(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


oops paiseh... actually I am not v knowledgeable abt milk thingy... just my mum saying its not filling for S cos he seems more easily hungry.. but then maybe its like what tigger said, cos they recovering so drink more
I am sure its good else Joeson wont grow so well liao mah

How can u konk my head...
Maybe u will really POP BEFORE ME mah...kekekekeke

Me till now still no signs lor...
glad to hear s is on the road to recovery... yipppeee...

yah we shaved her cos she kept shedding hair... we scared later her hairy becomes patchy leh... now hopefully her hair will grow n grow so that by xmas time can put on clips for her... hehehehe...

yah lah very tiring to feed every hr then oni wanna eat a bit... no choice loh... tt time kaeden din hv this pattern so no need to give pacifier... my mum says gals tend to like pacifier more than boys... sigh later got weaning problem...

mi oso pile on pile leh... sigh... now tummy like 5 mths preggie... so sad... hubby even outright tell me to 'do something' abt my tummy... aarrggghhhh....
can i ask you... my colleague .. she has a 25mth old boy but he is displaying some tendencies which are quite worrying (by her standards)
do you know of any child psychologist to recommend me?
the giant & the tiny pics are so heartwarming..
but somehow i still dun have the courage to have #2.. sighs. But I think most likely I'll try soon bah. Still hesitating which month to try.

I'm in a very stressed mode now. I dunno wat's happening to Ashley. Eversince after potty-trained her, she is withholding her poo. She doesnt want to Gek Sai AT ALL.
Before her poo became harder & more uncomfy for her, she was doing very well for the pee-training. But after she having constipation for 2 days, she refused to sit on potty to pee. & yet she's holding her pee as well. We feel tat she may be confused so we put her back in diapers again. But tis morning, she prefers to pee in the potty once she holds the pee too long. Yesterday evening she finally gek the sai out, & she feels so relief & able to jump & run again. But tis morning she's back to her whiny & lethargic mode again.

Now she's holding my MIL dearly, refuse to take any food or drink very little. V v whiny, refuse to walk. We also dunno how.

Any mummies facing such situation before? We really clueless. We feel she's having phobia of passing motion. We wanted to noe any kids facing such similar situation as Ashley? We do noe we have to keep giving her fibre food to soften the stools so she can able to poo more comfy.
<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
Wow, so fast change car liao ah? Its my hbs dream to own a Legacy GT. If we wanna change car, I want a MPV, sure will not allow my hb to get the Legacy GT.
Sighs, cham.. my sis more or less confirm having dengue fever, my Mum has to accompanied her in hospital, also dunno how long the stay.. Then my MIL taking care of Ash now also cant cope with Ash, then my HB outstation for 2 wks from 14 Jun onwards.. Sighs. Dunno how.
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Oh dear, how is your sis now? Guess you need to take leave to look after Ash since your MIL cant cope.
my mum v stressed & worried now. We all also. Now v sian, seem like doc cant diagnoised anything at all & yet submit to MOH tat she got dengue fever.

Ya bo bian, taking leave tmr, then hb on Friday. Arrgh.
Oh dear, hope ur sis get better soon twinklets. My hubb also away for >2wks liao. Heh if same period then we can shake hands liao. i'm on leave 2mor and Thu. Must jaga and train new maid. Then telework like tigger.

Anyway can rec. any cheap and good US websites to get baby stuff. Desitin is it from drugstore.com? i checked US 4.99 also like not v cheap leh.

Val and S are getting better. But Isabelle is getting worse... her cough is worse, finished one whole bottle liao still coughing profusely. Now runny nose and slight fever came back. She's also quite constipated lately, 3 days pooed once. Then today again but quite hard.

And i have a little terrible 2 with me. Sometimes she's v loving, next min. she will throw tantrums and insists her ways e.g., want her toy/books though not playtime, refuse to say sorry etc. Then she may even push us away or scratch us sometimes to test her boundaries. We noticed this is more apparent everytime she spends a lot of FUN time with my sil who loves and dotes her a lot. We notice the trend tt she's harder to discipline after she spends much time with her. Is it cos' she feels she got kao san? We also love her a lot, see her like tt also gek sim. Sigh....
<font color="ff6000">twinklets,</font>
I thought dengue quite easily diagnosed? How long will your sis need to stay in hospital?

<font color="0000ff">Ming,</font>
USD4.99 is ex for desitin. Does that incluce tax? I paid the most USD3.99 excluding tax for a 4oz tube at Target. Sometimes got promo, can buy at USD3.49.
Good to know that Val and Samuel are both getting better.

