(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Meow, kRaZy, Sgmom
Thanks for the assurance. As for sucking on one breast for a longer time, I can't because of my sore nipple. Letting him suck for 15mins on each then back to the first breast for another 10-15mins. I will try to let him suck longer when my nipple is less painful.

anyone got the same problem as me? ...
When my gal wants to go to sleep, she needs to be pat. Sometimes she cries very loudly and start searching for my nipple as if she's hungry but in fact she has already taken her milk but didn't finish the whole bottle. If i were to give her the bottle, she'll cry again. But if i were to give her my breast, she'll keep very quiet and suckle to sleep. I've tried giving her pacifier, but no matter how i hold the pacifier, she'll push it out. How huh?
Got a cute photo of my gal to share with everyone. Bought her a nice bikini over the weekends.

Hi ladies,

Not able to follow the readings liao. Too busy with looking after bb. Free time also go and catch some sleep.

I'm currently BF my baby and supplement with FM (because not enough..only pump around 50ml each time). What FM are you all giving your babies if you are feeding FM? Sometimes, feel a little dejected when unable to meet the demand.. really envy those who can easily pump bottles and bottles. How can it done? Is it from Day one the milk is so much? My girl is now 2 weeks, so far the maximum i pump is 100 ml (that's the record)

Just to share, after using mamy poko and pampers, I find mamy poko better.
By the way, my girl got nappy rash and i use desitin cream to apply. Her buttock skin starts peeling, a bit harsh on her skin. Any better nappy cream to recom? Please advise. Thanks

my gynae recommended me Enfalac A+ when I was supplementing my BM ss. What FM are you using ?

how come your gal's skin peel when u use desitin ? are you using the blue color box creamy version ? It has worked well for my boy leh... Another one that should be not bad (I am using concurrently with my desitin) is the SebaMed Special Healing Cream.


I do not need to see dr yeong anymore for the time being till either end of this year or feb next year...either for iui or if i succeed by then, my next pregnancy.
You must be so excited ... bb coming soon!! will u be able to come in and share your birth story with us... I will keep coming in to check for your story hehe..
Hi LV,
Gerald is taking Mamex Gold... so far is okie till yesterday was told by nanny he had greenish stool... anyone have any idea how come?? though old pple will say it is due to scare....

btw any bb had change their bowel pattern? Gerald have change his bowel from every alternative feed to once every alternative day... is that common?

Hi Meow,
ur gal is so cute!!!
Hi ladies,

Very worried coz for the past 2 days, bb have not been slping well. Keep crying then when carry her, she will slp in my arms but when put her down, wake up again. My doc say she has a lot of wind in her stomach n told us to burp her well after each feed but sometimes can't burp even after 5-10 min. Any gd method to share for burping bb, im really at a loss!
you cana try mustela vitamin barrier cream. i am using this every night before i put on diaper for cheryl. i think robinson is having sale on this item... 2 100ml tubes + a story book for $22. oh... when i apply, i really apply a lot. the whole bum will be white.. cannot see flesh.

perhaps you can rub her tummy with oilment. i realised that after i rub my girl's tummy, she tends to fart often.

the other thing i did to minimize carry cheryl when she was 2 weeks old and on.. was when i breastfeed her, i will lie down on the bed. she feeds lying on her side. until now, she still feeds lying on her side during the day. its only after her clean-up at night and her wee hour feeds that i carry her in my arms. you can try this.
very often, she will fall asleep during the feeds but you must wake her (rub her cheeks, massage her legs, hands) but when she is done, then let her continue with her sleep.

how is the training of gerald's pooing session coming along?
he is on fm and is still able to poo so often, thats very good.
but the greenish stools is a little suspicious.
never train lah... coz in the day he is with nanny... i really don know how to start... now a bit worried due to the greenish stools will b coming dumex later to see whether it is normal...

hi evelyn..
u might want to start training her to sleep at her on... i try on Gerald last night... he is a bit crankie at 1st... then gave him 90ml of milk 1 hr b4 the 3hr interval... after he is fed... he lay on his own cot... i switch off the light... i got hear him play for awhile then he went off sleeping... hope that it will be continue this way....

