(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

sgmom, poohy,
It's really good exercise for baby! Like tigger bouncing... biong biong biong** Haha...
While lying down, my boy will exert strength and pull himself to sit up when we hold his arms. Then I always tell him do some more so that his round tummy will become 6 pacs! haha...

I didn't shave him leh... I was just looking at all his photos over these 3mths... he had slightly more hair in his first few weeks. I think he's dropping too much hair nowadays. I intend to shave his head next mth.

I used to swaddle my boy with his hands outside cos he always pulled his hands out. Like that he can sleep more peacefully and his hands can move around.

hi gals...
i miss the chnace of buying the mat when Poohy arrange.... i might be interested in buying... any gals interest too? i think if we have 5 person can have 10% discount.... but i went to check only left with 2 design... do let me know asap...
i went to work to settle some stuff and came back in the late afternoon... my girl only took an hour of nap the whole time i was gone...
ur gal cannot sleep when you're not around?
These 2 days my mum told me my boy sleep v little while I was at work... I'm already back to work for a mth.
Wondering if our babies have start to recognise their mummies already...
Just back from expressing...
50ml lesser than usual!!! So sad... Must be due to stress & working late & never drink soup these few days hor? Quite sick of fish soup rice for lunch every day leh...
Boowoowoo... My first day of work and I miss my baby very very much... can't wait for 6.30pm to come!!!

SGmom, Zyp;
My girls like to stand and sit upright too. Was very very worried cos don't know if her spine and bones will be affected. Jus called my PD and he said so long as BB is supported, shld be fine. *phew*
From birth to 2 mths, my BB pooed more than once a day.

After that, because my BB is on FM, she poo once every few days.
carla: ya my gal hates to be cradled. Likes either to be sitted or carried upright, with head resting on my shoulder. sometimes I tired want to cradle her she'll make noise. But most of e time she prefer to be on her bouncer. Tis way she can talk to us.
I'll join u gals next Friday.. sniff....

U got put ur bb photo on ur office desk?
me gog to man.... already prepare the photoframe liao ..

paisay now then reply ur qn .. when lie down to bf her, i dun burp her 1.. cos me doze off faster than her.. heee.... bad hor me.. but touchwood... so far ok ....

Your boys are so cute!
Aaron & Zavier head so round & cute..
Keane's neck so strong liao, really envy! Ashley lazy bum 1.. everytime put her on tummy, she'll either lick her 'chicken wing' or lick the bedsheet.. sighs.. all our fault, during 1st mth, din let her sleep on tummy.. now seem quite late liao leh ..

re : Poo
Ashley still poo like 3 to 5 times a day.
Hmm getting smelly liao leh nowadays.. although 1 day she takes only 1 FM feed.. must be the garlic & onions i take .....
my gal luvs to be cradled.. somemore she like to suck her pacifier then use her hand to cover her face, macham like avoid sunlight..
She likes the way i cradle her (left hand side), & her daddy gotta follow my way of carrying her thr left hand side, then she'll be guai guai ..

I swaddle Ashley up to 1 mth. But during 2nd wk i think lar.. we swaddle her body only, left her hands out cos she'll always wriggle her hands out from the wrap lor.. Furthermore she always perspire alot.. so we decide not to swaddle her after her 1 mth old bday..
She also gets startled easily, although we put the beanspout pillow on her tummy.. but she din cry lar, juz tat hands action lor.. i dun see a problem lor...
Nowadays she's a big gal liao (haha.. crazy mum
), so we start to let her wear pajamas.. long sleeve pants & shirt.. & we dun cover her wif blanket anymore.. i think shd be ok rite?? since the fan infront of her is rotating 1, & not tat strong also ......... feel tat cover blanket ontop of her will be so hot..
we v hiao lor.. we find tat she wear pajamas so cute lor..
i'm interested to get valves too. How long did your valves last? I pump around 4-5 times a day. Each time 10 mins. Will it last longer then? Did you also change your bellows?

if u get 10% off buying the playmat, then u can get 15% off at BB hyperstore at kaki bukit. No need to have 5 persons also can get the discount.
<font color="0000ff">poshies,</font>
I am interested to get another playmat for Keane. I have already bought the Animal design. Since now only left with 2 designs, I will choose the Carnival one.
When do you intend to order? Can include my order as well? Thanks!

