(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
i see. i didnt know that cabbage leaves had that effect. hmm... wonder if that was why the nurse insisted i left the nipples uncovered.

hee.. actually, all these talk is bringing back memories for me and i realise i actually do not remember a lot of what happened. and to think of it, it was not that long ago that i gave birth. hee

i really take my hat off to you new, renewed mummies...
hey mummies.... My friend is in US now, saying that the Coach Small Carly Signature bag (Code 10730) is selling at approx sgd 380-400, whereas Spore is selling at sgd 519. Anyone interested to get it please sms or call me on HP.. guess you all still hv my contact rite..

Please let me have your order by today k..
About the mummy who die after giving birth to the twins, there were complications during the delivery due to her own conditions. Bottomline, better find a gynae who is really experienced and safe
Hihi Mummies.. Manage to sneak ard here for a few moments.. Hahaha..

Big congras on the arrival of bb Kayla! U're a brave & determined mummy! Cheers to u..

Now u really eng hor? Can pop in so often..
Need to meet u on either Sat/Sun to pass u ur stuff.. Can sms me to confirm on date and time?

U must be really happy to hear Ash giving u a short update of what she did in class! Everytime I asked Sheri she will just tell me she sing, jump and dance.. Hahaha..

Val has slimmed down bt grown much taller.. More miao tiao leow..

Long time no meet leow.. Think Shania has grown out of the toy which i intended to buy from u many months back.. Hiak Hiak..

Shall we meet for supper once of these days so i can pass u ur CB cream? If u dun need it anymore, i buy over lah??

At least Samuel still tags to you.. Sherilyn now sticks to her daddy like glue and regards me as the invisible one.. Whenever i wanna hug her or carry her, she will run to daddy.. Even in the night when i want to pat her, she will ask for daddy and push my hands away, refuse to let me touch her and even her daddy! She wants her daddy all to herself ley..
need to do some sanity check.. and to keep up woth everyone. otherwise I am losing track of all the mummies and bbs liao.. hee

u leh? quieter nowadays ah.

So far, no plans for weekend yet.. Where will you be this weekend? Pai seh, so long still haben collect from you.

Perhaps you can try taking more sweet stuff/sugar drinks though i know it's really bad... not sure if it's concidence but with my current pregnancy, I've been drinking lots of carbonated drinks and eating desserts and so far, *touch wood* I didn't experience that many leg cramps compared to my firstborn...
Maybe different methods work on different people. How about getting ur hubby to massage ur calves to relax the muscles every night?
its ok, i can let shanice play wif the toys... btw do upload a photo of sheri n mei mei leh... i seldom see shania's photo leh...
Sheri is also telling u mah. keke. Happy hor.

Yah, it has been a long time since u post Shania pics leh. Post afew with both inside leh.

Nowadays we can hold pretty good conversations with Ash liao. If she did something wrong yday, she can tell us "remember blah blah, remember?" keke. These few nites always kana scolded by us cos either pour the milk on sofa, anyhow press computer or drop her tutu behind her bed & yet frustrated by it.
so sweet to be able to hold conversation with ash... mi still waiting... k's still on the 2-3 words sentence stage... hehehe...

here's some photos of shanice... hope that she'll help to chase some of your monday blues away... hee hee...
ya it is very sweet & heartwarming. I conversed with her for 30 mins before she dozed off yday. I felt like crying when I saw how big she has grown into liao. Like suddenly I so much gan chu once she finally dozed off .. *sniff*

Your time will come .. very soon

Shanice is so adorable. She got v nice chin & nose. She must be Daddy's gal (?) cos she really mini replica of ur hb.
yah our lil ones are no longer lil ones... they are toddlers liao... soon will be called kids... hehehe... time flies... sometimes i look at both my kids, i oso feel very emotional... can't believe i'm a mother of 2 now... more n more auntie liao... sigh....

shanice really looks like daddy ah... we can't really tell but all of my frens/relatives say tat...
<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
Yes, Shanice looks very much like your hb. She smiles so sweetly at the last pic.

Keke, now I also can say I'm a mother of 2. Was telling hb yesterday that I feel like having #3 soon cos my CL said she is going to retire about 2 years later.
<font color="ff0000">SC,</font>
Shanice is such a sweet and pretty gal!!!

