(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

any of you feed your little ones with honey on regular basis? Just got to know that honey is very good for building up immunity, for both kids and adults and also serves as natural remedy for colds, coughs, fever etc..

<font color="aa00aa">tsp:
yap. i give c a spoonful of honey every day. neat.

every time i feel a cough coming: itchy throat, will take a spoonful as well.

just remember not to use a metal spoon. something about metal that destroys the nutrients in honey. </font>

I feed S &amp; J manuka 15+ raw honey. They love it.. there are crystals on the raw honey. so i think the kids like to chew on it.
re: milk

mummies, I felt very worried for J. Since monday, she suddenly started to reject drinking milk. She will request for milk and when the milk teat placed into her mouth, she took 1 drink and push it out. For the next 2 days the same thing happened. We thought she got ulcer or gum swollen... but PD said no leh. And funny thing is she still can eat biscuits, drink green tea from straw packets, drink soup, eat some rice. Now she will either reject her milk saying "no no thanks" or push it out after 1 sip. I thought maybe because there are changes to the enfaproA+ she had been drinking, so I even to buy one with the old packaging.... but same response. When she has fallen asleep, we resorted to pushing the milk teat into her mouth and she may drink abt 60-90ml at most. I really dunno why a child will suddenly refuse her milk. Its been 4-5 days.

If this continue and she really decide to wean off formula milk, what can I give her in substitution? Shd I try enfagrow chocolate favour since she still does take chocolate UHT milk at times.

any advice?
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
Is it the bottle or the milk she is rejecting? Did you try giving her milk in a cup or using straw? Or try fresh milk?

Maybe it’s just a phase and she will resume taking milk after a week or so?
It will be too early to wean off FM right? I think can try chocolate flavour to see if she will accept it.
Agree with tigger that it seems like a phase since she's till taking food and drinks. Maybe she's just tired of milk for the time being.
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
hmm.. she prefers chewy things...

some kids prefer real food to milk, perhaps she is one of those. my niece and nephew.. they are in australia .. their mum told me that she is surprised that our kids here in spore drink milk for so long (as in past 1 yr old) cuz kids over there stop taking formula once they turn 1.

may be you can let her try fresh milk.</font>
re: milk

ya I think its too early to wean off milk. I think I will try more different combination of method to see. Hopefully its a temporary thingy cos she depends on drinking her milk and sucking the milk teat for comfort... so nowadays she is easily cranky especially during bedtime.

tigger, she still accept the bottle teat into her mouth but the moment she taste the milk, she push out. I put the milk in cup, straw cup all fail :p

I gave her the pediasure sachet that PD gave us and she also taste one time and quickly push out the milk teat.
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
whats her daily food intake? does she eat more than usual? it could account for the relunctance for milk as she is quite filled up with rice and other food.</font>
<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
Yep she's still taking.. but very little, around 80-120ml every 1-2 hourly. Tried to stretch the interval and increase volume but she always cannot finish.

There was once, my brother mistakenly made Zavier's milk (Gain IQ) for her, she refused. Think she only wants Pediasure's sweet taste liao.

Wat FM is Kayla on? Only Keane's drinking Pediasure?

<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
It's weird. Maybe it's just a passing phase...
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
It's strange that J requests for milk and yet rejects it when you give her the bottle. Maybe you should just give a little to her when she asks for it but do not force feed her. She may resume to taking her milk again soon.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Kayla is on Gain IQ and Keane is on Pediasure. Keane also only wants Pediasure and nothing else.

Hazel drinks every 1-2 hourly? Wow, that's very frequent. How about her solid intake?
how much did you get for the raw honey? It is very expensive here, the unprocessed honey from mountains..

could it be she rejects her bottle? What about trying with straw or cup feed her? else as what zyp says, its just a passing phase...
<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
She's taking 2 meals of porridge per day. Each time about a bowl... actually she eats alot of bread, bao and biscuits too... so although her size is small, we're not so concerned since she's so active. Went to see Dr Ng for her MMR and Prevnar on Thurs. She's 9.13kg only...
eh good buy you got there wor...make me wanna get the watergun too...so next time keep throw box away yeah...keke

