(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

i got the card thanks. How come like no one receive the email from them except me ah? Tomolo i go and feedback how it is.

Anyone looking for Disney cars, princess or pooh cake toppers for cakes? Its found on smarties cover. At the foodfare in suntec, they're selling at $4 per tube. Jurong point also got but might not have all designs. Reason they sell cheap is because the exp of the choco is Apr or May.

dunno leh. Yesterday she so cozy between us she might have pee in her diaper leh...will have to keep observe. Ask them protect younger ah....hard leh. They bo chap one lah. You got buy a bed for her? Else get her to choose a bed and say that's her bed lor. That's how i start but only came true not long ago only unlike valmom where val should be sleeping on her own....right valmom?

Got read this news?


sickening monstor bastard.. how can they let him go mental institution instead?? Shd put him in prison & let those convicts torture such sickening person mah.. If he really mental, can still fix the basement like a living room meh? Wow kao.. sometimes really wonder how the jury think in the western countries 1 ..

<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
no leh, no space to buy bed. I got ask her, she wants, but when tell her need to go sleep another room, she simply refuse liao, say dun want princess bed liao. Anw I dun want to hurry her or stress myself much too. I just want her to sleep thr the nite &amp; dun fan me &amp; hb. Yday also kept tossing &amp; kicking, really so fedup with her. ARRGH.

indeed, mental institution is too light a sentence for him. Its so hard to imagine what pain his daughter and the kids had been through.
poohy, yes sickening!! when i read the news last year, i really felt so sick in my stomach &amp; felt so sorry for kids &amp; the daughter! Dunno why such world got such father?? &amp; so many case of fathers raping the daughters. why got such sickening fathers aro?? So sick.
Hello mummies, TGIF!

Have been busy clearing as much work as possible this week and will continue to do so till next Fri. Then my maternity leave will start after end of next week.

My maid is back on last sunday. Finally I am able to relax a bit.
<font color="ff6000">Carla,</font>
I hope my maid got no new pattern after being with me for 2 years. Hope yours will be a good help.
My new maid will arrive next week... taking block leave to train the maid.

I'm really crossing my fingers leh... Hopefully this ex-sin maid can better up to my expectation.

My maid agency also a bit low in processing the applications... so frustrated.

Time to let ash sleep on her own liao...

My girl sleeps on her own... but her mattress is in my room so that i can still be close to her... no more sleeping on my bed
Maid agencies usually take a long time to process application ~ after we have paid them the agent fees! Have to keep calling them to check on the status.

Both my kids are still sleeping in my room though they are sleeping on their respective beds. I had a hard time convincing Keane to sleep on his own bed but once he is used to it, he dun want to sleep on my bed anymore.

Bb #3 will also sleep in my room after confinement. It will be chaotic if one cries in the mid of the nite and wakes the whole family up.

I have yet to pay them the agency fee. My application was stuck at MOM. Agency told me ex-sin took longer time to clear. After 4 days of waiting, still no approval from MOM. So angry that i called the agency and started to scold them. I then called MOM and queried on my application. Gave feedback etc... then the next working day, my application was approved early in the MORNING.

So i told my agency that they would need to follow up closely cos i need a maid urgently.... so angry....
your room got so much space to accomodate so many pp? My room put one cot and that's it. No more walking space le leh
<font color="ff6000">Carla,</font>
You mean your agency dun charge you the fee first before they start to contact the ex-sin maid? Mine made me pay before they contacted the maid to check if she is willing to work for me etc.
No leh... they just collect $100 deposit...
Isn't that the case? For my previous maid, I chose over the phone. They sent me the biodata via email and i confirm a maid via phone. I did not pay anything leh... only pay them when i collect my maid.

same here! Samuel, Joelle and Joshua all sleeps in the same room as us. We bought a normal single size bed for Samuel few months before Josh came. Placed this single size bed beside our Queen sized bed. We choose in such a way that the bed with mattress is on exact same level as our bed.

upgraded Joelle to Samuel's cot. and now we have a single, a queen and a cot across the room side by side all on the same level.... like one big bed but each has a small negligible gap between to differentiate each other's space

Josh is using Joelle's old cot in front of our queen sized bed.

Frankly I am in no hurry to move the kids to their own room cos it really feel very cosy to have the "big bed space" and all of us with our own space sleeping beside each other. I love the bonding.
for my case... i put 2 queen size bed... in my bedroom... so basically my gal sleep with me in one of the bed and hubby sleeping with gerald...

