(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

Morning mummies !

Congrats to all the new mummies. Been really interesting to read all ur birth stories. Hang in there for BFing. It's tough but you'll make it thru' if u perserve...

wow, soon u'll be able to see your gal ! how nice !!! don't think and worry too much. just focus on your little gal. she's all that matters now.

sweatcorn, sally,
i read that when u're abt to deliver, u'll go toilet more. It's nature way of clearing ur system before delivery

I'll also prefer epi vs GA. It's the closest and fastest way to see baby. Hope it wouldn't be more ex than GA. But i think I wouldn't mind if abit more ex.
I only wonder if I'll be scared since i'll be awake. But i think will try to be brave
all for sake of bb hee hee...
all the best to you!!you will be able to hold ur bb in ur arms soon liao...

y ur mum ask u not to walk too much?? my mum and grandmother,on the other hand,ask mi to walk more often...

is great tt ur hubby supports u..so u will not feel so stress..
hve u finished packing ur hospital bag?
sgmom - Lucky that your hubby stand at your sider and did not start all those "nonsense" with his mum to make you more vexed.
Shane - i heard that too but ask some of my friends and they say "not really". Hope it will not be so often coz quite painful when the stomachache come.

sgmom - i thought must walk more often. My mum and hubby tell me to walk more often now since my EDD is near.
sgmom: wow your hubby so nice.. you are one lucky woman.

Forgetmenot: I guess it depends on individual.. my mom asked me to walk too.. said easier to give birth..(I believe I read it on baby centre too)my neighbour on the other hand had to do to work in a wheelchair coz her blood pressure was very high.
sometimes my stomachache also very painful. I thot it's cos of constipation. very scared too use too much strenght, don't know will affect bb or not.

ya i also heard must walk n walk ... helpful to delivery...
Shane - same worry as you. Afraid that i use too much strength will affect bb. =( especially if EDD is quite near, must even walk more for faster delivery.

Evelyn - Not yet. All english name i find, my hubby sure critise. I am giving him to do the job. How about you ? 1 week before the EDD which my gynae will be confirm with me next week. You lar ?
The thing about cord blood banking is that it will save ultimately our kids should something happen. There is extensive research going on now.. and I did discuss with my gynae as well... in about 10 years time.. hopefully.. they will make a breakthrough... using the stemcord cells to make liver, kidneys.... and we won't need to find donors should any of these vital parts fail. It is indeed worth considering and yes it is indeed a kinda life insurance for our kids.
I got a friend whose wife gave birth at week 25. The baby is so tiny... very very pre-mature and needs to leave the baby in the "incurator" till Week 30+ or so.

The gynae told them that it's because his wife walked too much that result in this... his wife is a insurance agent... need to meet customer and always on the move.

Henc, my HB very gan cheong, wanted me to rest more...

The hospital bill can really make u bankrupt.

But I believe walking is a form of exercise so that that the delivery will be easier... so long as don't overdo it.
Sally: Yes we have discuss abt the english name & tink dat Tricia is not bad but hubby wanted the name to start wif "L" coz his surname is Lee, prefer something dat rhymes so still deciding. Btw wat's ur hubby surname?

Regarding the leave, will b taking staggered meaning half day 1 to 2 times a wk coz feeling quite tired lately, mainly back aches. If i take whole stretch a wk before EDD may b quite bored at hm, dun knw wat to do.
If you intend to stagger your leave, remember to bring along spare towels and clothes just in case your water bag burst while you are in the office.

As for me, I'm taking one week before my EDD. Just feel like lazing at home and have a nice rest (waking up late etc) before becoming a mum!!
I used to walk everyday from home to MRT station every morning. Abt 8mins walk. But now at this stage where tummy getting bigger, I find it tiring to walk too long. X'specially during wkends when go shopping for baby items, when reach home, my legs really feel like breaking.

Last mth, I went for a short trip to Bangkok and it is the most tiring trip I ever had. Shop for about 2 hrs, my leg can't tahan liao. Keep looking for place to sit.
Evelyn : my hubby surname is "Wong" but we have no particular letter for christian name. At first we decide on Lareina but he don't like it. Maybe you can consider since you want L. It means queen in spanish.
Carla - same as you. Catch some sleep and rest before our EDD as bb arrive, we will be too busy to rest.
Carla, Sally: It's gd to take a rest before EDD but I guess i b too bored at hm. The feeling of waiting at hm may also b hard to bear, me the gan cheong type, hehe...

San: I share ur sentiments, me oso can't walk for too long dats y usually head hm straight after wk. Even if go out also wif hubby, seldom meet frens tis days, too lazy & tired to move...
Anyone got good lobang anywhere to buy cheap baby stuffs? Still got some outstanding items to buy. Last weekend Tollyjoy having warehouse sale and I did went for it.
Hi Oreo

You may want to update the data. I have given birth on 6 April. Baby Keane weighed 3.01 kg at birth.

