(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB


hard to give equal attention to both children. I spent more time with Samuel all these while.... my hb took care of Joelle more...she's closer to my hb.. but now that Joelle is older at 1 year old.... she will cry when she sees me back from work and carry Samuel first. If I carry her, then Samuel will be pulling at her leg to ask someone else to carry her so that I can carry him. Then J will be screaming cos she also wanted me to carry her. tough to split... at times I carry both at the same time.. lol

but I try to do some activities with both of them at the same time... like we sing songs together sitting in a circle... Samuel will be singing and actioning... Joelle will be shaking her body and hands to the song

Anyway, now that J is older, its been so heartwarming seeing them play and sing alongside each other... its all worth it.

<font color="0000ff">Updates on Valerie</font>
Although she is more willing to drink milk & water yesterday, the crying at night didnt improve. It actually gotten worse this morning. She was crying so hysterically this morning from 4am all the way till 7am.

She managed to doze off for a while but when u try to place her onto the bed, she'll wake up crying and struggling again.

Yesterday I brot her to the playground again. This time round I let her sit on the swing and pushed her. Although she managed a smile but when I looked at her, she looked so weak.. I feel so heartpain..

Her eyes puffy and reddish from all the crying and lack of sleep. Her lips are dry and looked whitish (coz lack of water) and then her gums are so red. Eventho she smile, she looked so frail and pale to me.. I see already I almost wanna cry there & then. But I tell myself she is recovering. Her ulcers are not so red. Some of them has already disappear.

so heartwarming when see them can play together hor?

Btw, u mention gathering, when when?
My hb will b outstation from 14 Jun again. So I think I shd be on for any gathering. keke.

Where's hoho? Long time din see her here liao.

yar i will be taking to rest at hm, been very tired lately. most of my colleagues & big boss also take, i tink fri office super quiet.

yar it is tough when both kids r sticky to u but i tink it will be e case since children usually closer to mum isn't it? for my case tricia will b close to 3 yrs when 2nd one arrives so hopefully with a wider gap, she can help to take care of the younger one.
Thanks for yr bday wishes.

I didn't know that PG deliver. But $10 is cheap regardless of distance. For me, it is very close to us since it is sort of on the way. Moreover, I choose them as they are near to us and they close shop at 9.30pm. So we can pick as late as possible since fridge no place to keep the cake.

I not sure their age leh but i ever KPO ask the teacher who is the youngest in class and she said Denyce is the youngest lor. The rest 2+ yr old liao. Can tell they older meh? I find they all look abt same age. After I knew they are older, then i think to myself 'wa, my gal so 'chao lao'. look same age as those older kids.' haha.

Hang in there. She cry maybe is due to new place as well. However, when you bring her overseas, can she sleep well in hotel?
i always ask the medical halls.. which kind they sell.. the brewing kind or the type that just need to add boiling water and keep it covered.

i usually take the easier one ... option 2. but once i did try the brewing kind. i used the steamer then put in in a cup or bowl... brew for 1 hr to 1.5 hr.

whether its good ling yang, can tell.. cuz the smell is very fragrant..

that pic is so sweet!!
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
We really dunno. Maybe it's the new environment.. We seriously have no idea.. All we know is all of us is losing our sanity..

i am a firm believer in Ribena... cuz of the glucose inside. gives c energy when she has no appetite or is having diarrhoe. maybe you can try ..

some old wives tales:
old people believe that we should wash our feet before we go to bed.. dunno how true but i have a friend who swears by this.. haha
she says her kids do not have nightmares.
yr place now so near ECP. Can even walk over. Tomorrow PH maybe you can bring her over for a walk or cycling to cheer her up. The other day we went and rented a 2 person bike wz a added child seat attached in the front, Denyce was laughing so loudly when she 1st sat on it while we cycle. Maybe you can try to rent a bike to cycle her.
<font color="0000ff">Krazy</font>
If Valerie is willing to eat, I will give her anything. But the thing now she is afraid to eat becoz of the pain. The ulcers have healed alot so we reckon it's no longer painful. She just don't have the courage to eat... so end up anything we show her will only end up getting her into her 'crazy' tantrums..

