(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


your bb looks so sweet!


i dunno leh.. i think there shd be smaller tin of enfalac A+.. i think i did saw some at the guardian pharmacy...

Hi all,

I have brought my boi for his 5-1 jab on Thursday and since then he has been very (or rather super cranky) .. Carry him also cry, make him sleep also cry ... talk to him also dun want. Is it normal for babies to feel so cranky after the jab ... he's gng for another round of 5-1 next mth.


Can update Hayden's stats,
Weight: 5.95kg
Height: 57.5cm

ya lor..i feel so tired..n sometimes aft feeding him my BM,he will still cry..n dunno y he crys..
n give him formula,he sometimes reject it..if not,he oni took vv little..

sometimes i wonder..could it becos i'm Breastfeeding him..hence he is cranky at times and took little of bottle..

btw,wats the colour of ur bb's poo?i realised tt yesterday my bb's poo is water and abit light brown..dunno isit becos i give him BM and formula..
Hi all,

how do i know whether baby has wind or not? do we need burp baby if BF? mine gal only 5 weeks and i find it rather diff to burp.
For me my bb cries after BF means not enuf. then i'll sup with FM and she'll take it then will be satisfied and go to sleep.

could it be the same for your boy ? sometimes they do not take the full feed, they just take the amt enuf to fill their stomach. my gal do not finish all the milk i make for her also. she just take wat she needs then will start rejecting the bottle already. so wat seems little to you might be just nice for him to make up the difference.

Also i learnt that must burp after BF. a mum told me from the other thead. I tried and my gal do burp after BF sometimes. so if ur boy is cranky after BF, try burping him, could be he is feeling uncomfortable.

I think most bbs do prefer the breast than anything else. your boy might have nipple confusion. Try not to feed him the bottle yourself. get someone else to do it. he can smell your milk so will prefer the real thing than to accept the bottle.

my bb's poo is yellowish (like mustard) in colour. i rem the pd telling me that bb will pass out black poo after they are born, it's watever that is left over in them when they're in our tummy. think it's called menicom or something. over time their poo should turn yellowish in colour. maybe you bb is clearing the leftover. try to monitor for a few days more and see if the poo change colour.

I do sup my gal with FM as well but her poo is still the same colour. But not sure if other FM will produce other colour poo or not. My gal on similac, the poo same as on BM.

400 bottles? Wow, i calculated that i'll be going for one week holiday in oct and plan to express 40 packs of EBM for my mom. so 400 bottles can stock for one month! my bottles for storage are used up. I've went to buy milk storage bag yesterday, finally got a chance to use it. I want to know how to store it and treat it properly so that i won't be spoiling the EBM and in the end got to throw it away. now in my lower fridge got 4 bottles and freezer got 4 bottles too. i try to put at freezer because lower one must consume fast. sometimes when i latch then my girl wont be drinking EBM liao.

how do you know EBM is spoilt? How's the smell like? or the colour will change? i smell my BM when i express and after i put in fridge, i can't smell the difference.

so far do u need to replace the parts? any idea how long will the parts last?

BM storage bags:
i bought gerber storage bags, i find it quite expensive but it's cheaper than medela's. any other cheaper and durable BM storage milks to buy?
Dewdrop & Poohy...
I think all formulas have the instruction of not consuming after 4 weeks right? Similac has that too but I finished my first tin only after 6 weeks after opening. Usually I'll portion out into a container that can keep 3 feeds. Will take 3 days to finish that thus won't open the main tin very often. No major problem encountered!

I didn't burp my boy initially when I BF then I realise he has wind in his stomach quite often. From crying perhaps. Usually he'll burp on his own but only some time after feeding. So I've started burping him after every feed, regardless BF or bottlefeed. The easiest position is by carrying him upright cos sometimes he'll burp without me helping.
Hi Shane,
at least ur gal still take formula aft tt if she did not hve enough..for my boy,he will usu take my breast..then falls asleep..n vv hard to wake him up..n aft tt he will wake up vv fast for milk again..sighez..

i tried burping him..but nothing comes leh..maybe i dun hve patience..btw,usu how long do u need to burp ur gal aft BM and formula before she finally burps?

