(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

understand how u feel... kekeke... dun worry, xavier is a good boy, he'll be fine... if he dun take his nap at nap time, he'll sleep earlier tonight loh... better for u right?? mabbe 1st day everything new, so a bit more overwhelming... slowly he'll settled into their routine lah... give him more time... well, at least u din say he cried buckets... so tt's a very good start liao

<font color="0000ff">Angelneo</font>
How to... my MIL dont believe in bringing the child to the toilet every 1 hr or so one leh. During the time I put her on diaper pants, I realise she pee around 45mins interval..

Also, I find it hard to insist tt my MIL must do this or that coz she has taken care of 6 grandchildren so it's like who am I to bark instructions right?

She does let Valerie go diaperless for a short period of time, mainly to air her bum more than trying to potty train her. My MIL always say, she can't tell us leh. So just wait & wait lor.

I'm going on strike against CC now.
.... Joeson was sick since last Sat till now. On Monday night, he was coughing till he vomitted 3 times! And each time it happened, is when he attempted to sleep.

The reason why he got this illness is because of my BIL. His gal attends a childcare near his company, and last Tuesday, she fell sick. Flu, cough and high fever. And I was shocked to learn that he brought her over on the very first day to let my MIL take care of her. At first, wat I felt is if it's only for a day, I don't mind... But it persisted till FRIDAY! And worst is, my MIL still on my room aircon and let both of them sleep inside! My boy finally succumb to the virus on Sat. And till now, he has yet to recover. I'm so sad......

My BIL even proposed to me and hubby recently that he wanna share cost for our maid so that he can put his gal over each and everytime she falls sick. I immediately said NO! What does he take us as? Doesn't he think for my unborn baby?
being sick from the virus in cc is very common, k is currently down wif flu/cough/fever... n yes, same as joeson, will cough until puke when he trying to sleep... can hear the phlegm in his breathing n his cough... very poor thing... i gg to bring him to c pd later..

i dunno isit from the cc anot cos prev when he's not in cc, he will oso get it... every childcare method will hv its pros n cons... we juz hv to be careful loh... sigh... mi now super stressed... k sick so damn sticky n cranky n s seems to wan to feed every hr... i think i gg crazy soon...

wah your BIL takes your MIL's hse as sick bay... sick then bring child there... yah then will put joeson n brother at risk too... unless your MIL separates them...
When there is a sick child, the healthy ones will get it very fast one especially when your mil doesn't make an effort to quarantine the sick one. It is really not very nice and responsible of your bil to treat your hse like sick bay. You should tell your hb to talk to him about it.

think its quite common for bb to fall sick more easily when they are exposed to cc environment. Takes time to build up their immunity.

your BIL puts his girl with your MIL.. is it because she is sick and cant go cc and he/wife working, thus needs your MIL to help care for the sick child? If that's the case, cant be helped rite? cos the sick child will need an adult to take care of. It may be difficult to take leave as and when our kids fall sick... like last dec when S, J and my hb kenna the HFMD, I also cant take leave.

Maybe it would be good to advise your MIL to isolate the kids as much as possible if one of them is sick ? as much as possible... I know its vv hard to be totally separated when they are under the same roof. Like when S is sick, we cant totally isolate him from J also... next time when your no.2 comes along, there may be times where Joeson may be sick since u r sending him to cc/playgroup also.... so we gotta just gotta do what we can lor... like frequent washing of hands, sterilize bottles etc.
Potty / Toilet Trained :

It took me about 2 weeks to train aaron. In the first place I was forced to train him, because he had nasty rashes on his scrotum. First week was a horror. I bought jshoppers training pants, the first week, i need to wash about 6 - 8 pants. I even bought 1 more set of training pants, altogether aaron has 10 training pants. The my mom kept telling me that the training pants are too thick and may be hot too. Moreover, his rashes wasn't fully cleared yet, so i put him on normal shorts/pants. He never tells us when he wants to pee or poo. I have to monitor his expression, body language and the timing that he pee. So about 2 hrs from his last pee, i will try to make him sit on the potty. He will never pee in it for the first few time, only pee after we put on his shorts. He will poo on the toilet floor when i shower him. Btw, my mom bought the traditional type of potty, look like hat type, red color.. he doesn't want to sit on it at all. So i bought another potty with back support from kiddy palace, cost me $15.90. He loves to sit on it. And that's when he started to try pee and poo on it. Everytime he did it, everyone in the house will clap and cheer for him. So, automatically, after he finished his biz, he will stand up and look at his finished biz and clapped and cheered too.

