(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Jia You for you huh. hehe.

so you not going to HK already?

This afternoon D just went for her 2nd time dentist appt. 1st time was 6 mths ago. As I notice a small black dot on 1 of her lower molar and i try to dig out the 'dirt' using tooth pick but can't. So ask my mum bring her go today to check whether its a decay or something drop inside and stuck. True enuff, its a 'lobang' on that molar. End up have to do filling. But that black dot i saw is also some dirt that drop inside. Lucky thru' out the whole session, she is ok. Only my mum sit beside her.

Its damn fast. 6mths back, i bring her there and her teeth are alright. At that time, i already notice there some brown stripe on the molar but it wasn't decay. So now, it turn into a tiny hole. 1 of her molar also have such yellow/brown strip now and the dentist ask me to 'watch out' for it.
How come D's teeth decay so fast? I also worried Zavier's teeth will decay cos he drinks alot of milk before sleep and doesn't rinse his mouth or brush teeth before sleep one. His upper front molars are turning yellow (plaque deposit?) despite brushing teeth everyday.
<font color="0000ff">zyp</font>
we never really prepare her for Cp, quite a rush decision cos of recent case at her CC. Anw is very truama. She is like Hazel, since young, see doc on poking needles, will start to cry liao.

I still dunno where to see for the dentist..

<font color="ff0000">San</font>
Not gog HK liao ler. Just go batam for a wkend trip in Nov.

I saw ur post, I immediately go check Ash's molar. ALso got 1 tiny black stuff which I cant kao out!! So i told her have to see dentist, she resisted immediately &amp; insisted me to kao out for her. &amp; she say she wont eat sweet anymore but dun take her to dentist. Die liao, she so resist dentist.
Tooth decay
We also found a cavity in Keane's tooth 2 months ago. We brought him to the dentist immediatly and that experience really traumatised him. We prepared him in advance, telling him that the dentist will help to clean away the germs etc so that we do not need to pull out the tooth. He was OK when we told him that but freak out when we reached the clinic.

My hb has to carry him and lie down together at the dentist chair. Luciky the dentist managed to fill up the hole despite his crying.

Like Zavier, Keane also drinks a lot of milk before he sleeps and sometimes in the middle of the night. Now we will try to ask him to gargle his mouth or drink water after his milk feed at night.
Oh dear...i never bring Sheryl see any dentist too leh. But i've already started praticing asking her to brush her teeth aft drinking milk and do her pee before wear diapers to sleep. Now i brush her teeth instead of her doing it herself. I'm wondering if i should arrange an appointment to bring her to NDC for checkup. The first time i went last month, i saw a man bring her gal go. I dunno if it was the gal to visit the dentist or the father. But when the gal went in, she was screaming and crying all over till she came out. Scary man
Oh dear... so many kids also suffered the same fate as Joeson! He was also suffering from 2 decays on both side molars. But then..... his reaction is:

'Mummy, my teeth pain. Must go see doctor liao."

Went to the doctor, he even tested on pricking Joeson's decay to try to make Joeson cry. All Joeson did is wince..... Filled up the decay with not much problem.... But the main problem is, Joeson never stopped asking me,

'Mummy, when do we go see the dentist again?'

Worst thing is, he knows that eating candies will cause decay. Cos his ah ma always told him so. Then... after the dentist visit, his sweet stuff intake doubled! It's almost like one of crayon shin chan's cartoon.....

<font color="0000ff">Angeline</font>
Alamak.. I wanna faint too.. he likes to go DENTIST so much huh??? I think Ashley will be same like Keane, cried &amp; cried. I just scare she'll struggle. I keep having this scenario whereby she struggles hard, then the the sharp silver thing poke her flesh, then got blood. .
I think it's better to start bringing the tods for regular dental checkups rather than wait till they have cavities. Filling up the hole may not be a good experience for many tods especially if it's their first dental visit. So it's good to bring them early to prepare them mentally in order not to develop a phobia.
wow.... angeline.... din realise got kids love to go to dentist one.... i'm going for mine soon... maybe i will bring gerald along and see his reaction....
oh dear... this lazy mummy din really ask gerald to rush teeth lah.... before bed... but he will brush when bath.... but then after that he still tkae milk....haiz...
hi twinklet....
nope... finishing soon.... next mon and wed is the exam then finish... haiz... tired mah.... not able to see gerald and glynnis.... so sad... miss them like hell.... haiz but no choice lah.... one at my mother place ... the other one at my in law place....

