(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

So i din even buy.... I use rubber band also Piak till jialat liao...dun dare to think what will happen if Mr Cane at home....
i oso lei.. putting the cane far far behind my mind!
cannt imagaine MR/MRS CANE at hme hor...

so now only use hand to beat, pinch or shoot, already cry till so chiam liao.. haiz.
Re cane, actually I requested MIL to get one
She regretted it big time... the feather duster, the contractor get one, so they can clean the shop before they leave, now its another cane for the little mafia

But lor, I don't even need to cane her, just take out and she knows...
<font color="0000ff">Terrible Two?</font>
Wow.. today's topic is Terrible Two & Tantrums huh? (TTT?!?! HAHAHAHA)

Sigh.. yesterday nite valerie also refuse to sleep. 10+ already still whining in the room. So I try to bond by going into the room to pacifier her and sleep on the sofa bed. The moment she see me lie down and say "time to sleep" she starting crying again.. cry cry cry.. I really dunno what to do :-(

This morning, she was quite close to the Tv, so I called her and pat onto the sofa and said "come here, dun stand so near to TV". Guess what she did? CRY!!!! Cry and cry & cry and then stuck to my MIL. I tried to carry her or hug her, she just pushed me away.. SUPER DUPER hurt!

I spent so much time at work (as if I want!!) and then end up my r/ship with her is back to square one!!!! I really hate this job!!!
Terrible two!
Guess all of us are experiencing this terrible stage now. We mummies are more upset than the little ones.

Valmom: dun feel bad. Lisa also has not been willing to sleep. She has been like that for almost 2 weeks. The moment we said.. make milk.. she whined and cried.. said "I dun wan milk, dun wan milk". We switched off the lights she would cry too. I think these little rascals were tired but unwilling to sleep.

Tonite also, in the car Lisa kept whining and said dun wan to go home, dun wan to sit in car.. I asked her what does she want, she said.. "dun wan mummy, dun wan mummy.." Sigh, I just ignored her. She was just being difficult. I'm sure Valerie too. So, don't take it so hard. Probably has nothing to do with her relationship with u. Lisa sticks to me so much, but when she is being difficult, she will also push me away (physically too).

I had a bad night yesterday. Firstly, Joeson refused to let me have some time at the computer. Once I sat down, he'll rush in and say 'bu yao zuo dong xi'.... then will pull me out of the room..... Next, will take his shoes and start wearing it..... and then pull me towards the door, say go gai gai. Finally gave in, brought him to IMM. Managed to have some peaceful time with him there while we shop around. Just the 2 of us. Again, got conned of a toy car. Finally, at around 10pm, we went home and he was peaceful for a while. But when it comes to bedtime, his tantrum flare again. Kicked me, in my tummy... refusing to wear his PJ.... then cry non-stop. Until my hubby got fed up, got up from his sleep and scream at both of us. Haiz........

It seems that 'don't want' is a word that most tods love to say. This morning, Joeson also woke up upon feeling that I'm getting ready for work.... woke up and kept crying while hugging tight to me. Tell me not to go to work. Gave him candy also cannot. Gave him yakult also cannot..... All he demand is that I don't go to work. If not for my MIL's persistance in bringing my crying boy away, I might even have to take leave today! Aiyoooo..... sometimes, I might also feel that is it Joeson is feeling strong threat from his 'di di'???
<font color="0000ff">blurmom</font>
No lah.. Valerie not close to me. Angelneo can witness to that. Valerie sees daddy only want daddy liao. Weekend I was happily feeding her lunch while my hb was at the back putting up laundry etc. The moment he pop his head out to see how we are doing.. she started crying for him liao. Sigh..

Somedays (like yest) she is ok with sleeping. I managed to go home earlier yesterday (ie 8pm leave office, reach home 9pm) so spent some time playing with her, read her 3 story books before finally turning down the lights. Then lie on the sofabed for a while and I asked her "wanna go back to ur bed to sleep?" She got up and walked to her bed = ok I wanna sleep. Days she refuse she'll go "nooooooooo" and if u insist and carry her up, she'll do a 'scissors leg' onto u so u cannot put her in her bed. And if u do managed to put her in her head.. hell will break loose as she'll cry very very loud.

<font color="119911">Angelneo</font>
Poor thing u, so in the end got eat dinner? Maybe Joeson is feeling 'threat' from his didi since he has always been so close to you and you give him your 100% attention. I guess that's normal and he'll outgrow it sooner or later. It's a matter of going thru some 'pain' I guess.

Valerie dun say "don't want", she'll got "noooooooooooo" instead.
<font color="0000ff">Terrible two .. </font>
So many months to go .. dunno how to survive during this period leh. My Ashley also dun wanna sleep at times. Even wanna sleep, also want me to pat infront of the TV. gosh she's really a TV freak. Sleepy liao also wanna face the TV. Also dunno how.

