(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

<font color="aa00aa">sgmom,</font>
They dun deliver the valves, have to buy them from their office. Yes, MIM sells the valves too.

think i will try to take calcium pills to see if it helps the hair thinning. I am having convocation for my masters tonite ... my mum still wanna pin the graduation hat to my hair.... hehee sure fall off cos my hair is very very thin...


ya ya i love the playmat too though i havent use yet... is it hot for your gal to lie on it ? I love your carnival design too.... and the bubble design... but i already bought the dino and dino park... so cant buy liao ... besides dun need so many also....

r u aware that the current stock in singapore will run out soon and future stocks will cost abt $250 upwards.... lucky we managed to buy it now !


TMC also do blood test for bb at birth. Mine is O+ while both me and hubby are A+. At first when the nurse told me my bb is O+, I thought i got the wrong bb... cos parent both A mah.... my biology lousy...
poohy: ya lor.. I thot biologically both parents with A+ blood can only have off-springs with A+ blood?

wa.. 1 bumper mat costs >$200. obscene.. just like TT Durai's salary package. :p

Blood grp:
Last time my mom always say I was from e dustbin. So when I heard abt this blood grp thing I thot I will be able to find out if wat she said was true, so I ask her what blood grp is she. She said "O+". Then I ask my sister wat grp is she.. she told me "B+". Coz my parents were divorced I didnt managed to knw my dad's blood grp until quite sometime later.. so I was worried that my dad's blood grp is "B+".. sob sob..

guess wat.. my dad's blood grp is "AB+"
ya lor..i'm thinking of stopping BFing..cos vv tiring for mi..then aft CL left,i will be alone with bb..so dun think can cope with so many things..

so now i'm trying to cut down the number feeds..but abit difficult,cos i will hve lumps in my breasts...

today ur convoc ah?? congrats!! will Samuel be there to witness mummy's convoc?

wow..how come the mat so popular tt the price gng to go up so drastic??
hehe..same leh..my mum oso said tt i'm pick up dustbin..n i realli believed her cos my father's blood gp is O+ then my mum's is AB+..but i'm B+..oni when i'm grown up..then i noe tt she bluff mi one..
tigger88 : you also mentioned that yr hubby can't feed Keane as much as you.. same here.. my hubby will always say he is full.. but when I feed aaron, he can finish it.. but no choice, i got to rely on my hubby for the nite feed so that I can express, if not by the time i finish everything, i will be dead tired.

sgmom : euromedic sells $10, MIM sells $9.80 &amp; BMSG sells $11(non-member) $9.50(member) but MIM &amp; BMSG got postage charges. Btw, on MIM website, they have stated out of stock for the valve... it has been for some time already.

Poohy : I was reading bayb's forum too.. I regretted not getting the mat.. now hearing that the mat is going for $250.. lagi more sianzzz..
Maybe I shd check with my korean friend, can ask them to buy for me..

thanx ... ya samuel will be there but witness thru tv outside... cos he cant go in hehee... my mum will take care of him.

re blood grp

hey same here... my mum is o+ and my dad is ab+. Me and my brother both A+.

re: playmat

stephanie, last i saw yesterday, small small world still have the mat going at $139 (carnival design) and I know that bubble design is still available at BB hyperstore and motherswork at great world city...

regarding the price hike... the supplier told us that its becos the manufacturing line for the mat we get now has stopped. And thus the new line that she gets in is more costly. At $250... i dun think my entire family plus mum plus hubby will let me buy..... I bought 2 mat at $220+ already feel so guilty spending so much liao...
poohy, yah.. i saw the latest update in YeChin website.. I still can't make up my mind to buy or not to buy
Is it really that useful? Actually, I have mentioned it to my mum, she discourage me from buying leh..
Stephy/Tigger88: Is like that one lah, men in general not don't have patience like we women do, they just want to get it over and done with. You gals will not believe it the other day my hubby was having Mc Donald's sundae and he actually gave baby some.. arghhh WHAT WAS HE THINKING!!!!
Stephy: huh.. out of stock ha... die la.. now start work already where got time to buy?

