(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Regarding the protuding bone, my girl girl has it as well. Have asked my PD and he said it's normal... ask me not to get too worried. U can ask ur PD on ur next visit.

RE: BB not wanting to sleep at night
I let her suckle half an hour after her last feed... normally, she will just suckle for 5 minutes and will fall asleep already... don't think hshe will be overfed. Anyway, there are times when she just suckle for 2 minutes and un-latch on her own... guess she is full.

Also, my milk supply is so pathetic now... so I think she just suckle for comfort.

Ur BB already got passport!! Can't believe it!!! My girl girl can't even go shopping and your BB can travel overseas!!! Boowowoowooo...

My CL used to used those facial cotton wool to clean too.. but I'm worried that some of the "stray" cotton wool might stick on to BB's tongue while washing. Hence, I insist she used gauze instead.

My sis signed up for a course for 6-18mths old infant. 5 day course. Will ask her more abt the course... but it seems my niece enjoy the lessons. Will let u know more.

My BB used to have those blocked sweat glands too. Her cheeks were covered with red small blister like spot.

I once brought her to a PD and he actually asked me to go home and won't charge me any consultation for that!!! According to him, normally the blocked sweat glands will disappear within the nest few days. just clean the face regularly. Unless there's pus / water in the glands or the whole face is covered with sweat glands, we shouldn't be unduly worried. However, I insist on him giving me a cream to apply and he had no choice but to charge for consultation as well. And true enough, the sweat glands disappear. Till now, I don't know if the disappearance is due to the cream or wat.

Come to think of it, I think I wasted $$ on that PD's visit for nothing.
Carla_lily: If it is really $170 count me in when u wanna enrol. Definately worth it. I got a shock when I saw their fee on their website.
Hi Carla,
The PD I went to did say is normal but the way he answer me seems not a definite answer to me. So still quite worry on that bony thing.

Any of your babies sweat alot? My gal sweat alot. During feeding, she can have sweaty face after the feed and her neck at the back is always sweaty. My fren said maybe I have eat too much durian during my pregnancy and cause her to be so heatiness.
Fine here, but same like u worried abt her intake of milk at times.. Make 90ml of milk, she can finish all & want more.. but make 120ml, she'll drink till left 50 or 40ml of milk nowadays ..

nowadays she at times cranky when i bottle feed her, really make me so frustrated at times.. can feed her v long 1 ..
how abt Kimberly? any pic to share wif us??

hehe.. vv comfy in ur tum tum ah... nvm ..enjoy this moment .. wait next time when bb out, u'll kinda miss it in a way......

Carla Lily,
i c i c .. hopefully next time i can try this method & it can work for her ..

Yes my bb sweat alot too.. especially her forehead & her back ... but i think shd be the hot weather & she may inherit her dad's sweatiness.. hahha..
Hi Twinklets,

Yalor, sometimes so difficult to guage her milk needs. Make more, she drink less. Make less, she wants more. Urgh...
Stimes I also carry her until hands wanna break! If dun carry, she will scream so loud. Haiz... tough period with a newborn.

I take more pics on my handphone, maybe will mms to u tomorrow (will be using another handphone of mine, so the display number will be different from my usual). Can share with me Ashley's pic via email? I dun think I hv seen her yet and also did not go thru the postings.
mine also like me to carry.. but sometimes she make me malu.. especially at nite ..

When i carry her, she cry .. this make me a lousy mum infront of my hubby & mil ..
I have to carry her by the shoulder then she ok ..
Morning & afternoon time carry her the cradle way ok 1 leh ...
sniff ~~

So how u copying wif 2 kids at 1 time?? How's ur elder gal respond to her mei mei?
My HP cant recx mms leh.. pls send to my hubby hp# .. I'll forward u the emails wif his hp# inside.. looking forward. oH Btw i wont log in for these few days cos gog bk to my mum's place. Hope she can help me awhile man.. really need a break .......
hi gals,

thanks 4 your compliments on Bryon...

