(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Thanks sgmom/ Jas03. Yah ... my boy is not a competent sucker and when when he cries for milk ... he means I WAN NOW!! ... Errrrrgggg......
I will continue to try pumping ... me one day only less than 5ml ... so pathetic! One visitor simply tells me to gv up and not wasting my time since I've no milk to supply .... I feel so pai seh

Btw, my boi has lots of wind. Any idea wat's teh diff bet Infacol and gripe water?

Yah ... I've already invested on Medela electric pump, 4 nursing bras, 4 nursing tops, 3 boxes of breastpads, nipple sheild, 2 Purelan etc etc..
Now it's all wasted. Really envious you gals whom can BF.

Hi Krazy,

My boy is with Dr Ho. $90/jab does it include the consultation fees? I'm staying at Bedok ... wat abt u?

I have very very limited ss too. Invested on a medela PIS pump cos PIS is very good. But even when I have a good pump, my ss is so so limited. But luckily, I can share the pump with my sis, just have to change the funnel.

Really envy those who can BF but I'm determine that I will try harder for my next child. Felt guilty towards my BB cos I'm unable to produce enough milk for her.
sgmom,sweatcorn n shane,
bb so cute hor.....my boy will shake his head furiously even though my nipple is in his mouth liao..
but aft a short while he is fine..

wow..last nite,realli vv tired.....my boy has a habit of falling asleep aft feeding on one breast..hence last night,almost every hr,he will cry for milk..n my boy can latch on one breast for at least half an hr one leh..so tiring..

same lor..my mil oso like tt..sometimes when she sees tt my boy crys..she will ask isit becos i did not give him enough to drink..then ask mi to give formula..

ask u hor..how much weight did samuel put on when he is 2 wks old?? i think my boy did not put on much weight leh..even the PD oso commented it leh..his birth weight is 3.68kg,then today weighed,he is oni 3.9kg..isit ok har?

i always worry tt he not drinking enough..
my bb's PD told us tt,if we suspect the jaundice is due to BF..then wat we shd do is to stop giving bb BM for 2 days,meanwhile we can just pump our BM out..

actually at the hospital,he told us tt can hold on to the BCG n hep B jab..but dunno y,when we visited him at his clinc,he did not mention anything abt his FIL leh..

or maybe he noes tt we are seeing another PD liao..

i just check with the PD today,think still need abt 4 jabs for 6 in 1 jab.btw,any idea if polyclinic is charging cheaper than PD?
Carla: At least now u can bring ur darling home everyday. Can u imagine how much u'll miss ur gal if she stays with ur mom?!?!? just hang in there, once ur gal can sleep longer hrs thru the nite it'll not be that tough already.

forgetmenot: Did ur PD also tell u that once u resume giving ur boy BM his jaundice will re-appear? Wat u can do is request for a detailed blood test to rule out the possibilty of liver disease. My BIL told us that the chances are normally very slim but just do a blood test to be sure. After that just continue to monitor.
yes,she did..in fact,she just told us to monitor his stools,urine and his eyes..if his eyes become vv yellow,then hve to bring him back liao..
poohy, maybe not yet lah... the PD really place my bb on the bed and assess during his 4th mth jab.. flip him, give him a rattle, use something to shine in his eyes, etc. the pd i m seeing now is from raffles women and child clinic at tampines.. i think u live in jurong right? my fren actually recommended agnes tay at jurong pt.

sgmom, i was initially quite concern abt my boy not looking for source of sound as well. i bought a rattle and shake it in front of him and then bring it left and right, shaking it all the while.. he can actually follow it since his full mth. then next time, you just shake it at his side and he should be turning his head to see where the sound come from. you might want to try that out cos the sound from rattle actually attracts the bb more than your voice...
jannie: Ya my mom got a rattle for her. But after I brot back to my place disappear liao (suspect my nephew threw it downstairs when no one was looking). I also realise that she does seemed to respond to a rattle. I do have other rattles but not as loud as the missing one..
re: toys
Wat kind of toys did u mummies buy for ur little precious? The only toy I bot was this teething/rattle rings. I do wan to buy her more toys but since I'm not at home during e day I dunno if my MIL will let her play. I find that most of the time she just let my gal sleep, sit on e bouncer. When she is awake my MIL will talk to her.. I wan to expose my gal to more stimulants then just talking & sitting there.. but I knw it's quite tough to request my MIL coz she also have to take care of my nephew & niece.
carla, dun be too sad lah... u juz need to get used to it... u can always call n talk to your bb mah... actually taking care of bb at night is not as tough la, we as adults juz need to get used to it... initially my mum oso tell me not to bring bb back but i oso insisted... now bb able to sleep longer so i dun feel so tired when in office loh... must hang on there ok??