<font color="ff6000">Tigger,</font>
You have calling for #3 so fast??!! I have never seen another person who enjoys confinement. Kekekek..

no 3?? u serious?? pei fu pei fu, i think i'm very contented at the moment... dun think can handle so many...

ok lah, u n poohy b the 1st fews to hv no 3 in our thread lah... kekekeke...
<font color="ff6000">Caymom,</font>
Yes, I do enjoy confinement. Got good food, can relax and let CL takes care of all the baby stuff. I just need to breastfeed and be a human pacifier that's all.

<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
Yes, would love to have a least another kid before I close shop.
me also very tempted to have #3, tot 2 isn't enough. Was even targetting next yr. wanted to get over thechild bearing quickly. BUT I am afraid of putting on and loosing off weight and the confinement period. Must target confinement to 3rd/4th qtr of the year...
<font color="aa00aa">SC,</font>
Shanice really looks like ur hubby! So sweet with the dimple!

<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
You are so on! Just deliver only planning for no. 3. Like SC, me contented with 2. I don't think I have time and energy for another one. Zavier's already fighting for attention.

I don't really enjoy confinement leh... This time no CL and my mum's v strict. First 2 weeks bad weather, so humid. These few days better, so much cooler. Glad my confinement's gonna end in a few days time. But will continue to lose sleep... wonder when Hazel's gonna skip the night feeds.
When are you celebrating your full month? Mine is this Thursday lei. They said baby boy to celebrate actual day of lunar birthday. Hmm.... Lei chey.... ordered 60 boxes of cake liao. Still got vouchers to buy......

Hee.... At first I thought I can safely say going to stop @ 2..... but it isn't so. Yesterday went for supper with hubby, while inside car, he was ranting away on 3 yrs later, what's his career target.... buying our own place.... and baby #3. I fainted when I heard the last sentence of his.
<font color="ff6000">TSP,</font>
Dun have to worry about putting on weight. Just go for #3 and then lose all the weight once and for all. Ya, must target confinement at year end period when the weather is not so hot and humid.

<font color="0077aa">zyp,</font>
Does your mum allow you to bathe and wash your hair? Luckily the weather is cooler these few days. I switched on the air-con thru out my confinement period when I delivered Keane. This round, not much air-con needed.

I am losing sleep also. Pump at 1am, 4am and then let Kayla latch at 5am till 6am almost daily. My CL says Kayla can take EBM for the earlier nite feed and then sleep till the next feeding. But when it comes to the last feed around 4-5am, she refuses to sleep after feeding. She wants to suckle to sleep. So everyday, at around 5am, I will bring her over to my room and latch her for 1/2 hr to 1hr before she dozes off.

<font color="aa00aa">Angel,</font>
Looks like your hb really keen on #3. Then go for it! BTW, where do you order the 1st month cake from? Previously I ordered from Choz. Now thinking of sweetestmoment.
Shanice so cheeky and cute!

crystalmum: Sure i've smed you. 2 Aug's fine. But i just recalled i have gynae appt in the afternoon, would morning be ok? If not, maybe i can get my colleague to help to pass to you? Thanks.

Valmom: We can meet anywhere along east MRT, Newton or Pasir Ris. Or i'm passing something to SC, will u be meeting her?

Wow Angel, so fast manyue liao! Congrats! How time flies.

i will def. not have No. 3, not just cannot afford the time, $$ and commitment. Plus my hubby also extra "helpful". Only wants No. 3 but not hands-on enuff 4 the kid. Then ask him to help massage my leg for leg cramp also must nag and "beg".
i ordered shanice's cake from sweetestmoment... its very nice n yummy... hehehe.. they oso very frenly and very accomodating as i need to swap items... we love the card they made for shanice... so nice...



shanice's night feeding not very consistent, sometimes she will wake up at 3am sometimes 4am or sometimes at 7am... but heng is my hubby doing the feed... hehehehe...
<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
Hazel's will be this friday. Last time Zavier's was on actual day. My mum said cannot actual day cos the child will become v stubborn or what.. forgot liao. haha...

This time round ours also v troublesome. We have difficulty finding a venue so end up holding it at my parents' place, v small so cannot invite many guests.

We're not giving everyone cakes leh...ordered about 40 from Choz. Only giving to those relatives and colleagues who are not invited to the full mth buffet dinner.

