(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

think we all faces the same problem being mother of 2... feeling guilty all the time... either towards the younger one or the elder one... can oni tell ourselves to do our best... sigh...
wow, talking abt nite feed etc really scare mummy of 1 toddler leh. Then like that must even think harder if going for no. 2. hehe. Now already lack of sleep everyday liao.

Congrats. You quietly quietly preggy and give birth liao.
Wah! All of you are facing the problem of the elder one attacking the younger one ah. Hmm.... I have a very different scenario from all of you. I have difficulty stopping Joeson from molesting his baby brother ah. I remembered there was once when I went to shower, leaving the 2 of them on the bed, came out and saw Joeson lying down contentedly beside Anson, while Anson, whom was minutes ago sound asleep, was already wide awake, with his face covered with saliva. Then I know Joeson is busy kissing his baby brother again. He is also very protective against his little brother. Only me and my MIL can carry his little brother. Other ppl carry Anson, Joeson will see it as a threat and start fussing.

And opp to having a sobbing Joeson in his sleep, he often is smiling and laughing. Goodness me!!!
Don't tell me your gal slept thru from birth? By this time, you gal would have slept thru. So if you have #2, you are waking up for 1 kid not both. Not that bad la. You wanted to slim down rite? sleep less, work harder sure slim down one. keke

re:Time with kids
I am sure all mummies with more than 1 kid faces the same problem... there's so little time,so many things to do. LIken work, there's always unfinished work. For me, I do feel guilty for not spending as much time and effort for Sharlyne. Henceforth, I tell myself, spending quality time with the 2 kids are important. Things that I must do for them are putting them to sleep, reading before sleep, making sure they eat well, cook for them etc.. These are gestures which would definnitely make your kids smile. Put time to spending with them rather than thinking about what I can't do with them.. :p

I read abt Joeson molesting his younger brother very funny.. ahahah... Thyler also now he loves to sayang 'his' Thavis. Very scary cos he loves to carry him. He just wraps his arms around thavis and carry him from the bed..


I just shaved Thavis' hair. So now they have qing(2) lv(3) hair style!

If possible, I still try to spend more time with Zavier if Hazel's baby needs can be attended by others.

We need mummy of 2 support club badly! HAha...

You're making me green with envy!!! Zavier only can't keep his hands off Hazel to sayang on first day... after that is whack liao. Nowadays his kisses are very wet leh... He will kiss mei mei's hands and legs and make her limbs very wet.

Thavis has v big eyes! he looks v shocked leh. haha

match hor? ahahah


his eyes make him looks shocked most of the time. hahahha. Wait i see got more pics with him not blinking then look shock.

If stop at 1, then no need to 'bi jing zhi lu' again lor. Cos' already over and done wz it. keke.

1st mth CL mah. I no breastfeed so no need nite feed lor. Then soon after full mth CL left, last feed 11+pm till almost 5am then feed. By then return work, she started taking at 6+am only loh. Like that to me already very tired liao leh. haha.

Haha, thavis so cute. He is always in SHOCk man! What make him so shock? Must be you too sexy huh? keke.
wow, all the mothers of 2 have so much "gan chu".

So far Keane has not beat his mei mei. He will kiss her every morning when he sees her. He even give his fave doggy to her. Hope that he continues to love his mei mei this way. I have already told my dad to keep a close watch in case Keane starts "attacking" his sis.

<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
Even with maid, I find it hard to cope as Keane is still very sticky to me. When I am at work, my maid is able to feed Keane without any problem. Now that I am having confinement at home, Keane refuses to let my maid feed him. He wants me to feed. So all his milk and meals are mostly fed by me. I have lost my patience with him a couple of times since Kayla is born. Feel so guilty...

I have just asked my CL to extend for another 2 weeks since she has some free slots in between. Planning to bring Keane out alone after the confinement month to spend some quality time with him. The CL will stay home to help me with looking after Kayla.
San/ Tigger/Zpt, thanks!
So fast, i also cant believe i am mum of two. Now still going thru the tongku night feeds. Hb keep pressuring me to intro FM to Jarel so that he sleeps longer at nite.. i trying to tong as long as i can.

Tigger, Kayla is such a nice name!
Going thru exactly what u are going thru... Shauna stretching my patience more and more, sometimes i just want to scream at her or smack her but i control only. I know she reacting this way as result of all the attention didi is getting. When i do lose my cool at her, i feel sooo bad after that.. sigh..
Hope she will get over this phase soon.

Angel, Joeson so sweet, sayang didi with all the wet kisses.
<font color="0000ff">Jas03,</font>
Yes, I agree that our older tods are reacting this way as a result of the younger ones getting more attention.

I am trying to strike a balance. Like when Keane is awake, I will try not latch Kayla during her feed. My CL will feed her EBM. When Keane is sleeping or being "entertained" by other family members, I will latch Kayla in my room. He did saw me latching Kayla a couple of times but not too frequent. So far he only fuss/cry big time once when he saw me breastfeeding Kayla.

