(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Hee today I'm really v happy. After we came bk aro 8+ in the evening, we put her on training pants again. I made it half an hr to tell her to pee inside potty.If she dun wan, I'll tell her to sit 5 mins later. Then if she still insists, I'll remind her must go sit potty if she wants to pee. So thr'out the evening, she'll tell us she wana 'poo poo' & we quickly let her sit on it. & she really pee inside!! we were so happy!! It seem tat her poo poo is actually wanting to pee. I think perhaps she really ready to potty train. I'm still crossing my fingers. It is really a sudden thing. Last time I also attempted to potty train during wkend morning but always failed. Then just yesterday my mum started her 1st whole day training, & Ashley finally get 'enlighten'. I really hope this is a long term thing & I can start saving diapers. But I must be v hardworking also. Think I must use tat kinda saving diapers mentality to make her total diaperless. Hee cant help sharing this happy moment wif u gals.

Think Ming is right, i think we really have to wait the child to be ready. If not, seem like alot of wet moments here & there & more frustrations also. I also sorta give up liao, but suddenly my Mum willing to train Ashley for me. Cos previously I told my Mum half an hr must bring her, my Mum complain she too busy..

My mum told me wat she told Ashley "Ashley, you are a big gal already. So por por gog to let u wear panties, no more diapers. OK? So u have to be guai guai go sshh sshh inside the potty & dun wet ur panties, ok? "

So maybe u mummies wanna use this 'big gal' concept? I myself got tried on Ash but failed. Think my Mum got golden mouth. keke.


Kindyroo alot of things to climb here & there. Like a big playground. Very fun to me. keke. Keane luv playground? If he luv, think he shd luv this too. I'll see the response here. If poor, then mayb we privately organize bah. hee before u pop in July. =P

Jia you on the potty train! I think keane will have shorter time cos he got good understanding of words.

I noe wat u mean. Cos her hair too straight liao rite? How abt cut in layered? make the sides thinner then at least when 'fall' dwn, wont be a whole chunk.

U tmr on leave too ah? Go Vivocity lor. hee. We'll be going Vivo on Saturday to catch SHREK & play the water there. We even got the Shrek Hairband from Mac this morning. kaka.

Glad tat Val is recovering. Ya agreed wif Blurmom. Give her next week, she'll bz running aro in playground liao!


good to hear that val is recovering


coincidence... for some time Samuel din wanna do puzzles...his interest was all the remote control car thingy... last few days, he started to show interest in building blocks like lego again... and his puzzles! I was so happy.I give him the 3 and 4 piece puzzles and he just complete it without my help. I was so excited... I particularly like puzzles.. cos its good training for motor skills and shape recognition/matching. His shichida class does those too... at his age, the class is practising 4-piece puzzle... but of course if they are proficient in 4 pc liao.. can always move on. I got so much puzzles at home now... hey did u buy that piece of puzzle (lisa's favourite) at learning thru play? I saw something like that last week there.... so nice!

re: kindyroo..

I am interested too!!! Hope we can meet on a weekend... but I normally can only make it at 2pm or after cos of all the classes in the morning.
Where you guys bought the puzzles for your kiddo? I also wanna buy some for Joeson. He is starting on the ABC Puzzle now. But he only know how to cite ABC and W.... hee.....

I know the excitement you felt when you saw that your gal succeeding in Potty Training. I also felt that when Joeson succeeded in it. My heart was practically swelling with pride.

Hiak hiak hiak... my name is already on the board of the crocs. Gonna buy one smaller sized one for Joeson as the one I bought last round is way way way too big..... and gonna buy one more for my niece. My MIL real terrigible. When I tried the last pair on Joeson and when she saw that it's so loose, she immediately carried my niece over and tried it on her. Then announcing that the shoes will be given to her. Without even seeking my approval. Luckily my BIL saw my face and say she got lots of shoes liao. Pek chek face I gave......

My MIL's method on Joeson is whenever she took off the diaper for him, she will tell him... 'mei you pampers liao ah.... xiao bian yao jiang ah...' And when accidents happened during the training, she just took another pants off, change for him while reminding him, 'yao da da... xiao bian mei you jiang. Gai ci yao jiang ah...' It's her nagging that finally got into him I supposed. Hee....... Oh ya, she also bring Joeson to the toilet every hour or so, to let him pee. While he pee, she will tell him, shh shh le.... Quite alot of stunts I know.....