How's baby Anson? Hazel always wants to be carried ah... carry liao will fall asleep... put down her eyes will open big big and look around.

<font color="aa00aa">tigger,</font>
Can bath everyday using herbal or lemongrass water. Wash hair at most once a week only. She said no shampoo but I still use secretly. First few days so hot my scalp itchy like mad. Now better I can tahan without hair wash better.
Last time during confinement, I wash hair everyday and on air con all the time. Now only 26 degrees at night only. Cannot sit under direct wind and must wear long pants, sweater and socks to sleep. It's v tiring for her to help me with my confinement cos her health isn't v good... so I try to listen to whatever she says and eat whatever tonic she cooks. I really hate the XO chicken soup!! Haha.. but getting used to it liao...

Wanna ask for her permission to go out on Thurs to groom myself for Friday's full mth celebration... hope she agrees lah.

I rarely latch Hazel now, she's mostly on EBM. Only latch at night before she sleeps for comfort cos she doesn't want to sleep sometimes. Last feed's usually 12mn, then she wakes up at 3 and 6am for EBM. If I can wake up before her, I'll express to get ready first. If not got to warm up EBM from fridge. But this routine usually last 1hr.. so effectively only 2hrs of continued sleep every time. If I latch, her interval will not be so regular liao...

<font color="119911">ming,</font>
Ur cramps better now? Got reduced? I always ask my hubby to massage my back and legs when I was preggie... told him that will be the last period, in future at most I'll massage him back lor.. hahaha...

<font color="ff0000">SC,</font>
Your hubby is so nice leh! Do housework and help u with night feeding.
<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
Thanks for the feedback! The card is really very nice. Did they word it for you or you tell them what to put on the card? I intend to swap items too.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
I love the XO chicken soup leh... kekeke. Maybe that's why I enjoyed my confinement cos I glutton..

Wah, your mum is very strict with confinement. But she did all these for your own good. Every family has their own confinement dos and don'ts. Yours is going to end by end of this week so tahan a bit more and it's over.
yah tt's y i say cannot complain much abt him... hehehe... your mum very strict leh... tt time same like u, my mum does confinement for me, then tell her juz eat normal so she not so tired n i oso not so bored of the food mah... but she insist cannot... sigh... makes me n herself so stress... tt's y i dun enjoy confinement...

u got distribute cakes ah, my mil n mum both say 2nd kid no need distribute... so we only gave colics and close frens who bought pressies for her... its a very big hassle to distribute cakes...
they got a few templates and i edited the wordings a bit lah to include kaeden's name... yah i bought the 'd cupcake choice' package and swap something loh... the packaging really very nice n sweet esp for bb gals leh... hehehehe... my sis say i biased cos for kaeden, i juz buy bengawan solo, din do such things for him... ahahahaha
yes mil n mum say 2nd kid no need to distribute to relatives... i din pursue cos i'm happy not doing that... ahahahaha...

hazel's eyes really very big leh... they both look so cute together... so wen xin
<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
OK, then i better go check with my granny and MIL if i need to distribute cakes for relatives.

I like the combination package from sweetestmoments but I dun want the swiss roll. Hope they allow me to swap to ang ku kweh.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Wow, such a nice pic!!! And yes, agreed that Hazel has big eyes.
Easier said than done. Having a no.3 needs alot of courage, Energy, Encouragement and $$$..... I don't have all lei. Scared liao also. Still can't forget the contraction pain during labour of Anson.

I ordered cupcakes from carnival & co... For my family only. $19 per box. Will take pic of it and show you. For colleagues, ordered from Gobi. 42 boxes. Will also take pic and show you. For friends, bought vouchers. Easier....

Time flies... Thanks.

My mum insisted on Thurs so shall let it be.

Talk about carrying baby. I'm typing with one hand and the other carrying Anson now. My mil told me he whole afternoon never sleep. Now, he's sleeping in my arms.... put him down, next second he's up and yawning. Faint..... had been battling with him for 3 hours liao. So officially, he didn't sleep for one whole day today. Cry......

I love that photo!!!
Zavier is v bad ah... told him to pose with mei mei for the pic... took a few shots then got up and whack her liao. He's always too quick for us to stop him. I think he's hitting Hazel to attract our attention.