for wind - can apply ru yi liu... Gerald also fart alot but still a bit bloated.... so must sayang him alot due to the wind in his stomach he will be uncomfortable....
ya lor..wanted to see how bb looks like..i hve pple asking mi almost everyday when i will deliver..dun think bb will come out so soon..he seems to be still vv comfortable in my tummy..

i will try to come in aft i hve given birth..

btw,how much is the tiny love wind chime tt u bought for Samuel??
Meow: My girl also sama sama la. Not that she needs to be pat all the time but she has tis "habit" of suddening letting out cries out of nothing. Sometimes u can tell that she is still asleep coz her eyes never open one. But if u give her pacifier, she'll spit it out. If u carry her up.. u'll wake her up which will then make her cry even louder. We also believe that she is not hungry (coz feed was like 1hr ago). So sometimes I'll latch her on. She'll then suck happily, drink some milk.. doze off... sometimes she'll unlatch herself.. then next second frantically search for my nipple & re-latch herself.. I also dunno what she is doing

Recently she has been rather irritable. Sleep half way cry.. change diaper cry.. carry also cry.. put her down also cry.. sigh...

Poohy/Twinklets: Sometimes I wld love to play with her.. but recently she is so irritable that I'm not sure if it's a good idea to "train" her to do anything. I placed her on the play gym this morning.. she didnt even look at those dangling toys in front of her.. Her eyes were looking at something outside the window.. prob the trees or sky.
on nappy cream->

The desitin I'm using is white tube. Maybe I'll try to see if I can get the blue tube as well. I also had the avent one. But that one seem to work slower.

Feeding my girl dumex as well. Follow what hospital had given (no BM for 1st few days). PD said is fine as long as there's DHA. Some said the stools are green because FM contains fibre (vege) so that's y when baby poos after drink FM, they'll be greenish in colour.
Meow : Aaron always pushes the pacificier out too.. that's why everytime I have to put my fingers on the pacificier to prevent him frpm pushing out.. only when he is asleep then I let go. I know it can be very frustrating..

LV : I'm already into my 2nd month after delivery, the flow has improved tremendously compare to the 1st month.. back then, my flow is worse than yours.. I always have problem with my left breast especially.. u need to have a lot of patience.. I use to express out every 2 - 3 hours.. If u latch yr baby on, the milk supply will come faster. Don't give up!! Demand = Supply..
i'm using desitin. works very well... i would put a very thick layer if there's nappy rash. for prevention only, then we put a thin thin layer only

at least u managed to pump out 100ml before. i didn't even managed to get 30ml through pumping. i was very stressed and felt that i'm such a lousy mother. somemore, my CL kept on asking me why I hv so little? then when she feeds my gals FM, she will say to my bb, "mummy didnt give you enough ah... bb hungry hor". i was really upset.

in order not to stress myself, i gave up pumping. i just let my gal latch on and let her drink as much as i have. Then i supplement with FM... This way i won't be bothered by the "numbers". I know i'm "hiding" from the problem, but i really have tried all ways. the more stress i am, the less i have. so let things be..

for first 2 wks, i refuse to use ru yi oil. but eventually i gave in this week. before this week, it is very difficult to burp my gal. and also she get wind very easily, so much so that she doesnt want to continue feeding till she burps. after we use ru yi oil, we find that her feeding is easier, and easier to burp her too. dunno is it bcos she's older or because of ru yi oil. you may want to try also...
hi mothers, jus to share...
my Lisa, is having a difficult time now. she caught flu virus, and she's only 2.5 weeks old. she's so poor thing cos she can't breath well due to runny nose, block nose, phlegm and cough. then today her stool has blood, quickly brought her to pd again just now, and pd said that the virus may hv moved to her intestine and affecting her intestine lining. but she assured me that the bb shld be fine after 5 days... i'm such a lousy mother. till now, i don't even know how Lisa caught the flu virus...

tot i check with you gals... do you let your gals sleep with fans on? i don't let my gal sleep in aircon room, but i hv ceiling fans. is it too cold for her? also, do you let your bb wear long sleeves and long pants at night? or wrap the bb up? i really cannot tell whether the bb is feeling too hot or too cold... sigh....
Blurmom : I will change Aaron into long sleeves shirt and long pants during the nite, because he sleeps with us in the aircon room... Initially, I will wrap him up, the CL told us that he can sleep better, which is quite true, jerk less often. But later, i realised it is too warm for him.. caught him perspired. I decided not to wrap him.. not too bad after all, he sleeps as usual.