<font color="0000ff">Valmom,</font>
Can understand how you feel. When our tods are not feeling well, us being mummies will feel heartpain the most. Just hang on there, Val is recovering since some of the ulcers have disappeared. She will get back to her usual self in no time. Take care of yourself too.

Re: Maid
My maid came last Fri. I took leave on that day and this Mon and will be working from home for the rest of the week (including tomorrow
) so that I can train her.

Her English is good and works fast but tend to be forgetful. Teach her how to make milk but she did it the opposite way. Add powder 1st then add water...Ask her to cut orange into halves and make orange juice and she used the chopping board and knife meant for raw food to cut the fruits. Cut them into quarters instead of halves. Will have to keep monitoring her and remind her so that she can remember. Since she is still new, I will give her some time to get used to our routine.

Keane is OK with her so far. But he will fuss if she bathes him or changes his diapers. Maybe because I am at home so he tends to stick to me more.
this is very traumatic both for valerie and yourself.
liquid food also cannot?
how about instead of you all giving her the food, bring her out to ntuc or something and let her browse through the shelves and let her pick something she wants... wil this help?

maybe u can buy a notebook for her to record her training details, dats what i did for my maid. Have to b patient, certain things tell a million time they will still forget n make mistake. When my old maid went back 1 mth ago, my girl also fuss over the new one but now she is asking her to play w her, i tink it takes time to build the r/ship, give her a chance, im sure she will do well
<font color="ff6000">Evelyn,</font>
I have already gave her a notebook on her 1st day to record the instructions. I even pasted the time table and house rules on the notebook. Some things she will take note, some she dun.
<font color="0000ff">Krazy</font>
Now I'm on half day for whole week so evening (around 6pm) I'll wheel her to the playground/park. She didn't really wana join in (coz no energy). Last time see playground only will chiong there. And on way back, I wheel her to a mini mart and asked her want she wants.. she wanted vitagen so I bot her 1 bottle. She finished it. Normally I wldn't allow her to drink more than half.

Even for milk, we try not to force feed her anymore. I'll place the bottle of milk near to her, use her toy to "pass" her the milk. She'll fiddle with the teat.. look, turn away etc.. around half an hour later.. took the courage to drink.

But frankly, I cannot really just leave it to her coz there are times her mouth is so dry, her lips are like at the verge of cracking.

So when we think it's bad, we'll literally force feed her.. so now she very phobia that's why and all the nightmares shows how traumatic it was for her for the past few days.

Since Friday, she hasn't had any solids. Only relying on fluids so that's why we will try to force feed her if we think it's necessary. Last thing I want is to send her to hospital to be on drip.

<font color="119911">San</font>
We brot her to ECP on Sunday morning coz she was fussing so badly at home. Yah.. once outside she is alot calmer. But still very sian looking. Basically she is very lethargic coz lack of energy.

<font color="0077aa">Tigger</font>
If Valerie doesnt recover soon, I think HB & I will go crazy. Today he lost his temper coz she has been crying since 4am. Cradle her she sleeps, any slight movement from you and she'll start crying, screaming & kicking..

It lasted all the way till 7am.. her crying is so so loud I think it woke ours neighbours...

look on the brighter side... know its hard but we shd stay optimistic and relaxed so that our emotions will rub off on our children... Val is recovering well and her ulcers are already healing... I think by end of this week, she should be up and running ard !
Samuel got a vv badly dried and cracked lip out of his high fever last week too... the PD said we can apply vaseline lip protector to help ... and it did help... give her ice-cream and all the stuff that will make her wanna eat lor. Agree with the others that bringing her out is great... better than cooping at home..


ya... nowadays I simply just sit back and enjoy looking at the 2 of them playing... singing etc. Joelle is like a big girl now...
I enjoys every moment with them. Best is, even though I had spent so much time with Samuel all these while, Joelle had not rejected me... secretly I felt vvvv happy when she cried for me to carry her after work yesterday. Felt vv comforted...

nowadays Samuel will keep asking where is meimei if he dun see her around.

btw, for the gathering... any suggestion?? Last resort can come my house again if u all dun mind.

wonder where is hoho too...


