(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

You ladies are so funny today. Ahahahahaha.... all kinds of pattern out liao.

Don't worry about Hay's height la. You know hor, Joeson went out and when I told ppl his age, they will say, Aiyooooo, so small size!! So cute!!! I can faint.

Val still sick?! It's since yesterday right? Poor thing. Hope she can get well soon.

Cod Liver Oil will boost up immune system? I hope so lei. My BIL very determined to bring his gal over to let my MIL care for her each and everytime she fell ill from CC..... So, I have to make the best preparations liao.
hahaha ok lor, who tells Keane's blog got "I luv You" Barney song. =P

Siao liao, i havent inject tat P jab & the chickenpox jab leh. @_@
chicken pox not so urgent lah. even if kana chicken pox, will also not cause anything 1 mah. the most itchy and cannot eat this and that. For P jab, more urgent lor since it is not so 'mild' type of illness.

There's still Hep A. Me still wondering is it necessary for Hep A jah.
<font color="ff6000">Twinklets,</font>
How was the GUG class so far? After the KM class term ended, I feel so relax every weekend. No need to rush for class anymore. kekeke.

<font color="0000ff">Angel,</font>
Keane is taking Nordic Cod Liver Oil and Colostrum powder from GNC. Ever since I religiously give him the colostrum powder on a daily basis since last Oct, he didn't have any cough or flu till now (touchwood). Not sure if it really helps to boost his immune system.
Keane has taken the P jab and chix pox jab before he turns 2, no side effect. PD told me that Hep A is not really necessary for tods at this age so he advised no need to take at this moment.
hehe, that's why me also very lazy to sign up for wkend class for denyce. lucky me manage to find a wkday nite class + unaccompanied is really the best! at least now 2 times a wk for 1.5hr, all of us at home got a little break. haha.

me 2 thot so that at this age, they seldom eat seafood so no need take Hep A. But that day when i told the GP what I feel, she said not necessary have to take seafood. Food and water can be contaminated too. Especially if travel overseas. When she told me this, i become 1/2 hearted.
Hi mummies! Edie finally got the running nose... still running around... think I will not bring her to cc tmr...

For the jabs, Edie got everything already, Hep A, chickenpox, Pneumococcal. She finished last year, each time two jabs. Think MMR with chickenpox, Hep A with Prevenar or something like that... no side effect thou. Just thought that its better to take while she is younger, then she will not remember or feel that scare...
<font color="0000ff">San,</font>
Maybe you can check with a PD instead of GP on Hep A jab? The PD that I spoke to commented something abt Hep A that I can't really remember. But when he says Hep A is not really necessary, it is not related to tods eating seafood etc.

Oh, btw, when are you collecting the CDs from me ah?
I'm back
Thanks mummies for the well wishes.

haha still need to spank his butt cos he is very naughty. Yes the soreness is due to the baby's weight. Its very normal especially for second time mummies, i very ask gynae before...

Is Samuel better now?

They are from the same publisher that's free spirit publishing. As for author its Elizabeth Verdick.

Here's naughty Darryl

He poo inside me so end up i C sect. Else if when gynae burst my water bag and the colour is clear instead of yellowish. I can go for natural. Was even on MSN with Crystalmum before i go KK
<font color="0000ff">Valerie</font>
Yes, her tongue & lips got ulcer. Other than that, no other blisters noted on her hands & feet. So as of now, still ruling out HFMD. But SIL says it is. Says blisters will come when fever subsides (which havent). Altho not so high already. Today tested was 37+.

But u see her u very very gek sim. Becoz the ulcers are at the tip of the tongue, her doesn't want to swallow her saliva, so her neck and top is constantly wet

Then she'll start fussing out of the blue and can end up very hysterical. This mommy take leave like very useless coz she doesn't want mommy
But at least with an extra pair of hands I can go take ice cream/water/hanki etc. At least got some "contribution".