As for beating/slapping, I dun think is right to slap face lor. I think is really hurting when some1 slaps ur face. Somemore is a child. I think beat the butts & hand is still all right, but not on the face.

Nowadays I will still try to use distraction & reasoning in disclipining her. Ehh cos I noe that the hard approach dun work for her, cos I've seen in my Mum's case. Raise voice until wanna die liao, used the cane also not scare 1. So i think in order not to make my voice coarse & my pressure rise, I have to 'good lak" abit, use soft approach more often. So sometimes it still work for us. But when she really damn bad temper liao, we'll just let her cry out loud. Carry her to playmat & let her cry until mad. Then end of it, must tell her to apologize to us. & again we'll tell her why we dun let her this & that. So far still ok lor. & we also practise "1 last time, OK?" This really work well so far, especially when she wants to eat something. Think constantly practise that, they'll know & understand, & we wont lose frustration too many times.

Now I'm trying to wean off pacifier during normal hours. Cos she's so addicted to it. Yesterday let her cry until mad, then I told her suck tutu shame shame, so I told her sleeping time then give her. So far she understands, I hope today with my Mum she also can be liked tat. Anw, crossing my fingers now.
Valmom: at least Val is willing to sleep on some days.. nowadays Lisa dreads sleeptime.

Anyway, Lisa will say.. "don't want", "NOooooo" and finally if we still don't do what she wants, she'll say "wo bu yao!". As if worried that we don't understand what she said. I always find it amusing!
My boi also like that.... he will say no no no... when we still force him he will think we dn understand and go MAI...
Thought I'm the only one facing with sleeptime problem. Now I know I'm not alone. I feel more relieved.

Ahahahaha.... Joeson's Bu yao say very fast each time. So will end up as byao......

I ta bao back and eat. By that time, near 10am liao. This morning, I came to work alone too. Got caught in the rain.....
<font color="0000ff">glayz</font>
hahah.. teochew boi! :p

WHen valerie wants, she'll either nod her head or got "Wo Yao!" Like when she sees her pacifier she'll go "Ma ma wo yao!!"

Sometimes she call me "ah-mi"

I also wanna start weaning Valerie off e pacifier coz everytime she sees it, confirm wants one. And she knows where we keep the pacifier so whenever she wants to suck, she'll go to that area and start fussing. If it's in the diaper bag she'll go and take out the towel, water bottle etc to take her pacifier. During JG class teacher Di is rather against pacifier and toy so she always ask us to hide them.

We hardly beat Valerie coz raise voice only she'll cry until very chi-cham. But at times I do slap her hands if she throw things despite me telling her "Cannot throw". Some more she'll look at you, smile and then throw. Obviously challenging your authority. And when I do that, she'll stomp her feet and cry, throw tantrums etc.

Her temper really foul lah.. can't tell us so end up we dunno what she wants = stomp feet, sit on floor & kick air etc.. throw tantrums... sigh..

So we have to go from item 1, item 2 to see what exactly she wants. The moment u are on the right track she'll start clapping.
<font color="0000ff">Angelneo</font>
Ha.. so late.. 10pm then eat dinner? Poor gal. Caught in rain? Better take care k?
Sky also says "mai"? cay's version has became more gangster-like these day. Ask her anything and she will reply "mai lah!" in a really rude tone.
No lar, stomp feet/sit floor & kick are normal behavior of a 2 YO. This doesnt mean she got a foul temper. Every kid is doing that, so u dun get too frustrated by it.

I juz called my mum, haha she's still hiding the tutu. Ash hasnt ask for it yet. I already told me mum to reply her Big gal dun suck tutu. Shame shame. U got see Barney those jie jie gor gor suck tutu, No rite? Shame shame.

Think that works leh. But when come to at nite sleeping,she die die wan it & I also need to have some peace in my ears, so I'll give. Wait slowly I'll wean her off. But my most stressed thing is Potty train. Aiyoh tat 1 ultimate lor. Btw, I went to ToysRUS to buy Potty accesories for her Doll. I think it help abit leh. Perhaps U wud wanna try on Val.
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
Valerie likes soft toys but not dolls. Dunno why. She very difficult to con one lah. Not only I say, my MIL who has taken care of so many kids also say my daugther temper is bad (HAHAHA). And her tears are like tap. Can flow like tap immediately one.. really drown u with her tears & perspiration one.
You gals very lucky. Still can hide the tutu. How I hide Joeson's finger? He wanna suck on something, and in goes his left thumb. Aiyooo..... Must add chilli to it liao. But he learnt to eat chilli liao lei.

Ahahahaha..... then you must help your boy draw whisker liao. My boy loves elephant.... tell you one joke. Recently, when I bring him to pee in the toilet, and after he started peeing.... he will start to swing his ass left and right, while saying... 'whoa whoa' and laughing at the sight of his pee going left and right...... and immediately, Crayon shin chan popped into my mind. I wanna faint liao.

