(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Me not very IT savvy.. i hv my gal pic in my hdph,i want to post it here.. i first email it to myself.. but the file turn out to be .bin instead of .jpg. I will hv to ask hubby to convert for me before i can post it here liao..

yeah... she hates the bottle... but she happily allowed my mum to feed her when we visited her 2 weeks back. so she is just being fussy.

yeah... will try the spoon later.

just bought a tin of formula.. will train using it. breastmilk is a little too precious to be thrown away every time... esp when its so difficult to express a decent 100ml.

must i wait till she is exactly 4 mths? cuz when i return to work, she will be like 15 weeks old... can start on the cereals already?

i like the fact tht it covers a large area. but havent opened up to use it yet.
i also liked the dino designs but thought the a-b-c on bubbles would be handy in the future. hahah. i also very ks. hehe

ya after i saw the bubble design, I love it too.. but my mum and hubby dun let me buy anymore cos they say i already got a dino park and a dino... dun need so many... which is true lah .. but i love the bubble design leh... The dino park is very nice too and i thought the green is really attractive.
krazy: PD recommend starting on other food when BB is btwn 4-6mths. Before that not recommended. Even if ur BB hits 4 mths doesnt mean she is ready. I've read somewhere that only when BB seemed interested in otr food (e.g. drool when u eat, stare at u when u eat then move mouth like eating etc) then it shows that ur BB is ready. If not u can also test water by spoon feeding them some cereals etc to see if they knw how to swallow.

beanbox: Jas03 is right. Dun be bothered abt wat otr pple says. Altho it's been said that breast is the best, doesnt mean FM is no good. They are also good, just that breast is better. If having to re-establish breastmilk supply now is too stressful (coz it'll be more difficult now that ur BB is 3wks old, altho it's been said that below 3mths u have a high chance of success), then continue to give FM.

Altho they say breastmilk is FOC & thus cheaper it's not entirely true. Consider one buys an electric pump (min $250), nursing bras (at least 3 so ard $120), nursing tops (if u are keen), breastpads etc etc.. all adds up to alot of money also. Each tin of FM is ard $25.. 1 tin/wk.. all these $$ spent can be used to buy like so many tins of FM.. in e end it costs e same to BF or to give FM.
Hytten: Ya lor.. one reason why I continue to express is becoz it is said that BM contains alot more antibodies that FM cannot replicate. Anotr reason is the "slimming" effect. If I can "lun" & give my gal BM for like 1 yr.. then it'll definitely cheaper that drinking FM lor.
sgmom: same here, EBM is actually more troublesome then giving baby FM. FM just wake up in the middle of the nite feed then go back to bed, EBM after feeding still need to express milk.. but what to do, our baby deserves the best.
I set a more realistic target of 6 mth first then see how.. really not easy being tied down with breastfeeding. You've started working rite.. do u still wake up in the middle of the nite to express milk?
hytten: I feel that I'm quite lucky. Becoz I have sufficient milk supply, I only express 4 times a day, ard 6hrly interval. Wat I normally do is I express at ard 1130-1145 at nite. After that sleep till tmrw 7am, or earlier if my girl wakes up. Thank god she sleeps thru also so I normally no need to wake up middle of the nite. But I do have a habit of waking up ard 4am+ to bring in her milk & check on her.
Hi poohy,

Baby Mat
Thanks so much for bring the mat to meet me jus now! Really didnt expect it to be so bulky m heavy! hope u didnt have to walk too far carrying it... wad? you bot 2? hee... actually i like the bubble design too, but my mom say animal better. so no choice... hee. I had to keep it aside first cos my clara at 9 weeks still too young to play.

Re: Baby Poo
Thanks all, for helping me w my baby poo problem. at least i am not so worried about it being so watery. These days, clara's poo starting to feel slimy again... u know like those egg white kind of texture. Is it normal for Total BF baby?

yah, i agree w sgmom. I think BF is not nec cheaper than giving FM. i also spent $300-400 on breastpumps, those sterilised bags to keep breast milk, nursing bra-tops.. n the most inconvenient thing is we have to keep expressing to maintain supply. and i cant go on diet cos i need to make sure i eat well to maintain milk supply. Its a lot of inconveniences but i guess, its all for the good for the baby, we shd perservere as long as we can.
bloomtan, tigger..

