(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

me going to JB on tues. Will go get the remaining disc.

will check petpet for you.

Anyone needs VCD can tell me i should be able to buy
yup, check the link I gave you. It mentioned there are 2 kids of IUD, and the expiry ranges from 5 to 10 years or unless it expels out on its own. Thats y need to check regularly if the IUD is in placed. I remembered my SIL's IUD disappeared and need to reinsert again
hi mummies,

a long time no sign in here. couldnt even lurk as my company bar me from accessing non work related website. i cannot even access msn. blame it on my stupid idiotic manager who tinks she is the most perfect person in the whole wide world. nobody can be compared to her. anyway, i hv "fired" her. today is my last day & i hv the freedom to do wat i want now. will be active once again in this thread. see ya!
erm...glance thru the thread & saw take one baby bites also being recall??? i saw from the bottom of the box dat its manufactured in Shanghai, China.... oh no

mummies, can i chk hw abt gain iq milk & friso milk...i hope this 2 products are okay. i see that its produced in ireland & the netherlands respectively...my kids are drinking tis 2 products....i dun see ntcu nor cold storage nor kiddy palace recalling this products so i assume its safe. mummies can assure me here? tks. (too many products being recall until i dunno wat its save to eat, wat isnt)
gerald's fever went up last night.... haiz been coughing for 3 days non stop already.... haiz... mummy so bad still come to work...
yeah i think gain IQ is ok. You go abbott site they got pop up a window to say their milk is safe. I also jus receive an email from nestle about their product is safe too. Not sure on friso. I see everyone asking also since Dutchlady also from same company fresland. Anyway, there's 5 more items added to the list of ava which contain melanie

Ok wah, unless you can afford to take leave and bring him see doc then go lah. Got self medicate or not? Give him panadol bo?
<font color="119911">meow</font>,
yes, i chk abbots website. i saw the pop up windows. tks. and i also called friso hotline &amp; they assure me all their products are imported from holland, so its safe. They even refer me to ST Homes page 2 for more info.
<font color="0000ff">ENT Specialist</font>
Brot Val to see an ENT specialist today. Her sneezing bout was becoming a little to frequent and too violent (as in her mucus can travel quite far). We thot her nose allergy is mainly brot on by some dust or bugs but we were so wrong.

ENT Specialist gave us a list of <u>food</u> that is known to be triggers for allergies. And these food includes:

1) Diary pdts (milk, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese etc);
2) Eggs, esp egg white (cakes, kaya etc);
3) Wheat (bread, yellow noodles, biscuits etc);
4) Chocolate (including milo, ovaltine, choc chip cookies etc);
5) Chicken (chicken essence etc);
6) Peanuts (including peanut butter, peanut oil)

Can u imagine our horror?!?! Valerie eats the following... her fav..

1) Ice cream/cakes (prob once a month)
2) Yellow noodle (2-3 times weekly)
3) Eggs (almost daily)
4) Milo (daily)
5) Peanut butter spread on wholemeal/white bread (1-2 times weekly)
6) Some kind of biscuits (choc or other flavour), cookies (almost daily)

Doc advise is abstain 1st then slowly reintroduce each category of food again to test which causes her allergy. But we know cold turkey ain't going to work coz she eats all of the above so frequently. So now our approach is drastically reduce to try to curb her condition.

Headache man
Hi Mummies,

Xavier is down with stomach flu! Seems like the stomach flu epidemic is on. Although he does not have vomitting or diarrhoe, he is constantly complaining of stomach pain and sticking to me like super glue. When he sleeps, he is literally rolling all over the bed in pain. Can anyone of you who experience this before tell me if your doctor prescribe antibiotics or any kind like that? The PD I went to only gave me wind drops to reduce the wind and he is expected to recover by himself in the next few days. Also, what are food that he can/cannot eat? The PD only tell me to reduce milk intake.
<font color="0000ff">Dewdrops</font>
I think currently no diary products for him? Think the porridge water is v good for him, u can let him drink more. Is his appetite ok? Rem to apply Ruyi oil on his tummy. But funny.. since he is not vomitting or LS, how come diagnoise as Stomach Flu? Maybe he just has alot of wind or stomach indigestion, think a good rub at his tummy will make him feel better. Rem to rub along the spine at his back too once u finish rubbing the front.