I agree with what SC say. No need to teach them much as kids are absorbing alot. Like for us, we need not teach Joeson what is a turbo and non-turbo car. But when we are on the road, he already is pointing out Subaru WRX or STI and Mitsubitshi Evo as the turbos..... while he will exclaim to us that his daddy's car is slow. Ahahahahahaha.... hurt my hubby's pride.

You allow Keane to sit and pee? I am planning to buy the boy's training potty. I think there was a BP last time. Super interested in that. And I feel it's a right way for baby boys to learn how to pee......

Wednesday I went to see Gynae. They took my weight, urine test and after scanning, told me that I'm already 35 weeks. And baby is almost 2.3kg. And much to my horror, they passed me an admission letter. Saying it's almost time for me. I almost fainted..... I should still have 5 more weeks to go lei...... Anyway, this morning I woke up with some braxton hicks contractions..... Hopefully it's not the real thing. This ah boy so kan cheong lei.....
Hahahahahahha.... abt ur MIL part....
Can u imagine...my mil last time see her grandson, SIL's sons happily playing with Sky trains (3 percy that can stick together by magnet at the front and back) actually told them to bring home the toys without asking for my approval...(that time Sky only has a waste paper basket of toys...VERY LITTLE)
She actually say "xi huan har... 3 ge dou dai hui jia" she din even ask them to take 1 each and leave 1 for sky....
Luckily SIL maid saw my black face....

Then the other time... my boi and 1 of the newphew start to snatch this remote control car..(newphew dunno how to play) so newphew cry when Sky process remote control. MIL quickly run over and tried to forced Sky to surrender the remote control to gor gor...lucky Sky cried out in protest and MIL stop her actions... BTW..That car is Sky's and Sky was running a fever then....
Told my mum abt this... ad the first thing she say was...tot ur MIL very particular abt the nei and wai grandchild thingy one... why forced the nei to give in the the wai who is older????
<font color="0000ff">KiddyRoo</font>
What's that?

<font color="119911">Valerie</font>
Yes, she is definitely recovering physically. But seemed like she is still not very settled in the new house. Whole nite still having nightmares. It's like an every hourly thingie. So end up I cldnt sleep thruout the nite.

We took this opportunity to wean her off her pacifier. But yesterday at GWC, she saw her 'fav' pacifier and started demanding for it. We just hid it (dunno why it was in the diaper bag in the 1st place) and just pretend it's not there. After a short tantrums, she forgot liao. Now at night & during naps she can sleep without the pacifier already.

As for potty training, my MIL says the training pants very hot, so she not very keen to let Valerie wear.

Today Valerie cried when I left for work. Heart wrenching
Glad tat Val is recovering....R also use to have nightmares when we 1st move him from his bb bot to mattress....everynite he will call "Mummy" at least 2x. I got to sleep beside him....me ended up wif backache the next day!

You are at Ubi? Which part? I am at Ubi Techpark. Me also leh, the traffic here is damn bad...i ever stuck here for 1hr ok.

Lisa is so smart! I still have not buy those paper puzzle for R coz i think he will spoil them. I just bot the wooden animals puzzle from "Learning Thru Play"...those with magnets so the pieces will 'stick' together when fixed!
For the puzzle..
Think u can try kiddy palace... they have 3, 4,5,6 pcs puzzle in a box that cost $3.90 onli.
Have some theme like animals, transportation....

ya ... sad and heart pain each day when our kids cried becos we gotta go off to work... after such a long time, Samuel is still like dat... most of the time he will cry big time when I have to leave for work. Every morning, I gotta nag and prepare him even on the car trip to my mum's place.. telling him mummy gotta go to work already..I will be back soon blah blah... then find all kinds of ways to distract him at my mum's place. Very rarely I will be successful and he will even wave bye to us.... but most of the time, he will crying and screaming and asking my mum to open the door as we leave. I seldom do the disappearing act cos my hb said that will make him feel betrayed and think that we had disappear... so we gotta make it a point to tell him we are leaving and leave right in front of his eyes. My mum told me that at intervals of the day, Samuel will be standing at the door and crying for me... or if my mum scolded him, he will cry at the door and look for me. V sad hor... last time I used to feel so lousy an entire day becos of this... but I am trying to pick up my emotion ... else whole day I no mood to work on anything.