With regards on how to tell whether yr bb is cold or warm.. my paedia told us that we can feel his cheeks, hands or feets.. but of course if he is perspiring, obviously he is hot.

Nowadays, the weather is so warm, i even undress him with the fan on.. and I also will put him under the ceiling fan.. he seems to be enjoying .. every baby is different, u will have to catch ur gal's pattern.

Hopefully yr gal recover soon.. don't worry too much.. she will be fine.
hi blurmom,
u r not alone... Gerald was down with flu virus abt 2 weeks ago... just b4 i return to work... also dunno who pass the virus to him... i din know he is cough till my hubby said he does... the very next day bring him to pd... pd confirm throat infection..... my hubby gave me that k of look like... he look after Gerald the whole day u don know he is sick.... sian...

Gerald sleep with fan on... he is wearing long sleeve with blanket... havent let him wear pant afraid will be too hot for him... coz keep seeing him kicking his blanket....

hi lv,
where u stay? i need to get more milk powder... got lobang that buy 6 tin got 2 tin free u interested can share the contact to u... got free delivery too
blurmom, my boy caught the flu bug recently too... same problem as your gal (blocked nose, cough and phlegm)... like u, oso dunno how he got it... look at my boy makes me feel like a lousy mother too but my hubby consoled me saying we did our best lah, dun be too hard on ourselves, juz feed him medication on time and see how things go...

he's been on medication for 1 week+ but yet his phlegm and blocked nose is still there... wondering if i shld bring him to pd again...

my boy slept wif the fan rotating, wear short sleeves and berms wif socks to sleep at night. i din wrap him cos it will be too hot for him. I feel his fingers and feet to determine if he is cold....
Dun worry.. i'm sure Lisa will be fine very soon...

My gal sleeps wif fan at nite. She always sweat alot, so we dun put on long shirt & pants for her. Normally juz a romper, then cover her wif blanket. Din cover to the chest cos on fan, scare she too hot also...
Same here.. sometimes i also dunno she's too hot or too cold.. but i see her sweat alot, i presume she's hot...
but sometimes she also sneeze or hiccup.. me also headache .. but tat will be during normal hrs not during zz hrs..
Like u, i'm also blur & new to parenthood.. though staying wif MIL , but cannot rely on her at all cos she mostly forget everything liao..
So alot of times I gotta check wif u gals at forum too or call my mum to check wif her ...

Dun feel lousy lar.. we are all new.. alot of things to learn...
Btw I do noe tat if u let ur gal zz in aircon room, make sure u cover the blanket up to her chest area... this is wat my sis's PD told her..

same here.. if she's irritable, i also sian.. all i want is her to get to zz so i can have rest ... Like today.. she puke quite alot of milk juz now ... sighs .. so today cannot really play wif her cos she seem so zleepy ..

Wow u so on .. can go library & borrow books.. hehee... I think I'll rely on my husband to do the reading if he go & borrow books when he more free ... I'll juz surf net to look for more details.. (btw i have tonns of Motherhood & Young parents magazine given by my cousin, still din touch any of them, cos too bz wif the bb liao ...)
So wat have u learn from this book? Can share share??

haha..geee like to listen my awful singing will make her a musician ... heee i wish man .. but i siao 1... i wish she can be an artist next time.. hahaha....
same here!! my gal will kick the blanket away... sighs........

i'm also rather confused.. sometimes i heard this cough-like noise from her, i duno whether is tat a cough or not leh. I told my hubby, he said it juz those choking voice..
Very blur leh...
Btw how do we noe whether she got blocked nose, phlegm & cough?
Seem like i cant differeniate a cough & a choking noise.
twinklets, my boy's cough n choke sound is pretty easy to distinguish cos his cough will b a few sounds then choke is like once or twice.

i know my boy got blocked nose cos his breathing is very hard n noisy... as for phlegm, i feel his back vibrating when he breathe loh... like got something block in the lungs like that...
Twinklets: My girl also sometimes have those "choking' kind of cough. Recently she also has a couple of coughs.. but it happens ard once or twice a day so we are not very concern.