no problem at all.. hehee... thanx to tigger for being the contact person on saturday

re: playmat not yet collected

mummies who had purchased the playmat and still at my house.. do contact me via my handphone (sms) to arrange a good time come down ok ?
my boy got his bcg n hep jab in thomson when he is born..
ask u hor..for the next jab,we hve to bring him to either polyclinic or PD right? there will be no one to send letter to remind us one right?

i'm thinking of letting him hve 6 in 1 jab or 5 in jab,at least no need to jab so many times..
btw,if my boy has 6 in 1 jab..then how many more jabs does he need?

i dun get 20ml of "leaking" everytime one..but will try to accumulate if i hve....

hmm how come dr yeong never recommend his father in law to you ah ? My boy took his bcg only when he is abt 3-4 weeks old. Cos dr yeong recommended us to get it done at dr Lim (FIL) 's clinic and then dr Lim keep differing it cos he say my boy a bit jaundice.

I think it should be 3 jabs rite for 6-in-1 ? 2 mths, 4 mths, 6mths... then 1 year old ? I also dunno leh...
i find tt sometimes when i try to latch my boy on when he is crying for milk..he will keep shaking his head with his mouth open n refused to latch one..n when i forced my breast to him,he will cry even louder..

then aft a while of trying,he will grab it..does tt mean tt he is rejecting my breasts or he is too hungry to grab it??

initially my boy rejects bottle too..though now he still not taking the bottle well..so i'm wondering could it be the teat prob..

anyway..try spoon feeding..it helps leh..my boy does take the spoon..but it will take a long time lah.....
forgetmenot: mine was also like that. That's why I end up expressing & giving her bottle now. Maybe u try to latch him on when he is not so hungry? Like when his mouth is open.. seeking for food u quickly latch him on. My experience with my girl is that if she is only fussing, not yet crying, I have a higher chance of success in latching her. If she is already crying.. almost impossible to latch her already. she'll shake her head quite violently.. like cldnt find e nipple like that (eventho my nipple is actually in her mouth already). After that like u say lor. she'll "grab" my breast (of course she wldnt be able to really grab coz her fingers cannot really grab things mah).
hey, my bb oso will keep shaking his head wif mouth open n refuse to suckle... i find that pretty amusing but at the same time frustrating cos the nipple is juz there but he like cannot find it... then scream so loud... like forgetmenot says, if force, screams even louder... so sometimes i'll stop n cuddle him then try again... usually he is ok after cuddling...
my bb does that sometimes as well when she's v hungry. i'll just stop and wait till she turn to the side where my nipple is and try to offer it to her. sometimes i play cheat, when she is crying loudly with her mouth open, i'll put my nipple in, then after awhile she'll start suckling.

Try to perserve and hv patience. You and bb are learning, it'll take sometime to perfect it. If still got prob can go to a lact consultant for advise.

one fortunate thing is bb and me don't have much problem with latching. the only prob i face is my ss. sigh.
sweatcorn: that time when I was trying to latch her.. she cry until like tt, struggle with me. End up I feel so hot & angry.. which makes the whole situation even worse.. and next thing my MIL will rush into e room and quickly says give her bottle.. so... e rest is history la..there was a time whereby I quite resent my MIL becoz of this.. in e end I think abt it.. ultimately all of us just want to make sure tt she gets her milk..
Shane: I guess every mother faces different issues.. but we all face difficulties in breastfeeding. Like my SIL says.. BF is not as easy as it looks. But I wan to prove to my SILs that BF'g is possible one. In my hsehld, out of 5 kids (incl my gal), mine is e only one that drinks BM. My MIL says they have "no milk".. I think more like "no patience"
shane, dun worry abt ss... as long as bb is getting BM its ok, dun worry abt qty... that time i oso very stressed over ss then my gynae consoled me saying i oso never grow up on BM n i gave birth to a healthy bb boy so wat's there to worry?? the more stress u r, the more difficult the ss will come... relax n enjoy the bf experience... even until now at 12 weeks, my ss is still not enuff for Kaeden... but i juz keep pumping n feeding as long as i can loh...

sgmon, aiyo that must be pretty demoralising... i understand how u feel cos even up to now my MIL outwardly say she scared my boy dun hv enuff to eat when we feed him EBM from bottle leh... wah lau... sometimes feel pretty pissed but cannot do anything abt it
it's normal for red lochia to come back at the end. It means it's really stopping. Mine was like that and I had to postpone my 6th wk pap smear the week 8.