<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
Maybe by the time we are mother of 3, we're already immune to all these liao. kekeke
Thavis looks like a gal in tat pic...hehehe so cute, I tink you make him wear pink, dun even need to put on hair clips/band he'll pass off as a gal
Kayla looks exactly like her Gor Gor at birth. She looks like a 3 mths old!

ya the pic looks like a gal, Ash told me "See Mei Mei" when she was at the PC yesterday nite. keke.
Eve, Twinklets,

Kayla really looks like her gor gor at birth. I hope she will have the same eyes and eyelashes as Keane when she is older. She is fairer than Keane but this pregnancy I took lesser birdnest than the 1st.
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
Wa... No wonder Keane is such a handsome boi! Birdnest!!! Kayla looks lovely...

<font color="119911">wenthena</font>
I think u shd send that pic of thavis to some "amazing photo" contest!

<font color="aa00aa">angeleno</font>
haha.. u make Joeson sounds like a licking machine! I'll bear in mind and resist carrying Anson when we meet again! Later Joeson bash me!

<font color="ff6000">Valerie's progess in school</font>
I think sending her to school is really wonderful. Suddenly she is capable to saying so many more words! And she is better at expressing herself, eventho most of it still via actions.

I've converted her cot into a junior bed so that she can climb into the bed on her own at nite. We thot she might fall off the bed but surprisingly she didn't.
kayla is so lovely! Very big eyes leh. Indeed, she doesn't look like 10 days old..

Long time didn't post pictures.... Sorry, photo-taking skill is far less than expectations..

kayla sooooo pretty... so fair leh... eyes soooo big... aiyoooo... can 'reserve' her for kaeden anot... ahahahahaha...

justyn such a big boi liao... n mei mei looks more like u isit ah??
here's a pic of kaeden trying to 'talk' to his mei mei... kaeden : 'her-nice, huh huh, girl girl, huh huh, mei mei'... then run away liao...

fyi, her-nice is the way kaeden pronounce shanice... ahahahaha...

After seeing all the wen xin pic posted, I got a stronger urge to have #2 ... *sigh* but Hayden is still detesting the idea of having a sibling ... till date he still answer "NO" whenever we ask him
i luv these pics.. pls keep it coming.. gotta make me have tat strong power urge lar.. hee..

b patient, urs will come out in a blink of eye!
Kayla really looks 3mths old and she's really a snow white!!!
This time I took more birds nest than the previous time and Hazel is darker than Zavier leh! Haha...

Your gal looks like u alot!

Yep going to school is a good experience for our kids. Zavier learns alot in school. Best thing of all is self feed. He eats his dinner on his own now. With some supervision, he doesn't really spill much rice out.

very nice pic! I don't think I can let Zavier lean over Hazel like that... too dangerous! haha
so many bb pics.. all so cute!

K doesn't look like a 10 day old! She does look like Keane and she's so fair and pretty! Good genes, must go for #3! haha.....

You gal looks just like you!!!!! so adorable
Is that J in the pic ? He's such a big boy! looks so different.

S still looks like her daddy more

hmmm....wonder when will be my turn. keke....
<font color="0000ff">SP,</font>
Your gal really looks like you. Does Justyn sayang his mei mei?

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Ya, dunno why taking birdnest doesnt result in fairer skin.

<font color="aa00aa">Shane,</font>
So are you planning for #2 soon? Jia You!

<font color="ff0000">SC,</font>
The pic that you posted is so wen xin. Kaeden looks like he sayang his mei mei a lot.
Wow! So many baby pics.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poohy</TD><TD>22-May-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CG</TD><TD>13-Jul-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Forgetmenot</TD><TD>06-Sep-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>03-Dec-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>27-Dec-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babymilk</TD><TD>2-Jan-2007</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenthena</TD><TD>23-Mar-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>TSP</TD><TD>23-Mar-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweatcorn</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Caymom</TD><TD>09-May-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Meow</TD><TD>21-May-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweetbabe</TD><TD>23-Jun-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glayz</TD><TD>24-Jun-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jas03</TD><TD>Jun-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ZYP</TD><TD>04-Jul-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>04-Jul-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tigger</TD><TD>22-Jul-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Ya lor... but I do enjoy eating bird's nest alot lah! haha...
How's ur engorgement? Better already?? My breasts always take turn to get engorged. And there's always a stinging pain when engorgement happens. Think I squeeze too hard when I express, my left side got a patch of blue black. wahaha...

oh who's next to pop? Ming's turn? Keke...
<font color="ff0000">twinklets, Elaine,</font>

So far, I bring him out nobody has ever said he is a boy. Everybody will tell me " your daughter is sooooo sweet!" or "What a pretty girl!!" By default, no one has refered to him as my son...

<font color="119911">Twinklets,</font>

Have soon lah!! the age gap now is perfect!!! kekeke. jia you! jia you!

