(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Ya dun worry, already told hubby to take leave n go with me...I also dare not go out alone now...just in case.

Serrich & Poshies, enjoy your shopping at Expo. If you see someone wif big tummy n walks like a penguin, probably is me. Hubby says at this stage, shld rest at home, still run here run there!!!

I also booked her to do the massage.


just came back from the motherhood fair... nothing much actually... I had wanna find some educational programme to enroll my son but only have the modern montessori there and the guy dun really talk leh. Oh yes, there is LOTS of insurance agents lurking ard... ;)

Anyway there is one good news....

nepia diapers going for $13 per pack!!!! VERY CHEAP! I bought 2 packets of S size and 1 packet of M size... and they give me some samples too... think I may go down to buy again these few days when my hubby is free.... can stock up cos my samuel use them like water (60pc a week).... he just finished all the newborn size nepia i bought so I am upgrading him to S size liao!!!
hi adora,
that good... if u decide to meet us do let us know...

hi tigger...
went to the site for the pillow... that is ex lah.. i shld ask my mother to make n sell... anyone interested can sell cheaper.... haha... well it happen that b4 my wedding, i want my mother to make small booster for my sofa... she say it is better to use bean sprout, so we start collecting it from the market (FOC), then we do all the picking n drying... thus... we had 3 booster... so when Gerald is born, we used one of them to make small pillow for him... now he got 3, one at home, one at my mother's place and one with the nanny... don want him to recognise his pillow coz see some child with very very dirty pillow due to they recognise pillow already...

actually if u gals really interested... i can ask my mother whether she is willingly to make at a lower price since we still have the bean sprout left... haha can make some cash n buy some toys for Gerald... haha

regarding the bed-time lotion is come with the gift pack from TMC... it had a very nice lavender smell... it said to apply to bb at time... Gerald like it a lot... he will keep on smiling when i apply on him... u might want to check ur gift set again see whether it is inside...

not very big ... and i dun see much good bargains ard... but i think the nepia diapers are really a steal.
Sorry if I can make it, will go with hubby...so won't be meeting u gals! Ya, also find the beansprout pillows expensive. I also intend to make myself!

Any good deals for medela breast pump?
hytten: Ur "sound advice" brings on new meaning. 99% sound, 1% advice. Good one.

sgmom: During man yue i also feel bad. Pple asked me if i have bathed baby, i said not yet, only observe cos' confinement. Then my cousin say, huh how can, CL leaving and i know nothing? No wonder i look so relaxed. Then inside me a bit offended lor. i look relaxed doesn't mean i'm really relaxed. Then sometimes fam. members see how i handle baby will comment this and that.

Feelings of inadequacy def. set in. Esp when baby cries non-stop even when hugging her. Just gotto learn lor. Sigh, i've never been a baby person all along.

Something more demoralising. Baby usually smiles in the morning (
Me also happy). But daytime when most times i play with her, she seldom acknowledges or smiles back, but when others, esp. my SIL play with her, she smiles back. Demoralising man. Wonder if its something wrong with me. Books say babies already recognise their parents by now, but i'm not sure abt my case man, though i see her day in/out.

Poshies: Thanks for asking. i'll be gog to Motherhood 2mor with my friend.

Tigger88: J&J bedtime lotion is a moisturiser. They brand it bedtime cos got lavender smell, so more calming supposedly. i use it in the day though.
tigger88: Oh btw i got my rectangular beansprouts pillow from LifeBaby (got mine at Taka's corner). It costs $19.90. Looks quite nice with the word "er" printed on it. Got blue, pink and green ones. It comes with a replacement casing too. Heh or can also "order" from Poshies.
Hope tat u gals can join us on Fri noon! :)
Btw, I also booked Mdm Naini for the massage!

Gg wf hubby? Can meet also! My hubby also gg.. :)
<font color="aa00aa">poshies</font>
Actually my mum already made one pillow for Keane but I like the idea that they can sew the baby's name on the pillow and so I ordered a bigger one for Keane so that he can use it when he grows bigger/older. I juz checked the gift pack, I have one too. Will try using it tonite.

