(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Twinklets...and all the mummies..

Attached is a pic of my boy....
@ 2 yrs and 1 mth..


ur boy is so fair, cute lil handsome boy. Cant rem his name. Starts with B issit?

I'm so glad tomorrow I'm gog bk to work liao. haha. I'm such a bad mummy. Sometimes feel like being a SAHM, but once take leave to take care of own kid, tat kinda tot will be pushed to duno where. =p Think working is the best for me as for now..

Talking abt bosses, my side here quite lucky. We do our own thing, no1 relly oversee our work. We juz need to do our work well & on time can liao. My head is a lady, but she's ok. Sometimes I no choice gotta keng mc to take care of Ashley, I beforehand will also tell her 1st. hehe. She also the 1 to tell me take mc lar, save the AL. :p

Congras to u too..

Ur hubby's coy benefits are really attractive. My hubby is now workin in a local firm so the benefits really sucks lor..

Btw, ur hubby working in stat board? I think his ofc quite near mine.. Bt my coy's benefits are nt as good as his thou mine considered quite good leow..
Given such good benefits, ur hubby sure pa si buay zao leow?? Kekeke..

Good to hear that S is happi & active again.. U must now build up his immunity.. Maybe can give him cod liver oil or Vit C gummy bear on a daily basis?

I also agree tat generally woman bosses are more unsympathetic than male bosses..

Microsoft gives the best benefits? Care to share how attractive their benefits are? Actually stat boards quite pro-family leow.. Whenever i compare mine and my hubby's coy benefits, I feel that he is being shortchanged lor.. Tats when i appreciate my coy better.. Hahaha..

Hope to hear good news from u soon.. Hehehe..
San, Twinklets,
Not really geng mc today lah... I have constant sore throat for a few mornings already. But usually disappear by end of day. Just irritated with it and dun want it to flare up into something worse, so see dr for med and at the same time take mc to spend more time with Zavier lor. keke...

I don't think it's false measles too... everything was said by the older folks lah. If it's real measles, think I got to go hotel to stay liao. keke...
The Dr said it was a viral rash after his upper respiratory tract infection. Anyway we took him for a review just now and she wrote a memo for us to bring to childcare tomorrow to prove that he is healthy to attend school already. Hope the teachers won't turn him away cos he still has some marks on his face and body.
<font color="0000ff">Serrich</font>
Hmm.. Ok, my cousin works in Microsoft and was expecting her 2nd (now deliver liao
). So I asked her how long is her maternity leave and she said per govt but I'm taking 5 mths maternity leave. And I asked her "Paid?" and she said ya, they can take up to 180 days (or something to that effect) paid. So I casually said Microsoft staff welfare good hor, and she replied "Ya".

My cousin works in the HR dept..

Dunno e exact maternity benefits but I do know typically US companies give good benefits. Local non-listed ones are worst. Coz these biz are mainly family-owned and thus view expenses not related to own family as 'unnecessary' costs.

A lot of friends and relatives all commented that he is very fair for a boy..
Yeah his name starts with a 'B".

He just started playschool in end April. Aiyo.. still cries everyday after being dropped off upon arrival at school. We asked him this morning before going to work, today you got school and enjoy yourself, ok? He just looked at us and shook his head (macham dun want to go to school..:p)

Speaking of bosses, having bosses who are bochap of you taking leave all the time.. are very important. Am glad that my bosses are ok with me taking ad hoc leaves here and there.. :p
Yeah u'll be my first few to noe if I kana #2. haha. Hope my mother calling will stay still for these months.. it'll come & go when Ash turns even more worst. @__@

Oh, hope u are getting better. Me also got some mild cough, so also getting cough syrup from Doc. So in another words, I'm 20% not feeling well too. keke.

How's Zavier's rashes now? Much better? Saw his blog, seem not favorable. Or issit he allergy to some food?

Ya S & J age gap are really too close, I also feel you shd give urself a break before attempting #3. Cant imagine u next year have #3 leh. Hee.


So now is like 2 mths already & he will still cry huh? Oh dear, I dunno wat'll happen to my Ash. She is such a clingy gal but when come to real playing, she can forget abt me. So I do hope when her PG starts this July, she can have such kinda attitude. Really crossing my fingers now.

Ya I also pretty dilemma when sending kids to school at this age & kana sick all times. Sometimes really v v mao dun. But I also dun wan her to be at my Mum's plc simply kia lai kia ker, really not doing much & I think she's bored too. Just hope she can start building up her own immunity once she starts school, then next time P1 wont fall sick so easily.

