(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="aa00aa">sweatcorn:
i have been waiting for my flying friends to get us flights particularly san fan. ones... wait until neck long long already.
if you have lobang, must let us know! hee</font>

yes that time was 20% storewide by invitation only in US.

ok ok, next time got sale i'll try to get her to help... but dunno when will the bags be back lah...
Coach didn't have a sale section now...
can't see whats on sale. Anyway, I tong pang a fren to buy coach bag, she's currently in US
Hope u having a good rest now at home.
Hehe thanks for thinkig of me when u in such labor pain. You are my IDOL now.

Val still like wearing hairclips hor? Ash dun favor tat liao. This lazy Mummy also lazy to doll her up recently.

Yesterday Ash finally told us more abt wat she did in her PG. She told us she draw, jump & choo choo train , & she even sang a song taught by the Teacher. Then we asked her did she hug her Teacher. She replied straightaway "NO". Then we asked her "Why?". She replied "I'm very shy."
haha we all laffing when she said that.

Quite glad she enjoyed her PG although at times she'll cry like mad when reach the school(eversince start going school without diapers) .
<font color="0000ff">crystalmum</font>
Jnr League at Parkway lor.. Mommy & Valerie sama hairstyle.. hahahaha. But valerie's hair more obedient... hee.

<font color="119911">SC</font>
OIC. Then better not lah.. later she gena stopped for bag trafficking!!! hahahaha
Wow, Ashley can tell you what happens in school already. I doubt cay can do that now, that is one reason my mom said she is not ready. Ashley is off diapers already? That's really fast. cay still a long long way to go.
<font color="aa00aa">twinklets</font>
In the past, Valerie doesnt like to wear anything on her hair. Everytime I post pics of her with clips right, it's at most a 5min thing.. so this mommy very persistent kept clipping & clipping lor. hee

Now she more vain, clip already she'll run to the cabinet with the glass door to see her own reflection. And we kept saying nice nice pretty pretty lah.. then she is more willing to wear it.

Now she wears the watermelon to sch daily coz I think neater this way mah... that day I wore one of her clips on me.. she looked at me, give me a perplex face and then touch her hair... hahaha

She was 'worried' she dun have clip on her...

hahahaha so funny.

Ash so clever!!! Can tell u so many things! I think Valerie has been trying to tell us what's happening in school.. but we u/stand nothing!! hahahaha

Gotta be more patient and wait for her to improve on her speech. :p

But teacher did told us that Valerie will 'fight' with other children over a telephone toy. She'll be the 1st to run to the phone, grab it, and stretch out her hands in front of her to 'protect' the toy... but so far no major 'violence' has erupted... hahahaha
yr ash still can tell you what happen in school. denyce i ask her, she can't tell much. but when i ask her teacher today teach you sing what song, then everytime, she sing that 1 n only song for me to hear. Monday she just bring back her project for this mth home, she plant 'tao gay' in school. So i ask her what was it, she can't even remember what is that but only tell me "put water, grow grow grow". haha. so now whenever she doesn't want to drink water, i also tell her you drink water and will grow grow grow. then upon hearing this, she will go have a few sips. quite effective on her. haha.

denyce also dun let me clip leh. i buy hairband for her, put awhile, she take off again. She will tell me pain pain. Tie hair for her, she also will go itchy hand touch and try to remove but i will try my best to stop her.

yr flying frens can help you get disc flights?
Ya I'm v happy yday when i can 'dig' some of the things she learn in the class. Have been waiting for this day to come. hehe.
She's not diaperless 100% yet. She still dun wanna poo inside the potty, so early morning poo in it 1st. After tat is diaperless till bedtime. My mum just started training her to nap without diaper. Hope she'll succeed soon. Then I can save more diapers. hee.

The PG tat Ash attending & Cay will be attending next Jan - they infact help to potty train the kids. Good news rite? hee.

Val sound so cute & sweet facing the mirror. lol . Ash also like tat, but reach the car, she sure will pull the clip down 1.

Ya wait her speech improve, u'll hear alot of amazing things from her. Will b so happy by then.

