(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

u oso popping soon leh... btw suggest not to keep the age in the 2nd table cos need a lot of maintenance leh... juz the birthdates is good enuff lah... thanks for updating the table...

Yah lor, very soon will be my turn, kept thinking how it will turn out this time.
You still in confinement hor? Did you bathe? Wash hair?

The age doesn't need a lot of maintenance because it is formulated.
Belle is so pretty & sweet. I think she resembles u a lot, a mini u. hee.
Btw, <font color="ff0000">Happy Belated Birthday to Bella!!</font>

So fast, u 39 weeks liao. Meaning u anytime can pop.

U silent reader there? When u wanna collect your dvd hah? Scare u forgotten abt it & u need to go labour in June liao. keke.

Family Protraits
Same here, also never take family protraits before. Not even 1 studio pic before. I'm so lazy to scout for good one.
I think maybe next time got #2 liao, then go take a complete family, more hua shuan bah. hehe.
<font color="ff6000">Meow,</font>
Ya, you must remember to sms me once you popped ok? I will announce to everyone here. hehehehe.

I was writing the cheque to you just now and I nearly wrote "Meow" as your name. Hahaha.
Feeling heavy...haha. Lazy to do many things lor. Still in office, dun wan to waste my leave yet. Later go KKH for CTG. Hope to take the chance to sleep haha.
Maybe you'll pop earlier than me hor

I also never take any family photos, heng heng this photo shoot they allow us to take a few but Darryl in my tummy lah.
Maybe next time then take another one.

You ah...noti you.
Hey any of your relatives work in Ikea? I heard that for their staffs to purchase items from there got very good rates leh. Is it true? Any ideas?
Yah, our due dates are very close. Hard to tell who will give birth first. I am feeling heavy too. I will be working until the day I deliver because also dun want to waste leave. Is it a standard procedure to go for CTG? I dun think my gynae will put me on CTG.
<font color="ff6000">Meow,</font>
I didn't know that Ikea staff can get good discounts. Dunno anyone working for them. I just went Ikea recently to get some storage compartments so that my maid can use to keep her belongings when she arrives.
yes i still in confinement... officially over this sun... hehehe... finally... aiyo weather so hot how can dun bathe/wash hair... mi sometimes even bathe twice... last time for k i still got use herbs, this time round i told my mum not to bother cos after using the herb water i'll still rinse wif water... hehehe... mi very notti one...

wah soon its u n meow's turn... hehehe... enjoy all the time u hving wif cay cos soon u'll be very busy trying to rest, take care of no 2 n oso squeezing time to play wif cay...
with 10% discount code really very fast one lei. Hee.... next time I get it again, I jio you la. Okok?! Don't ah bish me la. Kan zai wo de tai er de fen shang??? Okok?
Not a norm procedure meh?? Dunno leh, jus monitor see got contractions or not lor. My boy now 3kg liao. Cervic not open yet and his not engage.

well that's what the staffs told me leh....i hope to get this confirm lor, if really have not bad leh....i would love to get many things from the mammut series.

Yeah once your confinement over you can officially go shopping again hor?
At least my gynae din strap me on CTG last time and this time also haven't do it yet. Wow, your boy quite big already.
Your gynae also did cervix check ah. Mine din check yet. My gal also hasn't engage.
SC, u got a new maid? From where? Experienced in taking care of kids? How much? Is your agent good?

Wah Tigger also getting!

An agent just called to say found a suitable experienced Ind. who can comm. in Eng. and has experienced with babies. But my hubby hiam her too experienced. Sigh ai pi ai qi, v hard to meet all criteria.

Happy Belated Birthday to Bella! Zhang da le...looks so different. : )
SC: me too..esp Blk 2's food..after i moved out to depot office..i missed the food there..but now im back to alexandra again..but still abit distance away frm my office..if got mattel sales also cant go during break time. keke.

Caymom: thanks.. i also think they look quite alike :p bella's sweet but little notti ger...

Eve: xiexie ni.. ur ash also very pretty n sweet now :p

Ming: thanks!

So if there's mattel sale you wont go liao ah?? Sure or not?

She checked since last week le cos i got stains remember? This week check cos i wonder why down there very sore like that. Even if i were to turn from sideways can feel the soreness. You leh? Got the same feeling as i am?