Now I got slight headache liao. And no appetite for food liao. Think, I am falling sick......
Ash not into softtoys but into dolls nowadays. Haha I'm glad cos I can see her tender loving moment when she plays with the doll. When I 1st bot the doll, she also quite scared. Took awhile for her to go carry her. U got buy doll for her? Btw she v scared of the KM doll & it took some time for her to get used to it & kiss it.

Ya fingers v hard to hide. How abt apple tiger balm or ru yu oil? heeeee .

Btw I just recx 1 email from my customer. Her customer in HP passed away recently due to overwork. This is so scary. Tat time my customer from Creative passed away due to heart attack also due to overwork. Scary scary.

Here's her blog. U see liao, U will really feel sad for her, it is as if she noes wat's up for her next..


Pls pass aro for those frens tat u care, esp those tat always OVERWORKEd ..
Yes, I guess U may noe him, I was in shock when I heard the news. Even contact him the days before.. Infact I always dislike him.. even got email war before.. When I came to noe that, I really so guilty & sad ..

So hard to digest the fact. Life is really short, we must really cherish the moment .. Remember the Sengkang Docter that pass away last year, also my doctor.. I suppose to see him that month 1, scully havent see he already passed away.. Really.. life is so unpredictable.......
Tell you something even must sadder. 1 mth before he died, he just got promoted. And, he took leave only once a year? No MC. No nothing. And he often worked OT over the weekends. And he's a bachelor. Not married. He collasped at the lift lobby. Face turned blue.

Yes, life is short. Why commit so much to work and not family?
<font color="0000ff">Twinklets</font>
That doc is also Ariella's doc. She also very sad when he died. Life's so short.

<font color="119911">Angelneo</font>
oh no.. then am I in danger? :p But I think I dun work his kind of hours but sometimes the resentment is really strong and dun feel like coming to work coz it takes away so much time from my family. And sad to say, it's not about me wanting to be committed to work but there is so much to do I can't leave!! Everyday I wanna go home before 7pm.. but everyday I work past that

Friday is the BIG day I look forward to every week coz that's the day I'll try to leave by 630pm to have dinner with hubby or friends. My only ticket to stay sane.
WOO ah! its not the boys tt caught my attention.. its WOO ah!

anyway, congrats once again.
happy bday Thyler
happy full month Thavis

Remember to clean the floor after you drool ah. Lucky the other day when I attended the Manyue, we are just beside the swimming pool. All my hubby's drool went into the pool. So never dirty the floor at all. Ahahahahaha....

See la. Your cleavage makes ppl think wai wai.....
ya lor. She's really 1 SEXY Mummy hor. heeee

U not jealous ah?? I cant stand my hb to ogle on my own frens leh. I cant take it 1. =P
I must say lor... u look thin... oh U are thin..can see ur chest bones and with cleavage... WOW WOW WOW....

Dun want to see u in real life la...later my hb sure a lot of comments why I cannot be like that also...
<font color="0000ff">Hoho</font>
Imagine what I said to Wenna when I saw her? "U just delivered??? Where's the post-natal bulge??" She tummy is TOTALLY FLAT!! Pple prob will think I am the new mother. HAHAHAHA

<font color="119911">Wen</font>
After carrying ur boi hor.. my hb kept throwing hints leh.. that day we read a book to valerie, called "Charlotte's Web".. he said to Valerie "Charlotte is a nice name, if you have a mei mei call her Charlotte ok?"

I was like "PLEEEASE!!!"
How can you be so SLIM in 1 mth! Still say u put on more weight during Thavis pregnancy, still same like last time what! Me after almost 2 yrs liao, still can't acheive that see chest bones result!!! You want some fats to be donated to you? I can volunteer hor!

Can share yr secret receipe how u slim dwn within a mth?

Secret= food poisoning 2 days b4... then vomit and lao sai all out.

You all forgot breastfeeding is = to bigger assets meh? but not nice at all when the milk come in, the green veins all sticking out.. very prominently and it throbs so painfully.

After the photo was taken and the candles to the cake blown out, I ran back home to bf thavis liao.


really, very impressed val not jealous at all leh. You really should consider having another child leh. boy or girl also nvm one.. And charlotte is a ncie name kekeke.


not so kau zhang lah. all the more have to bf!! ahaha.. lose weight a lot. And the confinement drink my hubby went to buy one dunno what herb to get rid of water retention one. you want i ask him. think cordycep and 1 more stick like herb.

You are sooooooooo SLIM!!!!!!!!!! Cldnt imagine you are a mother of 2 liao. I agree with the rest ... Wooo ... really lao nua leh.
Both u got no chance lah. Me q #1. I got more than enuff for her. Even really not enuff, i ask my 5-6mth preggy HB to chip in to top up. haha.