<font color="119911">Valmom</font>
Tat is a long list man. Really headache. It is really v sian to think when the kid comes to 3 YO, then the doc say "oh ur kid is allergy to this this that that blah blah" Gee.
wow valmom that a lot... i bot gerald to see ENT specialist too.... it seem he had super super sentitive nose.. that all... so nothing much we can do just avoid dusty area and make sure we clean bed sheet at 60 deg plus avoid soft toy...
<font color="119911">dewdrops</font>,
if he is not having the runs, i dun tink its stomach flu.

1) do not give him any milk formula. if need to, try soy products instead.

2) dun give rice; give clear porridge water with some preserved cai xin syrup for taste. dun feed too much; abt half of wat he usually takes. refrain from even feeding him fish, meat or vege. tummy cannot take it; will throw up.

3)do not give any fruits, nt even apple.

4)apply ru yi oil on &amp; off &amp; do some massage. if need to, bring him to chinese sinseh for some tui na (if u believe in this)

5)give him lots &amp; lots of warm water

6) and of cos, nt forgetting the medication prescribe by the doc.
last time when D had gastric flu, also no medicine. just make sure they will not have dehydration. Milk should avoid and change to soy milk.

last wk i mention my HCG level drop and meaning sac is dieing. Who knows on saturday i got major pain. I 'tahan' till sunday morning faster admit a&amp;e and scan show blood in my womb. So no choice on the same day, surgery to remove my tube. The sac is really not progressing as sunday when admit, my HCG level even lower than before. But still, I am so 'sway' and it cause bleeding internally and still come to the same conclusion....Have to do surgery. In the 1st place if i surgery don't admit 1 nite to take the jab, i save myself more $ for the stay and the follow up consultations.

Now everyday at home eating my MIL everyday SAME KIND of FOOD! That time i confinement 1 wk at her place after deliver D, she also everyday cook same thing. Really buay tahan everyday eat porridge liao. And for past 2 days, i have to even babysit D while recovering fr my wounds. My mum and nieces all down with very bad flu. High fever, etc. So i got to bring her back home to quarantine her. So cham. Resting at home but still have to scream/shout at her and clear the mess she creates at home.
Is val upset that she is sick? If you try to explain to her on her condition and the remedies that you are going to take, will she listen and guai guai abstrain from those foods? Justyn is willing to do that when he is sick. TOld him that he needs to avoid some foods until he is well again otherwise he will also suffer and had to also avoid schools. He can even take very 'horrible' medicine which tastes yucky, the same medicine which hubby took and was so amazed that Justyn is willing to take it.

close 1.5 eyes and let your gal enjoy herself at home whike you rest as much as you can. Or at least, lie on bed as much as possible. Does cartoons keep her occupied?
<font color="0000ff">tsp</font>
The doc did tell her what she cannot eat. And while he was telling her those, she lowered her head. Yest kept reminding her "Doc says cannot eat Choc" coz other things like milk, eggs are within our control mah. She seemed to u/stand coz she returned the 1 pc of M&amp;M back to her cousin :p

No point telling her medicine coz she loves to take them! Yest tried to get her to drink some tonic. So I tell her it's medicine and she tried but then promptly spitted it out and told my MIL "dun wan jak this!"


