(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

sgmom: You are one of the lucky ones. For me the left one is only 1/3 or 1/4 of the right one. Surprisingly it is always the lazy breast has block duct and crack problem..

joshmummy, my gal also snack... like 10 mins then sleep. very frustrating...

but anyone knows for baby that latches on, what is the right length of time? my mom says that she used to breastfeed me 15 min each side... i take that as a guideline. what about the rest of you?
blurmom : some says 15 mins on each side, some says latch till the bb let go.. For aaron, he will not let go till he has enough and that is abt 30 - 45 mins, sometimes even 1 hr..
i've open yet as the baby's room still in a little mess. wait til my hubby is free to do some shifting. But i touch the texture. quite ok.

consume within 2 weeks for frozen EBM? that's fast. maybe i'll keep for one month hehe..btw, can u smell milk that turn bad and milk that is fresh? i can't smell the diff.

i can't go without breastpad. once i tried and my shirt is wet with one big patch. i also hope to go padless to reduce the rash i have now.

thanks for the contact. I already started the tingkat and guess what it's the same caterer as yours. my friend recom this caterer to me. guess the food must be not too bad. but so far i like the spread and the portion is good also.

me also using pigeon pads. but kiddy palace is ex. i bought it at $9++ after disc. but metro is selling at $8.90 per box.

understand how u feel. my girl also very CRANKY sometimes. I scold her 'naughty girl' but i think she don;t understand lar. no choice got to carry her and walk around. anything to calm her down i'll also try. some people say it's a passing phase. I just hope it's true..

don't stress yourself. if really no milk yet then go with FM. that's what i did with my girl at first week. slowly when the milk comes in u can increase BM feeds. sometimes when i was tired i told CL to give her FM. now i'm on TBF. don't give up..as for crying for no reason, i had a bit too. i realise i was frustrated because i can't do many things then i jsut go and bathe and washed hair. after that i feel better haha. i'm not telling u to break confinement rules but just do something that will lighten your mood maybe helps ya?
i latch my girl for comfort because i gave her EBM. but that's once i let her latch on with full breast, she took 20 mins on one side and fell asleep. maybe she's full. in the end the other side engorgement.
Twinkets: Yep your memory is good. From GNC, a giant green bottle. $36.95 for 90 tablets of 600mg of calcium. The taste is ok but not fantastic. It has a natural cherry flavor.

Actually i still have quite a lot left, maybe ard 2/3. i dun mind giving to you if you dun mind. :p

Cos i very lazy unless need be, i dun take supplements. i hardly take the fish oil nowadays though still pumpg also.
Btw mummies on baby's poo.. those babies with constipation, i think it may really help to massage their tummy.

i went MAH's baby massage class last Sat. During the class, Isabelle poo-ed. Heh so effective? Coincidental? Then for the past 4 days, she pooed everyday. It has been quite sometime since she has been so regular. :p i'm quite excited abt this. Funny hor, baby pass motion also so happy.

But sigh recently her reflux "came back" again, merlion quite a lot of milk sometimes. And make me quite "angry" sometimes. And hence bad rashes come back also even cleaning her after each feed.
Ming: if ur BB has a tendency to spit out alot of milk, it's good to try to burp her more frequently during feed. After e feed, rest her for like 5-10mins in a recline position (ard 30degrees) before burping her to discourage milk from coming out together w e air bubble. After burping, continue to rest her in a recline position for anotr 5-10mins.

My girl is like that also. Esp if she drinks very fast, she has a high tendency to "merlion". Funny thing I didnt tell my hubby abt this pharse we use.. he actually used it on Valerie that nite when she throw out 1 gulp of milk when he burp her. It was a huge burp & a big gulp of milk being thrown out :p

MAH BB massage class: Is it FOC? Do that have it every weekend? I always wanted to massage my BB but it's hard to find the right timing. She doesnt like pple to disturb her one. Only when she is wide awake & happy can u then change her diaper, bathe her & wipe her without her screaming. THus most of the time I have to tahan her cries when I change her diaper.
hi gals, finally managed to upload some photos of my son taken using my phone...