sgmom, bloomtan,
nursing clothings and pump can be used again when we have 2nd and 3rd child if we can maintain well... it's long term investment! =)

maybe your boy having nipple confusion...

the mat sounds heavy. initially wanted to collect it myself. i think i shall discuss with my hubby tonight when we'll be collecting then sms u k? Thanks for holding it for me!
sweatcorn, me too. at week 6, my ss is still not enough also. i also just keep on latching on, pumping when necessary. i also tell myself, just continue to feed lor, esp since i'm still on maternity leave.

shane, me too. my gal got no prob with latching on but i hv prob with ss. i used to feel sooo bad cos my gal is so patient with latching on, but this mum here got not much to offer her. But she still persists on, so how can i give up?

btw, PD also say my gal still has a bit of jaundice, and she say it's probably due to breastfeeding, and she tells me that it's ok to continue with breastfeeding.

sgmom: now that you mention, BF is not cheap! ahahaha!! i never tot of it this way.
i encountered the same thing too.. either my CL or MIL will run into room when bb wailed loudly. To prevent that, I locked my room door! haha... So good u can go home liao. I'm working late today cos I'm on leave tomorrow and on wed... got to clear work lor... my boy smiles and chuckles so much nowadays, I really can't bear to leave home.

Re: to latch on struggling bb
Cos I latch on lying down on my side, I'll pull my boy and let him lie on his side too so that we'll be tummy to tummy. Usually he lies on his back. Somehow this contact calms him down. Though he'll still whine abit while he drinks.
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Weight/kg</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Height/cm</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mummies</TD><TD>Pop on</TD><TD>BB's Name</TD><TD>Birth</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>3rd</TD><TD>Birth</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>3rd </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poshies</TD><TD>23-Mar</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Gerald</font></TD><TD>2.8</TD><TD>3.9</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>48</TD><TD>54</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>61 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Krazy</TD><TD>3-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>2.34</TD><TD>3.2</TD><TD>4.8</TD><TD>5.025</TD><TD>47</TD><TD>50.5</TD><TD>56</TD><TD>58.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>shadow</TD><TD>10-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Hayden</font></TD><TD>2.76</TD><TD>4.2</TD><TD>5.1</TD><TD>5.95</TD><TD>47</TD><TD>51</TD><TD>56</TD><TD>57.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephanie</TD><TD>12-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Aaron</font></TD><TD>3.18</TD><TD>4.56</TD><TD>6</TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>52.5</TD><TD>60</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>zyp</TD><TD>14-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Zavier</font></TD><TD>3.25</TD><TD>5.22</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>60</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dewdrops</TD><TD>15-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Xavier</font></TD><TD>2.7</TD><TD>3.7</TD><TD>4.85</TD><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>52</TD><TD>58</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>oreo</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Jaevir</font></TD><TD>3.16</TD><TD>4.2</TD><TD>5.2</TD><TD></TD><TD>52</TD><TD>55</TD><TD>59</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweatcorn</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Kaeden</font></TD><TD>3.29</TD><TD>5.39</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>51</TD><TD>61</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ariella</TD><TD>21-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cloie</font></TD><TD>2.915</TD><TD>3.8</TD><TD>4.4</TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>53</TD><TD>53</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sgmom</TD><TD>22-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Valerie</font></TD><TD>3.27</TD><TD>4.975</TD><TD>5.95</TD><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>57</TD><TD>58</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>23-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Phoebe</font></TD><TD>2.88</TD><TD>3.6</TD><TD>5</TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>53</TD><TD>57</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joshmummy</TD><TD>26-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Joshua</font></TD><TD>3.015</TD><TD>4.24</TD><TD>5.45</TD><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>53</TD><TD>57</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bloom_tan</TD><TD>26-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Clara</font></TD><TD>2.96</TD><TD>4.1</TD><TD>4.3</TD><TD></TD><TD>48</TD><TD>58</TD><TD>59</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babebabe</TD><TD>29-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Clarissa</font></TD><TD>3.28</TD><TD>4.5</TD><TD>5.2</TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>52</TD><TD>58 </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklets</TD><TD>29-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>3.97</TD><TD>5.2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>55</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Picnic</TD><TD>7-May</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Bryon</font></TD><TD>2.4</TD><TD>3.65</TD><TD>4.1</TD><TD></TD><TD>45</TD><TD>50.8</TD><TD>52 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juneten</TD><TD>8-May</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>2.385</TD><TD>4.325</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>47</TD><TD>52</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>hytten</TD><TD>12-May</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Constance</font></TD><TD>3.37</TD><TD>4.8</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>56</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>blurmom</TD><TD>27-May</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Lisa</font></TD><TD>2.79</TD><TD>3.3</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>55</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>beanbox</TD><TD>24-Jun</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Darius</font></TD><TD>2.84</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>forgetmenot</TD><TD>28-Jun</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">ryan</font></TD><TD>3.68</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>52</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>serrich</TD><TD>30-Jun</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sherilyn</font></TD><TD>3.55</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>51</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hytten: I pump around 250ml each time la. Morning more coz I stretch for 7hrs.. so total daily I can express slightly more than 1 litre. My gal drinks ard 140ml each feed, 7 feeds a day so everyday I'll hv some surplus. That's why my store in e freezer just gets bigger.....

