(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

I've recieve the transfer. Thanks

Me indecisive one... decided to drink my nursing tea since I already bought. I'm secretly hoping my supply is still as good though I can only express about 3 feeds daily.

My mum keeps asking if I want to drink green papaya fish soup or not. I have been drinking that quite frequently, think it really helps alot. Somemore milk powder is so expensive nowadays! Think price increase again right? Really in a dilemma now.
yes milk powder very ex now. Gain now selling around $26 liao. Similac follow on $32. Last 2 weeks NTUC got promotion pack. Buy 2 tins follow-on free 400g gain for $64.30. I only buy a pack cos got too many tins at home le. I've even stock for grow and Darryl's Gain too. Hee
Grow is cheaper than Gain right?

You signed up as member of Abbott right? Accumulate point system? Are the benefits good?

your facial sounds good.. I also want. but where ís it?


Actually i never pump for long long time liao..then come here he wanna latch so i latch then nơw i again got milk.. vv wanna cry eh..

I 24th come back..
<font color="ff0000">Stephy, </font>
Thanks. We enjoyed our meal today. Very nice and cosy environment. The staff told us the payment system is meant to encourage the kids to order for their parents. So cute. cay is still too young to make her order but she accompanied daddy to the counter. Food was nice, we ordered a pizza because we know it is shaped like mickey mouse, so cute.

<font color="aa00aa">ZYP,</font>
I find that the service at Jack's Place is always very slow. I will only go there if I can afford a long lunch time.
Yes grow is cheaper than gain of course. I'm switching to grow once sheryl turns 3+. Least after i finish my 2 tin gain that's 1.8kg one. If jus let sheryl drink the whole tin, will take months loh. Let bro and sis take should clear faster. Well i've also stock 24tins of grow already too. Hee...my place and mom's place is a mini provision shop. Haha
Yes am a member. Only benefit is to get free milk powder only. The receipts you buy from major supermarket(NTUC,SNS,Cold storage,Guardian,Giant,Unity,Liberty,Carrefour,Istean) can earn the points. 1 tin = 100pts

the food is good but the pricing is a bit high lor. Im aiming to go HK disneyland next year, hopefully, it will come true.
Agree that the food is pricey. It's not a place that I will go regularly. We didn't keep the stored value card, refunded it before we left the cafe.

I'm thinking of HK Disneyland next year too! Not too sure whether I can manage two gals there.
I dunno how many of you have receive the mailer from robinsons. Leapfrog selling the word launch at $49 for card members and little tikes table &amp; chair at $79. Cardmembers additional 10% off toys,children's shoes ecept selected brands
Hi Poshies,
If u can i think its best to bring Gerald overseas now before your #2 pops. A toddler can be quite handful for couple to handle, let alone with a young bb..

I just came back from Batam trip wf my family.. It was quite an unpleasant experience. The whole trip was all abt taking care of my children, nothing for me to enjoy at all! Me &amp; poor hubby have to each take care of 1 gal at anytime.. Shania has been cranky throughout the whole trip so i have been slinging her most of the time. She cried half of the time on our voyage back to SG. Sherilyn also threw tantrums at the hotel during bf and all eyes were on us. It was rather embarrassing. Have to feed the children and can hardly have time fill our own stomach wor.. I feel so lousy and worn out. After this trip, i really have phobia bringing the 2 gals out on overseas trip on our own.. To add, this is the first time i went on trip never do shopping and spent only $50 on food.. Hahaha...

Hi Stephy,
The disney cafe sounds interesting, prob wld be an enjoyable experience for our tods? Any idea if they have Christmas Eve Package for family? Wanna bring my gals out for Christmas lunch tomorrow bt still have yet to decide on the venue. Initially I tot of gg to Jack's place or Swensens ley until i learn the existence of this Disney cafe. Keke..

Any recommdenation what is nice and a must try over at the Disney Cafe?

I was also planning to bring my gals to HK disney next year after i get my bonus bt now i have 2nd tots. Hahaha.