Day 2

Week 2

Week 5

Week 11
sweatcorn: hmm..ur boi smarter than my gal. She is 11 wks today, she still havent gotten the idea of sucking her thumb. Normally only suck her second finger, suck until got sound, until smile one leh... hahahahaha I try to show her how to suck her thumb.. but she refuse to stick out her thumb one leh.. always hide them inside :-/

your gal exactly like my boy... now already 14 weeks already the thumb still hide inside... always suck his fingers only hehe.. and still cant find sometimes...
I remember I bought mine @ $8.90 too... bought the first batch at Kids Mall at 9+ after the 20% discount, tot I found a good buy, then I saw the cheaper ones, luckily not much difference lah.

Recently when my boy drinks milk, after drinking about 50-60ml, he will suck but not drinking. After awhile he'll reject the bottle. We have to rest him awhile, burp him, carry him walk one round then he'll resume drinking. His intake is 120ml every 3hrs.
He does the same at my breast also... suck awhile then suck blankly cos I don't hear him swallow anymore. Then he'll start 'talking' to me. I treasure that moment cos it's our one and only private session every day.
Are your babies like that?

Re: rubbing eyes and suck fingers
He does that too! We let him go mittenless for a day and end up having a scratch on his face around the eye. He likes to rub eyes when he's frustrated or sleepy. He also loves to rub his whole face on our shoulders and neck region when we carry him upright! Haha... very endearing but we got to be sure we are not wearing necklace lor...

My boy's quite used to his pacifier. But in its abscence, I noticed he'll try to shove his fist into his mouth! Looks quite funny! haha... therefore his right mitten always smellier than the left one. I reckon he is right-handed.
Poohy: Ya ya ya agree! Sometimes I see she wave her hands frantically ard her mouth area.. after she finds her finger suck until so happy! hahahahaha. Guess Sweatcorn's son is better at hand, eye co-ordination! hahahahaha
my boy sleeps like ur son in the last pic too! so cute! *Surrender!
I also have the same pic on my hp... will upload and show u when i reach home tonight... hee...
sgmom, poohy,
ur babies clench their fists with the thumb hidden inside? i notice my boy had his outside... but so far haven't seen him suck cos he still has his mittens on.
zyp: same thing with my gal! THus I no longer wear necklace already. She also likes to rub eyes when she is sleep or frustrated. Last time she dunno how to rub properly always end up poking her eyes. Now better already, know how to use the back of her hands to rub eyes so hardly poke her own eyes now :p

As for sucking but not drinking.. only when she starts to feel full lor. And quite true that sometimes she'll just bite the teat & smile. hahaha.. she did that before when I latch her on.

Tis morning something quite funny happened. Tis morning ard 5am she started fussing ard (but not time for milk yet coz she didnt cry). Rub eyes, stretch etc... so we fed up decided to place her inbtwn us so that it'll be easier to pat her to sleep. So my hubby gave her the pacifier. After a while my hubby realise that the pacifier is no longer in her mouth.. he started looking for it.. cldnt find so he woke me up. Nxt thing we realise the pacifier is in her hands! hahahaha I seriously dunno how e pacifier end up in her hands hahahaha we thot it's really funny.

Lack of sleep:
How does u mummies handle that ha.. everyday I basically only have 4hrs of continuous sleep. balance is a 15mins here, 30mins there.. so tiring. Tis morning also like that.. she kept fussing from 5am until 6am then I try to latch her on, but she is not hungry, e moment e milk comes she unlatch herself. Then I take the opportunity to change her diaper, after that she kept smiling while staring at the ceiling. Buay-tahan! My hubby & I just cldnt stop laughing.
zyp: my gal also same sleeping position, surrender one.. I say she makes the chinese character "BIG". hahahaha