I also v scare of major 'violence' erupted leh (besides pinching issue earlier). Tat day hb brought her to class, Teacher saw Hb & said "Since you are here, I want to have a word with you." Aiyoh my hb was so stressed when hearing that. kakaka. Heng is nothing serious.
Denyce is telling u things in class liao mah.
Initially Ash also dun wanna tell much, zipping her mouth 1. Only these few days started off with "Go Class Jump Jump Jump".

I cant doll her up mei mei at hm 1, wait go car, she sure take all down 1. If I wanna tie hair for her, I'll do it outside. THen she guai guai let me tie & wont remove. But me also lazy lar. hehe.
Must be very heart warming having the kids report what happened in schoool. Justyn is trying to talk about school but we didn't really understand what he's trying to say...

MIL also trained Justyn on potty. He very cute, sometimes, he willl say sshh shhh and runs to the toilet, get his potty and stand over it with, holding up his pants to wee wee. Sometimes, he might have played and forgotten about it, wet his pants.. When he's sleeping, MIL will carry him to pee, really take my hat off my MIL for being so patient and consistent.
huh, like that consider meh? she only talk abit and also not sure real or not. hehe.

erm, i dun fell heart warming but only funny leh. hehe. Now that she can talk alot and answer us in sentences, sometimes the way she talks and answer, really amuse us adults. Plus she will also add in some singlish (lah, lor) at times. Very soon, you will have a gd laugh the way Justyn communicate wz you.

Yr MIL so gd ah, even parents also may not be so 'on'. hehe.

Am both amazed by frightened by your story! Amazed at your bravery but frightened by the thought of going for VBAC... all my colleagues encouraged me to go thru' natural but I'm really in 2 minds - good to have natural 'cos i can carry erica and still play with her since the recovery period is much shorter than having c-section... but am afraid of the tear and episiotomy etc... initially before i was preggie, my gynae advised me to go for c-section again 'cos in case of wound rupture but during my last check-up, she said that this baby is not as big as erica so she asked me to consider going for natural...


Wow, that was really a close shave! How did you know that you were bleeding more than you should have? The last time i was bleeding but not sure how much but i know that it was really smelly! Even my hubby complained whenever he goes into the toilet after I've used it... it was a strong fishy smell... :p


Valerie has grown up so much and I'm sure so have all the other children! Imagine seeing them through their infant days to now, they are toddlers... somtimes it's quite frustrating when they reach the Terrible Two stage... haiz...
if u r not afraid of c-sect wound, then no need to worry abt tear/episiotomy... i'm sure they are 'small case' when compared to c-sect wound

not that i'm not afraid of c-sect wound but wasn't given a choice previously 'cos water level was low and baby was big so gynae didn't encourage me to go for induction.... it was still quite painful but bearable 'cos I kept popping synflex for 2 weeks.... hee... hubby kept teasing me saying that I looked like "Liang Po Po" 'cos I could hardly stand up straight for about a week... I didn't even dare to walk out of the room to the nursery room to see my daughter until the 3rd day! I only managed to climb down the bed on the 2nd day to go to the toilet 'cos no choice, they removed the urethra....

Wow... didn't know blood clots can be so serious. Thanks for the warning!

RE: Delivery
I think I have decided to go for natural without epidural again... talked to my colleagues and they all warned me of the side effects.

RE: Babbling
My girl now trys to form sentences... I think my girl development is slower than most toddlers of her age. Not sure why... intending to bring her for hearing test soon. Not sure if i mentioned it in this forum before. I actually injured my girl's ear drum when she was around 10 months old... was happily cleaning her ears with cotton bud and before I know, she lets out a sharp scream and was crying non-stop for 30 minutes.

Brought her to see GP and the GP saw blood clot. Then rushed to KKH to see a specialist. Was scolded by the specialist for a full 10 mins before he mentioned that there is a 99% chance of full recovery. Supposed to go back for hearing tests but my girl was super uncooperative. So no test done.