Thanks for sharing. Any other "must" buy or worth to buy items?
Today Thavis 9 months old liao!!


my experience sama sama... SO unpleasant.. I am so upset and homesick now.. Wanna cry. I wanna sleep also no time. Not to mention i dun understand everyone including my own hubby.. he is like a stranger to me.. I feel like i dun know him at all.. But then i did manage to shop.. Carry 2 out in sarong lor.. Then shop. very tired. by 2hours tired liao.. then try to stretch so try 3-4 hours.. come home exhausted.. but then
I come here main purpose to see MIL so have a bit shopping also good liao lah.. I did not expect it to be a happy trip anyway.. So glad we fly back tml..

you and angel both tried RF before and have raving results. I interested lor.. wanna try on tummy and face. Tone up my saggy tummy mah.. and face hor.. I dun ven wanna mention it.. I think now i look like i kenna langga lorry,,

I have ordered their pizza ( I forget the name, but it has pineapple in it), macroni cheese ( which is in their menu of the day, so not sure will there be serving the same dish) and their mushroom soup. All these 3 dishes are good. They don't have much varities in their menu, mainly are pizzas. When I was there last week, i don't see any promo for xmas.

Lastly, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone here!!!!

RF treatment is quite popular nowadays, u may want to ask your regular beautician, maybe they have.Or, choose one closer to you. Juz do a yahoo seach for RF treatment, u will see the list.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Elaine....
haha...... u can one lah.....

Hi Wen,
nevermind... the old one don go the new one will not come..

Hi Serrich,
I knew that ... but due to my committment to study plus hubby not keen... especially he got no patience at all... so don want to take any risk.... wait till they are older....

Wow... spent so little on the trip.... i think if ur hubby is okie then is okie... if not when the children is crying and hubby is mad with u... then it is terrible...

Isaac got fever on Fri. Then Sat referred to KK and needs to be admitted a few days cos' detected urine infection. Poor little boy, cried his heart out on Sat. Esp. when they tried to put in the plug.

Poohy, was it you who said Joelle got UTI too? Can email me your experience and follow up? Like quite a long drawn process. Tks.
Merry Christmas to all

And Wen
U sexy mama la...if u think u think U look like langga lorri...I can jump out of my lab liao la..
(Jump out will not die la... outside is my DI water plant...wahahahahahahaha)
Isaac got fever on Fri. Then Sat referred to KK and needs to be admitted a few days cos' detected urine infection. Poor little boy, cried his heart out on Sat. Esp. when they tried to put in the plug.

Poohy, was it you who said Joelle got UTI too? Can email me your experience and follow up? Like quite a long drawn process. Tks.
You should try the pizza. It comes in the shape of Mickey's head, very interesting. cay went "wow" when she saw it. The mushroom soup is nice too.
You should try the pizza. It comes in the shape of Mickey's head, very interesting. cay went "wow" when she saw it. The mushroom soup is nice too.
Merry Christmas everyone.

I see yahoo auction got a person selling the clickstart keyboard with 2 games at $180 buy price. I gave Sheryl the toy liao, she was very happy when she open the present and she play right away. But now become i play hee...
<font color="0000ff">morning all....
how is ur christmas.... haha... pretty boring for Gerald and me.... hee hee...

as Gerald is only on the stage of recovering... so din bring him out... stay at home and play with me only....</font>
Yeah how's Isaac? Now my 2 kiddos get sick, one after another
Darryl even throw out twice today and i can't even take care of him. Sigh...last night was terrible, one after another cry again and again, hard to catch sleep
Hope they both recovers soon
I saw you bought the leap frog word launch, i dunno if you're aware that the word launch letters and fridge phonice(if any) can't be use on each other. Their sizes are different
hello mummies

So fast we are approaching 2008! Wish everyone a wonderful new year ahead!

And hope, all the sick tods recover soon!

Carla, I pm- ed u
Carla, Tigger and Meow, thanks. Isaac is better now, got discharged on Christmas afternoon. My hubb brought him to see doc. again yest. then next month. Now on antibiotics 3 times a day. Poor boy esp. last Sat when he kept crying whole night. Then after that on Mon better liao.

My hubb asked me to proceed with my HK trip as planned. So nice of him. Haha... i guess not many of you will be as "heng xin" as me hor. But since already planned and Isaac is better so i went ahead to come HK. i went to watch Andy Lau's concert last nite at Hung Hom. 4-sided stage so much better than 3 side one. Tigger, i wonder why Indoor dun like 4-sided stage. Many yrs back, Jacky had 4-side stage in SIN too but now, added so many rounds of concert still 3-side. Anyway SIN v kiasu, they will not allow as close contact as HK one. Andy's soooo handsome and was so close to us. Aiyoh... v good showmanship and concert.

Meow hope ur kids are better today. Hope they recover soon.