Yup.. she clench her fist with her thumb inside. Actually to be exact, she likes to stick her thumb btwn the 2nd & 3rd finger. I say she likes to scold bad word hahahahaha

guess cant help with the lack of sleep but slowly they will hopefully grow out of all those nite feeds totally lor. My boy woke up twice yesterday nite .. 1am and 4am... its been 2 weeks since he last did that .. so i duno why.. hehe.. i am having giddy spells and at times blackout lately so after feeding him at 4am .. finally asked my hubby to watch over him while he stretch and rub his eyes for a while before falling asleep. Anyway i dunno if my boy is going to start to teeth or wat.. cos i notice he like to bite his pacifier using the side gums whenever i put it in his mouth. do u all think its a sign of teething ?

sgmom, that was really funny hehe.. imagine searching all over and finally the pacifier is all the time with your little gal.. btw, do u think its a problem that they hide their thumb inside their fist ? i dunno whether its normal ...
poohy: I also dunno if that's normal leh. I try to encourage her to stick out her thumb but she refuse leh. thus I always have a hard time trying to cut her thumb-nail.

Well I guess I just have to learn to live with e lack of sleep then. Like u sometimes I feel quite giddy also. partly also becoz I have been very diligent in taking my multi-vit.. so lack of iron. Sometimes I almost black out when I stand up abruptly. But I didnt tell anyone.. worried they all ask me to go sleep.. but I wan to take care of my girl leh... weird right.. can sleep dun wan to sleep.. want to sleep cannot sleep.. hahahahaha

ya lor .. my hubby always asked me to go to sleep earlier at nite so that i wont feel tired when i do nite feeds but i just dun want leh.. cos wanna play with my bb. I dun really wanna take the iron pills leh cos i scared constipation .. cos i heard taking iron pills can cause constipation.
sgmom: Tks, i'll try to rest baby for a while b4 i burp and see if it works. i always hold her for 5-10min before puttg her down after a feed.

The massage class is abt $30+ for 45 min. It's held once a mth like TMC. KK has more frequent classes. Most hosp. charge ard the same. Actually most of the strokes we can learn from internet. But in class got real live demo and hands-on, maybe more effective.

Heh i also caught Isabelle a few times removing her pacifier herself with her hands. But she hasn't really learn how to hold objects in her hands.

sweatcorn: Wah ur baby is v cute and progressively getting fatter, heh. My baby is getting fatter too and think she's 6+kg liao, my mum says she needs to go on a diet, ha ha.

zyp: i enjoy it when Isabelle coos and talks to me also. Heh. On being mitten-free, think dun be afraid to let babies go mitten-free. Initially they'll scratch themselves, but after a few times (days), they're smart enuff to stop scratching themselves.
poohy: I wld love to sleep earlier but I have to express milk at ard midnite so tt I can avoid having to express in e middle of the nite. So always try to nap abit at ard 10pm if my hubby is back home and when I'm damn tired.

Ming: OIC, I'll go check out. I also have pamplets showing how to massage BB but i thot maybe seeing live demo might be more effective.

Actually my PD recommend that she rest her like 30mins before putting her back to bed..but at nite how to?!?!? During e day no issue coz she spends most of her time in e bouncer which is at like 30 degrees angle anyway.

Zyp: Ming is right, at the beginning when I let Valerie go mitten free she always poke her own eyes. My MIL will quickly wear back her mittens. but normally I'll let her be but constantly remove her hands & tell her "dun poke ur eyes". Now she hardly pokes her eye liao.. but sometimes she'll mis-cue & still poke them la hahahahaha

BBs learn very fast one la. Dun worry. Even if they do scratch themselves, they'll heal in no time with no scars one.. so dun be too worried. Just make sure that their hands are clean or else worried they LS :p
Hi gals, thanks for your compliment...

my boy started wif eating the side of his thumb, like eating drumsticks... then slowly progress to suckling his thumb... but he has not really got used to suckling wif his fist clenched... so sometimes he'll poke himself in the eye n started screaming... sometimes oso got co-ordination problems n can't find his thumb then will oso scream vv loud... very amusing 2 c him screaming for his thumb... aahahaha...