<font color="aa00aa">ming</font>
The pillow u bought from LifeBaby is very nice! I find LifeBaby stuff quite ex hor. Your gal's face very chubby huh? Did you shave her hair at her 1st month?

<font color="aa00aa">serrich</font>
Dun think I can join you gals on Fri noon. Will be bringing Keane for his jab in the afternoon. Wah, seems like Mdm Naini biz very good huh. So many of us have engaged her.
I am really tired of using the manual pump...my fingers are aching liao. Heard so much abt using Electric pump will cut short the pumping time and hence after getting some feedback, decided to buy the Ameda Lactaline.

Called the distributor this early afternoon and the pump was delivered to my place at abt 6pm.

Will be trying out the pump tonite.
tigger: Went to motherhood fair..there are rooms for breastfeedin and diaper change. I bot mustela stuff and find the disc quite good. I oso bot the sling by bayB @$68 and get a bandana free.
like wat poohy said, nothin much other wise.
<font color="aa00aa">ariella</font>
Thanks! Since there are rooms for BF, then I may consider bringing Keane there.

Is there any Pigeon stuff on sale? I also want to get some Nepia diapers since it's selling so cheap.
Hi Poshies/Serrich,

Emailed to you already. I think the $7k includes the bb's charges.

Hi Sgmon,

Understand your feeling of "cooping up at home". Just last Fri, made my Mum and Sis go shopping with me (and with bb too), some more GSS now. Bought a couple of things for myself. I felt refreshed the next day and even my hubby can feel the difference. All the time at home (including running errands opp my apt) made me feel like "Huang Lian Po". Told hubby I need to breathe "fresh air" every now and then, i.e. ask him to bring me shopping!

Regarding the sarong sling, found it really useful. Now practically I cannot leave home without it if I am bringing my bb out. Think my bb found it comfy too. Always sleeps in it. I use it even on the car when my bb became cranky sitting in the carseat. Felt more secure holding him inside the sarong around me then just holding him in my hands.

i din really notice whether there is discount on the breastpump but i think i did see a booth selling medela breastpump... i guess prob would have some discount there..
morning everyone.....
was out the whole day yesterday..went for my check-up..next wk,will be doing a ctg scan..

then hubby took leave n accompany mi to go motherhood fair..think yesterday too much activities liao..hence keep dreaming of diapers last nite..hehehe..

they will still bring in the stock for nepia..but i find it vv strange leh..they told pple tt each hsehold can oni buy one packet..but dunno y some pple can buy one carton one....
n how did u manage to get 3 packets?

btw,i bought the philips bb monitor..i think is not bad leh..cos it can serves as a intercom function,has 4 channels..currently mothercare,john little is hving 20% off for the monitor..

i'm still thinking of if i shd go down again tomolo or not..thinking of gng to get the diapers again..but hubby told mi not worth to go down just to get one packet..
u working in Jurong East,okie..if i'm gng,i can meet u,cos i stay in bt batok..anyway,i will email you and let u know....

now still thinking if i shd get the bbsafe mattress..usu price is $169,think now selling at either 110 something or 120 something..but still ex leh..
i'll be gg down with hubby today so wouldn't be joining you gals as well.

Hope the nepia diapers still have stock. I would like to get some of that !
morning gals,

Today so tired ... how i wish can zleep longer at bed ..
Yesterday went to Polyclinic for the jaundice test.. Jaundice level has went down to 85. But best is below 80. So in order to have a peace of mind, drew another tube of blood to send to KK to conclude whether is Breastmilk Jauntice or due to liver .. Saturday will noe the result.
Saw her kana poked twice for the blood really make me heartbreak. 1st time cried abit &amp; then stop, hee brave gal. 2nd time gotta draw more, thus really cried very hard.

ur hubby so good.. take leave to go shopping wif u... :p
I dun think I'll be gog to the Expo liao.. really no time &amp; too far .. Guess I'll juz give this promo a miss. May juz order 1 ctn from them next time.