ya hopefully a wider age gap helps!
I still hope to have no.3 end of next year... hopefully by then, my 2 elder ones will be able to participate and help out already... it will be so fun.


good to hear your maid is not bad though forgetful... if she is willing to learn that is the best
Your total is $34.65 (hands are not for hitting and teeth are not for biting at $14.19each and potty for me at $14.91)

Yeah, when no 2 comes hor, life changes...sigh..since yours 3yrs apart, should be quite easy bah...my sil's elder and younger also 3yrs apart and the elder will help the mother and be very understanding
<font color="0077aa">Valmom,</font>
I know it can be frustrating when our tods fuss and cry non-stop. I lost my temper this morn also. Keane woke up at 5am and refused to sleep.
re: jshoppers

mummies, jshoppers having free shipping international.... can go buy some clothes for our kids there
I just bought more than $230 of clothes for S & J
Why everyone looking for Hoho huh?? Sometimes she's on msn ah...i sms her on sunday. All i know she lost her HP and is currently looking for a new job as she was going to be posted to Ubi to work if i didnt remember wrongly. So anyone got jobs do recomment to her
Poohy, Meow

Yar im anticipating big changes when #2 arrives. Not to sure how will the elder react but hopefully she can help a little. Im still tinking abt childcare arrangement, dun knw by then the maid can take care of both or not.


Ur maid taking care of Keane & new born bb in future? Or u plan to send Keane to cc??
<font color="ff6000">Meow,</font>
Wow, you seem to know a lot abt hoho..kekeke. How come she doesnt want to work in Ubi? too far from her place ah?

<font color="0000ff">Poohy,</font>
You bought so much clothes for S & J? I have stopped buying clothes for Keane for a long long time. He still have bags and bags of new clothes waiting for him. I bought too much when in USA. For my gal, I have yet to buy anything. Too many hand-me-downs from frens and have yet to sort them out.

I think my maid is willing to learn and is hardworking (maybe she is still new and want to impress). But it's not easy to work from home and keep an eye on her and at the same time attend to Keane.
<font color="0077aa">evelyn,</font>
My maid will take care of Keane and my gal in the future. My dad and FIL will take turns to come my place to supervise the maid. I intend to send Keane to either halfday CC or some playgroup class after my gal is 6mths or older.
thats terrible... but force feeding... will have adverse effect.
my colleague's son... dun like to eat.. his grandparents who are his primary care givers when my colleague's at work... they force feed him... now he see people; family eat rice or food... he will gag.. and 2 min later, really throw up..
You total will be $23.30 (hands are not for hitting at $14.19 and potty for me at $14.91) My posb savings 003-40727-6

Hoho stays in Bt Panjang, so ask her go ubi is far leh...we occassionally get in touch lah..but she seems busy nowadays.

Can organise the gathering after june 23rd? Then hor i can go too leh...never get the chance to go your place.
Paiseh.... quite some time never update liao.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Glayz</TD><TD>24-Jun-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Dr Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweetbabe</TD><TD>26-Jun-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Dr Kee W H </TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>05-Jul-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ZYP</TD><TD>06-Jul-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong </TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tigger</TD><TD>30-Jul-07</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Girl</font></TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ming</TD><TD>25-Sep-07</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Boy</font></TD><TD>Dr HK Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Florence</TD><TD>12-Dec-07</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Evelyn</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Dun put list can or not...
Me next very scary leh....
Nevermind... Angel may pop before me... :p
<font color="0000ff">Krazy</font>
Yes, we know.. but if we don't force, she'll have to go on drip. So we force. But since yesterday we try not to force already coz we know how traumatising it is for her, as it is for us.

Today her condition is visibly better as she is taking milk. She drinks milk in place of her normal meals so she is like drinking 5 bottles of milk today.

