(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

stephanie: How to express milk to the bag without bottle? How to use the bag anyway? attach to the pump?

I don;t have a fridge in office and my office is about 1 hour away from home. Anyone has any suggestion on how i can store express milk in office?

<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
I have also started using the NUK latex teat. Tried Avent, Pigeon and now NUK. Hopefully Keane will slowly learn to take the NUK teat. Whether he takes the bottle depends on his mood. I am at a loss now...dunno how to make him drink more EBM from bottle.

<font color="ff6000">Stephy,</font>
I am also storing my EBM in a Lock and Lock box. So far I have not freeze any of my EBM. Just refrigerate. If those EBM are >2days old, I will juz throw them away. For frozen EBM, I thot we can store it for abt 2months. Deep frozen is abt 3months.
wow... you have bought so many types of bottles/ teats for keane to try. so far cheryl has drank twice using nuk latex teat. its softer than the silicone ones (avent) but i will still let her have the avent teats for water... (she drink or not, never mind.. .just let her have a feel of the "hard" teat in her mouth.

i know how you feel... now i am beginning to wonder if i did the right thing by having her latch on...

frozen can store for 2 months? i read somewhere that it can only store for 2 weeks... ..but then it depends on the type of fridge... 2 doors or single door. deep freeze (-18 degree) can store up to 6 months.
<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
how much EBM is Cheryl drinking from the bottle? Does she reject the bottle like Keane? I have no choice but to try as many bottles/teats so as to make him drink more. Sometimes feed halfway using the Avent teat then have to change to the NUK one to continue. So tiring...can take more than one hour juz to feed him 70-90ml.

BTW, I find that the Nuk latex teat got a strong rubber smell. Do you think so too?

Re: storing of frozen EBM...I read from somewhere that we can keep for abt 2 months leh...but cant recall where.
Hi tigger88
Am facing the same bottle problem too.

Yup. Frozen EBM can store for 2 months but be sure to sniff it first to check if it has gone sour.
<font color="aa00aa">babyblues,</font>
how old is your bb now? Any tips on how to make baby accept bottle feeding?

gals, realised that Keane is sleeping longer hours during the daytime. This has been so for almost a week. I thot babies shd have longer awake hours as they grow older. Dunno whether this is due to the jab taken a week ago.

sharing Keane's pic taken yesterday and today...

Keane &amp; his best fren...the pacifier


Sleepy boy
My Sheryl also develope heat rash on face and neck. Initially she dun have any rashes on her neck. Stupid mother think she should apply powder on her neck to keep dry. But i was wrong. The very next day, she got bad rashes on the folds of her neck. Doc recommend to me to clean her folds on neck many times as long as i want. The key word to avoid rashes is Keep Clean and Dry.
<font color="aa00aa">poohy,</font>
Thanks! I got the Pigeon one for him. Tried the ones from Mothercare, he doesnt like as it's too hard. Fren recommend Pigeon's Silicone pacifier as it resembles mother's nipple.
Hi Mummies and mummies-to-be,
Anyone interested in getting MIM sling? I have one to let go...
Bought a light blue color one.. my boy doesn't like it so I'm prepared to let go at $34, the price I paid for (bought from Kiddy Palace at 20% discount)

Condition: New, not washed. Only tried once with baby.
Also comes with the demo cd.

Anyone interested can pm me.
so far the most i have managed to expressed is 80 ml. this afternoon she drank about 70 ml. that lasted her for 2hrs.
i see. .. no wonder you have to get so many different types of teats and bottles. at least keane is willing to drink from avent bottles. cheryl .. for now, totally rejects it.

yes, the latex teat does have a very strong rubber smell. i sterilized it in my sterilizer and now the teat is almost white. i will probably use it for another week or so and then get new teats for her.

oh.. if the fridge is a single door kind, frozen milk can store for 2 wks. 2 doors kind, can store for 2 to 3 months.
It's been a long while since I last posted a message, only have time to read all ur posts. Finally got time to do so now that Zavier is sleeping.

Re: Routine
Today is considered one of the earliest night he sleeps. We haven't established a routine yet, especially his bedtime. Feeding interval still able to keep within every 3hrs and 120ml each feed. However he sometimes drinks abt 100ml and shorten the interval.