Initially when my boy is on total BM,his poo is abit seedy though is soft..
but i realised tt aft giving him some formula besides BM,his stools become watery..n i mean realli liquid..seems like he is having diahorrea leh..

so i dunno if it is become he not used to the formula or not..

mummies out there,anyone having this prob too?
LV: Wat I do is I sit a packet of frozen EBM in water. Ard 1/2 hr all will be thawed, then I'll split e amount into either 2 or 3 bottles & top up the balance with fresher EBM. I try to start consuming frozen EBM 1 week after I freeze them coz I read that our BM contents will change as BB grows thus BM expressed when BB is 2mths may not meet e needs of him/her when he/she is 4mths.

Zyp: I also find that carrying my BB upright is e best position for burping. I guess that's becoz their body is e straightest, hence air bubble can come up more easily that seated position.

re: bubbles in FM
I also realise that FM creates alot of bubbles. After that their tongue also very white one. My MIL says it's like that. Prob that's why FM u need to burp BB more often than BM.

forgetmenot: Actually jaundice doesnt really cause any problem for ur BB. It only adds worry to us parents. Wat I suggest u to do, continue giving ur BB BM. If by 3 wks BB still jaundice, bring to ur PD to do a more detail blood test to exclude the possibility of liver disease. After that u might want to be 100% sure that ur BB is only having breastmilk jaundice then stop BM for 2-3 days. If jaundice disappears, then u can be 100% sure. After tt u can resume BF. But be prepared that the jaundice might reappear.

All & all I brot my daughter for 4 rounds of blood test since she was discharge. 1st one was 3wks (more detailed one to exclude e possibility of liver disease), then 5wks, then 7 wks. last one done was when she was 10wks. By then her condition has fully recovered.
forgetmenot: Ur BB is like 2 wks now? How often does he poop like this? does his poop smell bad? If it's still mustard colour shd be fine. But generally I see my nephew & nieces who are on total FM, their poop are soft (not watery), rather smelly & greenish in colour.

i used to burp my boy for 30-45min.. sometimes he burp automatically when sitted upright, sometimes it took ages... gotta be patient...
yup..my bb is 2 wks now..actually i oni give him some formula these 2 days..dunno y,usu he will oni poos in the middle of the night..

on sat,which is the 1st day i gave him some formula,his poo is watery,will flow out of diaper one..n the colour is vv light brown.

then last nite which is the 2nd day of giving him formula,his poo is still watery but got some tiny seeds in it.

his poos not vv smelly cos i think i got give him BM besides formula..

everyday,he will poos at least 2 times..one time which is vv little..n another time which will be alot..isit normal?

wow.....u vv patient leh......looks like i realli hve to practice burping him..sometimes find it hard cos his neck still soft n tends to fall to one side..n my hand will get tired aft trying to burp him for vv long..

i got small hands.. thus my hands cant hold his head study and fully even when he was very young. Thus instead of supporting his head using my hands, i hug him (sitting position) to me and then pat him gently on his back... i not patient at all.. but bo bian cos he tends to merlion so i need to make sure he is burped else sure vomit out...
forgetmenot: maybe u monitor some more. try to give him BM for 1 day then observe his poop. Then give him FM (dun mix) for the nxt day & observe again. My gal's poop also quie watery. Sometimes she poop then fart then poop then fart (all within like 5mins). When she is done I'll change her, her poop becomes bubbly (becoz of all her farts). So far hardly leaks out altho quite watery also.

Poop 2 times at 2wks: I think damn good liao. I still remember my gal poop like after every meal until like 5-6 wks. H/E 2 of those are BIG ones, the rest are medium size.. that period I always have to change her clothes coz the diaper always leak from the back. That wet lor. Now my gal 11wks+, also ard 2 times a day. These few days dunno why she develop a habit of poop, fart, poop then fart.. so funny.
ya lor.....dunno y my bb oso fart alot..n then he will poo.....i oso find tt his poos is bubbly too and is watery..

i actually total BM when he is being discharge from hospital..n his poos are those soft and seedy type..n i gather this is normal with BM bbs..

then oni these 2 days when i cut down on the BM and gave him abit of formula,then i realised tt his poo is watery..maybe he is tying to get used to the formula

if u hug him towards u,then his head is over ur shoulder?? think i hve to try diff ways of burping my bb liao..