How ah? Anson didn't sleep even after drinking milk?
Last night Hazel drank and poo and drank and poo 3x... finally got her to sleep at 2am. Last time I had CL during Zavier's first mth so I don't remember he always needed to be carried. Don't know why this time Hazel is like that.

Do you still swaddle him? Maybe he can sleep better being swaddled? Hazel's off that liao... she was always struggling to get her hands out then puke milk.

We've been letting her sleep on her tummy most of the time now since she can turn her head to change side liao... that way she can sleep better and longer, easier to pat her to sleep also.

shanice looks so lovely and sweet!!!
u must be enjoying her company...

me too, really love to be with my kids. Joelle is walking all over the place now and at times the siblings even start to snatch the same toys etc...


when I just gave birth to J, also really wanna have no.3 soon. But as the days goes by, I slowly realise the "hardship" involved... especially since we dun have a maid... going anywhere on our own is almost not possible becos both children can be wailing away for attention or milk or a car ride.... or J had pooed outside, and I am busy changing diaper but S will wandering away or I am carrying J and S will be cranky and insist on pulling her down... list goes on. It din kill my desire to want a no.3 but it does cause me to re think whether a close age gap is right for us. Of course seeing 2 cute little toddlers running around and playing is heartwarming.... but through the last one year... I think it was the toughest time for hb and me in our 7 years marriage. S is sticky to me and I felt I had ended up not spend much quality time with J all these while.... I felt that's part of the reason she is slightly delayed in speech... till now still dun call anyone clearly... and my mum is busy with the two in the day... and J ended up watching too much tv than I like. I always felt some tinge of guilt towards her. My hb took all J's night feeding since she was 2.5 months old till now and it does tired him out. Financial wise... will be more tight since I need to multiply by 2... and if there is no.3, then multiply by 3.... I am endeavouring to be fair to them. Then we start to have to do more maths like budgetting and distributing the resources for both of them to attend adequate enrichment and yet to save enough for rainy days at the same time. Dun mention those smaller things like doing without any holidays for years though I do really need one... since I always feel the money can be better spent on the children. As they grow older, I need to cater enough finances to provide them with as much opportunity as I can help to nurture them.... eg. though sending S to LW preschool, we wanna send him to suzuki violin class cos he is literally asking for the lesson every day. All these... could be easily achieved with one kid, but with 2, the cost double, that's still ok but with no.3, its a bit tough... so more hard thinking on what to compromise...

oh I just look back and that's really a long essay I just posted
just some of my recent thoughts... anyway.. I am still vv keen on having no.3... prob end of next year... sad that a bigger age gap may mean that no.3 wont be close to S&J but bo bian... no one is supportive of me having no.3 ... my hb also neutral. But its difficult to change my mind ... unless situation such as ... somehow S really developed some special talent in some areas and I need to developed it further.... then maybe I will drop that idea. Afterall, no.3 is still a dream now, my main responsibility is to take very good care of the two that God had already blessed me with.

spend quality time with sheri... maybe bring her out for a walk.. just you and her daily after work
Things will improve... but somehow with 2 closely aged kids, one of them may be slightly less closer to us.... J is closer to my hb also. But ever since I spent much more time to play with her and carry her... she does want me to carry her now
hey, thanks... long time no c... guess u must be pretty tied up wif work n family... btw i sent u an email asking u abt the excavator truck that s has sometime back... errr... did u receive it??

i can fully understand your part on feeling guilty towards j... sigh... mi too... feels soooo bad sometimes... i feel that shanice is too reliant on her pacifier... its her best fren 24 x 7 n she'll fuss n fret without it... often than not, i wonder if i hv more time wif her, will she be so reliant on the pacifier?? this makes me super guilty loh... sigh...

at least u hv the firm tots of hving no 3... for me, i dun think i wan any at the moment... may consider when shanice grows older, probably 3-4 yrs?? but i think if u wan another one next yr... 2+ - 3 yrs gap still ok so dun worry abt them being not close lah...

paiseh... I forgot to answer u ...tooooo busy at work liao... what did u asked me abt the truck.. I bought it 2nd hand. Its from ELC smoby brand. Retail at $200+... I bought it at $100 i think. but S dun really play with it much leh... I may wanna sell it away since he loves his bike more.... my house is full of their things!