BTW, did you recd my email regarding the H&amp;S insurance? I dun have the softcopy details. If you want, I can fax you the hardcopy.
Twinklets: My gal also like to use her hands to "hold on" to her pacifier. Yest she did something quite amazing. While she puts her hand over e pacifier, she someone held onto the handle &amp; pull out e pacifier! After that still hold in her hands for a while b4 she loosen her fingers &amp; the pacifier drop out :p

My gal's neck also not that strong. Everytime I put her on her tummy she'll make small noises. She'll try to lift up her head..but when tired will start licking e bedsheet.

forgetmenot: like Ashley, Valerie normally only "wave" her hands when startled. Hardly experience her crying. But she does cries suddenly when she sleeps. We guess she is dreaming.
LV: I think i have been using it for 6wks liao. Cannot remember leh :p Have change 1 valve yest. Going to change e otr valve soon so gotta buy. Bellow not changing. I also pump 4 times a day, each time 15mins. Sometimes longer if my hardworking breast got more milk :p
I miss my baby almost every moment. But knowing my mum is taking care of her helps a lot... at least I know she is in safe hands.

No time to put my baby photo on my desk yet... need to clear hundreds of emails and just waiting impatiently for 6.30pm to come.

Sgmom, my girl girl also like to pull out her pacificer. she still prefers her thumb... hahah... so cute
I am so upset. Now with baby all expenses gone up and my salary kena withheld until clients pay up...where got such thing one...mid month liao as if i don;t have bills to pay..
U left-hander? I also carry Zavier left hand side.

We'll change Zavier into his pj after his evening bath (he perspires alot so we give him a quick bath around late afternoon to evening time) then he just sleeps in his pj in aircon at night.
How can ur company does this to you? Can complain to MOM or not???

Re: baby Bonus
Hi ladies, just wondering if you ladies have touch the baby bonus cash? Hehee.. thinking of withdrawing it to pay for 6-in-1 jab
<font color="0000ff">hytten</font>
how come your co. like that? are the rest of the employees'pay also withheld?

<font color="0000ff">carla</font>
I'm not planning to touch the money at all.
I opened an acct. for my bb and all the money that friends/relatives gave for his 1st month and the baby bonus.. i'm planning to save it up for him.
Carla_lily: Only been half a month I don;t think MOM will do anything. But for ppl who are not drawing a big salary.. every single cent counts. Hubby said both of us cannot touch baby bonus money. It is for baby's education.
oreo: Well I asked a few and they all got paid liao. When I left for maternity I told them I will work from home but limited duties lah coz need to care for baby mah. Already save them the money of no hiring a temp and now they do this to me. So angry.
Hi ladies,

Yesterday so touching. My son actually cried with me. He was so grouchy and cranky the whole afternoon and I am so tired that I suddenly have the thought that if I am back to work sooner then I don't have to take such nonsense anymore. But then, I know I will definitely miss him alot like all of you here, wondering if he will start to be closer to my MIL etc... Then my eyes start to swell in front of him. He saw me crying and immediately stop his crankiness and started crying with me (a slightly different cries from his usual one). Then when I carried him to pacify him, he refused to be put down until an hour or so later when my hubby came back and play with him.

Btw, his apetite is back!!! Drinking 110-120ml again. So weird. Now thawing the "excess" EBM I kept during his "down" period. Yippee!
Your baby is so cute.... really very touching... can sense ur mood...

I think my girl girl can sense my mood too... I still remember once i cried in front of her and she actually look at me sorrowfully until I break into a smile and she smile back at me...
Babies nowadays really smart! I remember last time those babies that my mum babysit only sleep and eat.

Once I told my boy off "naughty boy" cos he kept turning his head left and right and didn't want to latch on. Then suddenly he pout his lips, frown and burst out crying! My mum said I bully him! Then I scolded him for making me kena scolding by his grandma and he wailed even louder, until whole face turned red! That's his most pathetic cry I've ever seen... so young already know I'm scolding him. :p
dewdrops: ur son must be very close to u. I dun think my gal can. :'( Yest nite she was hungry ahead of time, so happen that my MIL was boiling water so no hot water to heat up EBM, thot can latch her on. But she was very impatient + cranky. Already cranky, latch her on, she suckle twice, no milk (coz havent let down yet), cry even harder. refuse to take my nipple liao eventho I kept putting it into her mouth.. cry cry cry until my heart so pain.

I always have this fear that she wldnt be close to me. sob sob. Yest i find that she tend to look at my MIL more than me.. so heartpain. Try not to think too much abt it. My hubby always say "dun be silly".. but I cant help it...

hytten: ur company one kind. Shd complain. How can they take advantage of u.. I think they are holding back ur salary coz govt takes time to reimburse them for ur 3rd mth maternity leave. Sickening..