For more settled sleep, I let him sleep on his tummy. Usually my mum will supervise him quite closely during the day- just in case. As for night time, I'll turn him over after the first midnight feed.

Re: Going back to work
As I am going back to work on 20th, I'm reducing latch on. Now only once in the morning when he wakes up. As I have to work till quite late sometimes, I have stopped latch on at night completely. Don't want him to be unable to sleep when I'm not around. So actually he's not very attached to me now. My mum can also coax him to sleep. He just needs someone with enough patience to carry and cradle him around the room till he dozes off. I guess all babies are like that...

Re: Pacifier
Yep we actually rely on that alot! It's my savior! Because Zavier is used to suckle to sleep, pacifier has become the substitute for my nipples. The only minus point is that he will wake up when it drops off... So I will slowly take it away when he falls into deep sleep so that he won't wake up in the middle of his sleep when it drops off.
Hi dear mums,
I'm from the Aug/Sept MTB.. Would like to check anyone gotten a good confinement lady that could recommend? I'm awaiting ans. from a CL and would like to get more contacts in case she can't make it. It's kind of last mint cos my mum is not free to help me anymore
Thanks in advance.
<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
I went Kiddy Palace yesterday to buy more Nuk bottles. Bought one with Latex teat and one with Silicon teat. The salesgal told me that I am not supposed to put the Latex teat in the steriliser as it will change colour and need to replace it sooner. She says we need to boil it for only a few minutes so that it will not turn sticky.

<font color="ff6000">poohy,</font>
I juz bought the Tiny Love Total Playground from BB Hyperstore today. Fell in love with it and decided to buy it. The play gym that I bought at Kiddy Palace will be either keep it the storeroom or bring to Keane's nanny place. Didnt get the Symphony in Motion although I like it a lot. Reckon that it can only used till 5 months so not worth getting it. Maybe when baby no. 2 comes along then I will buy.

hope your bb love the total playground. Samuel love it so much.. he can spend multiple session of abt 45-60min each time a day playing in it... i always attached the additional windchime and the clip-n-go musical mobile for him to see inside... he will be coo-ing aloud and waving and kicking all over hehe
Same goes for the symphony in motion.... as a result, I get to have some time even when he is awake to do my things..
hahaha.. Keane also got best fren liao hah..
so cute! Think all bbs wif nei du look soooo cute &amp; funny looking.. heheh..

I also wanna jian fei, but cant start cos of BF. But i read from book tat extensively BF for 6 mths will help to jian fei.. For me cant liao, cos already start on FM, so hmm not able to lor .. But if Total BF for 6 mths, think will help to jian fei faster ..
Btw u c section too rite? Cant start to exercise so fast rite?? How abt juz start brisk walking aro ur estate for half an hr.. Let ur hubby take care 1st?
I'm gog to start soon too ..

Sheryl is so cute &amp; pretty! So galish too.
Ya she looks bigger, same like my gal. Hehe ..I think both of them bigger size, thus look more bigger in their mths too. My gal like 2 or 3 mths like tat..

u mean u latch her on for 2 days? No EBM at all for tat day? Ur nips not sore?? Btw during tat 2 days, each suckling duration last how long? Sometimes can be quite worrying lor.. i feel my breasts, like quite soft &amp; yet she can suckle quite long on it. Sometimes She can suckle less than 15 mins on left breast &amp; fell asleep liao. Then can last until 2 hr to 3 hrs later then wake up for next feed. This mean she got suckle enuff milk during tat feed?
I feel like letting her latch on for 1 whole day I'll be v drain off .. Tried before, but give up .. cos sometimes she can wake up v fast &amp; ask for milk again. My nips already so sore liao ...
So no choice, gave her FM.......

Regarding abt the pacifiers, my parents scold us when we 1st started to put into her mouth cos she was crying so hysterically liao.. Reason why they so against cos my niece now turning 3 yr old soon still need pacifier during sleeping time. Worst is her teeth is uneven, ugly.. So they worry next time Ashley will be like tat too. Sighs bo bian, think by 7 mth die die must wean her off. Hopefully she will wean off by herself.
Hi Ming,
The more the merrier.