Twinklets: Just take leave.. I'm sure your mom also very worried and needed your support too. Take care!

Ming: Maybe u should change the medicine.. That's what we usually do. If not, call up the PD and ask for advice.. PD may recommend to change medicine. Isabelle is difficult prob because she's also not feeling well. And of course, these little rascals also will test their boundaries since we also tend to pamper them when they are not feeling well.. Situation will be better when they are well again. Just hang on!
<font color="0000ff">Ming/Blurmom</font>
It's true tt kids are constantly testing boundaries. So just stay firm lor I guess. Like during the time when Valerie was sick, she cry and throw major tantrums no one will scold her. Now it sort of become a "habit". Whenever she dun get wat she wants, she'll literally go "wah! wah! wah! wah!"

Just like this morning, I said "bye bye" to her and she instantly gave me a blank look and then go "wah! wah! wah! wah!" with tears flowing like waterfall. Why? Coz she want to go for a spin as well!

<font color="119911">Ming</font>
The brown cough mixture tends to cause constipation in kids. So if Isabelle is not pooing well, u can consider changing. Ultimately, there is no medicine for cough. What they are eating are cough suppressent only.
sighs, i also dunno, also tot dengue fever v easy to diagnosed. Admitted since Friday liao, v scare will drag 2 wks stay. Just called my mum, she really sounded v worried. My father gog holiday this Sunday, not sure bk when. Then my sis going Phuket next Wed. Then alamak Hb also outstation next week. Think my Mum can only depend on me liao. Then suai suai my Ashley not cooperative. Haiz.

If only my MIL can tahan Ash's cries, then shd be easy to cope. She keeps being so stressed, make me so stressed also. Kept asking me this & tat, this fruit got let her eat blah blah. She sees Ash cry, she'll be so manjang.
Actually initially I'm OK 1, then hear her voice, I lagi stressed liao. If my Mum taking care, everything will be so OK.

Now I only hope my sis can be to recovered soon, & let my Mum to have a good rest. Dun intend to let Ash go back, cos she really need alot of rest.
dengue not jus blood test can liao meh? that day dr suspect me dengue, also just do blood test for me to rule out the possibility.

I thot yr MIL is very gd wz Ash. Moreover she so creative. She not 1st time taking care of her liao yet she can't handle her. If yr MIL can't cope, no choice got to take leave lor. Last time before havine Denyce, my leave seem plenty to clear during year end but after her came along, like not so much liao.

Hope yr sis recover and get discharge soon. Very soon, everything will be 'rain over sky fair'.
Ya she gotta draw blood daily. Actually the doc tat day said is not dengue liao, but still dunno why the blood plato (duno the spellg) getting lower. The doc themselves also not v sure issit such kids actually got low blood plato.. so now no1 noe the real reason infact.. Very worrying now.. Ya I hope to see the bright bright sun after the rain too. hee. U noe, today is my birthday but I'm so stressed for 2 pple.
Lousy birthday. Sighs.

Ya my MIL is v creative, but she is v stressed when Ash throws tantrums & cries non stop. Alot of times I'm at hm wif her. I'm not stressed 1, but I see her stressed look, then I lagi feel pressured liao, then I also kana stressed also. Hate tat feeling.. Sobs..
HAPPY BDAY!!! din know we hving bday in the same mth... hi-5!!

do u think will help if u bring ash out gai gai?? at least got things to distract her mah... somemore time pass faster when u bring her out...

tat time k had fever/running nose/cough... he was super cranky n i was in my confinement... it was really a terrible time... after he recovered, things improved a little bit but still terrible loh... sigh... i wonder when the terrible 2 stage will be over leh... very tiring n testing patience... aarrgghhh...
Happy B'day n cheer up!! Hope your sis will get well soon!!

Dengue cases are on the rise, hence the Dr will suspect all cases with similar symptoms as dengue.
Happy Birthday!

Go celebrate yr birthday and cheer up. I am sure Ash can sing the birthday song to you now or at least partially. You and yr hb so romantic de. Will go ECP picnic at nite, so can try again.

Oh my 'future qing jia'. keke. Which day is yr bday? I mus remember to wish you happy bday then.
Hey didn't its your birthday today, then i ask Sheryl to sing you a birthday song mah...okie Sheryl will say happy birthday with this photo
my bday is the end of this mth lah... so u must remember ok?? ahahaha...

re : cc
kaeden was bitten by one of his classmate today cos he tried to snatch the book that his classmate is holding... can see teeth marks on his arms somemore... his fav teacher called to explain but i told her i'm quite ok wif it cos he is in the wrong oso mah... guess this kind of episode is 'nan mien' when kids get together... see liao got a bit heart-pain but i sure hope he learnt his lesson... kekekeke...
Happy Belated Birthday Twinklets! Dun be sad, cheer up!!