I had wanted to do that too... but was thinking later the other queen size cannot reuse. Sigh should have done that... then Joelle can have even bigger space and next time Josh can join us.
AIyoh Poshies,

Then you and hubby how to have couple time? I 'kicked' the 2 out of my room long long ago liao..

Sleeping together:
I dun sleep well when i sleep with my kids. They kick too much and keep turning like 360deg. SO many times will end up like a kick onthe face etc.

Just came back form VIetnam and we slept on 1 row of mattresses. all 4 on a bed. While i enjoy watching the kids sleep for some time, I feel like whole body ache when i wake up the next morning. DUnno why..

ALmost half a year without maid and loving the freedom and not having to 'supervise' anyone. I feel like i bond with the kids more.. But have to say a bit siong to during 6-7pm.. Retunr form work, pick kids up, settle dinner, bathe etc..
<font color="0000ff">Carla</font>
We had her mattress besides our bed last time, but this gal always climb up in the middle of the nite to cosy with us.. Once I got preg, my hb scared she'll anyhow knock me when she climb in the wee hrs, so he let her sleep with her on masterbed.. then me at tat time still early stage so sleep on her mattress.. Then as times goes, I cant sleep mattress liao, so I sleep with Ash on masterbed &amp; Hb sleeps her mattress now.. So now haiz.. so many mths liao sleeping with either of us, we'll have a long way to convince her to zz bk her own mattress..

<font color="ff0000">Meow</font>
Now no solution lar.. now is trying to let didi sleep in his own room once he pops. 1 thing is my room not plc to put another playpen once my mattress already there. So bobian, have to let didi sleep alone. As for Ashley, guess we'll just let her sleep with us until hopefully next year we can move house &amp; once new room with new beds I'll be v firm to make her sleep with her Didi there liao. Right now I'm not in a hurry to send her off cos I guess tat period when Didi is out, she'll definitely feel the most insecure 1, definitely need my love most.
Like that bo bian lor...where you moving? East or still west? Yes they will feel the threat there when the younger is out.
Oh yeah...anyone looking for cake topper on Winnie the pooh, Princess and Cars can go to suntec food fare. Its the smarties topper and can be used as cake topper. Price is $4 per tube..Jurong Point also have these, same price but only have pooh and cars
thanks krazy...for popping over to my kids' birthday....

to day is gerald birthday!!!! he is 4.... today will have celebration at school...
<font color="0077aa">meow,</font>
My bedroom is 2 rooms (master bedroom + guest room) hacked into one room. So it’s quite huge actually.

<font color="ff6000">Carla,</font>
Hmm, maybe I remember wrongly. I thought my agency did collect a sum of $ before I select the maid. Maybe that’s the deposit.

<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
Same here, I am in no hurry to move them out of my room. But one big issue is when one cries in the mid of the night, the other kids may be disturbed.
<font color="aa00aa">Posh,</font>
<font color="ff0000">Happy 4th Birthday to Gerald!</font>
Wow, time flies...we have been chatting since we are preggy with our #1 and now they are turning 4!

they are all light sleepers? My kids are not that easily disturbed by each other... S dun take naps normally and when he sleeps, he really sleeps...
Even when J was crying down the house, he would still continue sleeping.... even if he wakes, its easy to make him resume. Josh is used to the noise around him when he sleeps... u cant have peace when you have 2 older siblings so he had learn to get used to it. Plus Josh is very mild baby... normally even in the middle of night, he also would not cry loudly... will hear him whining only then I spring out to carry him/drink milk liao. J is the only one that will scream down the house, so if she really cry, we bring her out to living room and close the bedroom door.

There was once when J was crying and screaming (one of her no-reason meltdown) in the middle of the night, we choose to ignore her for about 30-40 minutes in the room... and the 2 other siblings continue to sleep on... haha
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
Kayla is a light sleeper as compared to Keane. But her screams/cries at night are very loud. Once in a while will wake her brother up…if that happens, usually the whole family (exclude the maid) will end up watching tv in the tv room in the middle of the night as both kids refused to sleep.

same I had the experience of watching "Banana in pyjamas" in the middle of night quite frequently last year. J would wake up crying for about 1 hour or so and by the time she is willing to calm down and watch tv... I would be so relieved even watching the banana show. Nowadays she wont be comforted with tv liao...nothing much can stop her till she is tired and finally decided to stop.