btw,which bottle n teat ur boy is using now??how do i noe if the flow of the teat is suitable for my bb..
i dare not use teat with faster hole cos scared tt he will choke..but then he seems to hve a bit of hard time using teat with oni one tiny hole

no no... my boy sits sideway on my lap... and then i hug him sideway towards me... not over my shoulder..

my boy using the nuk bottle and teak for 0-6mths milk flow. I think he shd be doing ok... at first he also seems to use a lot of effort to suck..till his upper lip and the surrounding skin become red... then now he seems to get better liao... maybe he's stronger now hehee
forgetmenot: I burp my gal with her sitting on my lap & arms hang over my forearm. That position also quite effective for her. If that position doesnt work then I'll hold her upright, her head resting on my shoulder.

If ur BB can finish a bottle ard 15mins then the flow is alrite for him. If u try a faster teat and he seemed to be struggling or that alot of milk is flowing out from e corner of his mouth, the teat flow is too fast for him to handle. If he is only 2 wks I think e smallest teat shd suffice. My gal only progresses to the 2nd teat when she was 5wks old (BTW I uses Avent bottles)

Annlee: I'm not sure abt rebonding.. but I coloured my hair. How often do u have to express milk? If u do rebonding, wldnt tt take too much time?
the 0-6mth milk flow teat isit got 3 holes one??so u using latex or silicon one?

for my boy,he will play with the piyo piyo silicon teat..then milk will start to flow out from his mouth..so i'm wondering could it be the teat abit hard..
i think my boy dun like avent teat newborn teat leh..dunno isit becos it is too hard compared to my breasts..

milk will flow out from his mouth when he plays with the teat..
realli hope tt i can find a teat tt is suitable for him soon
actually i don't know how long is the rebonding but feel like doing it cos my hair looks terrible.

no.. the nuk teat all only have 1 hole... how come yours got 3 holes ?? If my boy is full, milk will also keep flowing out of his mouth... means he dun wanna swallow actively. Then I will pull the teat out... u mean your boy dun like the nuk teat also ?


just wanna any of your bb started to show signs of teething ?? I think mine is ... cos he is salivating more these days ... and likes to bite his pacifier on his gum... i bought him a new nuby teat with those little bubble like feature to let him bite and massage his gum...

re: 6-in-1 jab

My boy going for his 2nd 6-in-1 jab next week..just like to check whether anyone is seeing dr terence tan for their bb's 6-in-1 jab ? how much is it ?

My boy's first 6-in-1 jab cost me $150!!! very heartpain cos i think its pretty expensive... so i am going to take him to a PD for his jab and do 4th month growth assessment at the same time.

re: rebonding

ann, I am not too sure whether its safe to rebond your hair while bf. Maybe u can consider giving your bb expressed bm that 1-2 days following the day u rebond your hair ?
LV : I also not too sure how a spoilt bm looks and smells like
reading from other thread, they said you will know by smelling it if the bm turns bad.. or another way, is to taste it..
Poohy: BBs normally only starts teething at 9mths. I think BBs salivate is very common. My BB sometimes makes alot of bubbles with her saliva. Faint.

Why not u bring ur Boi to Polyclinic for his jab? It's the same jab so it is not nec to do so at ur PD's clinic. my SIL is a GP so I knw the costs. I cannot tell u all the costs coz it's not right.. but I can tell u it's quite alot cheaper. So consider poly normally charges with little profit margin.. u shd consider going to polyclinic to get his jab done.

forgetmenot: Ur BB prob playing w the teat. Maybe he is full already. U always supplement after u BF right? If milk constantly flows out from his mouth it prob means e flow might be too fast for him to swallow. Or like Poohy said, he is full already.
LV: I guess BM is still milk, if the colour doesnt seemed right, got a foul smell or that the BM tastes sourish (BM shd taste slightly sweet), then the milk confirm spoil liao.
sgmom and poohy,
i did not let him try the nuk teat..the nuk teat i got is from TMC..think the flow is medium n is for bb from 0 to 6 mths..

i oso find tt my bb has alot of saliva..
i did not manage to supplement any formula so far aft BF so far cos usu aft BF, he will go to dreamland..