sweatcorn: wa.. they can see also think ur boi not getting enuff... then if u latch on lagi worse. I u/std la.. sometimes I dun agree w how she handles I also "diam diam". Wait until my hubby comes home then "complain" to him lor. But overall my MIL is very good la.. alot of things she helps me so I shdnt complain so much also :p

blurmom: keep latching! esp since ur gal so patient in latching.. u shdnt "disappoint" her right? And u get alot of contact with her.. next time she sure very close to u one. My gal is the "independent" type. She doesnt even like to be carried for too long! Carry her like 5mins only she starts struggling with me already. Gotta put her back on her bouncer then she happy.
Hi gals,

Juz back from the PD, Aaron got his 3rd month jap, I so glad that he didn't make a scene..
juz yell a little and that's it.. I think he is too sleepy to yell in the first place
PD said that the rashes on his cheeks are eczema.. given us steriod cream to apply and instruct us to clean his face regularly with cotton balls.. I also checked with the PD whether I could start him on some solid but the PD says is not advisable, better to wait till he is 6 months old.. I guess I have to cut down on a lot of sinful stuff , if not he will not have a nice complexion.

Oreo : I've got his latest stats..
3rd weight = 7.7
3rd length = 62
sgmom: yeah, i will. so long as there's still supply.

Last nite, we went to my gal's PD for her first 6 in 1 jab. PD asked me to distract her while she jab her with my hubby holding her. So, one minute my gal was smiling at me and suddenly her expression turn to a look of surprise, seconds later, she wailed so loudly! hahaha, i find it quite funny, but my hubby say i'm so mean, laugh at her expense
Hi Ladies,
I'm starting work this Friday. I feel so not motivated to go to work and I started to miss my baby already. Hope I can fight back my tears on Fri when I leave her with my mum.

understand how u feel... me too exact same feeling... still feel this way even though its my 3rd week at work liao...
How do u cope with missing your baby? I mean, I'm worried that I can't focus on my work.

Yesterday I talked to my baby and told her that I will be going back to work on Fri... before I know it, one drop of tear just roll down my cheek.

i cant concentrate at work at first... though not much work at first also lah hehee... i did a blog when i have nothing to do at the office... can put bb's photo and write abt how i feel... somehow its had some comforting effect...

on the 2nd week, I keep feeling like quiting my job... cos was worried bb wont be close to us...

by this week... i straightened my thoughts since there is almost no way i will stop work... i wont want my bb to grow up with lacks in life... having me and his daddy working will ensure that his life will be more comfortable. Anyway I just compensate by spending all my off-office hours with him lor...
Will get ready my girl girl's photo to place on my desk... but I think I will still miss her much expecially when I'm with her everyday for the past 3 mths. And now, she seems like can recognise me. Smile at me every morning.

ya ... i did up a screensaver of all my boy's photo just before going to work so that i can look at them when i am in my office.

like your gal.. my boy started to smile (social smile) on the friday just before i go back to work... sigh anyway now he smile very often and even laugh out loud. I love to see his smile... it melts my heart.

and he's so talkative these days ... talking non-stop... everytime i call my mum to ask abt him.. i will hear his voice talking and talking real loud. When my mum carry him and talking to someone else, he will think people talking to him and start talking and laughing loudly...
carla, tat time i oso teared when i told my boy tat i'm going back to work n he has to be a good boy staying at po po hse leh... the feeling is juz so bu she de...

nowadays i oni look forward to weekends when we can play wif him n see his priceless smiles... cos sometimes he still sleeping when we send him to my mum's place n sleeping when we bring him back at abt 8+...
poohy, CT Yeong also recommended his FIL to me when I saw him last. How much is Dr Lim charging for 6-in-1 and consultation? Seeing the address on his namecard.. I bet he can't be very cheap... btw, his BIL (wife's bro) is also a pd at KKH... scary hor? whole family of doctors...

oic dinno his BIL also doctor ..i think its in their blood to be doctors ..hehee..