Sheryl can now regconise words and i dun even know. Yesterday HB bought a load of gardenia milk bread, she open the plastic and read Milk bread. Also at dinner today, she can read soup...me was looking where she got the word...i see the banner of a soup stall and ask her where she saw the word she she say there...ask her who taught her the word she say teacher teach her.... she's growing up wor
<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
As long as Hazel is eating well and is happy and healthy, there is no need to worry about her weight. Kayla’s MMR and chicken pox jab will be end of this month.
Thanks Batman

Hazel small sixe like you mah, isn't that good? Better than Sheryl mah
She's eating well lah, so dun worry too much k
Brought Thavis to polyclinic last mth he was 11.3kg. Today bring him again he is 9.3kg. Then i was so shocked so we weighed again became 10.3kg. weird. How can baby's weight fluctuate so much?

Then more tui is today at Polyclinc, appt booked by nurse last mth, they booked sala date and try to not say. Then we asked why cannot jab since it was just a mth ago they say today will jab, they dare tell me say they are protected by law against abusive patients. Die also dun say why no jab, in the end they admit the nurse made a mistake booked wrong so that why we made a wasted trip. I mean if you guys were me what will you do right? Appt for jab go there they say no jab ask you go home you not curious meh? then ask a simple question only they remind you they protected against abusive patients.. FEd up or not la...
Wenthena: Siao! Bring kids to jab is 'abusive'? Then ask our gahmen dun make it compulsory lor. Crazy. Make wrong appointment also cannot jab meh.. I dunno why must make appointment for jab to begin with. If it's time for the child's vaccination, as parents we shd be allowed to just bring e kid to the clinic for jab wat.. esp since polyclinic shd have the stocks readily available. So bloody inflexible!
Hi Wenthena,

Sorry could not chat with you more in msn yesterday. Below are the details on THE LITTLE NEURO TREE :

Little Neuro Tree is the first Neuro-Linguistic Brain Development Program Centre in Singapore for children from age 3 months to 5 years old. It is a unique tri-lingual programme using brain stimulation technologies to build knowledge, confidence and love for learning. Little Neuro Tree develops children's learning abilities, attitudes and personalities. We believe in building strong foundation in skills that will last a life-time through a holistic brain development curriculum.

We nurture the brain of your child through fun activities and meaningful tasks in 3 different languages. We provide a stimulating environment to ensure that classes are challenging and engaging. We give parents practical advice through our Home Support guidance. Our programme also supports children with special needs, as well as Pre-Natal Attachment classes for mothers-to-be.

Course Highlights
Parent-child Bonding
Activation of Right Brain Circuit
Image Ability Training
Five Senses Training
Motor Skills Training
Auditory Memory Training
Foreign/Multi Language Stimulation
Cognitive Skills Development
Enhanced Memory Training
Problem Solving Training
Creativity &amp; Imaginative Training
High-Speed Visual Absorption Training
IQ Development
EQ Development
Music Appreciation Training

One parent will stay in the class to learn with the child thus spending the precious one hour with the child to develop closer bond. A class of 4 to 6 children in the same age group enables your chilld to learn better in a small team. Consequently, your instuctor can guide each child with better focus and giving more attention.

In Little Neuro Tree, together with our programmes, your child can develop:

Creativity and Imagination
Keen interest in languages
Music Appreciation
Motor Skills
Problem Solving Skills (IQ)
Social Skills (EQ) and
Teamwork and Memory Skills


You check the dates for their next preview here:
How are you? How's staying at home with the little one. Think he must be more responsive now? Post his photo up lei.

Speaking of taking Jab, I forgot that my boy has got MMR Jab appt! Must give them a call later on liao. What a mummy I am.

Hazel's weight is ok ah. Anson looks small but he's 11kg liao. He really eats and drinks alot!

Still no news on Gender? How many times I ask liao ah? Recently, I developed cravings.... and worst still is, Joeson keep asking me, how's baby inside my tummy? I almost fainted. Must buy something go test liao.
<font color="aa00aa">Angel,</font>
When I went for checkup at 12weeks+, cannot see gender yet. Hopefully will be able to know during my next checkup.

