... but dunno y she jus reject the pacifier...even i try to press it for awhile she will spit it out once i release my hold...i give up already...

Re: epi wound
i also suffer the pain for sometime..only recover after 2wks...try to keep it clean w cold/warm water...eat more fish if possible as it helps in healing also...ya remember to eat fruits so as not to suffer constipation if not, it will be really painful i experience tat b4...
same as my bb. always want to comfort suckle. very tiring. u hold she also spit out... i think she still prefers the breast. then how ? con't to offer her ur breast ?
Baby suckling
My bb also just wants to suckle. I've tried using her thumb (not recommended), my finger (also not recommended), feeding a little water using bottle teat (works occasionally), or feeding EBM using bottle teat (I had to save my EBM in little 10ml portions!).

Then of course when I'm too tired to go kitchen, & hb is sleeping, the breast appears. So that's why I'm tempted to go babywise method for this suckling problem.

Bb cries, I harden heart. No breast, no teat offered to bb. after a minute or two she stops crying. Peace restored. But there are times she goes on, that's when I just got to discern if she's hungry or just wanting something to suckle.

It's times like this that I wish someone invent Baby Cry's Translation Set!
MH, need ur help on breastmilk. You mentioned foremilk and hindmilk, and I tried reading up more, but had little info.

Main Question: How to differentiate hindmilk and foremilk?

When we express milk, how do we know when foremilk is out and hindmilk is coming in? Is it a difference in milk consistency? I tried looking out, but milk looks the same leh..

With this difference in milk, does this mean we have to express milk one breast to on bottle, and not interchange? uh-oh, I've been interchanging once left one has slow supply, I switch to right. Then when back to left when rested. Lactation woman in hospital said this is one way to stimulate milk--resting the breast for a while from pumping.

2nd wish for the day: a tap at the breast. Just turn on and off! No more sore nipples, no more engorged breasts, no more leaks!
mckee, agree with you! no more leaks, sore nipples and engorged breasts will be wonderful! i wonder why some people do not have leaking breasts but people like me who can't pump much out has so much leaking problem. Breast pads not cheap leh...

shane, finally baby shower is over. All the guests commented neo garden food is nice. i think the sin chow bee hoon, the pork ribs, curry chicken, seacoconut all recommended. i was drinking the fruit punch and orange juice throughout yesterday (yummy!! finally!!). Was so tiring and thirsty as i invited abt 80 friends and entertained them from 12pm till the last guest leave at 9.30pm! damn tiring! in fact, i just finished unwrapping all the presents! Thank God for all these blessings though i suffer from backache.
sometimes i also give mt finger but doesn't work for long.

ur bb will stop after after 1-2 mins ? mine wouldn't. i'm so tempted to open up the pacifer!

sometimes when i squeeze, i noticed 2 versions of liquid. 1 watery n 1 more concentrated n whiter in colour. not sure if it e foremilk n hindmilk tho'

i think for expressing, it doesn't matter since there'll be a gd mix of the fore n hindmilk even if u kp switching sides since the hindmilk will come in onces the foremilk is expended.
tt's gd to hear than i'll just settle for neo garden. thks for the fdbk. will take note of the gd dishes.

wow, fm 12-930pm ?! tt's tiring but i guess 1 mth of confinement, tt's really nothing since we were deprived of food n entertainment for a mth !

btw, we nd 2 give out cakes rite? Who do we give to ? all the guests ? or only relatives ?
my hubby also ask me why let her suckle when she had already taken EBM/FM? I told him baby like mummy's body scent (or rather sweat!). it's a must have incentive to go to sleep for her.

ya i prefer to express then latch. atleast know how much milk i have. but sometimes see she very poor thing. when my breast is full, i don't want to latch her first but go pump (10mins) and make her wait. very cruel right..

for me, the electric one increased my supply tremedously than my manual one. Maybe I don't know how to use the avent manual pump. But medela electric really have good suction to increase the supply for me. When i first bought home, (1st week aft giving birth) i pump around 60ml for 20mins. That's very good for me because with avent i pump nothing much (10ml) as milk spill all over funnel. but be careful of the suction power to avoid sore nipples as medela can be quite strong.
I think supply will increase after one month. now on average, my EBM per day 300ml-400ml. My confinement is over. for fluid intake, i drink milo, plain water and fresh milk. maybe u can drink milo to increase supply now. that;s what i did during my confinement besides drinking soup.
Hi Gals
My confinement is finally over! But still hav to continue wif those food until 40th day.

Had bb's full mth celebration today! From 12pm-6pm+...bb is so tired had to 'entertain' pp for the whole day. He is sound asleep now...hope he guai guai tonight!

Me also quite tired, gg to sleep early today!