Baby bonus:
My hubby &amp; I intend to use that money to cover her antenatal costs. We are intending to buy some insurance for her education. But those ang-bao $$ we r not touching.
Baby Bonus,
I will be using it to cover antenatal cost and jab... heehee... no choice, this mummy very poor liao... But I will not touch her ang pow money.
twinklets and sgmom,
maybe i will try swaddle him tonight..nowadays he must sleep on his side,then will feel more secure..then in the daytime,my CL will let him sleep on his tummy..

i still do not noe how to put him to sleep on his tummy..but i noe there is once,i carry him while he is lying on his tummy..think i too harsh liao,hence frighten him..hehe..

RE:baby bonus,
anyone noe when we will get the bb bonus??do we need to apply ourselves or they will auto put in our account?
forgetmenot: actually docs advised against letting bb to sleep on their tummy as research has shown that by sleeping on their tummy there is a higher chance of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Tis is especially so for young infants as they do not have the necessary muscle control to turn their head to breathe if nec. So now recommended is to let BB sleep on their backs or on their sides.

I knw why ur CL does that. It's becoz back during our parents era, sleeping on tummy is recommended. H/E, times have changed and now docs advise against it.

RE: Baby bonus
MCYS (I cannot really remember the organisation) will send u forms to fill up. Once u fill up the forms, get it endorsed by the bank, mail it back to them. After they process it, they'll deposit the 1st instalment of the $3K (i.e. $750) into ur designated bank account. The balance will be given when BB reaches 6mths, 12mths &amp; 18mths.
MCDS will send u a package mail on baby bonus. Have u receive it? The mail will tell you what u shld do to receive the bonus and the forms for you to fill in.
isit??then i better not let him sleep on his tummy..i thot cos now bb dunno how to turn mah,so can still on the tummy..
anyway,the reason y my CL let him sleeps on his tummy cos he gets frighten vv easily..

i still hve not receive the package leh..roughly how long it will takes for them to mail it to mi?
Can't really remember... but i think it takes 3-5 weeks for them to mail to me. They will send it to your address on ur IC.
My boy has been sleeping on his tummy after he turned full month.

Young baby must be monitored v closely when he sleeps on tummy cos his neck may not be strong enough to turn head ot the side yet. So never leave him unattended. Better be safe than sorry...
last only 6 weeks? quite short. Then i think i better stock up reserves. Have u experience water/milk flow back into the tube? Do u wash the tube for your pump?
Hi Sgmon,

I also don't know if he will be close to me. Now he only see me day and night so think naturally can recognise me more. Next time, when he is taken care by my MIL, dunno if still want me or not, esp. when the parents take on more disciplinary role than the grandparents. Anyway no use to worry too. Children will grow up too.

Hi Elaine,

How come your problem wasn't pick up by your gynae in the ultrasound scans we usually have during the regular checkups?
<font color="aa00aa">poshies</font>,
Zavier had his 3rd mth assessment today, pls help update his stats: 7.5kg, 62.5cm. Thanks!

<font color="ff0000">Re: Immunisation</font>
He had his first 5 in 1 jab at Sengkang polyclinic, double confirmed with nurse, they don't have 6 in 1. He started crying even before nurse jab him, seemed like he can sense the needle coming... haha... He wailed loudly after the jab but fell asleep shortly after.

Developed mild fever this evening, fed him medication, got to monitor his temperature tonight...
He's still in his talkative mood regardless...

<font color="ff0000">Re: Car seat</font>
Today was the first day Zavier sat on his car seat!

We travelled around to a few places, long and short journeys. He's relatively well-behaved, dozed off a few times and whined a few times when we stopped at traffic lights...
Hi mummies,
Have u all heard/read about the Glenn Doman flash cards? Any of u started flasing cards to your babies?? When do u think is the best time to start the GD flash cards?
hi serrich,

yup.. I been flashing GD cards (english and maths) to samuel since he turn 2.5 months old. U can actually start at birth with big black and white image cards to train bb's eye sight. For baby as young as ours, the words on the card must be RED and BIG. There is a certain measurement... u need to look at the book for detail instruction.

me lazy so went to buy those gd baby english, maths and chinese enhanced kit. For each set of cards, u need to show your bb minimum 3 times a day.

My bb love his learning sessions... he will look at each card and some time smiles
Thanks for the info. I do have some flash cards in black, white and red. I havent start flashin cards to my gal cos she sleep in the day and onli awake at nite. I dun want to stimulate her at nite lei. Now i am trying to change her bioclock to the normal hours.

