(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Lisa is so friendly. Willing to invite ppl to sit next to her. Aiyooo.... Joeson more possessive. Nobody can take my things. If they attempt to take my stuff away, like Newspaper, he will run after that person and take it back. And also, nobody can sit next to me. I was taking MRT one day with him also. One young lady came and sit next to me, he climb over me and chase her away. I wanna faint.....

How much weight have you gained so far? Don't look so upset lei....

Did you buy the toilet seat thingy for Ash? That proves to be so useful for me. Cos after Joeson started on that, he poos very regularly. And he likes to sit on the 'ducky', as the seat got prints of rubber duckies!

Ya man.... Joeson share his 'good' things with me always. That include half eaten sweets..... Eeewww....

Lisa so smart, can fix the puzzles. Sheri still dun have interest in it..

Wat's so negative abt multivitamins? Can email me??

Ashley so fast potty train already.. Tats good, can save alot on diapers..
I gave up potty train Sheri long time ago.. My MIL and maid also no time to teach her in the day.. Bt now she sometimes will say she wants to "shee shee" or "ngg ngg"..

Kindyroo Gathering:
Do count me in too..

First Movie:
Yest nite i brought Sheri to watch Shrek 3 midnite show.. Surprisingly she was able to sit down quietly and watch the first hr of the movie.. After tat she KO all the way.. Hahaha..
i try to find the photos that doesnt see the most of you liao le lah...but ash sticky to you leh, all got you inside.

learning thru play got quite a few outlets. There's 1 at Bt Panjang plaza, compass point and united square...here's their website www.learnthruplay.cn i jus went on last sat for a sale at Bt panjang....spend $66 plus on toys. Hee
Oorrrr.. arrgh.

think most of the mummies here noe my face, just tat so weird to see my own face in this forum.

We din manage to watch Shrek cos full house liao. When we told Ash tat we unable to watch SHREK, she looked pretty disappointed. We felt sad for her..

Btw u guys went midnite show? Sherilyn can tong till 1am?? WOW!! U guys are v garang! keke!
hello mummies, long time no post... been busy wif all the preps for my sis wedding yday... so here am i now reading all the backdated posts wif my 2 darlings next to me... one sleep n another one wide awake...

pls lah, your hse is small then my hse will be tiny in comparison leh... kekeke... dun be so qian xu ok...

zavier din cry liao ah... good leh... we thinking of changing kaeden to full day... dunno how will he be... sigh... hopefully not as trumatic as the episode when he first goes cc...

wah sheri such a good gal to sit thru 1st hr... mi n hubby never dare to try to bring k to watch movie cos we predict that we will end up watching less than 20 mins of the show n he will either be running ard or crying to get out... now wif no 2, even dun need to think abt gg movies...

hey, that sounds fun... include me pls...

sigh, IL coming... must go entertain them... super duper sian...
morning mummies...


how's valerie? has she recovered and back to her happy self ?

re: sickness

Samuel is sick again! After he took 2 course of antibiotics, his fever was gone though he still have loose stool once a day.. i thought its over
On saturday afternoon, he suddenly have a fever again going to the 39.8 region. I gave him panadol which he vomitted... from then he vomitted everything that goes into his tummy. I change his bed sheet even in the middle of night cos he vomitted on it. Then my sofa also kena. Anyway, the next day, his fever was still there but I did not give him any fever medication as long as its below 39.5 deg. He was having loose stool for 4 times just on sat. Then comes the sunday.... he had it soooo many times that I lose count how many times I bring him to the toilet to wash liao. Think at least 11 times or more. I spent my entire sunday washing for him and before we could even walk out of the corridor in our house, he tell me he got tummy ache again. All his stool contains blood and mucuous....
sigh .. I am now trying to think of a way I can excuse myself from work and bring him to see PD. After his last bout of 2 weeks sickness, I took so many leaves liao. These are the times I hate being ftwm the most...
So sorry to hear about Samuel. You should not be worrying about the excuses to come up with for bringing your kid to the PD. Guess it's best that you tell your company the truth. Having blood and mucuous in the stools are no joke. Do spend some time with him. He needs you the most right now.

