(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Not bring Darryl for holiday lah. Jus shopping only. Some places their aircon is very cold mah, so must wear a jacket lor. Even if let him wear romper, most are short leves mah.
Jia you okie...make it a breakthru so twinklets will be brave to try natural when she has her no.2

You very on lah, me lazy loh, no more feeling of engorgement liao. So sad
Dependent on FM lor. Heng last month bought many tins during centrepoint midnight madness so save some money. Some of my colleagues even bought 50tins of Gain IQ. 20% discount storewide on Guardian mah

got mah? Darryl got Sheryl's eyes? Ok i go see, but one is hidden double eyelid whereas the other is single leh.

yeah lor, so hard to find clothes for the little ones. He like wayang in his jacket. Ask my aunt to see USA got cheap and small jacket or not and she bought baby GAP for S and D. Hey but your gor gor can pass down the clothes to didi mah. Mine cannot leh. Swim diapers also can't cos sheryl one got ruffles at the back of her swim diapers, else can pass down to Darryl.
My hubby still prefer to let him wear wetsuit as compare to swim diapers or trunks. Else i'll ask my aunt to buy i@play loh. Now so many new designs, but very ex.

ming - think they 'fighting' to play the swing, initially is push here and there and then the boi bit her it seems...still can see the mark today..but think she dont feel pain cos she did not complain when i ask her where pain leh..

zyp/valmom/twinkets - other than heartpain..i worry she reject school now..but heng is normal..as in still her usual cries..not worse lor..but lucky she din bite back cos she oso quite defensive one..tink tis time round maybe too shock to react..i have not seen the mummy of the boi yet..dont know she will apologise or not lor..just heard the teacher say the mummy going to punish the son when get home..

zyp - u mean the mummy jz pretend nothing happen even though she saw you?
Actually I also dun have feeling of engorgement because I dun pump diligently this time. Sometimes I wonder whether I should try to pump like what I did previously but I really dun have time and energy.

Thyler's swimsuit got a lot of wear and tear cos he swim everyday. Most of his wetsuit i buy new one not cos he outgrow but cos spoil. then turn loose and very thin. So i guess got to buy new one for thavis bah.

lol think of wear swim diaper with ruffles at the back for D very funny leh,. ahaha. I laughing out loud here liao!

Thavis now wear gorgor long sleeves clothes also like wayang. I want to buy father son wear for my hubby and 2 sons. dunno where to get?


yea think i will still continue to use the avent.. cos thyler also use ma. When the news comingout.. Must let me know ok? Think if really detrimental, govt will stop its use? dunno lah,.
wa.. so many postings.. cannot catch up..

<font color="0000ff">tigger88</font>
She self feed. Teacher taught her how to hold onto the plate while eating. Now at home, 80% of the time she self feed. the remaining we'll feed her coz her bowl getting empty liao, so difficult for her to scoop.

<font color="119911">zyp</font>
Ah yo.. why the mom like.. did she know her gal scratch ur son? But sometimes kids are like that one lah.. take my own niece.. yesterday when I reached home my HB's face quite black.. I asked him what happened.. he complained my niece lor. sigh..

My this niece is quite self-centred and cannot tahan pple has thing she dun have. She also has this tendency to snatch things away from pple, coupled by she is jealous of Valerie...

Incident 1:
HB & Valerie happily doodling on the doodle board. My niece came around & snatch the whole thing away and snapped "She dunno how to draw!"

Incident 2:
I got Valerie a new hat from ON mah, Valerie was happily wearing it and then she came to snatch it away from Valerie and said "U dunno how to wear!"

Seeing my HB's black face, his sister quickly told her gal to return the hat to Valerie. By then Valerie already was sitting on the floor crying. Guess what my niece did???

She took off the hat, threw onto the floor and said "I'll get my own hat!!" and stormed off...