Although the specialist and all the PDs I went to assured me that she should be fine as the wound recovered very well and she can hear when they performed simple sound test, I'm still worried and feeling very guilty.

Unless a hearing test is conducted, I will never have a peace of mind.

Lesson learnt: The ears will clean by itself.
hello mummies..today i very happy ah! cos crystal finally slept at the childcare! after 2 months! hehe..think is cos of the pillow i let her bring to school today..was thinking maybe no pillow that why she din sleep..turn out with the pillow she really sleep leh! hope she continue to take her naps..

twinklets - so good leh..ash can tell you about school..i was asking crystal if she slept today..she say mei you orh orh! argh!
Hee ya pretty heartwarming. & also funny like wat San mentioned. Your day will come soon.

Yes tat is considered telling u liao. Ya sometimes I prompt her got dance? She followed me say got dance. Sometimes I also wonder real or not. keke. But I do agreed their replies are funny.

I feel tear/episiotomy is scarier leh.. cos u need to pee/poo via there. As for C wound, we no need to output anything from there, so not tat scary lor. kekeke.

Hey I also walked like Liang Por Por tat time. I kinda scare my wound will 'ber jak', very scary tot lor. Then I need to get dwn from bed on Day 2. So scary lor. The nurse brought me to toilet early in the morning, after tat I was stuck sitting on the armchair till 7pm+. I dun dare to stand up at all. Finally my bladder so full & when I try to stand up, I felt my bladder dropping down. & I shouted for help & nurse gotta wheel me to the toilet tat is only few metres from the room. It was really a horrible experience for me. So if really given choice, I wud rather choose Natural man.

Tat's good! I'm happy for u too! Soon ur stress will be over.

Yesterday Ash made a Rabbit in class & so eager to show us. We all forgotten to bring hm & she was the one reminded us to bring home when we were at the doorway. keke.
Oh dear, tat's sound terrible tat time. If I'm u, I sure freak outside down 1.

Dun worry, I'm sure ZW will be fine, OK??

Btw, I agreed tat the ear will clean by itself, tat's why in these 27 mths, I never dig Ash's ears. I noe it sound disgusting, cos both fill with wax & everytime Doctor wanna test her temperature or infection, he always said unable to check cos too much ear wax liao.
My MIL once got ear infection, & she showed me her xray, & I wanna faint. I saw so many mushrooms inside!! This is so gross.

That's the good thing abt going to school, your child will make nice little handicrafts and you get to see how your child progresses.

You are doing the right thing by not digging Ash's ears.


Crystal very cute leh... need the 'special' pillow to sleep.
Long time never see you here lei. How's your pregnancy so far? For me, the bleeding was like gushing out and out of me. Non stop. And it filled a pad within 5 mins. That is when you need to alert the nurses liao.

Currently, I still have some clogs in me. Doc had successfully reduced the size of it but I was advised not to walk around too much. And he told my hubby, if I start to bleed bright red blood again, go straight to hospital. Don't go to him anymore. Cos I need immediate medical attention then.
u currently preggy with #2?

pee not pain lar.. I hv got a tear during #2 but it wasn't that bad. the pus is horrible. so make sure you dun develop pus during preggy else... well, I wwould say its a horrible experience.
hey, congrats!I must be the last to know... pai seh.. how many mths? Know if its boy or gal oredi?
hey, congrats!I must be the last to know... pai seh.. how many mths? Know if its boy or gal oredi?
Talking about pain...

My c-sect wound was almost painless. I didn't take any painkiller after I was off the drip.

The tear/episiotomy wound is still bearable. I didn't take any painkiller too. But now worry about poo poo. Scare the wound will tear.

The worst pain I experienced so far is ENGORGEMENT. This is the ultimate... Breast is so so swollen and yet cannot pump out much milk no matter how hard I tried. Kayla is still not able to help suckle as much as I want her to. Hopefully she will be able to suck stronger and drink more in a few days time.
Announce in this forum a month ago... haha.. my name was on the table too. Anyway, my EDD is 28 Jan 07... now already 3 mths preggie.