Dr Lim charges $150 for 6-in-1 jab and $25-$35 (cant remember exact) for the consultation fees. Quite expensive hor... ? i think he is those very well respected senior doctor who lectured and taught other doctors in nus medicine. Quite old liao... but look very fatherly... his clinic always have ang mohs seeking consultation ...
Carla: Yest 1st full day at work. Last wk work mornings only. Same here. I do miss my gal but I knw that I hv to maintain this income for her sake. Same as u, I'm worried that she'll not be close to me also, esp since I live with my ILs, which makes them very accessible to her even at nite.

Yest when I reached home i saw that she was awake I was very happy. Quickly sat down &amp; talk to her.. but so sad.. she didnt wan to look at me.. kept looking left or right.. but hardly at me. Normally when I sit down &amp; talk to her she'll look at me &amp; smile almost immediately..

Then nite feed she struggled with me.. gotta go thru a tug of war with her before I managed to let her drink up 80%.. was super duper sad. I kept asking my hubby did she forget me already???? My hubby said maybe she is angry with me for not being around e whole day.. but I told him she so young wldnt u/std what...

I have alot of her pictures on my desk. I didnt create a blog but created an album of sorts that shows her weekly progress. My wallpaper is her photo too..
ahhh.. then it's cheaper than where i bring my son for his jab.. the PD charge abt $45 for consultation, but that is with 4th mth assessment...has your son gone thru the 3/4 mth assessment yet? also with this Dr Lim for the $25-35 consultation?
mummies: does ur BBs respond to sound? My gal is 12wks tis Friday. I find that she doesnt really respond to sound one leh.. like if I call her or there are other sounds outside her visual, she wldnt turn towards those sounds. They say if they hear mummy's voice they'll quiet down.. mine like wldnt one leh... :-/

i am not sure whether dr Lim conduct growth assessment.. cos the last time at 2nd month.. he only ask us questions like ..those stated in the TMC booklets .. eg. can the baby lift his head how long etc etc.. we are the one answering him and he just note it down on the book. So is that consider growth assessment ? If not, I gotta bring him to a PD liao.. cos that means he never had a growth assessment so far! Which PD is your boy seeing ?

my boy's 15 week old. He does responds to voices nowadays... turn left and right towards voices... maybe your gal still young... they develop very fast and next week she may be able to turn towards voices already
Poohy: My PD did says that being able to identify the source of sound will take some time. But I do find that she doesnt even react to sounds.. which is wat worries me. if not becoz we did a hearing test on her when she was born.. I'll be damn worried. But I do notice that when she is sleeping, simple sounds like sniffing &amp; coughing will startle her whereas aeroplane, thunder, door bells etc wldnt.. TT day brot her to take MRT, was worried that the announcement at every stop will wake her up. .in e end.. slept so peacefully...Funny right?

same here... when my boy dun respond to sound at first i was really worried he will be deaf, if not for the hearing test did when he was borned. But turn out that he needs time to develop it.. so dun worry .. keep monitoring... and can bring up to PD during the next assessment.
Poohy: oh ok.. maybe I shd try to talk to her more often. Sigh.. I just realise that yest was e first day whereby I'm not at home for like 10hrs.. All these while at most I'm away for 1/2 day only.. sigh... worried that she might not recognise or want me..

ya during my 14 weeks of maternity leave .. I am with my boy all the time except 2 days where me and hubby went to get some shopping done and went for a show... at most 4 hours away. But like u... no choice lor.. just gotta live with this fact ... i guess he will naturally become closer to my mum.. but i hope 2nd to that, he will be closest to me and hubby.

Poohy, Sgmom, sweatcorn
The thought of leaving my girl girl makes me feel so sad now... can only look forward to weekends and after office hours. Even when I'm typing this, I can feel my tears forming in my eyes... *sob**sob*

Luckily for me is that my HB finally relent and support my decision to bring my BB back everyday. Although it's going to be tough, I know I can do it! My mum still objects to me bringing my BB back everyday... but I insisted and she has no choice.