can buy puzzles from toysrus, kiddy palace, Learning Thru Play, Growing Fun or the infantino series etc.. When buying puzzles, start with 1 piece, then 2 piece, 3 and 4 etc... help them gain confidence.... if too difficult, it will discourage them. I always prefer wooden peg type as a start cos those have a handle to hold... melissa and doug have some of the best and good quality puzzles around.

Samuel likes both wooden and those cardboard puzzles...

re: toilet training

Samuel can hold his urine all morning without going kind! I really wish to toilet train him even bought the training pants liao... but my mum not free leh... plus I dunno whether he is really ready... cos even with a soiled diaper (he was having loose stool)... he can at times still bear with it and dun tell us....

poor u... travelling so far to work is definitely no joke! Those people who never really do that on a daily basis from one end of the island to the other cannot fully comprehend the frustration and agony .... for the past 4.5 years... I been travelling from jurong west to tampines... there is really a lot of frustration involved especially with those stupid jams... never ending kind... everyday sure got at least 1-2 jams... at least! Our petrol consumption easily hits above $400 every month.
Many times hor... my hb and me quarrelled becos of this... cos in the morning Samuel will be so clingy and I gotta "shake" him off peacefully which will take time and then it caused us to set off for work v late plus if we kenna those jams, my hb can be sooo late for work...
I gotta knock off on the dot every day though I will hear sarcasm from some of the colleagues commenting loudly on "why some people go off on the dot".... bo bian... I go off on the dot also may get home later than them.... imagine sitting in the middle of a traffic jam and your heart dying to go back to your kids....
Like that very piss off leh....

I also ganna comments from colics who dun have brains...
like I am not feeling well and given 2 days mc...heavily preggie mah..so need a lot of rest... then next day reach office...

"wah... ur life very good hor...2 days MC...stay at home and rest.." I was like..I am sick leh...where got good life

I took Child care leave to look after Sky when my mum was away, also same comment abt me at home ...
Looking after kids is more tiring than me working lor.....in my current state....

I will be off for maternity soon.. also same comment abt me shaking leg at home... make me super piss off and tell them to get pregnant so they can enjoy the same benefits... as maternity is never a leg shaking time...need to be milk cow and lose sleep lor....

Previously I also never clock OT...(some colic work late to clock hours by doing their work slowly...) then they also claim that my life is good as I can leave on the dot....
which I will just smile and say..becos I am efficient...

agreed fully. sometimes they may not truly mean it but i feel its not considerate to make those remarks lor... my boss always joke that I go on holiday when I go on maternity leave. Actually working is not as tiring as looking after kids... like example... now I am working, at least got time to come in here to complain hehee..... if i am at home, I dun have time to be at my laptop... that's why I seldom post on weekends.

When I was on maternity leave, I dun really get the sleep cos need to feed and take care of newborn round the clock, 2 kids is no joke ok... even if newborn sleeping, the older one will still want u to play with him or he/she is throwing some tantrum etc... no peace, no rest and no sleep! super tiring. I was even a bit depressed during my ML last time... work is easier!
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
Keane loves playground so I think he will like Kindyroo. Have to organise before I pop. Nowadays getting tired very easily and Keane is still sticky to me.

<font color="ff6000">SC,</font>
I am still thinking whether I should get the training pants. Stephy did mention that Aaron was successfully potty trained without it.

<font color="aa00aa">Ming,</font>
When will your new maid be arriving? She is only 23yrs old? So young!

<font color="ff0000">Angel,</font>
I already have 2 potty so am letting Keane sit and pee. Dun intend to get one especially for boys. I think eventually they will progress from sitting to standing. Must let them learn from example like watching how their daddy do it.
hee ya still v excited. Now waiting Ash to wake up so can potty train her. Joeson need to wear diapers when gog out? Hv u start training him sleeping w/o diapers for nap & nitetime? This is another headache for me next time. Potty train relly need us to be real diligent hor..