Ya lor.. after they puke out alot of milk they always seemed very sedated. Today my girl's appetite seemed to be better. But sometimes still cldnt finish her feed.

Blurmom: I'm sure Lisa will recover soon. I dun let my girl wear long sleeve coz we normally sleep with fan. Sometimes we do turn on the air-con but normally for 1 hr or so only. But I'll lay a nappy clothe so that her pespiration will be absorbed by the nappy clothe. the clothe also serve as her blanket by folding the corner up to cover her legs.

sweatcorn: ur boi hasnt recover? do take care okie. my wrist is alot better.. after seeing the sinseh for 3 times (cannot take medication so takes longer). Anyway.. I'm supposed to go back to him yesterday but since I felt that my wrist is so much better.. lazy liao :p Now wears wrist guard to prevent futher injury :p
hi sgmon, my boi have not fully recovered leh... called PD n he advised to continue the medication for another week b4 going back... so let's see how by end of this week...

sinseh oso give medication ah?? isit those little black pills?? u take care hor... better dun over-exert on that injuried wrist so that can fast recover n carry valerie mah... kekeke...
thanks, mummies, for your encouragement..

i'm asking bcos my MIL thinks that we did not cover Lisa enough. She feels that we need to wrap her real well, wear long pants etc. We usually dress her in shortsleeves bodysuit with nappy cloth as blanket... i'm afraid that she's hot cos the weather has been pretty humid last 2 weeks.

re: how do we know bb is having cough...
Lisa has been making throaty sound after feed. we tot she didn't swallow her milk well... until we hear hissing sound from her nose. then we suspect that her nose is blocked. then she started coughing and not those "dry" cough.

Actually it's really difficult to tell, we brought her to see a PD before it was so serious. the first PD also could not confirm. he tot it was just throat irritation. 1 day later, i find that the cough got worse, and so i went to second PD. This second PD confirmed that Lisa caught flu.
Stephy and blurmom,

The desitin cream u refer to is the blue or white one? I got my hubby to buy the nappy cream, wrote on paper buy both but he bought only one. Think this weekend I might go myself and buy it. (though I'm still in confinement)

for BM, my CL also at times say things like 'not enough BM ah..' think they are old and quite insensitive to our emotional status now. They might not be on purpose but it just add salt to the wound when we are already trying so hard to meet the demand (until nipples sore!) For me, throughout night i feed FM so that she can sleep longer (i also can sleep) then only day time drink BM.

I let my girl sleep in aircon only for at night and it's for a while only to cool the room down. When aircon is on, i saw her shiver a little and also sneeze. So at night always long sleeves and long pants. for day, I switch on fan but i use nappy cloth as a blanket.

thanks, but my hubby already went NTUC buy 4 tins back the other day. so could last for a while.

shaving baby's hair->
can I bring baby to any salon to shave for full month? must i give the hairdresser ang pao after that?

on motherhood->
actually I also feel very lost. sometimes hope confinement quickly ends but sometimes scare CL goes off. At times, for no reason also feel like crying. I guess we are all here to learn as each day goes by and hopefully we can all bring up our children to fine adults.
Hi, any mummies have gone back to work already and expressing milk in office?

How do you store EBM? and what kind of cooler bag do you use?
<font color="aa00aa">zyp,</font>
I have no return to work yet but intend to express milk in office. There is fridge in my office so I will store the EBM in the fridge after expressing. When going home, will be using the Ameda cooler bag as I intend to bring the Ameda Lactaline pump home.
Hi Ladies,
My gal is 2.5wks old. Is it time to change her teats yet? My sis in law said that sometimes when the teats hole are too small, bb tends to suck in more air and causing wind in stomach as they take long to drink their milk. So when bb find it difficult to drink the milk as the flow is too slow, they will fall asleep without finishing it and hence sucking in alot of air after taking so long to drink the milk.

So now, I am not sure should I change the teats as I am using mostly pigeon S size teats which I find the hole quite small as well. As when I tried to test the temperature of the milk on my hand, it seems doesn't drip out if I do not shake the bottle hard. As she is only 2.5wks old, I can't possibly give her a M size teats. My sis in law ask me to buy those cross shape teats hole which the flow will be faster.

