(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0077aa">Stephy,</font>
We didnt bring maid to the chalet. Want to have some private time with the kids. Hb was at the playground looking after Kayla at that time.
Hi mummies!

Happy belated birthday to Tigger!

Today also Ah Wei's birthday
don't give up. Jia you ok

Don't give urself a timeline, that adds more stress. take it as it comes.

gosh, they're so big already! envy envy....
S look so cute with the tutu.

Bb josh is handsome !
Helo Mummies,

Long time no tok...me now no maid, so veri bz with the 2 of them. somemore now sch holidays, I hope I can cope thro Jan.

Seth's 1st bday just passed last wk. So fast time flies. Below are both of them &amp; his bday cake.



Your boy is so cute, I like the Day 6 pic, his features are so sharp
handsome boy!

Yr boys do look alike leh...Anson looks quite tall in those pic...I like the pumpkin one, veri cute.

wow, Keane looks smaller then Kayla. Are they both the same weight? I also wanted to bring Paige to eXplorerkid but I scared go there once, she'll always wan to go there.
<font color="119911">Elaine,</font>
Happy belated 1st birthday to Seth!

How come no more maid? It must be tough for you to take care of 2 tods.

Kayla is abt 1kg lighter than Keane.
Don't put too much stress on yourself and hubby.. Relax yourself and body, and it will happen. Don't give up... all the best!

pei fu you leh.. being preggy and hv to look after 2 tods yourself is tiring..

I am gonna miss hte gathering leh... miss singapore life man..

to share with you.. its amazing to realise that hubby has taken up more 'share' in looking after Justyn while in Oman, esp since I am preggy. He can make milk for him, bathe him, plays him, gives him more time and attention. In singapore, he has no time for him and is often stressed with work.. Now, he treasures all the minutes and seconds with Justyn and misses him when he travels for work.. hope he will also share the load when bb is born..

thanks for all your well wishes


dun feel too stressed. I ttc for more than 2 years before having S by SO-IUI. the only one thing I do have some regret is that I should have just go ahead and do the SO-IUI earlier... I was also on the high dosage of clomid and metformin...even go try those robittusin cough syrup and watever. I understand how it feels to keep popping pills and hoping for that fertile day to come... but sometimes it din come. and it did came to a point my hb was so stressed, even when the fertile days did come, we could only just watch it come and go. There were definitely frustration and disappointment. I just wanna encourage you to seek IUI or other intervention if you are feeling very stressed. Sometimes, it really can give you the hope and miracle you are looking for.


Seth is very handsome leh
And I really like that cake! Where did u order it? is it nice?


funny for me.. everyone in my family discouraged me from having more children. In fact, with Joshua, they had been telling me why I so stupid wanna burden myself when the 2 older ones are growing up liao. But I really envy big family. Having 4 had always been my ideal. But for #4, even my hb also not keen. So its prob just a dream in my heart lah. The likelihood it can come true is low though I am very keen about it.

Thanks for your encouragement.

Guess we are gng thru that phrase nw. We have gave up a few cycles too due to stress. We will be seeking IUI if my hb's work schedule allows. HOpefully we will be able to make an appt with the Dr soon.
how can pple be so insensitive to say u r stupid?? dun be discouraged ok??? i think as long as u n hubby are prepared, u can hv as many children as u wan... i personally admire u for your courage and your selflessness to have no 3... i salute u for that!!!
I agree with sweatcorn.. ignore what other thinks. I believe many ppl are too blinded by money hence money = happy, children = burden. Since we are all mommies here, we all know the joy that our little ones brings.. it just makes all the hardwork worthwhile.
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
they probably see how much sacrifices you are making for your kids hence their comments. but i guess, as long as you feel that you are blessed, it doesnt really matter.

to each his own.

i have been getting comments that i am selfish for not having another child. but i ask them , "you want to help me take care?"
Good your HB will help. Yeah he better continue to play a part. I think his doing very well..

i guess if both parents are prepare for it should be ok. For me i dun think i wan to go thru the cycle again...very tiring. I guess maybe what they're thinking.
wow, Kayla is 1kg lighter only, so she can wear Keane's clothes too. Maybe kor kor run too much?? too active, burn too much fuel
Kayla looks more like u, Keane looks more like daddy.

I also admire u wanting so many children, peifu, peifu!
I made tat cake lah. top is banana, bottom is carrot, cupcakes are banana...nice or not must ask Valmom hehehe, she tried it
Took me 2 afternoons to mould the animals figures &amp; 1 day before to bake the cake, cupcakes &amp; deco the cake. My bro's gf also help me with it.
<font color="0077aa">Elaine,</font>
She cannot wear Keane’s clothes yet. Still got height difference of about 20cm.