I also prefer to give EBM coz I know how much he is drinking! I only latch in the morning when my breast is full coz I know he will have enuf milk n the flow is usually faster in the morning!
will she be crying away when u pump ? but 10 mins v fast 4 pumping. shld be ok. can get some1 2 soothe her while u pump.

thks for the info. then i think i'll get e electric pump fm my sil to try out first. hopefully i'll manage to pump out .

after 1 mth ah... sigh... i jus hv 2 tahan in the meantime. hv been BF bb the whole day 2day on n off. bkache, neckache everywhere ache
fl miserable. think later got 2 give fm, can't take it already...

i've been drinking milo but only 1 cup in the am
ok, will try 2 drink more. thks... i dun like milk so tt's out for me. can't wait 4 confinement 2 b over at least can b more flexi on food n fluid intake *sigh*
wow, so envy ! happiness hor. can go enjoy yourself and bring bb out already.

I just hope during my bb full mth, she don't get passed ard too much, i really feel it's really tiring and stressful for bb.
mckee: when u first express the milk will look quite dilute, more translucent.That is the foremilk, After a while, the milk will look more whiter, and that is the hindmilk. Of course, when they mixed in the bottle, you will not be able to differentiate them.

When there is low supply on one side, you can pump the other side and go back to the previous one again. No problem.

For ababies pimples and rashes, u can try using BOILED water to wash the cheeks after feeding.
hi janetan,
i'm planning for my full mth next weekend.. was wondering abt the neo garden buffet... wat was the 20% discount abt? the food portion good?

wah, u really good, from 12pm till 9.30pm entertain so many pple... if i were u sure tired like wat.. ;p
yap, monitoring the wound. actually what i did now is to try to 'air' the area whenever i can (like lying down on my back, loosening the 'materinity pad', and less sitting upright), today feel much much better.

wow, your hubby quite daring... dare to bring in these things... my hubby follows every instruction given (if reasonable).

i agree with your wishes!!! it is very messy with all those leaks!

i do mix the milks from both breast when expressing too, because that's the only way to get the amount i want (for bringing to hospital or to store which hubby says would take over me at night)
my dad commented that cooked green papaya soup is for those who has little BM, added that for my case i might get engorgement which will be very painful, so not advisable for me to drink... but my mum still cook for once (green papaya + chicken bone) this morning (because i was begging for one yesterday)... mmm, quite nice.

have not used electric pump yet, am very tempted to buy one because using manual pump is really tiring. for now bb's home with us, when she suckle one breast, the other starts dripping (which i accidently wet her blanket
) So, am attempting this way now, bb suckle on one while i pump on the other; but, it is not easy with a manual, have to position well so that the 'pump' will not leak.

hmm... it is probably the uterus contracting, the stomach's getting smaller now (had been massaging on my own at night) or either that is my gastric because last 2 nights have little or no dinner (mil having mood swing, ended up my hubby have to cook if he's not so tired)

at least you still can reason out with your mum, my mil will not accept any even though i can bring out written proof (or newspaper/magazine cutting), one great example is usage of air-con. sigh. but nowadays she's having mood swing, so not around to boss around, enjoying & treasuring the peace in my house.
unfortunately, fish is not in my confinement menu until after 2nd or 3rd month
the old folk says will open up pores, blah blah blah... in the other hand, i have mum and her sisters saying i should eat fish... now is really confusing me.

currently, only option i have is to clean with water and pat dry whenever in toilet and 'bath' the wounds at least once everyday.

my bb spit out my nipple when i use it as a pacifier sometimes... but, offering the bottle with water is quite useful but it works only for a while.
yah, i notice that too, sometimes bb just fall asleep after suckling for 20 min (used to be 1+ hour), i wondered is it because my 'scent' had knock her off!

Didn't know drinking milo helps with the supply, had been drinking it for breakfast (because no proper breakfast when no one's around) and when outside for doctor appointments.
most of the time i'll pump before she wakes up (must catch her timing). if not, then i put her next to me while pumping and talk to her or pat her to distract her. after i pump, then i latch her.

your sil got electric pump? then don't wait already. go and borrow from her and start pumping. for me i still have to buy coz no one to borrow. all these pumps really cost me a bomb.

as for all the aches, i so happy to find a new solution to it. My friend bought me the BF pillow during the full month. it helps to alleviate some backache. also, nowadays, i try to lie down and BF so that i can sleep also. the other day, i BF her on the bed in the morning. Both of us fell asleep haha.. u can try that to get some rest as well.

when my confinement was over, i suddenly miss my red date drink. now i don't have time to make. My CL say drink more red date baby will look rosy so i drank like 5-8 cups per day. take this confinement to 'pu' yourself. like me now, i feel like i'm back to eating junk food again. so must drink milk to ensure the quality of BM.