i find it quite troublesome esp when i latched him on one breast,my the other breast will leak abt 20ml of milk n i usu pour away the milk..n i hve to hold on to a container n carrying my bb.....

btw,before u BF ur bb,do u use hot towel to massage and drink hot drink 1st?
my confinement lady is telling tt my boy is not used to bottle..hence he will plays with it..but sometimes when my confinement lady feeds him,he will finish the formula..
re: 6in1 jab
i'm bringing my bb to PD for the first 6in1 jab tonight, i also dunnot how much it costs... does polyclinic has 6in1 jab? i tot poly only has 5in1...
blurmom: I believe Polyclinic will have 6-in-1 as well. I notice that PD normally charges $150 for the 6-in-1. I believe Poly shd be ard $120.

forgetmenot: as long as after ur Bb drinks he drifts to dreamland means he has sufficient la. No need to worry. e reason why ur confinement lady is more succesful in feeding him via the bottle might be becoz 1) she is more experience in handling bottles 2) ur BB will wan ur breast when he smells u :p

as for leaking, do u have nursing bra & bra pads? It's normal that the other breast will leak coz let-down is for both breasts not only 1. If u wan, u can buy a breast shell to collect e BM & store them in e fridge. If not just wear a breastpad so that e breastpad will absorb all the leakage. I recommend u Pigeon's. I think they are the best so far.
hehe..actually my hubby trys to feed him bottle oso not too successful..
my confinement lady told us tt we hve to try to give bottle n let him get use to it..if not next time he will reject it..

actually hor,when i BF my bb,i dun wear bra..so when it leaks,i hve to use a container..actually wanted to keep the BM,but then the amt too little liao..not enough for my boy..n cant keep in the fridge for too long..hence i usu throw away..

actually come to think of it..abit waste leh..maybe i can accumulate it n feed it to him in the middle of night hor??
forgemenot: ya lor.. everytime 20ml, 1 day feed like 5-6 times u'll get 100ml. Then nite feed u give bottle.. use finish using it liao lor :p
Morning Mummies!

Hi poohy, I have the package from Dr Terrance, its $550 for the 6-in-1 package and if I didn't remember wrongly, he told me that its $150 per jab, so more worthwhile to get the package. However, the cost do not include consultation, his normal consultation cost is $50 per session.

I have find out from quite a number of clinics (GP) and the normal price per jab is $110 for the 6-in-1. The cheapest is the 24-Hrs Clinic, which is $105. All these clinics do not charge consultation for the jabs.

I did not find out for polyclinic. I think most people go to the polyclinic for 5-in-1 because the Hep B (only differ between 6-in-1 and 5-in-1) is free in polyclinic. However according to Dr Terrance there is a catch on the free Hep B dose, its half dose instead of a full dose, so baby could have a 8% chances of not getting the immunisation and have to go thru all the injections again. Some babies are lucky plus some people are also in the low risk (of catching Hep B), so the free jab is also good in a sense if you want it.
hi gals, juz like to check if any of your bb din poo for 3-4 days??

we getting a bit worried cos he din poo for 3-4 days liao... wondering shld we bring him to our pd...
Hi mummies! hope u all had a great weekend!

So its ok to colour hair while BF? yeah! i oredi cannot tahan my hair for a real long time.. will go and colour the next few days. I guess i better hold off rebonding for a while.

My GP is charging me $30 for each hepB jab, and the 5-in-1 for $85x3. Works out in total $315.

Very happy, started expressing both breasts at the same time using Ameda and i see slight increase. Tricky part is in balancing the 2 bottles if i want to get to the controls.