How was your sis's wedding?

That's possessive. Not cute!!!
Oh dear.. he got blood & muscus? My sis also has muscus in her poo & she's now in hospital under observation for dengue fever..

u bring him see PD yet? If not, pls bring him see now..
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>
Valerie is much better. Smiling, playing and laughing. But still refusing food. Now she is relying entirely on milk (we added some cereals into her milk to help her feel fuller).

She now sleeps better coz we turn on aircon whole nite for her. And in view of saving electricity, she now sleeps with us in the same room. So this made my MIL & mom very happy coz they always felt that Valerie is too young to have her own room.

Oh no, poor Samuel. I'll just take leave lor. Coz if they can sack me, so be it. When Valerie was sick with ulcers I just told my boss I'll be half day for the week, and explained to her why. If she don't agree, I'll still go coz my MIL definitely cannot cope with a sick & angry Valerie.
How is Samuel now? Yeah please bring him to see a doc....

Glad to hear val is better now...
See you this thurs at fair again right?
oh dear, Samuel's condition sounds quite seriously. Don't worry about work, co-staff and boss may be unhappy but this will be temporary and they will get over it too. The most you compromise at work would be better performance appraisal, bonus and probably promotion. But this is nothing as compared to Samuel's well being.
take care. wash you hands often becos viral infection is very contagious thru loose stools.
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>
Ditto to what Cherry said. I already mentally prepared that my bonus will be lousy this year coz I was on leave quite often (move house & then Valerie sick) etc.. But I heck care. Coz family comes 1st.
Ya just take leave & be with Samuel...bring him to PD. The most impt thing is S gets well soon. For me kids & family comes 1st!

Pls take Care!
so sorry to hear abt s condition... u n hubby must be very worried n tired now... agree wif angel n valmom, juz call in to tell them u need to take urgent leave, no choice... face the music later... juz focus in nursing s now...

glad to hear val is back to her happy self again

here's the pics of the giant n the tiny... hee hee

this one is shanice wif her head shaved...
<font color="0000ff">Meow,</font>
Finally see the KM pics.
Next gathering can come to my place lor, let me find a sat in June to organise one ok?

<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
Dun worry, Piglet won't be born so soon. She will wait till after Mrs Piglet sees her idol in mid Jul 1st.

<font color="0077aa">Poohy,</font>
Oh dear, better bring S to see a PD asap. Like what the rest say, family comes 1st. Work can wait.

<font color="aa00aa">SC,</font>
Shanice looks a look like your hubby whereas Kaeden looks more like you. Fair lah hor.

Remember I did something mean by cutting Keane's pacifier last fri afternoon? After that I told him that his pacifier is spoilt and he didn't fuss or cry. Didn't suck on his pacifier since then. Sleeping also without his dear pacifier. Only one nite I saw him sucking on his beloved doggy ear while sleeping. Hb thinks I am very cruel to wean him off just like that. I think I did the right thing and was surprised that he is able to wean off just like that.
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>
Even with pacifier, valerie has been sucking her toys' ears, tails, hands & feet!! My Hb even caught her sucking her milk bottle & the ear at the same time!!!!!!!!

If Keane dun fuss and can sleep without then the need for the pacifier is no longer there what.. where got cruel.
<font color="aa00aa">SC,</font>
Hmm...I think K looks more like you becos of his beautiful skin, exactly like yours. S, has your hb's feature which I dun see that in K.

<font color="ff6000">Valmom,</font>
Keane is daddy's boy mah so his daddy always think I am very mean to scold, shout or beat his precious son. Even my MIL also thinks I shouldn't have cut his pacifier. I dun really care what they think. As long as can wean off pacifier, I dun mind being the bad guy.