I'll look into supplements when she really falls sick v frequent *cross fingers), cos my Hb not really favor of giving her supplements. He still insists giving her nutritious food will be fine. Her PD also said so. But i think otherwise lor. Anw, see hw 1st bah..... sighs.

I guess afew of our kids here dun favor puzzles right? My gal is such kid also. But recently, she will still do afew x of the puzzles. Sometimes she dun wanna do, I'll actually act silly & put the puzzle at the wrong location. I'll ask her " Put here correct or not huh?", "Oh Mummy dunno how to do, teach Mummy". Such statements actually make her think she's good. & she'll hao lian hao lian do & show me. haha. But the most 2 times only. Not a patient gal.
I'm fine... back to work today. My colleagues tot I went to deliver liao. haha...

Zavier's fine already. Went back to childcare today. Was quite happy that he ran in ( i think he stayed home for too long, too bored), but cried when we told him we were leaving. But he stopped crying v soon.

congrats on a new job... enjoy yourself with P these few days .... I am on leave tomorrow also... its my brother's wedding... going to be v busy.

anyway my great grand ma just passed away on sunday... its S&J's great great grand ma... we cant attend her funeral though cos my mum said "chong" with my brother's wedding... sigh chinese superstition... though we are not that close but still sad that we cant see her one last time.... and S&J never even seen her in person! Its quite sudden actually cos she was so healthy at 98 years old just last year.... then suddenly got stroke and brain damage.

The rest of our extended family will rush down to her wake tomorrow night after the wedding. Its the superstitions again so since Sunday till now, none of us who are going to attend the wedding are allowed to attend the wake.
m glad tt i decide to quit.
although this is only 1 yr renewable contract, but its a big corporation.

def. will add value to my working profile in future.
Right now, most imptly, salary is higher than my current

WA! 98.. consider gd life le.

YA cannot attend.
My wedding also crush my grandfather's Da So. he cannot attend mine, i also cannot attend his.

wah so means P got more finances for more books and dresses blah blah blah shopping!!!

For me, I dun care abt such superstitions... that's why I called it superstitions haha... hmm I only believe in human feeling and "ren qin wei". I just dun wanna upset the rest only ...
I think I am only odd one out who totally do not have any pantang in my entire family... that's why they always find me weird. lol
Hi all

Am still here...
congrats to all the AGAIN MTB ...kekekeke

Agree with u on the local no-listed coy.... their benefits really...haiz...my coy used to be like that until been bought over and they add in more..... My leave used to be 7 days a yr, MC must be from polyclinic... (Hospital A&E or hospital mc NOT recognise unless refered by poly....)...but now...is normal liao lor...and we have 3coy doc...so not as bad...

Yalor... 2 mths liao... he still like dat... cry when my helper leaves him there. But strangely.. once she leaves.. he ok again and started to mingle and play with his friends and even take part in the lessons. He has grown more independent I must say. Even learn to self feed himself. Partly when I sent him to PG... cos I want him to learn to socialise, pick up new skills rather than 'rotting' at home doing nothing. I also want him to pick up talking cos till now he can't speak a lot of words even though he understands 101% what we tell him.

In fact he has improved a lot since going to PG. So.. bopian.. the 1st couple of weeks.. hv to 'hen xin' liao when you send Ashley to PG.

Supplements wise.. he is on CLO and Pharmaton Kidie on alternate days. I find them useful.
Congrats on your new job!

sorry to hear abt ur great grandma. 98 is considered ripe old age already right?

You are still around. EDD is 24th right? Maybe your gal will zun zun come out on that day.

Agree with you. Zavier learns to feed himself and drink from a cup in CC. He also came back singing new songs he learnt from the CC. When he settles in more, gonna ask the teachers if they gonna help potty train him.

We sent him back to CC today. I went to fetch him home myself. Wah really not easy... to carry his bags and my own. Usually I will go with my hubby or mum. First time he didn't cry when he saw me, although he cried abit in the morning when we left him. That was quite expected cos he missed school for a week already. Then his teacher reminded me that the CC's closed tomorrow! Alamak! Just went back for one day, gonna have a long weekend again.

Very suay, kena bitten by something on the back of my shoulder just now while I was leaning on the sofa. Dunno wat insect that was. Very sharp burning pain, and left a red mark on my shoulder. We quickly removed all the cushion covers to wash. But still cannot find what was lurking inside the sofa that bite me.
Think got to change sofa set liao...
For mummies having #2,

When did your tummy start to show huh???