I don't want to know the gender yet... Just want to enjoy my pregnancy at this stage... My aunt-in-law started to stress me already... saying this time must be a boy liao lah... etc etc etc...

But seriously, I don't mind girl or boy... I just want a healthy baby.

If engorge then muz express out if not milk ducts blocked, baby can't drink well. Last time blocked until go hospital ask lactation consultant to clear ducts for me, so painful until i was tearing throughout the whole session...
<font color="0000ff">Eve,</font>
I am expressing every 2-3hrly now but not much output. The nipples are so sore now.

<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
Where exactly are your blood clots now? Sounds serious. Do you need to go for checkup again to ensure the clots are cleared?
use hot compress/towel followed by a hot hot drink.. the hotter you can tahan, the better it is. Massage the breasts we well... Get someone to massage your back, the rib bone area, helps clear clog. have you started your massage yet? The malay lady shd know how to maassage and relieve the pain. If you are going back to hospital, borrow their hospilta grade pumps, super good!

paiseh la.. din catch up with the postings. Just enkoy the pregnancy and dun worry so much..
understand the pain from the lactation...me also got block ducts and engorgement during my stay in hospital....very pain...it seems the breast is not theirs mah, but at least after that feel better.

Jia you....you told me that once and you know wat to do too.
Who want to buy formulae huh? Some say Guardian got 20% sale tomolo....let me confirm and sms someone if there is....i jus bought last month when they have sale and before they mark up the price.
<font color="aa00aa">tigger:
i remembered the nurse did tell me to use cabbage leaves, those big white ones but you are only to apply the leaves on the breasts. leave the nipples out.

or if you dun need the milk, then take hot shower!! works man!

Your birth story is so amazing... pei fu u! Mine's nothing compared to urs. :p

I am still struggling with block ducts now. Output sometimes ok, sometime v pathetic. My massage sessions have ended already. Feel like asking the malay lady to come back to help me clear the block ducts. But v painful when she manually express. Hot compress helps sometimes though, but not able to clear them totally.. 1hr later feel engorged again.

The blood clots sound so dangerous! Glad you're fine now.
tot cabbage is used when stop bfg. If you use it, won't it reduce the milk supply?

try massage your breast during shower times. Easier when your breasts are soapy. I do that so I dun suffer as much clogged ducts this time
<font color="aa00aa">tsp:
really? but when i was suffering from engorgment in the hospital, the nurses served me the leaves.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Krazy,</font>
Yes, cabbage will reduce the milk flow. But it helps to relieve engorgement. When I had engorgement in Mt A after delivering Keane, I was given cabbage too.

<font color="ff6000">SP,</font>
I did all that you mentioned, hot compress/towel, hot drinks etc and also massage the breast. Those really help a lot. Masasge back and rib bone will help? Good. I will ask the massage lady to concentrate more on that area then. Thanks!

Ya, the hospital pump is super duper good man. Helps me to relieve my engorgement.

<font color="0077aa">Meow,</font>
Yes, I will jia you. Oh, btw, Keane has started to show his jealously. He was crying big time when he saw me carrying mei mei to breastfeed. Keep asking me not to carry her and ask my CL to carry instead. Feeling so stress out becos of this.

<font color="aa00aa">zyp,</font>
I am using a chinese lady for massage this time. I asked her not to massage my breast as I dun think I can withstand the pain. If my engorgement is still bad, maybe will have to surrender and get her to help.
yeah, that is true... Cold relieves but reduces the supply. hot improves circulation and makes it easier for you to clear the duct.

After the session at the hospital, i dilligently follow the lactation consultant advice to massage each breast in a circular motion upon each express, cannot be lazy. U need to squeeze the nipple if u realize the ducts r blocked, painful but bo bian. U can put cabbage leaves (cold from fridge) to relieve soreness, i try dat too, it really helps.

Juz happen to see ur blog, kayla sure looks like her bro keane, gd to see her slping so comfortably. So is she sleeping in a cot or something?
<font color="0000ff">Eve,</font>
Just finsih another round of expressing session. What I did before expressing is to drink a hot cup of red date tea. Then massage each breast with my hands (in the circular motion like you mention) and then squeeze my breast using my fingers towards the nipple.