Me hope today she'll be guai in potty training too, really crossing my fingers now...

Ash also bohiu when she got poo inside her diapers. Sometimes my Mum smells her liao, she also refuse my Mum to wash her up..

Your work journey is really v long.. Nowdays my hb will drop me off at Machperson first, then drop Ash at Bedok then he himself at Harborfront. This save the petrol abit.. Last time we 3 had to go to Bedok together .. really more tiring.. Initally when we tried this way of dropping me first, she also cried big time, but luckily is 1 to 2 time. Then subsequently she can even recognize my work area & can say bye to me first even hb hasnt stop the car. hee. Quite happy.

<font color="0000ff">Kindyroo</font>

Take a look in their web. See some of the fotos, u'll have a better idea..
Personally I find the training pants not anything special leh. cos when Ash pee inside it, it is 1 whole gush of pee out. So the entire pants is still dripping wet. I only bot 2 training pants. Once use finish, I use normal panties. To me, no diff lor.

Ok, let's set a date gals. Meow mention something after 23 June rite?
I am trying to wean Keane off his pacifier. Recently he ask for his pacifier throughout the whole day. I tried to hide and distract him but he fuss and cry big time if he didn't get the pacifier.
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets,</font>
keke, Keane will do the same as Ashley if my hubby send me to office with Keane in the car. He also recognise my workplace and wave goodbye before we reach the carpark.

I didnt buy any briefs for Keane. I let him wear shorts instead. But I scared if I let him wear shorts without diaper, he will pee or poo on the bed.
can count me in if the kindyroo gathering is on.. possible for one friend and her gal to join in too?

i have alot of training pants, u want to let keane try? but the size is 95
u can train w/o it, as long as the nanny doesn't mind the trouble. I also haven't weaned aaron off the pacifier too.. but i only give him when he needs to sleep. I really dragged weaning him off, i foresee that he will create a big fuss.. which means endless nite for me.
<font color="0000ff">Stephy,</font>
Thanks for your offer. I dun think Keane can fit into size 95. Now my maid is taking care of Keane. No more nanny. At least for now he got more attention from the maid than the nanny.
<font color="0000ff">Stephy,</font>
Maid just came last Fri. I have been working from home this week to train the maid. From next week onwards, my dad and FIL will take turns to come over to my place to supervise the maid. So maid and Keane are not alone at home.
long time no see you. so envy u are those preggy who only grow on tummy but not the rest of the body parts. yesterday i play the cd in the car after i got it and after listening awhile, she fell asleep. that wasn't her nap time actually but i think maybe due to the super super heavy rain during car ride as well.
Joeson don't wear diapers when going out liao. This poses another big problem for me. Now, all his bottoms are too big for him. I have to rush and go buy the 12-18mths bottoms for him to wear. Or else, you can see his shorts slipping off him while he walk. Can faint!

As for nap time, he's also not wearing diapers anymore. It became a habit for him already. Night time lei, I just started training him. Occassionally he will wake up and tell me he wanna pee.... but most of the time, he still pee in his sleep la. Takes time.

Hee.... Joeson always saw how his daddy pee. So he will never sit down and pee anymore. Haiz.... my family culture is really way too open.
Dear All Mummies,

Long time never post here already...

How's everybody???

Here's wishing all sick toddlers get well soon.

RE: Playgroup
Initially wanted to put my girl in half day playgroup but my parents opposed violently. Now, they are smiling and said that becos of their opposition, my girl is spare from HFMD.
Wow, so envy Angel and Stephy, your boys dun need to wear diapers when going out. Can save a lot on diapers. Hmm...wonder when will be Keane's turn.

<font color="0000ff">San,</font>
My arms are very skinny, that's why you thought only my tummy grows and not the rest of the body. My hip and thighs have grown bigger lah. Well hidden only.

<font color="ff6000">Angel,</font>
So now Joeson stand and pee?
Ya... Joeson always stand and pee.... Occassionally, when he is in the mood, he squat and pee before he step into the bathtub.... Haiz. He really full of actions nowadays.

Ya... it's true that we save alot on diapers. But also.... there are times when Joeson suddenly run to me... 'Ma ma, wo yao shh shh...' and we are in the middle of don't know where!! PANIC! Always end up letting him pee at the nearest drain. So unglam......