<font color="aa00aa">SC,</font>

ahaha I like the "Just do it!" ROTF LMAO!!

So how?? refund ah? your FSIL look like a girl...

<font color="0000ff">SAn,</font>

kaoz... if only i that sexy hor?

<font color="ff6000">Tigger,</font>

You very smart to sheng leh... Can have sooo fair a baby!
So nice like snow white!! My babies everybody 1st thing ask me is " you pregnant drink a lot of coke ah?"

<font color="ff0000">Valmom,</font>

I dunno how to take nice birght pics like everyone here. For some reason, my camera takes very dark pics. even with flash.
<font color="ff0000">washing machine</font>

ok here goes:

I need to buy washing machine but i really dunno what to look out for leh. Like,

-front load vs top load
-low suds vs normal washing detergent (what's the diff other than low suds for front loads. which more ex?)
-powder vs liquid washing detergent.(what's the diff ah? Which one mroe ex?)
-rpm (too fast spoil clothes, too slow clothes not dry?)
-2in1 washer and dryer.(spoils easily?)
-which brand lasting?
-Which brand condemn? other than samsung and LG..

Gosh there is soo much i dunno.. no wonder i go harvey norman feel like a fool. :'( Please help anyone have any input also good!!
if you don't know which washing machine is better, choose the most expensive 1 lor. that is for sure the best. hahaha.
Hi Mummies!

Me sick already... yesterday still went to deliver a baby cot, then got loss in Ampang for nearly an hour, later reached customer's place, but cannot complained to them, cos the gate stated... Datok xxx...

Hi Wen, me got this Electrolux one, made in Spain one, cos the sales guy said, made in China one the plastic will spolit easier (me also dunno lah), so we listened. Its front load, using low suds powder (fornt load cannot use normal washing powder, liq detergent more exp and lesser than powder). Rpm faster cos we wanna save more on the dryer (electric). Its a separate one cos one spolit will not affect another. I do not know which brand lasting, but been using this for three years and been in the journey when we moved from Singapore to KL. Now with a dent caused by the movers...

BB2, we have already decided on the name, its Liao Jun Wei, Wynn. But still can't really write the Hokkien name, can anyone advise...


agreed with Wen, u damn good, 2 kids born all so fair 1. *envy*

I think is all the genes bah. Be it have birdnest or no birdnest. keke.

Ya I'm ttc now. But fail this month liao. keke. quite happy cos I dun wanna so fast concieve also.

wat happen to u? How come so sick? Must take care.

Edi is so sweet wif her smile. She so willing to wear the party hat hor?

Ok, share wit u gals 1 pic tat I taken last week. She now luv to pose so I enjoy taking pics for her nowadays.
I realize my gal is getting taller again, but her weight is stagnant at 13.2kg.

u publized ur blog!!? kekeke.
This is a v nice heartwarming pic. I like also.
I think I may copy & paste into mine too. keke
<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
wow, very heartwarming pic!!! Gor Gor holding on to mei mei's hand. Aww...so sweet.

<font color="ff6000">twinklets,</font>
Ashley is really tall. Saw a couple of pics on your blog. She really knows how to pose leh. Getting more and more girly liao.

You're ttc now? good good, jia you ok? hope to hear good news from you soon.

<font color="aa00aa">Wen,</font>
Wanna MSN you but you're offline. I tried doing the fund transfer online again and failed. I want to send you a cheque instead. Paisey to owe you $ for so long. You PM me your addresss and your full name ok? Thanks!
no need refund... without that nice curly hair, i still love that big round eyes of his... hehehehe...

my knowledge of washing machine oso pte ltd... all i know is dun buy those washer and dryer 2-in-1 cos the washer load is more than dryer load. then u if wan to use dryer, u may hv to take out a bit of the laundry after washing to prevent overloading the dryer... front load saves more water than top load... dunno which brand is good but my own washer n dryer (2 separate machines) is fisher & pryker... so far ok... low suds powder is good for front load machine but generally oso good for top load too, this one i heard from the saleperson... ahahahaha... liquid detergent and powder detergent not same meh?? i use powder ones lah...

if i let my mum see k leaning s sure kenna scolded one... hehehe...

so far kaeden is ok wif mei mei but dunno when shanice grow older they start sharing toys then will know the 'true' colors... ahahahaha
yes loh... but dun think will hv much readers cos i oso seldom update... hehehe...

ash really very pretty leh... imagine tat time u still worried abt her hair not growing fast enuff... now her hair so nice n straight... love hre hair...

hey jia you on your ttc... mickey mouse right??

ya i hope she grows up will not be a shortie like her mummy.

Btw, try to post 1 Keane NB pic & his mei mei togehter. I think tat'll be cool leh.

heehe thanks..
yes yes I so worried but now I'm happy wif her straight hair.

Ya I see so many of u gals having #2, I think I'm starting to get gian liao leh.
I even told hb last nite tat alot of my forum mummies have #2 or preg liao.
Ya think mickey mouse lor.. keke..