Poohy: Actually why is that mat so expensive? It's for wat purpose ha? Wat's e diff btwn that &amp; e normal ABC mat? Paiseh if I sounded very swua-ku when in comes to toys.. I find that my SILs dun really bother to buy their kids toys.. all toys r bot by grandparents.. &amp; they mainly buy toys like cars, buses, etc.. nothing "educational" one.

forgetmenot: until today I dunno if my mom bluff me or not.. coz other than e forehead (I got "kok-tao") I have nothing that looks like my mother. Neither do I look like my father.. but they say I look like my auntie :???? Sad to say.. my gal also has "kok-tao"!!!! Sigh.. she inherited all my bad genes... round face, kok-tao, dark skin tone. I told my MIL, this teochew a-nia not fair.
hytten: better make him read more books on parenting. BBs below e age of 1 shd not hv any sugars, salt &amp; seasonings added into their diet. Honey is also to be avoid. Sugary drinks (incl'g glucose) shd be avoided as it might cause e kid to grow up with a sweet tooth.

Feeding baby:
On e contrary.. my hubby always managed to let my girl finish her milk.. and I mean dry. Coz somehow he has a formula whereby he knws when to stop her to burp so that she is full enuff not to whine and not so full that she'll fall asleep &amp; refuse to drink. Of course sometimes his mtd doesnt work :p
ur hubby got a formula ah??can teach my hubby or not har??

wats the website for mat??
isit cos he is too young hence he cant go in??
ask u hor,when u stopped BFing,do u still pump to prevent engorgement n lumps in breasts?
breastfed babies:
mummies offering BBs BM, when do u intend to start offering water to ur BBs? Until today my gal has only drank water once.. like 10ml or something. my SIL is worried that if I introduce her too late, she might not like e taste of water.. or more like e lack of it &amp; refuse to take in water.

the mat is 1 whole big piece and is softer and much more durable than abc mat. The abc mat is said to emit toxic smell dunno how true. And when u need to clean the floor... u need to clear the abc mat piece by piece. The color and pic on the bumper mat is much more attractive and bb will love it.


ya must educate your hubby on what not to give bb... Below 1 year old, there is some food that must be avoided else may cause death. Honey is one item that will. Another one is egg and most seafood. In my family, all of us are brought up taking solely milk in the first 6 mths of our lives, rice cereal and milk from 6 mths onward. The day we reached 1 year old, we will get to eat porridge, fish, minced meat etc.


ya children below 6 cant be admitted to the ceremony. I din stop breastfeeding abruptly... All along I din latch my bb on (except the very first day in hospital)... I express.... all I did was to lengthen the time interval of expressing milk. At first 2 hours, then 4 hours , 6 hours etc. Will feel very painful from the engorgement for a few days to 2 weeks.. then slowly the supply will stop gradually. Put cabbage to reduce engorgement lor.. dun put hot compress.. it encourages milk flow. While I did that, I express and give to my bb...

the website is www.smallsmallworld.com
forgetmenot: if BF baby.. not standard one.. depends on ur BB. Maybe u keep a log of when &amp; how often ur BB poop.
sgmom : u can called and check with MIM.. because the last time when I bought my ameda pump from Mickey of Euramedic, I mentioned to him abt the out of stock in MIM's website, he said the parts shd be avaliable because MIM take stock from them. I think MIM doesn't update their website regularly, the last time when I bought the nursing bra from them, they also put out of stock, then I emailed them to check when will the new stock be in, the lady told me she still has it and the next thing, she has update the website.

