(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Hi Ladies,

I'm unable to latch my baby on and have been expressing breastmilk for her instead. I've been drinking a lot of water and taking lotsa protein but so far only manage to express 30ml eventhough I express it every 1 to 2 hours. Wondering if you ladies have any suggestion on how I can increase my supply. Btw which stimulate more milk, expressing it often or expressing it for a longer time eventhough there's no milk coming out??
Hi Gals,

Poohy: For Bryon's BC... we just used Bryon Chew Wen Qing (Zhou Wen Qing)... did not want to crack our heads at coming out with a dialect chinese names.

And yes... Bryon oso has developed Cradle cap too... applied baby oil as well as baby lotion.. hope it wll subside soon.. cos the sight can be quite ugly.

Sharon: I didn't wash my hair for 12 days. Yesterday finally washed my hair with the chinese herbs.. as for showering.. I used the herbs to wipe my body but used warm water to wash the private bits.

As for weight loss... went to see my gynae yesterday.. got 3 plus more kg to go before I reach pre-pregnancy weight but around 5 more to my ideal weight.

Now.. oso cracking my head what to do for my boy's man yue.
Hytten: Try to eat lots of fish.. it will help to increase the milk ss. Asparagus too... Like you, I am unable to latch on as well... able to express at least 80-90 ml every 3-4 hrs.... drink lots of water.. and there's this herb supplement from GNC.. it is quite useful... it is called Fenugreek.. PD said this supplement is quite useful in stimulating the milk ss.
hi ladies,
my stretchmarks are very very itchy... any idea what can i do to reduce the itch? I've tried applying more stretchmark cream, but doesn't seem to help. I also used calamine lotion, only have short term soothing effect only. help!
Picnic: Thanks. How much is Fenugreek from GNC. I got their VIP card but dun really want to go out in my condition. Wondering is I can pass my hubby the card for him to buy on my behalf..It will be good to build up my supply so I don't have to express so often..very tiring
i think on certain days,u use the shower gel,then on other days u use the ginger water with rice wine to wash urself..

btw,hows the smell of the shower gel n shampoo?nice?
poohy, i also thot of printing Keane's chinese name and then paste it on the birthcert...but I didnt have time to do that...end up writing the chinese characters...and my handwriting was so ugly...argh!!!
LV, I am wearing nursing bras since I delivered. Mine were from Mothercare as well. I have 3pcs. Agree that they are very ex. I do find the bras useful, easier and faster to unhook when my son crys for milk.
sgmom: no problem.

forgetmenot: yr suggestion sounds workable as well. But who might knows, maybe I can be like Zoe Tay, no shower & hair wash for 1 mth. Hehe.
LV, I go braless at home since I don;t stay with inlaws. I find wearing bra very hot since I cannot shower. Already sweating like mad wearing only T-shirt. I think you should get nursing bra if you have big breasts to reduce the effects of gravity.
i dun think i can tahan not bathing cos the period where we will be doing confinement is vv hot leh....n plus more i hve thick hair and i perspire easily..
LV: you can get cheaper nursing bra elsewhere. There is this website call Moms In Mind. They share the same boutique outlet as Little Dreamers. Can order thru' web and send you by post. If not, Truimph do carry nursing bra which is not as ex as Mothercare. I had bought 2, 1 from OG and 1 from Taka which cost me less then $10 per pc.
forgetmenot: I am sure I unable to tahan as well. I sweat alot recently. When I am taking soupy lunch at air con food court, after finishing my food, my whole body is like just came out from shower. Don't know is it nowadays fat liao, so sweat alot.
u mean triumph bra so cheap?? less than $10 per pc??the triumph one tt i got,already costs mi 30 plus liao leh..

i think is the weather and furthermore,our body temp oso increase liao..hence we will feel hot n perspire easily.....

btw,u went down to the little dreamers warehse to get the shower gel n shampoo ah?

wow, you so happening..go braless at home ..haha..the most I go braless is during sleep. I also don't stay with inlaws and have a bad habit of walking out of bathroom naked. Guess everything must change when bb comes. If not she thought is ok to walk around with naked ..hehhe..