The next challenging task will be potty training. This one needs more patience...
here's a pic of k when he's 2 mths old...

realised s got sharper nose n nicer lips n of cos slightly bigger eyes... hopefully these features will not change over time... scared later bo lang ai then hv to worry leh... ahahahaha...
u where got cruel... keane oso very guai, wun fuss for his pacifinow i worry cos s on pacifier... next time dunno how to wean her off... sigh...
ok mah, least he no longer needs pacifier. Oh go your house huh...dun want 17th hor.

S sure looks like daddy lah. Like that then fair mah
<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
K's 2 mths old pic doesnt look like him now at all. Dun worry abt S bo lang ai lah... This mummy really worry for nothing leh.

How come you give S pacifier? I dun think I will let my gal use the pacifier next time.
<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
Past 2 mths I've been putting on abt 3kg each mth lor... scared to step on the weighing scale again at my tomorrow's routine check.

<font color="aa00aa">SC,</font>
Since Kaeden already attending half day, he shd be able to cope with full day right.

Zavier didn't cry again this morning. Over the weekends, we told him Sat and Sun no school, but he has to go school on coming Monday. So this morning when we reached, he announced that he is going to school.

<font color="119911">poohy,</font>
You gotta take care... hope Samuel get well soon.

<font color="ff0000">Pacifier</font>
This fickle mummy decided to be mean and cut his pacifier. It already has a hole bitten by him so I just made it bigger. When he asked for it before bedtime last night, we all pretended to be surprised to see the big hole when he showed us. Then he asked me to change a new one for him. He looked disappointed when I told him we didn't have spare at home but refused to throw the damaged one away. He managed to sleep without it last night but this morning I found the old one beside him. I think he must have woke up in the middle of the night and asked for it so my mum gave it to him. Morning he was still sucking it when he went CC. Hope I can talk him into throwing it away himself later tonight. We actually have spare ones but I don't want to give it to him yet.

A problem with no pacifier is that he'll suck his fingers and put almost everything into his mouth. Sometimes I feel that is worse than sucking pacifier cos his hands and toys may be very dirty lor. But... wat to do...
<font color="aa00aa">zyp,</font>
You have to tell your mum not to give the old pacifier to him. Everyone has to cooperate in order to shorter the weaning process.

Initially after I cut Keane's pacifier, he still want to hold it in his hand although he doesnt want to suck on it. He will ask for it once in a while and I told him your pacifier spoilt already and showed it to him. He will take a look at it and say he doesn't want it anymore.

Without pacifier, they will tend to find some replacement. But the feeling will not be the same as the real thing so I guess after a while they will stop sucking on other things totally.
Don't worry la... you also successfully diet back to your original slim self after your first birth mah. Good mah..... Though I only gain about 1kg every mth, I did not slim back at all previously lei. It's pile onto pile.

Keane is such a good boy. Able to weane off pacifier just like that. I tried weaning Joeson off his thumb, and guess what?! He bring my thumb to suckle instead. Cos he will get bitten by his daddy if caught sucking thumb. Suck my thumb, bite who lei?

See... everybody also say your gal looks like daddy. So kawaii!!! The giant and the dwarf!
<font color="0000ff">Tigger/Zyp</font>
Agree. Other pple must help to make the weaning least painful. That time coz Valerie's mouth filled with ulcers she didn't want the pacifier. So we took this opportunity to wean her. But that day my MIL actually gave Valerie pacifier coz she said Valerie 'asked' for it. But Hb told her. NO MORE pacifier. Just distract her. And now we have hid all the pacifiers. In any case, we have already decided if she shd spoil all her pacifier (coz she bites on them) then that's it also. We'll not buy her any more new ones.

<font color="119911">SC</font>
Actually some kids auto wean themselves off one. Like my nephew, one fine day he just took out e pacifier, gave my MIL and said "Wo bu yao tu tu". Since then he never asked for it. He was around 2+.