Heh SC, wah so violent, bite until got teeth marks. Hope K learns his lesson not 2 snatch in future.

Thanks Valmom and Blurmom... hmmm cough mixture causes constipation. Interesting point!
<font color="aa00aa">Angel, poohy,tigger,</font>
Yah seems like I'm going to deliver soon hor... But asked my gynae today why my tummy seems to be so low. She said because it's not my first pregnancy, muscle has loosen thus tummy will sink lower. Hear already abit low morale... muscle loosen liao... old liao loh. Anyway she said I also cannot deliver now cos baby will only reach full term (37 weeks) next week. Asked her to confirm if my baby is still a girl, she said too cramp, legs tightly closed, cannot see anymore.

I also need to sleep in air con every night... without blanket somemore. But sometimes leg will cramp in the morning and I can feel that my legs are v cold lor....keke but cold v shiok.

<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
You just gave birth leh... still got time to lose weight. Are you getting any post-natal massage now?

<font color="ff0000">twinklets,</font>
Happy Birthday!!!
Sorry to hear about ur sister. A symptom of dengue fever is that the blood platelet level will keep dropping, probably that's why the dr is taking her blood to check on the level everyday. Take leave to take care of Ashley if you must since ur MIL cannot cope. You must take care of your health also. Jia you!

<font color="119911">Pacifier weaning</font>
It's a total flop! I guess we won't succeed as long as we are staying with my parents... no energy to fight now, will try again after we move out. I am quite firm in not giving no. 2 pacifier but dunno if will work out eventually.

I have so much conflicts with my mum recently, really dun look forward to my confinement...
Oh dear. Hope everything goes well for your sister. It must be so worrying......

Happy Belated Birthday to you! You are on leave today right? Enjoy enjoy.....

See, you go scare me again. How not to konk your head? But seriously la, my braxton Hicks quite strong. Yesterday was sitting on my bed shedding tears.... cos tired, sleepy and yet pain. My Joeson also don't wanna sleep @ 12.35am..... Lost man.

I also had wanted a MPV. But everytime I saw the MPV, I can envision my MIL standing by the phone, calling all her sisters up... telling them she will give them a ride instead of them getting their kids to pick them up. And end up, all squeeze into our car like a can of sardine. It totally puts me off. You know hor, just a few weeks ago, we were going out for Mother's Day Dinner.... my BIL's car is already picking up 4 adults, 1 teenager, size of an adult, and 2 kiddos...... My MIL have the cheek to go arrange her 6th sister to take my BIL's car along for the dinner. You can't imagine how my BIL's face change..... It's so terrible. But when her refused my MIL, he was given the Justice Bao face also. Haiz..... family culture.

Wah.... Poor K.... Aiyo..... makes me worry lei. Should I put Joeson into Pre-nursery next yr? ANyway, he's the one biting me now. Crazy boy..... Yesterday night, suddenly put his lips to my arm... then open it big big like buaya and chomp down. Yeouch!!! That hurts.....

Wahahahahaha, I also ask Gynae to confirm with me that it's a baby boy. he say how to? Unless he can scan me from my intestine area there la. Ahahahahaa...... Aiyo... you should see my tummy now. No matter what clothes I wear, all also got the bottom tummy peeking out from below..... So malu. That's why I resolve to wear long dress and jumper liao.
happy belated birthday twinklets...

haha i gave up weaning Gerals's pacifier.... the only thing i did is restriction his usage for sleeping ...when play or other stuff... no pacifier....

good to hear val and Samual is recovering..

blurmom, do take care hor.....

aiyah...me not preggie also gaining all that weight... haiz......

btw i will be going to motherhood this thus... anyone going???? might be bring gerald along....
See la... U ready liao
Mine not that strong..still bearable...and happen ONCE A WHILE onli.... even tho full term liao...then mei mei is still not ready to see the world...think she a bit shy la....kekekekeke

Abt ur MIL part...WO YE MING BAI.... my hb drive a cab...and his is his family FOC cab driver lor... everywhere MIL or her relative (esp MIL sis, bro, SIL, BIL, newphews, nieces...) wants to go...MIL sure call hb to fetch one(or sometimes relatives will call themselves)...that nite I heard MIL to hb to pick up her sis (hb aunt)up for check up next day morning...then afternoon pick up her BIL to dunno where.... all FOC....
<font color="0000ff">Pacifier</font>
Now that Valerie has recovered, she started demanding for her pacifier again. Now everynite she fusses very badly (like nightmares) and we can't really seemed to calm her down

Yesterday night was another terrible night and I just cldnt take it anymore I raised my voice (slightly only.. not screaming) at her and then it got her into hysterical crying till puke...

