(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Hi oreo,

Me moving to PP in a few weeks time!! Who is your BB's PD? Mine is Dr Ho.
Yah ... I olso delivered at ES but becos my MIL is collecting the bonus sticker fm NTUC, we're buying the tin fm NTUC.
My bb has white stain on his tongue which I've diffculties cleaning it off with soft cloth! Do u hv tis problem?

Btw, who trained you to BF at ES?

wow.. so we'll be neighbours yah! Which part of PP will you be at?
My PD's Dr. Ho too .. but my 5-in-1 jab will be done at the polyclinic since my mum will be taking care of my boy most of the time and she stays in the west.
My bb has white stain too but i was told by one of the nurse that we do not need to clean his tongue.

There's this parentcraft nurse called Fiona who's super friendly and helpful. She guided me in bf and was very good in follow-up too after i was discharged.

I will be staying opp UMCi. So you brought your bb to polyclinic for the hepB jab at 1 mth old?

Too bad ... I onli get to meet Fiona at the day for discharge (for a few mins) and so I still hve problems latching BB. My ss didn't comes as I gv FM to bb after discharge due to fatigue n BB refuse to suckle. . Sob sob sob ... ..
yup.. the 1mth jab was done at polyclinic..next jab @ 3mths will be next week.. hopefully he won't be cranky.

anyway, do you feel engorgement? do u still let bb latch on?
Yo Oreo,

Yup!! Yet to buy electrical appliances, bed and stuffs for hse as BB arrives early. Shld be buying minimum upon moving in ($$ constraints).

NO engorgement at all! How stupid I was to think tat ss will comes in naturally????
I did tried to latch on bb during my 2 days stay at ES but in vain (even with nurses' help). Only Fiona is able to help me to latch bb during the day of discharge ....

Nope.... bb is used to the bottle and is refusing my breast. So sad. I tried to pump but no milk.... aiiii ...
understand how u feel. I'm sleeping like 4-5 hrs per day and can't imagine if that's what's going to be when i go work. I need 10 hrs a sleep per day! on weekends i can even sleep 12hrs. So that's y i decided to stay at home until my girl is older then i return to work. If not, I might end up lousy at both tasks.

how long do u all pump everytime? I took 10 mins with the ameda pump. get around 120ml to 160ml i was thinking if i prolong the pumping time, will i get more.

i gave my girl pacfier to let her sleep because i don't want to latch her if she had already finished her feed. she also got mood one, sometimes happy will suck sometimes spit out no matter how hard we push in
<font color="0000ff">beanbox</font>
oh.. so next time i can pay you a visit! heehee..
then can bring our babies for a swim too.

Why don't you try feeding your bb first with the bottle.. and then when she's more or less half-full, give her your breasts and see if she will still suck.
sometimes, bb will use it as a pacifier.
<font color="aa00aa">LV,</font>
I took abt 15mins. get around 140-180ml. If you continue to pump to stimulate for another 10mins even there is no more milk, I think the supply will increase in a couple of days.
re: hair dropping

gals do u all think there is really nothing we can do for this matter ? cos my hair is dropping at such at alarmming rate that everywhere is heaps of my hair liao
Is it hormonal ? If it is, do u think i can go check with my gynae whether there is anything can do ? i fear for my hair everyday now

Even my boy's hair is dropping like nobody's business... he just lie on the pillow one nite only and the whole pillow full of his tiny little hairs!
my cheryl is also dropping hair.. so afraid that i have to shave her because of this.

my hair is also falling out in clumps... so scary... everytime i run my hands through my hair, at least 4 strands of hair comes out . it is worse in the showers.

me in the exact situation as u... and i am damn scared cos i dun have much hair to begin with ... last time everyone used to say my hair layer very thin... now with this massive exodus of my hair... i seriously think i may go bald before it stops..

u know why our bb also have hair falling off like mad ?
i am not so sure about baby's hair... my mum said baby is also slowly changing their hair. she mentioned that it is very normal.

i have read that our hair falls out because our bodies do not need the excess nutrients like calcium that we had consumed and accumulated from our pregnancy.
its our bodies' way of ridding the excess and going back to "normal".

i know your fears... i also have very thin hair alredy...
LV: I take ard 15-20mins, 240ml (6hrly interval).

Ladies: Thanks for all the encouragement. I knw breastmilk is the best.. and I'll try to tahan as long as I cld. I knw I'm considered the lucky few coz I can still depend on my hubby or MIL to feed her in e morning if I'm expressing milk. PLus I stay with my ILs so no issue of having to rush to leave e hse.

