(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

hi poohy,
normally Gerald ask for milk abt 12.30 am an hour than his 3 hr intervel... before that he normally take at 10 ~ 10.30 pm... then we will need to pacify him till 2~3 am before he decided to sleep if luckily it will be earlier... then he will sleep through the night... waking up the earlier is 4 am... latest 8am... then he will take him milk and sleep for another 3 hour minimum.... so if my working hour is later will be better for him lor... well he will finishing at 140ml of his milk... but there are time he only take abt 80-100 ml of milk...

hi tigger...
understand how u feel... me the same...
Sally: Induce is more painful but if in the 1st place when you admit hospital, you immediately opt for epidural, I think you will not feel the pain. Unless you drag and then till you decide to take, you still have to wait for the anesthesia to arrive, then it will be long painful wait.

My colic had a pretty easy labour which she enjoy so much. She admit around 7am to induce and at the same time put on epidural before the pain start. At abt 11+am, she had given birth w/o feeling any pain at all. She say just like poo poo and easier then doing breastfeeding.

Yr appt this afternoon right? I think you should check with yr gynae abt how many cm had yr cervix dilate and is it soft enough.
Hi everyone...

just came back from my check-up...gynae says my bb is abit big..cos he is weighing 2.2kg at wks 33.

Sally and Evelyn,
hows ur check up today??

congrats!!!confinement finally over liao!!!
if u bring Valerie to take mrt,then u hve to push stroller liao..are u able to handle it both stroller n Valerie??
btw.. which brand of bath cream u r using for ur baby?

and anyone have plan or already make the brush using baby hair? plan to do for Gerald as his hair is nice but hear that r ex...
poohy: sad rite..me too. no appetite too. before giving birth, i like those ginger, vinegar thingy very much. now IM so scared of it..think of it also sian. esp those tonic..the DOM and herb thingy. i dun like manz. everytime got to force myself to drink. but luckily my FIL nice enuff to cover me manz..ask me drink little bit n help me to throw.also ask my MIL not to cook those things that i dun like..hehe..

Btw anyone tried Melrose for their cake n kuehs? any comments?

Sgmom: I guess, driving out should be more convenient, but i think better to hv someone ard. Btw for car seat, is from birth - how old one ar? Planning to buy one soon for my ger. Should be driving her out during my next 2 mths maternity leave

ya he normally finished his 90ml... maybe it will take some time... cos he may fall asleep in between... so gotta keep moving the bottle to wake him.


it must be very tiring for u since you need to pacify gerald from 10:30pm to 2-3am... normally I go to sleep at 11-12.. and if samuel still not asleep (normally he will be asleep by then)... my hubby will take over looking after him.... I will wake up for his middle of the nite feedings.

btw, what is bath cream ? I was using lactycd for samuel at first as recommended by TMC... but lately I have switched to SebaMed ph5.5 bubble bath liao... and use sebamed baby lotion to massage his body especially areas where there are folds... to prevent rashes.

my boy had cradle cap ... I discovered it few days ago ... so on top of those, he is using dentinox cradle cap treatment shampoo to wash his hair..
Later I am going to apply some johnson baby oil on his head before shampoo liao.


so fast hor.. u 33 week liao... in abt 1 month, u will see your bb liao... have u thought of a name yet ? btw, how much is the consultation fees now ? remember last time u told me its $60 ?


wah really can high five liao... before give birth i also like those ginger, seasame oil stuff but during my confinement i was damn scared of it ... somehow it feels so heaty... especially if taken daily. lucky for me... my mum is doing cooking for me ...so I simply tells her i dun wanna eat lor... or i just eat a little.


any of u managed to go back to pre pregnancy weight and firm up those tummy liao ? me still got 2-3 kg to lose.. so sian.... those fat very stubborn leh. My tummy still flabby leh... and still noticeable.... I am starting to wear those exercise wrap .. hopefully it will help.
ya lor..cant wait to see bb..but scared tt i cant handle him at night....
still thinking of a suitable name..
btw,the consultation is $60..dunno y 1st time is $45..anyway,i got my admission letter liao...
did u receive any letter from TMC aft u got the admission letter?

so which shower cream u will recommend?cos bb's skin quite delicate..so i still dunno wat to get..i'm thinking of using cetaphil since i hve one more bottle....

btw,during the antenatal class,the nurse told us tt it is better to apply the oil overnight,then wash it the next day for cradle cap

ya i got a letter mailed from TMC after I got my admission letter.