RE: Playnest at JG
Poohy, hytten and Ming, If u don't mind, can PM me your email / contact number... so that in the event anyone of us went "MIA" from this thread, I can still keep u gals posted on playnest in Dec.
Twinklets: Why not instd of latching her on.. u express ur milk &amp; bottle feed her lor? No leh.. not sore at all. Toughen using all the different pumps I've tried :p Yup.. latched her on for 2 days.. nite still bottle feed. Nite then express. When I do latch her on.. she normally dun last 3hrs interval one.. ard 2.5 hrs wake up crying liao. As long as she sleeps well means she ate well la. Dun owrry.

Not all BBs using pacifier will end up having ugly teeth. My nephews &amp; nieces all uses pacifier. So far their teeth alignment are satisfactory. My elderest nephew wean off pacifier but suck his thumb until kindergarten age I think. 2nd nephew &amp; 3rd nephew wean off themselves when they are ard 2yrs. My eldest niece (now 23mths) still sucks the pacifier.. she'll suck it as &amp; when she feels like it.. as well as to sleep. My youngest niece (9mths) needs the pacifier to sleep.

So far my girl is alrite. When she is very grouchy &amp; crying.. and we knw that it's not becoz she is hungry or diaper is dirty.. we'll give her the pacifier. We'll normally try to paciifer her normally (eg cuddling, carrying, etc) first then offer her the pacifier. I also dun wan my girl to be those kind.. walk ard 2-3yrs old still sucking the pacifier.. very ugly la

BB's poop
Mummies giving BBs EBM. What's the consistency of ur BB's poop? Mine is quite wet one leh.. but still mustard colour &amp; not particularly smelly. I havent seen seedy seedy poop for a long long time liao. Sometimes she poop so hard that the poop comes out from the back of the diaper! I'm worried that we havent been treating her EBM properly thus causing her to have slight diahorrea all the time.
Tigger: keane is really handsome &amp; definitely looks like a boy. Mine dun look like a girl. Even when I dress her up in all pink I'll still have pple asking me whether she is a boy or girl! Argh! Yest went Taka shopping, dress her up in yellow top &amp; pink based bottom.. I thot looked very girl already.. still got pple ask my hubby boy or girl!!!!

Now Valerie responds more. Many times I talk to her.. play with her.. sing song to her.. she'll smile.. really very happy. the first time she just looked at me &amp; smile I was so happy that I teared.. very silly hor :p
i see... no wonder... okay.. now i will have to boil the teat.

we went to buy cheryl a car seat finally and she sat in it for the first time yesterday. she absolutely hates it!!! screamed her lungs out and was crying for a full 20-30 min. we will most probably go for joy ride later and put her in it again. hopefully she takes to it soon enough or we cannot go malaysia.
twinklets: I already start my exercise regime ytd. Started off with swimming and malay massage. My wt din go down but my tummy area got reduce coz my pre pregnancy hipster skirt can be wore around my waist again and even looser. My face still puffy.

Sgmom: nowaday cloie oso will respond to us with a smile. Its such a magical moment. Me and hubby felt so touched. I oso met the same problem when i bring cloie out...ppl tend to ask me if she is a boy.????
This morning, while expressing, realised some blood coming out from the milk.. I think the suction is to high for me.. luckily, only pumped out abt 50ml of milk then realised.. For the next few days, got to express out by hand..

Yesterday, I gone to Robinson to got BabySafe mattress, it cost $169, got 25% + 5% discount, which is abt $120, infact, it is cheaper than the one at Motherhood Fair. BabySafe mattress is much cooler than the normal one, at least Aaron didn't perspire during the nite while sleeping on it.

With regards to my EBM, I have got 8 pkt of 150ml in the fridge and 10pkt of 150ml in the freezer.. I guess I have no choice but to discard the old ones away.. feel so wasted..