Cherry: my gal sleeps like your bb too.. at the side with the 2 hands below the head ( yr 2nd pic) .. so sweet hor?? so girly.. i am trying to figure out how to post pics here.. will post some pics then..
My bb burps quite fast most of the time but she don't burp everytime i burp her. I'll try for like 5-10mins then if nothing then i stop. sometimes she'll regurgitate out some milk
I also got no patience one.

as for the poo, monitor for awhile, could be your bb is getting used to FM. if it con't then maybe that FM is not suitable for your bb.

ya agree with sgmom, don't waste ur milk ley. can accumulate. i want also don't have. just put in fridge then feed at nite.
Jas, for posting of pict, you have to reduce the size of the photo.

can i check with you gals on loachia discharge. i am coming to a month soon and my discharge has taggered to yellowish which is suppose to mean that it would end soon. but this morning i saw some bright red bloody discharge again (vv small amount) any one experience this? is it normal?
mine is like that .. comes and goes ... comes and goes... got a few days don't hv, then i thot end liow ... then come back again... sienz....
to consume frozen EBM in a week might be too fast for my girl. I read about not keeping too long. i intend to keep a maximum of 1.5 months for my frozen EBM. thereafter if really cant finsh, i will then throw away (with heartaches

r u using small, medium or large for the NUK teats 0-6 months? is it going by every 2 months to change the size of the teats?
Loachia discharge:
Same, its been 2 mths, i ocasionally still see a drop or two.. esp after i express BM.

Thanks Cherry, for the tip! will try it out.

SGmom, u mean yr gal 5wks old, u are using Avent teat no. 2 liao? tot that is for 3mths & above? Jus wondering, my gal now 2 mths, i still using no.1.

your lochia pattern shd be normal cos that happens to me too... and seems like a 2nd round kind of thing and total it last 8-9 weeks before finally disappear.


i cant remember my nuk teat size cos my hubby bought them.... but i had been using the same size teat since my boy's birth...

seems like going PD also same price... for the 6-in-1.


my boy visits Dr LH Lim at robinson road. He's actually strictly speaking a GP. But he sits on the national vacinnation board and is very very experienced and is a lecturer in family medicine with NUS medicine faculty. My gynae (his son-in-law) recommended us to visit him for the shot cos he told us Dr Lim will be very experienced... so that's where we did the 6-in-1 vaccination for my boy in his 2nd mth.


where did your boy did his bcg jab ? Where do u intend to bring him for his 6-in-1 ?


ya i know polyclinic shd be cheaper.. but my mum is concerned that the nurses there may anyhow jab. I heard some horror story from my boy's doctor that when the nurse in kkh jab his grandson, they actually jab it very very near the joint on his shoulder...
I definitely wont want that to happen to my boy.... and i am glad his first jab of hcg and 6-in-1 all done on the buttock/thigh area...
<font color="aa00aa">forgetmenot, poohy</font>
I didn't burp my boy when he was 2 weeks old. He was already burping on his own occasionally then. I only started burping him after one mth old. And initially when his neck is not strong enough to support his head, I would also sit him on my lap and let him lean on me sideway while I burp him. But he'll always slide down. haha...
But one bad thing about carrying him upright and supporting on my shoulder is that sometimes he'll burp and regurgitate milk all over me even though I have a hanky below his chin.

<font color="aa00aa">sgmom, poohy</font>
my boy also makes alot of bubbles with his saliva now. Don't think he's teething yet lor... my mum said usually 8mth to 1yr old. And he'll imitate us blowing and will have saliva all over his mouth and face! haha... such a joy to play with him.

I'm an avid supporter of Pigeon breastpads too!
re: teething

ya i know teething happens from 6 months onwards... but my cousin's son just had his first tooth at 3mth+. Thats why I thought my boy is teething...
Hello pretty mums,

So many pic of pretty/handsome &amp; chubby babies ... Can I join in?

I delivered my baby boy, Darius, on 24 Jun

Wt at birth: 2.84kg
Ht at birth: 50cm

I've some problems/ questions which needs you gals for advise ...

1. My bb is on the small side at birth. I've no milk during my hospital stay and bb refuse to latch on. After discharge ... I was worn out looking after BB and feed him direct with FM as I thought my milk supply will comes in naturally a few days later ... but I was wrong. I feel no engorgement todate. I offered my breast to BB but he rejected it. I tried electric pump every 3 hours for a few days but no milk.

Does this mean that I've no milk at all ... I feel so stress whenever visitor ask me why no providing BM ...