She hates it when we appeal the gel but once we managed to, it'll ease her pain and she'll watch tv and play. Other wise she'll be whining (like now) and contort her mouth in a funny way (prob due to the ulcers).


<font color="119911">Meow</font>
Ur boi very handsome
meow - congrats!! hehe..ya lor jz toking to u on msn..thats why thought you will going natural but end up c-section..rest well!

twinklets - my pd say the p jab if go cc better jab if not going no hurry..but hor now so many 'diseases' going around i will let her take even if she din go cc lor..

thanx... S is better today. no more fever. lesser loose stool liao. Still on antibiotic. Got more rashes on his neck looks like heat rash kind. Still lethargic. Stool sample come back negative... the pd said maybe the portion we collected got no bacteria... anyway we had gotten a second bottle of antibiotic... she asked us to just finish it.


I read before that hfmd does not necessarily means must have those ulcer/blister at the feet, hands. some manisfestation does not even have any ulcer. What val have sounds like hfmd that i know. When many members of my extended family kenna the hfmd all at the same time, some only have ulcers in throat + fever... but when they spread it to my kids.. my kids get the blister all over mouth, throat, feet, hand, body. My hb only have it at his throat at first... took a few days before those at this soles surfaced.
Hep A:
My girl has taken her first dose. needed to take another dose few months later. My PD advised is to take because it's life time imunity. And quite impt for kids who attend pre-sch or cc because of sharing of food.
Chickenpox if kana at this age quite cham leh, cos for sure they'll go scratch it 1, then wait later got scar I'll be sim tia..

Ashley luvs her GUG class, but she's still pretty shy. But not as shy as compare to KM. 1 thing good is the class always play Barney songs, so she really enjoys it. hehe.

U noe Ash also clings to me rite, but we may enroll her in daily PG at my mum's plc soon. I'm crossing my fingers, hopefully she'll just cry afew days.

Darryl is such a chubby boy, think he resembles his Jie Jie. How's Sheryl reacting to this new addition member in your family?

Btw,wat's his birth wt?

U can be more relieved now i guess. Having Fever can really make us parents so damn stressed..

U also have to take care too, must constantly wash ur hands too.. Hope Val recovers soon..

Ya I heard of tat too, but since I will enroll her to daily PG soon, so think better give her the jab..
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>
Yes, I heard before that HFMD need not nec have blisters but Valeri's uclers are localised in 1 area (4 on right tip of tongue + 1 on lower right lip), rather than all over. None on the cheeks as well.

We suspect it's becoz she kept touching the stage (my cousin-in-law's wedding lah) in the hotel and then play with her mouth... Could that be it?

Seriously dunno. Today her ulcers seemed to be better, at least not so white already. But she is still refusing food (except for ice cream).


poor val... its so painful to have ulcers especially so many. Hope she is coping well.. i think its ok to feed just yoghurt or ice cream ... at least the cold helps to numb the pain a little. Took my kids nearly 2 weeks to recover from the ulcers and blisters the last time they got it. It was so painful J cant drink milk at all even though she was so hungry... we need to use syringe to force feed cold milk. My hb said the pain from the throat ulcer make him feel "concussed" each time he swallow.....

so u wont be going for the JG end of term potluck party this week? Btw, r u going to put val in the edudrama? I am going to put Samuel in the english edudrama first on top of the playclub... then slowly will add maindarin edudrama... if the timing is right... cos still got J.. she is joining JG playclub soon.


ya more relieved only today... cos he is not as lethargic liao. I am going to bring him for the pneumococal shot asap once he is fully recovered.
I think some GP do charge consultation fees bt very little.. Think was abt $8 or $12. The GP i went to charge me for the growth assessment also..

Sheri also got running nose AGAIN. She just recovered last week bt kena again after 2 days!!! She always ask for cold drinks ley.. My PILs always give in to her cos they cant stand her cries.. Bt if i am ard, they dun dare to give her lah.. I will say NO and let her cry her heart out lor.. Sigh..