Just to share with all. Labour was 15 hours! Water bag broke and cervix was not opening fast enough. Was on epidural so din really feel very painful throughout. Developed fever during the process and was given antibiotic thru the dip - that hurts.

Keane developed jaundice on day 5 and was admitted for 2 nights under the light. Thank god, he's back with me now. When I was told he needed to stay in, I was so depressed and fighting back my tears.

Mummies and mummies to be, jaundice is very common among asian babies, so dont feel too sad if that occurs *touchwood lah*. But I thought better to share my trauma experience with you to be prepared. I came to terms with it only knowing most of my colleagues' babies had that too.

Good luck to all mummies and mummies to be.

think now hve to wait for great spore sale liao...
i oso went to tollyjoy sale last wk..u bought anything?
i did not buy the bibs and mittens and booties..shd hve bought some..
San: Wat r the outstanding items u referring to? Small or big items?

Miata16: Agree wif u dat jaundice is common but knowing dat bb has to be hospitalized sure feel sad but im glad it's over for u. Thanks for sharing ur birth story wif us, so how many wks were u when u deliver? Have to admit hospital immed once water bag breaks rite?

my bb's weight drop to 2.5 kg during 1st week... In fact we went to the family doc recommended by my gynae when bb 5 day old. We went there to let him check my boy's jaundice (he say mild) and take his bcg shot. 1 week later we went again and this time his weight increased to 2.7kg ... Their weight decrease in the 1st week and later on, will start to increase there after

hey mummies in confinement,

anyone go out during confinement ? Since I removed my stitches, we go out during weekend for shopping and I go out for lunches in shopping centre with my mum and my boy everyday haha
Just wondering do people normally go out during confinement ..


congrats!! ya jaundice very common these days... thank God my son din get hospitalised.. else I think I will be in tears too.... glad that your bb is ok now ...
Hi Carla, me also thinking of taking leave from the 25th, however I think I will be paranoid if I stay at home, so I decided to continue working.

Hi forgetmenot, MIL also said that I will have easy birth as I never stop walking. I told her not neccessary as Wong Lilin also active but end up with a long labour. Sometimes I also dunno how I can made it, I'm actually very short at 155 but I'm carrying a 3.1 kg bb, but still I like carrying her around. Yesterday very paisei, an old man actually offered his seat to me on the MRT... guess my tummy really big...

Hi Eve, did you sleep on your sides or on your back? Back aches might be because of sleeping on your back and also because of bad posteur, you might want to try doing some stretching exercises.

Hi San, what are the baby stuffs that you still need?
me bought a little only, around $40. I thought how big was the warehouse sale and to my disappointment, it is just a small section. By the time GSS in June, I would have given birth.

You give birth in MAH right? Seems like alot babies from MAH need to stay in hospital for Jaundice. I ever heard some PD very kiasu or want to earn $, abit they ask to stay in. Maybe the PD in MAH is 1 of those kind.

ya ya I brought forward the date my confinement will be over ... from 28th Apr (which is exactly 1 month) to 24th Apr cos that's the day we will dedicate our son to God in church. Anyway I had been going out daily since my bb wk2 .... my mum is nagging everyday.
bloom tan:
thanks for the contact! i will give it a call to find out details.

mummies, if you are considering using epidural, if possible, get the nurse or midwife to lower the dosage when its time for you to push. several of my friends didnt know how to push when the time came cuz they were numb and didnt feel anything. when that happens, then the chances of assisted birth; either by forceps or vaccum is very high. the nurse may have to push your tummy downwards too.

here is my bill
total charges = $464.42
medisave claims = $394.42
total payable = $70
(includes bed charges, clinical consumables and supply, lab services, doc's fees)

total charges = $2980.93
medisave claims = $1800
total payable = $1180.93
(includes bed charges, clinical consumables and supply, lab services, doc's fees, companion, nursing services, pharmacy, delivery)

i stayed a total of 3 days in a single ward and my hubby was with me the whole time.
Evelyn, Florence:
Still got some misc outstanding things. Not much of big items except the baby cot and to get a few Toyogo drawers. Will go down to Toyogo warehouse at Toa Payoh to get it. As for the cot, have aim for 1 from Lucky Baby.
you are very lucky... can go shopping ... hehe i also sneak out a few times but legally lah... brought baby to the doc twice and i went for my gynae visit.
but try to lie on your back more in this month... cuz apparently, backaches will develop if we dont lie enough now.
Thanks for all the support!
Yes. I knw how lucky I am to have someone like my husband. Altho is he no romantic.. but he always does things that counts the most. I guess I'm very lucky. Yup. Now my focus is to eat watever I wan now :p and wait for my girl girl to be born. So excited!