And her cheerful self is regaining.. hb & I happy. Hopefully tonite no nightmares for her.
hi gers,
hoho here.

thks for all concern!

ya being posted back to ubi, just tender letter today.
its 2 far fm my place la... can die! 1.5-2hrs travelling time, goto depend very much on traffic.

no internet access in the day/@ work, can only login at nite.

i m not bz la but really VERY tired!

got PG, any kind soul, pls sms me hor.

nowadays P is always hungry, i wondering is it got worms in her stomach???!!
after lunch/dinner, she will still goes eat eat eat, n she can really eat.

could it b the multivits ah?

at nite, she can wake up @ 4-5am, asking for milk!

i really pengz, then goto travel to ubi, more pengz!
Hi Mummies,
Happy Vesak Day (in advance)
So happy that tomorrow is public holiday.. had been super busy, working long days long nites.. tonite take a break from work.

poohy, wow! $230 from jshoppers! Is there so much good stuff to buy?

valmom: good to hear that Val is much better. Bring her out more, things outside tend to distract them from their discomfort. you must take care of yourself too. tell urself, she didn't mean to be difficult. i also use ribena leh. to me, any liquid is better than no liquid.
Super stressed man. I came in to look look see see, then saw your message that you mentioned I might pop before you. Sweat.... Why not Sweetbabe lei? Kaoz.... I 5th July lei. She's June lei..... Stress......

No worries. Babies are quieter and no smiles when they are sick. It's so normal. 2 mths ago, Joeson also like that. I missed his active and cheerful self for 3 days... but after that, my little bunny came back..... he was hopping around the house again. Kids have short term memory. At that time, I tried forcing Joeson to take medicine before. I never used to have to to that. He always takes medicine very readily. See.... he forgot about it liao. Be happy and confident about your gal.....

You giving Multivits to P? I read something about Multivits lei.... that's why I stopped giving it to Joeson liao. DOn't wanna scare the mummies here, you PM me if you want.

I am drooling away right now. Woke up early in the morning, still no breakfast and saw those yummy cakes. Your gal must have enjoyed her birthday! Lucky gal..... Aiyooo.... she's so clever. Knows how to play puzzle liao. Joeson still don't know anything yet. Except how to operate his daddy's car! Kaoz....
<font color="0000ff">Happy 2 YO Lisa!!</font>

So fast 1 mth ago, Poshies wish Lisa Happy birthday, hee now is exactly her birthday liao!!
Lisa's hair so soft, straight & black, v nice leh. She's so clever, can do such puzzles. My Ashley only willing to do once & also do very messy kind & no patience to finish at all.

wow u finally appear ah. I tot wat happen to u leh. hehe. OMG u from Suntec move to Ubi?? Really v far ..
I'm taking leave tmr as well liao due to my younger sis having high fever. Gog to spend tmr whole day to potty train my gal. My mum started potty train yesterday. Not so bad, hee she managed to pee inside the potty 8x. 2x outside, & she'll 'oh o'. So yday used 2 diapers only. hee hee so happy. Wish me luck tmr man.

I havent transf u the $ yet cos me cant do internet banking. Will transfer soon.
<font color="0000ff">Gathering</font>
How abt organize an outing @ Kindyroo @ Turf Club? Lotsa things for them to play, really fun. Cant rem how much per time go. Think is $12. We can book the whole place in advance first. If most mummies OK, I can help to arrange with Kindyroo.

Set a date first??

haha i like sibei eng today hor. =P
<font color="119911">Twinklets,</font>
Wow, 1st day of potty training and result is not bad leh for Ashley. Jia you!

I want to start soon too since my maid is here to help. I just assembled a fisher price potty that Keane's godma bought especially for him all the way from USA, got music somemore. But Keane doesnt wanna sit on it leh.

So envy you...got long weekend. Me gotta work today and tomorrow.

What can the kids do at Kindyroo? Got food provided? kekeke. I am keen for the gathering.
ya lor, the travelling is a killer!
fm bt. panjang to ubi, travel half spore le.
So quit lor.

keep up the gd potty training results.

remembr to inform me of any gathering hor.

ya, with maid easier to potty train. keke.

maybe K dun like the potty, what about toilet bowl? goto trial n error lor

like P now prefer the toilet bowl than potty.
<font color="0000ff">hoho,</font>
Just now I tried letting Keane go without diaper and let him wear shorts instead. End up he peed on the floor. He sit on the potty for like one second only.

Does P tell you when she wants to pee or poo? Or you just bring her to the toilet bowl frequently to let her try peeing or pooing?