Darryl looks so peaceful in his sleep..
How the doctors know the bb poo inside har?? They scan the bb while u are in labour??

Val so poor thing got ulcers in her mouth.. Hope that she will recover soon.. I read before that its good to give them some cold stuff like yogurt or ice-cream to ease or rather numb the discomfort and pain..
glad to know tt S is getting better!

so Val has been feasting on ice cream these few days, poor gal must be very umcomfortable with all the ulcers. We adults ourselves would have been very uncomfy when we have 1, dun talk about tods!! hope it clears away soon!

Ya, I also really hope tt the CLO does help in boosting immune system as I dun really give her much supplement on top of tt except for some Vit C gummies..

abt the Colostrum powder tt u mentioned,is it Symbiotics New Life Colostrum Powder? Keen to buy for Cla too

Darryl is a chubby baby!

does S get used to drinking cold drinks? Cla seldom gets to drink/ take cold stuff. MIL will "thaw" stuff like fruits etc before giving it to her.
hope val recovers soon.. k juz kenna uclers in his last bout of flu/cough/fever... then kept putting his fingers into his mouth... i'm so worried but my pd say does not look like HFMD cos no red spots on any part of his body...

now he 2nd set of molars erupting he oso put his fingers into his mouth... i kinda worried loh cos he's attending cc now...

wah u so fast post darryl photo... he's of very good size leh... kekeke

glad to hear s is recovering... think its a nightmare when one of the kids fall sick cos scare the other one will kenna... sigh... u n your hubby take care too ok...
Hey Mummies!!

I MIA for some time liao and come back see got soo many tots also sick.. Thyler has been sick and I have to take care of him at home.. It is true the flu/ viral fever bug is very potent these days. The teacher in his cc also sms us all and say 2 kids down with bronchitis, 2 down with viral fever and thyler down with throat infection. And the class size only 8 so imaginethe teacher... only 1-2 kids in class. So scared to bring him to cc in case he catch the bronchitis virus.. hiaz. So far his fever/throat infection recover vv fast. Maybe mummies who are bfing can put their sick toddlers on their bm too. I think it helps.

Here's some pics of the brothers! Very hard to put them together without war erupting ah..


You have a very funny way to describe your 2 princes lei.... hard to put 2 of them together without war erupting. Ahahahahahaha..... Funny...... Aiyo. Better let ler ler stay away from the CC from the time being. So scary. He might infect Thavis also.

Indeed, it is worrying to see K keep putting his fingers into his mouth. Esp he's in CC. Where everything is shared. He brings the virus directly to himself.

Ya lor. Now can only count on the CLO. Sometimes, when I see my BIL's coughing gal coming over, I feel so frustrated, yet feel so helpless. We can't do anything to stop them at all.

I still got things with you hor. And May ask me to pass her stuff over to you when I go collect my loot. Hee..... me and her both heavy heavy now. Both lazy to move around liao. Ahahahahahaha

Glad to hear that S is recovering well. You must have lost lots of sleep past few nights right? Now you can rest well liao.

I grew up an ulcer gal. Always have lots of ulcers in my mouth. And eventually grew used to it. I understand the pain that Val is going through. Poor gal......

You 3 are at the airport last Sat! I was there with Joeson!!! We missed each other. Aiyoooo......

Your boy very good size. So very the handsome hor?! Need my help to spank his backside? I pro lei..... CONGRATS TO YOU, MUMMY of 2!!!
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>
valerie not attending JG this term coz we shifting mah.. so no time. But prob not continuing with JG once she starts on CC (tentatively 1st June).

<font color="119911">Angelneo</font>
Sigh.. my hb is one of those who always gets 2-3 ulcers each time one lor..

<font color="0077aa">sweetbabe</font>
Ya lor.. feast until can say "ice cream" liao. 1st time in my life I bot Valerie ice cream to eat. And 1 shot I bot her <font color="ff0000">SIX</font> small cups!!! This mommy dun buy ice cream & sweets one.