Next week u how many wks liao? So fast need to do CTG test liao huh..

Btw, yesterday at Polyclinic, there was this gal whom was wif her dad &amp; grandma, very notty. At 1st, the father told his gal tat got bb to see (ie Ashley). Then this gal came over near us. I tot she wanted to have a closer look at Ashley.
Scully she hit Ashley's head! It was too sudden &amp; too fast, i dun have time to react or even say tat gal!

The father also 1 kind, juz said 'dun hit bb', but din even apologize to us! Anw i was too tired &amp; too shock to turn aro &amp; say anything to him, juz kept quiet.
i went last evening... the nepia kiosk was closed. most probably will go down again this evening. but dunno if the same thing will happen again.... sianz...
wow..ashley so brave..cry abit oni..btw how u calm her down when she cries?

next wk,i will be 36wks..i oso wonder y need to do CTG test so early leh..

btw,u can order one carton from them now..apparently if u are the 1st 200 ppl to call n order,u will receive a $5 voucher..so i think this is the promo lah..

aiyo..how come the gal so notti one.....did ashley cry?? poor ashley..kena bullied.......
the father oso one kind leh..no manners one..
if u wan to get nepia diapers..it is better to go in the morning or afternoon..cos yesterday,ard 3 plus or 4,most of the diapers are sold out liao..

gd news.....my mil told mi tt there is a kind of herbs where i can used to bath everyday..but then she said better dun bathe everyday..bathe once every 2 days can liao..
okie lah..it better than nothing..
i tried calling their tel to ask them if they will be opened today .. but an answering machine picked up the call.
Toking abt parents &amp; mil, i'm quite glad tat they dun really interfere the way we handle our bb. When I'm bk to my own home, I find tat I can able to cope better, cos I can set my own timing to do things. Also less eye see me do things will make me less stress. I dun like pple to see me bathe or change nappy or watsoever, I'll feel so stressed, as in i'm doing too slow &amp; not doing a good job.

I remember when i was at my mum's place during confinement, I was v stressed wif changing her poo. &amp; her poo so muz &amp; can suddenly shoot out 1. &amp; I tend to rely alot on my mum. Whenever got real big biz, I'll shout at my mum to come over to help me.
However rite now wif me alone coping, i cant. Gotta rely alot on myself. Really a good time for me to learn. But of cos I hope I wont get depress lar cos still got 1 mth+ to go.
Really hope these mths I can have a great bonding wif her. It'll really make me sad tat if my mil &amp; parents able to pacify her &amp; not me.
I want to be the 1 tat she eagerly want to be carried &amp; smiled to..
I no need to calm her dwn, she juz automatically stop once the blood test was completed.. heng man ..

Nope Ashley din crywhen she hit her, zz like a pig..
yes very bad mannered, i also dun like the gal face. Imagine she's only 4 to 6 yr old, already so notty, cant imagine next time.
Good manners v impt. Pple luv good manners kids. This part we really have to train our kids well man ..

Really? Ok, i try to call them to chk.

The herb not the usual kind?
Actually bathe daily wif the herb is ok 1 lor..
Bathe alternate days.. hmm.. see whether u can tahan or not.. heheh

i rem 1st week i din bathe or not, i feel like that 'Ji Gong' u noe.. gee damn disgusting.

Heng is my mum's fren save me or else, thr'out the whole mth cannot bathe. Sibei siao leh. Anw if my mum disallow, i'll still bathe lor.
luckily she is sleeping..btw,did the little hit her vv hard?

this is the px list for the diapers,
4 packs $64($16 each)
3 packs $54($18 each)
2 packs $40($20 each)
1 pack $24

Call 6226 2650 from 9am to 5pm
tell the operator ur name,address,contact number and ur requested delivery date.

i dunno leh..cos my mil told mi tt tt time when my sil doing her confinement..the medical hall sells those herbs tt can oni be used aft one mth..then now they hve this type of herbs where can bathe everyday one..
but i supposed shd be the same one lah..

my mum,on the other hand,ask mi not to wash my hair..n cut my hair short short..
aiyo..how can dun wash....my hair so thick n plus more face so round,cut too short not nice leh..

i think they are busi with the fair these few days..hence no one answer the call
Enjoy ur shopping later..