2. Do you feed your BB with plain water?

3. Tongue with milk stain ... how to get rid?
Tried cleaning with soft BB cloth but in vain.

4. Lips with white (milk?) stain? Is this normal?

5. Wat's the difference between 5-1 and 6-1 jab? Anyone with PD from Baby &amp; Child Medical group at Tampines St 81? Wat's their charges like?
cherry: Normal la. Mine completely goes off at 7wks. Thus my 6-wk appointment with my gyn was postponed.

poohy: huh? 3 mths teeth liao?!?! Amazing! U mean KKH jab at the shoulder meh? My GP jab at her buttocks that place no issue coz very flashy. I thot only older children/adults then start jabbing on e shoulder. I knw my SIL damn scared of needle. Last time my GP gotta jab her at the butt coz she'll freak out whenever e needle is getting near.

Beanbox: I'm sure u have milk. And no, milk doesnt come naturally one. U have to either latch on or express regularly b4 ur body will start producing milk. Always remember demand = supply. Becoz u prob started expressing late, ur milk might take longer to come. If u have started latching/expressing as soon as u deliver then it'll be easier.

Ur BB rejects ur breast becoz no milk mah.. supply not there yet. Plus ur BB might not be a very competent nurser. Not all bbs will suck &amp; latch on properly at brith. Mine also like that.. when she is in a good mood.. yeah.. offer her breast only suck happily.. when bad mood (e.g v hungry, angry etc).. she'll have problem latching. But I dun latch often la.. (also prob anotr reason why she is not a good nurser).. maybe once a fortnite or something.
Now ur BB is 3 wks old liao.. if u still wan to BF then u might have to take a longer time to tune ur body to breastfeeding.
cheryl is with doc lok at baby and child clinic at tamp. 81. last mon i just brought her for her 3rd mth jab.
wanted the 6-in-1 but the nurses there said my baby is not applicable for it... (hmmm dunno what she meant)
anyways, i chose the 4-in-1... one dose is to be taken orally while the 5-in-1.. is all goes in through the jab. chose the former cuz the chances of fever is lower than 5-in-1. it cost me $90.

thanks for waiting up for me yesterday to pass me the mat.

and thanks for coordinating the group purchase else we cant enjoy the discount.

my cheryl screamed her lungs out when my mil fed her through the bottle. she was alright initially... playing with the teat.. then she got really impatient and mad and she screamed like there is no tomorrow.
after i carried her, she quieten down.

now i am thinking of giving her a little cereal with ebm. dunno if she will take to it... a little worried too that she might be too young... but then how?
krazy: dun start ur BB on anything else except for BM/FM until they reach 4mths okie. Ur BB's digestive system is not mature yet, so giving them something else might not be very good.

As for screaming while taking e bottle, my girl does that very often. Sometimes she's just frustrated that the flow is not fast enuff.. or the milk is too cold/hot etc. When she does that I'll stop feeding her &amp; carry her. I'll wait until she calm down already then continue feeding.

Ur gal doesnt fancy bottle right? It might be also the reason, she only wants the breast so gets angry when she doesnt get it. If she really rejects e bottle, try spoon-feeding.. see if that helps.

no problem! so how do u find the playmat ? good or not ? I bought 2 (dino park and dino design.. my hubby say i very ks)... have yet to use them cos my bb still young ... will wait till he is starting to crawl..

Beanbox, welcome!

Dun despair,i read somewhere milk supply is established only ard 6 weeks,u can still do something abt it... as Sgmom says, u will hv to latch bb on or express more often. It will come eventually.

One thing is, rem to eat well and sleep well. I had the prob intially cos i was not eating and sleeping well, and plus unable to latch bb on.. i was frustrated and my milk ss was close to nil even when i express. After 1st mth, i started to eat and sleep better, ss improved. (tho bb still does not latch on) So dun give up. Jia you!!

And ignore wat visitors say.. u work out the best way to feed yr bb. Even if eventually u decide to feed FM, its ok. last wk i was also feeling so guilty supplementing my gal w FM - all ard me, my frens were BFg totally their babies. But i think if i hv tried my best for my bb, i will not bother wat the relatives and frens say. BB seems ok with FM too! and so many BB grow up strong and healthy w FM.

I just started to feed my gal with abit of water. like 20-40ml a day, adding a drop or two of Infacol to get rid of wind.

Tried to use cloth to "scrub" away the milk stain on BB tougue too.. not much success, esp the inner part. i hope someone has the solution and share it with us too!