Joeson said got bb inside your tummy? Hmm…you should go test soon. Maybe really got good news.
<font color="aa00aa">dewdrops:
i was also looking at the school! but location wise isn't ideal hence i dropped the idea.
Popping in to say Hi-hi to e pretty Mummies here!!


Remember to update us if u are coming back. Let's meet for chill-out.

U tempted to buy the water gun?! I left it at my parents place so have nt tried it yet.
Sheri loves the computer.. She has been playing wf it almost everyday. It's really a great buy...

Dun forget abt me when there is any great sale coming up, k!

So when you going near office area can jio me out. Should be can make it unless have meeting

Yea I cannot stand the polyclinic staff, Too quick to warn people they protected by some shield. Not that I trying ot make things difficult.. Just to satisfy my curiosity why cannot.


That is such a cool concept biz. SO can we all come and trial?

anson so big... my 2 boys all skinny recently. sad la. overactive til no time to eat. And i also nervous cos Thavis go CC soon 1 Dec start.

Educational games:
Thyler has been playing his Jumpstart Animal CD ROM game until he can memorise everything liao. Anyone wanna exchange? Or intro me some other games that are good? Cos i bought the other jumpstart series and it is boring...

The CD introduces the different habitats like the tropical rainforest and savannah and temperate forest with songs. Then intro the animals in the habitat. It also touches on animal relationships like predator and prey and symbiotic harmony and food chain.

I feel it is good cos last time when watch animal planet is always who eat who and that's it. Now they have things like bats use echolocation to "see", spiders are not insects but arachnids, who is a carnivore and who is herbivore etc.
yeah sheryl also like it wor...also almost play eveyday. Prefer that one we have then the pooh one lor. My boy ah keep pressing the on/off switch for pooh
<font color="aa00aa">Angel</font>
Yah too heavy v siong to carry. She had her MMR and prevnar taken last week. On Saturday, Zavier developed fever, and she kena on Sunday. We moved to my mum's place to stay but still v siong cos hubby is currently overseas. Hazel has been v clingy to my mum and me these few days. Always wants to be carried. Imagine the 2 of them puked one after another! Horrible! Thankfully they're already fine and Zavier is back to CC, else my mum, helper and me will fall sick too.

<font color="ff6000">Wen</font>
You've just enlightened me. Rather than letting Zavier watch his cartoons on Youtube every night, I should buy some educational CD Rom for him to play and learn at the same time!

<font color="119911">bubble/Meow</font>
Wat computer are u gals talking abt?
<font color="0000ff">angelneo</font>
Ooo... Pls let use know your test result!

Ya, he more responsive now.. clap his hands he'll smile. These 2 pic taken 2 days back. So who does he look like?


<font color="119911">Wenthena</font>
I'm going back office tmrw to distribute those cards to collic but it'll be a hit &amp; run coz I'll be alone w Nigel and I'm not bringing stroller so gotta sling him. My back ain't tt good so can't sling him for long.. once distribute the cards, will head home liao.

My mom also bgt the JumpStart Series for Sheri bt I have not intro to her yet.. Am worried that Sheri will get hooked to using PC ley.. Do you let Lerler explore on his own or you sit with him thru?
Wooh, thread is running slow huh. Finally return to work last friday. Now everyday good exercise with the super long walk. So tired.

Can meet you lunch one of the days liao.

Was thinking to get CD Rom for D to play as I just started to let her 'touch' my PC few days ago for some online programme. She just get the hang of controlling n navigating the mouse then only. So now thinking of getting such CD rom for her to learn &amp; play. But at same time, I also quite reluctant to introduce PC so young as I scared it will spoil her eyesight very soon. But she can really sit down quietly to play and never disturb me which i like it. hehe. Is this Jumpstart good? I always see alot of such CD rom program at Popular or roadshow.
Glad to see you back here. Hope you are well. In regards to introducing PC to kiddos. I had introduced Joeson to it already. Yes, I can say he's super hooked. But then, I set timing for him. And if there's time that he got so hooked that he refused to stop, I will distract him with, 'Reading Time!'... effectively it stops him from the PC games and come to me. You try la....

You should sit with your kiddo to explore the CD Rom with her. This way, then you'll guide them correctly.

Gosh. I think he looks like you! So cute!!!!! Pinch his cheeks for me!