No pbm.. I think Mdm Naini must be realli satisfied with her income now.. Hahahaha...

I think poshies workin in Tuas lei.. Anyway she should be able to meet u. I will be meeting her directly at Expo. Can prob give u a lift to JE MRT since we stayin at Jurong West.
hi forgetmenot...
Serrich is rite... i'm working in Jurong, will be taking the mrt from either boon lay or lakeside... but i can still meet u in the station of Jurong east... then can go down together...

yup there is herb that selling $1 per pack with can use to bath everyday though they say it better in alternative days... i use it alternative but everyday i clean myself with warm water twice once in the day and one at night before bed...

HI serrich...
friday u can meet Gerald hor... so what time u will be reaching expo? or we communication through sms or phone okie....

hi twinklet..
that gal is so noti... yup we all like well behave kids... i though younger kid would like bb.. my nanny's granddaughter will sayang Gerald only...
Hi Ladies

RE: Nepia Diaper at fair.

When i reached there isn't any nepia stall. I overheard they ran out of stock and may come back today. So mayb got to be early @ fair to catch them.
Hi Ming,

Ur baby is so cute!!!! How did u manage to snap this photo? It's so difficult to take a pic of my girl girl. Whenever I tried to take a pic, she will move and my photo will be so blur...

My girl girl also got very little hair...
Hi Ladies,
I'm back in action but only for a while...
I'm always so busy with my BB... a slave to her 24 hrs 7 days a week. No time to login at all. Hence, really pei fu those who can login despite needing to take care of BB.

I dunno why... but everytime when my BB wants to poo, it seems that she's having a hard time pushing. But all her stools are soft, watery/creamy... kindda heartpain to see her push so hard that her whole face turns red.
<font color="0000ff">poshies</font>
If my hubby comes along on Friday, then don't think i'll be meeting u gals coz' we're going to the PC Show at 11am.
<font color="aa00aa">ming</font>
your Isabelle is so cute! Really like her chubby cheeks. Think Keane's cheek has shrinked...used to be very chubby too. Is she lying on those netted bouncer? Keane has one too, <font color="0000ff">blue</font> in colour.
gals, I have tried the Ameda dual electric pump twice so far. The pumping time is abt 10-15mins to get abt 120ml. If using the Avent manual pump, it will take me 30mins. Will be using the electric pump during office hour and the manual one at home.
Hi ladies,
Thank you for the well wishes. My gal was discharge after 1day of phototherapy and went home yesterday. However, tomorrow have to go back for check up again. So scared the level not ok and have to readmit her again. By the way, to sun her, is it the morning &amp; evening sun or just the morning sun?

I have hard time breastfeeding her. I do not have much supply till 5th day today or maybe even no supply. She just suckle till she sleep and really don't know if she have suck anything out. I usually have to latch for 1 hr. But once I pull away from her,she will awake and cry again as she is not full. So, I will supplement her with at least 60ml formula. Midnite, I am also giving her formula. Not sure is it I give her too much formula till breast milk can't satisfy her need.

By the way, now is already 5th day from birth, how should her poo be like? I understand that some babies aren't suitable for certain formula and they will have diarrohea. My gal poo few times a day and not sure is it normal or diarrohea. It is not watery but also not hard.

If anyone had went to the Motherhood fair, pls update if there is any good offer which is worth a go? I am considering whether to go or not as now still doing confinement less than 1 wk.
<font color="0000ff">san</font>
When my boy had jaundice, my pd advised me to sun him in the morning at around 8-8.30am as the sunning at that time will not be too hot.

Re: As for your ss, normally after 1-2 weeks time, your ss should come in by then. You must continue to let her latch on, ok?
Hi San,

I have a hard time on breastfeeding initially too.. But juz remember the more u latch your gal on, the more milk u will get.. for me, it took abt 1 week for the milk flow to come. My boy will also latch on for about 1 hr sometimes, don't know whether he is drinking or juz treating as pacificier.. that's why, nowadays, I will express out my milk and bottlefeed him. So far, I have only supplement 5 feeds of formula, got to throw away the formula because can't finish within 1 month.

