(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


thanx... ya he is ok now... happy and active again
Hope he build up his immunity and when he start school next year, will not fall sick so often


like u all, whenever I see the small 6-10 month bb, I feel like having another one myself... hehee but this time, I am determined to defer as I wanna really spend more time pampering my little Joelle first. I always feel I din spent enough time to pamper my little girl... Samuel is still quite sticky and at times if I carry J, he will say mummy dun carry mei mei, ah ma carry mei mei... and start pulling J down... but on the whole, both of them have their good and bad times... at times they will be fighting over a toy or my handphone.... other times, u will see Samuel eating those "wang wang xiao man tou" and he will be feeding and putting it into J's mouth also...


<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glayz</TD><TD>24-Jun-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweetbabe</TD><TD>26-Jun-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Dr Kee W H </TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>05-Jul-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ZYP</TD><TD>06-Jul-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong </TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tigger</TD><TD>30-Jul-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ming</TD><TD>25-Sep-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Dr HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Picnic</TD><TD>Oct-07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elaine</TD><TD>26-Nov-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Florence</TD><TD>12-Dec-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Evelyn</TD><TD>12-Jan-08</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carla</TD><TD>29-Jan-08</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Your hb's benefits is even better than mine leh... 28 days annual leave!!! 15 days childcare leave!!!! wowowowowow....

Is he in civil service???
Carla & Picnic

Me 2 a PCOS so don't think is easy for me.

No lah, i wait for yr #3 then I join ok? hehe.

You always quiet quiet no post but you very fast come out to Congrats pple. Jia you ok. I hope I can Congrats you very very soon.

No need ahbish me and twinklets lah. Our predictions quite 'zhun' 1. kekeke.
<font color="aa00aa">poohy: wow! thats a lot of leave! i took 3 days of child care leave and my head told me off; she actually said that i should consider taking npl to take care of c or even leaving the force.
imagine that!</font>
Poohy: Yah... kids are like dat.. but can't be helped.. apparently.. it is the flu season...adults and kids all get it. I have started my boy in playschool for 2.5 hrs everyday... the first week he was there.. he got runny nose. In fact all except 1 of his classmates were sick with flu. No choice.

caymom thanks for updating..
Think.. the 2nd bb is most likely a boy again... based on the last scan. Going for my detailed scan next week.

ya lor... I always envy him... he is in a stat board.


wah why your head like dat!!!!
Really very inconsiderate and bad leh. Dunno how he become head with such low EQ and poor management skill. Such remarks is uncalled for and u only take 3 days of child care leave only! If I am his staff, he sure faint! hehehe....
<font color="ff0000">Congrats to Carla and Picnic</font>
Wow Wow, suddenly we have 2 mummies joining the club. So San and Twinklets, what are you gals waiting for? Kekekeke.

<font color="0000ff">Carla,</font>
I am seeing Dr Lawrence Ang too. Do you visit him at TMC or his clinic at Sun Plaza? He has so many patients and I hate the waiting time.
Your co. really has very good maternity benefits. Envy Envy.

<font color="ff6000">Zyp,</font>
I am actually trying to control my weight gain now. Really hope my gal will not exceed >3.2kg at birth. And I got piles nowSigh.

get suppositories from your gynae for the piles, should help. And try not to carry Keane as much as possible... (I know its hard)... cos the reason for piles may partly be becos of the weight. Me too got it when I was expecting J... too heavy lah... plus needs to carry S ...
<font color="aa00aa">Poohy,</font>
My gynae gave me a cream to apply on the affected area. It's impossible not to carry Keane. The moment he wakes up, he demands to be carried. Very tiring for me.

Your hb's company benefit is really good. I didn't know stat board is so generous on benefit. Me thinking of switching job. Must find one co. that is flexible and most importantly pro-family one.

fully understand... last time S keep wanting me to carry and then the pile so painful... at times I feel like crying from the pain
Drink lots of water, if the cream still dun help, maybe check out suppositories lor...
I hate to go to Sun Plaza.. the waiting time can be as long as 2 hours! So I chose to see him at TMC on weekday morning... then i rush to work.

