(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
The designs are nice but I fine the cupcakes too sweet.

<font color="ff6000">tsp,</font>
I like the 2nd pic, Justyn is so handsome.

tks.. indeed our kids have grown. Often, I tend to forget own age. tend to rem Justyn's age to calculate own age... haha
<font color="0000ff">Tsp</font>
Nice pics! Ya me too, especially like the 2nd pic. Justyn looks so handsome &amp; grown up in that 1.
You must have taken a lot of pics in Oman, the scenery there is definitely prettier than Sg!

<font color="ff0000">Ice</font>
Wow you certainly very young! Think you shall be our youngest Grandma next time here too. Hehe.
You can even go pubbing with your 2 older ones next time. So cool.
Think that's the good thing about marry young &amp; having kids young too.

<font color="119911">San</font>
I'm just back from Batam yesterday evening. Overrall was a relaxed trip for us. We had seafood at the Kelong at the kampong there. Hotel reception told us is #2 in Batam, but apparently their seafood is disappointing lor. Ashley &amp; her 2 older cousins had fun swimming, play sand by the beach, some little fun at the playground. She enjoyed herself very well there. As for adults, some of them did the spa massage at the hotel. Me just nap in the room cos I cant anyhow do massage lor. Basically if u just want to relax &amp; dun want to cost a comb, think this trip is not bad.

<font color="aa00aa">Time flies fast</font>
Ya man, time really flies so fast. Hard to imagine our kids here are turning 4 next year. Think v v soon we mummies gog to discuss which primary school to enroll liao. Haha. Oh dear, now is already end Nov, 1 more month to 2009. Time to take out the Christmas Tree again &amp; shop for Christmas Pressies.
my photo taking skill is horrible la.. bring camera around but often forgot to take pix.

1st and 3rd pix were taken in Qatar recently.. the 4th pix is in Oman, along the beach coast. nice beaches and coastlines here. that was taken last week. playful daddy asked Justyn to push him on his new bike.. they looked so farny

Oman has nice scenery... will post more of it soon.
<font color="0000ff">Tsp</font>
remember must take more pics lor, cos these first few years they look the cutest 1. keke.

I'm not scare of having Mattel Toy Sale. haha I never go 1 before. Too crowded for me liao.. plus we already throw or give away quite a # of toys.. last thing I want is to buy another toy for Ashley. BUT gog to buy a big DOLL HEAD for her xmas pressie cos this gal has been playing with my hair for several months &amp; i think i'm gog botak soon!! AARRGH! But HB is freaked by a big doll head at home, but i told him I DUN CARE... hahaha..
nothing beats the real stuff. ha ha.. Justyn's been playing withmy hair lately too.. He says he like my hair cos it smells nice.. careful your big doll head pressie won't end up a white elephant. *grin*
<font color="0000ff">Tsp</font>
weeii u dun scare me leh.. I went to Toysrus &amp; she saw the head, want me to buy for her. hehe i actually also scare it'll be a white elephant later, BUT.. i'm willing to take the risk! Justyn must be v gentle tat's why u no complain, mine is so rough that I really v pekchek with her.
HB say if buy tat head hor, put in living room, he say he'll get scare in the middle of the nite. hahahaha!

<font color="ff0000">Tigger</font>
haha such suggestion u also can suggest to me. Lately she is into using her comb to comb my every strand of hair. She will roughly turn my head sideway, forcing me to face her, then she'll say to me "hmm nice or not?" Think my scalp sooner also gog to bleed besides being botak..
<font color="0000ff">twinklets,</font>
Did u tell Ash that it hurts when she is rough and ask her to be gentle with your hair? Maybe u pretend to sob or cry in pain so that she will sayang your hair?

Firehouse Tales
Anyone know where can I get the vcd/dvd for this cartoon?
I will pretend to cry in pain and Justyn will stop his act liao... Justyn is a boy, how gentle can he be leh? prob my hair not so long liao... just inches below shoulder only
haha... Ash and Justyn, so cute...

gerald will only mess out my hair.... then he will laff.... then when i carry him... (ya.... he still act like baby... everything will complain his leg pain... there pain.... tired lah... want to be carry...) then went i tell him me hair messy... he will pretend to help me to move the hair behind..... instead... he will start messing my hair all over the place....
You so near to the place lah...anytime can pop by wor...me can't lor.
Too bad

Ash is so cute. I think you can jus get the bratz head lah so she can style. I like tigger's idea...not bad.
I've drop your mail this morning. Sorry was very busy for the past few days. Let me know once you receive it.
<font color="0000ff">Poshies</font>
Ashley will also complain leg pain &amp; tired when daddy is around.. always want daddy to carry her. sighs.. U are lucky that Gerald only mess ur hair.. hehe..

<font color="119911">Tigger</font>
Ya i told her so many times, then she'll say Ok Ok gentle gentle.. I even try to escape from her, but end up she'll cry v cham..

I nvr hear this Firehouse before, but i noe Firehouse the rock band &amp; Firehouse the old disco. lol..crappy..