Today e rm normally used for expressing is being used.. so gotta find an alternative place.. quite troublesome
blurmom, krazy,

think its still ok for bb since their hair will definitely grow out and nobody will mind it if a baby is bald. But for mummies... sigh especially when need to work ... wah its very stressful leh.. i look like a cancer patient soon.
<font color="aa00aa">sgmom,</font>
good for you, at least your hubby or mil can help. It's a mad mad rush for me every morning. My hubby although can help to look after Keane while i express, I still need to feed him on my own as I think I can feed him more than my hubby.

<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
I am also dropping hair but not too much at the moment. Realised Keane is also dropping hair too. I have cut my hair so much shorter before I return to work hoping that the hair loss is not too much. I read from other threads that taking calcium supplements might help to reduce the hair loss. Dunno how effective it is though.
oreo, beanbox,
the Fiona is it the 'lact consultant' ? the one that conduct the classes for BF as well ? I thot her name was Fonny ? I find her very helpful. She was also the one that taught me to latch and diff way of bf, she was v encouraging as well.
RE: Stop Breastfeeding

sgmom: Try to breastfeed as long as u can. U may think that u cannot bond with baby but if really u have to express milk and feed her, do u think physicaly u can tahan esp when u have to work as well. I think since most of us have to work and need someone else to take care of our baby, we might as well think abt the health benefits to baby instead.

At some point in time we all want to stop breastfeeding to stop the "pain" we are going thru but think about the long term, if touch wood our baby fall sick.. it will be more mah fan later and not to mention the money we need to spend for medication. For all the money we spend to continue breastfeeding.. at the end of the day still cheaper than medication...
i'll try to prolong my pumping time when someone is around to look after her. Need to meet her demand in time to come when she drinks more.
tigger: my hubby &amp; MIL are of great help no doubt but most of e mornings my MIL gotta go downstairs to wait for my niece &amp; e maid, thus mornings it's either my hubby or myself will feed my gal. Altho my office is nearby &amp; I have help.. but washing pump, packing it etc.. I'm still late for work every morning eventho i try to rush...

Dropping hair:
I heard abt dropping hair thingie. I read that e reason why we seemed to drop more hair than normal it's becoz during pregnancy we dun. Considering that normally we shd drop like 100 hair per day, over e pregnancy period whereby all these hair did not drop.. thus we think that we are losing hair, in fact it is not. It's merely excess hair that we didnt drop during pregnancy.
LV: Actually I think pumping more frequently is more effective than pumping longer. I find that if I pump every 3hrly, 1 get ard 170ml, 4hrs 220ml, 6hrs 250ml. So if I pump every 3hrly, 8 times a day I'll get 1360ml as compared to 1000ml when I pump 6hrly.

Hytten: I guess I just felt very disheartened. Prob coz I quite stubborn, I felt that as long as I'm home i shd handle my gal 100%. Shdnt ask for help. Thus makes things rather difficult coz my hubby normally works late, I have to express milk, eat dinner, bathe etc. Then I also have to feed her (7pm + 10pm), wipe her, talk to her, rock her to sleep etc etc... I think I'm having the Superwoman syndrome.

understand how u feel... try to seek help from those ard u if u can... else will be very stressful. Me and hubby takes care of bb on our own right after work when we fetch him home from my mum's place.. from 7+ onwards. I know it can get very tiring cos needs to talk to them, keep them happy, carry them when they are cranky all the way till they wanna sleep. It would have been too tiring for me if not becos my hubby helps too by doing household chores (which is to wash our clothes only .. cos we leave the rest to weekends).. we also take turns with nite feeds if there is any.... my hubby take care of him from 11pm to 1 am... and from then on, I will take care of him if he wakes up... this way both of us got some share of rest...
Poohy: I knw I shd not complain since both of us need not do any housework at all. And frankly I have to say my gal is not very difficult to take care of. Only certain times (like hungry, sleepy) etc then she'll be cranky. other than that she either sleeps or just want pple to talk to her.