You prepared some pants of smaller size for him? Boys always will have smaller ass than girls. Hee.....
Dun let him pee in nearest drain on a regular route... becos he sure will fuss that he need to pee whenever he pass that spot.... machiam like dog like that...kekekekeke.... all my mum babysit one show this trend if they are able to pee on the way to or from marketing... another will request when we are waiting for school bus (that time we still small...so will pee in drain in bus stop EVERYDAY)
<font color="0000ff">Angel,</font>
Wat if Joeson needs to poo when outside? Will he tell you? Will you bring him to the toilet to poo or do it anywhere??
<font color="0000ff">tigger88</font>
Pacifier - It was becoz her mouth was so painful that she refuse to suck her pacifier. But then again, that cld be becoz her fav pacifier was 'hidden' so the one we offerred her is not what she wanted.

Ya, today I heard from HB that Valerie is singing & dancing along with the "Backyardigans". But still no courage to eat the Mee Sua my MIL cooked. She looked at it, sturr a bit and then backed off.

My gal is just so careful.

<font color="119911">Crying</font>
Normally Valerie doesnt cry when we have to leave for work. Has never cried actually. She'll normally say "bye bye" or be too engrossed in TV to even noticed we left. But not now.

Today, as usual, I went to her and say "give mommy a hug" and then told her, mommy going to work now. And next thing she started crying. When we left the hse, she was at the gate, sitting there crying.
Till date, Joeson's poo timing is very standard. Everyday around 9pm. Hee.... so for that, I have no worries.

And also, whenever he wanna poo, he will gek that kind of face 5 mins before the actual poo comes along. Ok la.....

Till now no such habit la. Ahahahaha.... you so funny lei.
<font color="ff6000">Valmom,</font>
I just did something very mean... I cut Keane's pacifier and tell him it's spoilt. He suck a while and take out and hold in his hand instead. Hope I can use this method to wean him off.

<font color="0077aa">Angel,</font>
That's very good. How did you train him to poo at a specific timing?

i have bought 2 smaller pants for him.. some of his regular pants are slightly loose. Wanted to get him a belt but I don't like the designs

Juz need time to train him, after all, they will grow up and will be in their boxer no time.. keke
No training lei.... Just that at that time, i will surely be home. He loves asking me to accompany him when he poo....
i hate being pregnant as i will have elephant thighs keep rubbing together.

see when free i go yr hse playdate. but cannot ask both of them to kiss anymore. Denyce 'chu wen' nearly give to Keane. wahahaha.

can standard 'pang sai' time so good. my gal hard leh. sometimes she will sort of standard timing for few days but when come to wkends or some day she goes out, the timing change again. My gal go out doesn't poo 1. She too busy running about playing till she not free to gek sai outside. So sometimes she only poo when we reach home at 11+pm or maybe skip 1 day. Pros for me is i don't have to clean 'shit' when outside. kekeke.
Good for u....
Becos Tods memory is SUPER...if they pee somewhere before..they pass that spot will keep telling u they need to pee.... so my mum try not to let any pee outside unless bo bian...unless they say..cannot hold anymore...
<font color="ff6000">Stephy,</font>
Can find belts for tods so young? Keane cannot wear those pants for his age. There is one that I bought from USA for 6mths old...imagine till now still loose. See how skinny my boy is.

<font color="aa00aa">Angel,</font>
Kekeke, Joeson wants you to smell his da bian. Sharing the smell with his beloved mummy.
<font color="0077aa">San,</font>
You so skinny, are you sure got elephant thighs? The thighs sure will grow big but will lose the weight after delivery. Dun have to worry.
i where got skinny. yesterday you just saw me only leh. think yr body and arms even more skinny than me even though u preggy.

btw, i forget tell you the temple we talk abt yesterday hor, yr Jacky also go there when he here in S'pore leh. That's what i heard from the volunteer working there last time. Last year we went during CNY, we saw William So help to sell some charity tickets there so we talk to 1 of the aunty volunteer. Then she said alot HK stars come to that temple and Jacky is 1 of them. This year we went on the same occasions like last year, William So was there too. The most bang thing is I went HK in March, I saw William So AGAIN at 1 road show. Keep seeing him dun noe for what, handsome 1 nvr let me bump into.
u real funny leh... I go hk a few times dreaming that somehow I can get to see andy lau or some super stars on the street... never see anything close! And u get to see william so .. so many times still complain
I thought he is quite popular... wah the temple u go must be really very powerful.. can draw the stars all the way from hk.

hey I wanna bring S and J to tigger's house to play with keane also!
<font color="ff6000">Poohy,</font>
You're welcome to bring your kids over. I will set one weekend to invite mummies over. But my hse small lah. All mummies are welcome.