forgetmenot, u can try bf using the lying down position... its easier for u cos u n bb both can sleep at the same time...
sgmom, last mth my son dun respond to pple calling him one...doesn't smile oso... but my fren's kiddo can smile non-stop whenever pple call her leh... so we got worried... the oni assurance is oso from the hearing test done at birth...

then i think slowly he learn to respond n now he can follow where the rattle noise or pple's voice when they calling out to him... think it juz need to give them sometime to learn loh
sweatcorn: Wa.. if only I feel the same as u. Actually now very drowsy... surprised to see that it's only 3+.. sob sob..

just now called home.. my MIL says she is awake. While my MIL was talking to me, she smiled, my MIL was so happy..so wish I cld see all those just now..maybe I shd invest on a web-cam or a 3G phone so that i can see her more readily...

hulo gals...

Me also damn down now.. cos gog to start work next Friday..luckily is a friday thus v fast wkend liao.. but still i still cant believe it 12 wks pass so fast (everyone tot is 3 mths... niaoo.. is only 12 wks......
) I also worry whether my gal will still remember me or not, especially when we bring her bk home every evening, she may be sleeping liao..

so sad...

The next thing I'm damn sian abt returning bk to work is becos all the clothes i still cant wear... Have invested afew bigger sized clothes... sighs.. & some of my colleagues' tongue v bad 1, sure say how come still fat fat ... there was 1 woman even worst, kept saying i wont slim down... so i've to think of phrases to counter her bk when she suan me ..

Everytime I think of gog bk to work, & i carry my bb & tell her, my eyes will get watery too...
I cant imagine whole of Friday how am i gog to cope..... sighs..
Nowadays I v v lazy... i only get out from my room aro 11+ or 12 noon...
cos my MIL has stopped working since July..
Lucky thing is I can BF lying down on the bed .. so it is really convinient for me to feed her when she hungry & at the same time sleeping.. hehehe.. i think this is 1 of the benefit of BF.. agreed with Sweatcorn too.. nitetime isnt tat bad for me cos i bf lying down too.. Juz sleep wif her..
However normally she'll only latch 1 breast, tickle her chin she also dun wanna wake up.. so i let her b... At times i also worry abt her intake thr direct latching.. but if she's satisfied & sleep, i think shd b ok 1 lor.. To me, all bbs are smart 1. If they hungry, they sure cry.. so tat's how i tell myself not to worry so muz on the intake...
wow.. u thinkg of investing those hah..?
i'll juz put her in my pc wallpaper.. will get a fotoframe & put on my desk too...

As for responsive to sound, aiyoh... if i really play wif her wif rattles, sometimes she can respond sometimes she juz bo hiu me...
But if loud noises, sure she'll get startled by it & wake up if she's zleeping..
Just now downstairs got some children toking, she also can be disturbed & wake up 1.. v v light sleeper...
how does eczema looks like on your boy's face? My gal have alot of rashes (i think) on her whole face and even some on hands and legs and behind her ears. Was worry it is eczema instead of heat rash.
Twinklets: last time I tried to BF her lying down but was never successful. End up bedsheet gena milk stain. Anotr question is, no need to burp meh? I find that altho e latching part maybe ok.. but after tt gotta wake up & burp her I wake up liao. When I do latch her on at nite, I'll just carry her & close my eyes.
San: Let ur see lor. I also dunno how to differentiate. My PD also says my gal got eczema. I ask him normally how long it takes for all these to go away completely, he said there r BBs that grow up to have eczema also.. so just be diligent in applying the cream & moisturiser for her lor.
My son got eczema for the past two years,it comes and go and always need to apply cream. Those cream from PD doesn't help at all so i bring him to a dermatogist and the cream works wonder.

i cant remember how much weight my boy put on when he was week2... but i shd think that as long as they are putting on weight and not losing.. shd still be ok rite ? Do monitor your boy's input and output...

re: toys

sgmom... i bought tinylove musical mobile, gymini, windchime clip-n-go mobile, tomy winnie the pooh rattles and a toy eeyore.. these are the toys he can play with now. In terms of stimuli, tinylove seems to be the best liao. For 6 months onwards, I started buying fisher-price toys like the peek-a-block activity wagon, birdbath, twirlin whirlin garden, jungle treehouse, snail sorter... these are really interesting and stimulating toys with nice music. I bought them at either yahoo auctions or 30% discount prices during sales. For education dvd, I bought the entire series of brainy baby and baby einstein. Bought them at auctions so they are much much cheaper.