<font color="ff6000">Wenna</font>
U v furni. War? No wat.. Thyler seemed to be enjoying Thavis's company
Wah u not bad har...
Sky already saying sweet and ice cream liao....
Hear sound of sweet will say one... and ytd his dad dun understand him..he even hit his dad..then I told hb that he hear sweets (clorets) and want it

I open my fridge...he will pt at freezer compartment and goes ICE CREAM.... then he will peep inside and say YAKULT
Hi Meow,

Congrats! Little Daryl is handsome! You had contractions before you were admitted?

Hi Mummies,

Long time never post. Xavier also went childcare. Today is his first day alone at the centre. According to the teacher there, he only cried a bit when he realised that his Daddy was not there (My hubby sneaked away when he was playing with a toy). After that, he was ok. He also finished his food when the teacher fed him. So unlike at home, where it was like having a battle with him just to make him eat. Hope he can continue like this.
S is so used to eating whatever we eat.. I usually ordered Ice Milo w/o Ice cos of her.. If i order hot beverages, she will eye at her daddy's soft drinks.. Sigh..

My PILs also always give her food that contains seafood like prawns.. I already told them that Sheri is too young to take seafood. Children below 2 years old cannot take seafood and peanuts. Furthermore S got a bit of eczema so she always get neck rash after taking prawns. Everytime i see her wf neck rash, i know that its cos they give her seafood.. Tell them many times and even told my maid to watch over the food she takes bt my maid said my PILs always say give a little bit never mind!! I feel so frustrated lor.. If 1 fine day, she gets allergic reactions and needs to be admitted.. Who is gg to take responsiblity?! Isnt it too late to regret?!

Shall we arrange to meet this weekend? May wants u to collect from me her Melody Mix har?
hee thanks for the compliment for little naughty Darryl. He's nose sharp meh? Angle problem is it? But his hair all curly one. He's birth weight is 3.385kg. Today bring him for his jaundice check. He weighs 3.55 already.

He's born healthy as compare to Sheryl. But his jaundice level is pretty high. So he's not discharge yet. Will go for another check on monday.

Oh dear, val got HFMD??Poor gal leh...you be careful incase it will spread to you.

No lah, from scan will not know whether they poo inside or not. Its only when my gynae burst my water bag see the colour to yellowish then say so one. Else waterbag should be colourless.

She's not adapting well. Thou she loves didi, says didi i love you. Even sayang didi too but at times she can be real naughty and cranky. Everything dun want and throw things aside.

Yeah had contractions when before i go kk. Heng ah i finally know what contractions is. Actually dunno one, only see the pain is here at same interval then think so one. Well if i dun have show, maybe i wont know what's contractions too.
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
We still not convinced it's HFMD coz she doesn't have any blisters on her hands & feet. And the ulcers are concentrated at 1 area as compared to all over the mouth & cheek like others said.

<font color="119911">Serrich</font>
Grandparents are like that one lah. Sometimes I wonder if they purposely "disobey" us to show that they are the elder.. Valerie eats some prawns etc but meat wise she not really a fan. But she does eat them as long as they are in small pcs.

<font color="0077aa">Glayz</font>
We don't buy ice cream for her to eat alone lah (altho I know my FIL does tt very often). We'll share with her if we eats. That's about it.
OIC.. I cant be bothered to read up much for my 2nd preg so have totally forgotten what should be the color of the waterbag during labour.

There will be some behaviour change in the first child when the second child comes along. This is very common.. They will start to behave differently, usually more cranky and deemed to be naughtier. They did that mainly to seek attention.

I also dun understand what's on their mind. They should know that kids will feel lethargic and uncomfortable when they are sick.. Anyhow give them food, end up is the children themselves suffer when they get sick lor..

Thavis so poor thing.. Bt i didnt see tears ley.. Did he fake cry?
will this problem of behaviour go away?? hubby jus took a week leave to help, once back to work i die liao.

lerler so fierce ah? didi cry until like that
<font color="0000ff">Valerie's condition</font>
Hi ladies, new house internet connection is bad so didn't log in for days.