For my other niece, my SIL told her 1 day that today will be the last day you suck on ur pacifier. Mommy is going to throw the pacifier away tmrw. Altho they just hid it, but she never asked for it liao.

So now only 1 niece is still sucking pacifier but that's becoz her mom always use that as a stop gag measure to stop her cryings.
<font color="ff6000">Poohy,</font>
Hope Samuel get well soon.

<font color="aa00aa">SC,</font>
I just shaved bb cay too.
During the first week, she took around 60ml 3hrly. 2nd week, she was around 80ml and now at almost 4 weeks, she is drinking around 140ml 3hrly.

I think every baby is different. For cay, she was drinking only 90ml max when she was 2-4 weeks old. I even asked PD and she told me that cay belongs to petite type. She assured me that bbs will not starve themselves, as long as they are gaining wt and passing motion well, nothing to worry abt.
Hi mummies,

Do your toddlers have afternoon nap? My gal used to have it & can be as long as 2-3 hr but after i change my new maid, she is unable to make her sleep, even on weekends, she dun wan to sleep despite my numerous try. I heard that if children missed their afternoon nap will affect their growth spurt, i wonder if it is true...
Ya..I heard abt the growth spurt thingy from my mum too....

My boi still having his nap la... In non-aircon env will be 1 hr...air con will be 2-3 hrs...if he see me sleep he will continue his nap to more than 3 hrs..opps I sleep that long as well...

Thats y im very worried because she already on the skinny side, miss her afternoon nap smore then how to grow, but lucky at night she sleeps well. I wonder how my old maid bluff my gal to sleep in the day.
<font color="0000ff">Evelyn,</font>
I am also worried that my new maid is not able to make Keane take his afternoon nap. Today Keane woke up at 9am and since then no nap. I have been trying to coax him to nap but he is in a playful mood. If he doesn't nap now, he will feel very sleepy at dinner time and will be a struggle for us to feed him dinner.

Keane sleeps on my bed. When I make him nap, I will lie next to him to pat him. I told my maid that she is not allowed to lie on my bed. I wonder how she will make Keane nap without sitting on my bed.
<font color="0000ff">Nap</font>
Actually Valerie is quite auto-pilot once she know where she is to nap in e aftern. Normally once after her meal, around 12n, my MIL will tell her "time to sleep". and then she'll goto her napping place to sleep.

Back at old house, the mattress is always on the floor so there are times whereby Valerie goes to nap entirely on her own. My MIL was like half way thru her chores then she realised why so quiet.. goto the room and she sees Valerie napping on the mattress liao. :p

Now not so "auto" yet but she knows lah. When it's time to nap we tell her "time to sleep", she'll go behind the sofa and wait for us to put the mattress on the floor. We now turn on the aircon for her to nap coz hse hot.. unlike last time we stay high-rise, not so hot one.
Wah...Valerie auto mode har....
Good hor... My boi had to tell him lor... esp weekends... then on bed he will ask for milk..after his milk then he will want to play...normally I just ignore and sleep beside me...then he look at me till he sian and he sleep lor...but he need to hold my hand while he sleep.....

here's my giant and tiny.. but mine the size diff like not so obvious.



Hang in there! I'm sure S will get better soon. Have you found out the cause of it?
<font color="0000ff">hoho,</font>
Thanks for that tip. I just told my maid to do just that. Hope she listens lor.