My uncle bought a set of disney Magic English for my newphew last time ... so i am going to borrow from him hehehee..Besides this, I am planning to buy the little tikes rocking horse... so cute ! My uncle's going to give me his son's little tikes grand coupe...

my recent craze is buying toys for samuel lah... cant resist all those discounts everywhere !


ic looks like i will have to bring my boy to a PD liao...

re: teething..

think my boy is definitely teething... cos my mum just show me his lower front gum.. there's a white sprout liao... my mum say it feels rough and little hard so should be teeth liao..
Poohy: Wa. many toys for samuel.. he so lucky. I dun intend to buy so many toys but I do wan to buy some toys for her to stimulant her senses. But the thing is my MIL kept saying dun buy.. everytime I think abt buying something for my girl I'll feel very xian coz I knw go home only will hear frm my MIL "Why buy..at home alot liao".. 1 or 2 items also alot? Diffnt thing also lump together and say "alot".. sigh.. Even my SIL also says the same thing.. say toys/VCDs her boy (now 4yrs) and gal (now 10mths) all can pass to my gal. I appreciate that but not everything I wan leh.. One thing I'll forbid my gal to watch is telly-tubbies. Cant stand that one.
poohy: That's fast! So gotta bring ur boy to PD or not ha? Any fever? The last time my fren's son teething.. he got high fever leh.
i don't know leh. if jus bring her to PD to access this, maybe it is jus heat rash and there is nothing to be apply for heat rash mah.
San: U no need to purposely goto a PD la.. when u bring her for injection/review etc tell ur PD and see wat he/she says lor. That's wat I do also. My gal's rashes on & off on & off.. they all say heat rash & milk rash.. my PD says eczema
Re: Toys
Really feel guilty that I wasn't buying enough toys for my precious darling... I only bought a musical mobile. My sis pity my darling for not having enough toys bought her a musical bedtime storybook.

Will shop for her toys this weekend!

RE: going back to work.
Ladies, thank you so much for the encouragement but I guess no matter how prepared I was for the "BIG DAY", I will still cry when I hand over my girl to my mum. Consolation will be, at least I know she's in safe hands and I can bring her home everyday.

I can't fit into my old clothes too... have bought 2 sets of working clothes to tide me thru this week... will go shopping for new clothes during lunch time on friday. Now, I need to buy clothes at least a size bigger than before... even shoes as well. Hmm.. meet some of my colleagues for lunch last week and they were kind to comment that I lost weight (cos I really ballooned during my pregnancy) but quick to point out that my "hips a bit big hor".
Can u call ur PD and describe to him/her how the rashes look like?

I always call my PD for advice so that I don't have to see him unnecessarily
Carla: Altho my colleagues did comment that I'm back to pre-pregnancy size but in actualy fact I havent. I also bot quite alot of new clothes before I head back to work. So far spent like $250 already (retail therapy). I bot like 5 tops & 3 bottoms. Some old bottoms I managed to wear la.. but there are many more still hidden in e wardrobe....
twinklets... dun be too disheartened by your colleagues comments lah... its been only 3 mths leh... some pple took 6 mths n yet still not slimmed down... being healthy is more impt leh esp we got to take care of our little precious

Carla, i've oso grown 1 size bigger thus no longer can share clothes wif my sister.. hv to buy a few pcs when i started work back then... pretty upsetting but no choice, its part of the 'motherhood' package...

sgmon, wah web cam... then u can 'monitor' your mil too huh... ahahahaha...
Really envy u that u can still wear some of your old bottoms.... I can't sqeeze into any of mine!!! Boowowooo... my hip really expanded a lot and the worst news is that no amt of slimming can trim down my hipbone!!! Bowwowoooo...
Motherhood package quite expensive leh... Come to think of it, when we are pregnant, we need maternity clothes & shoes and after giving birth, still need to buy new clothes & shoes... and I asked my HB for sponsorship, guess what, he just look at me and smile.... arrggghhhh....
carla, since your hubby may need to stay up at night to watch tv, might as well ask him to do the night feeds then u can rest... hee hee...
i will only bring my gal for her 5in1 jab when she is 3mth i.e. 29 Aug. Don't know can wait so long or not if it is really eczema.

i don't have a regular PD. Her 1st mth hep b jab is done by a GP.