Chk wif u.. does your bb become unsettled during the pre-dwan hrs like 3-5 AM? My boy has been like tis since sunday nite (after comfinement nanny left dat day). He would want to sleep and want to have his milk.. but willl fuss when we tried to feed him... and then he will wake up maybe another hr or so later... asking for milk... he would cry until he is breathless... cos of the wind (even tho we have put some infacol in his milk)... and the ironical thing is that he tends to sleep straight 3-4 hrs after his last feed at 9-10 plus pm?

Any advice on this? Hubby and I are at odd ends with his 'pre-drawn syndrome'.
Gd morning ladies,
Do any of you feel bored during yr confinement period? Me really looking forward to the full month. But after that, I am really very scared that I can't cope with my bb alone at home whole day and find it damn bored to take care of bb. Really feel like going back to work after full month.

My fren told me I felt this way is because nowadays bb is still small and don't really know how to response and play with us. When older when she knows how to play, I will not feel this way.
If you're bored, try taking more pics of yr bb...tat's the only time when u have time to wait for smiles & other funni faces
hi san,
yup lor.. heard from my colleuge now is a good time to capture all the funnies expression when they are old... harder to capture...

i think Gerald is getting bigger... when i talk or play with him... he will be doing alot of expression like happy or fown... don know why he fown alot... haha noti boy
ok... this is how i do it. i will just give you a run-down of what i do every morning... hehe
i will clean her eyes, her ears with water and cotton wool. then i will clean her mouth; gums and tongue. then her face. after that i will clean her neck area (double chin... very difficult to clean heheh) i remove her clothes
then i will wash her hair. after drying her hair, i will open up her diapers and hold her legs high. then i will make the poo - sound... (hmmmm mmmm hmmm mmm.... play with her lah cuz now she can respond already...) initially it will take like 15 min cuz she is not concentrating. but now i know when she will poo cuz her face will turn red and she will have that "constipated" look and of course she will make noise like she is pooing.
when you do it, gerald might not respond yet cuz still a new thing to him... let him be but continue to do this every morning. soon, he will learn that it means to poo and he will do it (sometimes even before you starting making that noise) it took me like 4 days to establish this and now cheryl does it evry morning. then i will continue with her bath.

ok... i will do that .. but very troublesome cuz cannot leave my girl alone... my fil will disturb her one...
i used the avent teats initially but i think its too hard (she is too used to human teats i think) so i got her a nuk latex from the motherhood fair. so far she has taken to the bottle like 2 times. however, she rejects it when the milk has been refrigerated and warmed. i guess i dint warm it enough... i must train her already cuz in late july, i will be going back to work. cant leave my breasts at home... hopefully, by then she will have no problem with avent teats too.
during the night feeds, i still latch her on... more convenient.

hahaha. yeah... sometimes my girl screams like someone has pinched her or something...

carla lily:
i see. so far my girl enjoys these tongue cleaning sessions. hahha.. she gets to bite me and drink some boiled water. hahah

i also got my girl her passport... will be bringing her to malaysia in july. now its so convenient and easy to do passports .. do it now before you go back to work.

re: milk intake
i realised that cheryl's milk intake has reduced cuz she only wants to suckle like 15 min during the day... and when the 3hr is up, she does not even cry for milk. should i stretch her feed then?
<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
I used Avent teats initially too and then changed to Pigeon ones when Keane rejects the bottle. Now he is slowly getting used to bottles and I am switching back to Avent. I have too many Avent bottles and teats so dun wanna waste them.

Keane also likes warmer EBM. I am now training him to take bottles during daytime (my working hours) and will latch him in early morning and at night. His milk intake also reduces. Used to drink 120ml during my confinement month. Now he drinks abt 80-100ml and like Cheryl, when 3hrs is up, he doesnt cry for milk. So I try to force feed him.
should we be stretching their feeds? at night, cheryl can sleep for 4 hrs at a stretch. she used to suckle for 25-30 min and sleep for another 3hr but recently, she is only taking like 15-20min and sleeping for 3-3.5hr.
is it too early (cheryl is now 8weeks old) to expect her to sleep through the night?
<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
I think it's perfectly fine to let Cheryl sleep for 4hrs at a stretch at nite. Keane sometimes sleep for abt 5hrs b4 he wakes up for milk. I only force feed Keane every 3hr interval in the daytime. I will let him sleep as long as he wants at nite. Usually he doesnt drink much in the middle of the nite. My CL told me it's ok if babies doesn't drink much in the middle of the nite and we dun need to force feed them. Slowly, they will know it's nite time and will sleep longer.
hi ladies: Ytd bot cloie for her 1st jab and she cried till the roof almost drop...I oso ask my GP abt enfalac, he said he will ask supplier for me but not too sure got disc or not. CLoie now wt 4.4kg @ 6wk plus.