gerald also miss his mei mei....
<font color="aa00aa">re: dentist visits
dentist visits need not necessary be a frightening experience. we must not let them know the fear first.

and its very important that we bring the kiddos to those dentists who have experience with kids so that they know how to make the kids feel at ease before starting to clean their teeth.

c went to one some time back and she had a wonderful experience in fact. no fear at all and the credit totally went to the dentist who made it a good experience. </font>
btw... mei mei's tooth is coming out... and she start showing sign of crawling... she can really leap to catch the toy she want... so funny one... now her fav toy is two turtle.... haiz... after i finish my paper... i found time to post her pic...
Angel have u recovered? How abt all the little boys and girls?

Isabelle has recovered from her Herpangina (mouth disease of ulcers)... and guess what? Isaac has just been certified of HFMD! Got it from my niece who got it from her childcare last Fri. He has spots all over his body, and at least 5 ulcers in the mouth. No wonder yest. dun want to drink milk.
after u go batam, let me know fun or not ok? i had wanted to go for short wkend trip but like got nothing to do there so never went before. If go on own, don't know how to get out to the shopping area.

U same like me go 'kao' the black dots ah. Maybe its just dirt that stuck. But anyway, still need confirmation fr dentist. When i told D that i can't take out the dirt, i told her must go dentist and dentist will use the special toothbrush to help her brush out the dirt. Then she say ok to me immediately. maybe its not her 1st time so she doesn't have much phobia plus her experience the 1st time is pleasant.

Though D didn't say out to me she wants to go again but when i ask her if she's scared, she said No and i ask if she wants to go dentist again, and her answer is Yes.

But then, the decay is not painful 1 cos' my mum say she saw the dentist use the sharp thing to hook out those dirts and my mum was so scared that it will cause her pain but who knows, she got no reaction. So i presume its not pain and that is why Joeson also not much reaction.
JX got HFMD? I havent went to look for your sis for quite a while already.

Yeah they will stop drink milk, but too hungry they will still take. That's what happen to Darryl
<font color="aa00aa">Ming</font>
Oh dear u must be v tired then! U take care of yourself too. So now u gotta quarantine both kids? Hope Isaac will recover fast!

<font color="0000ff">San</font>
I think is cavity liao ler, aiyo so sad.
I really dunno how to make her go without making her so traumatic, last thing I want is her getting phobia of visiting Dentist. How’s ur dentist? Is he/she good? Where? Charges reasonable? I hope she can be like D, but I guess not so simple 1. Guess I must use the Tooth Fairy as my last resort liao. I use Tooth Fairy tactic when I finally able to make her brush teeth before she sleeps every nite since October. But guess too late liao, already got cavity. Boo hoo ..

Ok will update u once I’m back. Btw I went Batam before when I was still pak tor. Have activities like parasailing, cable skilling etc. Shopping wise nothing much for me cos I dun really like to shop there. I went for the massages there which are cheap (not hotel 1). As for seafood wise, I can’t remember also. As for this time round, I tell HB that I basically go there to nua only. Think I’ll just go there soak the swimming pool, eat their seafood, &amp; nua on the bed bah. I also can’t go for their spa/massage, cos they may not be expert in prenatal massage. For you, you definitely can do more things than me.

<font color="ff0000">Dentist to intro</font>
For mummies that already send Kids to Dentist, kindly recommend yours if you think the dentist is good?? Arigato ..
<font color="aa00aa">oh no.. how is isaac coping?

there are several you can go to. one of them is smile works at paragon. heard that the one at novena is also good with kids. united square. </font>

if Isaac dun wanna drink milk, try colder milk. Last time we gave that to J when she caught it as a bb. PD advises us that we can give colder milk to help them cope with the pain. Else, can also get those oral gel which will help numb the pain and put at the teat of the bottle for feeding. But we force fed using syringe in the end though cos she was very young and refuses milk.