I like sebamed... somehow i read reviews that its quite good lor especially for preventing rashes... but since u have cetaphil... might as well finish it first.... sian i still got 2 bottles of lactycd... but my boy kena heat rash easily so i switch to sebamed hopefully it will improve situation.

if bb got eczema problem... then i read from jan mothers thread that there is a product calld aveeno from the USA that is effective.

ya i know can apply overnite but i find it too oily and messy.... i thought since i am also using the treatment shampoo ... might as well just apply for 10 min before shampoo. i read from other forum that it works also.....
poohy, my tummy is also flabby. I have abt 3kg to lose. Dun worry lah, looking after baby and not enuff sleep will sure make us lose weight very fast.
for cradle cap... baby oil is not effective. must use virgin oil instead.

wow!! you only have 2-3 kg more? thats very very good! how did you manage? must share your secret.

i am not breastfeeding liao... so alittle worried may not lose weight fast liao... anyway i was down to 2-3kg to lose when i was in week3 after delivery and till now they are still there.. stubborn rite ? Hope really can lose them fast .. damn scared later cannot wear my working clothes when go back to work... then gotta spend again liao...

besides I am planning to try for 2nd bb end of this year... so must lose weight and firm up tummy before that else forever stay liao..


2-3kg more not very fast leh... i got colleagues coming back from materity leave and looks so slim like never give birth like dat.... wonder how they do it

btw wat is virgin oil ? thought normally people use olive oil ?
poohy, you're planning for next production so soon ah? hehe...my gynae says for c-section, I have to wait a year to start production again...

Have you tried exercising? Like doing sit ups and crunches...

btw, how come you stop BF so soon?
San : Package meaning one-time for all the injections till 18months exclusive of consultation & medication charges.

tigger88 : oops.. didn't notice the singapore pool shop.

hytten : Nuk bottles fits nicely on Medela pumps.

Florence : $570 doesn't include consultation and medication charges.

To all gals : Gone to the gynae this morning for my pap smear.. it is so painful.. I swear in this lifetime, I will not see a lady gynae anymore.. my usual gynae (which is a guy) will be outstationed for a year.. he refer me to see his colleague.. Beside pap smear, she did vaginal & anus check (with her fingers) on me too.. btw, after I left the clinic, I had a fall on my buttocks.. and now I have bruises on my palm. ouch!! What a day!!!

ya i want to have 3-4 kids b4 age 35... and i am already 30 end of this year!!! And we think better to keep the sleep deprived years together so that wont have to repeat again after we go back to comfort zone. Besides it took us more than 3 years just to conceive and give birth to samuel... so scared will take another 3 years ...

i stop breastfeeding 2 weeks ago..... i think it give me more time to relax and take care of samuel hehe
and I feel better when i did that ...

anyway i tried doing exercises like cycling on my stationary bike.... but i stop cos my lochia suddenly become heavier. its just stop but i am waiting for my pap smear to be over before exercising ... just in case it start bleeding again...


wahh your pap smear sounds so scary... how come got cervix and ANUS check ?!?! omg... i am going for pap smear this saturday and heard its painless... really pray wont be as painful as your encounter...

wah so good you managed to lose all the weights.. I used to be abt 46kg.. so now is abt 47-49 kg... so hope to lose till 45kg... must be those ice cream and soft drink i took relentlessly during my pregnancy ...sigh.. dun think i dare to take so much of those next time liao.
Stephy, how come got anus check? What is that for? Lucky you didnt carry your baby when you fell. Must be more careful.

poohy, wow...3-4 kids...That's good. I want to have 3 kids but dunno if able to have all before 35..me 31 by end of this year...

I think it's better to complete production within a shorter period. Like wat you said abt keeping the sleep deprived years together.

BF is really more tiring and stressful. I wonder how long can I hang on to this...
Hi ladies

Tomolo is Cloie's full mth, I just came home from haircut and I colored my hair which i was not supposed to...heehee

I ordered cakes from Choz and oso went to pick up just now coz din exceed $200 so no free delivery.

My parent in law will be treating dinner @ restaurant tomolo and we will have buffet on Sat for frens...Feel that over do liao, but the dinner was last min.

RE: BB awake in afternoon

Usually Cloie will sleep the whole afternoon, but today while i m out she din wan to sleep dunno is it miss me hahahaha.. She usually awake from 2am-6am, dunno how to handle her when my aunt go home.

RE: Weight loss
All of u so lucky, though i felt lighter than before and my hubby commented that my tummy is slightly better shape than pre pregnant time..I have still near 5kg to lose and 10kg to lose to my ideal wt...sigh..
Stephy: So you think taking up such package is cheaper then to going to GP for all the injections upto 18 mths?

stephy & poohy, both you so lucky. Get to lose so much so fast. I bet both of you did not gain that much right?

I am so worry that I can't go back in shape after birth as my thigh now seems so big and can see the cellulites easily. Damn ugly.
<font color="0000ff">sharon</font>
I ordered cakes and kuehs from Melrose for my 1st month.
They are pretty delicious. You can consider them.