Shane/forgetmenot: My mom says I'm so near due date already shdnt move ard alone so much.. later go into labour nobody there to help me. To me the only worry is that my water might break on my way home.. then garang gabok coz no toilet avail & it will be very embrassing. Otr than that I do see a problem :p Anyway I ignore her la.. ask me dun move like an invalid it's impossible one :p
May I know for the cash payment, they had already offset our pre-natal check up? I understand nowadays can claim pre-natal consultation and etc but not too sure how is it being refunded.
hmmm... thankz Krazy,

you guys gave birth in MAH, did the nurses kept pestering you to take epi?? coz they were pestering me for a whole 10 hours to take epi.
Just wondering if i will face that this time
Congrats Miata! Can post little Keane's foto?

Hi poohy, you very good leh, I heard that most woman can't go out during confinement, if needed, then they have to wrap themselves up (even with gloves).

Hi San, for cot, can try Baby Hypermart or Baby Kingdom. The Lucky Baby one that you've mention, is it a playpen or a cot?
Poohy: U are the most "modern" of all! Good that u actually feel well enuff to move ard & go out. Sometimes it's not so much abt confinement practises. It's like most new mummies I knw are so so tired that going out is the last thing on their mind. U r so lucky
San: I bot mine from BB Kingdom
Small one coz my room no space liao

Flo: Dilation of cervix can be fast/slow.. but she didnt take very long to push right? I think walking & exercising helps more in the pushing then the dilation process.

hmm... didnt "see" twinklets today.. wonder where did she go....
Florence: Is a baby cot from Lucky Baby. Not playpen. They have a retail outlet here near my office call Baby Studio at OUB centre.

Ladies, if anyone intend to buy some cheap babies clothings, there is a wholesaler shop opp. Kwan Im Temple at bugis. The stretch of shops where there is alot of chinese medicine shop. It is at the corner near to toilet. I buy half dozen of white long pants that come with bootee is only $9. Same as the button front short sleeve shirt or long sleeve also selling 6 for $9. So 1 pc is equivalent to $1.50 only. 100% cotton material.
By the way, the shop I mention sell towels, handkerchiefs and etc. But those babies clothings they sell are for homewear. I bought all in white. They do have blue, pink, yellow but I think I still prefer white.

Sgmom: How much you pay for your cot and can it be converted to bed or just a simple type? The one from Lucky Baby can't be converted and there is 3 levels to position. The mattress is 28 by 52 inch. Standard size.
<font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>
My friend told me that i have to walk more if i plan on having a natural delivery. For c-section, i think it's not necessary.

<font color="0000ff">miata</font>
Congrats! Wow!!! Labour 15 hours!!! That's long... dunno if i can also tahan or not ...

Thanks for sharing with us. I'm sure baby keane will be alright. Like you said, jaundice is very common among Asian babies.

<font color="0000ff">sgmom</font>
So.. when r u planning to take your leave? On the day of the op?
tt is a very real fear. i intend to work till i pop but very scared water bag burst in ofc or outside ! i think i really wouldn't know wat to do ...
<font color="0000ff">san</font>
I got my cot from bb kingdom too. Think it's abt $299, comes with bedding set. Size is same as yours.
The height can be adjusted and it can also be converted into a toddler bed.
<font color="0000ff">shane</font>
I'm also planning to work till i pop. I bought those underpads and carry one with me .. in case my waterbag bursts.
Thanks to all your well wishes.

Hi Evelyn, my water bag broke at 2am. But I was not sure and din want a false alarm so I waited till 6plus then admit to hospital, hee... actually shouldn't. I timed the contraction during that period. I was in 37 weeks gestation.

Hi San, the PD can't "cheat" your money cos there is reading for his blood sample.
ya will do that also. I think i'll carry a small towel with me also. so incase really happens, i can just wipe up any mess on myself quickly then quickly find a toilet.
Initially, I wanted to work till I pop... but then again, I find it quite risky... then my HB kept asking me to apply for ML early so that I can rest well and just in case BB wants to come out earlier.

Come to think of it, I'm glad to apply for ML one week earlier... I'm actually looking forward to my ML! I know I will be bored.. but I can always sign on to this forum and chat with u ladies!!!

My HB also not a very romantic guy... but I guess that's what I see in him. heehee...
Florence: I dun slp wery well tis days. Slp on both sides &amp; back but can't find a comfortable position. Actually at my 24 wks the back aches already started, juz dat it gets worse each day.

San: My BB cot is 28"*48". Smaller. Pd $283 for it. Then added $10 to upgrade into a safety mattress.

Oreo: Yup. Work till the day before my c-section. Already cannot finish my work liao.. better stay as long as I cld.

Shane: Break in ofc still nvr mind. Ur colleagues wldnt laught at u &amp; u can immediately put pad / change u/wear in the ofc. Imagine I'm half way walking home.. then water bag breaks.. and since I'm normally in pants.. sure can see.. then no toilet.. cannot change &amp; also cannot put pad. I must then decide whtr I wan to

1) stop there &amp; call/flag for a cab to hospital (provided cab drivers are willing to take me);
2) walk as quickly home as possible to change, put pad &amp; grab my bag &amp; head to hospital; or
3) stay where I am with my water "leaking", call my FIL to grab my hospital bag, fetch me &amp; send me to hospital.