Right now, Aaron is taking abt 150ml at 4 hrs interval, during the nite, I will try to stretch the feeding time.. hopefully, one of these days, I have a good nite sleep without waking up
My pre-preg hipster skirts have become high waist skirts now! haha

People thought my Zavier is a girl when we bring him out cos of his small mouth... keke... And I like to dress him in pink cos his fair complexion makes him so 'pretty', that makes the misunderstanding worse. keke...
Stephanie: WOW how did you manage to express so much milk... Can put up for sale liao hahahah. Notice blood when u ONLY express 50ml.. for me 50ml is all i can get sometimes...
You are so lucky..
Hi ladies,
My gal now 2wks old. I notice she doesn't sleep after each feed compare to 1st week. During her 1st week, she will eat till she sleep and wake upon the next feed and sleep again. Now after each feed, she will not sleep immediately unless we carry &amp; pat her. Is it that she is not full enough? Since yesterday, she seems feeding more often. She used to be very sharp with 3+/- hrs interval feed but this 2 days, seems like about 1.5hrs she is asking for more.

Now she sleeps less, really don't know what to do with her as she will not want to be alone in her basket nor cot. Family members keep ask me don't always carry her but when she is not asleep, she will not want to be alone but only luv to be carry around. Sigh, what should I do?
Where did you bring BB Edie to shave her hair? Is it Fatastic Sams? Is it true they offer free hair cut for first time and give off a cert?
hmm i also wish to express milk out but hor.. sighs simply dun have the spare time to pump out during wkday morning till evening, cos i'm alone wif her. &amp; this gal is such a light sleeper, sleep awhile then wake up liao. So real difficult to pump milk at times. If I can able to pump at 3+pm &amp; 6+pm consider very good liao ...

So touch to see ur own bb smile bk at u hor?

Whenever Ashley smile at me, I'll bring her close to me &amp; kiss her forehead.

Ur massage as in the malay massage? U din start during the 2 wks afterbirth? I dun dare, I only want to start next wk, anw still waiting my Massage lady to call bk ..
Wow so good, u can wear bk ur pre-preggie swimsuit.. Mine can throw aside liao. Think I may still need to wear the maternity swim suit ..

Think u may need to increase her feed liao ...

As for the carrying around.. pretty normal.. same thing apply to my gal.. likes to carry aro too .. if put her down , she'll start to ee yah ee yah liao. But now she's bigger liao, we put her on the playmat &amp; start to play games wif her. Can respond abit.
So u juz lun afew more wks, u'll able to have fun wif her.
Hi mummies!

Re BF, I'm now on EBM, I will try to work with Edie's feeding time and express before she wake up. If she wake up before I express, then I will latch her. Now she likes to pull on my nipples, if I tried to stop her, she will scream at me, so dramatic. So to save myself from all these, plus I will be going back to work soon (end this month), so I've decided to give her EBM instead.

Hi Meow, I think they no longer give free hair cut. The cert is free but its only available on weekdays. I took Edie on a Sat. (her one month is on Sat and MIL insisted that we cut on that day) and they charges us $17. Maybe you can give them a call and check, their number is 67379925.

Re smile, Edie is very smily one, she will smile when she is full, or when I attent to her during her midnite cries. Recently she started to laugh, we only managed to hear her laugh for two times.
Not too sure is it should increase leh. But sometimes 90ml she already not really going to finish at the end.

By the way, how do you handle your gal alone at home. My CL will be leaving on 26 June. After that, I will be alone to handle my gal. I am already getting worry now cos' she wakes at least 2 times a nite for feed and really stress to bath her since she always cry during bath now. I think I will not have time to sleep at all in the nite and scared it will affect my hubby as well as he will need to wake up early for work.
Hmm same like my gal. Last time gave her 90ml too (most of the time drank till 80ml only), she woke up real fast to ask for more milk. So we increase to 120ml despite she din finish the milk. Sometimes she can finish till 100ml or 80/90ml only, depends.

Very funny 1 lor, if we give her 90ml nowadays she can drink finish all, but give 120ml, she'll have balanced..
So mayb i suggest u make 120ml for this feed only, &amp; see how muz she can drink?
(bb v funni 1.. dao dan 1.. haha...)

Her feed time is mostly either midnite or 1pm, then follow by 3 or 4am. So usually if it is midnite, i no need to wake up cos I'm still watching tv. So if she wake up at 3 or 4am, I'll bring her from her cot to my bed &amp; lie besides me to direct latch her. I can zz at the same time. hehhe..