This few days, my gal is always asking for milk at an interval of 2 hrs most of the time. However, when we make 90ml, she doesn't really finish it or must force her then she finish. So I am thinking maybe is because of the teats now like what my sis in law said. Maybe shall increase her milk but because of the teats, she will not have the patience to suck that long.
hi san,
u might want to try the pigeon persil?? (dunno the spelling) it is the wide opening which the teat can fix on avent bottle... this one is hada non slip design n my boy seem to be okie with the teat... not too small

hi lv,
is okie.... if u interested do let me know okie... coz Gerald is on full FM... so milk powder alot n fast ... image... now i nearly on my 10 tin already.... hee hee

hi hytten,
will be calling them next wk... i will check with them whether they have Enfalac A+.
San: I'm using Avent teats. My girl only upgraded from #1 to #2 at ard 5wks+. I tried giving her #2 teats at ard 4wks but she cldnt handle. Only after 2 tries before I feel that she is capable of handling the faster flow. There isnt really a hard &amp; fast rule to when u shd change. It all depends on ur BB. If ur BB is constantly taking much longer than normal to drink, looks very tired after half the feed etc.. u can try letting her use the faster flowing one. If she cannot handle, then continue to use this one.

zyp: I also intend to express milk in the office. My colleague uses the board room &amp; I have a fridge in the meeting rm near my area. Plus my hse is only 15-20mins walk away.
I'll also be using Ameda pump. Dun intend to bring the adaptor along (coz it's damn heavy). I'll put batteries in the office so that I'll use batt to operate while in office &amp; use adaptor at home. I also intend to express 2x in the office to maintain my milk supply
Poshies: Wa.. use so fast huh? On FM more expensive hor.. I'll try to "save" as much $$ as possible by BM as long as I cld (for like 6mths la). Yest went to my gynae for pap smear.. after 7wks+ I still have another 2.6kgs to go.. but from my "ideal" weight... another 5kgs at least. Sigh.. now swimming only.. hopefully that's enuff to slim down.

FYI Mango sale starts 23rd June. Apparently they allow reservations 1 week in advance. Happy shopping!
LV : the desitin cream that I have bought is the tube is blue color.. look for the word "creamy".. Attached a pic of it for your reference.

During his full month, my mum brought Aaron to the salon near my house.. and I ask my mum to give the hairdresser $8 red packet.

When my CL left, I was very worried too even my mum is staying with me. Be prepared for a busy week after yr CL goes off.. After that, slowly u will get adapt to the "busy-ness".. Juz take it easy.. it will get better day by day.

Tigger88: how much did u pay for yr Ameda pump? where did u get from? Dual pump, do u put on the bra thing or u need to support both pump with both of hands? Can u adjust different speed and pressure on individual pump?
<font color="aa00aa">Stephy,</font>
I bought the Ameda pump from the distributor Euramedic for $280. If you buy from MIM or BFSG, it will be $310. I am using both hands to support the pump. I am not sure abt the bra thingy that you mentioned.

You can adjust the vacuum strength and the cycles speed but it's for both pump, not individual.

You thot of getting one also?

<font color="ff6000">sgmom,</font>
How do you intend to sterilise the pump in office? using those sterilising tablets?
mummies with bb that spits up alot of milk:
I've found some tips on cutting down on spitting up. Hopefully it's useful

1) If ur BB seemes to be gulping down milk at a fast &amp; furious rate, try feeding him more often instead of waiting until he is desperately hungry.
2) If u're engorged, ur BB may be swallowing air as she latches on. Express a little milk &amp; apply a warm or cold compress to ur breasts.
3) if ur milk is coming in too quickly at e beginning, express a little or let some flow into an absorbent cloth before nursing
4) if ur bb seems to be eating more than he can handle, nurse on one breast only at each feeding
5) Prop ur BB back at 30 degree angle for 20 - 30mins after a nursing before u burp her. this helps milk settle in her stomach &amp; discourages it frm coming up with the air bubble
6) when u do burp ur BB, do it gently.