Thanks for sharing valuable comments on nursing bras. I probably will look around these few days for more options.
San: Aaron sees Dr Foo, the lady paedia, she is the only one there that day when I went down. For the little dreamers products, I don't really like the shampoo, doesn't have much foam.. for the shower gel is so-so to me.. definitely it's going to give u the warming effect especially after coming out from the bathroom.. I perspired like mad after each bath. If u want, I can pass u the shampoo too, good for 1 - 2 wash.

Hytten : I realise that the best way to increase milk flow. By pumping also help but it is slower and u have to try to pump every 2 - 3 hrs, even though the collection is not a lot. Take papaya fish soup and horlicks. I have bought a packet of nursing tea from Moms-in-mind, have not tried yet, heard that it can help to increase milk supply too.

Blurmom : tried not to scratch it.. it will get worse.. mine develop into hives and it spread all over my body except face. I have gone to a skin specialist but it didn't help, only after I delivered the rashes went off totally within 2 weeks. I read over the internet that flaxseed and dandelion root helps, but I daren't to try. But I have bought Dermaveen oats bath from guardian pharmacy, it's help to relieve.. it will relieve futher if u take cold bath.
thanks stephanie
i also read over the internet about the flaxseed and dandelion root as well. i was seriously considering... mine is also like hives now at lower tummy.. very scary looking. hmmm i shld try the oatbath too.

did the itchiness reduce immediately after delivery? i can't sleep at night now, cos very itchy. i can't imagine confinement plus the itchiness...
stephy: Thanks for yr offer. I think I will just try on my 1st bottle of shampoo. I try to wash my hair on alternate days, so let's see how it goes for my endurance.

forgetmenot: The below $10 nursing bra is not from Truimph. Truimph I think cost $30+. The 1 I buy from OG cost me $9.90 only and it is at their maternity section. Another piece I buy from Taka. I think is $7.90 only. Even cheaper than OG. However, I don't really like this type of nursing bra. It's so ugly. That's why I don't invest on it as I think I will not wear it for long. Keep thinking BF will not be successful on me.

No, my SIL get from me the products from their showroom. Their opening hrs abit weird so, not so convenient for me to go down as I am still working.
hi ladies..

just to check..do i hv to wait for 2 months to start my massage? I called up body wellness to book for massage, they say it's better to do massage after 2 mths..thot of doing my facial & massage before my ger's full mth (in june). too bad hv to wait then.. if we can't do the massage how come we can do those malay massage ar? isit different?

Btw, how long will the stretchmark be gone after birth? do u all still applying the stretchmark cream after giving birth?

Picnic: i think i the most notti one..i almost shower everyday, once in the morn n night.the weather is damn hot
i do it w/o herbs somemore but shower with warm water..die liao.will i suffer from those headache n backache next time? but gynae say can shower everyday leh.
Hytten: It's $36.. I got it from my PD. Not sure how much is it selling at GNC. Yes you can pass the VIP card to your hubby to buy for you.

For me.. I try to go braless at home..but dun think can.. cos my breasts tend to leak milk... very leychey... at least got the breast pads to hold on if there is any leakage. Moms in mind... nursing bras are good... I like them.
Picnic: Thanks. I manage to reserved mine. Out of stock everywhere. GNC is selling at $22.95.

LV: I change T-SHirt more often lor since front leak back sweat I don;t see the point wearing bra anyway.
Gals, same here.. i go braless at home.. but since i tend to leak milk most of the time, i wear only the breast pad and use the masking tape on my breasts.
oreo, isn't it painful when tearing out the masking tape from your breast? I dare not go braless leh, scared my breast will sag...
forgetmenot: the bath wash smells of ginger lor.. coz it's the main ingredient. After I use my husband actually asked me how come bathrm got ginger smell.

Hytten: Same as tigger I'm afraid if I dun wear bra my breasts will sag. I think pump more often... pump for 10mins shd be able to increase milk flow. I knw for me, eating threadfin helps imcrease milk supply. Past 2 wks no threadfin my milk supply very pathetic... now available already my milk flow increased

Sharon: I also thot of massaging.. but then remembered wat if I experience let-down while massaging? It'll be rather embrassing dun u think? Maybe wait till I wean off first.

LV: Most prob u cannot walk out naked also. If u are nursing, ur breasts might leak milk after u shower (esp if u shower in warm water). U'll definitely need to wear a bra or else u'll be dripping milk everywhere! :p

San: So cheap! Is it comfy? I also bot 3 from Mothercare. Coz I quite big size.. I'm wearing size 80(36)C. Dunno whether Triumph got the size or not.
Hi girls,

Finally got some time to write something here. Have been reading the postings but no time to reply.