Wow, I peifu you. Have to handle 2 tods on your own and still have time to bake.
<font color="ff0000">Happy Belated Birthday to the tods &amp; mummies </font>

<font color="0000ff">Elaine</font>
Wow u are superb, very nice looking cake!

<font color="ff6000">Poohy</font>
Think ur hb also got his 'ku zhong' of not having #4. No doubt it is cosy to have a big family, he may feel the financial strain, time strain, physically &amp; mentally strain of taking 4 kids next time.

Hb did mentioned how abt having another child after this 1. I told him "ok, we win lottery first lor." Hehehe.

<font color="119911">Tsp</font>
It is nice of your hb to be 'auto' once u guys go over to Oman. I really can't imagine a pregnant woman taking care of every stuffs &amp; the hb is not offering any help at all.
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
Hey the blue shoes with car 1, where u got it from? How much? My fren is kinda keen in this shoes. Thanks!
Guess your family members are worried for both of you having to take care of 4 kids in such a stressful and competitive place in Singapore. Shared twinklets' sentiments too. Maybe your hubby is stressed? Guys tend to think far ahead.. All our kids are still young. The financial burden is going to be very stressful as they reach schooling age. Also, the mental stress in the way kids behave when they are older.

Why not enjoy your new baby first. When hubby and family members see that you are coping well with 3, they won't react so strongly against a 4th one?
yeah, hubby doing very well now. not lending hands with housework but happy that he shares load with Justyn. Mainly he treasures how he is involved in watching Justyn develop and grow.

As for me, enjoying the time that I don't have to deal with his extended family members... h ahaha :D

ya i think I understand also why my mum and hb not keen on more kids. They are also worried about my health partly. Its really quite tiring and the self time is almost zero. I also evaluating as things go... if its God's will, it will come. If not, I am very contented to have my 3 precious kids too.


wow... u can really decorate the cake so nicely! I wish I can do that too... I wanna learn cake decorating!


my J also about the same weight as S liao... she's gotten so much heavier these last 2 weeks after her hfmd. I was telling hb this particular viral strand cause the kids to gain weight is it... cos even S gained weight after the hfmd thingy. Now the 2 of them looks quite round.
Paige wans the pink car shoe
Sheryl wears size 27 or 29? Got size 28?

not the height but the bottom...I tink she can wear Keane's bottoms

dun need to learn lah, just look up for referrance online can liao

no lah, I goto ask my mother to come &amp; babysit both of them when I mould &amp; bake...if not where got time.
<font color="ff6000">tigger</font>
Must be careful during playtime ah! Your 2 kiddos really have about the same size now. Keke... Hazel is still v much shorter than Zavier, both are as skinny though.

<font color="ff0000">Elaine</font>
Wow your cake decoration is self-learned! Pei fu pei fu... they looked lovely!

<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>
Yah, enjoy the company of your 3 kids now, let your no. 4 come naturally and dun care what other says

<font color="aa00aa">tsp</font>
Glad to hear that your hubby is more involved in taking care of Justyn now. Hubby's support is sooo impt esp when you're in a foreign land. At least you're more assured that Justyn will be in 'better' hands after you deliver no. 2.

Sharing my current favourite photos, taken at Jacob Ballas Garden last mth

sheryl wear size 29. That pink car is hers. Yes there's size 28. Do confirm with me tonight. Am going in tomorrow morning.
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
I guess your family is just concern about your health and if you have time to manage with so many kids. Like what other mummies said, enjoy the time with your 3 darlings first.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Can see that Zavier is much taller than Hazel.
Hazel looks so sweet in her sun hat. She allows you to wear hat for her?

Gender of bb#3.
Gynae says 80% is a boy so my 2 Ks will have a baby bro to play with next year.
<font color="aa00aa">poohy,
i ve 4 kids for u to envy...haha kidding
i also from big family so mi n my sis all hope to ve at least 4 kids and i make it haha... immediately after my 4th baby my hubby ask mi go lagation...cry ;'( i ask y n he say if i dun lagtion our hse will soon full of kids...haha)
to mi havin more kids is full of joy but of cso expensen is high...</font>
<font color="ff6000">tigger</font>
Yep, she's ok with hats and hair clips now. Vain pot lah she.
Is Keane thrilled to know that he'll be having a younger bro? I think Zavier will if he knows.. Hazel doesn't appreciate his power rangers and ben 10 now... only jumps and yells along with him. I also dun want my girl to grow up into a tom boy! Haha...