Then 7am or 8am she'll wake up liao, so I direct latch her again. So this save me the trouble of making milk in the morning. &amp; again I can koon wif her if i wan till 9am+ ...

Today I'll start bathing her twice per day. Not easy lor, cos same like u, she'll start crying when I'm wiping her hair &amp; neck, it is only when put her inside water, she ok liao. But after take out from water &amp; gog to dress her up, she'll cry until ceiling can drop.
( this doesnt happen when my mum dress her bk at my mum's place ..
Indeed v stressed at hearing her cries initially, but now kinda get used to it. Of cos i'll try to dress her fast fast &amp; pacify her cries asap....

At 1st kinda loss at how u gog to schedule ur timing .. later u'll get used to it, cos will be quite routine liao.. u'll agar agar noe at which hrs ur bb will zz more hrs etc, will wake up aro when etc..
When she's getting bigger , will be more fun liao, cos she can respond to u by smiling bk.
Initially I was getting real bored wif the same routine liao. Feeding then zzz, then expressing milk etc.. very boring lor.. but lately she start to respond to my singing &amp; my voice, feel so touched &amp; happy. So now learning to appreicate this whole period of taking care of her..
Dun add stress to urself.. juz take things as it comes.. tat's wat my hubby told me cos i always imagine the worst scenario.. like i cant cope alone, i'll sure depressed etc 1 ..
it appears that you are at a loss now cuz your girl is still very young and you have yet to figure her out. its normal. give her and yourself some time and you will realised that she gets easier to handle.
its important to give her and yourself a routine to follow.
is 26 june the end of your 1st month? perhaps you can get her to watch you while you bath your girl during the last week. this way, you wont feel so loss when she leaves. at least she can tell you what to watch out for.
twinklet: I have some complication on my c-sect wound therefore i start my massage only 1mth plus later.

Feel abit shame coz i dunno how to bath my gal to date.Will be learnin only when she is bigger, mayb 3mth??

nothing to be ashamed about. its understandable considering the size of a baby... haha
but once you have done it, you will know that its not that tough.
my girl is now slightly more than 2 months old and already she is responding to me when i tell her its bath time, or poo-poo time. she loves to take bath and get her hair washed.
thinking of calling my boy,ryan..hopefully aft delivered is still a boy..cos i did not stand by any girl's name..hehehe..

sometimes cant help thinkg tt i'm carrying a girl..cos my tummy is round..instead of sharp..hehehe...

Ashley likes water ah....she dun wan to get out of the water....

so now u latch her on during night time??
Yesterday I brought my girl girl to my PIL place for dinner. I don't know why but once I carry her, I will start to rock her. My grandma-in-law saw it and immediately reprimanded me for that. *sigh*... but i don't really take it to heart... a bit bo chap. I can't be taking everybody's view into consideration. I will just handle BB the way I wanted and smile at other ppl's suggestion unless their suggestion value add.

BB will sleep lesser and lesser at time passes by. Don't worry abt what to do with her when she's awake. When my baby is less than a mth, I sing to her only. When she is more than a mth, I talk to her... heehe... or rather complain to her... Sometimes, I put her on the bouncer, switch on the music and let her play on her own. Only when she make noise, i will pick her up and talk to her.

BTW, try to sing/talk to her more often before the CL leaves. Let her get used to your voice cos if ur BB only recognise ur CL's voice, she will have a problem when she leaves. Observe what songs ur CL sing to ur BB (if any). It will come in useful. Like for my BB, my CL will sang to her twinkle twinle little star in Mandarin during bathing. For the 2 weeks after my CL left, my BB will only be pacified when she heard this song during bathing.
Hi Gals
How's the freq of your bb's poo? My baby poo almost after every Breast Feed. His poo is mustard in color, not too much but v watery. Quite worried that he is having diarrhoea. My baby is 10days old &amp; I'm on total BF, giving EBM at night.