<font color="ff6000">Valmom,</font>
Wow, Val is so auto-pilot, that's really good. How I wish Keane can be like that too.
Wow all the kids here so gd, can guai guai have their afternoon nap. With my gal, it is a horror when we want to put her in the sarong for her nap. Sometimes i manage to bluff her in but after a while she ask to be carry out. She juz keep thinking of playing these days, even at nite before sleep, she will pull all her toys to the bedroom if not dun wan to sleep, terrible

My Thyler dun nap in the afternoon also. When he does nap when in childcare, he can last all the way til 2am then sleep. So headache for us when no nap parents tired. When nap for 1 hour then night time no sleep. even without nap he will last til 10pm b4 hitting the sack. Dunno where all his energy from. afetr he sleeps, we just have no more energy to do anything else but sleep. Anyone here got advice?
See, val has her plus pt of napping herself even thou she speaks or communicate lesser then some here, alot of us will like our kids to auto-nap by themselves. But most kids dun like to take afternoon nap...me & my sis were once like tat too...hehehe, we'll play in the bedroom & once we heard footsteps, we quickly jump into our bed.
For Paige, sleep word is never in her dictionary, only play, play, play...she'll try all her best to avoid dosing off.

Thyler looks like he's more chubby liao or izit the camera angle?
when s abt 3 weeks old, she kept wanting to suckle every hourly... but once u make milk she oni drink a bit then like cannot sleep well... so my mum say give pacifier which works loh... sometimes she wan pacifier, sometimes she dun wan... when sleeping will take pacifier n after that if drop then wun cry for it lah...

notice that thavis is wear the yellow romper which s oso hv in the pink version leh... her pic is a lamb... so coincidental leh... next time i dress her in that n take a pic ok?? kekekeke
<font color="ff0000">Tigger, Valmom,</font>
Yep everyone has to cooperate. Now all of us will tell him the same thing when he asked for it. I even told my mum if she worried she cannot take him whining at night, he'll sleep with me tonight. But hor... weather so hot, my temper also getting hot. Sometimes really cannot tahan his misbehaviour. wonder how I'm gonna survive my confinement next mth.

<font color="aa00aa">Angel,</font>
Yah pile onto pile... I didn't lose all the weight I gained during last pregnancy, this time adding on...

<font color="119911">SC, wen,</font>
Zavier also had the same romper leh... his was blue and the pic is a zebra. Keke.. very cute set.

<font color="0000ff">Evelyn,</font>
Zavier usually takes about 2-2.5hrs of nap in CC... told by his teacher. during weekends, he'll also nap in the afternoon, sometimes even longer. But the longer he sleeps during the day, the later he'll sleep at night lor. So if he sleeps until 6pm, we'll try to wake him up liao...

My poor little boy knocked his head in CC today... got a bruise in the middle of his forehead. Now he looks like bao gong... hai... Can't bring myself to blame the teachers cos he also sustains such injuries at home.

But he has been singing the 'gatsby' ad song since last night... quite funny when he tried to sing in the high pitch. haha
<font color="0000ff">Elaine</font>
Like that also can ha? :p

Valerie loves to eat & sleep mah.. that's why her size.

<font color="ff0000">Good news!</font>
Valerie finally started eating solids yesterday!!! She kept staring at my niece rice and my MIL asked if she wanna try. Valerie finally pluck up her courage to eat 1 mouth and realise yeah! I can eat! And she instantly asked for rice! And then ate ALOT, not withstanding she only drank her power up milk at 7pm.. she ate her normal dosage of rice at 8pm!!!

<font color="119911">Nap</font>
of course got times Valerie doesnt want to nap also lah.. like she still in her playful mood. But normally when we keep telling her "It's time to nap, gotta sleep" she'll complain a bit but will still lie down on mattress. Just lie down there and complain lor. Or she'll talk to her self in her baby language lor. Until she tired will doze off. Now at night also like that. Normally by 9pm she is on her bed. But she'll yak yak yak until maybe 930 or 10 before she finally doze off. We don't pat her unless she seemed very unsettled.

