(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Oh.. it's always a pain to lose ur handphone

<font color="119911">Weekend</font>
We had quite an eventful wkend eventho we didnt go anywhere for holiday :p

(1) Saturday
Went to my hb's ex-coll's hse. She has a 2YO gal (2 mths younger than Val) who is a HUGE fan of Barney. These 2 girls after some warming up, decided to play together. Accordingly to my HB (coz this mommy watching TV :p), that little girl (Joyce) wanted to show Valerie her BIG BIG Barney. The moment she took the toy and stuff it into Valerie's face, Valerie immediately got scared and cried. (Scare #1)

(2) Sunday
We thot since she enjoyed Flushed Away last time, she would be interested to watch another movie. We picked Shrek,thinking it's animation so shd be quite cute. So happily, we brot her into the cinema. At first she was staring at the movie, until some loud noise from the trailers gave her a big scare. She refused to sit on the seats any more and we have to stand at the end of the theatre (anyway our seat is the last row la).

And then the trailer from Harry Porter with GHOSTS and Valerie's eyes go SO BIG!. So we hide behind the wall and hoping that once SHrek starts, she'll sit down and enjoy.

Again we were wrong. WHen the show started, she looked the at screen for a short while and started hiding her face (she is an ostrich now). She ended up she slept almost thru out the movie. She woke up nearer to the end, still dun dare to look at the screen. When we leave the theatre, the guy told us to use the front exit. And when Valerie saw us walking towards the screen, she screamed so loud
(Scare #2)

And then last nite she nitemare whole nite

<font color="0077aa">Valmom,</font>
Me a bit suaku... so we can now bring our tods to the cinema for movie? Is there any age limit? What if they scream and shout during the screening, will we be asked to leave the cinema when that happens?
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
Ya, u can ah... (except R Rated movies :p) of course if u become a nuisance to the public the mgt has the right to ask u to leave lah.

kids below 90cm in height FOC. Above 90cm is full price.
mi oso hv the same 'fear' cos k is pretty vocal nowadays... not shy to express his dislikes in public... think pple who were at marina sq kfc or fox yday ard 5-6pm will probably hear n see his behaviour... worst of the worst... it so pai sei... sigh... almost wanna dig a hole n hide leh...
Aiyooo... me no difference. I brought Joeson to Giant IMM last Wednesday... he was standing in the trolley, I was pushing. Singing ABC song softly to him from behind. And he was following my singing 'loudly' in front of me. Loudly as in his daddy is 3 shops away and he heard him singing hor.....

Think Shrek also super ugly issit? She's scared la.... hee.... I never got the chance to bring Joeson to watch a movie yet. After I give birth la. Sure make it up to him. Still got the night safari ticket not utilised yet lei.

Aiyoo... what happened to you my dear. Why so forgetful? I think your mother gave you a very good solution. Think you better hang it around your neck next time.

Where are you?!!! Still around?
<font color="0000ff">SC/Angelneo</font>
But Valerie was shocked by the loudness of the sound system.. and then maybe also the ghost from the Harry Porter trailer.. and prob also Shrek lor..

We know Valerie is not a fan of loud noises. If u try to talk louder (e.g when my nephew is talking darn loudly to get ur attention), she'll let out 1 very loud shout.
Wow Glayz, u zhun zhun give birth on ur due date, gd lor no need induce liao. Hope to see ur gal pics soon ! Yar agree with Angel 3.7kg is a gd weight, mine girl also ard there but tis time round, i hope to keep it smaller if not really have to push like siao...

So who is next in the list???
By the way,

May also gave birth liao! She bombed on Sat..... Received the news @ 6.38pm..... Hee

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Congratulations To Sweetbabe And Glayz!!!</font></font>

Me next on the list. hee.....

she induce meh? I heard tis word very scared, how come tis days everybody induce? I hope tis time bb can come naturally. Induce is really painful n long n i hate when they put their fingers to check for dilation, HURTS!
<font color="0000ff">Sweetbabe,</font>

<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
Have you get everything ready? About 1 week + more to go right? I have a feeling that I might pop soon leh. Really hope my gal can wait a while longer.
<font color="0000ff">Eve,</font>
I read from the June05 thread. Glayz was saying that she will be inducing at 10pm last sat.
Congrats to Glayz and Sweetbabe!