Hi Elaine,

I am still trying to understand my son's sleeping and waking pattern so that I can plan to do the housework and get some rest in between all the feedings and his sleeping time. I have reduced my pumping at night to once only. Normally my son wakes up 2 times at night to feed and I will express after I feed him. I find myself dozing off when I come to the early morning feed (4-5am). Nearly dropped the bottle few times throughout the whole feed!

Sorry read somewhere that someone find my son similar to her son (Read few days ago, forgot who already :p). Some how I also find newborns quite similar to each other too. When I was at Kiddy Palace 2 days ago to shop for a stroller, a lady also mentioned that my son looks similar to hers.

Regarding stroller, anyone knows how to manage a stroller up/down the escalator? Esp. alone? Can we use sarong to hold our babies at this time (when his neck control still not firm yet)?

Regarding going braless at home, I was braless throughout my confinement too cos it's really too hot to wear a bra. To deal with leaking breasts, I place a small towel across my chest and use safety pins to hold in to my T-shirt so that my shirt will not be stained with bm. But now after confinement, not eating all those heaty stuff anymore, I am wearing sport bra (with padding) to prevent the sagging and to absorb the leaking.
Anyway, sports bra seems easier to manage whether you are expressing or latching. Just lift it up. Heheheheehh.

Hi Oreo, ya isn't it painful using a masking tape and would it be not sticky anymore once you removed it?
Hi Poohy,

Sometimes I also try to use my neck to manage the bottle when feeding my boy if I want to reach for something in between the feed. But I am very bad at it. Now I can feed him singlehandedly. The only bad thing is my concentration is not on the feeding, not sure he sucked any air when I am doing other things. :p
Hi Sgmon,

Actually, the 2 masseurs that I have encountered doing the Malay massages seems very used to leaking breasts. Just place a small towel across your chest when you are doing the massage.
y u keep thinking tt BF will not be successful on u leh??must hve confidence....

triumph definitely got ur size..i bought their 90B..
hows mothercare's nursing bra??isit gd? dunno to get mothercare one or marks n spencer one..
do u noe tt marks n spencer has increased their price for the nursing bras??$120 for 2 pcs.hence if mothercare cheaper,then maybe will get mothercare one..

ya lor..not painful when u take out the maskng tape meh??i remember tt last time i put masking tape,then when i tear it out,some of my outer layer skin oso come out with it..

Re:braless at home
i oso dun like to wear bra at home..n hence though i hve not give birth yet,think my breasts already sag..so sad..

samuel's cradle cap cleared after 3 days of using the dentinox shampoo.. so if bryon's still not cleared... maybe u can considering using it


sorry I forgot to bring the example of names with me today... too rush this morning.. I will do it tonite
For those mummies who intend to continue BF when return to work, what kind of bras do you intend to wear to work? I read from somewhere that bras with underwire are not so good for the breasts if you're breastfeeding. But I dun like the idea of wearing nursing bras with my work clothes...not so nice leh...

forgetmenot, I like the mothercare nursing bras. I think it cost abt $80 for 2 pcs. Definitely cheaper than M&S.

ya my hubby drove me daily... but its in the neighbourhood actually... so 5 mins and we are there... we are always in a rush in the morning cos my boy wakes up and wants to be carried or fed... so one person gotta take care of him.. and we cant do things simultaneously.
i bot the little dreamers shower gel and shampoo. i bot 2 shower gel and 1 shampoo. they're not cheap. the lady say should be enuf for 1 mth. i should be using that exclusively cos don't 1 2 trouble my mum to boil the herbs.

as for nursing bras, i also bot mothercare one. they're comfy but simple in design. $80 for 2. They have some promo with certain cards, 1 of them is DBS woman's card. So i got 10% off, not too bad, almost 8 bucks of discount.