no lah... its good to share your stress... dun bottle it up. I think its becos you just started work and there is a great change in daily routine that causes the stress. My boy is relatively easy to take care like your gal. But at times when I already wake up at 5 or 6am in the morning, working all day long and then finally reach home (jurong west) after a long journey from tampines.. even talking to him for too long seems a physical strain on me though i enjoy it... Furthermore, I am no longer breastfeeding. If not worst... the part I find most stressful abt breastfeeding was that as I was doing exclusive pumping, everytime i need to express, my boy cranky .. I cant help him... gotta depend on hubby... and last time we used to still have 2 dogs to take care of ... so it was very stressful. Now, things got a little better and we had sent our dogs to my MIL and SIL house to be taken care of. Its a win-win situation. Try to bf as long as u can tahan... but if things get too stressful for u... then i feel that its ok to stop bf. Afterall, its most impt to enjoy parenting than to feel strained over a long period of time. Mental health and happiness can also increase both u and your baby's immunity
sgmom: Haha.I know what u mean. My mom left me with baby for the first time since baby was born for the pass 2 day and it has been the most rewarding 2 days of my life, to do everything myself for baby. So I guess Superwoman syndrome after a long days work is understandable.
Hi KKH Mummies,
know I've asked this before but nobody answered me...
did KKH test for bb's blood group? Mine didn't... I called KKH to ask and they said they don't. I come across many bb's health booklets in my job and I've seen they have their blood group noted and my colleagues told me 'by right' should have. So I'm just checking if I've been shortchanged.
By right should know blood group right? TOUCHWOOD* In case something happens and bb needs a blood transfusion, isn't it too late to test for blood group by then?
Hi Sgmon,

I am thawing frozen milk from the Lansinoh bags which Stephy recommended. I believe you are right. The white particles are the fats but it's quite difficult to get all out from the bag. Can see quite a fair bit left inside.

I'm back.... must be lot of thing to read... but so happy to see my boay last night but he seem to recognise pple and don want his mother already... so sad...
morning poshies!
How was your trip?
don't worry abt. your boy.. i'm sure he'll start to recognise u again.

<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
That's right! Her name is Fonny. Can't believe i got her name wrong.
Morning Oreo....
the trip was tiring ... work from morning 8am-8pm... more tiring then in Sg....

oh KKH never do blood test one har... i know my boy did... coz his happen to be different from the mother n father....
that means I have to bring my boy to do an extra blood test? weird hor... cos I know KKH tested for G6PD.
And other hospitals do test for blood grp.
does ur bb fart??
i realised tt my bb fart alot leh.....dunno if it is normal or not..

btw,anyone noes how to prevent engorgement n lumps in breasts if stopped BF?

maybe u can try applying hair tonic to ur scalp??
i oso worried abt hair loss..cos before preggie,i already losing alot of hair liao..
then i always have the dream..tt is i become partial botak..
I thought lots of fart is good... in case wind in his tummy doesn't come out through burping, there's still another outlet. haha... anyway bb's fart isn't smelly...

Hair tonic... i think not advisable cos still BF-ing right? In case the chemical contaminate the BM, then must keep bb away from our hair also... I've stopped using perfume and hair products completely.
but poohy stopped BF-ing?
hi, my gal farts alot and some farts are really loud too!
I think its normal. In fact,we get very happy when we hear her fart - means she is expelling wind!
yes..poohy has stopped BF-ing liao..so i think it will be safe to use hari tonic..

Re:bb's farting,
hehe..my bb farts alot..n everytime when he farts,my hubby will think tt he poo poo..

btw,if aft feeding,bb did not burp but fart,isit ok har??

my bb fart too.. sometimes it's so smelly that i thought he poos.

if after feeding, bb don't burp, try to burp your bb. I find that the best method to burp a bb is to put him on your shoulder, with his face facing your back, then gently pat him on his back.
Sometimes it may take abt. 30mins to burp.. but at least better then putting him on the bed (he might regurgitate or vomit the milk out). At least it works for me.

are u thinking of stopping breastfeeding?
it's ok. cos i don't rem a Fiona, so just double confirm. thinking of calling her to ask abt ss issues but wonder if she can help or not since ss is a very subjective thing.
Hi gals :

Yesterday, Aaron's crying was the worst since he's borned.. I think he wanted to sleep so much but couldn't fall asleep. Daddy tried carrying him, failed to calm him down.. I took over and he quiet down and fall asleep.. I think my boy is starting to recognise people.. *sign*

This morning abt 5am, we applied the steriod cream on his rashes over his cheeks, it didn't subside but seems to be redder.. called the PD, she said we may have applied too much and the skin has reaction over it.. gave us a prescription for a milder cream.. hopefully it works this time.. his cheeks are so patchy.. so heartpain.. I wonder shd I buy those shower gel for eczema.. *sign*

Btw, do you find that yr baby wants attention and sayang as he/she grows older? I think Aaron wants to be pampered.. everytime when I put him in the sarong, he wants me to be around and my hands to be placed on his chest, then he will sleep.. if not he will start to whine.

forgetmenot : aaron fart a lot especially in the morning.. but I think it is a good sign.. at least u know he is expelling out the wind.. sometimes I will do massage on him and he will fart more..
hey shane,

just go ahead and call her! She's a very nice lady.
If you can't get her, remember to leave a msg and your no... coz' sometimes she might have classes going on.
forgetmenot: my gal does fart.. but not alot.. but when she does, e whole world will hear her &amp; she tends to have a string of fart at one go.. quite furni. My hubby cannot differentiate btwn a fart &amp; a poop.. but tis mummy can :p

Zyp: MAH does check BB's blood grp. My gal follow mine, A+.