Hey, my hubby is also a soccer fan as well. Not only EPL, even Italy and Spanish soccer he is also interested.

hehee... i think its me who wanna have those toys and buy it in my boy's name :p I just find those fisher-price and tinylove toys irresistible. But I am curbing myself liao and wont be buying more for the time being. I only buy becos there is a big discount or good deal at yahoo auctions. hey I dun like teletubbies too!!!

re: teething...

my boy got no fever leh so far.. no diarrhea too..
Haahaa... I wish I could... but knowing him, most probably he will doze off in front of the TV without him knowing... and also, he said he got plans to catch the matches with his friends...
re: old clothes

I had been wearing all my old clothes since I started work... only bought a new white blouse (cos dun have any) for my masters convocation this thursday. I think I was really blessed cos I only managed to slim down to pre-pregnancy just 1-2 weeks before i started work... before that I cant seems to wear my bottoms... suddenly just before started work, everything can wear. I was quite relieved cos can save money... had been buying so much toys and clothes for my boy that i am really reluctant to buy clothes for myself.
i tried BF my boy while lying down at nite..
but i need my hubby's help to carry him to mi..cos till now,still dunno how to put him towards mi..

btw,tt's a terrific idea..since hubby will be staying up to watch EPL..shd ask him to do night feeds..hehehe...

wow.........samuel has so many toys.....i oso intend to get the fisher price toys..but still early..actually i hve the tiny love gym..but seems early for him to play now..

btw,do u noe wats teh colour of the urine then is consider normal?i find tt my boy's urine abit light yellow leh.....

dun be bother with wat ur colleagues will say..the point is we can neber stop wat comes out from their mouth....
most pple took 6 mths to lose weight..so try not to be too harsh on urself esp tt u r still BF..

i realised tt my little boy noes how to pull my nipple leh..aiyo..cant stand him..so young already noe liao....now one of my nipple is longer than the other
poohy, u r good leh... buy so many toys already... i bought 1 tinylove musical clip n go my hubby already nagged me like no tomorrow leh... imagine if i buy as much as u, he may divorce me leh... ahahahaha...
carla: hahahaha men :p

LV: Yahoo! Then I no need to freeze my milk anymore! Hmm.. it seemed like Avent bottle liners arent that good huh... coz the fat will stick to the sides. Gotta slowly mix them back everytime I wan to use them.
forgetmenot, u can position bb first by making him lie on his side then u 'ar gar' the distance n lie next to him then offer him your nipple... if too high or too low, u adjust yourself accordingly...

sgmon, my boy sometimes oso dun suckle properly then end up his shirt n bedsheet got milky smell so i put a hanky on the bed where his head is to absorb the BM.

ya lor...i think i am quite lucky.. my diet plan successful hehee.. but maybe becos i was not that slim to begin with.. at first i was so scared of those remarks from my colleagues if i dun slim down...some of my colleagues can be very frank wan... also becos me under "tight schedule" to get back to old weight so that can have another bb soon...


i will keep bugging my hubby if he dun allow me to buy the toys.... i think he knows i am buying the toys for myself to play...


hmm samuel's urine is quite yellow at times.. my mum say he is heaty.. so give him gripe water which i dunno how that helps... i try to feed him some water at times also..
i checked a couple of other websites too and most of their guidelines are the same. Refrigerated milk can keep up to 8 days because in BM there's live cells and antibodies that limits the bacteria, it can last longer than FM or cow's milk. It also said that if can consume BM within 8 days then don't freeze it because freezing will kill some live cells. only freeze if we know cannot consume within the 8 days from expressed. But now i know i should not refrigerate my BM in glass bottles (given by Mt. Alvernia). should transfer them to freeze BM next time. I'm going to try out with the guidelines, nevertheless i'll smell to observe if BM is spoilt or not.
carla, oh yah hor... mabbe even lesser sleep than doing night feeds by yourself... kekeke

poohy, its true leh... my MIL buy then he keep quiet... then i buy he nag n nag... told him wait pple think i dun bother to buy toys for my son leh...
u so funni...
as for the toy,my hubby noes my pattern one..if i did not get it,i will keep thinking of it n keeping mentioning it in front of him..

okie..shd try out ur method tonite..actually oso abit scare scare cos bb so fragile...

wats the purpose of gripe water?? my boy oni 2 wks old,can drink or not har?
LV, thanks for the guideline, now i think i will not freeze my EBM cos usually my boy will consume the next day... my supply is pte ltd... sigh...

forgetmenot, dun be afraid... if u hv seen how e nurses in the hospital handle bbs, u will not feel as scare liao... try it out for a few times until u r comfy wif it loh... good luck...