Ya. I understand how difficult it'll be when babies fall sick. I went through this period once when both Anson and Joeson fell sick. Anson esp got blocked nose, and I only slept 2 hours throughout the night, waking up frequently to suck out his mucus. Worth the effort though. You know, it's good to have Hazel stick to you. JOeson recently developed a liking to sleep with his grandma. Heart-breaking it might be. But luckily... he's on the path of return to me.

Traced back my sms and realized you sent me sms about the TRU sales. Luckily I never see it. Or else ah.......
heheh We started with Youtube too lol
until I din like the stuff he sees when he accidentally click something...

oh in that case then another day then meet la. Your boy boy lost the newborn look already. I remember when my boys we 1 mth still look red, like NB bb

You changed name from who? When just started you no choice got to sit near her. Cos have to get them used to what to click and when. When he just started his mouse skills very bad and aim veyr jialat. So he want me to click and he will watch the "MTV"

Need to monitor. Better play and talk to her abt it then leave her with it even if she can manage.

Educational CD
Kids will surely addicted to it one. You need to be veyr firm about it. 1 hour means 1 hour. no bargaining. Dun stop, the next day dun play. If you say stop they stop, then next day can play again. But to me it is either TV or CD. So i chose CD so i can choose what he plays. I started out with Winnie the Pooh. Colouring, logic flow, music making, spot differnce, counting. But it got too easy cos for 3 year old ma. Tt why i got hte jumpstart Animal Game. Then I try to buy more, so i got the other Jump start series but then very boring. Too much drilling on phonics. So that is why i now asking if you guys now any CDs more on story line based teaching instead of spelling again and again. Maybe the themes i am looking at is the solar systems which he kinda like or the human body systems.
we bought the vtech kinda laptop for the gals lah...they love the system well lor. They learn from there thru games and so on lor


How abt meeting next week for lunch. Will confirm with you the date later

Do let me know which days are good for you.
Hi Wenthena,

There is charges for trial class. It's $150 for 3 classes. You will join the actual class and the class is conducted 1 time in Chinese, 1 time in English and 1 time in Japanese. So for a term of 12 classes, there are 4 cycles of languages.

However, if you just want more information of the course, you can come for preview talks held weekly at no charge at all. My hubby took a franchise from The Little Neuro Tree hence all the fees have to follow the hq's instruction.
<font color="0000ff">Who is available next thurs to meet for lunch?</font>
Meeting place : Suntec
Meeting time : 1230pm

Hee.. lai lai lai..
Hi Valmom,

I just missed the Thurs lunch by 1 day. I took leave from this Wed until next Wed to take care of Iden as my mum went for holiday. Will be back to work next Thurs.

Iden just took his 3rd jab yesterday and is now running a slight temperature now. Hope he will be well by tomorrow to go for a close friend's daughter 's 2 year old party tomorrow.

I went to take a bone density test. ANyone took it before? I now at LOW BONE DENSITY, aka high risk of Osteoporosis.

Why is this happening? :'( I took my calcium tablets religiously like the doctor said, I eat proper meals, I sometimes exercise and I am only 24
what should I do? My Z score is at a pathetic -1.8 :'( how to increase bone mineral density?
Could it be your recent sudden drop of weight? The time when you have the leg infection or something? Cos sudden huge decrease is weight, will cause huge amount of calcium loss. Moreover, you also breastfeeding mummy, loss of calcium will take years to replenish. Do be patient ok? By the way, where is Little Neuro Tree? Got Japanese! I like.....

See you all Thurs!
Hello mummies!

Long time din log in... now busy with the sales and the new outlet.

We managed to come back during Hari Raya but can't seem to find anywhere to go to... but really miss the Singapore food

Just to share some fotos of the kids,



Hi Meow,

We only cut the fringe for Edie. As for the "mad professor hair" boy, he looks like a mini replicate of his grandfather, the grandfather really like to bring him

Angeline, Krazy and Wenthena,

The Little Neuro Tree got a few branches now. My hubby one is at Jurong East. Yes, got Japanese in the class and taught by Japanese teachers, not locals. If you all interested to come for trial classes, my hubby say can give special price if can form a class of 6 kids. PM me if you are interested.