Me thinking of stopping at 2 leh... u don't wait anymore lah... just DO IT
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
Thanks! The pain is still bearable for now. Did your pile get worse after delivery or get better after that? If I try natural, I worry that it might get worse with all that pushing...

I recovered from the inflammation after a few weeks. During and after delivery, it din get worst, but the growth or pile (less than 1cm I think or smaller) never really disappear liao.. though not painful. I never dare to strain liao... else later it gets inflammed again. I dunno how to get rid of the pile leh... though painless but I wish I can get rid of it... scared later need to go for operation to rid it
<font color="ff6000">Carla,</font>
What time does he see his patients at TMC on weekday morning? I am staying up North so it's more convenient to see him at Sun Plaza. So will you be delivering at TMC then? I chose Mt A. Prefer Mt A cos the parking there is more convenient.
<font color="0000ff">Tigger/Poohy</font>
I think u can surgically removed the piles. But if your piles condition is mild, no need to go under the knife lah. Just eat more fruits & vegetables & dun push too hard lor. My hb also like that :p

<font color="119911">Tigger</font>
Ur job so flexi hours where to find. Can even work from home to teach maid, no need to take annual leave one so good.

<font color="ff6000">Krazy</font>
Ur Head is very "result-conscious" lah, scared u not around to teach the kids their results will go down and pull down the sch's ratings mah.. so sick

<font color="aa00aa">Maternity benefits</font>
goto microsoft lah.. BEST!
<font color="aa00aa">poohy: really sad to have such a head.

valmom: i was really dumbfounded when i heard her say this. really dint expect it from her at all cuz she has a reputation of being nice and sweet. sigh.. guess, some people really never truly show their colours until its too late.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
I also heard of surgically removing the piles if the condition is bad.

<font color="ff6000">Valmom,</font>
My flexi hrs is dependant on my job scope and also the boss. Luckily my current boss is very pro-family and understanding. Not all bosses are like that in my company though. I actually dun like to work from home. Feel more stressed and I put in longer hrs working from home than in office.
Dr Ang will start seeing his patients at around 8.30am. So, I try to be his first patient by going there slightly earlier.

Then rush to office before 9.15am... and will stay later that day in the office to make up for the "lost time".

TMC parking is really terrible. Hmm... maybe i should consider going to MT A. But which hospital charges is cheaper huh? Mt A or TMC?
I think generally woman bosses are more unsympathetic than male bosses.

My boss's boss's boss (a married woman without kid) wasn't really happy with me being pregnant. Whereas my direct boss (a man) is very supportive.

ya lor... me gotten used to it liao. My bosses are nice and all ... most of the time allow me to take leave at short notice to attend to my sick children etc... but there are times I will hear from some other colleagues that my boss complain I take too much leave lah blah blah blah. The thing is... my leave is adhoc and segregated (not like most of the others who take block leave of 1 week each time) based on my needs mah. Not as if I am taking npl. And most of the time I make sure my leave dun coincide with any meetings or urgent deliverables. Even if it coincide and I need to take leave urgently, I will work at home. Anyway I am past caring... I am still here only becos of the ability to take adhoc leave when the kids are sick... else I would have gone to greener pastures liao.


ya I know of surgical means... but i heard its vvv painful. My father did that a few times ... heard v painful. I heard of those rubber band ligation thingy but that's provided the growth is small only.. so I duno lah .. anyway its not inflammed or painful so I just leave it.

ya I agree with u that working from home actually can be more stressful and longer hours! I can imagine my kids constantly wanting my attention while I need to do my work and cant concentrate and all... that thought makes me stressed.. I dun really fancy working from home for this reason.
CONGRATS!!! welcome welcome...

i oso had piles when i preggie wif s... gynae gave some cream to apply... piles din grow big but still there when i delivered... but heng s is a small bb so the piles not affected... now subside liao...
<font color="aa00aa">poohy:
yah, i was pretty upset when i was told off but like you, now i dun care. i am indispensable to my family. and thats what matters!</font>
<font color="ff0000">Picnic, COngrats!!!</font>

<font color="119911">Poohy,</font>
Glad to hear that Samuel is ok now.
My mum believes that the rashes cannot have contact with wind but the fan is always on and Zavier bathes normally and sleeps in air con room at night. His rash will flare up if he's hot and sweaty, so we moderate. Gonna bring him to see GP tonight and let the dr certify that he is ok to attend CC. He gets really bored at home. Last night whispered to me that he wanted to go school and pulled me to the door. I think it was an excuse to make me bring him out. Haha...