Sigh... this niece...
crystalmum, valmom,
I don't know if the mother knew.. but both kids were crying when we reached mah... and the teachers were explaining, I think she shd have heard. But anyway, it's inevitable that kids fight lah.

How old is ur niece? She has no siblings ah? why bully Val like that?
<font color="0000ff">zypto</font>
ya.. only child (adopted). She is jealous by nature one. Coz Valerie likes her daddy v much & vis versa. So she jeolous of Valerie lor..

yah why this niece so bad huh? How old is she? She know she's adopted anyway? Her mother didn't teach her what's right and wrong?
<font color="0000ff">meowie</font>
Turning 4 this week. She doesnt know lah.. we all feel should never let her know coz given her kind of ingrate nature, if she knows, she'll prob dump my SIL & BIL aside liao.

<font color="119911">Hi-5</font>
I remember someone say Hi-5 show?!?! When & how much? Will Kathelyn be coming or someone else???
Valmom & Twinklets,
yup, I'm looking at GainIQ...so only 180ml meaning only Gain 3 scoops lah.

coz if I'm not wrong, 1 Gain scoop is 60ml of water.

<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>
Oh.. Kathelyn was pregnant?!?!? Hahaha I dunno.. TV series she still v slim leh :p


<font color="aa00aa">Elaine</font>
Spot on! :)
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
No leh.. only 3 out of 5 of them coming...

<font color="0000ff">Walk a tightrope with Kellie, help Nathan become the 'Strongest Person in the World', bang drums and cymbals along with Hi-5 newest friend, Stevie in his circus band, try some tricky circus magic with Sun and the mischievous Jup Jup, balance with Charli, the Balancing Ballerina... and you can even become one of the happy Hi-5 clowns!</font>

Eventho Charli is Valerie's fav.. but no 'original' leh.. I'll pass...

haha oops I dunno Kathleen Quit. Sorry tat Kathleen is the Asian issit?

I noe from my oz fren tat she married 1 of the guys from Salvage Garden & preggie tat time lor. Duno she quit forever leh.

Ash likes Charli & Nathan. She only say these 2 names when I told her yday I'll bring her watch Hi 5 in real life. =P

It seems like all 5 is coming leh Nathan, Stevie (new), Charli, Sun (new) and Kellie

Maybank credit cardholders can have 20% discount if you were to book before 26th July. Must hurry book cos not many good seats left.
Hello mummies, I just went for my checkup yesterdaystill no signs of labour.
Kayla is not engaged and cervix is not open yet.

Will stop work after tomorrow. Seeing gynae next Mon again, which is my EDD. Will then decide if need to induce or not.

I am telling Kayla now to come out asap cos I do not want to induce. I think she also got confused1st I told her to wait a while cos I wanna watch Jackys concert.and then now I want her to come out soonkekeke

Anyone has tips on how to kick start my labour??
Have u told ZW u bringg her to see?? Juz now in the fone, 1st thing she hear my voice, she said " HI 5". haha *faint!*


Guess Kayla must be v comfy in ur tum tum hor..

ehh ML? heheheheh :p

I don't dare to tell my girl yet cos she is the kang cheong type... she can think of the show whole day long... and worse, the show is on 08 Sep, a good 1.5 mths more leh...

You have told Ash liao arh... she must be very excited abt the show...
I just read the link u post. Hmm quite sad hor Kathleen nomore in Hi-5. Think all the kids will still prefer the original 5 1.

I'm the gan jiong 1, told her when I reached the car. hehehe. Maybe she'll rem & keep pestering me everyday. *faint*

Btw, gals, juz happen to come across this link :


U can print out & let your kids color them. haha.. they are the Hi-5 Characters. Ash always pester me to draw Hi-5 but I dunno how to draw. Think this 1 comes useful for me.
<font color="ff6000">twinklets,</font>
I know ML will actually help to kick start labour. But with my huge tummya bit sian and no mood leh.
I am having sleepless nite now. Every single pain in my tummy or movement by Kayla, I will ask myself if I am having contractions.