For car seat, i bought one that can use from birth onwards but have yet to put into my car.

<font color="0000ff">poohy</font>
You stop breastfeeding.. then how abt. your milk flow?
Don't you feel any engorgement?
sorry... type too fast! it is virgin olive oil. heheh...

yeah... the weight is very diff to lose... i am also hoping that when i go back, i can wear my work clothes... but right now, very sad... cuz too small to fit into maternity clothes but too big to wear my normal pre-preg clothes...
go out everytime wear the same clothes... so terrible.
Krazy, same here...I still cannot fit into my normal clothes (becos of BF, boobs got so much bigger) and end up wearing the same clothes everytime i go out.
Re: Confinemt food
hi sharon, i think we gave birth almost same time. haha... i am also so sick of meat... esp pork. all parts of the pig.. yucks! i told my mom i will go vegetarian after confinemt too!

Re : Weight loss
I am also in my 2nd week of confinemt, and i am still FAR from my pre preggy weight. still have a good 10kg to lose! the funny thing is after giving birth to clara, i only lost like 3kg.
luckily past 2 weeks i manage to lose quite fast.. must be the late nights. my tummy is still round, with the ugly line still there!!
how long did you gals take to go back to orginal weight??

re: induce labour
don worry about induced labour... if you opt for epidural, shd be okie. unless you very unlucky (or lucky?!?) like me, cervix dilate so fast tat my gynae dont let me top up the epi after it runs out.. can refer to my birth story.

i slowly stop expressing...by reducing the frequency as days goes by. Will have some pain from the engorgement but after a few days, it will subside... took me 2 weeks to step down completely.


i know exactly what u mean abt wearing the same clothes, cos thats exactly wat i do too .. everyday wear that same few clothes.
San/Sally: Juz to update u guys dat i will be induced tonite at 10pm. My gynae says my aminotic fluid too low &amp; bb weight almost stagnant so told me not to wait... The worst thing is my cerviz still at 0.5cm so hopefully after insert the pill can dilate to at least 2-3cm b4 they break my water-bag. Hopefully everything turns out smoothly, wish me luck!
poohy &amp; tigger88 : I have done pap smear a few times before, and it's painless.. anyway, i don't like lady gynae, I always find that they are rough.. I also don't understand why she need to do anus check too, even though I have c-section.

For my weight, I have gained abt 11kg in total during pregnancy.. I think breastfeeding really help to make me lose weight fast.

San : I have already signed up for the package, I didn't check with the GP near my place.. prefer to go to a child specialist.
bloom: Yah manz..we delivered on the same day and same hospital
might hv seen u also :p

oreo: thanks. i should be getting it from them

Eve - All the best to you. Take Care. Just now went for check up and gynae check my cervix and confirm not open yet. He told me if bb did not come on Fri, i will have to go back on Sat and most prob i think i will be induce by then. Hope to hear your birth story and see your bb pix soon.

Stephy - How are you now ? Be careful when you walk next time. Take Care. Since breastfeeding really help to lose weight so fast, i hope i can preserve and bf as long as i can.

San - How are you now ?

Sgmom - Congrats to you !! Finally, your confinement is over !! Must post Valerie 1 month old celebration pix for us to see.

Krazy - How are you now ? How are you coping looking after your bb now ? Getting use to it ? Me is still waiting for my bb to arrive.
Eve: All the best and await yr birth story. Not sure by now have you given birth or still waiting.

Sally: Me today still working. My check up will be on this Sat. as well and doing CTG.

Stephy: Which PD you choose at the Ooi clinic? I heard there is 2 PD there. The lady is actually a bronchitis specialist.
wow.........so gd,u already back to ur pre-preggy weight liao ah..wat did u do??any tips to share??
i oso find it weird,usu pap smear shd be painless, and how come got anus check too??

i thot lactycd is vv gd??u mean,lactycd cant be use when there's heat rash??

no lah ... i just read somewhere that sebamed is good, so i decided to use sebamed while my bb having his heat rash... ..probably will use both lor.. since I still have so much of the lactycd... after finished, I will use sebamed completely.
hang in there! you are almost there already!!
dun worry about when baby will come... somehow they will when you least expect it.

been looking after my girl since my mum left on 2 may. the washing is done by my mil so i just concentrate fully on my daughter.

when u give birth at tmc, they have a piece of paper which shows all the samples of the names to be put into BC.... I try to go and find it...
forgetmenot: jus happen to see yr post, that time when im doing the BC at TMC, the lady there gave me a pink sheet of paper, it indicated different example of the names. maybe when u go n register they will give u
Hi Ladies,
For those who had used the Little Dreamers confinement shower gel and shampoo, how many bottles is enough? I had bought 1 each and thinking may not be enough as the packing is so small.
just curious... mummies who had registered their bb BC... what orientation of the name did u used ?