<font color="aa00aa">zyp</font>
So fast ha? Next mth u due liao.. how time flies.

your two boys looks alike leh! soooo cute... bb thavis got double eyelid


time flies hor... u going to deliver soon...


shanice looks so sweet and tiny besides kaeden
Aiya why u shave her hair .... shd leave it .. hehee.. my J's hair is v long and I never shave her.... my mum wanna tie up hair... I love to see the ponytails..

re: Samuel's sickness

I din go to work yesterday. Was looking after him ... it took a turn for the better yesterday... still loose stool but much lower frequency. he is happy and running about.. energetic as always. The PD said that it may be a fresh infection or a recur from the last bout cos maybe some of the bugs still hiding somewhere. So he is on antibiotic again... and his stools are sent for culture. Joelle also sick for the past few days... got the flu bug from my mum... she is having cough/phlegm/running nose.... now I gotta feed medicine to two toddlers
Whenever I bring out medicine and asked S whether he wants, he will answer me "No, I dun want" and then point to J and said "meimei drink medicine" lol

ya, agreed with u all that work is the least important ... though at times I worry a lot but still hack care and go ahead to take leave... I believe strongly in taking care of the children myself when they are v sick. Me condemned case at work liao...I dun expect promotion or anything liao... just that in my absence, at times I kenna big arrows cos not ard to defend myself hehe

anyway Samuel is really vv skinny now... I hope to "fatten" him up when he is well... he is on isomil now.. I think somehow soy milk is not as filling as normal FM.


glad to know val is recovering well now.... its always such a joy to see our kids eating well
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>
Yeah... when I saw her excited look when my MIL scoop her rice and her feeding herself (my MIL holds the bowl) I was so happy I almost wanna cry. Hb say dun look so excited or else she thinks it's some big deal. :p
<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
I am also worried that my gal will want to suckle all the time. I know it can be super tiring to keep latching...that's why I gave up and gave Keane the pacifier when he does that.

<font color="ff6000">zyp,</font>
Ya, the weather is so hot recently. I have been switching on the aircon every nite. Our confinement will start next month hor...time flies. Next month will be Angel, you and my turn. Now waiting for Glayz to pop 1st. kekeke

<font color="aa00aa">Valmom,</font>
That's really good news. Now you can fang xin already since Val starts eating solid. They will eat a lot once they recovered. Like what I told you when Keane recovered from his stomach flu last June, he drank milk like never before.

<font color="ff0000">Poohy,</font>
Glad to know that S is getting better.

When we need to take time off or long leave away from work to attend to our kids when they are sick, it will somehow affect our work. Some bosses and colleagues will also make nasty remarks. I think my appraisal will not be as good this year as I will be away for 3 months of maternity leave.

Wah! Offended man.... Soy milk not as filling as cow's milk?!! Joeson so healthy and robust lei..... I defend Isomil all the way! Joking....

In fact, Isomil is as filling as cow's milk. It's just that normal milk taste sweeter than soy milk only. In fact, we can test it ourselves. Go buy fresh milk and some soy milk off the shelve of NTUC. Drink the same volume for each. You'll feel it.... it's the same. Joeson might be on Soy, but he's still growing normally mah... not slower than the rest mah.

Glad to know S is better now. Mummy's love really nurture him back to health. Yes.... same as you. I'm willing to dump work for the welfare of my babies..... nobody can replace them, whereas work places always proves to us, we are not irreplaceable.

Happy to hear that Val is back to her normal self. Hee.... I want your happy self back too ok?!

Don't know whether Zyp will come first or me hor?! We are only a day apart from each other. This Glayz is also scaring me. Keep saying I will pop before her. I konk her head.

Same as you la. I had been switching on air-con at night. Can't live without air-con liao. Hey.... my hubby just signed a deal yesterday. Bought a Legacy R. No chance for a Legacy GT lei.... 2.5L car lei. Too big cc liao la...... if not sure buy the GT. Legacy R still ok.... comfy. He was struggling between Honda RSZ and this Legacy R.... in end, I won the battle and psycho him to get this instead. Legacy R look less Ah Beng too!

Don't worry too much on weight la. You got the 'hao' word liao mah.... after this, totally stop production liao. I still must consider 3 yrs later to start work again lei. You can lose the weight, for me, what for?!!!