Hytten : yah lor, men has no patient.. like when aaron was crying badly last nite, my hubby was carrying him and he tot aaron was hungry, I tried to feed him but he continued to cry.. wasted my whole bottle of milk.. 160ml leh..
I tried to cradle him to sleep and he did at the end..
sgmom/Poohy: My hubby knows what he can offer baby and what he cannot. I guess generally men just "bo chap" like they can live in a messy enviroment, cannot see how dusty the floor is..I think my hubby is somewhat rough with baby (compared to a mother's touch) so I told him cannot like this must like that on various occassion and he got upset said I don't trust him on how to handle BB, said I don't appreciate that he helped and nothing he do is right..The ice cream thing I already scolded him for it. That one no excuse he is wrong.

Anyone read today's Today? I thot Zoe Tay lost weight naturally by exercising?? Can take Extrim while breastfeeding meh???
sgmom : on my 2nd day after discharge, my dear mil already spoon feed aaron with water and back home, my CL and mom kept on telling to feed him with water.. at first, I resist.. but later I close one eye.. after my CL has left, I hardly feed him with water.. Aaron doesn't like it, I getting a bit worried if after I wean him off my bm, he might have constipation if he doesn't take enuf water.
hytten : I confused with Zoe's statement, 1 minute she said she execise to reduce weight and the hand she is taking extrim.. so what is what??
stephy: Confuse no more, she is now the spokesperson for Extrim liao.. need i say more... I am however concern that she said she will breastfeeding for a year and now she is taking diet pills. An ignorant mother will think it is ok to eat stuff like that while breastfeeding cause she is doing it.. sad...
so it means tt u still pump out the milk when u put cold cabbage to reduce engorgement?

btw,usu how much hot water did u put when u make formula for Samuel?dunno y,whenever i made formula,there will be quite alot of residue..
dunno if bb drink liao will be ok or not..

i find tt my boy tends to poo at least once a day..isit normal??i thot bb shd poo more than once leh...

aaron so cute....how many mths is he liao ah?
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Initally when i first started bf, i almost wanted to give up coz' it was too stressful and the lumps, the engorgement, the pain was too much.. but i persevere and am still perservering now but i don't feel any pain anymore.
your milk supply will more or less be established by the 2nd month.
Why don't you hang on??

Cold cabbage will reduce engorgement, make the lumps soft but it will also reduce your ss.

For fm, it's written on the tin. Let's say for 60ml, i will put 2 flat level scoops, 90ml -> 3 scoops, 120 -> 4 scoops.
tigger: wow. how old is keane now? I hardly get the chance to put my gal on her tummy
Next time dunno whtr she knws how to lift up her head or not.

BTW i find that e 2nd photo.. my daughter resembles keane.. got that expression.. sometimes I still think my gal looks like a boy.

stephy: ya lor.. I also think Zoe is quite a kampong gal.. breastfeeding still anyhow take pills. If multi-vits still nvr mind.. slimming pills is definitely no-no.
<font color="aa00aa">sgmom,</font>
Keane is abt 3.5mths now. Time really flies huh. Just a while ago we were updating our EDD, then our birth story and now our babies are going to be 4 months old liao.

Your Val looks like boy? hmm...dun think so leh.
re:zoe and diet pills

apparently bfing mummies should also avoid applying slimming lotions / creams / wraps too.

keane is so bright - eyed!1
handsome too !
tigger: oh.. so ur boi is 1 mth older than my gal. so when did he manage to lift up his head on his own ha? Do u always place him on his tummy to 'train' him? Ya lor.. so fast my gal going 3mths liao...
<font color="aa00aa">sgmom,</font>
I place him on tummy whenever he is in good mood.
My CL let him sleep on his tummy in the afternoon during my confinement month. Your gal born in end Apr rite? Mine beginning so abt one month difference. hmm...cant really remember when he managed to lift his head. Think at abt 3mths. Now whenever I put him on my bed, he will turn to his left and try flipping. So far, caught him flipped thrice.