morning the pump amt is the most for me. Once it reaches 160ml! but then morning if she really wants to be latched i also bo pian. after that i go pump only 50-60ml but i doubt she really drink 100ml.
cannot eat fish? i eat a lot during my confinement. so far only no mutton and beef.
i drink 2 milo a day. seems quite ok. maybe horlicks also can.
hmm how come cannot eat fish?? i know certain fish cannot but there r some can....i eat alot of "ngor he" during 1st wk which help in healing & mum say also gd for milk ss...

ya me too hate the leaking prob..esp when i latch at nite usually by lying down w bb so tired still need to get up & grab tissue....

electric pump is great!! been using since my 2nd wk & not only fast only need 10mins & able to pump much more then manual one....

didnt know red dates tea help bb looks more rosy..been drinking alot during my confinement no wonder find my bb look more tan...but mum say its rosy look...
since u got milk ss, it's advisable to invest in an electric pump. i think it'll save u more time.

as for fish, i think it's one of the gd food to eat during confinement. everyday my mum will cook fish for me. but i think can only eat certain type of fish.

ya my sil got 1 to lend to me. but i not sure wat's the condition of it. hopefully still in gd condition. will get it from her and try out. hopefully i can pump some out for storage.

hey i was thinking of getting a BF pillow as well. end of the day always feel aches cos been BF bb. hubby will msg for me, but the aches are always there. i hv been BF bb lying down most of the time at nite. i find that it's easier for us, we both can sleep :p hee hee ....

didn't know red dates drink will make bb look rosy. will try to drink more than. during the first week of confinement, my mum only make 2 cups for me, cos she say i can't drink too much water !!! then when i tell her my milk ss is low maybe cos not enuf fluid then she start to make more. told her i only got 2 cups, where got enuf for 1 whole day ?! sometimes all these confinement practises really no logic. *shake head*
shane, i only give cakes to relatives. Ordered 20 boxes from Melrose, quite nice.

Adora, you cannot eat other food for 40 days?!?! i started eating junk food and drinking cold water since last friday when my full mth is actually today since i gave birth on 4 Jun. oops!

Rene, the 20% discount neo garden give is for birthdays and baby full month parties. They will ask you to fax over baby's birth certificate to prove. The food portion is good. But water usually run out, so standby syrup and ice to make yourself when drinks run out. Also standby some paper plates, forks, spoons, cups, tissue, etc.. very handy when run out... if not, very malu.
Hi Gals
Just brought my bb for Hep B 2nd jab today. BB now weighs 4.3kg.

You'll be bringing your gal for the 5in1 jab izzit? How much did your PD charge? Mine charging $120.

Breast Feed
Today I tried latching bb w/o the shield. So sad I failed again...nipple kept slipping out frm his mouth.
Gals, How long does it takes for your bb to complete each feed. Mine took ard 45mins to 1hr...so tiring.

Red Dates Drink
Do we need to drink this until 40th day? Can we drink pain water??
hi, i have been "missing" becos PC is in bb's room. how much weight have you ladies loss? today is my 3rd week since delivery and i have another 5.5kg to loss; waist still need to loose about another 2inches. sian most of the pre-preg clothes still cannot wear.

i am also thinking of engaging another massage lady to do an extra session. anyone got good recommendation. i did 5days with Naini, results not bad but find that her massage session abit short and vv expensive.
Jane Tan
Ya my mum forbids me to eat outside food until the 40th day. Very tempted to eat the buffet food yesterday which was my actual 1mth date. I still have 10 more days of confinement food....but since my mum is not staying wif me I am very tempted to add some ice to my milo drink! Anyway I think it is alright to eat any food lor, scare my mum grumble so must listen to her!

I also use Neo Garden for bb's full mth. No regrets, everyone commented that the food is good! For the birth cert u can email or fax to them. Ya agree w Jane, must stand by drinks, mine also run out. Luckily I bot syrup. Paper plates also not enuf for my case.
I have pass 1mth....so far still hav 5kg to lose. I only did one session of massage ...dun feel like continuing the rest of the sessions. I think the remaining weight n extra inches ard the waist can be reduce thru excercise/sit ups lor...can save some $$.
hi janetan & adora,
thanks for your advice.. will stock up on the drinks and paper plates etc.. ;)

btw, i started my massage session today, and it was super painful! anyone had this problem? dunno if it's bcos of my water retention problem or mayb my lumpy fats? ;<
i think the tan u see in your baby is rosy..

2 cups where got enough..i put into a thermal flask to drink in the middle of night too. for me i told my cl what i like or don;t like to follow(conf practices) if her logic is good, i follow. like she say red dates good for bb, then i drink a lot..haha

if can then continue drinking. for me nobody makes n me too lazy so i stop after cl left.
Hi ladies,
I'm back.. Finally got settled down and have time to log in!

Okie, time to share my birth story with u mummies.. It was realli an unforgettable experience!!