M&S is nice but very ex, 2 for $120. There's a lacy one with padded cup which cost $69 i think. It's very nice and i was so tempted to get it, but way too ex liow....
tt's wat i read too..they said tt underwired bra not gd for BF..but then,some of the nursing bras in the mkt has underwired one leh..so i'm actually quite confused..
but then hor,no wired one more comfy..

so ur mum actually lives near u..tt's gd..next time when u ret to work,i presumed she will be looking aft Samuel for u?

okie..i will go mothercare to take a look..hehe..hope tt they will hve some discount during the GSS..

ya lor, M&S ones are nice hor??but too ex leh..the other time,they are selling the 2 pcs bras at $80 plus..then now increased to $120..
blurmom : The term is call PUPPP. The itchness started during my 36th week.. begin frm my tummy, then I spotted little red spots on my legs and arms, then the itch gone worst, whenever I start to scratch it, it will develop into hives.. during the last 2 weeks before delivery, I couldn't sleep nearly every nite.. will be woken up by the itchness.. and once I start scratching, I can't stop.. at the end I will ended up taking cold shower in the morning like 3-4am.. Try to avoid seafood stuff, it might help a little..

The rashes were gone completely about 2 weeks after my delivery.. In the hospital, after my c-section when the anasthesia started to wear off, my whole night was so miserable, I couldn't reach to the "itchy areas" because I was on drip.

But remember, if u can endure.. PLS DO NOT SCRATCH.. the more u scratch the more itchy it will get.. and also, u might get scar when it heals.. try to stay in air-conditioned places because u can't afford to perspire. Drink more water to flush the toxic out. U need a lot of mind power.

During my confinement, I continue to use the oats bath without telling my mum & CL, and btw, I showered everyday.. when I was doing my massage on the 10th day.. I showered twice a day.

Just tell yourself it will be over soon.
Malay Message Lady

i just finished my 5 days session with this Malay lady, very good experience includes binding and oil. 1hr message.

Her contact is Habsah Dollah @ 93827749
Hi everyone,

These 2 weeks I've already gone braless at home (but still got top) because of the perspiration. The wiring part is exceptionally itchy if I wear bra outside and seems like getting tighter as days go by. So I guess I might stock up another 2 nursing bras but without wiring ones. I probably also go braless during confinement unless got visitors because house got no other men except hubby. The leaking part maybe must think of a way.
Sally: How are you today?

Hi ladies,
Can anyone tell me what is a CTG for and what can it detect on the baby? I will be doing mine tomorrow and a little worry.

What is the charges of your massage lady. How is your result after 5 days of massage?
Good Morning ladies.

I am still in the waiting game for my bb to come out. =(

Tigger - I remember you saying that your confinement is very good. Can you give me her number ? My friend who suppose to give birth next mth have employ her own confinement lady but the gynae just confirm that she will be giving birth these few days. Therefore, she need 1 urgently as her confinement lasy not available for this month. Tks !!
San : I am feeling painful around my tummy on and off this morning and thought have action from bb but too bad it is false alarm. How about you ? From what i know, CTG is for monitoring bb heartbeat and making sure that her heartbeat is normal and ok. I have done it on Wed when i visit my gynae. I am so worry that gynae might induce me tomorrow. Hope not.

Juneten : When is the bext time to call her ? How is her charges ?
Sally: Feel normal. Me doing the CTG tomorrow and I am also worry if result not good, gynae will ask me induce. If really both of us 'touchwood' have to induce tomorrow, we may see each other at MAH. Moreover, during the last 2 visits, I find that my blood pressure had gone up but gynae never say abnormal. Also worry tomorrow go the pressure will be even higher. So many things to worry about. Sigh!
San - Yes, just like you. I am getting so worry. Hope that bb will be guai guai and have some action tonite before i go see my gynae. Yes, maybe i will get to see you. Will you be coming in the forum or ask your hubby to come to this forum when you are in MAH ?
San: CTG is used to monitor baby's heart rate and contractions. Nothing to be worry abt they just put 2 little round disc on you tummy that's it. Had CTG on throughout labour so doc can monitor if baby is in distress and monitor my contraction so you know when to push in case u are using epidural and cannot feel contractions
Sally: No, hubby will not log in on behalf. Let's update each other thru' this forum after our checkup tomorrow.

hytten: Thanks hytten. By the way, when baby in distress, what does it mean? Heartbeat not regular?
San : Okie. Hope that everything go smoothly for you and me. =) You take care. Have you got eberything ready for bb and your confinement ?

Sally, my CL told me b4 that she is already booked till Nov. She will be visiting me today. Let me check with her again. I think her next job will start in early Jun so may not possible to do it for your fren. But she can recommend her frens to you if you dun mind.