<font color="0000ff">Elaine,</font>
I really dun mind waterbag brokeat least this is a sign.
<font color="0000ff">Carla/Twinklets</font>
Valerie's fav is Charli but we prefer to have the original Hi-5 rather than some stand-ins.. but looks like Sun is here to stay...

Any idea what happened to Kelli? Her voice so coarse & quite plump now leh.. Charli age so much (esp her eyes).. and Nathan lost so much hair... :p
hee ya can understand lor. =P
Think now u can only keep telling Kayla to come out fast fast.

I got no idea man. I only noe Kelli also seem age alot too. Last time she used to act in the small gal role, now seem like she's the most auntie in the group liao leh.
Sharlyne didn't have much photos as gor gor.. she's very very chubby now. Dunno how to use the videcam too, must wait till hubby free then can get him to download photos.

talk to Kayla and ask her be a good gal, come out quickly..

THink my gal would have outgrown the clothes liao. Any chance u will be hanging ard town on weekends or the east during weekdays?
<font color="0000ff">Tigger says : " Baby Kayla was born today at 10.01pm via natural without epidural. She weighs 3.175kg

Congrats Tigger!!

Re: Epidural.
Not sure if I'm thinking straight but this time round, I wanted to take epidural during child birth leh... hahaha...

My first one is natural without epidural... induced somemore... labour for more than 10 hours... So now, I want to experience a child birth with epidural...

For mummies who went thru both, can you tell me which one is better????
Carla Lily,
I've never experience natural without epidural but if u ask which is better coz of eith epidural is better coz it's no pain mah, simply push when the machine detects contraction...hehehe
That's really an achievement, Tigger! :)

Hope I'm able to go through VBAC this time round too... BTW, wanna check if anyone has tried Bumwear's training pants for their toddlers?
Hi Carla,
Went thru with and without epidural, both induced. I still think without epidural is better. That is actual childbirth mah... furthermore find the recovery without epidural is much much faster.Delivered at noon, can walk around in hospital by evening.
For 2nd baby, shorter labour too.
: ) Congrats Tigger again!!! Hi Kayla, welcome Kayla!

Wow tsp too! And somemore u think w/o epi is better than with. Wah laus, brave man. Do u normally have a very high threshold for pain?

i think i'll go for epi again. Sometimes i major stomachache already feel like dying and like giving birth and turning green with cold sweat... heh.

Caymom: Where did you get your Gain in the end? i still haven't got mine.
hi Ming,
thought I have high threshold for pain... but after Husband saw me gog thru labour, he thinks otherwise. So I am not sure too cos hubby didn't go through labour and he will never understand how the pain is!

Hi Carla,
That depends on the dosage that you are given. In other words, depend on the doc. Think my dosage was quite high or I am very receptive to epidural. During 1st delivery, nurse switched off epi at 2am, delivered at 4am. By 4pm on the day, my thigh was still so numb that I can't even get out of bed. Well, the feeling without epi in terms of labour and after delivery is good.

Congrats Tigger!

I am on Epi for Denyce but I feel the pain cos' my epi doesn't work 100%. It only helps bring down the contraction pain and during the sewing part but the rest, I can feel how denyce shift down and nearly bursting my V and anus area when her head was stuck there so long. Think of the pain, i really shudders. I was thinking it I have no. 2, I do not want to feel that pain AGAIN. I know alot of mummies here no. 2 no epi cos' the epi work on them for no. 1 and they want to feel the real birth. For me, I already experience it so I think, die die I still opt for it again. Even if it is like the 1st time doesn't work 100%, I still want to take cos' at least it relieve abit.

How come w/o epi recovery is faster? I was on epi, I still able to walk after i push to my ward leh. Only difficult in peeing. Or is it mine doesn't work so i dun have much numbness and can walk immediately?