<font color="0000ff">San,</font>
Really? Jacky goes to that temple too? My hb's aunty used to work in the temple. I must go ask her if she ever see him there. If yes, I will surely go there when he comes in July for his concert. Gosh, you're making me so excited leh...kekeke.
<font color="0000ff">Kindyroo</font>
hmm I'm gog to call up to check whether they still have wkend freeplay or not, heard from CT tat they may not have this anymore.
Will keep u gals updated. It will really disappointing if they dun have such freeplay anymore cos I seriously find their 'playground' more fun & interesting than those gymboree kind. sighs.

I wanna kill u man. U put my face in the forum. Arrgh. *ahbish*

U noe wat, Ash saw the pics & kept saying "jie jie" & "Keane gor gor" , & started singing th Hello KM song. Guess she misses the class & her 2 pals.. We shd have some gathering soon man before Piglet is born!!! kakaka! If no kindyroo outing, then perhaps we go Mrs Piglet's house for gathering hor? heard alot of toys there leh. hehe

Wow u saving alot of diapers man!! Really envy u. Ash is using 8 diapers per day during wk day. Today she using 1 diaper, ie. for nap time but turn up that diaper is dry. She din poo today
, she still phobia of poo inside the potty. Today gog to be a xinku day for her again if she din poo tmr. Arrgh.

U finally appear in forum! Where have u been? So bz at work ah? Got #2 liao? Btw HFMD hor doesnt necessary go PG or CC then will kana lor. Aaron & Val din go such classes u noe. I also very scare of Ash falling sick more once she starts her PG in July. But i think such things really nan mian 1. sighs.
Hihi everyone!

It's weekends again! So happy!

<font color="ff0000">twinklets,</font>
I wanna join the fun too! Count me in but also cannot be too late.. I am in my 35th weeks liao... getting heavier and legs weaker nowadays. Keep having leg cramps every 2-3 days.

Just wondering if carrying Zavier too much will make my tummy lower. Sometimes I feel that my tummy 'dropped' after carrying him for awhile.

<font color="0000ff">Angel,</font>
My baby was only 1.8kg at the beginning of my 35th week... me gaining most of the weight...

<font color="119911">Pacifier</font>
We decided not to force Zavier to wean pacifier liao. Give him when he asks for it... and surprisingly, since he doesn't need to fuss over it, he doesn't suck on it that often! Let nature takes its course bah...

<font color="ff6000">Childcare</font>
Today is the first time he doesn't cry when we dropped him at childcare and when my mum went to fetch him home. Feedback from teachers is that he can sleep around 2.5hrs during nap and eating more rice already. Comforting to hear that... hope my little darling will maintain this and become happier.

<font color="aa00aa">Toilet training...</font>
Not gonna venture into that yet. when he just started going childcare, he'll poo 2-3x every morning and requested for me to wash his bum. dunno whether it's a stunt to delay going to cc. This bad habit has stopped now and I think he poos most of the time he is in CC. The packet of diapers that I left in CC almost finished in less than 3 weeks. siong ah!

hi mummies, today I brought Lisa to take her first MRT ride. She very suaku. haha!! at the first stop, she even ask the passengers who board the train to sit next to her. But she was very happy during the ride. Lucky for us, the MRT was quite empty.

Puzzles: My sis bought the puzzles for me, from Taiwan. Anyone wans? I can ask her to buy again, but won't be able to get them so soon.. probably sometime in July..

By the way, where is "Learning thru Play"?

Twinklets: u funny leh. if u dun say.. those who didn't meet u before probably wun know it's u. Now, all know.. :p