I really dunno what to do. She just doesnt seemed to be settled at night. We already put her cot in our room, gave her aircon whole night, still like that... ever since we moved in, we haven't have a decent night sleep.

I'm so freaking tired.

What should I do?

1. Move her back to her room?
2. Keep her in our room but give her pacifier?
3. Keep her in our room and let her sleep same bed with us?
4. Just let her cry it out????

Angel/ zyp
Ni men bu yao xia wo leh...

Must confirm gender one meh....
I bought a lot of ger ger clothes liao leh... until my mum kpkb say I siao keep buying.... Ytd my 2 ON dresses and TCP skirt just arrive in my mailbox...
Thank you Mummies for the birthday wishes.. hehe.. lao liao ler. cant imagine 9 more years I'll be 40 leh. @__@

Sighs, yday we went to consult PD on Ash's condition. It seems that Ash is having pyscological problem on witholding her Pee & Poo.
Eversince the big constipation saga in April, she has this phobia of passing motion. Even a slight squeeze at anus, she'll feel total phobia & pain. Thus making her losing the courage to push further. At my mum's place, it can be a routine thing for her already & she is used to poo there, so that's why over my mum's plc, she able to poo daily. But back to our own house, that's the phobia thing again.

So now eversince the potty training, phobia of passing motion is greater. Thus causing her to hold her poo even longer, even make her hold her pee as well now.
So now solution is to feed her with stools softener 2x daily, fibre supplement & painkiller cream aro her Anus. This is to soften the stools & let it pass out from her without causing any pain. Then slowly let her get used to passing motion w/o pain again, slowly let her get bk the courage & confidence to pass motion.

Sighs, duno how long this will take. Hopefully it wont be a long term treatment.

Hope my sis will recover soon, my mum have enuff rest & can help bbsit my Ash again so that hopefully she can get bk to her Poo routine over my Mum's place. Sighs..

wow.. some1 bite K huh. I think from this, K will learn already.
where got juz? i hv given birth abt 1.5 mths ago... tummy still like 5 mths preggie... aarrgghhhhhhh....

dun worry abt the conflicts wif your mum lah... u must keep a more positive outlook now leh... look at it this way - watever it is, your parents oso wan the best for zavier mah... so juz close 1 eye loh...

that biting episode to me is process of learning... be it a good or bad way lah... we thinking of putting him to full day liao so mabbe will hv more such episodes... ahahahah
Thanks for the photo showing Sheryl w/ the cake. It does brighten my day.
She is such a sweet & obedient child. If only Ash got half of her demureness ..

u saw the hamburger tat time rite? Shd be 100% gal mah..

Ur tummy lower, does tt mean u may pop earlier?

Decide to take leave on Friday instead. Thanks

We only successfully wean Ash off normal hrs. But we still giving her during sleeping time.. U giving her the pacifier back liao?

If i'm u, I will sleep with her in her room 1st.. She's still a child. Last thing I want is making her traumatic cos afterall tat is a new house... new environment.. sure she'll take some time to settle in 1.. She may be feeling insecure, afraid.. So time to bond wif her.. sleep wif her then..
Ah bish you. Think time not konk your head liao. Stop scaring me!I'm only approaching 37 weeks nia. Now 36 weeks nia..... Still got some time to enjoy you know? Don't make me envy lei.... mei mei's clothings..... You know hor, I organize those ON sprees..... very jialat one lei. Look at those pretty pretty girl girl clothes. Can cry. Organize GAP one worst still, prettier some more! Kek sim ah.....

Sometimes I really wonder why MILs like to let their son be made use by others? Petrol no need money mah? Car no need maintainence mah? I still remember once there was a family BBQ @ Pasir Ris. Having all the relatives living in Jurong, my MIL go call her 6th and 7th sister up... and her 2nd SIL up. Tell them not to follow their kids car to the chalet, say my hubby will go fetch them. her 6th sister got a big size daughter, whom will follow her, 7th sister also got a daughter... so end up, the car back seat will have 4 adults and 1 teenager. Hearing that, I quickly go find my hubby and told him... he ran out of the room and questioned her, she told him ya... she'd arranged and we have to pick them up @ 6pm. My hubby then asked her, so how about me and my son and FIL? She told him to make a 2nd trip back to pick us up. Pengz...... Wonderful isn't it? Of course my hubby rejected it. Then as expected, whole night my MIL gave him black black face lor. But this is way too absurd liao la.