At the end of the day, I didn't really use training pants, 2nd tot, not necessary even. Should have listened to Angel's advice.. kekeke...

Also, I will stick his favourite character stickers on the potty each time he pee or poo as a reward..

So this is my experience, hope it will be helpful to the mommies which are thinking of doing potty-training.

Now my next challange is diaperfree totally.. i will drag that.. haiz...

p/s : btw, i have a box of pampers active XL 68pcs, if anyone interested, pls pm me
<font color="0000ff">Angelneo</font>
Sigh.. sad to say ur MIL's quarantine awareness is really like NIL. Sigh. Nowadays it's really hard to find good help in terms of childcare.

My MIL used to be just as 'ignorant'. She is being 'educated' by her 2nd daugther (who is a doc). But sometimes I do feel my 2nd SIL a bit too 'hygenic' until we think it's overboard.

Eventho my MIL will try to separate them, but my nephew loves to kiss my gal.. so it happens also. But not so bad liao. Actually most of the time it's the adults that is transmitted the virus. Imagine the maid carries my niece, then help carry my girl...

<font color="119911">Maid</font>
Angelneo!!! I now have to employ one!! SIAN!!! Do we still have to take that stupid 'exam' from the Poly ha?
<font color="0000ff">stephy</font>
But I can't even get valerie to sit on the potty with her pants on to watch TV!! It's not even those traditional red ones you talked abt. That one my SIL has the seat is softer, shd be quite gentle to her meaty bum.

Mummies with daughter,

Any of ur kid got rashes on their private part before? Ashley having those small red dots rashes on her 'hamburger', is not flat rashes, got bumps 1. I see liao, I really v sad. Tonite gog to see doctor. I hope this is just a normal nappy rash.

Ya agreed wif SC, Zavier already v good, din cry buckets. He's a good boy!

no choice, it depends on the caregiver too.. if your mil willing to bring her to the potty everytime, and also remind her to pee every other minute.. then, she will be trained sooner or later. It is very time-consuming.. but at the end of one day, val will understand and pee/poo in the potty.

To be frank, i lost my cools afew time, people tell me that i should punished him if he didn't pee in the potty. That will make him reject even more. It is not going to be easy for me to control my temper, i did beat him sometimes. Takes time and patience, juz like breastfeeding.

did u apply diaper cream? aaron also got rashes on his scrotum. After putting layers of desitin and bringing him to a gp.. he still scratch like crazy at certain times. I brought him to his regular pd, then she looked at me, and said she can't see anything.. then whatever she suggest me to do, i told her i have done it liao.. at the end, i paid $35 for nothing.. he is still having itchy rashes.
Like what Poohy said, if both hb/ wife is working and when child is sick, it cannot be help if yr MIL is the only alternative care-giver. The most is try the best to quarantine them. Like my 2 nieces when they fall sick, they luvs to play, hug and kiss my gal. I will always nag at them don't get close to her or kiss her.

So yr toilet training is successful already right? Why still need wear diapers?

Wz yr new place, its hard not to get a maid. But is yr SIL's maid going over in the day as well? If so, she can handle the household chores right while yr ILs take care of the kids right? My mum too tell my bro to get a maid if he shifted as well. It is impossible for her to clean a 2 or 3 storey house everyday.
Did u try apply desitin? If it is more serious than the normal diaper rash, I will put Desitin and Yeast infection cream together. Desitin, you may get the purple colour 1.
I apply the Desitin ( the original 1). I think it worsen the rashes
, then I revert bk to Daprolene. So Denyce also got such rashes before?

The rashes is like how? Got bumps also? red round kind? So it din actually heal by those cream, only heal after not wearing diapers anymore? Then die liao, gotta tell my mum to potty train by her hard way liao. Heng she'll have my Mum's full attention from next Monday. Hope my Mum can successfully train her, cos I also dun have patience 1...