<font color="0000ff">Wow ice,</font>
How old are your kids now?
<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Kayla is unlike Hazel. She dun like to wear hair clips and hats.

She loves to play with her gor gor toy cars leh.
I think Hazel will grow up to be very girly.

Keane is thrilled that he is going to have a didi. On one hand, I do not want Keane to be the only son in the family; on the other, I want Kayla to have a sister to play with.

<font color="0077aa">ice,</font>
Wow wow, 4 kids! How do you manage?
me and hubby always harbour the thought of at least 3 kids and 4 if we can manage financially. But, as age progresses for myself, I am not sure if I can manage thru the MS and horm changes. Afterall, feel that being preg after 30 makes a lot of diff... Also, we are unsure if we will return to Singapore 1.5yrs later so medical care is definitely a concern. for now, let the baby come out first...
<font color="aa00aa">tsp,</font>
I feel more tired with this pregnancy, probably due to age. But I still hope to have 4 kids. If #4 can confirm will be a gal, I will sure go for it.
These 2 days, starting to feel bit aching on the back.. and the leg as well, aches after walking for a while. Damn scare the condition worsens when I board plane back at 33 weeks, thinking if I shd go bk 1 week earlier at 32 weeks..

Any mummies tried to take long flight (>7 hrs) after 32 wks of preggy?
quite a big gap in between your kids. What convinces you to have 3rd and 4th kid after such a big gap? I don't think I would be so daring to think about that... hee

i think age and having v young kids play a part. I also feel much more tired with this last pregnancy.
Same as u, I wish J can hv a sister to grow up with. cos when grown up, brothers are not as close to sister. But also nice to know J remain the little princess in our home...hopefully no middle child syndrome


u must be v young when u had no.1 and 2? the age gap so big...that will nv happen to me cos age not on my side ... had 1st when I was 29-30... so if want 4 kids b4 35 year old, gotta hv v small age gap.

ya mummies, we are enjoying bb Josh's company. enjoy every bit of the time together with the kids.
ok, I'll take 1 pair of the pink car, size 28
Can u PM me yr POSB or DBS account no. again? Let me know the total cost including normal postage...I transfer to yr account, thanks ah!

wow, 4kids! 1st 2 age group quite big gap from the last 2 &amp; yr 1st 2 are so big liao...sec 2 &amp; pri 6! u r a wonderwoman

thanks! Hazel looks so much like u...so sweet in tat yellow hat, pretty little gal

congrats on having another boy...keane must be veri happy.
<font color="aa00aa">tsp,</font>
Better come back earlier if possible. Our blood thickens during pregnancy so not advisable to take long flights.

<font color="119911">ice,</font>
Ya, same question as tsp...what makes u wanna go for 3rd &amp; 4th kid?
<font color="ff6000">tigger</font>
yah she's already like a spoilt little xiaojie now. haha...

I've also been thinking if I were to conceive again, will a boy or girl better. One each will be more balanced hor? But still v apprehensive cos now 2 already feel v tired. It's definitely the more the merrier for kids...

<font color="119911">tsp</font>
You gonna deliver and have your confinement in singapore?

<font color="0000ff">ice</font>
ur no. 1 and 2 are quite grown up... teenagers also have their set of challenges for parents right?

<font color="ff0000">Elaine</font>
Thanks... people still say she looks more like my mum. haha...
<font color="0000ff">Zyp</font>
hehe U must be so happy that Hazel is turning to a xiao jie now! hehe! Hey u look like ur mum also mah. I think I can hear #3 news from you pretty soon leh! :p So long u din say u are firm to close factory at 2. kekeke

<font color="ff0000">Ice</font>
Same here, I'm kpo like dewdrops! heheheeh. Can disclose ur age?
Share with us your parenting tips, especially both ur kids are teenagers now.
peifu you for your courage to go thru nappy changing and night feeds after years of break. Are the older kids close to the young ones?

scare of missing Justyn and hubby if away for too long... now that I am aching, will seriously consider to go bk earlier.

yup, delivering and doing confinement in singapore. Getting my aunt from msia to do confinement for me..

Any mummy knows the rate for ang paos? read form other threads that the practice is to give 1 ang bao on day 1 and 1 on the last day, is it so?

<font color="0077aa">tsp,</font>
Justyn wont be coming back together with you?

I give ang bao on day 1 and on last day as well to the confinement lady. Rate wise I think it depends how much you like her service.

For the 1st day, maybe dun need to give so much. You can give more on the last day if you are happy with her work.