<font color="119911">San</font>
Rest well. Some pple believe you shd still do some 'confinement' of sorts to boost back ur health. I'm also eating sama food everyday ah.. fish, pork, liver.. fish, pork, liver... 3 weeks liao.. almost over already :p just dong another week...
Val is so cute.

cay is also suspected of having allergies, so serious that her intestines bleed. But doc only asked us to switch to soy milk. She is fine after that but the bleeding seems to be coming back again... 3rd time already. Maybe I should remove the items on your list from her diet. But she takes very little of those. I'm quite confused over what to do.
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Just ren this time being of the everyday same food.. Tat time my mini 1, I even had to cook myself leh. I also ate until v sian.. but just lun lor..

<font color="ff0000">Valmom</font>
haha Ashley also luv to take medicine now. She always help me to open up the cap of each bottles &amp; explain this is for wat &amp; wat. But I think she will hate tonic, so I never try TCM on her, cos she sure will puke 1. Fussy drinker.

<font color="119911">Caymom</font>
The bleeding is back again? What did the doc say this time?
<font color="0000ff">valmom/twinklets</font>,
same here..lionel loves drinking the medication. he also knows wat medicine is for wat illness &amp; can even tells u dat its time to drink the medicine (when its like only 2 hrs ago when he last drank). then he also will tell u to go ask more from the doc when he finish each medicine. this boy hor...tinks medicine is his daily diet... i hv to keep on telling him its nt wat he tinks &amp; dat eating medicine is nt good for his health either. haiz
<font color="0000ff">ewoks</font>
Val not so kiang to know what medicine is for what.. but she goes by colour. She'll say 'orange', 'pink' etc and if she sees u have 3 bottles u better feed her all 3 otherwise she'll fuss.

Valerie also everyday seritide (puff) and medication. She still need to be on this while having food control. Medication for 1-2 weeks.. food control for 3-4 weeks and then after that food tolerence test.

<font color="119911">cayman</font>
Bleeding? That's allergy meh? I think better bring cay to see specialist. Those specialised in intestines kind. PD is basically GP who deals with kids. If there is anything more specific that you need professional opinion, should goto a Specialist lor.
my hb already took quite a no. of leaves the past 2+wks to bring me check up and also during my hospitalization. can't afford anymore leaves as we already had holiday plans in nov.

oh no, intestine bleeding. sounds serious. hope she is fine. D's also have sensitive nose but if compare to Val and Cay's, hers is just mild. But her nose always give me 'pig' sound. So since young, i gave her Nan HA which really helps on her allergy.

i already close 1.5 eye. certain things really can't close. like she can climb up my dining table and stand on top the table and now she develope bad habits to throw things.

not exactly doing confinement now. just avoid chicken and seafood. so only pork and fish and my MIL really not that creative. Will go TCM to 'tio' my body after everything over.
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
ya is gd tat u will go TCM to tiao ur body. Rest well ok? Btw this period, try not to drink cold stuffs.
agreed with twinklets that you avoid cold drinks as well as cold foods.. Also avoid green papayas too..

Wld your gal listen if you talk to her nicely? does she have time-out sessions too?
<font color="ff0000">San,</font>
I see. It is really hard on you then.
Must take more tonic to 'bu' ur body.

Yah, dunno why so serious because I thot allergy at most will have rashes, vomiting etc but hers is just kinda weird.

<font color="aa00aa">Twinklets,</font>
Yah, the blood came back once and disappeared again. I am beginning to have a clearer picture of what could have caused it. Must trial and error to confirm.
re: Infant care around Bt Batok areas
Any rec for infant care around Bt Batok area? My fren is looking for one. Or even good nanny?
do take care of yourself. Jus let D run around lah. When hubby home then get him to clear the mess lah

Anyone ever took hormones pills prescribe by doc before ah? I somehow got irregular menses aft havin Darryl and jus went to see doc. The nurse ask me to finish 1 pack of the pills that last for 21days then stop for 7days then take 2nd pack. Total she gave me 3 packs. I hear till blur leh...she say when i stop taking the pills, menses will come....not true leh...it didn't came instantly but 3 days later wor. So should i start to eat my second pack right after 7 days from my last dose of 1st pack or should i wait till my mense finish then take the second pack? My appt is next monday not tomorrow so dunno who to ask wor
<font color="aa00aa">tsp:
my colleague leave her 2 kiddos there; 1 like under 1 yr old and her toddler of 2.5 yr old at just kids. its near the st. luke hospital at bukit batok.