So you quit without a job ah? If the job is ok, travelling a longer distance shd be fine right? I have a fren who stays in JE and works in Loyang. For many years she has been travelling to and fro. Really peifu her.
<font color="0000ff">Valerie</font>
Her condition definitely improved alot. Now drinking milk ok but can't eat. Sometimes she wanted to but when she put something into the mouth she'll cry and point to her cheeks. And then she'll be very frustrated and scream very loudly.

<font color="119911">Blurmom</font>
Lisa so clever. Can do puzzles.

<font color="0077aa">Twinklets</font>
Ashley so clever 1st day potty training got 80% hit rate liao. So good.

<font color="ff6000">Milestones</font>
Maybe we really hasn't been teaching Valerie much. I find she is lagging so much behind in many things. I guess we really dunno how to teach. I didn't buy her puzzles nor flash her cards etc. Most of the time she spent watching TV coz that's what allows my MIL to do some chores.

But today she surprised me. When we were at GWC circling around looking for parking lots, Valerie suddenly said "Apple". And next thing I see there was a picture of a green apple on the wall!! I was very surprised.

Next she did was when we were home, she was holding onto 2 golf balls. She looked at me and said "catch!" and then bounced the ball towards me.

I guess she is learning, just that HB & I didn't really spend time to teach her. We didn't even buy her those hang on wall kind that teachers numbers or alphabets or body parts kinda thing..

I guess this mommy shd stop buying clothes but buy her these stuff instead.
glad to hear val is on the road to recovery... yippee... let's hope she'll be back to her bouncy self soon too...

kids are smart nowadays... sometimes we may not need to teach them explicitly, they juz pick things up from their surrounding... since val watches tv, she may already know lotsa things which she has yet to verbalise to u mah... so dun worry so much..

nice bumping into u at raffles city on sun... lisa such a smart gal, can do puzzles... k oni know how to take out all the pieces and throw them ard... sigh...

i let k wore the training pants but he simply refuse to say when he wanna pee... juz tell us wet n play wif his pee... after that my mum dun dare to let him go without diapers liao.. sigh...
SC: Oh dear no more training pants for K? Heh u still have 1 set with me. Actually after i bought the extra 3 sets, my hubby says to stop training Isa until she's can say correctly when she wants to pee. Sigh.. so we kinda stopped. How's ur new maid?

Glad tt Val is much better!

Happy belated birthday to Lisa!

Tigger: My earlier "chosen" maid, heh didn't make it. She failed her medical test, high blood pressure...so we were lookg ard for some others. Then we chanced into a transfer maid on another parents forum who was highly recommended. Ind but speaks Eng., Man, and even Hokkien. And only 23yo. Hope it'll turn out well. She's being tsfed from a Christian fam. and the employers only have good words for her.

Btw anyone lookg for Crocs? BP in forum, i missed it the last time, tot i'll just spread the words.
In the beginning, Lisa didn't like puzzles too.. These are really simple ones. It's a set of 3, 4, 5 , 6 pieces puzzle. So I started her with the 3-piece one. In the beginning, she tried and couldn't, so she wasn't interested. I just left it lying around, and sometimes she just ask me to fix for her. After a loonnnnnng while...suddenly she just started fixing them. Then I passed her the 4 piece one. And amazingly she just fixed them very quickly. Suddenly this girl is hooked onto puzzle. Amazing huh?

Potty train: Sigh.. We didn't really try to train her at home, altho the childcare did, and not successful. childcare teacher felt that she's not ready. I just dun hv enough discipline too. Sound like Ashley is ready for the potty!

Valmom: Agree with sweatcorn, Val has been absorbing, just not communicating them to you all. Gotta believe that tods are like sponge, just absorb and absorb and know lots of things. It's a matter of whether they are ready to demonstrate their knowledge to u.
Congrats! Val is recovering! Soon, she will be running towards the playground again!

By the way, on leave tmr too, cos Childcare closed tmr. No plans yet what to do..

twinklets: Lisa's hair is messy!! Her hair on the sides has the tendency to "fall" to the front, dunno in long term will affect her eye sight or not.