Ming: Sorry, i think mayb have to wait till weekend or next wk then can pass u the similac liao..Will sms u again

Twinklet: Ashley have beautiful eyes and very cute with the pacifier..

I got phobia giving cloie pacifier coz i scare she got too much confusion liao...like teat,nipples and pacifier..ytd i let her use pacifier and when she seem to be calm by it, i catch a chance when she relaese the pacificer, i put it away from her..

I m more into dilemma right now...i wan to stop direct feed her but like cannot do it le..
thanks.. sighs.. was in dilemma also when 1st gave her nei du.. cos my parents very against of nei du cos scare next time difficult to wean her off &amp; may resulted bad gums &amp; uneven bb teeth..
but bo bian leh... this seem to calm her well..

like now i'm putting her on nei du while she waitg for her milk to be warmed .. if not hor.. i have to carry her &amp; rocking her..
of cos sometimes she can cry until roof can drop, nei du also cannot help ..

gosh.. Choie cry so muz.. sayang sayang.. must be v pain ..
mine gog to have her jab next week.. scare scare .. even mummy scare for her leh ...

how abt stop slowly?? she still lookg for ur breast huh?
but juz wondering if u totally dun latch her on, wont ur milk supply go down? cos expressing milk wont be the same as latching on ...
Hi gals,

I'm so sianz.. got a very bad ulcer.. dare not to use any ulcer gel, got to let it heal by itself..

lately, my boy is quite cranky in nite.. especially the 2 - 5am feeds.. I think he got a lot of wind in the stomach, can hear his farts. Try to do some massage for him, manage to get more wind out. Feed him with gripe water too, don't seem to be effective. Putting chinese medicated oil seems to be a better relieve.. hope he will be well soon..

Sometimes, I feel bad, it might be my diet causing him to be colicky.. got to try to stop all those bad cravings

Last week, at the motherhood fair, I have bought 1 box of gerber breast milk bag to try, not as good as Medela's.. Tried to use it juz now, so clumsy of me, spill half of the milk out and accidentally, touch on the left over.. afraid might be containminated, threw it away.. so wasted.. it is abt 150ml of milk, u know.. heartpain..

Anyone start to store ebm in the freezer? I have got at least 10 bags of 150ml.. read that only can keep for abt 3 weeks.. keeping them for raining days. But after 3weeks later still unutilise, got to throw it away, so wasted
cheryl used to have this pre-dawn thingy too when she was younger... but it improved when we wrapped her up.
but i stopped wrapping her cuz that time we didnt have air con and the weather was too hot. what i did was to put her on her side. alternate the sides when she wakes up for feeds (so that she can have a round head)
i realised that she sleeps better on her side... less movement and she doesnt ahve those "jumpy" scares...

there are some food - vege that are said to give baby wind... cabbage is still not advisable. i was told we should avoid chillies too. i also do not eat too much of garlic and onions.
i found this info...

Cabbage, onion, garlic, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and turnips can cause wind and restlessness, which usually lasts about 24 hours and then disappears.

Cow's milk products (such as milk, cheese, yogurt and even butter) in your diet may cause an allergic reaction in your baby. Symptoms can appear anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours after breastfeeding and may include diarrhoea, rash, restlessness, and wind or runny nose, cough, or congestion.

Eggs, citrus foods, wheat, corn, fish, peanuts, nuts, soy, and chocolate are common allergens or irritants. Symptoms may include restlessness, vomiting, diarrhoea, rashes, hives, or sniffles. "Stray" proteins from some of these foods may be absorbed into your bloodstream and pass into your milk.

for more info: refer to this link:
twinklets: Ashley is so cute and chubby.

sgmom: The unthinkable happened. Yest mid-way thru' Isa's 12am feed, she vomitted A LOT of MILK, it was all over her, my hubby and the bed. Now i know wat u mean.