Joeson wasn't sick. But I haven't got a decent night sleep since 2 weeks ago. Every single day, he's sleeping @ 12-1am. When question my MIL what time he take his nap, she siam answering me. So I roughly know what is going on lor. Let Val sleep with you la. I understand you are tired.... but having our kiddo sleep with us, it won't be forever liao lei. They will grow up and want their own privacy liao lei...... Bear with it okie?

Aiyooo... think for the time being, let Ash be bah.... Feeling pain during motion is really super uncomfortable. I used to suffer that. Hope she'll get over it soon.
My hb sometimes pick his relative up with the excuses...VERY HARD TO REJECT THEM LEH....

Can u imagine he actually send his cousin for job interviews in Tuas...(cousin live in AMK) and actually went somewhere near for kopi while waiting for his cousin to finish his interview and send him home!!!!

For me...last time also have interview in Tuas..he claim he dunno the area so din send me there..... and even if he did drop me off..he will tell me to call a cab home or make my own way home...no way hb is going to wait for me...and I was like..I am ur wife..how come ur treatment is DIFFERENT (after hearing him send his cousin for interview)....

only now heavily preggie then hb more willing to send me here and there...if my little hostage(sky) is around.. hb SURE will come and pick us up....

So dun tell me ur MIL let Joeson nap from 7pm-8pm??? or just before u and hb reach home then Joeson wakes up??? I once saw my MIL doing that...let hb's newphew(SIL son) nap at 7pm... dunno what time he actually sleep at night...(another reason why I never let MIL bbsit sky)
I think Val is not familiar with the new place, try not to leave her alone in a room for too long. I guess it takes time for her to get used to the new environment.

Oh dear, Ash has psychological barrier about pooing ah... Hope she overcomes it soon.

Saw the hamburger once only. Wanna seek assurance who knows cannot see ah... anyway I didn't buy alot of girl's clothes this time cos my friend passed me a big bag of her twin girls' clothes liao... hee...

My gynae told me EDD remains the same lor, tummy low is because muscle loose liao, so cannot withstand the weight. But my girl still not v big leh... estimated to be about only 2.28kg last night...

I know she wants the best for Zavier lor. But sometimes it's frustrating that she just does things her way. I also in the wrong lah, cos I don't really explain to her properly... That day she just told me that since it's gonna be my last confinement, I cannot sleep in air con room during the month. i think i will die without air con in this weather...
<font color="0000ff">Angelneo</font>
But 2 adults and 1 kids sleeping on a queen size bed is very squeezy. Hb & I not petite leh. I know they'll grow up etc they will want their privacy etc.. at what age? 20YO???

As much as I love Valerie very much but I really don't fancy the idea of her sleeping inbtwn us. I still prefer the idea of her sleeping in her own room.

And turning on the aircon whole nite is just too much for me. End up my nose is perpetually stuck and I feel that I'm at the verge of falling ill.

Yesterday I just feel like throwing things coz I feel so frustrated not knowing what's preventing her from sleeping well and the lack of sleep for the past 2 weeks.

me too... I cant sleep in the aircon room whole nite without getting blocked nose and running nose. Worst case I will sneeze non stop.


poor ash... got problem pooing is really very uncomfortable... maybe u can let her drink more water and it will help?


I dunno of any child psychologist leh.... really sorry... hope u manage to find one soon...

Sky also want to sleep in the middle.... hb sleep like a log and will occupy half the bed..the other half is split between me and Sky... then Sky will want room to toss and turn...and will scream in his sleep if he is unable to do so... in the end I can only sleep on my side on the edge of bed..(the kind big movement will drop to floor one...)

And Sky din sleep in other room lor...his mattress just on the floor beside us...dunno why he still prefer to squeeze...I actually tried putting him on his matress after he slept soundly...but he will wake up in the middle of the night...sitting and crying until I carry him back to our bed....