mine is Samuel Tan Yek Hee (Chen Yi Xi)

I printed his chinese character beforehand and paste it in...

just wondering whether this orientation is common or too long liao...
the person from little dreamers told mi tt u will need 2 bottles of shower gel if bath everyday..
then for shampoo,if u dun wash ur hair daily,then one bottle of shampoo is enough liao...

thanks..let mi know if u managed to find the pc of paper..cos i'm wondering can just put the name like tt or not(eg,Michael Tan,then chinese character)

Good Morning Ladies.

Krazy - I hope so. Now, i am quite worry that she might be overdue and have to be induce out. Gynae want me to go and see him on Sat if my bb did not come out tomorrow. I hope bb will come out before Sat.

San - I have also done CTG and everything is fine and my water is still very good. Gynae have also confirm that i am not "open" yet. Make me so worry now that bb not coming on due date. Hope there will be a miracle tomorrow.

Poohy - My friend also recommend me sebamed as she say that it is very good and her bb subside after using for a few days.
Sally : Thanks for your concern, I'm fine I think.. Yap, BF can really help in losing weight but at the same time,u got to take lots of lean meat, fish and veg and the best steam it

forgetmenot : lots of breastfeeding, and steam stuffs for yr meal...

San : For me, I think I will need at least 3 bottles of each..
Ariella: haha I'm not the only vain one here.
I'm going for facial &amp; haircut tmrw :p Not colouring hair.. but has intention to.. just before I head back to work

Weight loss:
Just weighed myself tis mon.. after 4.2kgs to lose (3.5wks into confinement). But shape wise far from pre-pregnancy stage man. I tried on 1 of my pre-pregnant capri (rather loose fitting one).. cldnt even zip. I still intend to BF.. so cannot start on something too tough.. maybe just swimming.. after my confinement :p

San: Depends on how heavily u wan to use it. Like for me.. I wash hair everyday. But I mix the shampoo with my own shampoo coz no lather. My confinement finishing already the bottle not finished yet. Similarly for the body wash.. I do use the herbs.. so I only use the body wash once in a while. Still have 80% left. U wan I can sell u for 1/2 price :p
Sally: I have heard of pple who give birth overdue by few days. But not sure why most gynae will want to induce if not give birth by due date. Actually, how did your gynae give you your EDD in the first place. Base on your LMP? Sometimes if our menses are not regular which is those 28 days cycle, the EDD date basing on LMP is not accurately at all as we don't necessary ovulate on the 14th day. Actually, I have 2 EDD dates, base on LMP is 26/5/05 but if base on the size of my baby during my 2nd check-up, my EDD is 31/5/05.

forgetmenot: Thanks. Am thinking should I get 1 more bottle of shower gel but lazy to go down again. Was wondering that if we could use it for the 1st 2 weeks when we just give birth and after that, go back to normal shower gel. My MIL will most probably be boiling ginger water wz rice wine for me to bath as well.
forgetmenot: hopefully can lor... lucky thing I quite big size.. so I can carry valerie with 1 hand &amp; push the stroller with the other.. I do have a BB bjorn.. but I think she is too young to be placed inside.. coz her neck still cannot be supported.
Stephy &amp; Sgmom: So after using the shampoo and shower gel, how do you find the products?

Sgmom: How to pick up from you if I want? I think I will start with 1 bottle first and see how is my usage during my confinement. As like you, I will also bath with water boiled from ginger &amp; rice wine, so maybe not necessary to use the shower gel everyday. But was thinking if want to save my MIL the trouble, just bath with the gel or drip into the water.
San: I think the pdts so-so la.. But the body wash do give u a warming feeling after use. But compare to the herbs.. not as warm. I live in Hougang. Sat my confinement over liao. U tell me ard where is convenient.. see if can arrange lor.
Hi all,

Looking at the chart, seems like most awaiting labour are expecting girls. My colleague ever told me that if expecting girls, will give birth near to EDD or after. Maybe they are too gentle inside our womb
My EDD is also based on LMP 28days. So probably by then still doesn't come out, I may have a june baby.

By the way, mummies who r breastfeedg, does the nursing bras come in useful? Can we use our normal bras during bf? I bought one from mothercare only (very exp). Was wondering if I can succeed in BF so didn't want to commit more on the nursing bras. Any comments to share?

sgmom: Oh hougang, easy lah. I be doing confinement at my in laws place in AMK. But if I need it, the easiest way is to ask my SIL to pick up from you as they stay in Rivervale. Just beside punggol park.
