(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

That's what my hb says as well, to go when the kids are young. After reading what you say, I think I may be open to that idea as well. I certainly agree that it is too stressful in Spore.
hi mummies,
loggin in from ho chi minh. really boring with nothing much to do, see or buy.
joined some day tours to mekong delta & cu chi tunnels. returning back 2moro.
u can look out for opportunities if your hubby got no lorbang :p

hubby and son were down with cough too and it has passed on to me... Coughing the whole heart out esp at night.

Don't dare to take medicine cos I am currently expecting.. (sorry mummies, took so long to 'announce' the news, wanted it to stabilize first) Already in week 17.

try la.. can go somewhere nearer to spore if you think u will be home sick easily.. sounds scary to know that allergies can be so bad that intestines bleed. Does your gal express any discomfort at all?
Congrats! So your baby will be born in Oman? Boy or girl?

Actually, I don't adapt well in a foreign environment and fall sick easily. That's one reason that deter me from overseas posting as well.

Yah, the allergy sounds so scary to cause intestines to bleed. I always thot allergy will cause rashes or vomiting the most. So after going through everything, still not exactly sure what went wrong. Now still suspecting that milk is the culprit. The first time she bled, it stopped after a while. 2nd time, I switched her to Isomil, bleeding stopped. Now saw little traces of blood, dunno whether it's another allergic attack. So confused.
thanks.. its a gal this time. I plan to deliver in singapore, prob likely to return in time for CNY. tot I can skip CNY for once in life.. hahaha

cld be the water that makes you sick.. will take a while to adapt to eat. Still young, shd be able to catch up shortly. my first tri here in Oman was hell. prob hte hormonal changes make it bad. was crying nearly everyday, missed home esp the food badly. had to get fren to freight food over, the freight was more ex than the food man.

so doc confirmed it is due to food allergy that triggers to bleeding? will the bleed result to thinning of hte intestines?
<font color="aa00aa">tsp:


there are many cases of stomach flu these days..could this be so?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mummies:
today's papers.. some milk products in NZ also found to be tainted.

just to play safe.. i realised that abbott formula comes from nz amongst others too. try to read the label first before we buy more.

authorities are trying to find out if its the raw materials farmers use to feed the cows..

how long is this going to last?</font>
<font color="0000ff">NZ milk</font>
Can faint man. Val was drinking Gain IQ. Now we switch her to soy (coz of the possible allergy triggers) and mixed with my ebm. Becoz now i need to feed for 2.. I quite diligently pump every 4hrly.. last time w val.. I'm already pumping 6hrly now lor.. But I definitely can't afford to pump 4hrly while I go back to work.. now headache dunno when to move to 6hrly pump...

<font color="aa00aa">caymom</font>
kidney stones may cause blood in urine but don't think will affect the stools tho'
<font color="0000ff">Valmom,</font>
Val willing to take soy milk? I thought it taste bitter so most kids will not like it.
You also got a girl right? Also in Oman? My hubby got some job op in oz. But I so worried. Not confident to handle the 2 boys
Congrats TSP

after i post i quickly go flip the papers and call up abbott too. Ask them since some of their milk is from NZ too. But apparently they say only grow is from NZ, gain is from Denmark. They say thou its in NZ but diff part of NZ so no worry. I even query if they will send their FM to AVA for testing, their reply somehow is they will not oblidge if AVA wants them to sends the FM for testing. Meaning to say they wont send in lah unless AVA request them to do so.

sorry to disturb,i am looking for the Haenim Play yard,if u r selling please PM me your price, condition and age of the play yard and collection place.
<font color="aa00aa">meow:
thanks for the clarification.

its so scary right? there is always some news about this every day and it is like spreading.

<font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS!</font>.... I'm so so happy for you! Makes me itch to have another baby soon. Heeeee.....

You know hor. I tried the soy milk myself. It taste sweet lei... how come you said bitter? How's your pregnancy? Can see the sex liao?

Where are you?! Hopefully not gathering spiderwebs at home.
<font color="ff0000">Meow</font>
Thanks, the Poko Jang is cute. But I so lazy, always cannot follow through such programs. The $20 purchase promotion, is it available in Singapore? Don't seem to see it around. Otherwise buy 2 packet of diapers will easily exceed the amount.

<font color="0000ff">Tainted milk</font>
I've received sms of assurance from some milk powder companies but not abbott. BM is the safest now.

If the problem comes from the cows, then we cannot eat beef too!

<font color="119911">Angel,</font>
Soy milk is sweet meh? I never tasted it but I know it has a stinko smell and Zavier hates it.
<font color="0000ff">Angel,</font>
What kind of soy milk did you taste? I never tasted it before, just heard that it's taste bitter and yucky.

I am in my 14th weeks now. Cannot see gender when I went for my checkup at 12th weeks. Probably will be able to tell during the next checkup.

Gastric Flu
Sigh...Keane is down with gastric flu. Diarrhea since Sat morn. Luckily no vomit but till now still have diarrhea.
thanks... yea, its a Made in Oman bb gal, wasn't planned though.. Now I am sick with bad cough, have not seen doc yet. jia lat...

Sharlyne passed away last Aug when she was a few days short to 5 mths old. It happened suddenly with a heart seizure and was in ICU for 2 days before succumbing. No conclusive reason for her death. Coroner's report says pneumonia whereas the docs that saw her in ICU feels its a viral attack. We are in Oman with Justyn only.