Any of your bb experienced that b4?
Jus like your gal, my gal also poos whenever i feed her. She's 2mth old liao and poos at least 3times. Colour also like mustard and very liquid. I think its normal.
dun worry your baby's poo is normal. i read that it is watery because baby is not drinking at one breast long enough. when baby suckles longer on one breast, chances of drinking hind milk higher and the consistency of the poo will thicken.

cheryl poos twice daily. once in the morning and one more time in the late afternoon.
Stephy: Babysafe Mattress really so much better? I dun sleep in air-con thru-out the nite &amp; we realise that she'll perspire until her back all wet.

Twinklet: I've been urging my SIL to pass me her play gym.. but she is very slow.. I think I'm not given enuff stimulant to my girl. All the time she is either sleeping on the bouncer or in her cot. Only when she is awake &amp; seemed interested to engage then we'll talk &amp; sing to her. She'll respond by smiling &amp; making funny faces. I just tried placing her on her belly. She doesnt really knw how to lift up her head

Adora: tt's normal for BF BB. Unless the stool is greenish &amp; stinks.. nothing to worry abt.

Ariella: I think u are more "on" that me. Ya some pre-pregnancy hipster skirts I also can fit in liao.. wearing at the waist also. But the look is totally different compared to pre-preg time
I dun intend to go for malay massage liao.. lazy :p
you can do some exercises with your girl to help her with her head / neck muscles. hold her by her hands and attempt to lift her off the bed gently... i do that with cheryl every day... now when she is taking her bath, when she is having her back washed, she can hold her head up.
oic.. i'll be starting this wednesday, hopefully it'll be good.. especially need a good rub on my back ..

nothing to be ashamed lar..
take ur time to learn especially when u got someone to help u .. me is i'm being 'forced' to 1.. haha..
when during confinement, i dun relly go &amp; see how my mum bathe my gal, cos our bathtub is different .. guess tat's why during my 1st attempt , the water too hot...

yah she likes the water, &amp; likes to kick alot too. Have to hold her tight..

I din give muz stimulant to my gal until only these few days. Cos she always zz in the afternoon.Sometimes also duno wat song to sing.. run out of song liao. have been urging my hubby to buy cds tat come wif rhymes 1, so can sing along wif the cd. haha!
This morning I anyhow sing the song, she respond very well, smile so sweet to me, my heart wanna melt liao..
mummies who hire confinement lady,
ask u hor..do u BF ur bb in the middle of the night when the confinement lady is ard? or u express BM,then CL will bottle feed bb?

i think if u put mattress protector on the mattress,it will still be hot..unless u dun intend to put the mattress protector,then it will be cooling.....

seems like Ashley loves to listen to music leh..maybe next time she will be a musician??

nice name .. wat does ryan means ?

sgmon, twinklets,

there is a book called baby play .. if u really run out of idea on how to play and stimulate your bb. I saw it in the bookshop.. but din buy..

alternatively maybe can flash cards to bb if u are into brain stimulation. I am fervently reading my glenn doman and tony buzan books (I am an extremely slow reader).. and am getting hold of some of the maths and reading kit to start on my boy cos he is turning 3months soon. In the meantime, we let him play on his tiny love playground gym or his musical mobile sometimes, carry him ard and talk to him sometimes and flash maths dot cards to him frequently throughout the day whenever he is in good mood. He had responded well and seems to focus and look at the cards when we showed it to him.

Or u can get a nursery rhyme cd and sing along with your bb heheh....

btw, I borrowed a book called Attachment Parenting from the library and its really a nice parenting book to read. I feel assured that the book advocates carrying our bb on demand also to nurture parent child attachment... that we will never over-carry our bb.... set my mind more at ease cos we had been doing just that all these while... my philosphy is to meet my boy's needs as much as possible... feed on demand, play on demand, carry on demand...
sgmom : we turn on the aircon every nite, previously when aaron sleeps on the old mattress, he would perspire, if not, when I carried him up, I could feel that the mattress is warm.. but with Baby safe mattress, it is so much better. But again, it is a personal comment.. my mum encouraged me to get a good mattress for aaron, that's why i decided to get one. Btw, I didn't use any mattress protector, I think it will defeat the purpose.

actually hor..i oso quite confused abt the meaning of the name..some books said it means little king..then think some said it means handsome..

i will gng for my ctg again on wed....

btw,do u still need to go back n see dr yeong?