Mummies, any of you having babies stickg their hand/fingers into mouth? Isa's startg to do it. i try to prevent it by givg her the pacifier, which she sometimes shoves it out.
Confirmed $170/-. I think my sis enrol my niece to playnest. 5 lessons lasting 1 1/2 hr each.

Will PM u b4 i enrol my girl and see if u r still interested by then.
Krazy: Not every BB reacts the same way to all these foods. Normally if the family doesnt have history of food allergy then the chances of BB developing allergic reaction to food is not very common. Nonetheless if ur BB reacts adversely after drinking milk it's good to think thru wat "new" food u've taken recently.

Ariella: U brot cloie to take the 6-in-1 jab already? My SIL ask me to take it when BB is 2 mths. So I'll only bring her in another 2 weeks time. Last week I brot Val to the PD, she weighs 4.975kgs. Just now I measure her length. SHe is approx 58cm, 20cm longer since birth

Stephy: So far my supply enuff to be consumed within 24hrs so I have freeze any EBM yet. I also dun intend to. If my supply is not enuff, I'll either give her FM or mix EBM with FM. Coz my MIL has lots of raw food inside the freezer compartment, I dun think freezing my EBM is such a great idea.

Twinklets: At first my fren says BF gives u more supply, I dun quite believe but now I sort of do. Sometime back my supply was quite low. Fridge only has 3 bottles of her feed. So everytime after I fed her I'll express milk. Amt express normally just enuff for her 1 feed. Until 1 day express even less than that.. so in order to boost my supply as well as remove negative thots abt whethr I;ve got enuff milk.. I latch her on for 2 days.. after that my milk supply improved :p Now back to bottle feeding her

Ariella/Twinklets: My MIL is the one that introduce pacifier to her. I was also very concerned abt her gums &amp; teeth problem. But frankly speaking, my nephews &amp; nieces dun have such problems eventho they are heavy users of pacifier. My girl on the contrary doesnt fancy the pacifier much. I only use it when she is quite hysterical. If I can calm her normally, I wldnt give her the pacifier. Alot of times when I offer her the pacifier, she'll give me a frown face.. like the pacifier taste damn horrible kinda look.
mummy blur blur.. it's an increase of 10cm since birth... not 20.. hahahaha

Ming: Scary right.. when u see that happening. My heart literally skipped a beat when tt happened. Sometimes when she drank too fast.. she'll cough while we are burping her.. u knw.. that those kind of "choked" cough.. damn scared she'll throw out milk...

Stephy: how does the medela one works? just like the avent ones? How abt Gerber? I asked my fren to buy back 2 box of 100pc Avent disposable bottle liner. So much cheaper in States.
RE: 6 in 1 Jab

Cloie have her first jab ytd and now she is so drowsy and lost her appetite...just given her the fever medicine hope she will get better..anyone encounter that?

Twinklet: I m still bf her directly and sometime she just wan to drink from my breast not the bottle. I dun have the heart to wean her off le..but i wan to do my own thing like on diet etc..
stephy: I meant can be consumed with 48hrs...

wat's wrong w me huh.. nowadays always remember wrong things..

pregnancy has caused my brain cells to drop tremendously... anyone experience the same thing?

Anyone wonder where is Archie?

my boy same as your gal ... start to suckle his fingers sometimes... so funny watching him
at times he cant find his hands, and keep suckling but the finger is at his cheek... i was so amused. like your gal, samuel also dun like the pacifier .. sigh...


your gal so cute.. wish my boy would called his pacifier beloved too...

carla, hytten,

I would be interested in the playnest at JG also!!! let me know when u gals are going next time ok... I wonder if they have trial lessons... I hope to let my boy trial before enrolling. But I will definitely enroll my boy in the BJG coming september in their new term... they have flashcards system which I definitely like. Since its just 1 hour a week.. I was thinking of finding another class for him if its complimentary of the BJG.

my boy took his 6-in-1 jab and i immediately fed him some fever syrup right after... he din encounter any fever though. btw, do we take the 2nd jab in the 3rd month ? His doc asked us to go back in the 3rd month leh...
Sgmom: The pcs of paper the GP give us write to give the first dose at 1.5mth so i just follow.
Val grow really fast le, 10cm is alot. The last time i measure cloie, she only increase by 3cm.
Cloie oso dun like pacificer but i think if keep giving her it will become a habit..and oso i scare she start to have confusion and dun want to drink from anythin.