U v gd, take 2 wks & Aaron is trained!!
his rashes are in patches.. different from ashley

what is the name of the yeast infection cream that u use?
I not sure what is the cream name. It was prescribe to me by PD during the newborn check up time. Tat time after she discharge hospi, 1st few days kena rash liao. Then when go back PD, he give desitin and yeast infection cream cos' the rash can be cause by either yeast or just normal diaper rash.

Yes, beside the newborn time I mention above, she ever kena quite bad rash who doesn't seems like normal diaper rash to me but don't ask me how it looks like, as I can't remember liao. hehe. So before I bring her back to PD, I self medicate wz the desitin and the left over yeast cream PD prescribe last time. Apply a thin layer of yeast cream liao, then put the desitin on top. Think 1 day only need to apply 2 times for the yeast cream. So it did recover after that.
I c i c. We tonite gog normal GP, dunno they'll have such ceam or not.

I also find Ash's bumpy rashes dun look like normal ones. But I can see damn itchy lor.
cay gets the rash rather often, especially when she poos. She doesn't tell us when she poo but she fusses a great deal when she pees. Desitin is too rich for her... I think she is like me, cannot use too ex stuff (remember my preggie rashes?). So I stick to Drapolene. So far ok as long as her bum doesn't soak in the poo for too long.
y dun u try to buy a yeast cream over counter at pharmacy? When adults get yeast infection, oso will itcy leh but except no rash nia.
Cay's rash also bumpy itchy rashes type? U noe tat kind i mean rite?

Wat's the brand of the yeast cream? Yah those itchy rashes like those feet. U noe in the middle of our toes sometimes itchy will have such itchy rashes hor.

Thanks! I juz read finish the article. Ok confirm is Yeast infection liao. I think I'll check with Guardian Pharmacy 1st. Hope they have. I suddenly realise she was taking antibiotics these few days, then these rashes more obvious. Before tat not so bumpy 1.
My boy is still not potty trained. When I give him the potty, he will run away.

And he will only pee & poo when we put on the diaper for him.

What should I do? Where to buy training pants?
<font color="0000ff">San</font>
Nope. SIL says too troublesome to bring her kids from HG to my new place so they'll stay put. I originally wanted only those part time ones, come once or twice a week to clean up. But my MIL kept telling HB she cannot cope. Hand no strength etc.

Sigh.. I really really don't like to have a maid at home. Coz I think it spoils the child, and us. My HB says let maid sleep 3rd floor so that if valerie cries e maid can go attend to her. :-(
I dun noe what is the brand i have by PD. Mine is green and white tube. But u go pharmacy, think must buy over counter from pharmacist. Not those fungal cream for leg. Leg 1 cannot apply onto 'hamburger' area. keke.

But if pt maid comes max twice a wk, can yr MIL tahan the dust? Cos' if she's used to cleaning everyday, 1 day no clean, they will sure feel uneasy.

So by then u shift, Val will not have yr nieces/nephews to accompany her everyday liao.
Hee ya i noe wat u mean. Tonite I go & see see. Now see her 'hamburger', my sim v tia..

Now I noe wat kana Ash liao, thanks to Dr San. hee hee..
So when u want to pay me my consultation charges? Its not cheap for me to obtain my medical degree leh.

You name that part hamburger. We name that part as 'moon moon'. We always will tell Denyce, wash moon moon. My niece they call it moon moon so now just follow suit lor. Me also can't tell it looks like a 'moon'. haha.
ur medical degree is OJT 1 mah. heee

Ya i named it tat cos tat time Stenographer scanned her in my tummy, she said Hamburger, confirmed a gal. heeeeee heeee.
Anw, it does look like hamburger mah. Look like Moon meh?
It's very selfish of them to say this already. You know, when my boy is sick, my MIL always told me she don't know how to handle him and always insist that I take leave and stay home. Very seldom, my hubby is the one whom took the leave. Thus, although now is May, I already took 5 days leave. Inclusive of Monday and today. But when my BIL's gal is sick, she told him to bring her over and she take care. Double standard isn't it? And when night time comes, I'm the sole caregiver to Joeson. My hubby immune to all the sound!

Yes, it's a common illness in CC. But then, this is the very first time Joeson has cough with Phlegm and flu with mucus. The very very first time. And he doesn't know how to handle it at all. Cried almost whole day. My heart very pain you know? I think my message got very clear to my BIL liao. Cos today should be the normal day he should come over for dinner. But MIA lei..... Make me fret whole day for nothing. Cos his gal still very sick.