So now the only solution for me... I slept on his mattress while he and hb occupy the bed...very tiring for me leh... have to wake up and go loo every night and tummy so big how to get up from floor...so every Sat and Sun morning my back cannot make it....
Talking about frustration. Joeson took out the diapers after I wear it for him... he took out the pants after I wear it for him, refused to lie down and sleep. Demands us to on the light. Whine non-stop..... I got so damn fed up that I simply walk out of the room and close the door. Can hear him crying inside. Cry buckets liao.... then I overheard my hubby telling him I'm super angry with him cos I'm tired and he don't wanna sleep. End up, miracle happens! For the first time, in Joeson's 27 mths, my hubby pat him to sleep, then come out and brought me in to sleep. Hee.... sometimes really have to tell them... 'tigress don't blow, treat her as kitten'.....

My hubby will do such things for friends, not relatives. Like if his aqaintance calls him and ask him free mah? Can send him to Airport mah? My hubby can put down his work and give him a ride to airport. If it's me?!!!! Take taxi pls..... Why ah?
<font color="0000ff">Angelneo</font>
Franking speaking now that Valerie cries like this, my patience is really running out. She is physically well yet she cries non-stop at night. Esp after what my mom told me that the temple told her Valerie's ulcers are caused by "dirty things", I am still very worried that she is being "disturbed" if u know what I mean.

I really try try try to be patient and to accomodate. But at some point in time I'll wonder or she is being demanding and unreasonable? She knows where she is to sleep at night. This hasnt change since birth. That same cot!

But I have to agree since we shifted in, her normal routine of reading story book, drinking honey, one of us lying next to her on the sofa bed for a while before she goes to her bed to sleep.. all out of the window.

Maybe that's why she is so unsettled?
hahahahaha... his friends he also do this....
But think SOME of his friends will pay a bit la..discounted rate....becos paiseh mah.... but most of his friends only call in time of emergency like they cannot flag cab then call to ask where is he...but if he is free he definitely go and fetch one lor or go down after dropping the passenger off (but his friend will also call to inform if they did manage to catch a cab after calling him...).... but relative is different... they will purposely wait for him to go down...as free ride mah
I got a 'fu' with me lei. Quite some time ago, Joeson also cry for nothing all the way from Morning till night. I was at wits end and I broke down. My brothers and my mother came to my rescue. My Eldest brother deal with temple stuff, and he gave me a charm, which I hang in the wardrobe beside where Joeson sleeps.... My 2nd brother gave me 2 'fu', which I place it inside the pillow which Joeson always hug to sleep. Meant to be burnt away the next day. Miraculously, he was back to normal the very next day. Sometimes, when certain things happened, very hard not to believe. YOu want it? Want me to pass it to you? The 'fu' I mean.....

Those free ride time will eat into your hubby's earning hours lei. He don't mind?
If it is me...he will GRUMBLE from start of journey to the end lor.....

but that time his uncle call him to fetch...his uncle in Jurong and he is in Sengkang.... and the journey is from Jurong to AMK...and he XIN GAN QIN YUAN go and fetch lor...with empty cab to jurong...that one diesel no need $$$.... jorney so long also no need $$$
Yr hb so kind ah. If my hb so kind, I will be the one grumbling/nagging instead of him. Moreover now, petrol damn expensive manz.
the logic of last confinement no air-con a bit weird... tot if dun wan aircon, be it first or last confinement oso cannot hv aircon... kekeke... nevermind lah when the time comes then deal with it... cos she may see u suffering then will give in leh??

if u believe in taoist/temple stuff think mabbe go ask 'shen' loh... to hv a peace of mind...

think your hubby very fillial... so next time sky will oso be fillial leh... hehehehe...

What I mean is
If I ask him to fetch me...he will grumble la from start to end of journey....
If my family ask him..he will come with excuse to SIAM....

His family side or friends...he then super kind hearted lor....and xin gan qin yuan....

That time MIL ask him and BIL to send his uncle family home... 4 adults (hb, wife and 2 grown up children)..so split to 2-2... then uncle keep saying they will take cab and refuse.... MIL keep insisting to get her son and Son-iL to send uncle family back until hb buay tahan told her... they 4 adults just nice to take cab mah...and maybe they want to talk together leh...why ask the family to split up...

Ya, like what SC said, next time yr Sky and yr bb gal oso as filial as yr hb. Then you will be very happy liao.

Hey, yr fav Crayon ShinChan now become Denyce's fav as well. Everyday demand to watch. How to stop her fr watching? In the car, she also said watch 'la bi xiao xin'. At home, she also ask my mum let her watch. Then now everyday at home, she like to say the word 'pi gu pi gu'. Sometime she shower or change pampers, still shake backside say 'pi gu pi gu'.