<font color="0000ff">krazy,</font>
Thanks! Dunno who he looks like now. Used to look like hubby but a lot of people says he is looking more and more like mummy.
Hi moms,

Sorrie tat I mia for a while...have been feeling down &amp; veri busy with work &amp; home.

My post natal checkup showed a some mass inside my womb...my gynae schedule me for an ultrasound scan &amp; found out tat I have Teratoma Cysts...its 9cm x 6cm in size...pretty big one but suprising it was not shown when I was preganant with Paige...guess tis big cysts knows how to hide well...tat explains the pain I felt during my pregancy.

I'll be going for op mid next month...sian, have to go thro stitches again...another round of recovery
re zoe tay
in the article i read. she did mentioned that she stopped BF for 3 weeks while she was on Extrim as she had enuf EBM for bb. But i not sure she is on extrim long term or only for that 3 weeks and she managed to lose weight.
forgetmenot : aaron is abt 3 months old.

tigger88 : I envy u very leh.. keane got so much hair.. I wonder when aaron reach 4 mths, will he get that much.. Aaron hate to be on his tummy.. he will complain after a while..

sgmom : I was juz abt to say she is the only mediacorp artiste that get pregnant and doesn't need to got for slimming treatment.. mm.. I guess not.. Braydon bring her fortune.. so many advertisment deal she clinch so far..
don't worry... u'll be fine. jia you!

cos bb's poo is watery now, if his fart got watery sound then it's fart.. if not it'll just be a loud airy fart. :p

carla lily,
my boy's neck quite stable too. he likes to be carried upright now and likes to stand and jump and our laps. awhile only lah, legs till not v strong

wonder why kkh doesn't do blood grp test for babies...

Aaron's head is v round! So cute!
My boy though born through natural birth, has v sharp skull. we keep rubbing so that it'll become round... now only slightly rounder. haha
hytten: I shared the same sentiment as u. I actually called up lifepharm to enquire. They told me that Zoe actually got instruction from dr that she can consume Extrim while still bf. From wat u all read from papers today, isn't there a contradiction. I also wrote to breastfeeding support grp and they tell me Zoe may not necessary take the pill coz she only spokeman. Zoe oso endorsed for another slimming ctr. Confused!!

Tigger: Cloie oso have the same gym..
ariella: There was once we all thought Slim 10 was safe too and look what it did. I wonder which Dr is so brave to actually approved his patient of taking over the counter diet pill while she is breastfeeding, how can he/she be so sure that that after she stop taking it there'll be no traces of the medication still left in her body. I think the next course of action is write to the press. Now if she were to endorsed it but not using it, isn't she trying to deceive the public?
Slimming pills:
I think we hv to be responsible mummies &amp; dun take the risk. We will wean off our BBs anyway.. we can always then do intensive slimming (either exercise, diet, pills, centres etc) after we have wean off our darlings. As of now, I only try to swim once a while. I try not to do anything too strenous as it'll affect my milk supply. Even golf I'm holding off for the time being.

Elaine: poor thing u. but dun worry u'll recover in no time. So still breastfeeding? U got so much milk I'm sure ur fridge has reserve right?

zyp: My gal also likes to stand when u hold her under her armpits. Somehow she'll naturally straighten her legs &amp; "stand" on my lap. Anyway I read that whenever a bb feels a hard surface with their legs, they'll straighten &amp; "walk".. this is wat they call "walking" reflex.
zyp, sgmom,

my boy loves to sit and stand too! These days I will hold his 2 hands and lift him gently up.. his head is very sturdy now so he can really sit that way.. but many times, he will straighten his leg and exert strength to stand while i hold his hands.... can even hold his hands and lift him off the ground/bed jumping... he love the exercise. i think babies love to have a different position other than keep lying down
do u pump out ur BM? for mi,i did not pump out..hence i find it tired to BF..then next time,my mil is gng to take care of my bb..n she is not vv pro in BF,scared tt her grandchild dun hve enough to drink..
n it will be troublesome for her to warm up the BM too..

anyway..now,i'm trying to feed my bb half formula and half BM..certain times of the day,i will give him formula,then other times,i will latch him on..