Hee, my gal only 2.71, i also push like siao and still need forceps assistance. haha
Excited, definitely!!! Cos finally getting to see my boy after such long wait.

The bag had been sitting in my hubby's car for quite some time. Hee.... don't know whether can tahan till next Wednesday or not.

I was like you 3 weeks ago. Got a feeling that my boy will come out soon. End up, almost EDD liao. Bo news whor.

Why say I control station lei? May no sms you mah?
<font color="0000ff">angelneo</font>
nope.. u dunno u are our control station meh :p

yesterday went to cousin's 2nd son full mth celebration. carried baby timothy.. and valerie goes "baby baby" and everyone else goes "waa.. time to have another one"..

*roll eyes*
<font color="ff6000">Congrats to Glayz and Sweetbabe! </font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Popped on</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poohy</TD><TD>22-May-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>CG</TD><TD>13-Jul-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Forgetmenot</TD><TD>06-Sep-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Adora</TD><TD>03-Dec-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>27-Dec-06</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babymilk</TD><TD>2-Jan-2007</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenthena</TD><TD>23-Mar-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>TSP</TD><TD>23-Mar-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweatcorn</TD><TD>18-Apr-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Caymom</TD><TD>09-May-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Meow</TD><TD>21-May-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweetbabe</TD><TD>23-Jun-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glayz</TD><TD>24-Jun-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Congrats Sweetbabe and Glayz

saw you bought the plastic egg shakers and maracus from the BP. Do you know learn thru play got sell them too and its wooden? Small maracus and egg shakers painted at $3.90 each before 25% discount.
hello mummies, managed to bump in for awhile
tks for the well wishes!

Congrats Glayz! Our babies can "fight", mine is 3.9kg, he..he

Angel, Jia You!!

Ok, I will be back soon..
Hey don't make me nervous, I'm still here! Keke...
Congrats to Glayz and Sweetbabe! Rest well!

Angel, I wait for you first k? My next checkup will be this Wednesday, see whether baby engaged already or not. I haven't pack my bag, not expecting anything unexpected leh.

Be patient. Last mth I also tot my baby's coming out soon... till now still keeping me in suspense lor. I don't really like this suspense cos last time was induced. This time dunno wat to expect.

I don't know whether Zavier is excited about the arrival of his baby sibling. He's settling in quite well in CC, hope he can accept having another child other than himself in the household.
We are only a day apart. So it's still ok. For me, other than my gastric discomfort, baby also no action. Thus, my Gynae already decided that I admit next Wednesday. And Induce. My next appt is this coming Sat. Hee.....

Aiyooo.... your ah gal is so big!!! Natural birth? You are real good....

Kaoz kaoz kaoz.... I agree with your relatives. Time for ah er liao.
CONGRATS and rest well... your little bundle of joy is of very good weight leh... kekekeke...

i understand how u feel now cos its like dunno when bb will come and even scheduled for induce there's a chance that bb will arrive earlier loh... so its the waiting game now... i still remember that time i kept telling mei mei dun come out yet, let mummy finish work first... then any episode of prolong contractions will make me panic, thinking isit mei mei wanna come out... kekeke...
Glayz & Sweetbabe,
Ur gals are big, u gals natural birth?
Rest well.

We can bring our tods to cinema liao. If kids taller than 90cm, will have to purchase a tix. But normally we parents will juz carry them in.
If u scare Keane may be scared of the loud noises or darkness later on, U can try morning show, like 11+am. Cos tat time is usually lesser pple watching. Tat's wat GV told my fren tat time.

Ash luv the Shrek Movie. Managed to watch throughout the show. Come out already, still talk abt Shrek. Even now still talk abt Shrek. hehe. I'm lookg forward to bring her to see the Penguins show "Surf Up" something. Think tat 1 is a noisy movie, so shd be even better for our kids to watch.
Sweetbabe & Glazy,
Congras to bth of u!!
Awaiting anxiously to see ur bb photos..