Btw, how much did u pay for the GD flash cards? I heard that it is quite pricey..
Same here.. guess i'll be reading alot of emails when i go bk this Fri.. Btw wont be bringg my gal bk tat day cos hubby's boss treating his staff dinner &amp; hubby ask me along.. then we planning to watch "War of the World".. dunno still have this show or not hah??? Hope we both wont doze off inside the movies..
Long long time din watch movie liao..
still havent tell my mum tat she need to overnite Ashley on tat nite.. hope this notty gal will cooperate wif her grandma..

Can understand ur situation, especially we are those tat stay wif the ILs...

Ashley usually more awaked at evening time, &amp; sui sui those hrs are like i'm bathing, pumping or having dinner.. it is my MIL singing songs to her..bonding wif her.. feeling is not good at all ..
&amp; when I'm done wif all those stuffs, she's liked gog to koon liao... so sad..

Also, me so bad at singg those rhymes 1.. gee.. must go &amp; get those book &amp; fable book to read to her..

Yah me more like a left handed, cos most stuffs i do wif left hand, only writing is right hand cos my mum forced me to change during younger days.

Wow the bumper mat is so pretty!! Zavier must luv it! He sits so comfy inside the carseat leh.. so cute...

Any idea how far our bb can see liao? &amp; now they can see the real us ?? no longer blur blur??
Nowadays, she likes to turn sideway to watch the TV when we feeding her. Duno she's REALLY watching TV or juz staring at bright stuffs.

Nowadays she luv to lick her 'chicken wing'.. gee.. hubby was juz jokingly said scully she put her whole fist inside her mouth... wow piang.. like tat also can joke..
twinklet: My baby is watching TV too and TV is at least 5ft away..Sometimes she will stop crying if we let her watch TV.. so cute.

Hi Gals,
I'm so happy today, my gal kissed me. I was just telling her kiss mommy and put my cheek on the lips and to my surprise I heard kissing sound.. almost wanna cry liao.. I am sooooo happy.

the flashcards from GDbaby cost $480 for English enhanced kit and $480 for chinese enhanced kit. I managed to buy it 2nd hand from someone at $600 total. I also bought the original maths dot card from gentlerevolution press. Its quite pricey... including the 3 glenn doman books. I am planning to introduce chinese words to my boy next week onwards when he turns 4 mths. And when he is 6 months i will add encycopedic BITS. But i had not get down to doing the BITS yet and i think i am going to fall behind schedule liao.

my boy has his learning sessions (10 maths card, 10 english cards) daily in the morning and in the evening. I can only do it when i am home and he is in a good mood (which is very important). Supposed to flash 3 times a day minimum and retire cards every day but i modified the programme cos no one is teaching him in the day. So I flash the cards 2 times a day for 2 days and then retire every alternate days. They key is consistency.

The only programme i din start my boy is the physical training which i havent read the book yet... but i heard that is actually the best of it all..