<font color="aa00aa">Carla,</font>
Your maternity benefits made my eyes glow! Envious~

<font color="0000ff">Krazy,</font>
It must be hurting to hear ur head say that to you. Agree that lady bosses are usually less sympathetic when it comes to childcare issues cos they take themselves as the benchmark. I think I am quite fortunate that my boss is a guy and being a family man, he is very pro-family. Few weeks ago I had to take 3 days of urgent leave in a row when everyone's leave got frozen and cancelled. Glad he didn't make any noise.

It's sch holidays now, you can spend more time with your gal!

<font color="ff0000">Tigger,</font>
I think just eat normally right? Last few weeks won't put on as much weight as 2nd tri. I always have the impression that bigger babies are easier to carry and take care. Keke...

It must be v uncomfortable to have piles. Do eat more fruits and vege leh... Heard that ligation does not clear it totally, the piles may recur.

Feeling abit insecure lately. Cannot confirm gender of baby since the first time I saw her 'hamburger' at 32 weeks. Now tummy too cramp 'she' cannot open her legs to show us the clue liao. Now everyone who sees me will comment that I am carrying a boy. Already washed all the girl's clothes to prepare, think I'll be a little disappoint if a boy pops out. Of cos, the most impt is that baby is healthy. But then... I won't have excuse to stop factory liao. haha....
<font color="0000ff">zyp,</font>
Almost all who saw my tummy also commented that I am having another boy. My tummys shape is exactly the same when I was carrying Keane. I also asked gynae to confirm the gender again when I went for my checkup on Mon. He said cannot see as its too cramp. I am already mentally prepared and getting ready to see my gal. If it turns out to be a boy, the happiest person will be my MIL.
Congrats, welcome to mothers with #2 club

Try to take prune juice regularly. I had q.bad piles prob a few months back also, then few weeks ago it got so bad then I took 2 days MC to rest, cross my figer, it subsided, hope it wont appear again during my delivery. I did use the suppositories n cream during those period. Btw, I still take prune juice diligently, didnt wanna go thru the "pain" again!

Are those rashes when u press on.. disappear and when u released u can see them again??

I rem my boy kena such rashes when he had flu.. the dr told me that this is recovery rashes... it will disappear on its own.

I had to take fibergel and lactus regularly cos I had output problem and I do not want to develop piles man.. :p

piles problem during pregnancy may not be due to output problem. If the bb is too heavy or u carry heavy things causing stress on the "cushion" around the area, the "cushion" may dislodge and caused piles to develop.

Actually even diarhaeo can cause piles. Too much fiber can also cause constipation i think. Delicate balance I guess. I had output problem too but never piles... only got it when I was expecting J and feeling vv heavy plus carrying S
<font color="ff6000">sweetbabe,</font>
I will be starting on prune juice soon. I dun remember having bad constipation when I had Keane. This time is really very bad. I dread going to the toilet sometimes.
same here, I din encounter piles during the 1st pregnancy. Struck with this prob since beg of 2nd pregnancy. My worry now is whether my baby can tolerate the prune juice if I BF later coz I really cant do w/o it at the moment.
Wa, you manage to come in and post LONG notes ah. Nobody behind you meh? keke.

re: Piles,
Me not sure if i have this problem but last time i got some 'tear' and GP say is fissure instead of piles. Even now, on off i will have that if I constipate. It is best to go everyday so will not have such problem.
Ya San is right, u no need to ahbish us leh..

Congrats Carla & Picnic!!
U gals really hush hush hor.