ming, yes he is getting fatter, he gained abt 2kg in his 1st mth n my pd say he has to go gym to work off the extra weight gained.. ahahaha... next sat its his mth 3 check up so i wonder how much he has gained...

sgmon n poohy, i guess everyone of us here oso suffering from lack of sleep... its part of the package call 'parenthood'... same as u both, basically got oni less than 3 hrs of continuous sleep... very tiring at first... now kinda got used to it... recently my boy can sleep 4-5 hrs before he screams for his feeds at night but i will still wake up at 3 hrs interval to check on him...
Poohy: Coz I'm still breastfeeding, it's impt tt I eat sufficient iron if not it'll take from my stores. i think it's already happening liao considering I feel dizzy so frequently & always after I stand up.
re: hair dropping off!

gals, I read that from 3rd mth onwards our hair will fall off at alarming rate which is wat is happening to me rite now! I feel like I just did chemotherapy... everytime i touch my hair and comb a little at least a handful of hair fall off... so scary cos i already have very thin layer of hair genetically... now wah ... i fear for my hair...
sweatcorn: same lor.. even if she can sleep from midnite to 5am.. I'll still wake up sometimes ard 4am to check on her & bring in her milk. so cld nvr sleep more than 4hrs in a row one..so envy when i hear my hubby snores........

hahah sometimes BB very funny hor.. my girl also sometimes attempt to suck her thumb end up poking her own eyes.. so continue to suck her finger. Like ur Boi, she started sucking e knuckles.. then progress to put the finger into her mouth to suck.

tis morning I dangle e teething/rattle rings in front of her..she was looking at them & seemed to enjoy e sound it make. As I was expressing milk, I got tired and place e rattles down.. she immediately frown & "aaa!" loud loud. so i started shaking e rattles again.. she smile again.. so I knw she was "unhappy" that I took away her rattles! hahahahha
Poohy: I heard that too.. they say, when u BB can flip, u'll start losing hair. I just colour my hair leh.. and intend to keep it long again.. sob sob
poohy, i oso very worried abt the hair dropping stage leh... cos i dun hv much hair to begin wif... scared later drop until got bald patch leh...

sgmon, i oso juz colored my hair... sigh...
poohy: Wah tell me abt it.. i realised my hair dropping everywhere abt 2 wks liao. On the floor, on the bed, on my towel... then i found s small hole on my usual parting! Then i quickly change hair parting.

i plan to colour my hair b4 i start work. And also plan to keep it long again like sgmom, dunno when will the hair loss stop.
stephy: did u really dress him in monkey suit??? So CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! pacifier so colourful! :p

realise our Bbs now are very chubby? My fren says BB most chubby when 4mths after that when they can flip & stuff they'll start to use up more calories
sgmom : I've taken that foto with my new hp.. which has different frames to choose from..

Aaron's appetitie has grown from 150ml to 170ml.. he even can finish 200ml at one go.. he is abt 7.5kg.. wondering whether he is overweight
<font color="aa00aa">sgmom,</font>
not all babies are chubby. Keane for one is not. He is not drinking as much milk as I want him to..So stress...and he is not gaining enuff weight. Really dunno what's wrong with him. He still fuss a lot when feeding. It's like going to battle everytime I feed him...sigh.

Brought him to see PD and doc at polyclinic. Both says he's ok and said I shouldn't be too worried since he is alert and not ill.

<font color="ff6000">Stephy,</font>
wow, your Aaron is so chubby. And he is drinking a lot of milk. Keane drinks abt 120-150ml. I force feed him every 3-4hrs. Didnt want to force him at first but he doesnt cry for food nowadays...can even stretch for 4-5hrs without milk. BTW, I have bought the milk bags that you've recommended. Thanks.

I am feeling so tired. Not enuff sleep. Feel so sleepy at work. Expressed twice in office. The nuring room in my office is not bad. There are 3 cubicles with curtains and a mini fridge to store EBM.
Hi gals, so its ok to colour and rebond hair even if we are BFing?