Talking abt hfmd. On the day I delivered bb Josh last week, J kena fever which eventually becomes ulcers in mouth (ie. hfmd). Then later S also got it. Its been a fight trying to isolate the baby. We were v worried bb will get it. Anyway so far he din. keep fingers crossed. We all been washing and santising our hands and the whole area so frequently now. Isolate for at least 6 days from the day of onset of rashes or 10 days from the day of onset of fever (according to Dr Terence Tan).
Yes Meow JX got it.
Isaac i guess like most still can play like normal haha but have higher freq. of mang-zhang ness, crying, scratching his head, face etc. Poor kids, i can imagine the pain with the numerous uclers.

Poohy! U sounded sooo cool tt doesn't sound like S and J has HFMD! It sounds like triple the stress. Hope they get well soon! It's much harder for you since you'd def. like to cuddle your 2 elder kids and need to feed the newborn. Take care!

Krazy is Smile Works expensive? Btw do you still have the tailor for cushions contact no.?
<font color="aa00aa">ming:
i brought c to smile works. and i find the dentist brilliant!
very patient and he has experience with kids so he was able to make them feel comfortable.

check out how c's experience went at:

her bill came up to be over $100 for the first visit. but if you pay by dbs credit card, there is a 10% off. i can't really remember now but the consultation is charged separately; consultation is $60, cleaning is $50 or something. so the next time i bring her down to smile works again, it won't be so expensive. it will just be $50.

ming, can refresh my memory a little... what cushions contact no are you referring to? </font>
<font color="0000ff">Krazy</font>
So u went to the branch at Paragon? So u find the charges pretty reasonable? I went to their website to check later, but they din tell much abt kids dentist. So wat the dentist will do to the child? I really want to bring her to some place which really v cosy &amp; comfy &amp; wont freak her 1.

<font color="ff6000">Poohy</font>
Oh dear both olders ones are HFMD, u must take care too. Any pic of lil' Josh??
<font color="aa00aa">twinklets:
yap, we went to paragon. we were with doc quek. but there are others who are just as experienced with kids. you need to let the receptionist know that your kiddo is going to the dentist for the first time. they will know what to do.

one mummy went to smile works too after my recommendation and saw another doc. she was equally happy that the doc handled her son well.

it is definitely very comfy and relaxed. the trick is not to be afraid yourself cuz the child will pick up our negative vibes.

hmm.. i think it is reasonable.. i dun know.. havent been to others to try.. but i think for subsequent visits, smile works not charging consultation is great.</font>
oh pls take care. Xavier also kana HFMD b4 and it really not easy to take care esp the mouth is so pain and he slim down during tat period. Thk they shld be healing by now.

chicken pox
I also got it 2 yrs ago nia with my elder son passed on to X and me. Mine is still quite ok after consulting the doc. Not many scar left over.
wah u hv your hands very full now... u n hubby oso must take care ok... its very tiring to coax them to eat/drink wif the painful ulcers... poor s &amp; j...

re : dentist
i noticed k has brown stripes on his lower front teeth for a long time liao... think after all your experiences, i better go check if there is any holes cos he is not very consistent on brushing his teeth... he's oso refusing big time to go 'den-teeth'... he always say 'dun wan to go den teeth to check teeth'... faint...
re: hfmd

i think and hope the worst is finally over. S &amp; J went back to sch today after doc give clearance. We are isolating bb till thursday as precaution though. thanks mummies

bb Joshua is 9 days old today. here are some photos:

1. At birth:

2. Siblings meet


3. first 2 days at home

4. Day 6
Your boy so cute lei.... den-teeth..... Better bring him see dentist fast whor.

You do take care yeah..... Not easy being mummy of 3. I'm getting more and more hesitant.

It's been some time since I shared the photo of my babies.... Here goes.




<font color="119911">The first photo is Anson insisting to wear his daddy's shirt. So, bo bian, daddy stand one side, half naked, wait for his shirt, while son wear shirt and take photo first.......</font>

<font color="ff6000">Second photo, Esther, thanks to your friend's fast help. The black top that Anson is wearing to match this pumpkin costume is one of the pcs inside. Meant for Joeson's Bee Costume actually la.... just that I buy double. :p</font>

<font color="0000ff">Joeson goes Yatching with Grandpa (Man at the back)..... Can't resist wearing his daddy's sunglasses to match Grandpa. So, daddy gotta sacrifice again. Wahahahaha.....</font>
wah bb josh is very handsome... juz like gor gor... joelle is such a big gal liao... do 3 of them look alike at birth??

u r most welcome... i'm super glad the parcel got to u in time leh... still can't believe its so fast...
aiyo.. so many nice pics!!! so heartwarming!!!