Carla, i tried a massage lady from forum. Wah cheap $50 but not good! So painful. Then i tried another Mdm Rokiah, quite good. U want to check out on her? She charges ard $70-80 depending on the no. of sessions etc. But she gives a binder for u to keep and use after the package.
<font color="0000ff">Ming,</font>
Wow, you're in HK now? I am sure the concert in HK is much better than what we have here. I also prefer 4 sided stage but well...we're in Spore...KS!!! I read that Andy nearly fall off the stage as the fans got too upclose and excited. Were you one of them? Kekeke.

Glad to know Isaac is better now. Poor boy. Aunty Tigger sayang him. Muack!

<font color="ff6000">Meow,</font>
Oh dear, hope both your darlings get well soon!

Thanks... will check my email later at home. No access to my personal email at work...

Glad to know that issac is better now. Enjoy yourself in HK
Sigh...Sheryl is now down with bronchitis
and is on antibiotics. Hope Darryl wont end up like her too, but his cough is getting worst
<font color="0000ff">morning...

Hi Meow,
wat happen...... do take care..... Gerald was also down with similar to bronchitis... when kkh tested his lung is infected.... haha was on a week of antibiotics.... tomorrow is the last day of the medicine... this whole week my mother and in law had to take turn to take leave to take care of him...... if not i will not able to work... haiz... life is still bad for working mummy...

Hi Ming,
so good can go for holiday....... i also want...</font>
Hello mummies
Finally back to SIN and working in office today. Overall trip is ok. Lots of new experience like driving on left handed, driving wz snow chain under snow storm weather and even saw raining Ice etc. Then this is the 2nd time Denyce go to Disneyland which the 1st was in HK and she is still very young and blur. Now, she is so aware of the surrounding till she HATED disneyland so much. Whenever you ask her if she wants to go Disneyland, she will definitely say no. She was so scared of all the rides. Most rides are mainly indoor and it is dark and then the sound system is loud and some makes eerie or evil sound. This makes her so scared. Even going into the 3D theatre, she also scared cos' the loud sound plus after wearing the 3D specs and she see the thing falling into her, she refuse to wear it and take out the specs and just hug her daddy. Although we still insist to bring her into some rides (which we thought she will not be afraid), but still she is scared. Lucky she is quite a good gal. Though she is scared, she will not cry or scream inside to come out half way. She just quietly hug daddy and close her eyes or cover her ears. My bro was laughing at her for her timidness and said the usual slogan for Disney should be "The Happiest Place on Earth'. But to Denyce, it should be "The Scariest Place on Earth". I think this is very true. The moment she hear us talking Disneyland, she will immediate mumble, I don't want go Disneyland, I scared. I was very surprise that she is so timid cos' in Sin, she wasn't afraid of any of the kiddy rides no matter how vigourously it shake etc. Maybe due to the rides in disney are always in dark area and accompanied by loud sound system, so she must have been scared by all these special effects.
I also dunno leh, think didi got his cough from Sheryl. Sheryl see GP liao still cough for a week and not getting better even tearing the whole day so bring her see another GP as PD on leave then GP say she got bronchitis. Didi manage to see PD before he goes on leave and fever is under control but still coughing

See monday how. If Sheryl still cough like that, i got to bring her see PD liao

Thanks Blueberry, i was thinking of you again
i dunno how many is interested in taking their kids to HIPPO/DUCK/DHL balloon. There's an on going promotion lasting till 31st dec but got to cut the coupon from newspaper. I saw it on fridays ST main section but i bought already so i dun need. The price for the package which includes all 3 rides is $33 for adults, 17 for child 3ys and above and $4 for below 3yrs. Tickets vaild for 3mths aft purchase


me too... just back from korea. hmm overall also lots of new experiences for the kids... but not for me and hb as we went to a similar tour 5 years back. New experience in the sense that this time the kids are with us... It was very tough 7 days, they cried whenever their sleep is disrupted. Its really no joke carrying the duo, and lugging bags, plus 3 luggages. Following a group tour means sleep deprivation as we gotta assemble real early, pack luggages to be taken to the next destination almost everyday. The kids disliked wearing the jackets and will cry at times. S refused to wear gloves at first and one of his fingers got frostbiten. We experience snow toboggan together and S really loves it... as there were no ski set for his age, we bought him a toy one and he had fun playing with it while the rest of the group ski. Having this experience, I think my next trip to hokkaido will be a free n easy... too tough for young kids to go with tour group itinerary. The good thing is the kids are like me, they withstand the cold weather very well... even to -5 deg with just 2 layers. And thankfully they din get sick...