Aaron's poo are yellowish in color, like mustard.. watery.. due to breastmilk. Btw, for breastfed babies, they will usually poo more frequently.. I was told.

I have gone to the fair yesterday, bought a lot of Gerber's breast pads, 2 nuk bottles and so tempted to buy Medela pump-in-style. Tot of going again, to get Nepia diaper, mattress for bb cot.. but sure very crowded during weekend, especially with the PC fair.

my hubby not working today so asked him to drive me down to the fair to get more diaper. Nepia had already restocked with much more supply today and literally not much people when i reach abt 1+ They change to allow people to buy 2 pack per family. We bought some more S size and M size from them today...

its rather crowded in the carpark when we reach actually... i think its the PC show crowd.
When I sun my girl girl, I did it at around 7.50am max 10 mins per time. I noticed that the sun from 8 - 8.30am seems a bit too intense for baby

Glad to know that my girl girl is not alone in the pushing.

BTW, can someone pls advise me on how to differentiate diarhhea from watery but normal stools.
i hve just pm u my hp number..u can call or sms mi..
u oso bathe alternate days ah??wat abt washing hair?

i'm thinking of getting mustela no-rinse wash to use on those days tt i dun bathe..but dunno if it works or not..

thanks alot if it is convenient for u to drop mi at je mrt..

u gng to get bb safe latex mattress?

does the staff recognise u when u go down n get the diapers or not?

yesterday i helped my hubby's fren to buy,think she recognised mi leh..then i bluff her tt i did not buy diapers before..hehe
anyone of u using pigeon bottle cleanser to clean ur avent pump??
i read in the instruction booklet tt cannot used anti-bacterial bottle cleanser to clean the avent pump..

hence,dunno to buy the pigeon bottle cleanser or nuk one..
i was there as well ard that time. But i didn't get any restriction ley. I managed to buy 3 pkts, 2 S n 1 M. Ya agree not much pple in the fair. more crowd at the pc show.

but the sun was really hot today !

ya VERY HOT leh! Some more I did rebonding of my hair on tuesday and my hairstylist asked me not to wash my hair these 2 days... wah big ordeal manz... ya no restriction at the nepia booth today!! I bought 4S and 1M size today. And I got quite a lot of samples .... and 2 pull-up pants sample.. to try next time


nope the staff din recognise me... besides my hubby go and buy 2 packets for me

another thing is... the EQ baby wipe was really cheap too... 5 big packet for $10 i think... my mum bought it for me...

I also bought some slimming tea to drink... hope I can get rid of my last 2-3 kg to reach my goal of 45kg or less.... once I lose all these weight.. I will be ready to try for another bb when samuel turn 4 months on...
wow u bot alot of diapers ! hee hee ... they got pull up pants ? i didn't notice. i only got their std no. of samples. didn't even bargain for more :p

so gd, u rebonded ur hair already. i waiting to do that...sigh. everyday i look at myself, i just feel so messy and ugly !

wow, u gg to try for no.2 already ?! tt's fast. actually it will be gd to rest ur body for awhile more but i did read abt your reasoning behind your intent. so i'll wish you the best of luck !

For a bb can be quite hard lor.

Ur Isabelle is so cute.. hehe .. ur gal &amp; mine can both joined the "Chubby Cheeks Club" liao ...

Same here, i also wanna noe wat's the difference between diarherea &amp; normal watery poo??
My gal having watery greenish poo, normal??
I got partial BF, is tat the cause?

Some questions to ask mummies too ..

1. wud like 2 noe how long u gals burp ur bb? I can burp her for half an hr, but still she dun burp. Any1 like tis too?

2. When feeding expressed BM, I need to burp her in the middle of the feed. Sometimes can take more than 15 mins to 30 mins, wud like to noe this balanced expressed BM can last for how long?