In any case, the weekend is super tiring for us. Valerie totally refused to eat coz her ulcers had spread to the whole mouth. Meaning left, right, front all got ulcers. And right at the corners of the mouth, the inner cheek, got TWO super big ulcers. She has phobia of eating or drinking so end up we have to force-feed her.

Once I end up crying coz I every heartpain to see my MIL hold onto her cheek and use the syringe to feed her barley/milk/water/medicine. I know we have to do it coz if not she'll be dehydrated. But it hurts really bad.

And after all the force feeding Valerie will scream, shout, beat etc.. just go completely hysterical.. only my MIL can pacify her. All of us can just stand there and pull hair.

Come night is worse. All the crying, screaming and struggle in the day resulted in her having constant nightmares. Every hourly she'll scream "No No No" in the sleep, toss & turn violently, many times knocking her head against the cabinet (coz we sleeping on sofa bed with her). gotta carry her up and cradle her to sleep. once U put her down only she starts screaming and crying again.

End up this mommy again broke down and cry.

Saturday we brot Valerie back for review coz her fever persisted. Doc says it's not HFMD (but SIL kept insisting it is). It's virus for sure and advise us to bring Valerie for blood test just to rule out dengue (altho chances are low). So we did lor.. and of course scream & cry again lor.

Now I so tired. Going to discuss with boss later to allow me to be on half day this week until Valerie condition is much better.

<font color="119911">Panadol,Supportistry,Ibuprofen</font>
Ok, something I learn from PD. DO NOT give your child those strong fever medicine thinking that giving stronger fever medicine can help. What PD explained is, some fever medicine are "anti-inflammatory" in nature, meaning, while they do suppress the fever, it'll suppress the body's own fighting mechanism so it might hinder the child's body to fight the virus.

So he suggested not to give child strong fever medicine or supportistory (unless fever really high). Instead, feed panadol round the clock (after 4hrly) to suppress the fever. Becoz he says Panadol doesn't have that anti-inflammatory properties in them.

really hope valerie recover soon... it must have been sooooo painful for her
Me too... always prefer panadol over any other fever medication. Even if S is down with v high fever, we normally will give panadol as the first choice unless he is vomitting and cant keep medication down. Somehow its more effective and long lasting on him than the brufen leh.
hope valerie recover soon. Very worrying when kids fall sick. Seeing their restless look will make us very heartpain.

The Nordic cod liver oil is it nice? Is there a strong taste of cod liver oil?
Yeah hope Valerie recovers faster too. Did u give her more hugs this period? Must keep telling u luv her & U'll always be there for her.. This period is a very stressful, phobia & tongku period, & she needs alot of luv from u.

<font color="0000ff">Happy Belated 2 YO Birthday Denyce!</font>
wish Val a speedy recovery, n u take care too!!

hope S is fine n kicking by now!

thanks for the info.

U mentioned Darryl was not discharged yet? hope his jaundice level goes down soon!

currently does D take any cod liver oil? I personally quite enjoyed Scott's CLO when I was a kid, I give it to Cla too and hopefully she will cont' to like it too.

Happy Belated Birthday to Denyce! How was the celebration? any pics to share?
I also agreed, tat's why I also will prefer giving Panadol even temperature reach 38.5 deg. Some doc recommend this temperature shd insert support. or Nurofen (Ibuprofen).

Nurofen also very hurtful to the gastric, cos I remember from KK hospital tat if the child is vomitting & maybe having indigestion, it is advisable not to give Nurofen even temperature is higher than 39 degree. Cos Nurofen will further worsen the tummy.
I am nt sure either cos Sheri has been quite cranky lately.. Think it goes on and off..

U must have had a tiring and trying time now. Hope that Val will recover soon.. Do watch over your health too.