Keane has so much hair!!!so cute!!
Ameda pump:
Ladies thinking of buying extra valves, MIM now has stocks (apparently just came in yest).

If ur MIL is worried BB not drinking enuff, then u express out. Tis way they can SEE how much ur BB is drinking. But pls tell them that BF BBs drink less than FM BBs okie. U can make use of tis formula to have a gauge how much ur BB shd be drinking:

current weight of ur BB (pounds) * 2.5oz = # oz per day.

After that u divide by the usual number of feeds ur BB drinks to get e rough estimate how much to give per feed.

Pls note that tis only serves as a guide okie.

Frankly I think if u can learn to latch on properly it's very very convenient when u go out or even go on holidays. Imagine, no bottles to sterilise, no need to heat up milk, no need any fridge etc.. so convenient.

It's actually not that difficult to warm up BM la. Just that u have to be good at timing. By e time u go back to work, ur BB will have a certain routine. So just need to warm up the milk 15mins before his feeding time &amp; keep inside an insulator. Once ur boi is hungry, just pop the bottle. So far it works fine for me. Of course there'll be occassions whereby she'll want milk earlier than expected.
i find it vv weird leh..dunno y,when i try to pump,i cant seems to pump out much..but when i latch my boi on..sometimes he seems quite satisfied leh..

hmm..maybe there is not much milk for him..but he is satisfied just by sucking on my breasts??

but wat u said is true...latching on is vv convenient..last nite,i tried latching him while lying down..n i dun even hve to get up n make formula for him..

my mil quite old fashioned one..she is realli not vv pro-BF one..everytime she comes over to my hse,she will ask my boi if he is hungry,n keeps wanting to give him formula..though we already told her tt BF bb will get hungry easily liao..

but at least till now,she still let mi BF..
ask u hor..at which age,did u stop to swaddle ur bb??

i wonder isit my fault tt i did not swaddle my bb from the start tt's y now he get's startled quite easily..
but it is too late to swaddle him now right??considering tt he is already 2 wks plus liao..
forgetmenot: older generation is like that one la. coz during their time BF was not encouraged (dunno for wat reason) so they have zero knowledge of breastfeeding. Wat pump do u use? Prob it's becoz BB's suckling is very effective but not so for pumping. Ur body has to get used to pumping before it'll experience let-down.

forgetmenot: Young babies shd swaddle coz they are used out from the womb, dark dark, tight tight. Now this new world, so noisy, so bright, so "empty" so they tend to get startled more easily. That's normal. Try to swaddle ur BB lor. They are generally more afraid of cold than hot anyway. I swaddle her until 5wks. But during tt period I do let her hands out once in a while. Even until today when I find that she gets startled easily I'll just loosely swaddle her for comfort.
<font color="0000ff">zyp</font>
Your boy like mine..
Did you shave yours?
i call my boy little botak.. coz' he's got so little hair!

<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
Yah.. i pump out my bm most of the times.. when i'm with him, i'll try to latch on directly.
I've got one lazy breast.. so usually my bb will end up sucking only one breast and refuse the other.

i find it vv weird..older generation did not realli BF their children during their times..
but then now,when my aunties or some relatives came to visit,they keep asking mi to BF if possible..this moment they encourage mi..the next moment,they will start asking if i got milk for bb or not..n keep asking to give bb formula cos my bb can latch on for at least 1/2 an hr one..to them..if got milk,bb shd not be latching on for so long..

actually hor,initially i did not swaddle my boy,cos he is afraid of hotness..n he has alot of rashes on his back n arms..then now finally recovered liao..
but i think i hve to start to swaddle him now..maybe try to swaddle him at nite..then maybe he will not get startled easily..