Cloie oso sometime keep gulping when she is on bottle and oso vomit alot out and those spit out is very sticky. Guess its normal !
ariella: My SIL was telling me altho the drug company recommended that the 6-in-1 jab to be taken at 6wks.. but she felt that BB is too small for that jab coz it's quite "potent". She has heard alot of cases whereby BB develops high fever after taking the 6-in-`. Thus she recommend me to take jabs at 2, 4 &amp; 6 mths.. same proceduare as per KKH. I thot of posting this online.. but forgot all abt it. Now that u mention Cloie went thru the jab then I remember. Not trying to scare u.. u just need to monitor her more closely over the nxt few days okie.
Ariella: well..since so many of us encounter the same thing.. I guess it's really very normal :p I'll try to stop her inbtwn to rest/burp if possible but if she protests.. I also dun have a choice right? She is the Queen now

10cm is alot ha? I also dunno leh.. coz till today I didnt bring Val for any review. So there is no one to help me check her progress... like those checklist inside her health booklet.. I didnt do any checks.. I also dun have a scale (I intend to buy.. but Watson now dun have stock for their scale). But I did read thru &amp; have an idea what she is supposed to be able to do.. seemed like she can do all those stated in the book. I dun dare to place her chest down on a mattress.. but whenevery I put her upright against my shoulder, I'll lean backwards &amp; she'll lift up her head from my shoulder.. so I guess tt means she'll be able to do the same if I were to place her on a mattress :p

Poohy: oh.. maybe when Val goes for her 6-in-1 I shd do the same too :p
My second jab for 6-in-1 is on BB's 4th mth. 3rd mth is a bit too soon right?

hytten, poohy;
RE: Playnest.
Will keep u inform when I want to sign up. Most probably in Dec. BB is then 8 months old... Don't know whether is she too young to go to playnest although the programme is for infant from 6 -18 mths.
carla lily, hytten and poohy: i'm interested also, can share when you guys are signg up for baby?

sgmom: i more kiasu, the earlier baby can be immuned the better. So at the recommended 6 wks, we brought her for the jab liao. We also bought H&amp;S for her just in case.

We just measured Isabelle yest., she's also 58cm. Abt 5.5kg now.

Yest after she vomited, my hubby was at a loss. Quite upset saying dunno whether to scold her or xin tong. But after vomiting she smiled, so of cos' we never scold her. She must be v xin ku also.
Hi gals,
long time didn't post anything. Here's some photos of my BB gal Sheryl which i took yesterday. She dun look like a 1+month baby. She's turning 2 mth next week.
She'll be going for her first physio at KKH today. She's born with wry neck.

hi gals,
any of ur bb has heat rash? I notice that Lisa's body and neck has this red "dots" like rashes.. my CL say these are heat rash... she assured me that it's ok to have heat rash and bb dun feel itchy. anyone has same experience? should I use any lotion or powder to reduce the heat rash?
yeah ... you are right. of course the list functions more like a guide.

apparently thats the way to do it. i mean, feed your baby the fever meds immediately so that the fever can be prevented or at least the fever wont go up so high.

sheryl is so cute! she can still smile at the camera and look so peaceful.

blur mum:
my cheryl developed heat rash when she was a few weeks old. my mum used g. stout to bathe her. she poured stout into the water and bathe her in it. her heat rash improved. i also applied lots of baby lotion on her.

sgmom : I will store my frozen ebm in the air tight container, I think should be quite safe, rite? I don't feel easy if I don't have any ebm to standby..

For Medela, the bag is sealed with wire , whereas, gerber, is the ziploc type. I prefer medela because I can express directly to the bag w/o bottle and also, it is much easier to pour into the bottle for feeding.. Gerber's bags are quite difficult to pour the milk into the bottle, that's why the other day I spilled half of the milk, but after much practise, I'm kind of use to it already. I have never use Avent disposable bottle liner, is it like a foam cup type. Does it take up a lot of space?