I rem u, u really long time din online here hor. Hee, share ur boy boy current pic leh.
How come u feel this #2 also a boy?

I dun have piles during preg time, but I do have piles during normal time. Damn weird hor. Maybe bcos Gynea made me take the Latose bah. Even confinement I also made to drink tat & my stools really easy to output. I cant image without the Lactose, think my piles may be grapes!! YUCKS!
My sis's fren operated few years ago after her 1st child was born. Was told she cut out Grapes, can u imagine???!

So fast ur #2 out v soon. I think Glayz not in hor, perhaps she go pop liao. keke. I cant wait to see ur #2 pics lor. Think mother calling will even be more by then. keke. Dunno why, is ok for me to preg now, but my hb always outstation every mth, I think I also v hard to concieve lor.

I shy to log in plus I bz at work lah..

Cos based on the week 16 scan.. think saw his two balls.. :p So dr said most likely is a boy again.. :p

Latest pic... my pic too big and dun hv editing software in offce.. :p Cannot send leh.. :p
Your MIL wants to many boys ah? My MIL has 5 grandsons liao (wai and nei) and both my SIL and I are expecting girls this time. Think my ILs are quite happy.

Not really. The rashes are red dots all over his body. Both his ears are all red and the rashes are itchy. His skin is almost cleared now but the rashes look like they are drying up, turning dark red and brown.

Zavier also had rashes after an episode of high fever abt 1yr ago. But that only lasted for 2-3 days. This time, the rashes have been around for a week already.

I tell u, u sure laugh until peng. I am at home today... hahaha.... the 'different kind of leave entry' leave lor. keke...
hehe ya.. when long time din log, will be shy. But nvm lar, today u are bk, so u try to join us more lor. Sometimes here also damn quiet.

Oh so most likely a boy hor.

oic, u dun have those Microsoft editor mah? I tot tat 1 comes wif every computer 1.

hhaa i noe. But gotta see he got the energy or not. I scare he July outstation again, then I lagi sian again.
but sumtimes i take, i also will be 'pai seh' leh. last mth really sick, i on 2 days mc. actually given 3 days but i only take 2days. Then last wk, i sick again and was given MC but i reject since i am at work already. Every mth take, scared later kana blacklist. Me need to save AL for Dec also and am taking 2 days AL this wk.
i really dun care my mgt here, cos everyone here is doing it. :p I always 1 of the first to reach office, but apprasial give me for puntuality is 8 oni. So who cares who man.

oh tat's weird huh..
Btw, did anybody saw the news on non-biometric passport cannot update photographs wz effect fr 1 Sept 2007? I think i need to do it b4 that for Denyce if not later the passport not valid and need to change new passport b4 expiry.

So for those who had not update yr toddler look from their baby face, must do it before 1 Sept.
<font color="ff6000">Zyp,</font>
My hubby is the only son mah..So my MIL would like to have more grandsons. And also his family is those "San Dai Dan Chuan" one..FIL also only son.
yr MIL should feel very lucky/fortunate to have you as her DIL. Since you intend to have at least 3 kids or even more, she stands high chance of having more grandsons. If i am the DIL, think yr MIL can go bang wall.

zavier's rashes dun sound like false measles. False measles are very distinct becos it appears and goes in 24-48hours and it breaks the fever which should have been ard for 3-5 days. Can Zavier's rashes be real measles? Maybe can bring him to doc to verify... in case different treatment is required.
<font color="119911">San,</font>
If you're my MIL, then I will be happy lor.. Dun think she feels very lucky to have me as DIL lor..cos I am not those docile kind who will listen to her.

<font color="0000ff">Mommies</font>
So many postings read until I blur.

<font color="119911">Poohy</font>
I do not exactly know the details of the maternity benefits but I DO KNOW that my cousin is taking 5 mths maternity leave PAID. I can tell the welfare there quite good :p

<font color="aa00aa">bosses</font>
very sad to hear that woman bosses are less sympathetic.. coz there is another thread on the forum whereby they curse & swear their female bosses

But I also a "half-boss" ah.. I nvr make life difficult for my staff one