Lack of sleep - wah.. me too,last time i was really a pig one.. need alot of zz. Now seriously sleep deprived! BB sleep, i still need to express .. this is really part of motherhood that i find tough!

Going to the robinson sale later.. a little nervous abt bringing bb out myself. Hope not too crowded and i can handle the big and bulky stroller myself!
for my boy, my hubby will say it's "Tai"... cos boy mah.. something extra... hahaha....

I thought the holding pacifier episode is really funny! haha... my boy will shove the pacifier back into his mouth when it's dropping. That's only when he sleeps on his tummy.

I guess sleep deprivation is inevitable for mummies with newborns. We'll have easier life when they learn to sleep thru'out the night. So far Zavier has only slept 6hrs stretch for 2 nights.
Once I had giddy spell too... also at pre-dawn hours, then got hubby to take over feeding. Also, baby sleeps with my parents and us on alternate days. So I get undisturbed sleep on every other day.
tigger : Sometimes it worries me too whether have I overfed him.. next week, he will be getting his 3rd month jap.. let's see what the PD will say abt his weight..

I can understand.. it must be very tiring for you.. nowadays, I will pump whenever aaron wakes up for his nite feeds.. luckily, my hubby will help me to feed him if not.. I'll be very grouchy I think.. How u find the bag? economical enuf..
wah stephy,.... aaron is soooo chubby!!!! I wanna pinch his cheek leh... my son also chubby but i dun think he's as chubby leh....

re: hair dropping

the worst part is i dinno abt this hair thingy... so i went to rebond my hair last month and highlight it.... can die or not lah...
jas : which robinson u r going? from the news yesterday, I heard that the security at raffles city is very strict.. I wondering entering the building is allowed?
re : breastpumps

gals... just wanna check whether u all got any comments on the electric breastpump which one is good... eg btween ameda and medela ? I keep hearing ameda breastpump is gentler on the nipple and almost like the medela pump in style .. was thinking maybe i will change to ameda next time when i have my next bb.... cos i was using medela dual mini this time round...
stephy, realise that aaron's 2nd photo looks like Kaeden... except aaron's eyes much bigger...

tigger, your office so good leh... nursing room even better than the shopping centres one...

poohy, i juz got my ameda pump... its true that it is more gentle on the nipple than the medela mini i used last time... much quieter too... of cos much cheaper than pump in style... however i feel that the plastic parts of the ameda pump seems less lasting than medela's one... that's my own opinion lah...
<font color="aa00aa">stephy,</font>
I have not used the milk bags yet. Will let you know after I try.

<font color="ff6000">sweatcorn,</font>
ya, the nursing room is not bad. But sometimes got many mummies pumping at the same time so might have to share cubicles.
ameda pump is definitely better for me. medela is good with suction but can be quite harsh to the nipple. but my colleague who use it is fine depends on individual.

whenever i get 4 hours of cont. sleep i'll be very happy! initially i try to sleep with mygirl in the afternn when she sleeps but now i go and do housechores and only sleep at night when she sleeps. So on average about 5 hours per day. i don't really ask my hubby to take care of her at night as i know he's very tired after working. so i stay up at night sometimes if she's cranky. very tired...but part of parenthood.
LV, u r so kind to your hubby... kekeke... cos whenever my son cries, i'll wake him up to make milk n he'll feed him while i express my milk... :p

tigger, share cubicle?? got weird anot ah?? cos my side here use meeting rooms so hv to 'chop' the room in adv one...
btw, anyone experience snoring from your baby.. last nite, aaron was sleeping beside me, and I heard him snoring.. and guess what, my hubby was also snoring.. find it so amusing
stephy, mabbe they both botak then got chubby cheeks loh... kekeke... but aaron got bigger eyes... heehee... yah Kaeden oso snores sometimes... find it very amusing too... like little piggy sleeping like that... ahahahaha...

stephy, sweatcorn,
All baby boys look alike huh! with the botak head and chubby cheeks. I heard my boy snore sometimes too... remember read somewhere that babies generally have heavier breathing, thus alright to snore?