How much EBM to offer to ur BB:
I've found a website offering this guide:

Bb's wt (lbs) * 2.5 = quantity of milk/day (oz)

So in order to determine how much milk to offer per feed, divide the qty by # of feeds. Do not use the quantity stated on formula tin as BF BBs drink lesser than FM ones.

tigger88 : oic.. because I saw medela PIS has the bra thing, so u can be handsfree.. Now, I'm using medela single pump, while pumping, I will use my hand to squeeze my breast, so more milk will flow out.... oh so.. the adjustment of the strength and speed is for both.. the problem is my left breast is more delicate than my right.. still thinking of whether to get or not.. Already into my 2nd month now.. if I prepare to stop bf at my 6 month, that's mean i only left 4 months.. worth to get????
sgmom : now I'm feeding aaron 150ml at 4hrs interval.. hopefully not too much for him, he seems to be taking it quite well. I will try to stick to 8am / 12pm / 4pm, etc.. at least now, I can have a longer sleep

do u have this problem? I realised when I wear my bra with the pad, the pad will be printed on my blouse.. so now, I can't wear my fitting tops. Currently I'm wearing Mothercare nursing bra (white) and Gerber ultra thin nursing pad.. I tot of getting another nursing bra - beige color.. any good advise or recommendation?
yup lor... alot rite... i had been keeping the tip (plastic cover) of the milk powder... yesterday open a new bottle... wow abt 1 tin per wk... a lot lah... imaging $26++ per wk just the milk.... u gals on bfg save alot... too bad i unable to bfg Gerald
<font color="aa00aa">Stephy,</font>
I am able to use my hand to squeeze my breast during pumping. I just rest one of the pump on my thigh (the pump is still able to pump milk while resting on my thigh
) and use the free hand to massage and squeeze.

I think it's worth getting a dual pump as it will cut short the pumping time by half. When you return to work, you will not want to spend so much time pumping in office rite?

You can keep the pump for baby no. 2 or you can sell it away after the 6th month. Alternatively, you can purchase a 2nd hand one.
i also have the same problem! i also bought my bras from mothercare but i realised they are not very good. the strap (the one attached to the cup from the top to the side) is losing its elasticity. not only will they be printed on fitting shirts, my breasts seem to sag.
if i tighten the bra strap, the designs on the side of the bra "cut" into my flesh...

i heard that nursing bras from triumph are good... anyone bought those?
tigger88 : I'm a stay-at-home-mom
juz feel the pinch in paying so much for a pump..

krazy : yah lor.. especially if u wear light color clothing, can see the pad even.. I wonder does triumph has size 38D??

btw, have anyone tried using Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags?
<font color="aa00aa">Stephy,</font>
Wow, you're a SAHM...so envy you. Wish I can be one also so as to spend more time with my son. Too bad that I can't afford not to work...sian. Hope one day I can be SAHM.

Since you're not working, why not BF Aaron longer?
Poshies: Thanks

Stephanie: I am still very curious how did u manage to pump 10 150ml milk anyway. You get a lot of milk from both breast? How often do you pump? I feel so sad when I cannot meet my baby's demand. I may be able to pump once 120ml every 2 days but my baby is drinking 120ml every 3 to 4 hours.. haiiii

stephy: I'm also using the Ameda pump. Same thing here, I rest the pump on my thighs so that I can free up the other hand to squeeze my breasts to try to empty my breasts as completely as possible.

I also agree with Tigger that getting a dual pump can half the time u take to express milk. Plus u'll be able to express more milk as once u feel let-down u can start collecting milk from both breasts.

Agree with tigger. SInce u are not working, can consider BF longer. Of course as long as u dun feel tied down by it.

I also have the same problem. That's probably becoz the nursing bras itself are so soft. I bot some normal bras with padding kind. When I go out &amp; I knw I dun need to express milk outside (so far I havent anyway). I'm going to wear normal bras. I'll just put in bra pads to prevent staining. This way I can wear more fitting tops

Watever amt u feed, as long as it's comfortable for both u &amp; ur BB that's perfectly fine. That is a guide for moms.. but we shd always look at how our little precious are doing

Tigger: The instruction manual actually tell u to sterilise it once a day only. Other times just wash with mild soap. So I'll sterilise my pump before I leave hse. THen in e office no need to sterilise already lor.