Why you need to employ maid? You want me to help you take the test? Ahahahahahaha... I straight away go take the test liao. No need to go through the course again.

Need recommendations?
understand your pain cos we as parents, rather we be the one sick than to see our tods suffer... i c kaeden like tt i oso heart pain, dun dare to give him his usual amt of food cos scared later he puke all out... juz now he asked for more milk n i hv to tell him no... sigh...

k oso has been testing my patience recently... most prob its due to his sister... so i hv been losing my cool n kept screaming n hitting his palms/backside... feel soooo guilty n i cried several times... sigh...
Oh dear Esther, take it easy hor. Relax... dun be too stressed leh. Now still vulnerable for post-natal blues leh. Dun be too hard on yourself. The little one is already taking up much of you and K is stretching your patience. Ask your hubb and Mum to help out more whilst u take a step backwards to rest a bit.

Valmom, aiyah the test v easy one lah. Machiam like open book test. Skim thru' a bit online then can do the test liao.

Eve, so how's our dear little Ash? Hamburger ok? Thankfully, Isa only kana diaper rash twice... actually from birth till now, we're still applyg Desitin. Play safe so haven't stop.
potty trained

Caden has been potty trained too.. i lost count how long did we train him, but our interval is shorter, @ 30mins, if not 20mins.. initially, we will just leave the potty in the living room, when time comes, we will tell him, "Caden, come, she she" initially he doesn't but after a while, he got used to our persistence.. I agree with some of the mummies that the initial stage will have lots of wet floor incidents..

Now, he has grown to tell us when he needs to pee and poo, he simply loves to stand on our toilet seat to pee and flush on his own, then he gets to play a bit of soap as he washes his hand, that's our reward for him..
thanks... mi trying to keep my cool today... not really working well too... worse is hubby thinks i juz being dumb... upset for nothing... say if k misbehaves, throw him on his high-chair n let him watch tv lah then i can get some peace... s is sleeping most of the time so y i wanna stress myself to feel that i've neglected her?? sigh... things from his pt of view seems so different from mine...

hey we oso still apply desitin on k too... my colic say i too ks liao... shld stop when he's turning 1... ahahahaha
<font color="aa00aa">SC & twinklets,</font>
He did cry buckets today... during shower time. The lady told me he didn't like feeling of water running over his head. But he doesn't have such problems at home cos my mum and I have gotten him used to water splashing everywhere. Probably cos it's a different person showering him. After the shower, his emotions couldn't settle so while the other kids were taking nap, he was playing with the toys until we went to fetch him home. Before that he didn't finish his porridge and didn't want milk as well. So other than play, others didn't work well for him. That's what I anticipated as well, though I don't hope for that to happen. Guess he needs some time to adapt to the environment and the new caregivers. I am concerned how they shower him, so gonna give a spot check tomorrow...

When we reached home, he concussed immediately after his milk. Heart pain to think that he cried so much and didn't have food for a few hours... sigh... Now think already wanna cry..

<font color="119911">Angel,</font>
I think it's inevitable for kids to get sick sometimes. Zavier falls sick even though he doesn't attend CC. I believe the immune system gets stronger each time.
But it's really not fair for ur BIL to send his sick girl to your MIL knowing that there are other kids there... It's just like the same logic of not bringing her to CC mah...

<font color="ff6000">San, twinklets,</font>
My gynae also refered it as 'hamburger' leh... keke....

<font color="0000ff">SC,</font>
not easy to take care of a tod and infant at the same time... I don't know if I can do that... you gotta be strong orh... jia you!
I understand it's inevitable for kids to be sick... but to think that they have such selfish reasons. Haiz....