Think your hubby find if too experience will become lazy. Some maids are like that one. They think they know and are good in handling babies so they wont perform up to your expectation. Those new ones hor, then you got to teach to wat you want them to be.
i got a filipino, working for almost 4 yrs in sin liao... experience with young kids... but not with infant lah... her pay is $370 without off loh... will sms u my agent contact...

u very bad, tempt me... got sales of cos must go lah... juz how much budget i hv loh... so now budget is pte ltd... aarrgghhh... somemore gss coming... aarrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh....

the soreness is common... due to bb's weight pushing down... juz hv to bear with it... it will be over soon liao... another 10 more days or less... jia you jia you...
Me sama sama as you, down wz fever, flu, cough. Fever last 5 days. Even thought is dengue fever. Temp went as high as 39.6 and even after taking neurofen & parcetamol, also nvr subside much. Today finally come back work but cough is still not ok yet.

U finally reappear. So now where are you working? Last see you during the time u pass me the FP music chair.

U so fast got a maid liao ah. How come so sudden? Your mum will be the main care giver when u return work also haven't surrender but u so fast raise white flag liao ah. hehe.
mummies ah..now crystal 90% get a place in the cc near my mum's place lor..going to settle some paperwork this friday..starting her on 4 june..now i scare lah..bu she de oso..haha..have place worry..no place oso worry..

caymom - now more difficult to catch her smile liao..always look away..i have been reading cay's blog..so funny leh..tat pong no more (conversation between ah ma and auntie)..keke..

meow - 16 May is a good day to pop..hehe..

bbmilk - my gal oso very prone to nappy rash one..she is jing pi gu..till now still got put desitin for her..oso still using pampers brand diapers..so i oso scare she go cc hor..rash come back..cos at home we oso wash clean clean..so when u sending him?
<font color="0000ff">ming,</font>
You intend to change maid? Whats wrong with the current one?

My maid has not even arrived and I am having headache on the time table, house rules and if Keane will like her etc etc.
I will have to take some days off and some days working from home to train the maid when she comes. Sigh Busy busy.
Caymom Had POPPED !!!!

Caymom has delivered this morning at 648am. bb 2.8kg/48cm via natural delivery (extracted from May07 thread)
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
I also got the sore feeling sometimes. I think you'll feel it more than me since you gonna due soon. Take care!

<font color="ff0000">Sharon</font>
You're back in Alexandra. We're v near orh.. keke

<font color="119911">re: Maids</font>
So many of you getting maids already. I think that will be my last resort though we're quite likely to get one if our new place has spare room for the maid to stay. More to help out in housework than taking care of children. Otherwise I wouldn't want her to sleep in living room or kitchen. So inconvenient.

<font color="aa00aa">SC,</font>
so K will continue with CC after your maid arrives? How's he in CC? Zavier had slight fever when he return from CC last evening but the fever went down last night. This morning he's ok so we still send him to CC and I asked the teachers to help me monitor his temperature. I think he's v tired from the new routine in CC. Not eating and sleeping well. Emotionally already straining. He has only about +/-1hr of nap each day but he sleeps early at night, before 10pm.

Morning send him in and evening fetch him still got cry... then on the way home moody moody one. Hope he will settle in soon.
This is her sms..

"I had contractions at 3am. Confirmed they're real at 4am. Reach hospital at 5.20am, 7cm dilated. Baby out at 6.48am"

wah her labour fast fast and she dun have time for epi....
Wow that's fast for you. See...earlier than me

Good mah, got sales can go buy ah...i dun think i got anymore things to buy le. Even have also no place to put liao. Soon got to sell away le.

Why 16May is a good day to pop leh?? Mother's day ah?

Yeah soon its my turn but dunno when leh. No contractions...nothing...
Congrats!!Tis time the delivery is so much shorten!

wow.. i can sense ur gan jiong ness now. hee..

Where's Meow?? Scully she pop liao too.
Dear Mummies,

Have a good piece of news to share, I finally convince hubby to have baby #2. We tried and succeed in our 1st attempt, i tested postive on the pregnancy kit yesterday, will go & see my family doc on fri to cfm
Congrats!! I saw yr last posting was at 10:52pm last nite & you pop tis morning at 6:48am. wow, did u sleep or immediately go to the hospital?
<font color="0077aa">CONGRATULATIONS TO CAYMOM!!!</font>

Don't ah bish hoho la. You are really next in line mah..... ahahahahaha. I kan cheong for you ok?!