I will also fill up a small Avent bottle with hot water and roll it around my breast while pumping to help with circulation and clear the ducts.

Thanks for the kisses to Kayla! She is sleeping in a cot.

Yah, i've disappeared from the forum long time! Have been so lazy... Erica drains all my energey.. haha... she's still taking night feeds at 27 months old and if not, she'll be talking to me in the middle of the night as she sleeps just next to me! *FAINT*

BTW, did the doc say what causes the blood clots?


I've heard of using chilled cabbage for engorged breasts but why must we leave our nipples out?


Yah, I remembered not pooh-ing for one week previously 'cos afraid that the c-section wound would burst! I think with the episiotomy (if i were to go natural), I'll definitely constipate for 2 weeks man! haha.... With Erica, I didn't manage to breastfeed much - i stopped after 2 weeks of trying but not much milk coming out despite my confinement lady cooking papaya soup and so on... my hubby kept nagging me but partly i was very lazy and partly 'cos erica started crying whenever the confinement lady brought her near to my breast so i stopped breastfeeding... hopefully this time round, i'll be able to perserve and try harder...

Keep up the good work, ur supply should come in the next few weeks & hopefully ducts will clear...

Btw how useful is a baby cot? Will they still wan to slp in it when they grow up? My gal slping w granny so mil suggest i try letting her slp w me from now on so when bb #2 comes, she can help me take care. But my gal so used to granny, i dun tink she wans so i may have to take care of bb #2 myself, still deciding to buy a cot or let bb slp mattress, dilemma...
The blood clog is from the pregnancy. During our pregnancy, alot of blood flow around our placenta. And after we deliver, some ppl deliver the clogs along with the placenta, some will still retain alot inside our womb. That's when the bleeding occurred. This is also what happened to the mummy with the twins.

The blood is now in my womb. Hopefully, my womb will expel it naturally. it's 8mm now. Now I can only cross my finger that it won't trigger massive blood flow during the period before it's out.
Coach Spree, FM lobang, heh heh all pls share.

Valmom & Crystalmum, let me know when u want to get your Leapfrog Whammer. : )

Hope all the engorged mummies get better soon. Heh Kayla's so chubby.

i've been having cramps almost every morning ard 5-7am lately. Earlier Zyp taught me to drink isotonic drink besides calcium supplement. Anyone else got solution? i really buay tahan. Cos' was just cramp on 1 leg for the past wks, this morning cramp on both legs (took turns). Damn painful man. Last preg, whenever i have cramp and i take calcium supp., the cramp will stop. Now i faithfully take, also cramp!! Boo hoo hoo.....
ming - i was thinking of picking up on 2 Aug when i on leave..is your office near the mrt? or u got go anyway this weekend? hehe..so i pay you when i get the toy or u wan me to transfer?


kayla is really so chubby... wanna hug her
Hope we all have a gathering soon in the near future and I can see her ...

its really stressful when our no.1 get jealous and cry becos we are carrying no.2.... I remembered I was so stressed out and depressed initially too especially when S was just 14months old then and half the time I was feeling guilty of depriving his sole ownership of us so soon. It will probably improve when they adjust slowly. At times Samuel still will get jealous and pull meimei down when I carry her... but as he gets more independent, that reduce too...

seeing all of u talking abt newborns... I do miss the times when I had just given birth to my 2 kids... time flies... Joelle is walking on her own all over the place liao...

I wish I can have no.3 but it will be tough on everyone ... so I just will shelf the plan till a year later or so for re evaluation. for now... to finally enjoy a period where we dun have to carry a newborn around feeding every 2 hours.


hope the blood clot come out smoothly with no massive bleeding... haven't been following the thread cos too busy at work liao... no net access whole week. I miss the kids so much at work.


I use cabbage whenever I need to relieve my engorgement last time. it really helps. Though of course it may have a side effect of reducing the milk flow too