Joeson also tested my patience today. I almost flung my hand across his cheeks. Cos he slapped me. And I'm the only person in the house that he will dare to slap. I can feel it just now, something almost snapped. But instead of slapping him, I immediately pick his hand up and gave him 2 hard slap on his hand. And carried him and put him further away from me, while staring at him. My hubby reprimanded me but I just stared him down. I really almost went berserk. I don't know what went over me today. Am I going crazy?
Hold your cool. We must be careful about slapping kids on the face... may cause damage to hearing. I use rubber band to 'piak' Zavier when he makes me really angry. Nowdays he'll run away at the sight of rubber band in my hands.
I think i gave up potty training Gerald.... haha.... though not really trying hard.... due to my other committment and the nanny place she is not training..

but Gerald can say he want to pee... but normally either just want to go to toliet to play...... or he had finish pee.... faint...
I understand your frustration. cay tests my patience also and I dunno whether it's pregnancy hormones causing mood swings, I will be so upset that I smack her really hard, usually on her thighs. My hb thinks that I over-reacted but he doesn't dare to scold me because firstly, he is scared to kena from me also. Secondly, I am always the 'bad guy' disciplining cay, in fact, when cay is notti, he will look to me for help.
no u r not bersek, like wat caymom says mabbe its the preggie hormones... i oso gg to be a screaming cum crying monster... its such a frustrating task to look after k now... when its time for his med, its even worse... he struggles n struggles, either half or all the med will be everywhere except in his mouth... i juz can't help but to lose my cool at him... i already smacked him upteen times until i myself cried in guilt after that... aarrgghhhh... think i oso gg bersek...

i finally gave up, ask hubby if he will consider employing a maid... then he goes into his 'i told u not to send k to cc so early' thing... ask me to evaluate properly wat i wan - maid or cc... i so fed up now... wonder if i need to write a paper to justify for my request anot... aarrgghhh...
if want maid n finance ok, then employ 1.
if want cc, hopefully its a gd 1, put the kids there n live with it.

dun slap them la, i only pinch n beat. dun slap ok..
re: slap

hmm ya agree with hoho, dun slap them. Maybe lightly beat their hands or bum. Other than potentially inflicting injury like hearing thingy, its a little demeaning and detached to do that I feel. I know easier said than done but... we really must remind ourselves to control our temper. When we punish our kids especially physically, it must always be done at the moment when our heads are clear and we know its for a specific purpose. Not at the moment when our hearts are filled with anger.

Sc, when J was borned, my S also suddenly became more difficult. I went through a lot of emotional upheavals too.... wondering what happened to my boy... keep struggling with guilt of neglecting either him or J. Behavioral problems... eg. there was a time when J was borned, he rejected us and only want my mum. Whenever its time to go home from ah ma's house, he cried and fuss and kick like mad. I was in such depression. I guess I made a decision at that time... cos he was only 14months old.... I decided that other than the time where I need to bath, feed, clean J plus her daily stimulation time, I will spend all other times with Samuel...sacrificing my own time to rest etc. I really spend a lot of time with Samuel during my ML... I guess things took a total turn. Though of course I did sacrifice the bonding between me and J.... she is closer to her daddy and my mum
Well I am working at more bonding with her now...

And there was a period of time the 2 of them keep falling sick one after another... really a stressful time for all of us in the first 7 months of J's life. Anyway slowly things will take a better turn... but important is ... whatever you do, try to keep your cool especially towards the kids. In those 7 months that J was borned, and S was difficult, I had never once beaten him. Even the number of time I scolded him also can count with my 5 fingers. Try to be more patient or let your hb or mum handle him. Always explain to him and reaffirm your love afterwards if you are unable to keep your cool at that moment. I guess this is the so called "price" of our decision to have a pair of closely aged children...

I think hormones play an important part also... so try to resolve to let your head rule your heart.

One thing though... hiring a maid or sending to cc is going to affect everyone including the child... so gotta think properly and then decide on it... both have their advantages

btw, me too, right now still at times toying with the idea of having a maid... its really v tough to have 2 such young kids.... even right now J is turning 1, life is still a big hassle of work for us... constantly running after one or the other or both... and most of the times, cant even eat a meal in peace... etc And I still struggle with the guilt of having not given J more of my attention... but really learn to kan kai more... else I think I am the first person to go crazy and that defeats my initial aim of wanting to bond with 2 of them etc...
re: Slap,
Oh jia lut, I just slap my gal on Tuesday nite for 3 times. But of course not very hard to the extend she will turn deaf lah as I only use my finger tips to slap. I do felt very guilty after that but already did it liao... cannot retrieve back. I gave her her bedtime milk. She almost full already so she dun want to swallow her milk anymore so she 'gum' her milk inside her mouth. I ask her to swallow but instead, she spit a little out onto my bed making my quilt wet. I then scold and slap her for 1 time cos' its her 'mouth' that do the notti trick so i choose to slap on the cheek. So for the 1st time, it must be very lite so she not scared at all and still think i play wz her. She still has some balance milk in her mouth which she didn't swallow. Then, she cont'd to 'pui' out the milk like brush teeth. I was so damn piss wz her cos' already warn and slap her 1s, she still do it purposely infront of me again. Then, this time i slap her 2 times! I felt guilty after that and felt even MORE guilty when I see her face, she wanna cry, but dare not cry, and her mouth 'bian jui' abit on and off. So ke lian face. So i ask my hb go sayang her but i dun 1 sayang her so fast as this will not teach her a lesson. However, in the end she still didn't cry out. Think she must be feeling sad that I slap her but not the pain.