Once in the a blue moon, if S wakes up and refuse to sleep, I will scold him really fiercely till he lied back down lol
Hi mummies,

I remember reading in this thread of a maid who kept her used sanitary pad for a week... or maybe i read it on another thread.

Anyway, just did some check and noted that it might be for "black magic".

My new maid arriving this Thurs. Hence, reading up to show her how knowledgeable I am and thus hopefully can deter her from doing anything funny.
i have no idea what design of the smarties topper you wan. The roo is oos but i happen to see Bt Panjang plaza also have all 4 design. The pooh design looks like this

hi meow,
thanks... i din manage to get any... coz by the timing i saw ur reply... i had rush back for my kids' celebration but luckily the cake i chose for them have 4 figures... lion, zebra, monkey &amp; elephant.. .so my kids enjoy playing with them now....
<font color="ff0000">Poshies</font>
Apologies unable to make it to your kiddos birthday. I have something for them though. Meet you up this weekend to pass it to you ok? Really sorry.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Carla</font>
Read about your bad maid. I show it to my maid and make a conversation with her. Let her think what she should do. Hope that your new maid will be better.

Re: Kiddos waking up middle of the night and play
I also had similar experience when both the boys refused to sleep. They were playing around the room even though the lights were off. Then finally they stand by the window and shout for their father. Even though their daddy is sleeping right beside them. Haiz... so tiring.

<font color="ff6000">Share some pictures of Joeson's birthday cake I baked for him on 10th March.


This birthday cake was brought for his school celebration. Cos of the fondant on top. Might be too sweet for family's celebration.


Night time celebration cupcake.


The 'Knock On The Forehead' fellow enjoying his cupcake at Science Centre Macdonalds Celebration.
hi angel,
sure no problem... do let me know again... thanks....

ur birthday cake is so nice.... 1 question is the bee toy or sweet?

btw i will be on biz trip next week from tue to fri.... now i have 1 big problem... i'm still bfg.... how how???
<font color="aa00aa">angel:
agree that your cakes are nice. i always envy mummies who can bake.

J must be so happy. hehehe</font>
<font color="0000ff">Angel</font>
wow u are good.. u bake like a pro. Same like Krazy, I always envy mummies tat can bake.

Btw, happy belated Birthday to all March Boys &amp; this coming 1 for <font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font>!
<font color="0000ff">Angel</font>
U bake those?!?!? Wow.. pro liao. Bake for Valerie's Bday can?

Happy birthday Joeson!!

<font color="0000ff">Co-Sleeping</font>
Valerie sleeps on her own since young so no issue for us. Nigel sleeps in his cot, but in our room. Nigel is a light sleeper as compared to Val so whenever Val is ard, yaking, singing or talking, the boi cannot really sleep.

<font color="0000ff">insecurity when #2 arrives</font>
Surprisingly, Valerie didn't exhibit such behaviour. Maybe becoz e parent closer to her is my hb not me? I dunno. We do make it a point to give her the attention she has before. Of course tt's not always possible. Most of the time she's fine. She adores and dotes on her little bro, something we are very thankful of.

<font color="0000ff">Bad maid</font>
Carla, hope you have better luck with the new one. Sometimes these pple give us more headache.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Poshies</font>

The bumble bee is a fondant bee. Edible

Many kids are fighting for that. It's been mutilated and divided among 12 kids. They finished it up!

<font color="aa00aa">Krazy</font>
He seems normal with it lei. Only my ah er got so excited over it. Sometimes I feel kids are so unappreciative.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets</font>
My shi fu... is Elaine! Seek her help many times. Heeeee

<font color="0077aa">Valmom</font>
Yeap. Spent 8 hours doing everything. Fondant did beforehand. Worth it la, to have my kids have their one and only cake in the world on their birthday.

Same as Nigel, Anson is a super light sleeper. Got to be on par with him to take care of him when he 'always' wake up in the middle of the night. I always felt, I'm more tired being a mummy this time round.

<font color="119911">Re: Trip to Genting</font>
I'm bringing my 2 little ones for a holiday next week. Driving up to Genting. Any advice? First time 2 little ones are going on a long drive.

<font color="aa00aa">angel:
they take things for granted..

my girl too... when she loses somethings, she doesnt really fret (unless of course if i made a big fuss) because she will tell me "mummy can buy for me again."