I also waiting for you to pop lei. Keep us updated ok?!

Give Zavier more time to settle in. Not easy for kiddos to get adapt to that environment, with no one that he's familiar to.
Congrats Caymom!

Congrats to u 2! U got yr wish now. Wks ago, you are still 'faning' abt yr hb dun wish to have #2, but so shortly, u already preggy.

No need to envy Evelyn lah. U n yr hb also super powderful leh! wahaha.
Congrats Caymom!!! Ur delivery super fast leh.


Congrats to you!!! Agree with Angel, ur hb's soldier's really powerful ... kekekeke
Thanks all for ur well wishes. I guess we r really lucky. Anybody has any good gynae to recommend? I had a bad experience with my 1st one, she was pregnant and only told me in my 5th mth, as her delivery date was earlier than mine, i resort to being delivered by mid-wife. The gynae that replaced her was not too gd, ask me to induce 3 days prior to my edd & i suffer lots of pain as i dilate very slow. Many hands were inserted to check for dilation, those 3 days were hell. Come to think of it, i really scared...
I'm here lah..

Yeah that's good news from you too.
Me also first time bingo too. Hubby was complainting so fast ah??

I think wont be so soon lah. Still got a long wait.
Looks like i can go shopping again this weekend.
congrats!! wah your labour very fast leh... very good... i so envious...

congrats... welcome new member to the preggie club... ahahahaha

my soreness started quite early oso... gynae say mabbe 2nd preggie so bones all loose liao... all rubbing against each other so cause pain... i experience soreness everywhere... pelvic area, lower back n the v area loh... shld be ok as long as not very very pain...

k is very notti nowadays... testing our patience to the limit... temper super duper bad... playing wif toys means throwing toys all over the place... if cannot get wat he wants, he'll scream, cry or shout... like a monster leh... so evening time when my mum goes work, i hv problem coping wif my dad's help loh... then when i go back work, at least the maid will help my dad to look after shanice while my dad handles k...

k still cries when he goes cc... esp recently when he was absent for 3 days (he was sick)... then got new students so his fav teacher's attention is divided n he got jealous of the new kids loh... cannot let the teacher carry the new kids n the new kids oso dun allow teacher to carry him... ahahahaha... my hubby kept pressing me to withdraw him since got maid but i think he is doing fine leh... lazy to find pg oso leh then hv to go thru the adj phase again... sigh... take 1 step at a time loh...

think give zavier more time... it quite heart pain to see our once so bubbly kiddo to be moody n insecure loh but if u r determined to send him to cc u hv to be hard-hearted n pray he get adj quickly...

y wanna sell the toys, dun sell, let didi play...
so u mean next time when u return to work, u not bring them home everyday?

Btw, yr maid here already?

re: Maid,
I wonder how you all select maid beside their 'biodata'. In terms of looks, do you go for pretty maid? Jus wondering. If 1 day me engaging, this is also very 'shang nao jing'. Too pretty, scared scared. But if not pretty, we must face her 24/7, see her also not very 'shun yan'.
so first rule is to 'soon yan'..
maybe ask mil to choose.. keke

like mine, choose like choosing dil! faint

she dun care can work or not. she choose le, then i screen thru, taking biodatas n ask all the family members n relatives can bo. Very big project!
Ya lor... I agree my hubby very powderful. Everytime give me baby boy somemore lei?!!! Envy right?

Hmm... select maid ah. Me and my hubby a bit crazy one. First thing we told our agent is, we are having a piggy baby, and piggy will be good for my hubby... so we take the yr 1983 first. Secondly, we glance through the biodata, we direct to the DOB. Ahahahahahaha.... and this one that I'd chosen, birthday is 2 days after Joeson's. So, she was shortlisted. Next, we go for the look. Although from picture, we saw that the one with birthdate near to Joeson's one really look like auntie despite very young. But then, agent told us she really look different in person, and we can go view her next day, cos she's a transfer maid. And we did go back again to view her. And found her really quite pleasant looking. Thus, with all the yr of birth and date of birth factor, we confirmed her.

You can say us crazy la. Ahahahahahaha

meow - 16 May is crystal's bday mah..haha..so good day to pop lor..keke..

caymom - Congrats!! you popped on my hubby's birthday leh! hehe..so i will remember your no. 2 liao..