Reason why I ask: it seems that my tummy is getting obvious... arrrgggghhhhhhh
Mine started to show after 2nd month. In fact now I am into my 5th month.. pple thought I am at least 7 mths !! Aiyo.. :p Maybe cos I am on the bigger size kind ... that's why tummy showed more easily. My cousin's wife who is expecting the 1st one and of slim frame.. her tummy size is half of mine and we can actually see her waistline ! :p
Hi Carla,

Now at wk 10, can feel my stomach getting bigger, have already started wearing my maternity pants, can't fit into my norm working pants anymore. Stand up can't see, sit down can see tummy lor...
TGIF!!! So happy tmr is Wkend liao.

Enjoy ur last day as SAHM! Enjoy ur new job!

Oic, then not so bad lar, v gd liao. I hope mine will be like yours next time. Me now can only cross fingers. Hehe.
Tats gd at least he noes how to self feed now, U must be damn happy of this new found independence from him.
I also hope mine will independent. I wan my gal to be streetsmart next time. Keke.

Glad tat Zaviers rashes is OK liao. U must be relieved. I think hes slowly adapting to CC liao, cos he noes go there can see his frens & play with them. Think give him another 1 or 2 mths, he wont cry anymore lor. He may even look forward to school. That happens to my niece last time.
Evelyn, Picnic

My colleagues also commented that my tummy is starting to show... me only 8 weeks leh... Still trying to squeeze into my normal clothes... but can feel the clothes are a bit tight now.

Even standing up, ppl can see my tummy
<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
7 DAYS!?!?! Ask them might as well dun give lagi better.. wanna save $$ then go all the way lah!! Terrible! Thank god now better.

<font color="119911">hoho</font>
I also Tg Pagar leh..

Dun force urself to wear norm clothes if really too tight, will be very uncomfortable for u n not gd for bb. So do u exp any morn sickness? Have u went for ur 1st gynae visit??
Ya lor...7 days...but last time have a lot of OT...and can take time off(minus from OT)...so many just take time off lor... becos our 3hrs of timeoff is only 1hr more than half day.... or they just go poly to q for mcs....
Evelyn and Carla,

I was able to wear my normal pants and skirts towards the end of 1st trim...then the pants cannot be worn liao. For skirts I could thong for the 4th month. Now.. dun think can liao... so wearing my maternity pants liao.

Mayb the saying is true that tummy will show faster for mummies having baby gals, like for ur case ur can thong till 5 mth n u mention urs may b a boy rite? For my gal, last preg at 3-4 mths. my tummy start to show big big liao... Tis time round i will verify if it is true, any mummies care to agree on this?
Re: Tummy showing
To be frank, the present my girl gave me 2 years ago never goes away... hahaha... last year, one of my colleagues congratulated me and I was so shocked and politely tell her that there's nothing inside my tummy... hahaa

I have no MS... but feeling very bloated all these while. Last nite, I had onions and it really helped to get rid of all the wind!!!! hahaahaa

When I was carrying my girl, I need to wear maternity clothes when I was 4 mths preggie... cos I really piled up a lot of weight then as I overate thinking I had good reasons to put on weight.
I believe 1st child's tummy will not show as fast as 2nd child's tummy. Reason becoz after 1st child, yr skin & everything there had already been stretched thus the 2nd child preggie will show faster then the 1st child.
Re: Tummy

Actually it does not matter if tummy show up early anot as i already get my past maternity clothes ready for this time, hehe...

Mummies with baby #2, is it true tis time can feel bb movements early, some say can feel as early as 16 weeks, is it true??
Hello mummies!

Re: tummy

Hi Carla, congrats! Me also having the "bump" ever since Edie was born. Then one day one customer asked me how many months I was in and I told him that I wasn't pregnant, he was embrassed... but little did I knew that I was actually in my first month (maybe 3 weeks that time). Now in my 17 weeks, my belly button already popped out (so sad)!

Hi Eve, no still can't feel baby. Even with Edie, I only feel her maybe in week 25. My placenta was between tummy and baby, thus cushion those movements.

hehe ya man it's a long time since we last meet. Long time didnt see P liao too. How is she? H is ok but cheeky and notti .... bz climbing up and dwn the stairs
Elaine, Flo

Seems like both of u r ard the same week, edd muz b close... So Elaine, u gg for ur detailed scan soon? Dr Tham schedule mine in late Aug, still need to wait a long long time...