Now K is in 1/2 day CC, at least your load will be lighter for 1/2 a day mah. Maybe this few days he sick, u nvr send him to CC so u feel more pek chek lor. Relax relax.
Seems like the Terrible Two Stage is driving a lot of mummies crazy.

I shouted at Keane 3 times this morning cos he was throwing tantrums while I was having teleconference at home. My throat hurts after the shouting, you can imagine how loud I shouted at him. I will usually keep my cool and try to reason with him. But today I was so stressed out with the teleconference and his crying that I just ignore him. Left him crying in the room while I hide in another room to continue with my work.
Wow...... kids are going through a terrible terrible two stages.... i think for my case... the worst case is Gerald don sleep till wee hours.... if he sleep at midnight, i'm super super happy.... so u know how bad my temper can get..... when u r super super tired yet ur son/dd still ask u to play for them.... they are so many time... lost count then i had to make little Gerald cry so bad...
but i'm a bit hard heart... maybe becoz i'm super super tired.....

btw how can i make him sleep earlier beside play with him when reach home after nanny place... been asking the nanny not to let me sleep too much in the day.... though nanny told him Gerald is not sleep alot but he still simply refuse to go to bed.... i can't switch off the light as every time i do he will say he is scare then start cry.....

me too... shouted at Samuel a few times in the past 2 months. At times his tantrum is so long winded and terrible that I cant tahan also haha... I dun beat him except once he purposely write on the sofa with a marker right in front of me just when I told him cannot... so I lightly beat his hand that hold the marker. I seldom shout at him too... but when I shout at him, he sure stop and either fall into silence and stop watever he was doing. That's why I seldom shout at him, cos my shout v effective one so far.. if I do shout, he will stop immediately. I can imagine how loud u shout... cos when I said shout hor... I really shout at the top of my voice at him kind lol
u n your hubby hv already done a very good job... imagine j is 1 yr old next mth liao... i did tell myself to spend more time wif k cos he is more aware compare to infant s... but like u say, the guilt is eating into me loh... hv to learn to kan kai... as for k.. i oso need to kan kai cos when i attend to 1, i cannot attend to the other one... he will get jealous n ignore me for a while... but i got no choice...

i dun slap k cos i find tt too much... will oni hit his thigh/backside/palms but its real hard kind cos sometimes can see my finger marks on it... see liao so guilty... as for shouting, i hv started to shout at him on the top of my voice rather than juz my stern voice cos he refuse to take his med n struggles like hell... which coupled wif my hormones now its like dynamite... i'll explode damn easily...

can oni hope ming tien hui geng hao...
keke.. all mommies are going crazy liao.. or has been crazy..

i also has been beating aaron.. but i realised it doesn't help at all. i guess i have accepted the fact. aaron hits everyone at home, especially me. whenever daddy or porpor doesn't give in to him, he will come and beat me.

right now, whenever he has his tantrums, i will juz let him get over it and then, talk to him.. tell him that he can't hurt people.

Not really resign to fate, but yelling and beating will upset me even more and then my mom and hb will interfere my discipline.. so in order to have peace.. i will let aaron cool down first.

distract him to look at something that he is interested might help a little.

Hi mummies!

Hi Angel, me finally got hold of my sis and she transfered the money this morning at 10:38am, ref. 1160248470. Thanks for waiting!

Re: beating and shouting, me even got a cane at home and a feather duster in the shop to hit Edie. She knows that I'm serious when I take it out. I have been using it on and off, like when she draw on her white clothes, poured milk infornt of me, etc. Hubby seldom use it, but he will shout and keep all her toys...