<font color="aa00aa">Tsp</font>
Justyn is good boy, can stop. Mine wont. Got 1 period, I see her as a small kitchen, very scare of her when she come near me. hahaha.

<font color="ff6000">Meow</font>
I din see the Bratz head tat day leh. but Bratz face kinda bitchy leh. Lips SO THICK.. hahaha..
haha.... messy out my hair in the public place still okie har... luckily i'm carrying him.... if not pple walking pass me will think who is this siao person....
Anyone interested to bring your child for swimming class?

Saw this one Happy Fish Swim Sch for their Young Toddler Swim Class

Fees: $80 per child per mth
Duration: 1/2hr per session (due to young age)
Location: Jurong West Swimming Complex
Slots: Can arrange if we have enough child for a suitable timing..

Anyone wanna join in?

Details: http://www.swimminglessons.com.sg/youngtoddlerswimminglessons.htm

What are the differences between Young Toddler Swimming Lesson and normal swimming lesson?

1. Smaller group size (4 to 6 students in a group)
2. Special trained instructor
3. Different teaching syllabus introduced
4. Slower pace, comfortable learning environment

Their currently have
Jurong West Swimming Complex
- Friday 6.00pm, Sat 4.00pm Start in Nov

Frequency: 4 Lessons per month
Duration: 30 minutes

Q: Any trial lesson?
Ans: No trial lesson. However, you can try for one month @ $80 per mth and decide later

Q: Can I accompany my child in water till she gain her confidence?
Ans: Yes, you can esp. for the 1st 2 lessons. However, it's advisable to encourage the child to be more indenpendent and join the class asap.

Q: Will the instructor teach in the wading pool or the middle pool?
Ans: This depends on the children readiness.
re: swimsuit for kids
Just to share... for kids who loves swimming and for mummies who are concerned for their safety in pools. I find this kind of foam pad swim suit useful as it keeps our kids afloat in water, compared to inflatable arm bands which may deflat.

Not sure if this is available in Singapore. This kind of swim suit is a single piece wear(top and bottom) with 2 pieces of foam pads, 1 in front and 1 at the back. This is a much cheaper option compared to those floatation suits with 6 pads or more..

Justyn is currently using this and he is more confident to move in water. Can move his hands and legs freely and 'swim' from one end to the other without us by his side.

hi tsp..
thanks alot... will consider... now looking for more pple so can have a session... coz the avialable timing is not good for me...
how come so quiet this few days...

btw gerald is down with high fever... had also trying to wean him off his pacifier... haiz... any toodlers still with pacifier or only left with gerald... haiz... 2 days without it already... he is still looking... coz his pacifier was "suppose" to be at his grandma's house.... u know roughly how long it will get over with it>???
<font color="0000ff">poshies</font>
Oh no.. any idea why he got fever? I find the older they are the more difficult it is to wean them off something. Hopefully he'll outgrow soon.
wow....i htink gerald is the last one with pacifier haiz... oh dear....

today is the 3rd day... he is still hunting for it.... how how... his fever is better... but still at home.... haiz....
hi valmom,
doc say must catch some virus... haiz.... now is the headache time... on sun want to wean off then he start having this fever thing... haiz... but today is the 3rd day... hope he can get over it once and for all.... last night he still ask for it... ask me why i din go to my mother place to collect for him... i told him his pacifier at ah ma place... he can tell him... he want to suck awhile then throw away... haiz...
<font color="aa00aa">poshies:
studies show that it takes 7 days for a new habit to form...
so hang in there..

he will be rid of it. </font>
<font color="ff0000">poshies</font>
quite poor thing to be sick and deprived of his dear pacifier. but like wat pSi said, instead of taking it as kicking a habit, think of it as cultivating a new habit.
<font color="0000ff">Poshies</font>
just hang on &amp; be firm. Cant remember how long Ashley takes to kick off the habit, but think is less than 5 days. We just told her straight that she was a big gal already &amp; big gal dun suck tutu, &amp; we made her agreed with us &amp; let her throw the tutu in the dustbin. She will fuss for it later part but we told her she was the 1 tat throw inside. We made her do tat at my mum's plc too, cos my mum's plc got 1 tutu there too.

But due to kicking off the habit, she midnite wanted milk tat time. So just to prewarn u tat Gerald may have this 'new' habit for awhile though. But all children are different, maybe he wont.
for aaron, after he weaned off his pacifier, occasionally, he will suck his finger. Everytime, i will have to remind him to stop doing that. also, he likes to touch the middle part of the upper lip.
<font color="0000ff">poshies</font>
Krazy is right, normally it takes roughly 7 days to change/cultivate a habit. So you are almost there already. Hang in there!

<font color="ff6000">twinklets</font>
Ur gal have always been very dong-shi. Valerie cannot reason one lah.. We just threw it away. So she always asked for milk whenever she wants to sleep. Otherwise she'll suck her stuff toy until it's so freaking wet and yucky. Now she outgrow liao and she only hugs her stuff toys. So thankful for that! After she finally stopped sucking her stuff toys.. I went to 'repair' them.. so many areas she suck until tear!