<font color="0000ff">mummies</font>,
am leaving ho chi minh city 2moro morning &amp; rtn on fri. meantime, take care.
will try to log in from ho chi minh if possible.
Hi Yvonne,

Just nice 2 of my colleagues are also leaving for Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow and coming back on Friday. Are you in anyway related to Sembcorp? My colleagues will fly to Ho Chi Minh city very often for at least 3 months.
hi san,
r u feeling better now...... must rest well... but it is hard when no one to take care of d....

i have been screamming at gerald too... till my neighbour come out and look.. .then my gal will give me the look... why mummy screamming at kor kor... haiz....
<font color="0000ff">Caymom</font>
Hope you can find the root cause soon. Ya agreed tat you gotta trial &amp; error, else relly v hard to track.

<font color="ff6000">Yvonne</font>
Enjoy ur holidays
the thread is quiet yeah....

is spore on holiday now?

In oman here, its public holiday from 30th sep to 5th oct, the EID holidays.. we planned to drive up to watch turtle nesting during one of the days, else nua around.. bored..
been here since april liao leh... Hubby posted here for 2 yrs so me and Justyn came iwth him. Oman is a country in middle east, next to UAE. Nice natural scenery with lots of sea and mountains. It is actually located along hte gulf coast.
yup, he is attending an international school here and is enjoying very much.. He talks a lot at home, so much that I had to tell him mummy is tired and let me rest first.. hee hee He also asks a lot of questions, never fail to ask why why why...
Hahaha, kids are always full of energy.

It must be very different in a foreign land and you seem to be coping so well.
My hb asked whether I am willing to relocate but I don't have confidence to cope alone with my kids overseas.
Happy Holiday everyone!

Been busy at work and home, don't really have time to pop by here but seems like this thread is moving quite slowly too.

<font color="0000ff">Valmom,</font>
Oh dear, it's really tough to trial and error food intake at this age esp those are Val's favourite food! Will she outgrow the allergy later?

<font color="aa00aa">caymom,</font>
How did you find out Cay's intestines are bleeding? Got blood in stools? The allergy must be quite serious to make the intestines bleed. Does it affect her appetite?

<font color="ff0000">San,</font>
Hope you are feeling better now. Rest well during ur mini confinement and tiao your body back.
u should consider it while the kids are still small and lesser risks for the move. Me and hubby find it very good to bond with Justyn in foreign land, no need to deal with stressful singapore and the inlaws as well as relatives. He really enjoys being just with us and able to witness and help develop his growth. He does a lot more things that he does not do in singapore like making milk, changing and bathing him..

If you have a good maid, bring the maid along. Can be a SAHM for the start first, less stressing than being a SAHM in spore.
hi tsp,
good to hear that both justyn and u enjoying ur stay...

actually i also don mind if hubby either get posted for oversea ...... but i doubt he either have chance.... hahah.....

i actually don mind stay with them oversea but not in singapore don know why.... missing my oz life i guess... i think i'm more relax in oz than in singapore... but .... 6 more week to go then i completed my course.. .then can start planning to do wat next hahha..

hi zyp..
ya lor ... the thread is moving slowly..... give u chance to catch up..

oh right... my gal is down with cough... haiz... all thanks to my boy... haiz..

There was blood in her stools. Initially we thot the blood was caused by constipation but the stools were soft and it shouldn't be so much. After seeking medical help all over the place, we landed with this surgeon who performed scoping for cay and found out her condition.

Strangely, her appetite was good. She also doesn't show any discomfort.