Dun worry, Zavier will be excited to see his little sibling.
Sherilyn now dotes on Shania very much.. Everytime she hears Shania screaming or crying, she'll quickly report to us that mei mei is crying then she'l run to Shania and pacify her mei mei, tell her nt to cry.. She will also make funni faces, play peek a boo, run ard, jump ard, do almost anything she can to make her little sis smile, giggle and chuckle loudly..
I am sure Zavier will dote on his mei mei too.

Have u brought Ash to watch Surf Up? I also want to bring Sheri to watch tat movie.. Shall we go tog if u have yet to bring Ash for tat movie?!
Not yet, I think July then the show is out rite?? Hey I dun mind. We can plan & catch this movie together!

Any mummies & tods wanna join us? Can be family affair as well. keke.
Hi Mummies, how often do you let your tods watch TV per day? In the past I used to let Tricia watch only on weekends like 1hr day, 1hr evening but lately weekdays she kept pester me to let her watch her videos, i scared too much of TV viewing is bad for her eyes, she can be so glued to the TV until u cal her like mad, she also dun care wan...
Cool! Ok I shall keep a lookout of the show, see when gog to start. We can plan from there.

Any1 else??

<font color="0000ff">Surf Up Movie Gathering</font>
<font color="0000ff">Date : JULY</font>
(1) Twinklets & Ashley (not sure dad coming or not)
(2) Serrich & Sherilyn (dad coming?)
(3) Carla & ZW (dad coming?)
Issit? tot July then starts!
But I'm not free tis wkend. How abt next wkend??

Btw I just called up this new place. Gog to check out the place. Anyone wanna check out with me??

Opening Hrs : 10am - 7pm (Monday closed)
Hrly Rate : $4
Playcard : $20 for 10 hrs, which mean hourly is only $2! Which is cheap!! (Valid for 3 mths)
Note : need to call them up first to check whether their afternoons are booked with pte parties or not. Normally morning time like 10am is fine.

Sound cool hor????????? Wanna arrange 1??
<font color="0000ff">Sweatcorn,</font>
I also tell my gal not to come out so early cos I have tons of work to complete before I can go for my maternity leave. Getting very stressed at work now. Sigh.

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
I was discussing with hb this morn if we shd bring Keane for a movie. Conclusion is he cant sit still for long and he is afraid of darkness. So now is not a good time to bring him to the cinema. Maybe have to wait till he is older.
<font color="ff0000">Glayz and sweetbabe!!</font>



So now no need compete with my buddy liao.. you first!!
b4 i wish you have a smooth delivery you pop liao!


So when?
kekek dun ah bish me hor..
<font color="0000ff">How will Valerie fare?</font>
This morning we asked my MIL & FIL to bring Valerie to the childcare to get a copy of the application form & purchase 2 sets of uniform. Reason being I wanna let Valerie go to the school again to familarise herself as well as see if she has any adverse reaction.

I called my MIL late aftern and asked her how did Valerie react. She said teacher asked her to join the current class, which she did. Only for a short period of time and then started walking around and wanted to go home (*shucks!*).

Then my MIL said why got staircase and said she told them Valerie can't climb staircase, must have pple to constantly monitor her.

I was like "OMG".. my MIL is so protective over Valerie. Valerie can climb OUR staircase without holding onto the handrail... 1 full flight!! That steps in the childcare are much lower and smaller.. sure can handle one mah.

I think it's good I'm sending her to sch coz I think this girl seriously need to be disciplined. Getting quite unreasonable and spoilt I think.
<font color="0000ff">Valmom,</font>
Grandparents tend to be overprotective and spoil our kids. I agree that it will be good to send Val to CC. Are you signing her on a half-day or full day class?
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
I'm sending her half day morning. I do hope that by sending her to school, not only she gets to learn things, she also learn how to behave. Down here she is really the queen.
Yesterday, my hubby and me were talking. He then suddenly mentioned that the delay to the birth of this baby could highly possible be our lack of action lei..... true?