Young babies no tears one meh?? I dun think its true ley.. I can see tears when Shania cry until very cham..
Temper tantrums
Temper tantrums are used by toddlers to try and get their way. If that works and they get what they want, they learn that tantrums are an effective tool and so will continue with that tried and tested (and successful) approach.

Why does my toddler have temper tantrums?
It is normal for a toddler to want the world to revolve around her. If things don't go according to her plan, a tantrum is a pretty effective way of her showing her dissatisfaction.
Not only does it show her displeasure, but there is a chance that you (or whoever else is caring for her) will give in. As long as that's a possibility, it's worth a go.

Does having a tantrum mean my toddler has anger issues?
No. It just means you have a normal toddler.

How do I stop my toddler having temper tantrums?
The best way to stop an unwanted behavior, like temper tantrums, is to ignore the behavior. So, when your toddler lets it all go, you have to act as if nothing is going on at all.
It is pretty hard to ignore a full blown tantrum, but that is what you have to appear to do. Your child has to think that the tantrum is having no impact at all. Try leaving the room. The tantrum doesn't have much effect without an audience.

Even if I ignore my toddler, she doesn't stop?
Initially, when you ignore your toddler during a tantrum, especially if you usually do something else, she will just think she's not making enough fuss so she'll turn up the volume. It's very important when this happens that you don't give in to the increased fuss - that will only teach her that making more fuss and noise gets what she wants. That is completely the wrong message to give.
If your toddler just persists, you might want to pick her up and put her in her room until she settles. If you are going to do that, wait until there is a little lapse in the tantrum - there usually are small lapses when things aren't so full on (your toddler will need to take a breath) - before you attend to your child. This way, she won't associate increasing fuss with attention and she might figure out that it was when she was quieter that you came to her.
If your child is persistent when she has her temper tantrums, it can be tiring but look on the bright side, she will be able to persist at things when she's older - that's a good trait.

What should I do after the tantrum?
When your child has calmed down, make it easy for her to do something that pleases you and then give her some positive reinforcement and attention. For example, you might want to say "Who can pick up the most toys and put them away" Children love a challenge and hopefully once she has picked up some toys (or even one) you can give her lots of encouragement and tell her how proud you are of her.
Everyone likes to save face and your child is no different so don't go on about the tantrum once it's over. Remember that temper tantrums are part of normal development.

How long will it take for my toddler to stop having temper tantrums?
That will depend on a number of factors:
how effective the tantrums have been in the past
how persistent your child is
how consistent both parents (and other care-givers) have been in managing the tantrum
However, if you want the tantrums to stop, the best way is to ignore them. Once your toddler learns that a tantrum doesn't get her what she wants, she'll give up.

What if my toddler has a tantrum in the supermarket?
Temper tantrums in the supermarket are always a challenge for parents. Ignoring your child is difficult in that situation and if you do, someone is sure to criticise you for doing so. There is no right answer but you could try:

pick your child up and leave the supermarket - this can be a nuisance if you haven't finished shopping
leave your child with someone else while you go shopping
distract your child - you probably need to do this before the full blown tantrum begins
"bribe" your child - tell her that if she's good, there will be a reward later
give in to your child - this is not the best plan as it will only reinforce that tantrum can work
If you have been using time-out with your toddler, you can give a warning. If your toddler knows you mean business, then often the first verbal warning is enough. Your toddler probably won't figure out that there isn't a bedroom handy, but if she is smart enough for that, just threaten to put her in the car. She won't realise that you actually couldn't do that.
For this to work, your toddler has to know you follow through on your words and she will learn this because you are clear and consistent and you do follow through on your words
wow.. alot of posting...
yup gerald is in the mode of recovering... thanks all... me ... been trying to sleep more n more but seem unable.... surprising had not bee down.... haha.....

hope all the kids recovering soon hor....

twinklet give wrong info liao. Denyce bday not yet arrive. haha. anyway, thanks. Her bday is tommorrow but had a small celebration on Saturday.