Stephy: Sometimes it's like that. Maybe past Aaron's bedtime so very tired yet cannot sleep, cranky. Last sat brot my gal to a fren's place. Left at 11pm (past her bedtime). Reach home she cldnt really sleep altho I can tell she very much want to.. cuddle, sayang, rock, give pacifier etc etc.. only until 3am did she manage to doze back to zzzzzzzzzzz land. Nxt day slept &amp; slept &amp; slept.

actually e reason why BBs seemed to want pple to be around to pat/sayang etc to sleep is becoz they havent learnt the art of going to sleep on their own. tis one gotta train them one. but not sure when is the good time to start. Now my gal needs e pacifier to sleep (esp at nite). once e pacifier drops, within 5 mins she'll start fussing. Normally tis will happen for ard 3 times then she'll be off to dreamland till next morning.
tigger: were u the one who bot an extra set of pump accessories from Euramedic? Wat exactly did u buy? How was it? I just changed one of my valve tis morning. E otr one cannot make it already, everytime pump milk will splatter onto the top of e funnel, dirtying e bellow.. then e suction will be affected.
sgmom : I guess you are right.. but now, aaron sleeps with us on our bed.. my hubby says it will be easy for us to put his pacifier back if it drops.. It worries me a little if he gets to attach to us..

I also got the same problem with valve, luckily the bellow will prevent the milk from back flow, if not, the motor is long gone.. I have changed to a new valve and the problem is gone.. tried to trace where the fault is.. but the "faulty" valve seems to be ok to me..
<font color="aa00aa">sgmom,</font>
I bot extra valves from Euramedic. One of them cracked so I bot extras just in case. One valve costs $10. I think it's a bit exp.

<font color="0000ff">stephy,</font>
Keane also recognise people now. He only wants me to carry and pat him to sleep at nite. In the day time, no need. He also sleeps with me at nite. My hubby says the same thing as well, easier to put his pacifier back if we are sleeping beside him.
Tigger: wow.. 1 valve $10!!! so expensive! Avent 2 valves like less than $10. But their valve smaller pc la. I think when it come to valve, Medela is e best.. just 1 small small thin pc only. Sure quite cheap one :p

My gal yet to recognise pple yet. At least I knw she doesnt only want me.

Stephy: Ya altho e bellow will prevent e milk from entering e tubings. But i find that when e milk splatter up to the top of the funnel e suction is not that good.

My gal will sleep on her cot at nite.. during e day refuse.
<font color="aa00aa">sgmom,</font>
ya lor, so exp. I asked Stephy to help me buy when she ordered her pump. If not, I have to travel to their office to get the valves. I a bit KS, bought 3 pcs.
Tigger: I think I'll also get 3 pcs. But I got no time to travel to their office leh. I wonder if MIM showroom will sell their spare parts. Since 23rd i'll be going there for their BBwearing workshop. U mean they cannot deliver ha.
I have signed the online petition already. So disappointed to hear Mrs Goh's comments that "$600K is peanuts".

RE: Farting
My Girl girl fart a lot as well.. sometimes very very smelly... haahaa... but farting is better than having all the wind trapped in her stomach.

BTW Ladies, My girl girl's neck is kindda of stable. Now, she has this tendancy to want to sit up on her own by leaning forward whenever i tried to rest her on my arm or body. Worried that her spine might still be developing and will affect her posture in the future. Some aunties said she might hunchback if she continues like this...
RE: Bumper Playmat,

I have used the playmat already although my girl still doesn't know how to turn... the playmat is bigger than expected and I was very happy with the colourful design (Carnival) on the playmat.

Carla_lily: Where is the NKF online petition? I wanna sign to.

Yesterday I was telling my hubby how glad I was that he is not a football fan and he told me he has been assigned to update mobile subscriber the EPL scores so he will be working late too..haiiiii well if it is any consolation he can work from home.. at least I can still see him.