OZ life should be better, more Singaporean population and should be easy to find food closer to taste buds. The weather there is better than Singapore. When you are in foreign land with family, you will have plenty of time for own family so you should be able to handle your boys. Lots of activities to keep them occupied too. Or you can bring a maid if your worry is on the housework? You are still young, go for it lor.
<font color="aa00aa">tsp,</font>
Can imagine how tough it was to cope with morning sickness in a foreign land. Glad that it's over.

cay's condition was complicated and rare. They suspect it was a combi of viral infection and allergy. Anti-biotics took care of the virus but the allergy part really clueless. I'm not sure whether bleeding will cause thinning of the intestines. I only see that she is getting fairer by the day.... dunno whether because she has less blood.

Sorry to hear about Sharlyne.

<font color="0000ff">Valmom,</font>
Maybe not related to kidney stones bah.

<font color="119911">Tigger,</font>
I find that Isomil has a yucky smell although cay drinks it. She was thrilled when I switched her back to Gain for a few days. I decided to try out the new soy milk by Mamil but she rejected that totally. I thot that smells nice leh. Maybe she just wants back her Gain.
<font color="0077aa">caymom,</font>
I didnt know there is new soy milk by Mamil. Kayla tried Isomil before when she LS. She drank half a tin without fussing. The 2nd time she LS, we tried Isomil again and she rejected it totally.

Everyone says it's very sweet. I never tasted it before. Keane loves it and has been taking this since 1YO. I thought Pediasure can fatten him up but it doesnt seem to be the case.

Thought of switching back to normal FM (becos Pediasure is so expensive) but I think he is so used to the sweet taste and may not accept other FM.

congrats on your pregnancy
Do take care... sorry to hear about bb Sharlyne.


soy milk always got this controversy abt female hormone thingy. I always wonder about it... my cousins took soy milk from young and had no problem.... so I wonder why there are always report of the controversy all over the place when I do a research on soy milk or soy product.

Wow u can see bb gender soon ? its always so exciting anticipating to know the gender of the bb

Me going to give birth soon... 35w3d now. I gave birth to both S &amp; J at 37th week. So I am a little panicky now cos I am very overloaded with a lot of work here in my office and dunno how I can finish or even start hand over.
Stressed the moment I think of it.
<font color="ff6000">Poohy,</font>
Hopefully by next visit which is 18 weeks, I can see bb gender.

wow, so most likely you will give birth by end of Oct? Excited? Dun panic, work can wait. Try to start your hand over soon.

my dept already under resourced. Then my colleague going 3 weeks reservist so I still have to cover his work! and my boss just gave me 3 more new project to hand till at least end of this month. If I were to give birth anytime before 37th week, I will have no time to hand over. My boss also anytime going on leave cos his wife is due this or next week

At times I secretly hope my bb comes earlier cos the continuing piling work is making me very stressed. I had not even pack my hospital bag!

In the meantime, S is very excited to see his baby brother soon. He had been asking me about it. I think with the bigger age gap between him and no.3, he will be able to love him much better than J.
<font color="ff6000">Poohy,</font>
Wow, that's tough...3 new projects? Your boss should be more understanding since his own wife is going to give birth soon.

Dun be too stressed over work. You better pack your hospital bag soon, just in case.

S is very dongshi. I am sure he will dote on his brother. How about J? Is she as excited?

ya ya J is also very excited. Whenever I asked her where is didi, she will run over to kiss my tummy, sayang it
And when I said she needs to be gentle, she really understood and became so gentle. My cousin just gave birth to a bb girl last Tuesday, and S was carrying the baby so tenderly. J was really gentle when she sayang the baby... (she is normally quite rough... cant help it at her age). I am looking forward to seeing no.3 cos very encouraged to see how they take to their new cousin.
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>
Don't stress don't stress. Just think about ur 3 kids can liao

<font color="119911">Apples vs Oranges</font>
Finally managed some time to try to put the 2 kids picture to see how alike they are.. I guess the header of this can tell u wat I think :p

Whenever I look at Nigel, there is something abt him that makes me feel he has some resemblence to Valerie. It's like everything is a little like Valerie but not the same? :p

But one thing similar is he gained 1kg in 1 mth! I weigh him on Friday and he is 4.6kgs. No wonder my wrist starts to hurt!
wow you sharp eyes wor can spot her, she's not in top 5 dun mistake hor. You havent reply me your vol 2 can watch? Darryl also in the contest too...you can search him out. Keke

Giant promo is in SG. I saw it at IMM. Look for promoter. Mostly she's there around 4pm. Dunno what time she knock off
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
I am sure it will be very heartwarming to see both J and S sayang their lil brother.

<font color="ff6000">Meow,</font>
Voted for both your darlings.
thanks mummies for contributing the vote.

Cos when i post the photo is state there age in photo mah, so when that time she took the photo was about that age lor
Ah you go study first lah, aft test then check for me. If yours no prob can help me copy?
thanks mummies on the well wishes for new bb...

voted for Sheryl and Daryl. When will the voting close?
<font color="0000ff">Enhanced Baby Bonus</font>
Finally my coy got the new guidelines out! Now I have 4 months maternity leave!
As for the additional childcare leave.. I have pro-rated for this year, another 1.5days.

least you got 1.5days, my side here only prorate 1day. Then hor no add on to exisiting rules. Last time 5 days include Child care leave &amp; child sick leave per child. So 2 child i have 10days lah...then 8days for child sick and 2 days for child care. Now hor new rule still the same. 2 kids still 10days but in which 6 days will be child care the rest will be child sick. Eh i though is add leave wor how come still same?