dun worry abt the pacifier part... slowly she will wean off that.... S wean off it himself... J only use it ocassionally now when she is sleeping and is cranky... both of them slowly rid of it themselves. 2-3 years gap is just my wishful thinking... may not be able to achieve also...
u wanna sell ah... ok lemme go ask hubby cos i showed him the pic u uploaded wif s playing wif it... he seems interested... kekeke...

i hope so loh... cos last sun we went out shopping n forgot abt her pacifier... she actually manage to nap in her stroller without it leh... sigh...
zavier really whack hazel or he's juz trying to sayang her??? poor hazel, did she cry??? really not easy for us to control them... for kaeden he likes to sit on the bouncer regardless if shanice is there... everytime we will hv a heart-attack when he goes near the bouncer wif shanice in it... kekekeke... my mum kept saying he will 'ya bian' mei mei... ahahahaha
whack lor... he likes to aim head somemore so we also always heart attack. his sayang is v different with gentle strokes. when he whack he really means whack. mei mei will get a fright and wail if she's sleeping. headache...

We're contemplating getting a bouncer for Hazel cos she always wants to be carried and rocked. but got to keep it away when Zavier's around. Else I think he'll be like Kaeden, ya bian mei mei. wahaha...

re: pacifier
Zavier is still quite reliant on his pacifier. Definitely needs it when he's grouchy or sleeping. Trying v hard not to give Hazel pacifier now. But dunno how long can tahan not giving lah. haha...
if possible dun give hazel pacifier lor... we gave shanice cos that time she wanna suckle something leh... give her milk oso drink a bit... din latch her then cos hving bad sore nipples... so pacifier has evolved to be her BEST fren now... sigh.. kaeden never take pacifier leh... now he see mei mei's pacifier he oso wun wan...

poor hazel... did u all scold or tell zavier off sternly everytime he does that?? guess can oni watch zavier like a hawk everytime he goes near her... really poor hazel leh... feels so sim tia for u...
I am very determined to stop at two but my hb still hopes we can consider #3 after 3-4 years. You are lucky that your hb can take care of J. cay used to be very close to my hb but since the arrival of bbcay, she sticks to me like glue, refusing to let her daddy take care of her at all. Bbcay is beginning to recognise ppl and she rejects my hb as well.

During weekends, I will be like a mad woman juggling between cay and bbcay. My hb has never took care of cay's night feeds but one reason is because cay stopped having night feeds after she turned full month. For bbcay, I always direct latch at night because it would be too late if we prepare her milk when she wakes up. She probably cries her lungs out by then.

I'm very guilty towards cay now because I feel that I am not spending quality time with her. My main concern is just to make sure both cays are well fed and taken care of at the moment. I rarely sit down to play or read stories with her. I also flare up at her more because of my stress coping with two cays. Sigh, that is why I have reached my limit.
<font color="aa00aa">sc,</font>
That time we also gave Zavier pacifier cos he always wanted to suckle to sleep.

I also sim tia leh... all of us have the tendency to hit his hand and scold him when he beat Hazel. But now controlling cos don't want him to have any resentment towards his sister. Trying to talk to him nicely and coax him to sayang mei mei lor. Cannot separate them all the time also. When he turns violent and uncontrollable, I'll bring Hazel to the room and hide while the others distract him. My mum said he was sobbing in his sleep the other night... I think cos we scold him too much... I heart pain upon hearing that also.

<font color="ff6000">caymom,</font>
Understand what u mean leh... sometimes I feel so guilty towards Zavier when he asks me to play with him but I cannot cos tending to Hazel or got to stop abruptly cos Hazel needs my attention. Hubby's so busy with work, can't help much also. Now I still have others to help cos staying with my parents... can't imagine how I can cope after we move out end of this yr. So no.3 is confirm no-no now.

i havent been posting for a long time here...

Poohy/Caymom, i read your para and and relate to it totally. (ermm.. not the part abt no.3 i cant think abt it right now) More on the part of struggling to spend time with each one equally and forever feeling guilty.

My boy Jarel is almost 6 wks old, and Shauna is not taking too well with her new bb brother. She is throwing tantrums and have all sorts of funny pattern recently. Read that it will oni get worse when the little bro becomes mobile and invades her territory. Faint! Is it true?

Zpt, Zavier is probably wanting to pat pat mei mei but cannot control his strength? Yah frens warned me to never leave the 2 alone.. dunoo wat the tod will do, intentionally or not intentionally.