Try to start asap cos its important to start young.
I enjoy flashing cards to my boy as much as my boy loves his learning sessions... its bonding time.
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Weight / kg</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Height / cm</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mummies</TD><TD>Pop on</TD><TD>BB's Name</TD><TD>Birth</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>3rd</TD><TD>Birth</TD><TD>1st</TD><TD>2nd</TD><TD>3rd </TD></TR><TR><TD>Poshies</TD><TD>23-Mar</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Gerald</font></TD><TD>2.8</TD><TD>3.9</TD><TD></TD><TD>6</TD><TD>48</TD><TD>54</TD><TD></TD><TD>61 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ming</TD><TD>31-Mar</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Isabelle</font></TD><TD>3.05</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>7</TD><TD></TD><TD>48</TD><TD>58</TD><TD>66</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>KraZy</TD><TD>3-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cheryl</font></TD><TD>2.34</TD><TD>3.2</TD><TD>4.8</TD><TD>5.025</TD><TD>47</TD><TD>50.5</TD><TD>56</TD><TD>58.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Shadow</TD><TD>10-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Hayden</font></TD><TD>2.76</TD><TD>4.2</TD><TD>5.1</TD><TD>5.95</TD><TD>47</TD><TD>51</TD><TD>56</TD><TD>57.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephanie</TD><TD>12-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Aaron</font></TD><TD>3.18</TD><TD>4.56</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>7.7</TD><TD>50</TD><TD>52.5</TD><TD>60</TD><TD>62 </TD></TR><TR><TD>zyp</TD><TD>14-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Zavier</font></TD><TD>3.25</TD><TD>5.22</TD><TD></TD><TD>7.5</TD><TD>50</TD><TD>60</TD><TD></TD><TD>62.5 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dewdrops</TD><TD>15-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Xavier</font></TD><TD>2.7</TD><TD>3.7</TD><TD>4.85</TD><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>52</TD><TD>58</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Oreo</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Javier</font></TD><TD>3.16</TD><TD>4.2</TD><TD>5.2</TD><TD></TD><TD>52</TD><TD>55</TD><TD>59</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweatcorn</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Kaeden</font></TD><TD>3.29</TD><TD>5.39</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>51</TD><TD>61</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ariella</TD><TD>21-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Cloie</font></TD><TD>2.915</TD><TD>3.8</TD><TD>4.4</TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>53</TD><TD>53</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sgmom</TD><TD>22-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Valerie</font></TD><TD>3.27</TD><TD>4.975</TD><TD>5.95</TD><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>57</TD><TD>58</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Phoebe</TD><TD>23-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Phoebe</font></TD><TD>2.88</TD><TD>3.6</TD><TD>5</TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>53</TD><TD>57</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>JoshMummy</TD><TD>26-Apr</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Joshua</font></TD><TD>3.015</TD><TD>4.24</TD><TD>5.45</TD><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>53</TD><TD>57</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>babebabe</TD><TD>29-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Clarissa</font></TD><TD>3.28</TD><TD>4.5</TD><TD>5.2</TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>52</TD><TD>58</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>twinklets</TD><TD>29-Apr</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Ashley</font></TD><TD>3.97</TD><TD>5.2</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>49</TD><TD>55</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bloom_tan</TD><TD>5-May</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Clara</font></TD><TD>2.96</TD><TD>4.1</TD><TD>4.3</TD><TD></TD><TD>48</TD><TD>58</TD><TD>59</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Picnic</TD><TD>7-May</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Bryon</font></TD><TD>2.33</TD><TD>3.65</TD><TD>4.1</TD><TD></TD><TD>45</TD><TD>50.8</TD><TD>52</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>JuneTen</TD><TD>8-May</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ezra</font></TD><TD>2.385</TD><TD>4.325</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>47</TD><TD>52</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hytten</TD><TD>12-May</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Constance</font></TD><TD>3.37</TD><TD>4.8</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>56</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurmom</TD><TD>27-May</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Lisa</font></TD><TD>2.79</TD><TD>3.3</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD>55</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>beanbox</TD><TD>24-Jun</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Darius</font></TD><TD>2.84</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>50</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Forgetmenot</TD><TD>28-Jun</TD><TD><font color="0000ff">Ryan</font></TD><TD>3.68</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>52</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Serrich</TD><TD>30-Jun</TD><TD><font color="ff0000">Sherilyn</font></TD><TD>3.55</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>51</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

update the data.... if there is any error do let me know
hi tigger...
regarding the mat might be going to the bb hypermarket to take a look.... u confirm want? if yes, i might be able to buy for u when i'm there?? u want to leave me ur hP?

i went to motherswork at great world city and they still got almost 20+ playmats of different patterns... same price at $139... so can also go there to take a look


ya the book said gotta start as early as possible... in fact, I havent even finished reading the books and start liao...cos now I just flash the single words cards and dots cards. (I only read to that part)... I am trying to catch up with reading abt the encycopedic knowledge first so that I can start doing my own cards... then after that I will continue reading the books on double words, sentences and equations.

have u bought or did up the flashcards ? do show your gal... I thought it would be boring for my boy to see white cards with red dots or words instead of playing with toys... but in fact he loves those learning sessions even more than toys so far
It takes very little time a day... and the rest of the time still can stimulate them in other ways like toys, musical mobile, gymini ... music or educational dvd..

I really enjoy teaching my son all those stuff cos it gives me a lot of satisfaction... now i am even planning to read the bible with him before he sleep at nite when he can sit up...

I grew up reading encycopedias and dictionary at very young age before kindergarten and through my primary school years on my own accord (my parents dun know english)...so i really believe children loves to know abt the world ard them.

re: toys

hey gals, another brand of toys that are known to be very good soft development toys are from Lamaze... its now sold at mothercare, motherswork etc... so look out for them

Hi poshies, do u still hv the website on the playmats? it seems so popular, i wld like to hv a look at it.. mayb want to buy too. Cant seem to locate the previous postings that talk abt the mat..