I see Shanice sucking tutu &amp; wearing like tat, remind me of that time I brought Ashley to Melbourne too, she aro Shanice age tat time too. I think the hair &amp; the attire &amp; the tutu pattern are very aliked!
she actually wanna eat the stale bread n carrots from the animal feed as they are waiting to feed the farm animals... so no choice hv to give her her best fren loh... sigh...
Josh is so cute and happy baby.

Anson grows liao ah, dun look like a 15mth todd leh. More like a 2yrs old todd. Why my D so BB ah?
wait for yr field report on batam. I wanted to go stay at that holiday Inn hotel but then, like i said, if go on own, don't know how to go to the town or go eat seafood etc. I know there's those polo shop but also don't know where if go F&amp;E.

so nice seeing the little siblings carrying their didi.

Yr DIL also started having brown strip and now turn into 'hole'. Not to scare you. hehe. So now another lower molar also have strip and the dentist also ask us to watch out for that tooth. So i think that is the early sign.

You went Perth, did you go to other parts? Seems like so long I never went Aussie after seeing your pics.

btw, do you bring stroller for K? I am still pondering should I bring stroller for my upcoming trip. Nowadays, D is damn lazy to walk as compared to last time. Past few trips, she always never sit stroller and end up the stroller is our shopping trolley.

the older siblings adore their new didi very much. I have problem isolating them in fact ...so worried it will hurt their feelings. But i think all should be fine... they are taking it well as I keep explaining to them abt how the virus will pass to didi and he gotta go hospital and cant stay with us.

when I was carrying Josh, I kept thinking this is the last one.... but seeing how well the siblings bonded, I do have 2nd thoughts. Hopefully if all is well, maybe eventually can go for no.4... think my mum and hb sure faint to know that.

Joeson look so cool! Anson had grown so much liao... it's time you thinking of a meimei for them liao I think


time flies really... your little girl had grown so tall.. and the siblings look so good together
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
Joshua is such a cutie pie! he's got big eyes, the double eye lids are so prominent.

Anson is such a big boy already. hee

i particularly like the last pic; so heart warming.
those pics showing the jie jie &amp; gor gor carring their lil' brother really bringg tears to my eyes!! I can see both of them adore their lil bro so much. even show my collic the pic.
i salute u leh... no 4... i dun even dare to think abt no 3... agree wif twinklets, can see j n s both adore their lil brother leh... so sweet...

oni in this foto they looks so loving, in actual fact, gor gor always beat mei mei's head leh... i've long accepted that my son is not a very loving brother... ahahahaha...

i went marg. river to stay overnight.. these pic was taken on the farm stay at marg. river... oso went swan valley for a day trip... stay in perth most of the time...
your boy so handsome!!

must go download all my pictures liao.. been very long since Justyn is 'on-screen'.. ha ha

your kids so brother &amp; sisterly leh, very lovey dovey...

re: dental
having seen all your posts, I am so worried, went to check Justyn's teeth.. heng, all still pearly white. He is quite routine with brushing twice day. upgraded his toothpaste to colgate's kids toothpaste for 2-6 yrs old. He complained hot initially but gotten used to it. Lucky no MIL or aunt-in-law around to feed him sweets and chocos. He only gets it occassionally, or will sneak to the fridge when his mouth is itchy
handsome bb josh lei! look at his double eyelids, he look very alert!
n joelle is pretty sia!

SO wen xing to see siblings' photos, SC's 1 la, Angel's 1 la, poohy's 1 la.. can't wait for mine! kekeke.. just hope all goes well till april.

Time flies, all tods had grown up liao.
hi sweatcorn...
haha.... the way u describe... like kaeden keep bullying shanice lah... .but the pic... look so sweet.... i must wait for 1 more year... then glynnis can walk and can see whether gerald take care of the mei mei anot... haha

hi meow..
u know where still have mac happy meal toy for the madagascar .. i'm short of no 2 Julian... btw the mac pple say tomorrw no 5&amp;6 will be out...

anyone know where within jurong area (prefer) still have no 2 julian do let me know hor...this weekend must stay at home to study can't go too far...