I can't even remember when i 1st felt 1st bb movements, tink is wk16 or something... Now everyday only feel bloated stomach, very uncomfortable. Hope my 1st tri can end soon...
<font color="0000ff">Shadow</font>
Same here.. bz climb up & downstairs only.. thankfully Valerie already got 'sian' with the staircase. Unless someone walks up, she is happy to stay on 1st floor. We still instal the safetygate nonetheless just that we haven't educate my MIL how to use it :p

My hb has educated hay to crawl up the stairs and he is super fast in crawling up and quite steady; but we are not taking any chances. Since buy 2 sets with the extension .. might as well put them to gd use.

Val so nice will stay on 1st storey... H will not, he will keep fussing us to go upstairs ... hehe cos is playroom is upstairs!! kekekekeke
<font color="0000ff">Shadow</font>
Crawl??? Should he be using the handrail? :p

Oh.. when the whiteboard was upstairs, the kids always wanna go upstairs. So we brot the whiteboard, together with the A-stand to ground flr so now the kids have got no reason to go upstairs lor :p

We only have a playarea, no playroom. Valerie's room on 3rd flr and every night she'll climb 3 floors to goto her room. By the time she reaches 2.5 flr, she is panting liao

Hi Eve, me EDD on 28 Nov (revised) so very close to Elaine's.

Re stairs, Edie also educated by hubby to "walk" up the stairs. She will only crawl or slide down when with me. She also stay at ground floor usually (watching TV) unless she found no one around, then she will go up and look for us.

In the shop, she can go as high as the third floor to look for her daddy. At first she will call beloving "Daddy (where'r) you!" on the ground floor then proceed to walk up, shouting all the way...
I started to feel my #2's movements around 16.5 weeks- 17 weeks. Much earlier than my no. 1 . People have been commenting my tummy is very big. Dunno why.. :p
Carla, Picnic congrats! Wah i v slow, just saw.
Carla, wat co., yar must recommend us to join leh.

Evelyn, 2nd one easier to feel baby's movement i find. Ha i always find my skin too thick, only felt Isabelle ard 24 wks i think. Then sometimes even cannot feel. The 2nd one ard Wk 17/19 can feel i think.

Last of sales, well almost. Robinsons and JL further 20% off. JL's off is only for members this wkend. Goes for nursery items but Rob. doesn't inc. nursery items. Then the Colettee shoes gave me a pleasant surprise. i tot only 20% off. Who knows its 20% + 20% off leh. Go grab.
*cry*, just came back from Desaru on Saturday and on the way to ferry terminal, I left my HP in the car!!! So suay! Already going back to SIN liao and yet such thing happen. Not my 1st time. That time honeymoon, me lost my camera in hotel as well. Already check out and waiting at hotel lobby for group to board bus to airport for flight back to SIN, yet I can left my camera at the sofa. I really cry that time cost i lost my last roll of film inside the camera wz all my london and partial Paris photos.

Since u r more on the forgetful side, mayb can ask someone to remind u to check ur impt stuff b4 u depart next time... So is it a new hp??

poor u... dun be too upset... though I know it can be real distraught... I lost my 1 week old new handphone twice... I was so sad.

re: music class

Samuel had been wanting me to let him learn violin... keep saying he wants to play the violin.. especially after seeing my cousin played last week. I am researching on a good music class for him...

Shortlisted MAC music school and mandeville. There are 2 types of class... baby music appreciation class which will expose them to more different instruments in a fun manner or the baby suzuki violin class. One of the suzuki violin class under sylvia khoo will require interview wiht parents. Had not decided which yet...

just checking whether anyone else interested.. maybe we all can sign up together. I prob wont go for trial cos the trial class is v exp. Will decide and sign up.

I know currently Mandeville have sat 4pm class for baby music appreciation. 4:30pm class for bb suzuki under the famous teacher sylvia khoo. For Mac music school... I will prob switch to them when S reach the minimum age of 3 years old to enrol in their bb suzuki class... heard its similar but less stressful.

My mum say next time ask me hang my hp on my neck when go holiday. haha. Normally i will take a look at the seat when I alight but this time round, not only me forget to check, the rest of them also. So like quite fated to lost it.

Already intend to get a new hp as my line is due for upgrading already. But only my hb can't get new phone liao. I just upgraded this lost phone 2 mths ago using his phone line and intend to wait for my line maturity, then i upgrade to another phone and pass him this missing phone. So now, its him who have to carry on wz his old phone.

Wow, 1 wk old. Think u must be damn heartpain. Mine only 2 mths old but I did not get the very high end type of phone but still i pay abt $300. I not super heartpain but I feel not good as i got alot of photos inside my memory card and all the contacts inside my SIM card.