1900hrs: Admitted to GEH for induction
2115hrs: Prostin inserted into cervix
0700hrs: Pushed to delivery ward
0802hrs: Epidural administered and was put on IV drip
0831hrs: 2cm dilated and gynae broke waterbag
1122hrs: Cervix still 2cm dilated
1308hrs: Cervix onli 3cm dilated but there were strong contractions
1633hrs: Cervix onli 5cm dilated
2040hrs: Cervix still 5cm dilated and there were strong contractions. Baby head stuck between cervix.
2100hrs: Ended up E C-section under epidural. Gynae was teasing that my cervix is over-competent.
2117hrs: Sherilyn finally out!!

Thanks for the update!

oppsss, my gal crying for milk now. I will chat wf u gals tomorrow!
ic, thks. i don't know who to give the cakes to

re confinement food till 40 days.
i think it all depends on what u want to follow and how strict u want to be. there are too many rules and different methods ard. so just stick to what u're comfortable with. for me, my mum say once full mth then considered confinement over liow so i very happy hee hee. was asking her y confinement cannot be 2 weeks only.
but my grandma always say it's better to restrict diet lor. so adora, maybe 40 days also gd for your health. just look on the bright side.

re jab
i might go for the 6in1 so that my bb don't need to get a jab on her full mth. my pd is charging 98 per jab and 400 for the full package of 6in1, so ex ! thot of gg to polyclinic but hate the Q. maybe will check out GP prices and see if they're cheaper or not.

don't give up, keep trying. Latching properly takes practise so give u and bb abit more time. sometimes, that also happens to me, but i just latch and relatch till bb is suckling properly.

yup BF is that tiring. each feeding session takes me at least 40mins, if not 1 hr and if bb is fussy and want to comfort suck, can be 1.5hr to 2 hrs. very very tiring and sien for me but i just try to tahan. sometime i just dislatch her and let her cry abit, before i con't again. if not i'll BF her lying down. everyday by the end of the day, my neck and back will ache.
u only got 5.5kg more to lose ?!! jealous !
me also 3rd week. jus weighed myself and i got another 10kg and my tummy is still flabby. sad sad sad ... wonder if i'll ever get my pre preggie figure back. chances looks slim.

re massage
i only did 3x and it was very painful as well. i can feel the lady massaging all the 'knots' in my body. my massage included the tummy binding. but i nvr manage to keep it till next day. always at nite then i untie liow. actually after the last session, i feel quite gd, like all the 'knots' untied.

I not too sure if the massage will really help to lose weight or it's more for reliefing all our aches. I asked my massage lady, she say massage only help abit in weight lost. it's more for reliefing/treating tiredness and aches. anyway i was happy she recommended only 3 sessions cos it was really an angony to have the massage and cannot bathe after that. very oily and sticky. that 3 days was quite a torture. got alittle depressed but once the massage sessions ended, i felt better. maybe i go for a session once in awhile after confinement is over, to relief all the aches.
janetan and adora,
ya ya, thks for the tips on the catering.
was counting my guests for the full mth. gg to add up to quite a sum ley. feel abit wasteful and wonder if i should really go ahead with a full mth celebration. But this is my first child, if don't celebrate also abit sad.

tt's why lor. now she makes more for me. somehow i think CL better, can just tell her wat u like, don't like, wat needs to be done. with my own mum, very difficult. most of the things i got to do myself. sigh.
welcome back ! no prob re the update.
So u had C section in the end ? how's ur wound now ? better ? And ur BF ? gg smoothly ?
do log in and chat when u have the time.
Hi! I've finally given birth! My little princess was born on 2 July...born at exactly 3kg.My labour lasted 29 hrs and I've given in to 2 full syringes of epidural. That must be the best invention ever, better than air-cond!

Anyway, I'm now back home trying to lose some weight by breast feeding. It's quite a rewarding experience so far albeit the sore nipples and engorged breast! It's just so fulfilling to know that these 2 lumps of fat could do so much more than accessorize our bodies! Hahahaha....

Hang in there ladies, let's strive towards breasfeeding our babies.
Ciao!Gotta go now, massage lady waiting for me yeah!
Cherry, the massage is really for relief and relaxation. IT's the stomach wrap that's for the weight loss.

What I did was to use CLARINS anti-cellulite cream for her to massage. (it was gift fr girlfriend!) It sure beats her olive oil! And really put the cream to good use, since I've no idea how to massage myself!

I'm having a 2 weeks stint w ML. So far so good. Have no weighing machine at home, so everything is based on visual comparison! I feel I can go slimmer, but even ML says must exercise. tummy wrap alone cannot.

MH, thanks for info. trying to keep EBM from each breast at one bottle each time.

BTW, last night I had a horror when pumping. blood oozed out. I think it was a cracked milk duct! Used a warm compress on breast, and it really hurt!

Now using hand express for this breast, and throwing away the milk until I'm confident can feed bb. Anyone knows if this is an infection?