<font color="119911">Sucking pacifier</font>
My boy not a fan of pacifier (which is good...) he only wants it or will suck it when he is sleepy. But he actually prefers his fingers and sucks them very readily. I think once he knows how to isolate his thumb.. it'll be in his mouth most of the time man... headache.
<font color="0000ff">Valmom</font>
Ya glad she quite dongshi in that aspect. But she did cried for it though, heng think max 2 nites only.

I think they luv the sucking sensation when drinking milk tat's why they like luv milk more when we wean them off tutu. Ashley din suck any toy cos she dun have any stuff toy on her bed! hehe! 1 thing lucky is she din suck her thumb either, so i guess the weaning process is easy for us, but we do get real tired when we need to make milk for her like 3am during those few mths right after weaning!!

ya thumb sucking seem more difficult to wean off.. I will still intro tutu to my bb next time. But whether bb likes it or not is still a qn. I do hope bb will like it cos seem like pacifier bbs are more easy to manage. Hmm..
Anyone interested in the following voucher.... free to give aways...
1. $50 Spring Boost Performance Athletic Footwear
2. $80 Cash Voucher for nursery progam @ babies inc
3. $200 Cash Voucher for fullday program @ babies inc
4. $300 Cash Voucher for 3rd month - for infant or fullday program @ babies inc
5. 50% off trial session @ babies inc
6. 15% off reg items for moms R'Us
7. $10 voucher @ mothers envogue
8. 20% discount on ala carte menu @ Gelare - Downtown east outlet only
9. 1 Day Amore complimentary activslim pass
10. $40 Amore spa voucher
11. 7 days complimentary unlimited activeslim workout @ amore
12. $2 off ensure life
13. $2 off of 2 pack of huggies pull up pants
haha.... after reading all your posting.... it since that gerald is the last one to wean off his pacifier.... haha... he din really ask for milk... but he will cry in the middle of the night... looking for his pacifier .... haha but he is like half sleeping... so i will just pat him back to see... at least last night he din ask me to go n look for his pacifier..... i think he is getting used to it... just a couple more days to go... today is the 5th day.... hopefully by next week.... it is over.....

meimei... don like pacifier... haha only suck when want to sleep.... haha then as she is taking care by mil.... she is training her not to take her pacifier unnecessary... which is good... she actually love to snatch his kor kor pacifier whether she see him with it... haha... very funnie...
hi sharon...
i'm still seeing whether can find 2 more pple then we can select a timing for us... and find out the pricing...
i got a friend wan the ensure life voucher. When exp? I get her to PM you ok? Her nick is Afcai, she wan give her mom to take
there's a number of sales over this weekend. There's Meji sales at 36 Quality Rd and Mattel sales at No.1 lok yang. Meji sales starts today and ends tomorrow and Mattel will end on 14th. Grab lots of stuffs from Meji wor.
i wanna ask you something. Does your kids get every emotional till can watch show/movie if very touchy will cry? Sheryl will leh. The first i spot is when we watch the Ice-age cartoon at home. At the ending part when the BB found his daddy. Sheryl watch till she cried wor. Then jus last thurs she watch the little Nonya when her parents died, Sheryl kept quiet instead of asking many questions in the show and my dad was surprised when she see her in teards wor. He was thinking a gal 3yrs old can know so much mah?

Up to date Darryl has yet to talk but make many sounds. He hasn't pick up his alphabets or good in making puzzles and sorters but he knows how to make sounds. I was surprised when i jus sing the leapfrog tune...the A says and pause then he say Ahh...to my surprise i continue to sing some other alpha he can make their sounds too like T, B, G, M, F, C, K, E etc. He'll be going thru his speech review when he's 2yrs old again.
<font color="aa00aa">meow:
haha! yes yes! c does that too! she gets very emotional .. we went to catch bolt a few days ago and she was crying in the cinema.

i asked her, are you crying and her reply was "no. i just ma4 the water from my eyes." haha. hilarious!

several times in the cinema it happened too. like the kung fu panda one.

never underestimate a child.. their emotions are very real.</font>
in future i can't bring Sheryl go to cinema le...even the last kungfu panda we brought them over, less than 10mins she want to go out already. Lately then found out she dun like dark places and the noisy background. So now all shows i've to wait for the VCD to release than can watch
hmm...maybe because gals are more emotional?

<font color="ff6000">meow,</font>
It's interesting to see that even our kids are from the same "production factory", their development are very different.

Keane can walk and speak much faster as compared to Kayla but physically Kayla develops faster.
you know what the doc whom assess Darryl says? Second child always talk slower than the first cos concentrate talking more to the elder which i agree lah. Sheryl always wan pp talk to her. How about Keane? Same also hence Kayla speaks slower? But hor, Hazel can talk alot leh. Or Zyp speaks to Hazel quite frequent?

mine's the other way... shanice talks much faster than kaeden... she can even sing to the barney 'i love u' song... but of cos not the entire song lah, juz the last word of every sentence... so quite funny loh... physical dev wise they both abt the same...

We juz brought the kids to see Maga 2... kaeden was better behaved than the last show - Kungfu Panda... Shanice, was bad, kept wanting to climb the stairs in the cinema... faint...
